tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 4, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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pentagon correspondent hans nickels. good to talk to you once again. we know the military is conducting an assessment of this test. what more do we know? >> what they're trying to figure out is what sort of -- what actually re-entered the atmosphere and how far the theoretical distance would be. they know it flew 37 minutes, straight up into the air. you extrapolate out on that and get something called the least energy trajectory, the l.e.t., and that gives you a sense it could travel more than 4,000 miles. this distinction on whether or not it is a intercontinental ballistic missile, what appears to be clear is what they tested yesterday could potentially hit alaska. trump has gone back and forth saying it will happen in terms of an icbm, but it looks like the initial assessments are this missile could hit parts of alaska. the other big question is have they successfully figured out
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re-entry and how good is their aim? you remember that may 14th launch, that missile didn't have fins up on the front of its nose. which doesn't give it a whole lot of directional maneuverability when it is coming back down. it is not to say it can't cause damage, but they don't have exact aim on it and that's another thing that they'll be assessing at the pentagon overnight and in hawaii in the next coming hours. >> what are you hearing about the options here that the military could have to counter this aggression? >> all of the options they have would lead to such high civilian loss of life, the pentagon officials are frankly uncomfortable about them. they don't talk about them publicly. obviously their contemplating them. you look at the amount of artillery north korea has on the 48th parallel, a lot of it is mobile artillery, before you can take the pieces out, north korea could cause a lot of damage on the city of seoul, 40 million people there. within artillery range, there is the u.s. troops there, some 28,000, but there are also 300,000 americans.
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so when you talk military options at the pentagon, faces get ashen, they talk about having levels of civilian casualties that we haven't seen frankly in our lifetime. >> hans nickels for us, thank you for joining me. to kristen welker, white house correspondent. i know you have the reaction from the kwhouwhite house. what are we hearing this afternoon from the administration? >> the administration say they're waiting for the pentagon's final assessment in terms of what type of miss this will w-- missile this was befor they have any kind of response. the president tweeting north korea has just launched another missile. does this guy, apparently a reference to kim jong-un, have anything better to do with his life? hard to believe that south korea and japan will put up with this much longer, perhaps china will put a heavy move on north korea and end this nonsense once and for all. so what specifically does the president mean by a heavy move?
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well, the white house isn't saying. but we know the administration has really been pressuring china to try to turn up the heat on north korea. president trump spending the early days of his presidency trying to foster a relationship with the president of china through a series of meetings and phone calls. now the reality check, the fact that they don't feel as though these efforts have been working and it comes amid new tensions between the united states and china, just last week, in fact, the administration announced a new round of sanctions including on a chinese bank. that infuriated china. over the weekend, president trump had a stern conversation with the president of china. expect more tough talk when he meets them at the g-20 summit in the coming days. but as hans was pointing out, there aren't a whole lot of good options here. they have put a lot of sanctions on north korea, on chinese banks to try to ramp up pressure. that clearly hasn't worked so
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far and they're running out of options. >> kristen, stand by for me. i want to bring in joel rubin and back with me msnbc military analyst jack jacobs. joel, after this new test, russia and china today put out a statement proposing north korea declare a moratorium on nuclear and missile tests while the u.s. and south korea, they refrained from large scale military exercises. what do you make of that proposal? is it doable? >> it is great to be with you. all diplomatic options should be on the table. right now what we're witnessing is the inattention to diplomacy by the trump administration. and so when other countries, adversaries and allies alike, like russia, china, put out ideas, if america is not leading, we're going to have to be responding to these ideas. so in theory, anything is feasible. what we need to be doing right
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now is really engaging diplomatically with all of the actors, plus south korea, plus japan, and developing a clear goal and some clear lines that we're trying to achieve. the president seems to be undermining the diplomacy that secretary tillerson attempts to engage in. there are no senior officials at the state department currently appointed in charge of nuclear issues and in charge of asia policy, east asia policy. so we're really witnessing the results, which is incoherence. it is hard to say how we should specifically respond when we don't yet have a clear vision of what we want to achieve. >> joel, are you saying we engaged diplomatically directly with north korea considering the country and the leadership there and then secondly, in talking about engaging with china and putting pressure on them, we already leveled some very minor sanctions in china, especially some banks that deal directly with north korea, but if we goal full blown, full scale sanctions on china, that could hurt the global economy there and also hurt the united states as well. >> well, to be effective
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diplomatically, and one has to remember that diplomacy is a tool of american power. and to use it effectively, we need to galvanize our allies and our adversaries alike and move them in the right direction. there is an analogy here of several years ago on iran, we wanted to place punishing sanctions on iran for its nuclear activities, we needed to galvanize the international community to support it. we needed to show our allies we had a diplomatic plan as part of that. and we got them on board. we currently don't have that. so we're not going to be able to really put the pressure on north korea. and, yes, the idea of direct discussions with north korea should never be taken off the table, just like the military option is being described as an option, why should diplomacy be taken off? it shouldn't be. and many former senior national security officials from both sides are talking about that publicly as something that we could use to entice a real diplomatic program. so, yeah, we should be exploring all of these options. >> you think diplomacy could work with north korea? joel brings up a good point with
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iran and the countries that got on bard oard to pressure iran a sign the deal which the trump administration has been outwardly against. you think it could work here? >> probably not alone and not directly. i don't think any of the options are mutually exclusive. i think we should be working on everything from setting up discussions, multilateral discussions, to using the economic instrument of power, to squeezing china and others who are enabling -- have enabled north korea to get to where it is today. i think just about anything that we do at the moment as long as it is focused on the goal of preventing further escalation and further development of nuclear capability on the part of north korea, anything that we try is going to be better than doing nothing whatsoever, which is what we have been doing for about 65 years. >> colonel, i heard you talk earlier about engaging more in cyberwarfare and how that could
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be something strategic that the u.s. engages in when it comes to north korea. what do you think the likelihood is of that happening and of it working? >> i think -- well, it worked before, i think when you use any instrument of policy to the exclusion of all others, you make a big mistake, needs to be made into an overall plan and i would be terribly surprised if we weren't using it right this very moment. >> want to bring kristen welker back into the conversation, at the white house for us, and looking ahead at the g-20 summit here, kristen, nbc news confirming president trump will have a sit-down with president putin. what are the expectations there? >> there are high expectations. there is a lot of pressure from democrats and republicans on president trump to raise the issue of russia's meddling in the u.s. election. it is not clear that's going to happen. but here's the big takeaway right now from this meeting. it is going to be a bilateral meeting. so more than an informal pull aside. the significance of that is that if effectively sends the signal
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to russia that the united states wants relations to warm with the country. remember, last year when president -- former president obama met with russian president vladimir putin, it was a pull aside, less formal, sending the signal you have to do more before we're willing to have a full blown meeting with you. what do we expect the president to raise? he'll likely discuss issues including syria, and ukraine. but, again, there is a lot of pressure from lawmakers here for him to also raise the issue of russia's meddling in the u.s. election. if he doesn't, he could be sharply criticized. the white house won't preview his meeting instead saying there is no formal agenda at this point in time. it will be up to the president to decide what he wants to discuss with president putin. >> interesting to hear kristen talk about there is no formal agenda to this meeting which is surprising a lot of people, thinking about how many issues are surrounding this putin/trump sit-down. what are you expecting and
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looking for? do you think north korea will be on the discussion in between president trump and putin? >> well, first and foremost, it is not clear to me why we're rewarding russia with a high level bilateral meeting between presidents for their negative and harmful behavior during our election period. congress is nearly unanimous in condemning the russian activities during our democratic process. it is astounding that would not an the top of the agenda. not having a clear agenda ensures that putin will control the conversation. that's the big concern here, president trump will go into a meeting to have a discussion, and sort of ad hoc it, and vladimir putin will go and with a very clear objective of raising his profile and showing he is in charge of the global discussions, going forward. and that's not in america's interest. korea, north korea, it should be part of the agenda, and we should be looking at all avenues at the g-20 for how to engage every ally as well as adversary
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in reining in north korea. president trump tends to have good conversations with our adversaries and harder ones with our allies. that dynamic needs to flip if we succeed on north korea. >> thank you all for joining me. very much appreciate it. have a good rest of your holiday. new jersey's government shutdown is over and all of its beaches now open again. but the outrage over these pictures of chris christie, they continue to grow. thanks in large part to how new jersey governor responded to those pictures. details and what exactly he said, you're not going to believe it, coming up next. at johnson's we care about safety as much as you do. that's why we meet or exceed 15 global regulations for baby products. and where standards differ, we always go with the toughest.
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governor's state owned homes, a beach at the time was closed to the public because of the state's shutdown. ron allen has more on christie's response to his critics. take a listen. >> that's our residence. and we have a right to be there whenever we want to be there. >> reporter: governor chris christie dismissing a torrent of criticism. the christie family enjoying the beach at an official residence, a beach that is also part of a state park, ordered closed to everyone else because of a three-day government shutdown. the picture dominated the day's news, mocking the once popular governor, in his final months, poll numbers at record lows. >> i don't apologize for it. i don't back away from it. and i think my poll numbers show that i don't care about political optics. what i care about is doing what is right and wrong. >> reporter: with many recreation areas closed this holiday weekend, some residents
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didn't like up ending their family plans while the governor kept his. >> it is terrible. >> terrible. >> we got families. >> the kids are excited. now we got to turn back home. >> i just think he's very arrogant and he doesn't care about anybody but himself. >> reporter: even christie's lieutenant governor, running for his job, had turned on him. >> i wouldn't be on the beach at a park that was closed as i said before, it is beyond words, it is insensitive. >> reporter: social media unrelenting, christie photo shopped into star wars, from here to eternity, with forest gump, at the white house. christie tried to brush it aside, tweeting pictures of crowds at the shore, pointing out only 11 miles of state beach were closed, 119 miles open. insisting he wouldn't change a thing. >> whenever i get done tonight, i'll go back to the beach, that's where my family is and that's where i'll go back to. >> he'll go back to the beach. that was ron allen reporting.
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i'm john joined by bob engel. thank you for joining us. i want to hear about the governor's reaction last night and then we'll talk. >> okay. >> now, if they had flown that plane over that beach, and i was sitting in e to a 25-year-old blonde in that beach chair next to me, that's the story. i wasn't sitting next to a 25-year-old blonde. i was sitting next to my wife of 31 years, surrounded by my children and some of their best friends. if that's a scandal, that's a scandal i'm guilty of every day of my life. >> we have been joking a lot about this because in a way it was funny seeing the pictures of them on the beach, when the beaches were closed and his reaction to it. but a lot of people were affected by the closures and upset about it. but that right there, that was classic christie, give us some context. we know that christie has a low rating in new jersey before this incident. how are people reacting to this
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entire thing? >> it has been said that christie was trump before trump was trump. this is one of the things that got the attention of the public back when he was u.s. attorney, this blunt kind of talk and made him extraordinarily popular. so popular that a lot of people thought that he might be the next president. he wants to give you the impression that he doesn't care, that he's thick skinned and whatever people think doesn't bother him as long as he thinks he's doing the right thing. but the fact is, he's very thin skinned and i think he's bothered by all of this. the senate president said in meetings with him, i'm at 15%, that's almost zero. does that mean he's given up? or does that mean he really doesn't care from this point on out? i personally think that he cares. >> but is it that he doesn't -- is it that -- what does he care about, i guess, is my question? what are his political ambitions really? if he had major political ambitions, he would care a heck
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of a lot more, it seems. >> i've known a lot of politicians in my day, i never met one yet that didn't want to be popular. i think he wants to be popular. he's a young man. he wants to be around for a while. i think he realizes right now he couldn't be elected dog catcher in south jersey county if that's what he wanted to do. i think he thinks he's going to have to hitch his star somehow to the national administration and he's tried that and keeps not working for him. but i think he hasn't given up hope, i think he thinks that the trump administration is going to get to a point where they need him and that will be his ticket out of here. >> i'm wondering why didn't he really just invite everybody to the beach instead and that would have solved this entire thing, inviting people from new jersey to the beach and would have been all good. we heard christie's lieutenant governor in the piece, she also tweeted two similar messages saying the shutdown, it is bad for business. to normal political observers here, it seems unusual, right, that the political -- that the
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lieutenant governor would openly criticize the governor, but they have somewhat of a complex relationship. talk to us about that. >> they do. in fact, she's running for governor as a republican nominee. so she's given her choice. what is she going to do, support him on this thing? i don't think so. she has to keep her distance. but throughout the entire almost eight years, that she has been lieutenant governor, it has been a big joke around the state house, she always had to stay about three steps behind him, he ran things and she didn't have much to say. and at this point, i think she has to put some distance between him and her or she's going to lose even more than she's probably going to lose anyway. >> what do you think christie's political future is here? speaking of this in broad terms, we know he's heading up the role of the president's commission, combatting opiate abuse. is that where he's putting all his eggs, all his eggs in that basket. where do you see chris christie
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going forward? >> i think he's looking. i would recall dick nixon who lost governor of california who told reporters you want to have dick nixon to kick around anymore? and then he went on to be elected president twice. i think hope springs eternal, politicians love to be loved, they love to be in the public eye, and they know that the public has a very short memory. and that some day he may find that key to get back in the public life and this will just be a memory. although a memory with photographs, there was a mayor of atlanta, ivan alan, who told me one time that you never want to make a mistake that can be photographed. and that was the days before the internet. imagine what it is like now. >> that's exactly what i was going to say. in this day and age, it is harder to forget things than it was 20 or 30 years ago when people weren't tweeting things out and instagraming everything out or having pictures of every single thing that is done by people in public office.
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we lalso heard rumors that christie is looking to go public. do you think that's a suitable route for someone like governor chris christie to take and do you think he's going to miss having that public persona? >> i do. one of things that he does is he likes to go over to one of the sports stations based in new york city with a former colleague of mine in radio, craig carton, and there is a part of me that thinks that he would like to do something like that full time, have a sports show. he loves sports. he's really big on that. he can talk it. he's a personable guy. he's done a lot of radio. he knows how to do that. that would give him that public support side of his life and keep his name out there, so if something else came up down the line, and people forgot all about this, he might think it would be his time to go for it.
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>> here is the thing, maybe you should be his agent. that's probably a good idea. >> no thank you. no thank you. >> they do take 10%. bob engel, thanks so much. happy fourth. >> thank you. the senate's efforts to repeal and replace obamacare. when we come back, details on a fix by two republicans who oppose the bill. one white house official endorsed the effort. will fellow republican senators also back the plan? all that and more coming up next. keep it here, everybody. you're watching msnbc. for mom" per roll
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welcome back. a look at today's headlines on the fourth of july, us officials analyzing what could be the biggest escalation yet in the nuclear crisis with north korea. the north claiming it has successfully launched its first intercontinental ballistic missile, capable of reaching anywhere in the world. defense officials say early analysis of this morning's launch shows it was an intermediate range missile. russia and china are proposing they stop the missile test in exchange for the u.s. and south korean military ceasing large scale drills. no word from the u.s. about that proposal. we wait for official details about the launch to come in, president trump tweeting his reaction as soon as the news came in, north korea just launched another missile. does this guy have anything better to do with his life? hard to believe that south korea and japan will put up with this much longer. perhaps china will put a heavy
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move on north korea and end this nonsense once and for all. the u.s. led coalition fighting isis in syria says it made a major step driving isis from the biggest stronghold. the coalition announced this morning's troops breached the wall surrounding the city of raqqah, allowing troops to push through the most heavily fortified part of the city. raqqah is considered the de facto capital of isis in syria. isis declared a caliphate three years ago. the white house confirming president trump will meet with russian president vladimir putin friday at the g-20 summit in germany. a putin aide said the two will meet on the sidelines, the white house calls it a normal bilateral meeting. now to the latest on the fight to repeal and replace obamacare. there is no rest for the congressional budget office as it tries to figure out the cost of several republican proposals. lawmakers are back home, possibly facing some tough questions from their voters on this holiday. i would like to bring in garrett
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ha haak at the white house. garrett, what can you tell us about the two bills the cbo is looking at? >> conservatives are hoping that this the cbo looks favorably at the consumer freedom act, an amendment put forward by ted cruz and mike lee, two of the more conservative republican senators. the basic idea of this would change the senate health care bill to allow insurers to sell plans that essentially don't cover much. they would be cheaper plans, higher deductible plans than what are typical obamacare compliant plans that have to cover a host of very specific issues. this act would say, as long as you sell a plan that is obamacare compliant in any given county or state, you can also sell the plans that they hope would appeal to younger healthier people who don't want to pay for a big expensive plan. but would rather have something just in case the worst happens. the conservatives are hopeful this will say -- allow them to say more people are continuing to be covered. and if younger healthier people
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stay in the system, it might drive down premiums, but the cbo looking at two versions of the senate health care bill over this week, one including that amendment, and one without. >> the conservatives saying more people will be covered, but really the big question is at what cost? let's take a look at some of these essential benefits that are in the aca, pregnancy, maternity, newborn care, mental health and substance abuse treatment, prescription drugs, emergency services, hospitalization, outpatient care, i could go on and on, you're seeing it up there on your screen. these are things, jonathan, that when i'm looking at this and correct me if i'm wrong things people need, hence the reason why they're essential benefits. how does the cbo take this into account? sure, more people could be covered under this, but, you know, then there is a lot of people with very minimal coverage. >> right. and, look, i don't think we have
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a very clear idea about how this is going to shake out. the republicans that i'm talking to don't have a clear sense of what the effect of the cruz amendment will be on either coastal coverage numbers, we have to wait and see on that score. but what it does do this new conversation is concerns a number of moderate members for the very fact of what garrett mentioned, it brings things like pre-existing conditions back into the conversation because even though under the cruz plan insurers have to offer plans that do cover pre-existing conditions, the fact that they can offer a plan that doesn't opens up that as a very potent talking point and there is a lot of members who are very, very nervous about this. >> jonathan, you wrote recently about how progressive activists are targeting republicans in their home states right now. how much do these have an impact? >> it has a large impact. and this is what mitch mcconnell wanted to avoid. one of the reasons he wanted to vote for the july, before the
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recess, he came to the conclusion that the long they are dragged out, it didn't make it more likely to pass, it made it less likely to pass. he did reach a point at which he thought that it couldn't get the votes when it hit the floor. and he thought that further negotiations actually could get him to 50 votes. that was the political calculation he made there. but you've got a very well organized resistance movement on the left, all the major groups, planned parenthood, move they are creating online hubs, multiple rallies in the state. and the white house's political office has been -- there was a meeting last thursday where they were trying to talk about maybe we should do some rallies of our own, repeal and replace rallies in maine and nevada to put pressure on susan collins and dean heller. the problem with all of this is all of the energy is on the left, there isn't this huge energy on the right. it is the protest movement on the left that is the organic energy. so they're really up against it,
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and the president who is leaving for europe on wednesday has sort of been missing in action on a lot of this. >> and, jonathan, you have senator schumer saying let's put all this aside, we're willing to talk and willing to negotiate. let's make this a bipartisan deal, figure this out. some republicans saying we don't buy it, we don't believe it. give me your take on this. if this all just doesn't happen, and we still have obama care in place, do you think there is a possibility -- do you buy it, it could actually happen, we could have a bipartisan health care bill? >> well, i think it is important to be intellectually honest about what chuck schumer said. chuck schumer has no intention, zero intention and nor does nancy pelosi, had lunch with nancy pelosi, a few reporters, to do anything to help the republicans repeal obamacare. what he means by bipartisan is keep obama here in place and strengthen it and support it. so what chuck schumer is saying, if you come to us and do everything on our terms, we can
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do a bipartisan thing. but the republican leadership doesn't believe this is viable. there are some senators who say we should start from scratch and do it in a bipartisan fashion. i can tell you the white house doesn't believe that's realistic. >> let me jump in there. that's why the white house and some folks at the white house like this idea of doing repeal first and replace later. they believe. and i don't know if this will end up being true. but they believe if they could get the repeal part of this off the table, with purely republican support, it is that repeal word that is radioactive that democrats don't want anything to do with it. they think, they hope, they speculate if they get the repeal part of it done, they might have democrats working with republicans on the replace part. but i think you can make the counterargument that a republican only effort it repeal only poisons the well further and would make it harder for depps s democrats to come back to the table. >> it seems like the bargaining chip, it seems look aharshbarg
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bargaining chip. jonathan, i know the wall street journal is reporting that under the senate health care bill average premiums for a midlevel plan would jump by 20%, which would be really just a few minutes before the midterms as we all know. this really puts republicans between a rock and a hard place, because they could pass an unpopular bill, and keeping their election promise and president trump's election promise to repeal and replace. but they also could risk a major backlash in the polls. how much do you think president trump is helping all of this? >> well, i can just tell you, on that point you made, i was talking probably a couple of weeks ago now to top political adviser to one of the senators who is really one of the main problems for the white house. and that was, look, politically for us, what is worse? a passing the senate bill as it is now, and premiums are still
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going to be high, going into 2018, that's a disaster. or going against the president who is very unpopular. the president doesn't have that much leverage at this point. he's only six months into his presidency. but really especially for these senators and particularly the ones in the moderate states, donald trump is radioactive in some of these states and doesn't have a huge amount of leverage over these people. there is literally nothing that donald trump could say, for example, that would persuade susan collins or dean heller to support this deal. no threat that donald trump could make that would make dean heller, you know, shake in his boots. >> jonathan, last word, you think this thing will pass or no? >> sorry, do i think it is going to pass? >> do you think it passes? goes forward or no? >> i'm not willing to write it off. i think it is possible. >> there you go. thank you both for joining me. coming up next, new details about president trump's meeting this week with vladimir putin. what the white house is saying about the highly anticipated get together. and who else the president will
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meet with during the g-20 summit. the number of states that have said no to the president's request for voter data is growing. we'll look at which states are not complying and the political implications ahead with my panel. keep it here, everybody. you're watching msnbc. she's nationally recognized for her compassion and care. he spent decades fighting to give families a second chance. but to help others, they first had to protect themselves. i have afib. even for a nurse, it's complicated... and it puts me at higher risk of stroke. that would be devastating. i had to learn all i could to help protect myself. once i got the facts, my doctor and i chose xarelto®. xarelto®... to help keep me protected. once-daily xarelto®, a latest-generation blood thinner... ...significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. xarelto® works differently. warfarin interferes with at least 6 blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective, targeting just one critical factor interacting with less of your body's natural blood-clotting function.
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mess with our democracy, one would think if you're having a bilateral meeting -- >> one would think. >> i don't. the notion that the white house would be articulate there is no agenda. why don't you talk about hacking into u.s. elections? why don't you talk about russian support for assad in syria and the use of chemical weapons over there? there are a lot of things you should be prepared to talk to mr. putin about. the fact you're going in saying you have no agenda speaks volumes to the preparedness of this president and his willingness to serve as a global leader like the united states has for a century. >> reportedly russia is losing patience and want the u.s. to return its compounds. how do you think the trump administration is going to respond and what does the trump administration hope to gain from these meetings, do you think? >> well, one, i hope they don't return the compounds. i think -- i don't think we have done enough to russia to set a clear marker that they should not only be interfering with
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u.s. elections, russia has been systematically interfering with the free nations of the world, not just in their elections, but, you know, buying foreign companies to cozy up to political leaders, to fake news, it is very systematic and it is a lot cheaper than using weapons. so russia is at war with us. they're an enemy and they're hostile. the president needs to lay down the marker we'll be tough with russia. if he doesn't bring up interference, he's going to convey to putin that he's weak. >> it is interesting that you say, rick, that we're at war with russia. they are an enemy. i can't help but think that whether or not the dynamics and their conversation and their meeting is going to reflect that. >> yeah, i don't think it will. i think it is fascinating that the president has set very high expectations, if you look at north korea, and his meeting with president xi, we see nothing has happened there, but sets the expectations very high, he sets the expectations high in
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the middle east that we're talking about peace in the middle east, his son-in-law jared kushner and the russian meeting he said there is no agenda, just a side meeting, get to know you meeting, which the russians announced yesterday, oh, no, this is a bilateral meeting and carries the weight of a bilateral meeting. since that is now true, the president needs to convey that the united states is not going to tolerate russian interference in free democracies including our own. >> we know where the president stands on the paris climate accord. how are they going to reconcile their differences? this is going to be a big sticking point at the g-20, this is going to be a main topic of conversation, the president said he wants to renegotiate, and everybody else is saying this is nonnegotiable. >> look, of course it is a big topic. at the end of the day, the thing that everyone should be concerned about, angela merkel has been making this clear, the
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canadian prime minister is making this clear, i think countries from asia to the middle east to europe are making this clear, there is a vacuum of leadership that the united states of america has sort of filled for a century. and we are in a time now, an era, where there is no leadership coming from the united states. we have a president who is -- we have nations asking for leadership and in that vacuum people have to step up or instability will reign. angela merkel should and i think all the leaders in g-20 should bring up to donald trump you are the president of the united states, we have depended on you, you have been our ally, where are you, where is our leadership. i find it unfortunate that particularly republican president in this day and age has decided that american exceptionalism is no longer the policy of the united states. >> rick, switching topics here and talking about the voter fraud investigation, more than 40 states have come out against a trump administration request for specific voter information. kris kobach, the vice chair on election integrity, he sent a letter to all 50 states and says all of the voter data will
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eventually be made public. the reaction against this, it has been quick, it has been growing. do you think, rick, that the trump administration here miscalculated when it came to this request? >> well, yes. nobody wants to be facing headlines of 30 plus states have decided not to share the data. i think it is worth listeners understanding that most voter data and all the states is public and you can get them. you have to purchase it. but what we're talking about here is the data that states add that these states don't want to release, i for one do not like the idea of any federal agency collecting voter data from all the states. i think the voter data should stay in the hands of the individual states, come from a federalist point of view on that, i don't like the idea of the federal government getting involved in voter elections. it is -- there is too much
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potential for mischief. and so let's keep it where it is. part of the reason our electoral system is as safe as it is is because states and counties and sometimes towns and precinct levels operate the data which makes it very difficult to corrupt the process. >> rick tyler, thank you. we were talking about your former boss, should have been here earlier talking health care. that would have been a good conversation. thank you, both, for joining me. turning now to the story of little baby charlie guard, he's a terminally ill infant in the uk, getting attention and sympathy from the highest levels of power in the united states after his parents lost a legal battle to give him an experimental medical treatment. sheinelle jones has this story. >> reporter: the plight of a desperately sick little boy has now reached the most powerful people in the world. president trump monday tweeting his willingness to help charlie, writing if we can help little charlie as per our friends in the uk and the pope, we would be delighted to do so. the parents responded in a
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statement, chris and connie are overwhelmed with emotion that u.s. president donald trump and the pope have spoken publicly of their support. their kind words have given them so much comfort. the little 11-month-old boy suffers from a very rare genetic condition which causes muscle weakness and brain damage. his parents have been repeatedly defeated in their efforts to bring him to the united states for experimental treatment. they spoke out after their latest court defeat of their desperation. >> he will fight. our rights have been shipped away. we can't take our own son home to die. >> reporter: they found a u.s. doctor willing to try an experimental therapy and raised more than $1.5 million to pay for the treatment. but british doctors believe nothing can be done to save charlie and the british and european courts have supported
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them. president trump is weighing in, just ahead of his second international trip later this week. there have been press reports that he might make an unscheduled stop in britain. though permission has been granted by the court to turn off charlie's life support, the hospital is putting together a plan to give them more time together as a family. with legal options exhausted, high level pressure such as the tweet from president trump is the parent's final hope. >> thank you to sheinelle jones with that heart breaking story. the first round of wimbledon is wrapping up today in london. venus williams advancing to the second round. no real surprise there, very talented tennis player. it is what happened after her win that stunned the global audience. we'll show you that and explain why after the break. noo
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hoping for clear skies to enjoy the fourth of july fireworks. in new york they are repairing 60,000 shells for the fourth of july firework spectacular over the east river, but will the weather hold out here and where you are enjoying the holiday. we'll look at what you can expect. bonny, i know you have good news for everybody. >> i do, but we have to let everybody know where there may be travel spots. from oklahoma city to minneapolis, and of course cincinnati to atlanta, we could have a thunderstorm rumble and it may impact your weather going forward. tomorrow, the same storm system pushes east. if you're driving up through the ohio valley or the carolinas, you may have to dodge a storm. the forecast is looking great
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tonight for the macy's fourth of july fireworks. no rain in the northeast. the weather is going to be nice from chicago to boston. highs are seasonable today, but in the latter part of the week we will get in the 80s and 70s. a nice stretch of weather arefo the fourth of july and the week ahead. >> happy fourth, bonnie. venice williams struggling with a tragedy. she became visibly emotional when asked about a deadly car crash she was involved in last month. more from london. >> venus williams scoring a first round victory at wimble n wimbledon, but the joy turned to tears. the tennis great breaking down at a post-match press conference
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after being asked about her involvement in a fatal car crash in florida last month. >> yeah, i'm completely speechless and it's just -- >> overcome with emotion and wiping away tears. she briefly left the room. on friday she posted on her facebook page, i am devastated and heart broken by this accident. my heartfelt condolences go out to the family and friends and i continue to keep them in my thoughts and prayers. in a car crash june 9th, the 78-year-old man was injured and died two weeks later. williams is now being sued by the family. in a statement, williams' attorney called the crash an unfortunate accident and said venus expresses her deepest con dollances to the family who lost a loved one.
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according to the police report, venus was issued a citation. she was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol or distracted by a cell phone. williams has known tough times. her parents divorced, the murder of her half sister and she battled an autoimmune disease for a decade. now she's pulling herself together once again. >> in london for that report. thank you. we'll be right back, everybody. thank you so much. thank you! so we're a go? yes! we got a yes! what does that mean for purchasing?
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welcome back. thanks for watching this hour. right now more news. >> thanks very much. happy fourth to you and happy fourth of july to all of you watching. here are the top stories we're tackling on this independence day. north korea has launched what it calls an icbm. russia and china respond with a statement. president trump with a pair of tweets. we'll have the latest on what this missile really is and how
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prepared the white house is to handle this growing threat in north korea. also, president trump and vladimir putin have scheduled their first face-to-face meeting this friday. the two leaders will meet at the conference in germany. what's on the agenda? what's not on the agenda more importantly and baby we were born to sun. the beach cake controversy. we have the latest on the story that keeps giving. we start with the u.s. response to the situation in north korea. russia and china have issued a joint statement today asking that north korea declare a moratorium on tests, president trump has taken to twitter. last night he wrote, north korea has just launched another missile. does this guy have anything better to do with his life? hard to believe that south korea and japan will put up with this much longer. perhaps china will end this nonsense once and for all. we have a team covering this from all angles.
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hans is an expert by virtue of how much you have had to cover it. the north koreans say it's an icbm. what do your sources say? >> reporter: pentagon officials are assessing whether or not it's going to meet that designation. what they know is that given the distance and the time that it traveled, 37 minutes, basically shot at an angle up in the air, on the ground it only covered some 570 miles, but it gives you a theoretical range of more than 4,000 miles. that puts alaska into range. whether or not it gets the official designation of an icbm, right now alaska/u.s. territory could potentially be in range. when you talk about the continental united states, you remember in may there was that ground base intercepter test, hitting a bullet with a bullet, officials at the time said this basically kept
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