tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 8, 2017 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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the u.s., meanwhile, with a stern warning to north korean leader kim jong un, military bombers conducting a strike drill over the korean peninsula less than a week after north korea issued a warning of its own, the launch of an ki intercontinental ballistic missile. you see the president and first lady after spending four days overseas. their foreign trip began last wednesday in poland. this morning, several key meetings taking place with international leaders on the final day of the g20 summit, including an all-important session with chinese president xi jinping. the day began with a bilateral meeting between president trump and uk prime minister theresa may. >> prime minister may and i have developed a very special relationship and i think trade will be a very big factor between our two countries, so i want to thank you very much. >> mr. president, did the russians lie about your meeting
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yesterday? >> thank you. >> mr. president -- >> thank you, mr. president. >> as you can tell, of course, a great deal of attention still being focused on what came out of the commander in chief's first meeting with russian president vladimir putin. joining us now with the latest from hamburg, germany, is nbc's peter alexander. what is the take away from this final day of the g20 after these conflicting accounts came out of the trump/putin meeting? >> reporter: let's weave our way through the course of the last 24 hours. rex tillerson described that meeting as them having a positive chemistry. you can compare that to the sort of display of disharmony we've seen as these g20 nations try to come up with a communique, that's the sort of communication method of distributing all the things they agree on. well, it turns out that they don't agree on several things. that includes climate change. it was very clear as angela merkel said today that she was disappointed in the u.s.'s decision to not join on to the
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paris climate agreement, to back out of that agreement. in fact, they go forward, saying that it is irreversible in the communique as it's written now, effectively leaving the u.s. alone with the g19 nations as it were. on trade, there are deep divisions here as well, specifically frustrations about protectionism as much of the world, europe in particular, sees the u.s. sort of separating itself, concerns about trade barriers that president trump has been putting up. beyond that, we heard president trump in his last meeting of the day with president xi of china, the two of them talking about north korea, that the president described as a menace. he said he hoped they would find success on that topic, but that it wasn't happening as quickly as he liked and then certainly back on the topic of vladimir putin himself, we heard the president today for the first time in his own words describing the meeting yesterday with the russian president. here's how he put it. >> rex and i had a tremendous meeting yesterday with president
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putin. we've had really great meetings with a lot of people. >> reporter: we also heard today from nikki haley, the u.n. ambassador for the united states. she was speaking on cnn and she said, for an interview that will air tomorrow, in fact, that everybody knows that russia meddled in the u.s. election. of course, president trump asked about this on this trip, when he was in poland, says, nobody knows for sure. nikki haley, druuring that interview, said you'll have to ask the president himself why he won't answer that question more declarityively. it's notable as they wrap up this g20 summit, as the president heads home, jacob, that it's tradition that these heads of state, presidents, prime ministers, will hold news conferences in the last several hours. we heard from vladimir putin, angela merkel, ma kron of france, trudeau in canada, but president trump himself left without holding a news conference so that question couldn't be posed to him today. >> i don't think anybody's surprised by the way that president trump described that mean with president putin as, quote, unquote, tremendous.
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looking forward to seeing you back stateside soon, my friend. sticking with the impact of this week's g20 gathering, joining us now are cathy gillisenen and kevin. good to see you both. cathy, let's tart wistart with . trump's team would like us to think he had a successful few days, his speech in poland, he met with many key players in hamburg. what are your thoughts overall? >> well, i wouldn't call it an unsuccessful trip. i mean, i think that expectations were probably pretty modest, and i think that, you know, there was a mixed reaction and certainly the eye-catching headline at the end of this -- at the end of all this is is notion of g19, the divisions between the united states and the rest of the group in terms of things like trade and climate change, specifically. but i think from trump's own perspective, he probably went and did what he set out to do. he gave a speech that was well
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received in poland, if not as much in the united states among some commentators, and i think, you know, his first meeting with president putin, he didn't make many of the concessions that people expected him to make. >> in particular, yeah, around the sanctions. kevin, let me get your take on that, the idea of the g19 and the united states, essentially, standing alone in the world. >> well, jacob, i think that cathy makes a great point in terms of the president going in with a lot of pressure on his second international trip and then we saw this in warsaw where he recommitted the united states to article 5. i think that there was some question in terms of where the united states stood with regard to that, so easing, of course, concerns of nato allies, and then of course this big meeting with vladimir putin. and i think that when you take a look and a broader step at where the united states is now on this, is that there's no question that russia meddled into the 2016 election through hacking of democratic political institutions, and if you take a look at where the sanctions
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bill, which was nearly unanimously passed from the republican-controlled senate, now it's in the house, its future is in limbo, so to speak, but the white house has yet to take a position on that particular sanctions bill. so, the president, in these past couple of days, saying reportedly that he does not agree with vladimir putin's assertion that they did not medal in the elections but now what exactly is the white house going dood about it. congress has a plan. the republican-controlled congress has a plan but whether or not that kbegets out of the house of representatives, we'll have to wait and see. >> and we have not heard a forceful pushback from the trump white house about sergey lavrov's aseration that trump took vladimir putin at his word about russia's supposed noninterference in the election. what do you think about the meeting with putin? did president trump play into vladimir putin's hands by having that epic two-hour session, essentially elevating him as a co-equal on the global stage. >> i think that's probably putin's perspective on it, certainly, and i think the optics, again, from putin's
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perspective, the optics are good. that, you know, ahead of the meeting, it was reported that it was only going to last half an hour. following the meeting, there were reports coming out that even melania trump couldn't break up the two men to get trump to go to his other meeting. so, you know, putin probably does think that the meeting was tremendous. i would also say that it does play to putin's advantage that, you know, that trump restricted the attendance at the meeting so forcefully, reportedly out of a fear of leaks. there are no note takers there for us to be able to really get a record of what actually happened in that meeting, and as a result, and the russians have done this before, as a result, the russians are able to sort of spin the narrative a little bit, and you know, we don't actually know which version is true, and the president, unfortunately, you know, there are a lot of people that are not going to be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue, given some of the statements
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he's made in the past, particularly with regard to russian meddling. >> we could call it a trust deaf sit -- deficit, i guess. i wanted to ask you, kevin, about something else, there's some backlash online. president trump's daughter and adviser, ivanka trun, actually took the president's seat next to other world leaders, we're looking at a picture of that moment right now as he stepped out of the room at the g20. what's your take on what happened here? >> well, democrats are criticizing this, saying that this is an example of the first family having special privileges, but on the flip side of that, you know, look, this is someone who the president trusts. this is someone who is a top executive at the trump organization. this is someone also, jacob, who has the alt-right title of beinl adviser to the president of the united states. that, in and of itself, makes it not rare that someone with that title would be in on those meetings. now, we should also note that ivanka trump helped broker a $50 million deal with the world -- with the international
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leaders in terms of women's empowerment, and so i think that this is an example of just where we are right now in politics, where democrats are criticizing this. republicans are going to defend but there's no question that someone with that title, it's not rare that that someone with that title would sit in on that meeting, but of course, you know, the merits of the rest are going to be debated. >> i guess the pushback would be, well, it is rare for someone with the title of president's daughter to hold that title in the first place. thank you so much. appreciate it. one more item from the g20. a cease-fire in southwestern syria is scheduled to begin tomorrow, following months of negotiations between u.s. and russian officials. secretary of state rex tillerson said the agreement is designed to reduce violence in that region after six years of brutal and bloody conflict. the arrangement will also support humanitarian efforts in an area of syria near jordan's border. the announcement came just hours after president trump's meeting with russian president vladimir putin. and coming up next, we're going to turn to how president trump
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overnight, the united states and its allies sending a direct message to north korea and rogue leader kim jong un, american forces taking part in a mock bombing mission over the korean peninsula, the maneuvers were part of a joint exercise with south korean and japanese troops. the actions coming hours before president trump's meeting with japanese prime minister shinzo abe at the g20. abe saying the discussion was very focused on the situation in north korea. nbc's matt bradley joins us now
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from seoul, south korea, with more details. matt? >> reporter: thanks, jacob. american officials are telling nbc news that this sort of exercise was done to put korea on notice, to show that the u.s. is on a war footing in the korean peninsula and general terrance o sean see said this was done to show the full compliment of weapons are available. this is just a ktypical shot across the bow of the north koreans. the u.s. does this all the time, particularly in the last couple months. in fact, there have been six such flyovers just since april and that just goes to show how tense things have really gotten here on the korean peninsula. this latest flyover was done in response to the july 4th testing by pyongyang of an icbm, an intercontinental ballistic missile. some experts say that with some modifications, this weapon could be used to attack u.s. soil. it could actually strike alaska.
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now, there were three countries that participated in this flyover, south korea, japan, and the u.s. for the u.s.'s part, they used b1b lancer bombers that flew over south korea and actually came very close, the border between north and south korea, that's a very hostile, very tense border because remember, these two countries are still technically in a state of war. they then dropped dummy bombs or inert weapons at a target at a south korean military base. and we haven't heard from the north koreans. they haven't responded to this. but if history's any judge, they'll likely see this as a provocation and they'll probably respond with a provocation of their own. jacob. >> nbc's matt bradley in seoul, south korea. matt, thank you so very much. the korean peninsula continues to be a major issue for the trump administration. joining us now is daily beast columnist gordon chang. great to see you here. when you look at the show of
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force last night by america and our allies in the korean peninsula, who's the target of this show of force? who is the united states attempting to influence? >> i think that we're really attempting the influence the south korean public, to reassure them. of course there's this little bit of element that we want to intimidate kim jong un, but he's not really scared of what we can do, because he knows what the balance of forces, what a war would look like. the other thing that we may be trying to do now, which we haven't been doing in the past is that south korea has a new president, moon jae-in, we may be trying to box him in a little bit, to prevent him from moving too close to the north koreans, too close to china, so there's that as well. >> you know, president trump has said that kim jong un is a madman, and people have said that it shows a force like this will ultimately influence kim jong un's behavior, you see it another way. >> yeah. i don't think so. i think that, you know, essentially, kim jong un, you know, he knows very well what we're doing. if we were to take those b1s and
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fly them up the north korean coast like 13 or 14 miles off sh shore, that would intimidate him but really not. whether we brought the carriers to the sea of japan, that probably was a message to kim jong un, but this one is more to south korea. >> as i mentioned just a minute ago, president trump addressed the issue earlier today during a meeting with japanese prime minister shinzo abe. >> we're talking about the problem and menace of north korea. and the prime minister is, i will say this, very, very focused on what's going on with respect to north korea. >> you know, the president, president trump speaks in generic terms about this. we're going to be focused very hard, this is a very serious threat. is his outreach to other world leaders, prime minister abe, china president xi, is it helping? is it hurting? what's the sense in >> yeah, with abe, i think that it certainly is helping, because he does like the face time with
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the american leader. with xi jinping, i'm not so sure. i think we might want to start to talk less to the chinese because when we talk more to them, it feeds their already inflated sense of self-importance and i think what the united states needs to do is start imposing some costs on china, more than what we saw last week. that would be effective. but you know, we inflate the chinese role and we've been doing that since the bush administration in 2003, so it hasn't worked in the past. i don't think it's going to work now. >> so what arrow in the united states' quiver is most likely to deescalate the situation with north korea? is it the idea of secondary sanctions on china, for instance? >> yeah, i think that if we were to unplug a large chinese bank from money laundering, that would tend to get the chinese to sit on the north koreans. you know, last week, we unplugged a small fry chinese bang, but bank of china, one of china's big four banks has also been involved in money laundering. the u.n. has cited it in its
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2016 report. we imposed penalties of hundreds of millions of dollars on european banks for iran sanctioned foot faults and we let the chinese get away with murder when it comes to north korea. >> 2006, 11 years ago, you wrote your book with the title "nuclear showdown." here we are 11 years later. what do you think? just looking back over these last 11 years. >> we've wasted 11 years. you know, we've had ineffective policies, and it's not just those two administrations. it's also the one before that. you know, the united states has not taken north korea seriously. trump is starting to understand these gravity of the situation, largely because president obama told his transition team in december -- >> it's the most urgent threat, right. >> the top national security threat is north korea. and president trump has taken that to heart, which is not to say that he'll do the right things but it does mean he is doing things, and basically, we no longer have a china policy.
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we have a north korea policy in which china is subordinate. we don't have a japanese policy either. it's also subordinate to our north korea policy. >> i guess it's one area, at least, where former president obama and president trump may agree. it's great to see you as always. thank you so much. turning now to the battle field to defeat isis in iraq's second largest city, celebrations breaking out in the streets of mosul as government forces move to take full control of the islamic state's de facto capital in iraq. fighti fighting intensified with iraqi troops making a final push to liberate the city. iraq's prime minister is expected to declare a formal victory soon. stick around because next we're going to turn to a crisis on our own soil, a new government report on the nation's opioid epidemic claims we are making progress towards reining in the drug. we'll ask one state's attorney general who is taking on the
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otezla. show more of you. i'm jacob soboroff in new york. for so many opioid addicts in the u.s., it was a doctor's prescription that led to the addiction. and one approach at stopping the opioid epidemic killing more people than ever before is cutting back on those pain medications. a new report by the centers for disease control and prevention is finding that the country is making progress duh bu it is not enough. opioids are still way overprescribed and people don't realize how easy it is to get hooked. >> reporter: this morning, cdc says the number of opioid prescriptions is still too high. >> enough for every american to be on opioid medications round the clock for three weeks. that's just too much. >> reporter: though they've fallen 18% between 2010 and 2015, overall, in one in five u.s. counties, the numbers are
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actually up. mainly low income white communities with high unemployment and higher rates of diabetes and arthritis. in an extreme case, prosecutors say oklahoma doctor regan nickels prescribed 1800 pills in a single month, leading to five fatal overdoses. she's expected to be plead not guilty to second-degree murder charges. more than 33,000 people died of opioid overdoses in 2015 alone. about half of them involved a prescription opioid. in the war against opioid abuse, some states have promising results, between 2010 and 2015, prescriptions decreased by 85% in ohio. 80% in florida. and 62% in kentucky. >> things like a broken leg, or things like a kidney stone don't always require opioids. >> reporter: the emergency department in new york's city medical center started a program five years ago to replace dangerous opioids with alternatives. >> these are people calling you up and saying, i'm in so much
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pain. i need something else. >> what people are discovering that effective pain management, specifically the first couple of days after an injury, can be accomplished with different medications. >> reporter: a slow but key change in the medical community that could save lives. >> it's a challenge to try and overcome patients' perceptions that they need these opioid medicines to manage their pain. >> thank you so much. local officials are looking for new ways to got the crisis. oklahoma becoming the fourth state to sue opioid manufacturers accusing companies of misrepresenting the risks soernted with their pain medication. mike hunter joins me now. thanks so much for being here. talk to us about the impact of the opioid epidemic in your state and how do you expect that your lawsuit is going to mitigate that crisis? >> jacob, thanks for having me on this afternoon. it's not just our lawsuit. it's a comprehensive approach to
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getting a handle on this epidemic in oklahoma. so, we're not only going to focus on making sure that the pharmaceutical companies who have been misrepresenting the addictive qualities of this drug for decades are held accountable, we're going to be coming up with policy recommendations for our legislature and governor to consider and hopefully implement this summer and fall. so this problem is not going to be dealt with by a lawsuit. it's not going to be dealt with by the war on drugs. it's got to be a comprehensive approach and we're looking carefully at some of the successes that other states have had. >> candidly, i'm glad to hear you say that because overdose deaths are at an all-time high in america today not because of prescription pain pills but because of the synthetic opioid fentanyl. does suing drug companies do anything to stop that? >> well, as i say, you've got to deal with this in a multifaceted, multiplalayered w.
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there's still too many opioids being prescribed in our state. prescriptions, although they've declined in over 30 counties, they've increased in over 40 of our 77 counties. >> right. >> so, getting a handle on overprescription is a part of this. and getting a handle on oversupply, hopefully will be dealt with through our lawsuit because we're not only asking for damages. we're asking for relief from, again, the deceptive marketing that's going on with respect to pharmaceuticals and how they sell these drugs. >> i have to ask you because you're obviously deeply invested in this crisis, but you're also a republican politician from a red state. the senate is considering rolling back the affordable care act's medicaid expansion, a study from the urban institute says it's paid for hundreds of millions of additional dollars in adistraction treatment. do you support the rollback of the medicaid expansion? >> well, i support the federal government and the states investing in treatment programs.
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we've got to deal with demand as well as supply. and unless we take that step, unless we provide people the treatment they need for their illnesses, we're going to continue to have this problem, and it's going to go from a prescription drug over supply problem to a problem that is even more serious with respect to black tar heroin and other opioids, which you buy off the street. >> well, it's already there. with all due respect, i mean, i was in montgomery county, ohio, which is now according to local officials the per capita overdose center of america. i just want to ask you one more time. is it a good idea to roll back the medicaid expansion in the aca at a time when it's providing so much addiction treatment to people who need it? >> so, within the strict confines of your question, i just want to reiterate that i support the federal government and the states investing in an aggressive way, with respect to
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treatment programs, you know, what eventually comes out of washington, d.c., with regard to health care policy has to include that. >> all right. so i'll take that as a maybe, i guess. oklahoma attorney general mike hunter. thank you so very much for being here, sir, appreciate it. we will turn back to the g20 summit after the break and president trump's meeting with vladimir putin, trump saying he looks forward to positive things after the meeting but what did the united states really get out of it. we're going to ask republican congressman lee zelden of new york, a member of the house foreign affairs committee, when he joins us live next. [vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you now that the summer of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event.
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welcome back. live at msnbc headquarters in new york, here is what we're watching this hour. two u.s. bomber planes flew over the korean peninsula in a show of force following north korea's test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile just days earlier. the bombers launched from an air because in guam alongside south korean and japanese fighter
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jets. and right now, president donald trump is en route to washington, d.c, wrapping up the last day of the g20 summit in hamburg, germany. president trump did not hold a news conference before taking off, but earlier today, russian president vladimir putin did, saying he thinks president trump believes his denials of russian meddling in the u.s. presidential election during yesterday's first face-to-face meeting between the two. so is president trump's second foreign trip a success? let's break it down with republican congressman lee zeldin who serves on the house foreign affairs committee. congressman, it's great to see you. how would you assess president trump's performance at the g20? >> i thought president trump did well. i think that for all of the foreign leaders who were there, there were a lot of meetings, conversations that took place with everything that's going on right now in the world, i think it's important when all of our leaders get together with each other to talk about these complex issues, because where we might be adversarial, say, with
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russia on one particular or several different areas, they also are going after isis and where you can communicate and share strategy, where it helps serve your own -- helps serve your own country's interests, and security, it's good to have those communications. so i thought it was a good trip. and i think it was good, though, for many countries to be at the able talking to each other. >> let's talk about sefbing your country's own interests. on the front page of the "new york times" today, there's an article called, once dominant t u.s. is now isolated at g20 and it say that on friday, the president found the united states isolated on all kinds of things from trade to climate change and the u.s. was singled out for bailing on the paris climate accord. so the is being a loner on the world stage a success? >> well, i mean, as it relates to paris, it will be important to see what president trump does in the months and the years ahead with regard to this particular topic.
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he pulled out of the -- he pulled the united states out of the agreement, talking about how we could have entered into a better deal, and this was a bad deal for the united states. there's a big difference between pulling out and in the months and years ahead having no conversation about negotiating a better deal, or figuring out how to reengage where the united states is, again, making a commitment in the international stage and securing more of a commitment from other countries. so, we'll see how that goes, but so far, since he pulled out, i haven't seen him reengage with the international community on the issue, and i haven't heard of him doing so while at the g20. i've heard of a lot of topics being discussed at g20, but not one from that particular angle. >> so, on that front, are you disappointed that we didn't hear more from the president on climate change while at the g20? >> there is a lot to talk about. you know, i would love to get a readout on, you know, to get confirmation as to whether or how it came up in any of the
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conversations, so it would be tough to assume that it didn't come up because even in his conversations with others, i would imagine some of the other world leaders brought it up and i don't know, you know, who did, when they did and what the president said when that happened. so, it would be good to get more of a readout on exactly to what extent it came up at the g20 in order to be able to comment on it. but there really is a lot of -- there is a lot to talk about that we have been hearing about, especially the meeting with president putin and that the president brought up russian meddling in the 2016 elections at the onset of that particular conversation. so, you know, there's a lot that we were looking for to come up in our conversations here at home and of course all the national security issues, north korea, syria, and whatnot, which were discussed at well. >> you mentioned it. let's talk about it. the meeting seemed to overshadow
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the entire summit. today, the president said the meeting was tremendous but russia and the united states have put out these conflicting accounts of the meeting. russian foreign minister lavrov tells us that president trump accepted that russia went interfering. what's the deal? who's right? >> well, russia meddles. russia meddled -- about russia meddling in our elections. that's what hthey do. they meddle in afghanistan where there's a relationship there between russia and the taliban. >> i guess i'm sorry, congressman, i guess my question is, should the white house be pushing back more aggressively on sergey lavrov's statement that the president seemed to accept what vladimir putin said, that he didn't meddle. >> the short answer is yes. and i think with regard to any of the meetings that the president has and any of the conversations that took place, where there's a public account contradicting what actually happened, it's always important to push back on that narrative, to ensure that the facts of what actually happened, the account of, from our side, is the one
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that rules if that is, in fact, what happened. >> well, again, the problem with having no note takers in the room, i guess. new york congressman lee zeldin, thank you so much. >> good to see you. and if you missed it, last night was incredible. be sure to catch an encore presentation of the first installment of the special series "on assignment with richard engel" tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. richard engel reports from hamburg, germany, and russia, examining president donald trump's first meeting with president vladimir putin. the kremlin's crackdown on protesters and a whole lot more and do not miss the second installment next friday night. richard joins u.s. troops in northern iraq and reports from the front lines of the battle for mosul. don't miss "on assignment with richard engel" friday at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. coming up next, the growing opposition to the request for protected voter data by the white house commission investigating potential voter fraud. more than 40 states now refusing
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election officials from across the country are in indianapolis this weekend finding themselves in the center of a very controversial issue, voter fraud. this after the cochair of the white house voter fraud commission, ks secretary of state kris kobach, asked states to hand over just a massive amount of publicly available voter data. the overwhelming majority of states, 45 states and the district of columbia, have either declined to release voter data or will hand over just limited amounts of that information. joining me now is the california secretary of state, alex pedilla, who is there at the meeting in indianapolis. how would you describe the level of outrage or discontent toward the white house from your fellow secretaries of state there in indiana. >> well, the good news is, clearly overwhelming and bipartisan pushback on what, at
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a minimum, is a huge invasion of privacy that this request is, this letter from the commission, but i think the bigger picture that's abundantly clear to a lot of us here at this conference is the problem starts at the top. donald trump says he's america first, but when it comes to elections and cyber security, he's clearly putting russia first. >> so, what is this about? is this about states' rights? you just mentioned russia. we have seen this request from the voting commission, unite republicans and democrats to push back on the data request. why, in an age of almost no bipartisanship, why are we seeing bipartisan support for the pushback here? >> look, i think the data request itself is problematic in a number of ways. it's not just public information that they're requesting. it's actually a very invasive request of the information they're requesting of every voter in the united states of america. and they're doing it in a way that has no protections on the data that they seek to collect. so, if you want to make the job
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easier for putin, or you simply want to make the job easier for folks in the identity theft and fraud business, this is exactly the way to do it. but the real problem here is the commission itself. it's, number one, serving as a distraction to the true threat against our elections, and that is the role of the russians and foreign interference in last year's election. the president can't seem to settle with the fact that he lost the popular vote and so he's trying to distract from those issues. here's what i think. instead of obsessing about building a wall on the southern border, help us invest in firewalls to protect the integrity of our elections in the united states of america. >> i actually, your argument, which i hadn't heard before is actually a fascinate one, that the centralization of voter data puts the united states and voters at a greater risk and the decentralization is part of the reason that actually keeps the patrick of jurisdictions so secure. i want to ask you quickly. i understand the kansas secretary of state, kris kobach,
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isn't actually there at the meeting. what's been the reaction to that? >> it's a surprise on the part of many that he so conspicuously absent. he's been on this mission of his to root out voter fraud that simply isn't there. he's named as co-chair of the commission, who, you know, first step is to conduct this invasive data request before the commission has even met or established the procedures and the protocols for how they're going to operate. clearly not in a transparent format, and for him to avoid this conference, this gathering of these secretaries of state, the elections officials for all 50 states in the country, it's, you know, what does he have to hide? why isn't he here? >> so, just correct me if i'm wrong, but are you essentially saying that kris kobach is hiding from the secretaries of state of the united states of america? >> well, i can tell you this, if he was genuine about wanting to work with states to improve not
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just the integrity of our elections but the strength of our democracy, and the voter experience and voter engage m, this is where to do it. secretaries of state are all hands on deck here in indianapolis and he's nowhere to be found. >> california secretary of state alex padilla, the great state of california, my home state. great to see you. >> thank you, jacob. when we come back, we will turn to another controversy surrounding the white house. its travel ban. these women, take a look, part of the banned grandmas movement on instagram. this is fascinating. all of them banned from entering the united states under the policy. we're going to be joined by one of the leaders of the social media campaign and that is coming up right after this break. i was wondering if an electric toothbrush really cleans...
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welcome back. the ninth circuit circuit court of appeals has rejected the state of hawaii's request to block parts of president trump's travel ban. this coming after hawaii filed an emergency injunction just yesterday seeking the court's clarification on a ruling which exempts uncles, aunts, and grandparents from the list of
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family members who are not allowed to enter the united states for 90 days. the ban bars travelers for the six muslim majority countries you're looking at them right there that president trump put in place earlier this year but that hasn't stopped opponents of the travel ban from fighting back on social media. check this out. a new instagram account that shares photos of grandmothers who have been unable to visit their families in the united states, hashtags like banned grandmas and grandparents not terrorists have gone viral in hopes of putting a universal face on the impact of the travel ban. let's bring in one of the leaders of this campaign, the outreach director for the national iranian-american counsel. your grandma, straight-up, became a u.s. citizen five years ago. this travel ban could have easily affected her but your uncle has been impacted by this travel ban this year. talk to us about how so. >> sure. thank you for having me. well, first off, i want to say my colleagues and i at the national iranian-american council wanted to start
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this #grandparentsnotterrorists because we wanted to put a human face on this issue and show the world that these individuals are not terrorists, they are our loved ones, our grandparents, our cousins, and we wanted to show that this really isn't doing anything to make america safer. the one thing that it is doing is fulfilling trump's campaign promise to ban muslims. and as you said, yes, my uncle was personally impacted by this. my husband and i were married this past may, and we were really hoping that my uncle could make it to our wedding from iran, but unfortunately, when he got his letter inviting him to his visa interview, it was just when the muslim ban had hit and it really impeded his process in getting into the united states on time. >> this is just heart wrenching for so many different families all across america. i remember when this muslim ban first came down, and i was at los angeles international airport, it's just heartbreaking on an individual level to see the specific families that are affected by this.
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you didn't have to do this. you have 600 -- i was just looking. you have 643 followers on the banned grandmas instagram page right now. you want to build a movement, do a social media campaign. why this strategy? >> because everybody loves their grandmothers. everybody has a close relationship with their grandmothers, and unfortunately, speaking for myself personally, i wasn't able to have that relationship until just five years ago. so, we wanted to put a human face on that, to show the world that these are the individuals who are being imeimpacted and that it's not right. >> what do you think's going to happen next now that the ninth circuit's rejected hawaii's question. >> unfortunately, i think that it's becoming more and more clear that we can't rely on the courts to defend us until the end of time. i think what needs to happen is we need to put pressure on members of congress to stand up to trump and to push back against this ban. there is legislation in congress right now collecting dust that
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could repeal the ban on monday if members of congress took it up, but unfortunately, they haven't been doing that and i think we need to band togtd and make sure that they do. >> let's talk about the supreme court because we know the supreme court's going to hear the muslim travel ban case in october. i mean, do you think it's going to be upheld, considering the supreme court allowed part of the ban to move forward right now, which puts us in the situation we're in and talking about today. >> i'm not a legal expert. i can only hope that the supreme court will do what's right and take the ban completely off of the books. and i think what we're seeing here is the trump administration trying to nitpick and include bits and pieces of this ban in order to save face. and honestly, to me, it's bordering on pathological. >> does -- do you get the sense, impacted to a i wanted to ask you about instagram. i'm sure your grandma knows that you are fighting for people just like you but do you think your grandma has any idea what
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instagram is? >> i don't believe so. i'll have to fill her in the next time i see her. >> i think it's extraordinary what you're doing. your grandma looks amazing just from the pictures we've been look at and i want to thank you for taking the time to come here on a saturday. thanks a lot. >> thank you. i'm not going anywhere. you shouldn't either. ahead in our next hour, much more on the g20 summit, which just wrapped up in germany hours ago. what are the big takeaways from president trump's first meetings with the fellow g20 leaders? more on that when we come right back.
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sides exchanging views on the current tensions in the korean peninsula. the president's first meeting of the day with british prime minister theresa may. >> the prime minister may and i have developed a very special relationship, and i think trade will be a very big factor between our two countries, so i want to thank you very much. >> mr. president, did the russians lie about your meeting yesterday? >> thank you. >> thank you. >> mr. president. >> thank you. >> a great deal of attention still being focused on what came out of trump's meeting with president vladimir putin. you heard the question shouted right there today. the president commenting on how that meeting went. >> rex and i had a tremendous meeting yesterday with president putin. we've had really great meetings with a lot of people. >> joining me now with the latest from hamburg, germany, is nbc's peter alexander. peter, what is the overall take away from what you saw over the course
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