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tv   MSNBC Joy Reid  MSNBC  July 23, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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the media have been so obsessed with russia. i am a talk show host, i have opinions. when i look at issues like ukraine and the influence that they try to have on the elections as long as helping the democrats, that does not seem to be getting much played and the vladimir putin scandal, you see people carried too much of that
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in the media. the real villains are hillary clinton and barack obama and any media outlets, fake news. first is earth two home office led by shawn hannity who had out going white house's secretary sean spicer on, you do love donald trump with all your heart, right, sean? the interview on friday >> let me ask you of your perspective and i know that from your perspective of the state of the media, we have the fake news and we had phony stories, they get advance and blow up. what's your assessment of six months deciding to step down. >> mind you, hannity is still
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locked on shepard smith over the comment that smith made that is donald trump, jr. , involving meeting of june 18th meeting. >> if all of that, why all these lies? why is it lie after lie? if you come on clean, you know? my grandmother says first, we practice to the sea. the deception, chris, is mind boggling. >> hannity responded on his radio show to shift daeviations to dangerous reality. >> shepard is a friend that i like but he's so anti-trump. >> team fox is back on fox helping with the roll out of trump's shiny communication director. >> do you believe that the mainstream media puts out fake
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news of the president? >> there is some fake news unfortuna unfortunat unfortunately. >> joining me now is editor of nevada independence. thank you all for being here. smith did respond to hannity's comment. sometimes facts are displeasing and journalists report them. do you agree. >> joy, i watched a lot of fox news and my concern is that, i mean it is a huge, huge topic. fear is actually one thing that they pedalled in. it is a lot of the reporting that they do is based on this kind of fear. it is a narrative that as a journalist, we are not used to having conversations.
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we kind of seeing the same eye to eye. this is a whole other monster. this is hard to say, right? >> this is propaganda. this is journalism. >> yeah. >> we as journalists have to have a different conversation around how we deal with trumpaganda. how do we talk about the fact that propaganda actively exists in our country today? >> absolutely. shawn hannity as you heard in the clip build himself as an advocate journalist and he's somebody who has advance and conspiracy theory. he was to receive an award, named after william buckley. it was denied.
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he's no longer going to receive this award. in part, buckley's son jr. disagreed with it. you work in the world of talk radio and you know this sort of blurred line that attempt to tell people what they are hearing is news but it is really advocacy. what do you make of the fact there is this core of conservatives and, christopher buckley trying to resist it. >> well, joy, there is still conscious of the united states. lets be honest, shawn hannity, is a propaganist.
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it is important to speak with great clarity in this. former intelligence clapper says the future of the united states is at stake. why is that? we have donald trump who's the least is guilty of treason and we know that. it is no longer speculation. fox news acting to a state propaganda network. it is not advocacy on behalf of a partisan president they get behind. it is willful deceit to the people. maybe i am different but forgive me if i don't fall to my knees praising. i think if they really felt as zro strongly as they do. they should resign >> it is an interesting point. he's the one guy who seems to be
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willing and he manages to survive doing it for that long but is that something he should be applauded for or somebody that's willing to exist in the environment and despite the fact that he himself is trying to be honest? >> that's a question for shep and his conscious. the larger point is what is the mission of fox news and we saw this. this is not a new thing. we saw this during the bush administration. when the iraq war is going badly of roger ailes and ceo's fox news, don't show the news or segments of iraq because it is not helpful to their side. this is the difference between fox news and journalism. the news for them does not help pie sides my side or the other. >> i thought it does not help the ratings but you are saying it does not help our side.
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republicans did note want to watch. the ratings were going down because the iraq war is going down. >> right. primarily, it was this narrative does not help republicans or george bush. the ratings are stable. there is been a lot of few research study showing that republicans only get their news from fox. i want to go to john rolston. this is being used on members of congress who are vulnerable of issues of healthcare. they fear the base has rised u to them. a letter that was published by mike pence, donald trump's triumphs are many after only six months and he's just getting started. he's fought everyday and delivered his promises to the american people and taken bold actions and etcetera and etcetera and keeping america
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safe. here is anthony scarramucci, he's performing this admiration of donald trump and keep in mind, he used to be a big time's donald trump's critic. >> he's got some of the best political instance in the world and history. what i have found and people traveling around the country that people love him. he's a wonderful human being. i love the president and i am lawndale to the president. here is what i will tell you, i love the president. >> john, you have been reporting of this vulnerable guy of the one hand, his constituents that are watching fox news are hearing that admiration, do they remember congress dare to oppose republicans and that's on fox news. >> i separate shawn hannity from everything else. that clip that you just played
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of scarramucci could have been shawn hannity talking in private. and shawn hannity seems to have some kind of internal personality crisis, i am not a journalist, i am an advocacy. he's not an advocacy. advocacy journalism is crusading of better treatments of the mentally ill or something like that. a and it is as if george constanza is giving permission inside the white house and remember mr. president, it is not a lie if you believe it. >> this is an organization that bought the media group in may of 2009. it reached 70% of american
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households. i want to play to the audience of what they are forcing the station to air. they are up to the number of these they want aired on the station every week. it is boris epstein, of the donald trump east's circuit dur the campaign. this is not on cable, guys. this is broadcast tv. take a look. >> voters go beyond stealing of miscounting. voter registration is a type of voter fraud. the president's commission coming with a factual and answers to those questions. that's the bottom line. >> this is almost prompt to ask and this is going out 70% of the broadcasting audience that's
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watching the news. >> yes, we have been talking to shawn hannity, my source is him and bill o' riley, sinclair wants to build a future of conservative media and empire. they already have boris but this again is the ground work for what i think is the next conservative media platform. >> jon, your thoughts. >> i have to tell you, sinclair bought the nbc affiliate here in las vegas that i used to work for. i looked at my producer, i had a program there and we are not long of the station and a month later, they cancelled the program, not because i am not a conservative it is because they only want to present one point of view and it is happening to the station here and everywhere. it is effective, i think and in
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some way a very scary tool >> yeah, you have worked in a system in the radio world that's mostly right wing and it had a bent. does it concern you that we maybe going to a situation where nbc affiliates in local broadcast markets are clearly a conservative network that wants a state sort of propaganda point of view area. >> joy, it is beyond concern, the risk of sounding alarmist, i am the son of cuban exiles, one of the first acts was to methodically take control of the cuban's free media and making it a state's media. venezuela is one of a free society in latin america is ran by dictator. he took control of the media and
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making it state's media. the fact that it is happening. it is happening in the united states. this is post behavior, among the most terrifying things i have seen in my lifetime and i worry for my country and children. >> it is one thing to be happening in cable, cable is cable and broadcast? >> that's a different thing. >> so, actually it is interesting that ferdinand brought up authortarium. the thing about fox news that's eventually going to happen because data shows no matter what they do, your country is becoming more black and brown and gay and etcetera, it is going to happen and those fox news viewers that they are hearing all of this stuff which is, i heard people say now,
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racist that they're going to see -- at some point, wait a second because my daughter just married a mexican or my son is going out a black, gay guy, it is going to come and smack them in their faces. what's that the data shows where the country is going. it is going to take a long time. >> we did not get to alex jones calling a civil war. that's how much there is. we'll have to save that to another show. >> we'll be back, thank you so much gabe sherman and jo jon ralston. up next, details, coming up. where are we? about to see progressive's new home quote explorer. where you can compare multiple quote options online and choose what's right for you. woah. flo and jamie here to see hqx. flo and jamie request entry. slovakia. triceratops.
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do you want sessions to come back? >> absolutely. do the republicans agree with you? >> it appears that the senate would like to have another world with jeff sessions following reports of the russian ambassador who spoke about campaign matters of the russians. >> joining me now is beth bouy and our gop strategist and the author of "gop gps" seigfried. >> beth, i will start with you. we know that al franken was the person that he talked to about
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any russians of the trump campaign. how likely do you see a second round of sessions? >> he's in a a pposition and th president. that story is devastating. he's got a legal problem on his own hand at this point, he's going to navigate that. if he wants to come leclean and reestablish his reputation, perhaps, he could arrange a similar set up and get up there and tell them what he knows. he's in a bad position and it strikes me that he's basically on his fainal days. >> an extraordinary position for him to be in and he's not
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telling the truth of who he spoke with. this question, he's on the last legs as the attorney general. what are you hear sing? >> and even clarence thompson is against this. >> he said that? >> but, jeff sessions does not have a friend in washington right now. his shifting explanation since january over what his contact with russians were oh, there is no contact and a handshake and we did not talk about campaign related topics and clearly the president did not have confidence. he would love to see him go
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because the president is shifting expertise on recusal is amazing. judge -- >> it is very interesting that jeff sessions is not leading the room. it is clear from the new york times interview that donald trump would like him to go. he seems to be hanging on and my guest is his ideology reasons wanting to do the things he's doing on immigration and completing his dreams of driving down and going after voters. these are things he wanted to do his whole life. he's not willing to go. how do you thing it will send off off? >> i don't know, it is likely that the president will fire him. >> how do uconn firm another attorney general in this climate and as critical as i have been a
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republican for a lack of their option, it is difficult for them to vote somebody that's not going to fire robert mule ellem. the candidate who would be acceptable seems to be would be very few. that gives the president some pause. >> you are missing one key point on the firing of sessions. >> there is a big theory that's been running around and speculated that this would allow trump to put in a recess appointment who may fire sessions. >> when asked, he did fire and write the memo that was a p pretext for gjim comey. >> if the president of the united states fires his attorney general, sort of a reverse bloody saturday or sunday from the 1970s and basically says i am going to fire every single person investigating me and
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republicans in congress do not do anything about, that's kind of it. we no longer have the law in the country. that's what we are on here. this is bigger than jeff sessions engaging in policy and voting ill congratulatiing immi. >> this is bigger than donald trump and likely of his guilty family. can we accept a president who'll destroy any attempts to hold him in check of the law. if that's happens here, we are all in trouble. >> that's the question, ben, do you detect among republicans any inclination to reign in the white house no matter what and even if mueller would be fired. >> that's the scary thing.
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you saw almost radio silence from republicans. they have been entirely silent on this issue. nonetheless have said i really think mueller should stay away with trump's dealings. he's citing with the notion. it is scary. >> what's going on? there is going to be no heroes but where are they? >> not all heroes wear capes. you have to realize what's going on in the republican base as well. president trump is above 80% which is the magic mark when republicans are turned on. republicans are privately holding him accountable. >> who are taking their words for it? >> i believe many people have told me. >> are any of them in leadership? >> i would say they are close to leadership. what you are talking about, it is a gradual thing. it is not a knee jerk thing, we
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have to bring our base along and you are seeing cracks within the base and it does take time. it is glacial and it can be frustrating for democrats. it will happen if trump fires mueller. if mueller is gone and becomes a question of the rule of law and i think republicans, the senate will hold him accountable. that's the house. >> well, we shall see. thank you, we'll have all you guys for being back. jones and jason is sticking around. . up next, a look of trump's never ending war on the reality based media. we'll be back.
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hosting political con, which is like comic con. >> one of the questions i will be discussing of is donald trump since he took office six months ago. >> here is a preview, take a look. >> this is the largest audience to witness the inauguration, period. there is a lot of talking to hold donald trump accountable. i am hear to tell you that it goes two ways. >> sean spicer, our press secretary gave alternative facts to that >> alternative facts are not facts. they are falsehoods. >> it is the most incredible thing i have heard. >> what i am seeing here is a propaganda machine >> the president spent two weeks in his presidency and he's moving mountains. >> what mountains did he move? >> well, the money that's going to come into the community? >> what money? >> i will never ever let them get away with it, media. >> in trump's world, enemy of the american people is enemies
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of trump's life. >> there is this pattern of a bizarre desemiable -- >> you talked earlier about false -- >> obamacare is reeked havoc in american lives and if we don't replace i replace it, it will get worse. >> it is as much as they are with lower out comes. >> that's not true at all. >> with all due respect, those are not poll numbers. those are 100 true. >> you believe that medicaid should receive less money. >> with less money. >> with low income.
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>> of course, no politicians in history and i say this with great charity has been treated worse or more unfairly >> if he's done nothing truly bad cover up, why is he attacking day and night institutions or media that's seeking the truth. >> no collusion, no obstruction. >> that channel is completely normal. >> it is not how it works. >> he does not strike you that it is weird that three people are under penalties of perjury and misleading and false answers of meeting with the russian officials. >> what we don't want to do is having thrown out falsehoods. >> we have signed more bills. >> there is a lot going on, don't let anybody yank your chin. >> up next, my panel weighs in on six months of trump's in
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his favorite topic, the media. with at least ten tweets of the press administratio administration, #priorities. joining me jason johnson and our pollster. thank you friends for being here. >> new york times reported that donald trump told a lie everyday for the first 40 days of his presidency. there is a calendar that we can
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put up that shows when dona donaldonald donald -- there. all those dots that's when donald trump told lies. you can see he's lying from the beginning of his administration. you need to have these things saying to me all the time. when you hear believe me, that's your signal that a lie is happening. it has not cut in something like 36 or 37 support at all. >> it mean that is the cool aid is running very strong. we have to begin with the premise, joy, that every single word that comes out of the mouth of donald trump and every word that he types on his twitter is a lie. if we accept that premise and i think there is more evidence that suggests that's the truth, we know and it can interpret anything that comes out of the president's mouth is a lie. today he has the lowest approval ratings in the history of the gallop poll for any president of the united states at this point in their presidency.
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>> yeah, you know political facts have given his score is 48% of false or pants on fire and 17% deemed mostly true and lets do some of the lies that he told this week. i will play a few of them. we cannot document all of them because we zrodon't have more t two hours. here are some. >> this issue is important to me because throughout the campaign, and even after, people would come up to me and expressed their concerns of vote voters i inconsiste inconsistencies. we have signed more bills and i am talking about through the legislature than any president ever. >> no, no, that's not true. >> jason. these lies that everyone can look up and say they're not
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true. >> as its core, you have to remember, there is a certain segment that people who voted for donald trump because they thought it would be different and some people just voted because they're republicans. they think this country is over and they think omnivorh my god,d a black president and this whole thing is ruined. they like donald trump because they can beat the rest of country that have turned on them. it does not matter if he tells the truth or whether he's honest. they just like him because he's their way of getting back. unfortunately, those people happen to be conveniently spread in certain states that could win him the electoral college. >> it all comes to the table here, the people that liked him, it does not matter. i read this one interview, maybe they changed their minds about
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him if he shot someone but it has to be in cold blood. >> you had polls that asked republicans things of scandal of the russia story. is it fake news? 68% of republicans saying yes, it is fake and 14% of democrats. another one, did barack obama, wire tapped the trump's campaign. 52% of republicans yes. so you have a sense of reality itself has been distorted to fit protrump narratives. >> people go along and believe what he said rather than finding the truth. they affirmatively believing that russia is fake news. the other big category of his false tweets all have to do with the notion that he knows he did
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not win the election. there is crooked hillary and his 30,000 people and the people who should not have voted, voted for her. a constant tweets and a constant sense of anxiety that he was not legitimately elected which is true. >> that's a whole subsection and genre of fake tweets and lies. again, we don't have the vocabulary to deal with the fact that as journalists, we are dealing with the president, who is, i know everybody is laughing and i have to tell you that i feel like i am crying. oh, how many lies have he said and the fact that we are talking about a president and using the word lies and knowing that factually we understand that he has lied is very sad for me. so for me i think we have to realize that we as journalists, we have antagonist relationship
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with the president. these are sentiments that i think as journalists we have to talk about. we do not have a normal relationship with this president. so if we have a relationship or we are being treated and disrespected by the president who's lying then how are we being respectful in response to that? it does not makes sense. everything about it and the paradigm master shifts. then somebody hopefully, well, this is how the paradigm has to shift and we are not there yet. >> there are two ways of which it is important. one of them, you know in the feud of journalism, you are used to reporting a fact and not having to debate whether what you are researching for is true. you have a government that
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itself is distorting reality. do we accept that anymore and not letting them accompany and mark zuckerberg when he went on a tour, they took away the climate scientist so they could not communicate with him. that's also happening. >> it is a problem on two ends, joy. like what maria says, when you have a president that's a pathological liar and he's surrounding to people who won't say anything about it, it makes people think, what's the point of what we are going to do? i never use the term "fake news" because it is not real. news is inheretly is the truth. that's like dry weather of fake
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news. to the degree that we let the president repeating these insane terms and repeating the nonsense of the universe that he's creating for us. that's the biggest challenge of the universe today. >> marty, you made a good point. you have toll laugh at it so you don't implode but it is a serious crisis, i think. >> maria, jones halston >> thank you. up next, we'll meet the representatives that'll take back the house of representatives. casper makes one perfect mattress.
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the countdown to the 2018 midterm election is in full swing. democrats need to pick up in net seats to win back the house majority. in a recent "washington post" abc news poll, 52% of registered voters said they want democrats to control congress in january 2019. one of the candidates helping to make that happen is pamela keith running in a district that is not that far from mar-a-lago spanning thorn ft. pierce to just outside of west palm beach. keith is looking to win versus current republican representative brian mast in a district that has only voted for a democrat twice since 2000. and joining me now to talk more about her run and the district that she hopes to represent is pamela keith. pam, thank you so much for being here. >> joy, it is such a pleasure. thank you for having me.
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>> and we a little bit of a delay for our audience. but let's talk about the district. and why do you think you can win the district when it has voted so rarely for democrats? >> it's a really interesting district. in the bottom of the district, we have parts of palm beach county and palm beach county has a lot of people from new york, new jersey, people who resettled in florida. a lot of seniors and retire ceos. but it's affluent, a lot of gated communities. but a pretty good balance between democrats and republicans. there are a lot of new people, too, have haven't been courted, who haven't been really -- really didn't know candidates to speak to them. so i think that there are opportunities there. st. lucie county is predominantly democrat. and that is where we lost votes in the last election and i think we have a great opportunity to bring those people back. >> and it's also a district that tends to vote for military
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people. brian mast is a military veteran and you yourself are. so do you think that having a military background will help to mitigate against votes that might say no, we want to keep somebody in with a record of service? >> i definitely think it makes a difference to the voters of this district. remember, they also voted for alan west many years ago and his military service played a big role. i think having a military background not only shows your dedication to your country, your willingness to serve, but in times of high risks to national security, people who have served have more credibility on certain kinds of issues. and so i think it's important that the candidate that will face brian mast be able to say, hey, i served, too, i also served in the middle east that has a lot of strive right now. >> oh, yeah, alan west and i'll say it, the guy who said that joseph gables will be very proud of democrats, told debbie wasserman schultz you are not a lady, get the hell out to liberals.
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one term in that district. but let's talk about the polling. "washington post" abc news went into the field july 10 through 13 and 75% of people said how likely are you to vote in 2018, 75% said yes. the same poll talked about how important is to show opposition to trump in the 2018 congressional elect. 84% said yes. very important to be in opposition to donald trump. would you be a congressman who goes in with a goal of opposing donald trump? >> absolutely. and not because you oppose a person, you oppose an agenda. you oppose actions, not people. the problem with donald trump is his actions. it's his actions of constantly lying. it's the self-dealing, the nepotism, the self-focus and ego centrist.
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these are not personal beefs that we have with him, it's that he is eviscerating all of the forms that we have and we are watching him basically destroy our institutions through deaths by 1,000 cuts. and that is destructive to the systems that serve our country. >> and lastly, the democratic party has not had a great history of supporting women of color for higher office. there are lots of members of the cbc, but i'm not sure it's because of the party. are you getting active support from the party? >> we have to define who is the party. the institutional party is in washington, but the real party is the people on the ground. there are clubs and caucuses all over the state and of course
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there are democratic voters everywhere. i'm winning where it counts the absolute most. and that is with the voter. they love my passion, my background, my knowledge of the issues. and more specifically the new proposals that i'm putting on the table to address the concerns of the voters of this district. so, yeah, i'm getting that support. and quite frankly, it's really overwhelming how positive it has been. >> we wish you great luck and hop you will come back. pamela keith, thank you very much. >> thank you so much for having me. and one more quick note before we go, a send sear wonderful congratulations to the reverend dr. william barber who on saturday was consecrated a bishop in the fellowship of affirming ministries. so dr. bishop barber, congratulations. he's not afraid to speak that prophetic word even to the most powerful people in the country.
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that is the essence of the civil rights movement. we appreciate you bishop dr. william barber. and that is our show today. join us next week end for more "a.m. joy" coming to you live from los angeles. company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. delicious pasta marinara. but birds eye made it from zucchini. mmm! bird: mashed potatoes and rice. but made from cauliflower. looks like i need a fork! oh, no. (giggling) bird: new birds eye veggie made. so veggie good.
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mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at for the past few years the united states and much of the world has been trying to isolate russia for its aggressive behavior for what it did when it an exed crimea and what it did to our election. but today the russian time-out apparently ended with a full bilateral meeting between serving u.s.


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