tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 4, 2017 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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good morning, everyone. happy independence day. it is 9:00 on the east coast, 6:00 a.m. out west. i'm chris jansing and we have breaking news right now on msnbc. game changer -- north korea now says it has tested a missile that could hit the united states. the pentagon counters the claim but is time running out to ring in the rogue state? peach battle. new jersey governor chris christie remains defiant, saying he is not sorry for using a beach that had been closed to the public during his state shutdown. >> i don't apologize for it. i think my poll numbers show that i don't care about political optics. and celebrating independence day. the latest weather, travel, and security updates around the country. what you can expect on this fourth of july. we begin with the breaking news that is drawing furious reaction from around the world after north korea claims it has finally succeeded in test
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launches an ballistic missile. if true it marks a major step forward in that country's nuclear program and a significant new threat. so far president trump's response has been to call for help from heeders of china, south korea, and japan, all of whom trump will be meeting with at the g-20 later this week. we have the story covered from all angles. nbc's correspondent hans nicholls in washington, garrett haake at the white house, also with me, military analyst and retired army colonel jack jacobs, robert kelly, associate professor of international relations at pusan national university in south korea. good to see all of you. garrett, the white house has repeatedly said it's run out of patience with north korea, the continual testing of ballistic missiles is unacceptable. now what? >> reporter: they've run out of patience but most of their options are bad. you can see in the president's response last night there needs to be a regional response. the president taking to twitter last nice for so far the only
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white house mick comment on it. he says north korea has just launched another missle. does this guy have anything better to do with his life? presumably referring to the north korean dictator. hard to believe that joushg and japan will put up with this much longer. perhaps china will put a heavy move on north korea and end this nonsense once and for all. the tweets reflecting the president's belief that it is china that will ultimately have to do more to put pressure on north korea. the chinese being their closest allies. this is something that the president has spoken to the president of china about as recently as sunday, making phone calls in advance of the g-20 summit where he's expected to bring this issue up again in person with the leaders of all three of those countries who will -- or most closely affected by this launch. >> hans, someone described this launch as a milestone for the north korean nuclear program. how is it different from what we've seen before? >> it flew seven minutes longer than the may 14 test, and what pentagon officials are looking
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at is the distance in the air, because with this missile, as well as the one they did may 14th, they shot it straight up in the air. it only travelled some 500 miles. one just a few hours ago. but when you tease that out and give it a theoretical range, you get in the 4,000-mile range. now, the his l they sent up went almost 1,700 miles up in the air. we don't know whether or not its war head, whether or not it had any sort of theoretical war head, whether or not that survived reentry, but this entry puts alaska in range and that's a big concern at the pentagon. >> argument could be made the options available for this white house are all not very good. you can do nothing, you can try to negotiate, try to add more pressure, or military action. here's how former d.o.d. chief of staff jeremy bash described that scenario. take a listen. >> the options on the table for america are very limited and one of the things i think the trump administration is really weighing is preemptive military
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action. if they see another missile launched on a launch pad or on the back of a wheeled vehicle as we saw in the images today, the trump administration will have to decide whether to strike that preemptively. of course that could spark a wider war on the korean peninsula. >> colonel, what do you think is the most likely next step? >> i think it's to squeeze china. china is the linchpin, anything we can do to get china to put some pressure on north korea is going to be termed much less scary than any kind of preemptive action. i think we're working very, very hard with china to try to squeeze some banks, but thus far, china doesn't want to see any kind of dislocations on the korean peninsula. they're happy with the status quo because everything else is much, much worse. i think you can see some cyberattacks perhaps by the united states. we're pretty good at cyber
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attacks on the offense, not too goods on the defense, but we might try something there. the north koreans would love to sit down and talk with the united states one-on-one. we're not going to do that. we want china and maybe even japan, the philippines involved as well. so thus far, i think military action is unlikely. we've got about 30,000 u.s. troops within artillery range of the north korean border. we're not going to endaenger them, i don't think. >> professor kelly in that one tweet, the president mentioned southbound, japan, and china. where do you see these meetings going and the importance of these meetings at the g-20 that's coming up? >> sure. i think the g-20 is the most important vep you for pushing north korea because you need g-20 states to cooperate if the sanctions are going to work. the sanctions are most likely the most peaceful way to do this. military action with north korea has enormous risks, human shields, they might laumpk against japan or south korea.
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the risks are gigantic. so likely they'll continue to request for sanctions and the best way to do that is to work through a large organization like g-20 that represents the world economy. this whole thing is about china. >> in the meantime, garrett, off president who had made it very clear that his patience was running out even before you had the american student otto warmbier who of course as everyone knows came back to the united states and died shortly after. he expressed how angry he was about that. is there any sense from the people you're talking to at the white house that this has changed the equation in any way in terms of the president's patience? >> well, chris, i'm glad you mentioned otto warmbier because it's important to remember none of this happens in a vacuum. the president was always furious at the north koreans for the way that situation played out. and remember it was on the eve of his first meeting with the chooe president that we had another north korean missile launch a few months ago. so there's a sense of a developing trend here of north
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korea stepping on the president's toes, trying to be involved in these big -- on the eve of these big multilateral, these big foreign events so far. the president's made very clear they don't want to telegraph what they want to to. they like the idea of being sort of strategically unpredictable here. but again, so far the line from the white house has been on all of these north korea issues that the era of strategic patience is over. but we don't know what the follow-up is going to be. so we haven't seen that second step yet and the white house is perfectly happy to leave that unspoken until they make a more concrete decision. >> yeah. professor kelly, do you see more patience here? do you think that the president and the international community for that matter can sort of wait this out and see where north korea goes next? >> i do think patience is sort of what will happen because the military options are so terrible and we've been trying to do sanction against north korea for such a long time. it's just not cheer how many more moves we have on the outside. like i said, i think a lot of this comes back to china's
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willingness to sanction north korea or not. so strategic patience, you can sort of say that's a terrible title and people don't like it, but that continues to be what we're doing, continues to be conventional deterrence and containment of north korea, trying to prevent them from doing these things, slow them down as much as possible. it's not clear what the other big options are because if there were great options they would have been chosen or tried a long time ago. >> how close are we getting to the point, colonel, that the u.s. has to say we can't wait any more, we have to make a decisive move here? >> well, some people say we've long past that point. we've kicked this can down the road, we and china both for a long, long time, decades, a series of administrations has ignored the problem until now. we're in a position where we either have to ignore the next step, which is the capability of north korea to mount a miniaturized nuclear weapon atop an intercontinental ballistic missile or take some decisive action. i think the next thing to do or
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that we're going to try to do is as i said probably use cyber means to disable or make it extremely difficult for them to continue their research, but at the end of the day, squeezing china is absolutely the way to go and i think we're going the keep working on that. don't forget, we just sent a guided missile destroyer down to the contested parasell island which china has claimed as it own. we spent about $1.5 billion worth of military hardware to taiwan. and we're now talking about squeezing -- leaning on china still further by limiting imports of chinese steel, and we import a lot of that. lots more left to do, but quite frankly not a whole lot of time to do it. a lot of people estimate that it's only 12, 18, maybe 24 months before north korea has the capability to mount a nuclear weapon on an icbm. >> as the u.s. takes these actions that jack just laid out and obviously continues to kor
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what else they might do, what else china might do, the pentagon is always ready for the possibility, right? am i correct in saying? that the president might make a decision that could surprise everyone and say we need to take some sort of military action here. >> yeah. just because the pentagon has options and they're also planning for options and continue tip general sis doesn't mean there's been a strategic sort of decision made to launch those options. so when you ask pentagon officials about options for north korea, they give you sort of a standard response saying we always have options. just what those options are and how close the president is to receiving advice from the joint staff, from secretary mattis, we don't have an answer to that. i think that's by design because they want to keep everyone guessing. just real quickly on these navigation move, these freedom of navigation operation where is they say a destroyer somewhere in the south china sea, the chinese get upset with this but the international view on this is that these sorts of maneuvers, they're called fons,
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f freedom of navigation, it's where to sail a ship international waters. what the u.s. officials say is this isn't even an issue. we're in international waters and the fact china protests, that should not be a major thing because really what we're just doing is following international regulations. guys? >> and professor, i can't let you go because some people may recognize you from that now-famous video where you were doing an interview with i think this was bbc, and your kids came out, who we all immediately fell in love with. how have they and how have you handled your 15 minutes of fame? >> yeah. it's been pretty strange for a while there, people were like following us around and we had to turn off our phones for a week or so, do ta big press conference. it's faded a little bit. we still get phone calls and people do remember it when i go to speak about korea and the first five questions are about
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my kids, not about north korea's weapons or something. >> i like to think we're a serious organization. we don't ask until the end. >> that's right. thank you. they're fine, though. >> i appreciate you being with us today. hans nicholls, garrett haake, colonel jacobs, professor kelly, thanks for your insight. up next, much more on this morning's breaking news, president trump calling on china to intervene in north korea, but is beijing a dependable partner? and the renewed tension in north korea comes as the president prepares for his second overseas trip including a face-to-face with vladimir putin. this is the first time. what's the strategy and what's at stake? ♪ [vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you now that the summer of audi sales event is here.
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discussion at the g-20 summit later this week when president trump heads to germany and where he'll also meet with vladimir putin for the first time face-to-face on friday, which the trump administration is calling a, quote, bilateral pull-aside. joining me now, former deputy assistant secretary of state and president of washington strategy group, joel rubin, along with senior adviser and spokesperson corinne jean-pierre, and republican strategist joe watkins. joe, your take first on what we saw from north korea in the overnight hours in the united states. what do you make of it? >> thank you. >> very troubling. >> this is a -- sorry. >> sorry. we have joe and joel. joel, what do you make of it? >> not a problem. my wife says i should be named josh anyways so maybe that would have helped. it's very troubling but it's a consistent pattern of provocation by north korea. from an american perspective, this is very dangerous because we currently have a disnuclear
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plant diplomacy. we don't really know what the administration intend to do, now it intend to engage china, do we have a diplomatic track. we haven't really leaned in on diplomacy with north korea. it's all been bluster, talking about ramping up pressure, getting china to do things. >> is there such a thing as real diplomacy with a rogue nation like this and with such an unpredictable leader as kim jong-un? >> well, we haven't explored it. just a week or ago or so six eminent former national security adviser leaders, bipartisan, richard lugar, bill perry, they put out a letter calling for more direct diplomacy. we had done this about 20 years ago in the clinton administration. there was an agreement to freeze some -- parts of the nuclear program. it wasn't perfect, but then we saw the bush administration cancel that and we've essentially had 5 years of very -- we called it strategic patience, essentially strategic nothing at this point.
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and we've just watched north korea continue to grow its program. so we really do need to use all the tools of american power and diplomacy is a key part of that. >> joe, this time joe watkins, perhaps he's underestimating kim jong-un. what's your take? >> the president is certainly surrounded by a lot of very capable people, military advisers and others who understand the complexity of the challenge. you know, i think president trump is right to call on china to exert more pressure on north korea, but the challenge is that as we all know, china at best has a strained relationship with north korea. i mean, their relationship has kind of been in decline over the last couple of years and the korean dictator, kim jong-un, has done some things to provoke china. he visited a munitions factory i think in march of 2016, one that the chinese had openly talked
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against. and so he's done some things to china as well to provoke them and so depending on china alone probably won't get it all done, but clearly china has to be seen as a key player in reining in north korea. >> we heard from the president not so long ago talking about kim jong-un. let me play what he said. >> at a very young age he was able to assume power. a lot of people i'm sure tried to take that power away, whether it was his uncle or anybody else, and he was able to do it. so obviously he's a pretty smart cookie. >> corinne, when you pair that with this morning's tweet, what do you take away about the president's mind-set here? >> he's proven to be reckless and dangerous here. you cannot when it comes to foreign policy, especially as complicated as this one with north korea, reduce it to 140 characters. it is just not the way to go. >> to be fair, he did it in two
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tweets so maybe it was closer to 280 characters. ? that's true. good point, chris. also nearly every military expert will tell you that you cannot deal with this issue with north korea with military force. it needs to be diplomacy. one of my other concerns is donald trump has yet to appoint an ambassador to south korea. we just haven't -- hasn't shown anything here to really move forward with having conversation and really allowing diplomacy to be in place here. >> obviously will be a key topic at the g-20. joel rubin, president trump set to meet face-to-face with vladimir putin, the white house confirming in the last hour or so this is going to happen on friday. how do you see that meeting playing out? >> well, we wonder if this will be the cathartic meeting that most americans really want to see, which is the president telling vladimir putin that you should not have invaded our
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democracy in 2016 and you need to stop it, and here's what we're going to do and to be very open in acknowledging it. i won't hold my breath on that. the fear is that this won't be a meeting where the u.s. advances our interests on very key national security priorities dealing with ukraine, dealing with iran, the fight against isis in a way that is convincing and gets the russians on board. a cynic could say could this be a thank-you meeting, could this be kind of meeting where e sechblly trump just says we hope we all get along. president bush did a similar kind of meeting early in his first term in 2001. it didn't work with vladimir putin then. president trump needs to stand up for america in this meeting. >> in the meantime, joe, there is a lot of talk about whether or not the president will raise the issue of russian interference in the election. 17 obviously intelligence agent sis have said that it happened. virtually every member of congress has said of any stature
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on any of the relevant committees has said it happened, that it's a threat to our democracy. but there's this new op-ed in "the washington post" this morning and it's titled if trump doesn't raise election interference with putin, he's inviting more in 2018. do you agree? >> well, that's a very, very good point. but i agree with joel that we're not likely to see a contentious meeting with vladimir putin. i'm not expecting one anyway. i'm not expecting president trump to confront him. i'm certainly not to raise this issue, which of course has all of us in the united states transfixed. i think for the most part this is a get to know you meeting and i think that he's probably looking to play nice and to get to know vladimir putin. he'll be feeling him out and vladimir putin will be feeling donald trump out. so donald trump's not afraid of controversy at the same time. obviously, at the g7 summit, you know, the paris climate issue was front and center and donald trump was not -- didn't back away from the controversy from the controversial stance to back
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out of that accord. but nonetheless, i expect this meeting to not be so controversial and more of a get to know you. >> in the meantime, if we look at karine, his business life and the people who have been around him for not just years but decades and they talk about how he can go into a room, dominate a room, likes to go in, he can be an intimidating figure, some would say bullying figure, what do you expect out of this meeting? >> you know, i think we can't forget here that russia is an adversary. they openly tried to undermine our elections here. there is this question of putin -- trump seems to have this friendly relationship with putin already, which is quite troubling. look, our friends and our foes will be looking at this meeting. the world will be watching. and i think for americans we want donald trump to actually be the donald trump of, hey, why did this -- happening, why did you guys do this when it comes
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to his meeting with putin. >> karine jean-pierre, great to see you. joel, joe, great to see you. up next, the weather around the country as we all get ready to celebrate this fourth of july. a and the new jersey shutdown ends but governor chris christie says he's not apologizing for using a beach that he closed to the public. but before we go, "the late show" and stephen colbert may have been off for the holiday but they still found time to send out this important public service announcement from man's best friend, and it finally explains in a geopolitical context dogs' fear of fireworks. >> there's a common misconception that boom boom scary time bothers us because of our sensitive ears. the truth is fireworks frighten us because honestly, we're a little on edge about north korea. maybe it's their recent tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles or maybe it's just us
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welcome back in time for your "morning primer," everything you need to get your day started. breaking news from north korea which claims it successfully fired its first long-range in r intercontinental ballistic missile in the sea of japan. president trump calling on china to, quote, end this nonsense
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once and for all. ten people have been injured after a taxi crashed into a group of cabdrivers. they were standing in the waiting area monday at logan airport in boston. state police say none of the injuries are believed to be life-threatening. the man behind the famous ice bucket challenge, pete frates, tweeting to confirm he is alive and back in the hospital despite a false report he had passed away. the ice bucket challenge of course raised millions of dollars for lou fwarg's disease research. joop the holiday week kicked off with some good financial news. in a short trading day the dow reached a record high before closing 130 points higher. and cities across the country gearing up for fourth of july fireworks. in new york, the macy's annual fourth of july fireworks display expected to launch 60,000 shells from the east river. let's take a look at the weather. msnbc meteorologist bonnie schneider is here to tell us what to expect for holiday. good weather for those fireworks displays? >> i think for the most part, chris, absolutely.
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it could have been a lot worse. we've seen washouts on the fourth but not this one. there was some rain that worked its way across oklahoma city into dallas, but those storms are dissipating in terms of intensity. for those of you that are hitting the road, maybe you're going out of town to celebrate the fourth of july, this is where you may have some trouble spots, from oklahoma city to minneapolis, also raleigh, cincinnati to atlanta on 75, for example. you may see some isolated thunderstorms. your ride tomorrow, the storms push a little further east so we'll be impacted on i-95 from philly through jacksonville to florida, memphis to birmingham and st. louis to oklahoma city. so that's where you may have to dodge a shower or thunderstorm, but the celebration in new york city tonight looks terrific. 79 degrees, comfortable conditions, and mostly clear skies. temperatures are also on the way up in the east. there's our jet stream well to the north. and that's going to allow for comfortable conditions for today and then much warmer conditions as we go through the end of the week. it will really start to heat up as we get above normal compared to what we've seen. speaking of heat, unfortunately an excessive heat watch will go
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into effect i'd say by wednesday into arizona and then thursday to sunday for southwestern saks sections of california, north of los angeles into the valleys and the mountains there, 9 million people at risk for excessive and dangerous heat. again, that's not today but towards the end of the week. looking at the forecast for this holiday, strong storms in the central and southern plains, hot conditions across areas to the west. some storms working their way into the southeast. the northeast looking great, so even celebrations into boston also look terrific. and then by tomorrow, those storms push a little further east. that's where the weather threat is for those of you traveling. the heat will begin to build further to the west and for those of you flying not looking at too much in the way of delays for today and tomorrow. overall, a nice-looking holiday. >> bonnie schneider, thank you so much. temperatures in new jersey will be in the 80s and just in time, beaches across the state have opened once again after that statewide government shutdown ended last night.
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but what's not entding are questions for governor chris christie on his decision to hit a closed beach with his family. the governor was let's say less than apologetic during a press conference to announce the end of the shutdown. >> listen, i think i of prove en in the last eight years i don't care about political optics. i care about right and wrong. if i have a chance to make, i think i've proven over the last eight years i have a chance to make between my family and political optics i'm going to choose my family. >> ron allen, karine jean-pierre and joe watt kipps. okay, ron, he says that this is about right and wrong, but from what i'm gathering reading the new jersey newspapers, most of the citizens there think he's fot this one wrong. >> his approval rate were 15% before this and now they may go down even further. he can't win. his story is that he was at an official goc nor's residence with a beach that he always goes
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to. his story is it was a family commitment he wanted to keep and he was there for just a short time. but the government is shut town, state parks across the state are shut down. people are changing their plans for the holiday weekend. this is day three of a shutdown and he's photographed on this beach. and last night at this press conference he was unrepentant, he was sarcastic, he was fighting back in typical chris christie fashion. and that doesn't help him i don't think either at times. it just feeds into the narrative so many people have in their heads he's got six months left in office, people didn't like the fact he ran for president so much time out of the state, they think he's phoning it in. and looking at him on a beach as we did, it looks like -- >> decides to go to the beach while the government is still shut down, while a lot of people's lives and livelihoods hang in the balance. joe watkins, you're the republican here. do you buy -- and you're also a
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family man. i know you to take some weekend ace way with your family and you care about that. do you buy his argument i'm putting my family first here? >> i do buy it. obviously the optics are not good but he doesn't care about the optics, the political optics. he really does care about his family. his sonapologized to him. his son came to him and said, dad i'm sorry i caused you all the trouble. he said don't you ever apologize for this. i love my family, i love you. he was out on the beach with his son and his wife and with his son's many friends and just spending a little bit of time because they don't have as much time together given his official duties as governor of new jersey. i believe that and i understand it. it didn't look good. >> would you have done that, joe? >> i have been married to my best friend, stephanie anntaylor watkins for a long time, and we have three beautiful children together who were all married,
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all three of our children have children, including two twins that were born this week and a 10-month-old and -- >> congratulations but you're not answering my question. >> yeah. i would put them first. i would put them first. >> you can't take them anywhere else for the fourth of july? >> oh -- >> only place is to take them to the beach? >>i've been married for a long time. i listen to my wife. my wife told me to be on that beach, i'd be on that beach. >> okay. karine, phil murphy running on democratic side. you saw the tweets from the hoo lieutenant governor on the republican side who has 7 1/2 years of bag badge from chris christie and a 15% approval rating to run on. are democrats celebrating they might win back the governorship there? >> well, i think we have a very good chance of winning the governorship there. i mean, you're talking about chris christie, who is going to be known as the least popular governor ever in new jersey. but, look, this is typical christ christie style. there's nothing new here.
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when i heard the story, i was like, yep, that sounds like something chris christie would do. he's gutted public education, gutted health care services, gutted services to the poor, and his last final act is to shut down the government and on a long holiday is to close the beach so that he can be sitting on the beach himself? i mean, with all of that, that type of managerial style, that type of behavior, he's going to fit in very well in the trump administration. >> joe, this isn't the first time he's done this. in 2010 he famously stayed at disney world. new jersey was digging out from a massive snowstorm. but let me pose the other very real side of this. there were families woies who w coming to that beach in their cars who were turned away. they pay for those beaches to be maintained, pay for the lifeguards with their tax dollars. he's not working on the budget. he's sitting on the beach. he's not trying to close this gap they had at the time. that's part of it. second part of it, frankly, and
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the lieutenant governor tweeted about this, there are a lot of businesses who are around those beach, who depend on holiday weekends, frankly, for a big chunk of the money, the prof its they make that allow them to keep operating and allow them to continue to employ people, especially over the summer at the shore in new jersey. is it appropriate in a situation like this, which is rare, to put the constituents who hired you ahead of what your family might want to do on the beach? or let them go to the beach and you stay back and do your job? >> yeah, well, you raise great points, chris. obviously, in a perfect world, you do what the constituents need you to do and what they want you to do and you do what politically and optically looks best by staying off the beach. but this was a tough one. i mean, he's -- had a tough go the last few months. his poll ratings are not high. he doesn't get to spend much time with his family. he was asked to come on the beach.
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he wasn't there very long. he was only there for about 30 or 40 minutes nonethele s or le nonetheless it was photographed. >> karine, how long before we see this picture in a democratic ad? >> oh, not too long. i think it's in the works right now. >> joe watkins, ka rip jean-pierre, thank you. ron allen, always good to have you here my friend. up next, president trump weighing in on the controversial situation surrounding a terminally ill infant in london, offering to help, but should he be weighing in on international situations as we debate our own health care in this country? your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection
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atmore than one flavor, oruch texture, or a good clean salad is so much more than green. and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. a terminally ill infant in london is now at the center of an international debate. doctors say charlie yard suffers from an extremely rare je mettic disease which has no cure. they want to remove him from life support, but his parents want to bring him to the u.s. for an experimental treatment, but that request has been blocked by british and european
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courts. president trump, though, offering his support, tweeting, "if we can help little charlie gard as per our friends in the uk and the pope, we would be delighted to do so." joining me now, louis nelson, breaking news reporter for politico, kelsey snell, congressional reporter for "the washington post." louis, any indication that president trump in tweeting on behalf of the parents has any specific kind of help in mind? >> you know, not really. the president sort of tweeted this a little out of left field yesterday. it was his first public comment on this controversy that has taken up -- has picked up steam in europe and, you know, the president has introduced it here in the u.s. the white house has said he's not trying to pressure the family, he just wants to be helpful if possible and the president hasn't spoke on the family personally although other white house officials have. >> as we know, kelsey, the republicans have been having a hard time moving forward on the
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health care bill in the states, a bill frankly president trump said needed to have heart. so you wonder is this an attempt by him just to show heart, to show sympathy with this family that has a heartrending decision, or is there also an appeal here to the religious right? >> you know, it's very difficult to figure out exactly what what the president is trying to do with these tweets. we see him tweeting like this about -- just about anything and it's sometimes hard to know if this is a part of a broader strategy, if it's because somebody mentioned something to him and he decided he wanted to weigh in, or if something else is happening behind the scenes at the white house that's trying to direct policy in the u.s. very difficult to determine because the president's tweets have been just so unpredictable. i talked to a few staffers in congress who said that this wasn't really on their radar and they don't really know how to respond because, you know, members aren't even here. there are conversations ongoing about health care, we do know that, but it's very unclear to me how this fits into the bigger
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health care picture. >> and i want to talk about that in just a minute, but when you talk about the president going to the g-20 and all the leaders are going to be there, even theresa may has not weighed in on this. i mean, obviously the complexities of this issue, the difficulty, louis that almost any feeling person would have as they look at both sides of this as kept her from weighing in, kept other leaders in the uk from weighing in. you wonder if there will be any tensions there over the idea that he decided to put himself in the middle of it. >> yeah, and it's certainly a particularly thorny issue and it's one that i think for an american audience seems a little bit different than how we handle things here. the courts in the u.s. generally don't involve themselves in sort of medical decisions. they usually leave those sorts of things to doctors and families. obviously, things are handled differently in the uk, that the courts do play a much more
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significant role in these sorts of decisions like the one that charlie gard's family is dealing with right now. certainly this is a situation the president has sort of inserted himself and like kelsey was saying seemingly a little bit out of left field. >> in the meantime, you mentioned, kelsey, a lot of these lawmakers who got caught, essentially, with this is this wasn't something they were expecting. they're at home. there's only a handful of republican senators who actually have any public appearances during this time, and a lot of them as they probably suspect from the phone calls they've been getting would be facing some pretty angry constituents who are wondering what's going to happen with their health care. so they're not in washington, they're not formally meeting, but what do we with know about what's going on behind the scenes to try and move this forward on the republican side? >> we do know that senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has been sending bits and pieces of legislation to the congressional budget office to figure out how much some changes might cost and to figure out frankly if any of these things
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are possible to be added. the senate has a mandate to save a certain amount of money. they will need to save about $131 billion with this health care bill. and some of the changes that they're looking at like increasing money for treatment of opioid abuse and potentially, you know, making some changes to state regulations, those would cost some money and they need to figure out if that's feasible. i would expect that they will continue these negotiations through about the second week of july. lawmakers don't come back until monday and they'll need some time to review the changes, review the new cbo score, and then maybe, maybe if they can get together op some solutions, some changes to this bill, we could see a vote in about a week, two weeks, maybe three. >> louis, what are you expecting? she mexed, which is very important, the republicans want the cbo to look at this again with some of the changes that have been made. they're hoping to get some numbers that are not quite so daunting for them about the number of people who would lose coverage. there's also this talk about should they do a repeal and
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worry about replacing later. what do you see happening when they get back on monday? >> boy, you know, it's really hard to say. there doesn't seem to be a -- it's hard to see where the momentum is towards them reaching an agreement, but, you know, it's easy to forget, too, when the house was trying to negotiate this deal, was trying to pass its own health care legislation, they had to pull it down from a vote as well, and for a long time they didn't seem like they were ever going to be able to reach that compromise. they were in the same place that the senate is now. the house managed to reach that compromise, that senate majority is a lot narrower for republicans than the house majority is, so whether or not they can actually get there, it's going to be even a tinier needle to have to thread, but, you know, they've been running on this for years now. it's hard for me personally to imagine that they don't find a way either by passing repeal and replace together or by separating the two pieces of legislation like you've mentioned.
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>> louis nelson from politico, kelsey snell from "the washington post," thanks to both of you. happy fourth. coming up, venus williams won her first match at wimbledon yesterday, but the press conference afterwards took an emotional turn when she was asked about a fatal car crash she was involved in. we'll head to london for what she said, next. (bell rings) with my moderate to severe crohn's disease,... ...i kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i was doing okay... then it hit me... ...managing was all i was doing. when i told my doctor,... ...i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease... ...even after trying other medications. in clinical studies,... the majority of people on humira... saw significant symptom relief... ...and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability... fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened;... have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where...
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a post-match pres conference was more than just tennis. she hit an emotional breaking point when she was asked about a deadly car crash she was involved in last month. kelly cobia is live in london. obviously, still very raw for the tennis star. >> it really is, chris. she is off to a strong start at wimbledon and it was a tough match but she pulled it off and at this post-match press conference happened and she became very, very emotional. talking about this car crash in
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florida. so much so that she had to walk out of the room. venus williams scoring a first round victory at wimbledon. but the joy quickly turned to tears. the tennis great breaking down at a post-match press conference after being asked about her involvement in a fatal car crash in florida last month. >> yeah. i have been completely speechless and it's just -- >> reporter: overcome with emotion and wiping away tears. >> maybe i should go. >> reporter: she briefly left the room. on friday she posted on her facebook page. i am devastated and heartbroken by this accident. my heart felt condolences go out to the family and friends of jerome barson and i continue to keep them in my thoughts and prayers. in a car crash june 9th jerome was injured and died two week s
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later. she is now being sued by his family. williams' attorney called the crash an unfortunate accident and venus expresses her condolences to her family who lost a loved one. williams was at fault for violating the right of way. she was not issued any tickets at the time and police say there was no evidence williams was under the influence of drugs or alcohol or distract eed by a ce phone. williams has known tough times. her parents divorce, the murder of her half sister and she battled an autoimmune disease for a decade. now, she's pulling herself together once again. and she was able to compose herself after a few minutes. she went back into the room and answered a few questions about her game. chris, she is 37. she is the oldest woman competing at wimbledon this year and she's off to a really strong start, particularly after that showing at the australian open. but one has to wonder whether or
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not this, this event outside of her professional life is going to impact her in the tournament this year. chris? >> tragic situation for everyone involved. kelly, thank you so much. we'll be right back. noo introducing the easiest way to get gillette blades text "blades" to gillette on demand text to reorder blades with gillette on demand... ...and get $3 off your first order finding the best hotel price is now a safe bet. because tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites - so you save up to 30% on the hotel you want. lock it in. tripadvisor. i'm karen, i'm a teacher.olfer. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain.
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we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ that wraps up this hour of msnbc live. i'm chris jansing. thank you for watching. you and your family have a happy fourth of july. coming up right now, more news with my friend hallie jackson in washington. >> thank you, my dear. good morning to all of you, too, as we kick off a surprisingly busy 60 minutes on this holiday. watching new developments on a couple critical foreign policy fronts. you know the u.s. is working on its final assessment on what kind of missile exactly north korea test fired overnight. but at the moment, all signs point to a significant step forward for pyongyang which is cheering all of this. you see it right there. the president looks to that face-to-face and north korea is
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at the top of that agenda. no holiday off for our team covering all of this. i want to bring in hans nichols and kristen welker at the white house. and msnbc military analyst retired armarm y attorney gener. have we learned anything about what this launch means moving forward? >> they're still assessing whether or not it was an intercontinental ballistic missile. it was intermediate range and flew for 37 minutes. basically went straight up in the air and came back down. that gives it a theoretical range of more than 4,000 miles putting parts of alaska in play. so, a lot of this back and forth on whether or not it was an ibcm or an intermediate range. the fact that alaska could be hit is a major game change in all of this and we'll see what
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the pentagon is saying. reporting out of the ap reporting that china and russia proposed this idea of having a missile test on north korea. if the south koreans and the u.s. don't do joint military exercises. in the past that has been a nonstarter for this administration. hallie? >> hans, anything from pentagon officials on that aspect of it or too early to say for that? >> you know, in the past the pentagon has been very clear that they do not want to get into and, as well as the state department. this for that negotiation. >> got it. >> what they think is that they need to be able to conduct military operations with their south korean allies and that is not a bargaining chip. >> kristen, hans gave us the overview from the state department and white house overnight we saw the president reacting to this. raising eyebrows with this idea that china will have to do a heavy move. what does that mean? do we know? >> first, let's look at the president's tweet, hallie.
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