tv Meet the Press MSNBC July 9, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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this sunday, trump, putin and russian election interference. rex tillerson says president trump pressed vladimir putin on russian hacking but lets talk about how we want to go forward. so, was it president trump or putin who got what he wanted out of their first meeting. former cia john brennan and republican senator, lyndsey graham. first, north korea's growing
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ambiti ambition. >> a never before seen a missile capable of hitting the u.s. >> does the world have any good options to stop north korea's program. want to know why republicans cannot agree on replacing obamacare? just ask senator pat toomey. >> we did not expect donald trump to win. we did not expect to be in this situation. can the repeal and replace plan be saved? i will ask the two party leaders, ronald mcdavid and perez in their first ever appearance. joining me robert costa and kristin welker and rich lowry at the national review and ruth marcus, columnist for the washington post. welcome to sunday. it is "meet the press." >> the longest running show in
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television history, celebrating the 70th year, this is "meet the press" with chuck todd. good sunday morning. did you miss friday's meeting with vladimir putin and donald trump. this photo was took place behind closed doors with two translators. the meeting from secretary of state tillerson and lavrov and later mr. putin, near sanctions or denials and insisted to move on of the russian meddling. i strongly pressed putin twiced of meddling in our election and he vehemently denied it. it is time to move forward and
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working constructively with russia. still a at a time where our world is facing this threat. it is president trump's ambiguous relationship with america's chief officer that captured so much attention. >> reporter: on friday, president trump metapha face toe with the russian president. >> it is an honor to be with you. the sit-down began with putin who killed imprison germans. these are the ones who insulted you? >> there was a clear, positive chemistry between if two. >> because the meeting too place booipd clo behind closed doors without a single skeptics, we'll never know how trump push putin. russia interfered.
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>> tillerson argued that the president pressed putin on more than one kaeindication. >> putin himself says president trump accepted his assurances. >> he asked me question and i answered and i clarified. i think he's satisfied my answer >> the fact that he did not lay out an explicit calculation, russ russia, here is what you did and by the way, it is going to be publicly reported because i the president of the united states have ordered it to be publicly report. we have not heard that he did that. >> tillerson says the u.s. and the russians will form a working group on election interference. the intelligence committee says that's a kin to invite the north
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koreans. mr. trump questioned whether russia was behind the attacks behind the united states. >> i think it is russia but i think it is probably other people and other countries and i see nothing is wrong with that statement. nobody really knows. he attacked his own intelligence committee on foreign soils. >> everybody was 100% sure that iraq had weapons of mass destruction. guess what? that led to one big mess. >> joining me now, the former head of the cia, john brennan, welcome back to "meet the press." >> good morning chuck, thank you for having me on. i want to start off with his tweets. putin and i discussed forming an i am -- fake news says 17 intel
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agencies and four had to apologize. why did obama did nothing? >> here is another to unpack here. >> do you interpret this as president trump taking words of vladimir putin over the words of the american intelligence committee. certain indication, he does not take the words of american intelligence. he also had questions of the integrity and u.s. intelligence. so therefore i question whether or not mr. putin heard from mr. trump of the assault on our democratic institutions of the election. >> you seemed particularly upset of him questioning the intelligence on foreign soils. what's wrong and he brought up the iraq issue, what's wrong of
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him expressing public skepticism. >> i don't think he demonstrate good communication skills against mr. putin. he gave mr. putin to point to the failures o f our intelligence. >> right before he met with mr. putin and talked to him at some length, he said, it is an honor to meet vladimir putin? an honor to meet the individual carrying out the assault of the election? to me it is a horrible thing to say >> he says questions were asked, it is new to me of the cia. >> it is new to me as well. >> the cia would ever ask something like that. we have no domestic authorities. that's what the fbi did. mr. trump pointed to the cia and podesta and it is absolutely
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wrong. >> you made a comment about treason. let me play it here and get you to explain it on the other side. >> people do not realize until it gets to be too late. >> with various stories and new this morning about and i think the trump campaign response especialliy did not know this russian background that it is unwitting. is that what you are referring to. is it meeting like that of the information that your folks collected tat the cia that raiss your suspicion? >> they are capable and aggressive intelligence services. they'll do whatever they can to get information they need in their view for their national security. they'll interact with people and frequently play people and a lot o f time people who are interacting russians and other
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russians are being exploited for russian intelligence purposes. again, the process of committing treasons in one country takes place place. >> if you see that there is somebody that could be compromised. >> do you go and warn those folks? hey, be careful with the relationship. what is that line there? is there a point where you want to warn an american, hey, don't do business with them. >> there are a lot of unique circumstances determine how we proceed. we'll work with the fbi and making sure that the fbi is aware of this and this puzzle that we are unaware of. we have an obligation because of our intelligence.
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>> when you are collecting the data at the time. when you are raising information, i believe it is june of 2016, a little bit before that the fbi was told, why did it took a while for the rest of the intelligence committee to come around the session? >> we were working closely with the fbi. as you can understand, there is some sensitive sources. we have to be careful how we handle the information. i went down and spoke of the issue of the ballot and jim comey as well. as an ongoing investigation moving forward, we don't want to do anything at all that can compromise the bureaus and the community so it has to be handled carefully.
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>> when you met with folks, there was a debate of what to do. there is a tick thomas ho-tock happened at the end of the obama term. this is one anonymous that obama said. "it was the hardest thing about my entire time in government to defend, i feel like we sort of choked." the idea that enough was not done before the election and the political impacted. >> that's the brave comment of anonymous source. they should be able to say that on the record first of all. i think we can look at the action that is we are taking prior to the election and after the election, i confronted my main russian counter part and on august 4th. if you go down this road, it is going to have serious consequences on our ability working with russia on any issue
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because it is an assault on our democracy and president obama confronted president vladimir putin in september. so after we did that, i wonder if the russians took a step back. wait a minute, we are not going to be aggressive. >> did you see evidence? >> i did see evidence they continue to do things that we were concerned about of manipulating and tallies and other things and mapping architectures of the state system, they could have done more or did not do more. >> let me ask of the issue, the trump administration believed the leak issue and that the leaks are unfair. number one, there is some studies that there are more leaks coming out of the white house and national security team than we have ever seen before.
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some of it according to the trump administration coming from career folks and some of it they blame you for somebody's leaks. how damaging are these leaks? >> there are two types of leaks. one type is revealing classified information. they need to stop and being investigated and people need to be held accountable. there are leaks of conversations and internal white house and that's something that the white house is going to have to get control of. as you point out, there is a lot that's hemorrhaging out of this administration. >> is there information currently classified of this investigation that you think should be put in the public record that is not yet? >> i am deferring to bob mueller to determine how the information related to this investigation should be coming out publicly and any ongoing investigation,
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the bureau and that investigation should be careful and gaining additional information. are you going to be or is it scheduled? >> no, i have not been contacted. >> john brennan, i appreciate you going on. >> thank you, sir. joining me now is lyndsey graham who sits on the senate. welcome back to the show. >> good morning. let me start with russia, the president and the cyber security statement that he put out there. >> he wants to work with vladimir putin claiming that this cyber security unit will prevent future elections hacking and many things will be guarded. >> it is not the dumbest idea that i heard but it is pretty close.
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two hours and fifteen minutes meeting, president trump and tillerson is ready to forgive and forget. they did try to attack our election system. they were successful in many ways and the more you do this, the more people are suspicious about you and russia. he's got a great national team around him. he's doing a good job in afghanistan and north korea and isil. when it comes to russia, he's got a blind spot into forgive and forget. that's what he's doing. >> here we are, you have said similar things before. other republicans have said similar things before, that only invoke for suspicion. is he putting more faiths in putin's words than the words of the american intel committee? >> i would like it that way, he seems to forgive and forget
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putin. it makes me more committed than ever to get sanctions on president trump's desk to punish putin. there is only one person that i know that has any doubt of what russia did in our election is president trump. i hate that because i really like what he's doing of putting him on north korea and when it comes to russirussia, he's dum d dumbfounded and disappointed. he's doing it all over the world. one of the things that the president said that sanctions did not come up and until ukraine and syria, our props are solved. how did you take that tweet? do you take that as a positive sign that he does not want to lift sanction os or a negative
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sign? >> i take it as a positive sign. i take all the other tweets is a blind spot about russia. he needs to sit down with his fbi director and cia director and dnr and all people he's appointed and they'll tell him if he will listen that the russians did it and they're involved in the election process. i worry about what they're going to do in september and 2018. he's the only person that i know of who has any doubt of where russia attack our election in 2016. and it did not change the outcome. there is no evidence of collusion that i see. the more he talks about this, the more he's throwing our committee under the bus. the for he forgives putin, it is going to dog his presidency and it is going to break this up.
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>> is really do believe he's coming up with the right strategy with afghanistan and isil and when it comes to north korea, he told me to my face, lyndsey, i will not let them have a missile hitting our homeland. he wants missile to hit america and president trump told me to my face, i will never let that happen. the only thing between war and the united states and north korea is missile program is china. he understands the world pretty dam well except for russia. mr. president, you are hurting your ability to govern this nation by forgiving and forgetting when it comes to russia empowering of our democracy, putin, i just don't get it. >> you have talked about this new russian sanctions bill that
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passed through the senate, 98-2. it is in the house. >> right. >> some say it is being stalled in the house. there is reports of trump administration trying to water down the administration. if he does not sign this bill, he will be trained the democracy. is that your red line for working with president trump. >> the house needs to pass a bill. if you don't like our bill word for word k you c, you can chang. i intend to punish the russians for meddling in our elections, they are doing it all over the world and the neighbors. i want a clear message to russia you will pay a price for under cutting our democracy and if president trump does not embrace this, i think he will be empowering the russians and betraying our democracy. i cannot say it clearer than that. we as a nation is more security when we have european democracy working jointly with us and civilizations need to push back
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with isil. the speech was great. the whole idea of moving forward without punishing russia is cutting his presidency. the secretary of state implies that they got the right approach. i am curious of what you thought that coming from the secretary of state. >> i like secretary tillerson. we have a good military strategy, turning the war around. we'll be aggressive against the taliban and international terrorists. there was no focus and no resources. we don't have an ambassador in pakistan and pakistan, there is no effort on tillerson part to be apart of the team to turn around in afghanistan and his statement of syria really disturbed me. putin does not have it right when it comes to syria.
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this syria fire -- this cease-fire is going to have assad. secretary tillerson needs to staff up the state department and use it widely. they're completely a wall when it comes to their part of astrology and afghanistan. >> before i let you go. healthcare and the department front. are you ready to support this bill? >> is there a vote on healthcare in the next two weeks in the u.s. senate? >> i think this bill is better than obamacare and south carolina, we are down to one exchange, 70% of the county. whether or not we can come together, kri don't know. you got different counts of the republican party. if obamacare is going to fall,
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lets work together. >> senator dprgraham, ill leav it there. only you is willing to spend your birthday with us. happy birthday. >> thank you. >> when we come back, more on the trump/putin me's meeting an the missile that could now reach the united states. are there any options for the u.s. to stop north korea's ambition? dad, one second i was driving and then the next... they just didn't stop and then... i'm really sorry. i wrecked the subaru. i wrecked it. you're ok. that's all that matters. (vo) a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. fixodent plus adhesives. there's a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening.
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welcome back. the panel is here. rob acosta, who, among other things, host of "washington week" on pbs. white house correspondent kristen welker. welcome all. whether we know what the white house wants to push or not. president trump made it clear that we are talking about russia and putin. the news is not good. he had lyndsey graham, the republican senator who's -- he's
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an on and off again supporter critic. he was in full critic mode because of the president's tweetwee twee tweets. the president believes that a lot of the focus narrative is people under cutting him and under minding his election. he's not going to give into that. the problem is now, he's in a position where that position has implicitly accepting the ball face lies that vladimir putin told him in this one meeting. >> marco rubio tweeted this morning, partnering with putin on a cyber security unit i is -- when he does this, there is a whole threw of republicans that don't have the stomach for the putin's stuff. >> nor should they. this is outrageous. lets go through it. first of all, we were on tensions of hooks whether he will bring it up. lets not define the president's
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responsibilities. he clearly need to bring it up in a way that was more force full than what he described himself as doing. my opinion is no. what do we know? he says nobody really knows for sure. that's as lyndsey graham says it is empowering and dishonorable that he's not standing up for an assault for american democracy. >> when you talk to republicans and democrats, one of the thing that is infuriates them is that president trump said he was "honored to meet vladimir putin." the question now becomes what is going to happen? is the white house considering the sanctions or are they considering to restore the diplomatic posts? putin did not raise it, that was one of the things that republicans and democrats are
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alike and are quite concerned about and moving forward. >> there is policy consequences to deal with russia, steve hayes wrote this. trump caves to putin, the trump a administration will not punish him. also of the deal of syria, russia is getting its way of the investigation in the country. >> there is a consensus of both party that putin is bad and there is a hawkish view in russia. you are seeing an reimagination, trump is considering russia to be apart of the west. it is striking and alarming and
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especially republicans in the post cold war mentality to have that kind of approach to russia. that's trump's aim, not just a tweet but to build a new kind of relationships with russia. >> if he does not tweet this one about russia. there is a lot of talk that says hey, he was saying tough words against russia. >> i believe it was brilliantly conceived a moving narrative of polish's history. the irony for this guy, the syria policy is in direct steal from the obama administration which is obsessed of the idea where you cut a deal with russia, somehow it will serve our interest and syria. it failed with obama and i believe it will fail with president trump as well.
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>> there is teleprompter trump. i think there is good message there of reaffirms. there was also a kind of only we in the west understand how to do these things correctly and talking about radical islam which we have not raise before. leaving that asaiide. telepromter trump is fine but we know who the real trump is? and that's tweet trump. >> you saw on climate change and trade, he was against the west and the usual way of america going about policy. >> the first european trip they were taken back and this one, he's like, i am the bad guy, bring it on. >> they feel the white house
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feels it was a success. they say he was leading in a number of areas like fighting isis and as you pointed out, robert, the united states seems to be isolated on a whole host of issue. remember he under cut the message of that speech in poland by questioning whether russia stood alone. a lot of competing message that he was sending out. >> the view of russia, they feel like they beat. >> that may not be a cause? who's in power? putin or trump. i think the answer is putin. >> anybody think the putin did not get the better end of this deal? >> putin goes in the meeting with a clear sense of what to get and he gets it. >> that's the conclusion for a lot of people. we'll take a pause here. when we come back, i am joined
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it is good to be here. >> it is our first time meeting together. if is th >> is that right? >> yeah. >> i want to start with this and it goes to the issue why people are so angry. research in the spring of last year and the question was did the other party makes me afraid? i don't think things have gotten better since the polls are done. same question to you, i will let you start. >> i am not afraid of democrats. we had a lot of democrats cross over for president trump and union democrats and people who had not traditionally voted for republicans. we have to have more of a dialogue and talk about our differences in a respectful and sometimes it gets elevated too
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much. >> why do you think we have done this? >> i think we need to leave with our values, chuck. >> healthcare is a right for all and bridge for few. we are the party of opportunity for everyone and not just opportunity for few at the top. i think when we leave with our values, we can command the respect and support of the majority of the american people. people wanted good jobs for everyone and security and retirement and healthcare and a roof over their heads. those are not democratic values. those are american values. >> our pollsters said they were doing a focus group, and said what is a common america value that both parties would share and the room went silent. the room went silent. there is the belief that democrats and republicans don't share any common values anymore. how did we get to that point?
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go ahead. >> i think we do share common values. we care about everyone and there is a different way to get those things. i don't think bigger government is the way to get things better. i don't think a failing obamacare or insurance pulled out of the marketplace is a way to do it. everybody wants better life and wages and national security and strong country for our kids. >> the debate on the trump care bill is a perfect example of our differences. we believe in democrats and the affordable care act cuts the rate of the uninsured by 50%.
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t are we helping people to get quality affordable healthcare. can we do better? >> the challenge that we have now, trump care is not a healthcare bill, it is a tax cut for wealthy people and it exposes in this. >> you are concerned of healthcare, health insurance is one thing. right now you have health insurance cost that are doubling and deductibles that are so high. that's not healthcare. obamacare did not give people healthcare, they got them higher and higher insurance that they cannot access it. we have to find a way. democrats, come and talk with us. this is really important. the affordable care act saved lives. i spoke to people and i get approach by people everyday. my son is on the autism spectrum. if i lose the coverage under medica
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medicaid, i am going to have to instituti institution institutionallize him. they want to change medicaid as we know it and this week there are so where you will see a bill of $45 billion to opioid abuse, that's like taking a dollar away and say i will give 20 cents back. that's not going to help people. that's like going on fire, chuck. >> the care act is not affordable. >> i have no doubt that the two of you disagreed on the direction. >> tell me that it is doing well. our marketplaces and the 49 counties that won't have insurance. our premiums are doubling. it is failing. >> go ahead. >> talk to the person who's confronted of the opioid entrepreneepic.
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we are trying to find solutions. >> i want to pause. i know where you guys are on this. i want to ask a larger question here that has to do with this fight a little bit. there is a lot of people are in the middle on this. they hear a little bit from you, yeah, this is a little expensive. they hear what you have to say, this is a right and we need to figure oit. they feel that the two party does not give them the opportunity to be. do you accept this premise that both of our party are captured by the base right now. >> again, lets talk about the access to help care. when we debate the 2009 senate, there were 100 hearing in the senate, there were 143 amendments to the final senate bill that were republican amendments. if this had not been done in secrets as the recent bill had been done.
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we could have come together. chuck schumer have said, president trump convened us of the way president obama did. i am confident that we can come together if our north star is we are going to have increase access quality and affordable healthcare. >> where are you right now? democrats are sitting on their hands and they're saying we are not coming to the table. >> with all due respect, when tom says republicans don't give a blank about anyone, i know democrats care about other people. we just have a different set of opinion on the path. that type of rhetoric does not bring us to a party. we have to have a dialogue and be respectful and share our opinions to get to the same place where we want to go which is a better life for our kids and our grand kids. >> she brought up a line that
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you were saying. >> here is the problem, i need people are worried to death because republican repeal bill is no at healthcare bill. it is a tax cut bill for the megawealthy. >> that's a broad statement to say republicans don't give a blank about you. you cannot say that. >> 200,000 people will die. >> that's rehetoric over the to again. >> 22 million people are losing their lifeline. >> i think we now -- no, no -- >> we are the only ones that's fighting right now. we love to be apart of it. >> all right, i am going to end the conversation here. the debate will continue. i know this week and far beyond. thank you for both appearance. >> thank you for having us. >> appreciate it. and when we come back, the growing divide over america over
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media keeps political leaders from doing things that should be done or does it keep political leaders from doing their jobs? 70% said the new media prevents politicians from doing things that should not be done. that's an encouraging sign for those of us in the press. a, education and geography all shape help folks answer this question. the big difference for young and old. those with a college degree and more are ten polls more likely than those with a high school education orless to feel the same way. urban residents are 11 points more than rural tavarresidents. a majority of democratic poll supports the idea of older and younger americans and men and
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women and you aurban and rural americans, a majority of republicans, 56% says the media keeps politicians from doing their job. compares that to 89% of democrats supporting the media watchdog's world. but, the split between democrats and republicans of 2017 gives the sharpest divide we have ever measure on this question since they started it in 1985. president trump obviously plays a role in this divide of fake news. this is another sign of how increasingly polarized we have become. when we come back, the real reason, the republican healthcare bill is in so much trouble. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that.
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now with the panel. you just heard a lot about health care in the last segment with two of the party chairs. here's what pat toomey said about why republicans are having so much trouble to get a health care bill. >> you saw the consensus. since the election last fall, i didn't expect donald trump to win, my colleagues didn't, so we didn't expect to be in this situation, and looking at how difficult it is to get to a consensus, it's hard to enforce that. >> the senators i speak to on capitol hill privately, many of them don't want to move forward with this legislation.
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they know it's unpopular and they would like to see democrats shoulder the blame with the affordable care act and they know that democrats would love to run against republicans in 2018 on this health care bill. there is a real reluctant if they can't figure out how. maybe to shelve it and force the democrats. >> what will the base do if they punt? my gut is they punt. how will the base react? >> if they punt and prop up obamacare it will be really ugly. the structural problem they have is a faction of the republican party doesn't want to repeal obamacare and a faction of the republican party that doesn't watt to replace obamacare so if you try to repeal and replace it it will be extremely difficult. >> it's going to be really ugly for republicans almost no matter what happens.
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having this unexpected opportunity to govern the base who has been promised for seven years now that it is going to be ripped out is going to have a beef. they can't not -- they can't say obamacare is failing us which is not actually accurate. they are doing their best to make it fail. if they don't do something they can't not take steps. >> that becomes a big problem. what has been striking based on my conversations with people is that they have two completely different versions of a plan b. people say if this doesn't pass we want to just do repeal and replace several years down the line. that is what the president tweeted several days ago. folks on capitol hill say that ship has sailed. if this fails i think there is a lot of gray area about how you
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move forward. >> we talk about whether the republican base is going to care if this bill isn't passed i'm not so sure. this has become a grievance party, a party that chants fake news. the idea is that conservative base needs to have repeal and replace i don't see it on the road. >> the white house thinks they do. >> let me shift this discussion slightly because i had the two chairs on together. it was something that meet the press has done as a tradition. we know the parties are polarized. i think we have an example of it there. they are still talking past each other. >> what i think is most poisonous is not necessarily partisan conflict. it's the distrust in our governing institutions. it's the word rigged which both parties are invested in. i think that is the worst word in american public culture. >> one of the things that i thought was striking from mcdaniel was talking about how democrats had failed somehow to
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come to the table as if they had been invited to the table, as if republican senators hadn't been crafting all of this behind closed doors with zero interest in bringing on democrats. i thought that one of the telling moments this week in addition to senator toomey was senator mcconnell essentially repeating his threat saying you will end up with -- >> it is perceived as a threat. >> i was listening to the conversation about the party chairman. the president of the united states is a nonidea logical former democrat and the most popular on the left is an independent senator named bernie sanders. >> it was among my questions for them is the relevancy. are they nothing more than just check cashing machines or a credit line when a presidential campaign needs them?
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>> they couldn't move off of their talking points. it under scores how complicated if they would try to work together to stabilize the markets. republicans are up against some tough deadlines. the base will not tolerate bipartisanship. >> we are back with end game and a member of the oceans 11 team who is speaking to justice kennedy about his future career. noo introducing the easiest way to get gillette blades text "blades" to gillette on demand text to reorder blades with gillette on demand... ...and get $3 off your first order delicious pasta marinara. but birds eye made it from zucchini. mmm! bird: mashed potatoes and rice. but made from cauliflower.
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looks like i need a fork! oh, no. (giggling) bird: new birds eye veggie made. so veggie good. introducing the new sleep number 360™ smart bed. the only bed smart enough to change sleep as we know it. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you comfortable. and snoring.... does your bed do that? right now save on sleep number 360™ smart beds. plus, it's the lowest prices of the season with savings of $500 on our most popular p5 bed. ends sunday.
4:58 pm
back now with end game. there are a lot of interesting op-eds this morning. one caught my eye and i had to shake my head. he writes this this morning when i turned 81 i had finished oceans 11 and gearing up for oceans 12 which led me to a cross country book tour. i know the problems that come with the journey. these are not ordinary times and you are anything but an ordinary man. he is now 95. and oceans 11 came out in 2011. >> put him on the supreme court. >> i have written two columns beseeching justice kennedy not to retire. he has a point that could resonate which is that justices watch sandra day o'connor retire to help her husband who was sick
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t. is said that she regretted it. >> rich, the fact is if wu don't get this retirement soon -- you don't do this on election years. >> everyone on the right is hoping he retires. cross country trips, barbecuing. if trump got a second pick that would cement his domestic legacy for conservatives. >> the biggest mess. this would be political war to end political war. >> that is all we have for today. we'll be back next week because if it is sunday it's meet the press. >> you can see more end game in post game on the facebook page. press."
5:00 pm
tonight is one of those nights when most of the world's attention has been focussed on what is happening in one city. the g-20 is happening and where president trump sat down with vladimir putin for the first time since russia launched its attack on the u.s. presidential election last year. for the past few years the united states and much of the world has been trying to isolate russia for its aggressive behavior for what it did when it annexed crimea and made it part of russia and what it did to our own elections. today the russian time-out apparently ended with a full bilateral meeting between the
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