tv MSNBC Live MSNBC August 13, 2017 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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welcome back, everybody. we're following a breaking news situation in seattle, washington where counterprotesters there are squaring off with police as they demonstrate against an alt-right rally in the city. it comes just a day after the deadly situation in charlottesville which remains on edge. also an explosion of anger once again. you hear an explosion of anger once again in the city on edge. this time charlottesville residents unload on the organizer of a hate rally that ended in death. as the man accused of murder prepares to head to court, a community and a family mourn the life lost. >> i screamed, i cried all the
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way to the hospital. >> as a nation looks for healing, criticism from both sides of the political aisle that the president's words push people further apart. welcome, everybody. from msnbc world headquarters here in new york, i'm also joined this hour as we try to make sense of the tragic events in charlottesville, virginia, with reverend al sharpton. we'll look to your insight as we look at the fallout of what happened. but first back to seattle where nbc's steve patterson is on the ground. steve, give us an update. >> reporter: counterprotesters holding strong in the face of a police line that has been holding for probably about the last 10 to 15 minutes now. the scene here is tense. counterprotesters were clashing with police. they were trying to push past this line back to where patriot prayer is, that alt-right group
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set up that demonstrate here about an hour ago in a square, in a park. they've been holding in place probably about two blocks away from our location. but behind me you can see the police presence. you can see police in full riot gear, police with batons, police have at one point pushed this crowd back. they've had to disperse the crowd once i believe with an agent that would disperse the crowd. i believe that was teargas that we felt live on television as we were trying to sort of get inside the crowd. counterprotesters are angry for one reason -- they want to get at those pro-trump supporters. they want to get at those white nationalist supporters in that square and they've been unable to. this march started about 1:30. it's been marching through the streets of seattle. at every point along the way it's tried to turn to where those pro-trump supporters were, to where those white nationalists were stationed. but along the way they've been
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met with police in riot gear. that's the reason for these clashes with both the counterprotesters and the police who have not moved a single inch, only pushing us back further this way. so again, there is a broad sense of frustration in the crowd. there is a broad sense of anger in the crowd because they want to draw either a confrontation or just to get their voices heard to where that other protest is. they've been unable to do that again at every point along the way. that's where we are right now. we have heard there may be a dispersal order in just a few minutes here from police who may again -- once again push this crowd back and try to disperse the crowd that is gathered here. it's become a very volatile situation just with police and counterprotesters, without even the element of that far right group that is in the square about two blocks away from here. >> we're seeing some counterprotesters shaking hands of the police there an giving them a thumbs up. i guess in light of everything that's been happening it is kind of nice to see an image like
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that one. steve, talk to us about the prep that this city took in preparing for today considering and also in light of events that took place in charlottesville, virginia. >> reporter: well, there was widespread prep well before charlottesville even occurred. both of these -- both the protests from the white nationalist group, patriot prayer, and the counterprotesters had scheduled both of their events well before the events of virginia. i think what happened yesterday is basically throw fuel on an ever-burning fire which is now burning very bright. so the city posture at the beginning with seattle is always to come out as a show of force. they've done very well in protests from previous years. even when there have been conflicts. they've been able to hold the line generally with counterprotesters and with those sort of elements in the crowd that may be more negative, that may be looking for something
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beyond just getting their voice heard. and so that's what we see today, just a basic police posturing that is very strong, that represents in riot gear, and that appears to be pretty forceful if you try to push into them. so far we've seen at least one arrest in this crowd. i would imagine there have been a few more because of how sizable this crowd is, how loud they are, and how passionately they want to push through at this point. >> steve, stand by for us. as i mentioned, joining me in this hour, the host of msnbc's "politics nation," the reverend al sharpton. you've been watching this. considering what took place in charlottesville, now seeing this in seattle, give me your reaction so far. >> well, i think that what is really disturbing is that you're seeing this kind of new boldness from white supremacist groups. i mean we are saying white nationalists, but they are white supremacists, and they say that.
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i think when you have in kind of tone where they are coming out this bold, one has to ask where is this coming from. and then when you see that a lot of those that -- as has been reported throughout the media, that are attending these white supremacist rallies are having "make america great" hats on and are trump supporters. why has not -- why haven't we heard from him denouncing white supremacy, telling people don't come -- if you come, don't wear my hats, i'm not part of this. so i heard you and christina talking about the scenes like ferguson and baltimore. i was in ferguson day one and you are right, but you're not seeing the tanks. you're not seeing the militarization that we saw in ferguson. and, you had a president then who said that i may or may not agree with some of what the protesters are saying, but i
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denounce the violence himself. you have seen this president make some very nebulous statements, almost putting it equal on both sides, and has not addressed anyone that would be supportive of him. why isn't the president saying that "i am against white supremacy, and if you're wearing my slogan, if you are using my name, i denounce it, and those that are with me slhould not engage in these kinds of demonstrations." because let's remember, the antiprotesters are protesting an event. in ferguson and in baltimore, even though all of us were against the violence, they were protesting a police killing. there's no killing here. there's nobody that was -- that caused a spark here. this was a rally called about white supremacy that ended up with one of those alleged supremacists killing somebody who was coming to a
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counterprotest saying that america should not be celebrating or protecting the statue of a supremacist, who was a general in an army to overthrow the government. >> we're going to continue to watch the situation in seattle as it continues to develop there. but i want to turn more to charlottesville and what's taken place there the last couple of days. attorney jeff sessions saying we are going to launch a federal civil rights investigation into what took place in charlottesville, virginia. is that enough? is that going far enough? and then what? >> well, i think that it's -- i think sessions has said something that we haven't even heard the president say. is that enough? no. i think that we need to see a real aggressive move by the justice department to deal with the elements of this group that has clearly begun organizing around the country. when you see these seemingly organized way you had several cars involved in what ended up
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killing a young woman. i mean are we looking at really just some kind ever spontaneous outburst? or why don't we say we're seeing what we have not seen in a while, and that's organized domestic terrorism, if in fact this was organized. that's what he ought to say, that we're not only looking at hate crime but we're looking at potential organized, intended domestic terrorism. we're going to investigate to see if that's the case. they need to say that so people who are lured into their marches and rallies understand this is as serious as it gets when you have a young lady dead and several seriously injured. >> what does an aggressive approach look like? you think of baltimore and ferguson and everything that's taken place the last couple days. what does an aggressive approach look like? >> you certainly saw, as i said, in ferguson, you saw tanks. you saw snipers on the roof. you saw all kinds of things. i'm not advocating any of that. i'm saying it shouldn't be a
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double standard. but i'm also saying that if i was a bigot and the attorney general was telling me i'm going to investigate whether this is terrorism, whether it is is organized, i would think twice before i go out to one of those rallies. there has been nothing from the president of the united states to discourage these bigots from not only attending -- because they have the first amendment right -- but from identifying with me and associating me with this. and they've clearly done this in everyone. in charlottesville and today in seattle. >> yeah. we'll talk more about the president's response as well. reverend al sharpton sticking with me throughout the entire hour. now i want to bring in msnbc political analyst and washington bureau chief for mother jones, david corn. republican strategist brian darling. kristin clark, president and executive director for the lawyers committee on civil rights. david, i'll start with you. what is your reaction to the white house statement looking to deflect some of the criticism that the president received by
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his choice of words yesterday? should it have come directly from the president? >> one thing we know about donald trump is that he shares his feelings with us. he attacks mitch mcconnell. he attacks "the new york times." he attacks friends and foes whenever he feels strongly about something. and we can also see what he doesn't do. so the fact that he could not bring himself -- not for the first time -- to condemn white nationalists and neo-nazis and the kkk -- is purposeful. it is not an accident. it is not an oversight. so then the white house comes out with a statement saying, of course whether he condemns violence, it includes violence perpetuated by the kkk, nazis and white nationalists. he has never been shy before about telling us what's on his minds. so any statement that doesn't come directly from him, from his little tweeting fingers, really means nothing. just him trying to provide some political cover for him.
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republicans and democrats, almost any civilized person is outraged by the fact that he cannot bring himself to condemn white nationalists. and there is a reason for that. >> i want to take a listen to the mayor of charlottesville reacting to president trump's alliances. then we'll talk. >> old saying when you dance with the delvil, the devil cha s changes you. i think they made a choice in that campaign, a very regrettable one, to really go to people's prejudices, to go to the gutter. i mean these influences around the country, these anti-semite, racist, aryan, kkk, it is all on the president to say enough is enough. this movement has run its course. >> brian, how does the white house deal with the alt-right allegiance going forward? >> first of all, i think we're hearing a lot of trump derangement syndrome being
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espoused. trump denounced bigotry. his daughter put out a tweet denouncing nazis and denouncing white supremacy. the white house put out a statement. senator cruz, senator rubio. all the republican senators that i can think of put out a statement but that's not enough. for some on the left if he doesn't utter certain words and he's in big trouble. i remember when the left was making fun of conservatives because they denounced president obama for not using the term "islamic extremism." i'm seeing the same thing. i'm seeing the same thing from the left. so i think it is outrageous that some have made steve bannon, like called him -- basically called him a racist and said awful things about him and tried to say that he's inspired this violence somehow and that the trump administration has inspired this violence. i don't think that's true. i don't think it is true at all. i think these people are marginalized. i think they are on the extremes and i don't think that they have the support of the white house and i don't think that the white house -- i think it the white
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house looks at these people as something that should be maybe ignored. maybe they don't want to give them the benefit of talking too much about this so-called alt-right, the nazis, the white supremacists. i really think a lot of this is -- this is an awful situation in charlottesville and i don't think it defines us as a nation and i don't think it defines the republican party. for anybody to try to say that that defines the republican matter is espousing hate towards republicans. >> brian, let me ask you this, because there's two points that i think we're confusing. the republican party wasn't the only ones saying that president obama should say, by name, islamic terrorist. donald trump said it. over and over and over again. he set that bar that he is now not dealing with himself. but i don't recall -- you can refresh my memory if there's something lacking here. i don't recall islamic terrorists running around with
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change hats on saying obama for president. you have people at the rallies. if anyone is connecting directly trump to these rallies, it's the supremacists at the rallies that he's not directly said how dare you do that. i remember when some of us in civil rights organizations and professor greer can aheft to this -- were in ferguson and baltimore and said we denounce the violence, even though we understand the anger. we were even attacked by some in the crowd. we made it clear where we were and where we were not. directly. he lass not directly addressed that. and directly addressed the use of his name and slogan in these rallies. >> well, if you looked at the white house statement today, it was pretty clear. i think ivanka trump was pretty clear. >> what happened to donald trump? donald trump is the president. >> you know exactly what donald trump said, maybe you wait a day and he'll say what you like tomorrow. >> oh, maybe we should wait a
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day. >> i's president of t >> he's president of the united states! if he can't take a lead position here to condemn violence and say violence on all sides is a cop-out, it is moral equivalency, you know that he is not being direct. there is a reason why he's not being direct. >> have you been watching what's going on in seattle? we're seeing left wing violence, antifa protesters all dressed up with helmets on and weapons. they're ready to go to war and they're beating up the police. >> and wearing chuck schumer t-shirts! >> guys, reverend al brings up a good point. he said at one point they could have said we denounce the violence but we understand where the anger is coming from. if president trump had said that yesterday what would have been the reaction? >> you know, it's not just the words and the tepid inadequate response of the president yesterday. it's his actions. in the first several months of this administration, we have seen the president and attorney general sessions take every action imaginable to marginalize
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african-americans, lgbt groups, muslims, women. it is the words and the actions. and it is also steve bannon, a person who himself has said that he is providing a platform for the alt-right. it is his selection of steve bannon as a key advisor in the white house that has emboldened white supremacists across our country. they know they have a friend in the white house. they know they have an attorney general who did not support the hate crimes prevention bill. and it is this toxic combination ever both racially charged rhetoric and actions that have made clear that minority communities don't have a place in our society right now that led to the tragic events yesterday in charlottesville.
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i think right now it is critical that this justice department approach seriously what happened yesterday. we need a rigorous investigation into james fields to figure out who was he acting with? who financed his trip from ohio to virginia? who gave him the idea of using his vehicle as a weapon to hurt innocent americans yesterday in charlottesville? did he conspire with individuals? are there other acts of domestic terrorism that we should be bracing for? that's the critical place that we need this justice department and the president focusing right now. >> these are all questions that we have certainly and we all want answers to. but conversation also is about, is this from the top down. is this about steve bannon. is this about stephen miller. is this about sebastian gorka, and is this about the response or lack thereof from president trump. my panel along with reverend al
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sharpton staying with me. we'll be right back, everybody. (boy) sorry. (dad) don't worry about it. (mom) honey, honey, honey, honey! (vo) at our house, we need things that are built to last. that's why we got a subaru. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 subaru legacy models. now through august 31st.
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welcome back, everybody. many have wondered why the president didn't call out white supremacists directly on saturday. well, the answer may involve the president having to drain his own swamp. president trump by white house aides that have ties to the alt-right, steve bannon, stephen miller and sebastian gorka, people not only advising the president but in some cases writing his speeches as my colleague joy reid pointed out earlier today. >> he has people like stephen miller, claimed as a mentee by richard spencer, an avowed open white nationalist. steve bannon's who's been allowed to meld into the normalcy of a government employee but who ran which i reread today the post still on their website where at the self-describe as the home of the alt-right. the alt-right is a dressed-up term for white nationalism. they call themselves white e
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identitarianism. stephen miller, being paid by the taxpayer, in the government of donald trump. >> national security advisor h.r. mcmaster was asked about this. >> what is sbarebastian gorka's role in the national security council zp. >> he is not in the national security council. >> he seems to represent himself though has a spokesman on national security so why is that? >> well, scheduling people for the media and spokes people is not my area of responsibility. >> can you and steve bannon still work together in this white house or not? >> i get to work together with a broad range of talented people. and it is a privilege every day to enable the national security team. >> you didn't answer. can you and steve bannon work in that same white house? >> i am ready to work with anybody who will help advance the president's agenda. >> kind of dancing around those questions, isn't he, reverend al sharpton with me all hour.
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joining us, former democratic governor from vermont, howard dean. richard painter, former chief white house ethics lawyer under george w. bush. brian darling, republican strategist. kristin clark, president and executive director of the lawyers committee for civil rights, necia, clark. thank you all. reverend, i'll start with you. what needs to happen with the alt-right movement inside the white house? >> i think the president needs to clearly state that, "i am opposed in every way to white supremacist groups." don't sugar coat it with white k "nationalism." and i want to see the full weight of the justice department on whether there is a movement towards domestic terrorism, organized, financed. i think that it was very -- what kirstin said was very important who financed this guy coming from ohio. was this a scheme. he needs to step up and be the
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president. we all understand -- many of us who have known him for years how donald trump can be. but we need to force him to wait a minute and respect the presidency. we have people that are dying. these rallies are not being called in reaction to an incident like you saw with police brutality rallies that we did. these people are calling for these rallies based on their belief in white supremacy. they have the right to do it, but they don't have the right to engage in domestic terrorism, and he is being used in terms of the trump hats and the slogans. he ought to address that directly like many of us had to address in situations where our names may have been involved. >> what about gorka? what about miller? what about bannon? is it time for one of them or all of them to go? >> well, yes.
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one of the problems here is people don't understand the distinction between someone like jeff sessions who is an extremely conservative southern politician, much more conservative than i am and i've been a republican for 30 years. but people don't understand the difference between people like jeff sessions who still are within the mainstream, although far to the conservative end of the mainstream, and people like steve bannon, sebastian gorka, stephen miller who are part of the alt-right movement. the alt-right movement is a neofascist movement. we see that the alt-right movement was behind this rally and many other attempts to stoke racial hatred in the united states. this is an extremely dangerous group of people, and it is shocking that any of them have any positions in the white house. i don't see how h.r. mcmaster can fight terrorism when he is expected to work with someone like steve bannon who has
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condoned people who essentially amount to domestic terrorists. these people were used to try to win the republican primary, and then to move on to the general election. they are only there for political purpose. they are doing enormous damage to the trump administration and to this country. they all have to be fired, and if they aren't, i think the president's going to have to be removed from office. there are no two ways about it. >> we've been waited on bated breath here for president trump to tweet. looks like he has today. he retweeted -- i'll read this from my phone because it just happened. he retweeted an axius tweet saying that the doj is opening a civil rights investigation on the car attack in charlottesville. that was the president's tweet so far today. governor, we're talking about the people that surround the president from bannon to miller, to gorka. is it the people around the president or does he actually share the same views as them?
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>> well, nobody really knows what donald trump's views are because mostly donald trump is interested in donald trump. but these -- richard is right, these three people -- i mean i was rebuked once for calling bannon a nazi. he actually is under -- under sworn oath of his wife has refused to let his children go to jews. is an anti-semite and has been recognized as somebody who is a major figure in the alt-right. what's the difference between that and being a nazi, i don't know. you've got these three people here -- richard's classified it exactly right. there is a difference between a very, very conservative person. i certainly wouldn't agree with very much jeff sessions has to say -- and somebody who is a member of a movement that would like to overthrow the united states. they might not want to overthrow them right now while donald trump is president but they have advocated the overthrow of this government and the overthrow of democracy. these three guys don't belong in the white house and i suspect there are some others that don't, either.
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>> reverend, how did it get passed the electorate here? we all knew about these connections to president trump. we knew about bannon. we knew about his history and he's now in the white house alongside president trump. hillary clinton made a speech about these connections. >> i think that, one, we must remember, she did get almost 3 million more votes so what we ended up with was an electoral college elected president. that's one. i think the majority of americans that voted voted against donald trump. but secondly, i think that he played to a lot of the emotions and a lot of blame the other kind of politics that we've seen used in very bigoted ways throughout american history. so he drove on people's emotions and fears where they were not looking at exactly what was being said, which i suspect is why he will not say anything now because he'd have to go against those that have counseled and
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showed him how to play this fear, blame the mexicans, blame the blacks, blame lgbtq people, blame people, blame people. but now it has blossomed to what it really is -- and we are superior. i keep saying, these are not just white nationalists. these are white supremacists. there is no incident that's caused these rallies that they are calling. the incident is they want to proclaim their supremacy. and if you believe you're supreme, you don't believe that the laws apply to you the same way they apply to other people in this country. >> a lot of republicans -- who was that? >> i do think it is outrageous that you guys are giving a platform to individuals that are calling steve bannon a nazi. i mean i know steve bannon. i actually have written three op-eds this year for breitbart. breitbart is a conservative website. breitbart is a website -- >> it's a racist -- it's a racist platform. >> am i a racist?
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>> 35 million people read that website every month. are they racists, the 35 million people a month that read it? >> yep. sure are. >> that's outrageous for you to call stephen miller. i know these guys. i know stephen miller. i know steve bannon. i'd love to see your evidence that stephen miller is this horrible person when you, mr. painter, said that you have deep amount of respect for jeff sessions. but what's the offense of stephen miller? he worked for jeff sessions. he was jeff sessions' chief spokesman. >> that's also how he got his job. >> he is a white supremacist and you know it. don't lie. >> you're wrong. i'm not lying. you're saying outrageous -- >> how do you excuse what bannon has to say about jews? i'd like to hear that, brian. >> you know that breitbart is run by -- there are two jewish editors over there. >> that's not the question i
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asked you. >> nobody out there is going to hear you. brian, give your answer, then governor, back to you. >> i don't think he is an anti-semite. he probably said an awful thing that he regrets now that's part of his divorce proceeding but he's hired two jewish individuals to run breitbart so he doesn't seem that antisemitic to me. >> governor? >> that's like saying people in the south had black slaves, therefore they weren't anti-black. don't be ridiculous. >> you called him a nazi. that's outrageous. >> i think he fits the description. i think he fits the description. >> but i think that clearly, i don't know miller or bannon, but i think clearly when you say what is the basis of saying it, and then you have to admit his wife said he said it. the mother of his children said he said it! and if you look at the character of the campaign, you cannot deny the dog whistling that started even before the campaign with birtherism, all the way through, that is now being demonstrated and not directly being denounced. i don't see you being far more
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defensive of their reputations than they are. i don't see any of them addressing any of this. and this is now going on what? the second day of people questioning this? and people at rallies saying they're supporters of donald trump. so why are you so aggressive when they seem to be so quiet, when they're not quiet about anything? he attacks people in this station by name. he can't deal with people that have disrupted this country? we're dealing with north korea and all kind of crises and look at how we look in the world where you have a person run a car and kill someone at a demonstration, and he can't address directly what they are describing themselves as? i don't think you can sell that to the public. >> i can assure you those people will be removed from the republican party. they are pathetic with racists and with white supremacists. they gave the alt-right a
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platform that breitbart knows. they will be removed from the republican party. it is a matter of time. >> go ahead. >> okay. let me just say that all we need to know is that steve bannon himself said that breitbart was the platform for the alt-right. mr. bannon knew very well what the alt-right was, what it stands for. as everyone has made clear, the alt-right is just a new word for white supremacists and white nationalists. so he said. bannon said that breitbart was that platform, and he was the editor. so we can just stop there. but further to the conversation, i wanted to mention a couple of things about stephen miller who, brian, you mentioned. he did -- he did staff for jeff sessions. i'm in alabama. he was on jeff sessions' staff. he helped him push forward very aggressive anti-immigrant policies. he -- stephen miller is from
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california, from his high school graduation he has been anti-multi-culturalist and had a bent toward white nationalists and white nationalism and white supremacy. we also say this goes far beyond what's just happening now and what the president says now. i'll remind us all of how he ran his campaign. his chief strategist when it appeared that he wasn't going to win was steve bannon. they got this coalition together. they started getting the attention and the support of people on the extreme right. he didn't reject them then. he doesn't reject them now. he has them on his staff. and i don't care what he says. he needs to fire those people or, as mr. painter said, he needs to move into some action. let me also say that it is disingenuous for him to say let the country come together when he's the first president in decades who refused to honor -- put out a declaration honoring ramadan. he didn't honor lgbt history
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month. he couldn't even say the word "jew" when he came out with the proclamation about holocaust remembrance. so let's not just solely concentrate on what he said in this particular circumstance. he's -- there's already a long history of what he hasn't done. so he needs to do a lot more than just reject this current message out of charlottesville. he needs to turn the whole game around if he truly means to turn this country around and bring us together. he has a lot to do himself. and lastly, let me say something about miss trump's tweet? i couldn't care less. she was not elected to any office. and if she were taking a stronger stance she would say something about the rise in anti-semitism in this country. those shouts that were made on friday night at that rally, we will not be replaced, jews will not be replaced. she didn't say anything, he didn't say anything. this country refuses to talk about our history of white supremacy.
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we refuse to talk about the rise in anti-semitism. we refuse to talk about the increase in anti-muslim and islamophobia. we have to talk about some things if we want to turn this thing around. it's not just on the president. it's not just on political leadership. it is on each and every individual. every person that voted in this election needs to send a message that this is not why i elected you. and maybe we can start turning the country around. >> that's why i want licia to weigh in. this one thing, i just talked about the president retweeting an axios tweet talking about the federal investigation, federal civil rights investigation. what is that going to look like there? >> i think this is incredibly important. the justice department has unique and important powers when it comes to investigating hate crimes in our country, and yesterday was a grave national tragedy. we need to look at this not only as a potential federal civil rights violation, but also look at this as an act of potential
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domestic terrorism to figure out who this man may have coordinated with and to figure out whether there are other threats that we may face in charlottesville or other parts of the country from these white supremacist groups that have been emboldened by this administration. and they've been emboldened because they feel they have a friend in the white house. or friends. whether we're talking about steve bannon, or whether we're talking about the president. we're at a moment where we're seeing the resurrection of the alt-right. the kkk was born in the 1870s. and here we are in 2017, and this administration is breathing new life into organizations that should be defunct and a part of our past. if the president wants to do anything to honor the life of the young woman who was tragically taken away from us tomorrow, he should fire steve bannon and all of the
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individuals in the white house that are tearing apart this country and who have created this tremendous divide across the u.s. >> a vigil for that woman, heather heyer, taking place right now, 6:00 p.m. in virginia. certainly mourning the loss of that young woman and the loss of so many lives there. reverend al sharpton staying with us for the refrt of tst of hour. the rest of you, thank you all for joining me. we'll be right back, everybody. the latest on the situation in seattle, along with sha charlottesville, virginia. when you have something you love,
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welcome back, everybody. we're following a developing situation in seattle, washington. nbc's steve patterson joining us from there where demonstrators are opposing an alt-right rally clashing with police today. steve, give us the latest on the ground there. . >> reporter: we're following along with that counterprotest group that we've been sort of following for the better part of an hour now. at this point, the group is now positioned away from that patriot prayer white nationalist group. originally we had been following them as they were but thing right up against the police line
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trying to get into that white nationalist group. they were there hoping for a confrontation. that did not happen because police kept that line solid. now they seem to be pushing back the opposite direction towards the park where they originated. but earlier tensions were really high. there was a police line right between -- probably about two blocks away between that white nationalist group and these counterprotesters. they were pushing back against the crowd, and the counterprotest group started shooting the police with silly string, started throwing things at police so police started fighting back, pushing back into the crowd. using teargas to disperse the crowd. we know of at least one arrest at this point. but where we are now is pointed back the opposite direction from where this march originally started. probably at about 1:00. so a few hours since we've been going along with them. at this point we see sizable police activity behind them.
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seems like police are kind of pushing them, corralling them away from any conflict with that white nationalist group. so we have not seen a confrontation between those two groups. but the confrontation and the tension between counterprotesters and police continues as this situation sort of develops and morphs into something different. but at this point i can tell you that the tensions have alleviated slightly because now this group has not focused on that second group, that white nationalist group which is still espousing their beliefs and shouting. as far as we know about a mile away from here now. >> steve patterson for us live in seattle. you've been with us for the last hour or so, steve. we thank you for your coverage. we'll continue to follow the story. keep it here, everybody. you're watching msnbc. or this john smith. or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana medicare advantage members. no, it's this john smith. who we paired with a humana team member to help address his
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come to new york today but he did change his schedule yesterday not because of anything that had taken place in s charlottesville, virginia. from what we understand he is heading to trump tower later tomorrow evening. as you see a peaceful protest happening outside of trump tower just a couple of blocks from where we are right now. turning back to events that have taken place. america's racial divide back in focus with many asking how did we get here. let's bring back reverend al sharpton. and david corn. welcome. i want to start with you. some images we have been seeing sort of echoes the past, the civil rights movement, as well. when it comes to race relations
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in this country where do we go? >> i think that we have got to deal with the fact that we have never gone anywhere. a lot of people diluted themselves into feeling we were in a post racial era with president obama. that blew up in everyone's face. i don't know why we would expect given the blatant kind of bigistry displayed during the campaign why people didn't think we would see people coming out the way they come out. let's not forget the issue this weekend started around their wanting to protect robert e. lee's statue who was the general of the confederate army trying to keep blacks enslaved and who was leading an insurrection against this government. we don't know that donald trump has ever in any forceful way denounced these status or celebrating the confederacy. where we are going, when are we
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going a wake up and realize that we have still not dealt with the fact that there is racial inequality? he comes from a city that he never opened his mouth with any race issues other than when he called from the death of five innocent young men. he never spoke from howard beach to eric gardner we never heard from donald trump. he came against those five boys who prove were not guilty and still says he doesn't accept what the reports came with. that is his new york history. >> why this whole thing started because of the statue. emancipation park and the name having been changed. i spoke to the vice mayor. he said it started because of that but that is not what this is about. this gave these white nationalists an excuse to get out there. >> to gather and assemble.
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they know that there won't be real repercussions for them. they are white supremacists and fundamentally believe that this is their nation and there will be no consequences for them because it is theirs so we shouldn't belong. that means all the narmarginali troops. so we have to ask if this is the original sin of this nation and we have had sebs and flows where it has gone into the recesses. it has never gone away. i don't think that donald trump will solve the problem but he has to be fundamentally aware that he is the one who stoked the flames of this racial amnest. as we made progress over time donald trump is welcoming people. he said initially this is the silent majority. you can come out of the shadows and i will be here to support you and pay your medical bills. >> i want tobring you into the conversation. the president in his initial
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statement condemning hatred, bigotry and violence and the white house issuing another statement clarifying what the president said calling out and condemning white supremacists, kkks, neo-nazis. what are these different messages the white house having to further what the president was saying say to the country and to the african-american community? >> it says the president doesn't really care about this. some nameless person out out the statement when he is eager to attack and denounce anything he thinks was wrong. when he doesn't say anything about this and vladimir putin we know it is purposeful. it is not surprising. this is a fellow who rose to political prominence as a servative champion by promoting racist birther conspiracy
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this sunday, violence in virginia. >> if you do not disburse immediately, you will be arrested. >> white nationalists clash with counterprotesters in charlottesville. one person is killed when a car plows into a crowd. a report from the scene this morning. i will talk to the mayor michael signer. president trump denounces the disturbance but not the neo-nazis nor the klan participants. >> we condemn this egregious display of hatred, bigotry on many sides. >> did the president fail his first test at healer in chief? the president's tough talk on north korea.
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