tv First Look MSNBC July 14, 2017 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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headquarters here in new york. . this morning is bastille day in france, and president trump is a guest of honor. the new senate gop health care bill is introduced. two senators are voicing their opposition. republicans, they cannot afford to lose another vote. admitting to murder after four young men go missing in pennsylvania. the lawyer for the person of interest in custody says his client has confessed. good morning. it's friday, july 14th. well, it's bastille day in paris, and we are looking live as the military procession continues. halle jackson joins us with a
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live report in just a few minutes. back here in the u.s., after reworking their health care legislation, senate republicans have unveiled a new bill that already appears to be in jeopardy. early this morning president trump applying pressure to his party. republican senators are working hard to get their failed obama care replacement approved. i will be at my desk pen in hand. that was the tweet that came out a short while ago. so important republican senators under leadership of mitch mcconnell get health care plan approved after seven years of o care disaster. must happen. after all of these years of suffering through obama care, republican senators must come through as they have promised. already senators rand paul and susan collins have said they will not support the bill. even republicans with no vote to spare. >> you think the new version is better than the old version? >> no, i think it's worse. i mean, the old version repealed most of the obama care taxes. this repeels about half the obama care taxes. continues to fund the majority
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of the subsidies, continues to keep majority of the regulations. really i think we're keeping obama care as much as anything, and that's not our promise. >> it does not make sense to do a major rewrite of a vital entitlement program without having any hearings or considerati consideration. that's something that is a major reason that i find myself unable to support the bill. >> why no democrats expected to vote for the bill, majority leader mitch mcconnell knees 50 of the gop senators to pass the legislation. to win over moderates. the bill includes $45 million to fight opioid epidemic, $70 billion to stabilize the cost of the health care. extension of the three obama care tax breaks. to appease conservatives, the bill also allows insurers to share new low cost strip down policies that aren't obama care
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compliant. large cuts to medicaid will remain in place, which has left some senators undecided on the new bill. over the next several days mcconnell is expected to meet with hold-outs to try and convince them not to walk away from their promise to repeal obama care. >> what's your bet on whether mitch mcconnell can pull this off? >> well, he is good. he has pulled more than one rabbit out of the hat, and i keep asking him if he feels fuzzy ears of another one in there somewhere. we'll see. you know, we need to do this, and move on then to tax reform and other things. >> the build a day reflects the speck strum. it's not the ideal bill i would like to pass. i suspect there may not be a single senator. >> all right. joining us now from washington capitol hill reporter for the hill molly cooper. good morning to you. it seems like mitch mcconnell faces really an uphill battle on health care since really both moderates and conservative republicans are expressing
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doubt. the period of work that you have for two weeks into august, so i don't know if it's going to be totally possible for them to have this vote to proceed next week, but perhaps the week after. it's not necessarily whether he is going to get these votes for the first vote on the actual legislation. it's just simply moving on to the legislation. after the senate does take up the legislation, then at that
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point members of the senate primarily republicans can offer amendments and what not that have the chance of passing and maybe improving the bill for the republicans. at this point it's unclear whether he will have those votes next week. >> molly, i want to get a sense as to the support or the lack thereof that the president has right now amidst everything that's been going on. the president aboard air force one thursday night talking to the press, and he said about his political strength a quote. every single party chairman said that my base is substantially stronger than it was in november. that is a big compliment, and i feel it. does that sort of line up, molly, with what you've been hearing from republicans on capitol hill?
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republicans say people want to know about health care. they want to know about tax reform. they want to know about jobs. they still have confidence this president can pull things off. when we start seeing republicans go to president trump and say you got to cut down on the tweeting, you got to deal with the russia scandal, when they say that to him directly, then we'll know that his support is slipping away in these districts. until then, it seems like republicans are saying he does have this support, which is why a lot of them are not speaking out against it. >> pretty interesting to hear. >> isn't that interesting? i think, oh, well, we hear all the twitter scandal and what not. >> you would think it would be waning. >> exactly. it's not. >> thank you. president donald trump defended his son's meeting with a lawyer allegedly offering help from the russian government stating that it was entirely normal. a claim that many political operatives and even his own nominee for fbi director
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disagreed with. take a listen. >> from a practical standpoint most people would have taken that meeting. it's called opposition research or research into your opponent. i have only been in politics two years, but i have had many people call up, oh, gee, we have information on this factor or this person. frankly, hillary, that's her standard in politics. it's not the nicest business in the world. they have the information, and you take the information. i think the press made a very big deal over something that really a lot of people would do. >> and then speaking with reporters aboard air force one on wednesday night, trump claimed that his aides they ended up bored by the russian lawyer story. "one of them left after a few
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minutes, which is jared kushner. paul manafort was playing with his iphone. don jr. listened out of politeness." senate judiciary chairman chuck grassley says that don jr. could appear before his committee as early as next week. in wednesday's discussions with reporters on air force one, donald trump said he found out -- a new report claims that the president's outside legal team were informed about the mills documenting the meeting three weeks ago. "sources told yeah new hughes in a mark, the president's chief -- and alan garden, executive vice president of the trump organization, were both informed about the emails in the third week of june after they were discovered by lawyers for kushner. kas owi tz has not responded to yahoo's request. the white house later released excerpts of the 90
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minute discussion. the president talked at length about his private audience with vladimir putin. he also sought to explain how he confronted the russian president over the election interference. he said he asked putin twice. the second time in a totally different way. then the president went on to say, according to transcripts, "i'm not saying it wasn't russia. what i'm saying is that we have to protect ourselves no merit who it is. you know, china is very good at this. i hate to say it. north korea is very good at this. look what they did to sony studios. they were the ones that did the whole deal to sony." he continued, "i did say we can't is have a sintilla of doubt on our elections and going forward." reporters asked have you told him that, to which the president responded, "i told him, i said, look, we can't have now. absolutely not twice. what do you do? end nup a fist fight with somebody? okay?" >> staying with president trump. right now he is taking part in the french national day parade celebrating bastille day along with french president emmanuel
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macron. it comes as their relationship seems to warm. once seen as icy, things took on a more buddy-buddy tone yesterday. >> we have a very good relationship. a good friendship. you have a great president. you have somebody that's going to run this country right. i would be willing to bet because i think this is one of the great cities, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. you have a great leader now. you have a great president. you have a tough president. i really have a feeling that you are going to have a very, very peaceful and beautiful paris, and i'm coming back. you better do a good job, please. otherwise, you're going to make me look very bad. >> you're always welcome. >> thank you. >> even on the paris climate agreement, one of the most polarizing issues from those two leaders, trump seemed more conciliatory than in the past. >> something could happen with respect to the paris accord.
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we'll see what happens. but we will talk about that over the coming period of time, and if it happens, that will be wonderful. if it doesn't, that will be okay too. we'll see what happens. we do discuss many things today, and we briefly hit on the paris accord, and we'll see what happens. >> president trump also drew attention for these off hand comments to president macron's wife, bridgette. >> all right. joining us live from the parade route in paris, nbc news's chief white house correspondent halle jackson. halle, some thawing of the relations there it seems. what is this newfound friendship between macron and trump. sort of looking globally as well on the world stalge. give us your perspective here. >> kind of a warmup, right?
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let me set the scene for you. we are here on the risers and just behind me is president trump and president macron. they are side-by-side. each first lady from both countries here too. we're about an hour or so into this parade. you probably have been looking at some of the images a few minutes ago we had fly-overs. there have been u.s. troops, french troops. really a special moment for people here in france commemorating 100 years. not just bastille day, but 100 years since the entry of u.s. troops world world war senii. as for that relationship, we saw it here as president trump walked as president macron walked up to him and greeted him. you have seen them be friendly towards each other. you have seen them be less, let's say, awkward or tense than that first infamous handshake when they each gripped each other so hard that their knuckles turned white. that has been what we've been seeing around the optics. on the policy front, you see both presidents really downplay their differences. it wasn't about climate as much as it was, for example, in the g20 or the g-7.
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it was more about where they could find common ground on the fight against terror, for example, on how to combat isis given today that it's the one-year anne versery of that terror attack in nice. on a more international front, this is a relationship now. the front, emmanuel macron in particular, being a liaison to the e.u. for the united states. we'll see how that plays out during this administration. we'll watch the rests of the parade, though. for now, back to you. >> thank you, halle. we'll check back with you later in the show. there's new developments in the cases of four missing men in pennsylvania. a lawyer for the person of interest in their disappearance has said that his client has confessed to killing them.
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>> the commonwealth will not be seeking the death penalty. >> 20-year-old cosmo dinardo tells police he participated in the murder of these four men according to his attorney. jimry patrick disappeared july 5th. two days before close friends mark sturgis and tom meo. pennsylvania police are excavating what they are calling a common grave. more than 12 feet deep on a sprawling multimillion-dollar estate belonging to dinardo's parents. multiple bodies have been discovered. for now only one identified. 19-year-old finocchiaro. >> those dogs could smell the boys 12 feet under the ground. >> reporter: state police with help from the fbi have been working around the clock to process this scene. just down this road friends and family have been gathering daily under a tent waiting. >> you wouldn't expect anything like this to happen to a kid like jimmy, who is just such a
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people person. >> reporter: earlier this week police named dinardo as a person of interest, holding him in custody after he allegedly tried to sell meo's car. in court documents dinardo is described by police as suffering from mental illness. at one point involuntarily committed to a mental institution. there remains one big question. why were these four men the victims? stephanie gosk, nbc news, bucks county, pennsylvania. >> troubling story there. still ahead, a federal judge loosens some of the restrictions on president trump's travel ban, but there are new rules about what defines close family. plus, former president jimmy carter hospitalized from dehydration. we'll have an update on his condition. that's coming up next along with a check on the weekend forecast. stay with us, everybody.
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forth battle between both sides. >> the judge in hawaii who originally blocked a travel ban in march ruled yesterday that the federal government cannot apply a key part of the white house's ban. that portion provides grandparents and other relatives of people from entering the united states. he says that the interpretation of the supreme court's decision defied commonsense. last month the supreme court ruled that the trump administration could enforce the ban against foreign nationals who lack a quote real relationship to a person in said the united states. former u.s. president jimmy carter was hospitalized yesterday after becoming dehydrated during his annual habitat for humanity bill. according to the corner center, he was taken for a local hospital as a precaution. the center did not say when they expect carter to be released, but they mentioned that former first lady rosiland carter was with him. they have been actively involved with habitat for humanity when he left office.
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looks like stormy wr today, but also things look like they're cooling off a little bit. >> that's really good news, lewis. especially for us here in the northeast over the weekend. not quite yet, though. dealing with storms and heavy downpours. once again in pennsylvania. we have strong storms. this is all remnants of tropical depression number four. look for some heavy rain to accumulate in mississippi and louisiana. how about the temperatures changing? well, it's really depending where you are today. still very warm in washington d.c. into richmond. down through the carolinas. cooler towards the great lakes. that is some good news. chicago, your high temperatures today big improvement than what we've seen so far. 73 degrees. cleveland, 82, but still steamy in raleigh, up to 95 degrees. that is all changing for the weekend because once the front passes, we'll get cooler air in place. boston, your high temperature, 74 on saturday.
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looking good for the weekend in indianapolis as well after a stormy week. then next week things change once again. starts to get a little milder. i think this weekend will actually be a nice reprieve from the hot weather. >> all right, thanks for that. well, still ahead, the woman's final is set at wimbledon. lonzo ball, the draft pick is making history on the hard court. that's next in sports.
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england club. let's go to london where venus williams is defiling age as she advances to the title round with a chance to become the oldest women's grand slam champion in the open era. the tenth seeded williams moved on after a straight set victory in yesterday's semifinal against number six seed joanna conta who had hopes of being the first british woman to reach a wimbledon final in 40 years. she looks to wrap up her sixth wimbledon singles title on saturday. i can't wait. on the court in las vegas, summer league. the nba's draft, second overall pick. lonzo ball continues to make his mark with the lakers. yesterday notching his second triple-double in four games. ball did it last week. no player had ever reported a triple-double in the 13-year tenure of the competition. they beat the cavaliers 94-83. turning now to a blockbuster trade in baseball. as the white sox send ace
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pitcher across town to the north side of chicago in exchange for the cubs' prospects -- four clubs prospects. well, the trade bolsters the cubs' rotation, and it signifies a continued commitment to rebuild by the white sox, who also traded chris sale and adam eden for similar returns last offseason. finally, mets prospect tim tebow is making a difference in the minor leagues. stepping up to the plate in the final frame of a tie game for the st. lucie mets yesterday. >> tebow laces a walk-off shot that sends his team home with 5-4 win. the former nfl quarterback is batting .327 with 10 rbis with st. lucie. >> those numbers are not that bad. .327. that's pretty good. i still think think he will get the call at one point. >> really?
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>> one way or the other. >> big dollar call too, do you think? >> i don't know about that. may ask barnacle about it later in the show. still ahead, here's another look at the military procession that is underway in paris for bastille day separation. president trump is the guest of honor. we have a live report coming up next. plus, there are new questions about jared kushner's security clearance after he updated his form with several new foreign contacts. those stories and more coming up. am i going to pass away likey mom did? and so you know this is something that's important. losing my mom to heart disease and then being diagnosed myself. it's like a war we're trying to fight against these diseases. resilience is in my dna. i won't die like my mom. it's a big challenge, but the challenge in itself is what keeps me going. i could really make a difference in these people's lives. that would be my dream. binders, done. super-cool notebooks, done. that's mom taking care of business.
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it is the bottom of the hour. let's start with the morning's top stories. we have some breaking news out of jerusalem where officials there say that two israeli police officers there are dead after three gunmen opened fire at the temple mound in the old city. special forces will respond to the scene. they shot and killed the gunman who officials are calling terrorists. the u.s. ambassador to israel david friedman says he is "shocked and horrified." the temple mount will remain closed for the rest of the dah i. >> steve scalise has undergone another surgery to manage -- the surgery comes after the congressman was released from the icu after nearly a week. the washington d.c. hospital where he is recovering says he is in fair condition. >> a federal judge has handed a victory to opponents of president trump's travel ban. the latest chapter of the back and forth battle between both sides. the judge in hawaii ruled yesterday that the federal government cannot apply a key part of the white house's ban. that portion prevents grandparents and some other
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relatives and people legally in this country from entering the united states. after reworking their health care legislation, senate republicans have unveiled a new bill that already appears to be in jeopardy. right now two senators are voicing their opposition. nbc news's capitol hill correspondent casey hunt has more. >> reporter: good morning. republicans unveiled their new version of this health care bill yesterday. mitch mcconnell telling republicans behind closed doors over lunch some of the details. he had some things in there for moderates. some in for conservatives. there's already opposition, and it looks like he has no margin for error. senate republicans with no room for error hours after unveiling awe nigh health care bill two gop senators have already said they won't vote for it. >> this bill doesn't repeal obama care. >> i've been very vocal about my concerns. >> reporter: senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has to convince everyone of the 50 remaining republicans to vote yes or the bill fails. >> what's your bet on whether mitch mcconnell can pull this
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off? >> he is good. he has pulled more than one rabbit out of the hat. >> reporter: to try to win over moderates still on the fence, the new bill includes $45 billion to fight the opioid epidemic, $70 billion more to help lower income americans pay for care, and it keeps some of obama care's taxes on wealthy americans. >> everybody is looking for an idea that is more republican and does not run into the concept you're taking money from poor people to give to to research people. >> the new bill doesn't restore any of the deep medicaid cuts, and it includes a conservative proposal allowing people to buy cheap catastrophic insurance without required obama care benefits, like maternity and mental health services. >> i have always believed the consumer freedom amendment is the key to getting to 50. >> mcconnell huddling in his office with hold-outs trying to convince them they can't walk from this their promise to reveal obama care because of americans like loretta thompson, who owns a small equipment repair business outside seattle. insurance deductibles for her 19 employees have quadruples under
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obama care. >> there has got to be a better way to provide insurance for everybody, but also to level the playing field so that small businesses aren't at a disadvantage. >> reporter: republican governors are also a critical piece of this puzzle because many have been pressured to protect money for medicaid in their states. vice president mike pence has that on his agenda today. he is set to meet with nevada governor ryan sandsandoval at a gathering in rhode island. >> casey hunt, thank you for that. joining us again from washington capitol hill reporter for "the hill" molly cooper. we've heard from susan collins, we've heard from rand paul. they'll both be voting against this health care bill. you think others are going to jump ship? do you think others are going to follow suit here? >> follow suzy and randy? those troublemakers. poor mitch mcconnell. how many rabbits can you pull out of a hat? we should count them. this is going to be a tough sell because if you look at it, you have rand paul who kind of represents the conservative
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wing, and you have susan collins who represents the moderate wing, and are, again, they can't -- mitch mcconnell can't afford to lose any other republicans. he does have some work to do over the next few weeks. well, possibly weeks, but the next few days to see if they can actually have this vote on the motion to proceed to the bill. you know, making that point, this is what i hear over on the house side, listen, a lot of these republicans voted many times to repeal obama care. you know, once the republicans took control of the house and then eventually the senate. they've run on repeal and replace, and if they vote against it, then they'll be going back on much of what they ran on in the past. >> hey, molly. speaking of replacing obama care, yesterday senators lindsey graham and bill cassidy say they're working on an alternative approach to replacing obama care. do you know anything more about that? what can you tell us about whether or not we're likely to see two competing bills on health care?
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>> the way he phrased it is it's not a competing -- it's not as a competing bill, but more as an alternative. essentially what it would do would give all the money that is taken in for obama care and redistribute it into the states. to let the states basically make up their decisions, to block grant money to the states. it is a very -- they want to get a republican solution, and that would be the ultimate republican solution because the whole argument is they don't want to have all this power concentrated in the federal government, but to disburse it to the local and state governments to make their own decisions because i think he said this -- what might work in virginia isn't necessarily going to work for california. it's an interesting approach, and unclear how much support it has at this point, but, again, most of these republicans ran on repealing and replacing obama care, and they need to get something done. that's the pressure they're feeling. >> let me ask you really quickly about the chances of some of these amendments that have been
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added, particularly senator ted cruz's. is that likely to try to appease some more of the hawkish or more conservative elements of the republican party that want a strong -- people like rand paul who want much more of a drastic repeal of obama care? >> yes, it is. now, rand paul is kind of unusual because he is much more of a libertarian and is calling this obama care light, but when you are talking about other conservatives, you know, such as a mike lee, perhaps ron johnson, this actually would be more appealing because, again, it would allow the states to -- it would require the states to keep an obama care approved insurance plan, but also allow other insurance options to be offered as well at a lesser cost. >> it seems that mitch mcconnell is trying to sell this as a little of something for everyone to try to get it passed one way or the other.
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>> exactly. what do they say about compromise? a good compromise is when nobody is happy. >> live in washington d.c., molly, thank you for that. >> of course. questions about the omissions on jared kushner's security clearance form have come under scrutiny after the revelation he participated in a meeting with a russian attorney promising damaging information on hillary clinton. kushner supplemented the list of foreign contacts three times adding more than 100 names. now, based off of the reporting of the "new york times" and yahoo news, the timeline goes something like this. on january 18th, two days before inauguration, kushner filed the form. excuse me. but an assistant accidentally hit send too quickly and reports say he immediately told the fbi he would amend it. on april th the "new york times" reported that he had not listed any foreign contacts. on may 11 kushner filed his revised form, which the fbi interviewed him about in mid-may. according to yahoo, the russian meeting emails were discovered in june, and kushner filed the revised form on june 21st, and
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the fbi interviewed kushner again on june 23rd. white house advisors tell the "new york times" that kushner met with trump to discuss the issue around the time he updated his federal disclosure form to include russian attorney whose name was on the list of foreign contacts. it is unclear what kushner reportedly told his father-in-law given that the president said on wednesday that it had only been days since he had learned of a meeting. president trump laid the blame for the russian attorney's presence in the united states on former attorney general loretta lynch, citing a report from "the hill" that lynch had signed off on granting natalia's entry to defend a client in court, which prosecutors described as rare. >> the lawyer that went to the meeting, i see that she was in the halls of congress also. somebody said that her visa or her passport to come into the country was approved by attorney general lynch. now, maybe that's wrong.
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i just heard that a little while ago, but i was a little surprised to hear that. she was here because of lynch. >> lynch's spokesperson saying the former attorney general does not have any personal knowledge of the attorney's travel. back in april trump blamed them for the lack of vetting for his former national security advisor, michael flynn. >> i just heard where general flynn got his clearance from the obama administration. >> you don't need -- >> excuse me. and when he went to russia -- i did not realize this. when he went to russia, it was 2015, and he was on the obama clearance. when general flynn came to us, as you now know, says he already had the highest clearance you can have. >> meanwhile, president trump's legal team is facing an increasingly difficult task when it comes to managing their number one client. the washington post reporting the president refuses to discipline himself and disregards his lawyers'
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instructions. "after one meeting in which they urged trump to steer clear of a certain topic, he sent a tweet about that very theme before they arrived back at their office." trump's legal team also worries about the risk the president places upon himself when he engages without a lawyer and talks with those currently under scrutiny, including senior advisor jared kushner or his son, donald jr. also in question, who will may the legal fees for the president and white house officials involved in the russia inquiries? some in trump's circle want the rnc to pick up the tab. however, many within the rnc, they are pushing back and calling for the creation of completely separate funding. zbriefrmts despite ridicule, president trump yesterday invoked centuries of history in an effort to extend an olive branch. >> our two nations are forever joined together by the spirit of revolution and the fight for freedom. france is america's first and oldest ally. a lot of people don't know that.
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it was a long time ago, but we are together. i think together perhaps more so than ever. the relationship is very good. the friendship between our two nations and ourselves, i might add, is unbreakable. france helped us secure our independence. a lot of people forget. >> president trump and president macron, they are currently taking part in the french national day parade celebrating bastille day. soldiers are also narching together through the city in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the u.s. entering world war i. however, the normally jubilant atmosphere has a more somber tone this year as it also marks the one-year anniversary of the truck terror attack in nice that left 86 people dead and dozens more wounded. joining us once again live from the middle of the praet in paris, nbc news chief white house correspondent halle jackson for us. halle, good to talk to you once again. set the scene for us. what's the atmosphere like on the ground? how is president trump being received? sort of all that's been going on in the last day or so.
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>> security is tight. >> yeah. i think it was amman that just said that security is tight. it is. i just want to show you here for a second if we can what's behind us. you just probably saw the last couple of tanks and trucks clear out. we've been watching the parade through with president trump and president macron now standing to watch the end of the parade. we had a couple of fly-overs from thunderbirds, f-22s, other military planes. a lot of activity here. certainly a little bit shaky on the camera, because there's a lot of people, a lot of media on the platform where we are. as you might imagine, there is very high interest in this given that this is a crucial day for france. you can see some of the tanks now coming back around behind me, and i'm looking, and i'm seeing the first lady meliania trump and president trump applauding along with emmanuel macron, the french president, and his wife. we are right in the thick of it. you know that president trump likes this military pomp and circumstance, so we're curious to see his reaction.
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>> halle jackson, thanks for covering. >> quite a team there in paris. turning now to new developments in the case of four missing men in pennsylvania. the attorney for 20-year-old cosmo dinardo announced yesterday his client had confessed to killing them, and he had told investigators the location of the bodies of the men. dinardo spoke briefly to reporters shouting questions at him yesterday as he was being led out of a police van. >> you admitted to killing four people. what do you want to say to these families? do you have anything to say? do you have any sympathy? >> why did you do it? >> authorities discovered the body of one of the missing men. 19-year-old dean finocchiarro on a farm outside of philadelphia.
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>> he told vifrpts he felt cheated or threatened by the men after three recent drug deals. the a.p. adds that dinardo allegedly burned the bodies on his family's farm and had help from another person. dinardo's attorney said by pleading guilty to four counts of first degree murder, prosecutors have agreed not to seek the death penalty in the case. taking a breath from that story. still ahead, we're going to get a look at the weekend weather, but, first, the moment that the world has been waiting for with baited breath. beyonce officially unveiling her newborn twins. >> and their names. on the op sid end of the spectrum something out of your nightmares as a truck carrying thousands of pounds of slimy eel spill all over one highway.
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and see how affordable renters insurance can be. >> we have to warn our viewers. welcome back. for some drivers in oregon their commute along one highway got down right gross yesterday after a truck of 7500 pounds of live l overturned. for those of you eating breakfast, this is the time for you to leave the room or change the channel. >> don't change the channel. >> turn away. this is video captured by one of those drivers of the slimy fish scattered all over the road. police say the truck's driver failed to stop when a highway worker told him to, and when he slammed on the brakes, sending the containers carrying the eel flying off the truck. four other cars were involved in the accident, though no one was injured. the eels in the process of being shipped to south korea for consumption. >> bonnie, give us some news, please. >> take us away from this. >> exactly. >> look at the weather. we're going to see nice weather
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for the weekend in many locations. first, we have to get through some storms. look at that into parts of pennsylvania. some more heavy downpours in the center of the state. unfortunately, we've seen a lot of rain there over the past couple of days. as we watch these storms to work to the east, we're looking at numerous ones with downpours throughout the afternoon, and it could be heavy at tamz. down through richmond, lynchburg, and norfolk. along the maryland shore as well. 24 million americans at risk for severe weather. another spot for wet conditions is new orleans, and along the florida panhandle and its gulf force due to the remnants of tropical storm 4. remember that one? now it's enhancing gulf moisture. how about the temperatures? all week we've been talking about how hot it is. luckily, there's some relief. look at that. cooler temperatures for parts of the midwest, including milwaukee and chicago. you're looking at high temperatures in chicago at 73. even 82 will feel more comfortable in cleveland, but still hot in the mid-atlantic. the good news is for saturday we are seeing improvements.
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lewis, we'll be looking for temperatures in boston right at 74 degrees. >> bonnie, the wait is finally over. beyonce has shared the first picture of her newborn twins and confirmed her names. the singer the picture shows the 35-year-old mother of three and the twins draped in purple floral sheets while mom sports a blue veil in a queen bee fashion. a lot of people are excited about it. >> she's looking kind of rested, which is surprising considering she first had twins. >> and a nice nod to the poet rumi. >> and one of the leaders of internet tv is reportedly looking to go public. that's coming up next. just like the people
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2:53 am
welcome back, everyone. the six members of afghanistan's all-girls robotics team left to participate in an international robotics contest after being denied twice. president is granting them to stay in the u.s. for ten days. they are expected to showcase their homemade creation in the first global challenge that
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connection off sunday. good luck to them in the competition. >> retail and earnings reports for three major banks are going to be released before the bell. major news from roku, which is eyeing a merger this year. let's start with earnings this morning. what are the markets looking like? >> well, we're going to be looking at jpmorgan chase of course, wells fargo, citigroup. they're all going to be announcing later. the dow jones industrial average was closed at another record high, helped by goldman sachs, by apple, by walmart. we saw numbers up for kohl's, macy's, costco, and the company announcing increases in walmart.
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roku could be planning an ipo and could be valued at around a billion dollars. the final story for those sports fans out there, draft kings, fan duel, they announced a mernger back in november. it's off the card. the federal trade commission looked at that. and that's now fallen by the wayside by the sounds of it. >> ayman is upset by that, aren't you? >> i am. >> and former microsoft ceo steve ballmer stops by. and senator dick durbin joins
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the conversation on "morning joe" just moments away. otebooks. that's mom taking care of business. but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. this week, get this ream of paper for just one cent after rewards. ♪ taking care of business. what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. introducing the easiest way to get gillette blades noo text "blades" to gillette on demand text to reorder blades with gillette on demand...
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welcome back, everybody. let's get a check on the stories you'll be hearing about in the day ahead. president trump set to conclude his paris trip in the next hour. the president and first lady are set to depart france and return to the u.s. before heading to his golf club in new jersey. >> and vice president mike pence will be in rhode island giving the key key note address. >> and the protest on the verdict will take place this morning. "morning joe" starts right now. >> good morning, everybody. joe and mika have the day off. with us, mike barnicle.
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