tv MSNBC Joy Reid MSNBC August 13, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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go to the middle east and tell me what the real problem is. go to manchester. >> that was wednesday. instead of manchester, white house aid sebastian gore ka could have gone to charlottesville, virginia, three days later violence erupted during a planned unite the right rally. with white nationalist protests using clubs and brass knuckles, including members of the clergy.
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several people severely injured, one woman was killed when a car rammed into the crowd. james alex fields was arrested and charged with second degree murder along with other crimes. a facebook belonging to fields is riddled with white supremacist, nazi, and pep ee the frog means trump supporters, as well as picture of trump on a golden thrown. the man said white supremacists aren't the problem is sebastian gorka. you wonder what does he do to earn his $150,000 taxpayer funded salary. his title is deputy assistant to the president, worked with steve bannon, includes writing posts on national security. apparently has a problem with pajamas. >> the message i have, it is a simple one, bumper sticker, shawn, the era of the pajama boy is over january 20th, and the
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alpha males are back. >> poor pajama boy. he has a ph.d. from a questionable university in budapest, insists on being referred to as dr. gorka. considers himself a counterterrorism expert, most actual experts didn't know his name even a few years ago. tried to join national security council, was denied security clearance and has ties to ultra right groups in hungary, which is descended from actual nazis. here he is proudly wearing their pin. he denies ties to the group, said he wore it as a tribute to his dad. this is what he had to say about recent fire bombing of a mosque in minnesota. >> great rule. all initial reports are false. you have to check them, you have to find out who the perpetrators are.
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we had a series of crimes committed, alleged hate crimes by right wing individuals in the last six months that turned out to be propagated from the left. when you have people fake hate crimes in the last six months with some regularity, i think it is wise, don't you, to find out what exactly is going on. >> he called an attack on a mosque a false flag. this is the guy with the president's ear. the guy who said days ago that white supremacists are not the problem. joining me, national spokesperson for move, dana milbank, msnbc correspondent, gabriel sherman, curt bar kel a former correspondent for breitbart. curt, i am going to you first. you're the most familiar with breitbart world where sebastian gorka came from. he describes himself as an expert in islamist terrorism, never lived in a country. today, the global jihad has two brands. it's a war of sunni coke versus
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the shi'a pepsi. how does that person claim to have any credentials to advise the president of the united states on national security? >> you highlighted his credentials are as you reported, equivalent of a mail in degree, like a doctor at from trump university. this is someone that aligned with steve bannon, able to ingratiate himself by using inflammatory rhetoric, the same world view of hatred and fear and absurd notion that america is being overrun by muslims and immigrants, will be the destruction of our state as we know it. and steve surrounded himself with like thinking allies.
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and we see the consequences of surrounding yourself with those type of people and how they're advising the president and how the president responds to an act of domestic terrorism by racists with that pitiful statement he put out. where do you think it came from? they're bending over backwards to not say something as a racially motivated act of domestic terror. it's interesting, they're quick to jump to conclusions and judgment when it was president obama. there was no oh, let's wait for the facts, not do it by association, remember the vicious attacks against president obama during the reverend wright situation. now that the shoe is on the other foot, it is a completely hypocritical double standard. >> the white house did attempt, they're attempting to do a rolling walk back of donald trump's mild statement yesterday that didn't include any individuals' specific names. they put out a statement that the president said very strongly in a statement he condemns all forms of violence or hatred.
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>> it is always someone else saying it, not donald trump. >> they say includes, they're including them in the banning of white supremacists, neonazi and extremist groups. dana, it is interesting, i used to blog. i don't have anything against bloggers, you have this blogger contingent in the white house between bannon who ran breitbart, gorka never lived in a muslim country, he was fired from a gig, used to lecture the fbi employees on counterterrorism issues but they had to fire him because of anti-muslim diatribes. how does somebody like this get past the door, i know he doesn't have security clearance, how is he in the door? >> talking somebody dramatically unqualified to be serving in the position he is in. i can think of somebody else in the white house dramatically unqualified. in fairness, there have been people in the white house saying this guy doesn't belong here. even in steve bannon world saying this goes too far.
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one guy for whom he doesn't go too far, the president of the united states. in some ways, gorka is the it of the president. he does what the president does, he is even more outrageous, less tethered to the facts, for example, talking about how white nationalists are not the problem, violence by white supremacists is higher since 9/11 than it has been. i think it is trump's it out there. >> one of the reasons that he likes sebastian gorka, this is in the wake of donald trump saying he is going to rain fire and fury like no one has ever seen before on north korea, everybody went what, except sebastian gorka who did this on fox. >> he is saying don't test america and don't test donald j. trump. we are not just a super power.
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we were a super power, we are now a hyper power. nobody in the world, especially not north korea comes close to challenging our military capabilities. >> half expected him to say we have die lithium crystals. >> what is he talking about, we are a hyper power now. >> i mean, look, as you were saying, for donald trump, his qualifications that he could go on tv and spew this type of ugliness and bizarreness, and attack the press, he does that a lot. that's really -- he goes on tv to fan the flames of white supremacy. there's a story in "rolling stone" says john kelly has been trying to get rid of him, trying to figure another place to put him in government, nobody wants
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him. only donald trump wants him. >> maybe that's the reason for the personality. gabriel sherman, you study the fox world, he is a frequent figure on fox. this kind of figure is very popular there. we know donald trump watches that channel relentlessly. is there a sense among people that work in that world that they need to cultivate these kind of personalities, in part because it gives people like sean hannity influence at the white house? >> you know, i think that's a good question. i think not only fox has to cultivate seb gorka, it is the reverse he is willing to go on and say what many of the fox audience believe. if anything was revealed by the 2016 election, the fox audience is the trump base and fox made the programming calculus that they need to reflect these world views from a ratings, programming perspective. just rewind to when megyn kelly was feuding with donald trump, her producer saw her ratings go down any time she said something
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that was critical of donald trump. so the sort of amplification of these outrageous trump voices that we see on hannity or fox and friends is really appealing to the core fox news viewer. >> i wanted to talk to you about whether or not what happened in charlottesville might change -- there was a report published about trump believing bannon is leaking and his leaks are targeting general h.r. mcmaster, putting bannon's job in jeopardy. could the one thing that could dislodge the bannonites, the idea he could push him out for leaking if not being on the alt right. >> i feel this is the third or fourth it racial that trump is not happy. first the "time" magazine, portrayals of steve as the man behind trump, the brain behind
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trump which obviously he didn't like. trump was upset about his cooperation and role in joshua green's book, and now this assault that we have seen from platforms like breitbart that bannon probably still controls out of the white house, going after mcmaster. not a hard stretch to believe it is coming from steve or people controlled by steve that work inside the white house. yeah. at some point for all of the grandiose we see about we need to go after leaks, stop anonymous sources and rhetoric from the white house and attorney general sessions, likely biggest person who does this day-in and day-out is his chief strategist. >> the guy with the blog. dana, this is hr mcmaster this morning being more definitive on what happened in charlottesville.
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take a listen. >> i think what terrorism is is use of violence to incite terror and fear. certainly it was terrorism. i think we can call it a form of terrorism. >> who is in greater jeopardy of their job, steve bannon or hr mcmaster. >> mcmaster is doing cleanup, perpetual cleanup of what the president has been saying for six months now. of course, mcmaster has less staying power there. you have to understand that bannon, gorka, they're there because they speak to trump space. they would be happy with him suspending the 2020 election. can't go too far for that. trump can't get rid of them, or if he could individually not for that segment of the white house that's speaking to these people, mcmaster is expendable like everybody else. >> i wonder, gabe, if in fox world, we may have to -- quickly, in fox world, what would be the punishment. who would be punished if mcmaster was pushed out. would that shake the fox trump base at all or would they decide
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that if you pushed out bannon, he must back out. >> i think that's a good question. i think really their loyalty is to donald trump, not to steve bannon or the alt right. i think to the extent they would program and want to reflect that decision to help trump, i think that would be the calculus. >> you can look to the change of wikileaks where they might go. thank you very much. up next. more on what we know about the driver who rammed his car into protesters in charlottesville killing one and injuring many others. stay with us. i make it easy to save $600 on car insurance, so being cool comes naturally. hmm. i can't decide if this place is swag or bling. it's pretzels. word. ladies, you know when you switch, you get my bomb-diggity discounts automatically. ♪ no duh, right? [ chuckles ]
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he had an african-american friend. i mean -- >> yeah. >> is this surprising to you then? >> yeah, that he would run as current to a group of people for -- i'm not clear. >> that was the moment the mother of 20-year-old charlottesville suspect, the charlottesville suspect learned in an associated press interview of her son's alleged involvement in the car attack that killed a woman and injured 19 other protesters. james alex fields faces second degree murder and other charges and will be arraigned tomorrow. video shows a chaotic, horrifying scene. we warn you the images we are about to show you may be disturbing. you see the silver dodge challenger ram into counter protesters demonstrating against a white supremacist rally. vanita gupta. start at your end of the table, michelle. the suspect's mother announced she was shocked he would do this
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because he had an african-american friend at some point. james alex field's social media content, maybe she doesn't check his facebook, it is an absolute litter, it is littered with alt references to nazis and white supremacy. >> she either doesn't follow him on facebook or doesn't realize sentiments like that are racist and stand against everything the country stands for. it's kind of like at this age, i have a hard time understanding how you don't know what's in your child's heart. she genuinely looked shocked to see what her son had done. >> she did? >> to me she looked completely
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like taken aback and surprised. she said not understanding how he did this because he has an african-american friend. we live in a world where people don't understand the reality of the country that we live in today. donald trump's america is not the america that anyone is raised to believe that we stand for as a nation, and her son is a testament to that fact. >> it is amazing that she's sort of bewildered by the fact that he likes trump. this interesting thing, they cannot make that connection that anybody who would have racist views has anything to do with donald trump. it is as if birtherism and things he said about every racial group in the country, they just don't penetrate. >> she clearly lives in a bubble. i think she also said that she thought he was going to a donald trump rally, not a hate rally. >> she literally, i don't understand that she doesn't understand what it means.
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>> because it doesn't bother, it doesn't effect her directly. >> i think that's one of the things. these are things that we are very aware of, but it doesn't, alt right, birtherism are probably words she doesn't understand or can define. >> doesn't effect her. >> this goes to the issue around normalization of the alt right. there should be a situation where people feel like it is a deeply stigmatizing feeling to have a child with alt right, but this is legitimization because you have folks like steve bannon in the white house crafting strategy for the administration. in some ways, are we surprised that you have folks in this country that don't recognize it for being the completely abnormal and deeply disturbing thing that it is. >> and not just, jonathan, not just the alt right. i think republicans came out, made strong statements, statements were very strong,
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give them credit, underlying statements, these are the same people passing policies that restrict voting rights and access to health care. we now have the attorney general going after affirmative action in very explicit terms, reverse racism and et cetera. beyond that, there's a map. this is 18 states where republican lawmakers introduce various bills to restrict protesting. what specific things are they talking about. these are things that were overtly directed against black lives matter. then you have in the north carolina house a bill that would protect drivers who hit protesters. in north dakota, it would be legal to hit a protester with your car. in florida, proposed bill would protect drivers who unintentionally hit or kill protesters. texas, bill that eases liability for running over protesters.
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you just had a man hit someone with his car, i just counted five republican controlled states where they want to make it legal to do that. >> kind of ironic, given that we have seen people being hit by cars in paris, london, nice, and from the president on down, jumping out there, saying we have to do something about radical islamic terrorism. and yet these are laws that would protect radical islamic terrorists if they do the same thing in those states. >> would they? would they not prosecute muslim and not the krigsz? >> i think you're right. i want to get to two larger points. while we must demand more of these legislators pushing these bills, we have to demand more from ourselves. now that we know these things
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are happening around the country, what are we doing to stop it? even if those things go through, i wouldn't want to live in any one of those states and feel like i didn't do my part to keep that from happening because that's not american. the second thing, second point i want to make is we talk about the alt right. let's talk about what the alt right is, it is white supremacist and black tie. let's talk about what it is. the president of the united states has a white supremacist that sits feet from him in the oval office. we are talking about charlottesville today because people like steve bannon and gorka, miller, other people who are probably sprinkled throughout this administration believe this point of view. while we are demanding more from president trump because we should, because he should, because he is the leader of all of the country, unless and until he gets rid of those people and makes a concerted effort to move from words to deeds and then stick with it. >> right. >> then he will not have the moral authority to have -- to help us.
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that's what we need. >> just on that same vein, i want to tell a story. friend of mine is pakistani and muslim friday became a citizen of this country, right in new york city. he told me he stood in a room with 156 other people from 55 countries. he says there were so many brown people, he couldn't believe it. it took him awhile under this presidency to get there, but if you think about it, those immigrants were standing in the room, hoping and wishing that they're coming into a better country, that this is indeed a better america, if you will. and i think from what we saw yesterday is a complete contradiction to what happens in that room, across the country. there are hundreds of ceremonies across the country. we have to figure out what kind of country do we want. do we want a country that my friend stood in, all these different people stood around it. >> we have this current
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administration explicitly saying we don't want more of that. we want legal immigration. you have people in the white house who have written that the ceaseless deportation of third world people into the united states is ruining the country, so i don't know what kind of country we want because that's the government. >> we know what kind of country they want. >> as a candidate and as a president, donald trump has embolden forces of hate and division. we need to recognize the power lies within us to do something about this. there can be no more tolerance for steve bannon, gorka, miller being a part of a white house that is defining a strategy across agencies that are dismanned elg and undermining the core values of inclusion and justice that we want to believe is our core values in this country.
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and that's got to be with us. we need to demand it. we can't afford normalization of this. again, they're doing this through lots of different ways, not just through pronouncements yesterday in charlottesville, it is the cut back on voting rights, the push back on criminal justice, even at odds with the republican party. the cut back on lbgt rights. this is part of a concerted agenda. we now, the people, need to be holding our officials accountable at state legislatures, in congress, in communities with local elected officials. the way stuff seeps out, it starts with folks at the white house, but the more it is tolerated, more of these policies get -- >> now we've seen with the mother of this person, james alex fields in our own families, people need to have frank conversations inside their own families and start to recognize that the rot might be inside the house. thank you very much.
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coming up, fox news's eric bolling goes after a friend of this show. ["love is all around" by joan jett & the blackhearts] ♪ who can turn the world on with her smile? ♪ ♪ who can take a nothing day, ♪ ♪ and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile? ♪ ♪ well it's you girl, and you should know it. ♪ ♪ with each glance and every little movement you show it. ♪ ♪ you're gonna make it after all. ♪ it takes a long time to get to the top...
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suspended fox news host eric bolling is firing back with a $50 million defamation lawsuit against the journalist who exposed his alleged lewd text messages. we will talk to that journalist, yashar ali, the person behind the story is next. first kid you ready? by their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely... choose luvs than first time moms. luvs with nightlock plus absorbs wetness faster than huggies... ...snug & dry, for outstanding overnight protection at... ...a fraction of the cost live, learn, and get luvs.
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i had many conversations with contributors and hosts about the inappropriate behavior of men at fox. we would compare strategies for managing the men, that's how bad it was. >> last weekend i spoke with care line heldman, former fox news contributor who accused eric bolling of sexual harassment, hours after he was suspended from the network. his suspension was spurred by a
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bombshell report by yashar ali in huffington post which alleged that bolling sent lewd text messages to at least three female colleagues. ali based reporting on 14 unnamed sources within and outside of fox news. nbc news hasn't independently verified the claims. now bolling is suing the reporter for defamation, seeking at least $50 million in damages. in a statement, bolling's attorney said this is this anonymously sourced uncorroborated story is intended to destroy this good man's career and family. we will defend eric aggressively in court where actual facts based on evidence, testimony, and cross examination, we will belie these anonymous accusations. ali's attorney fired back saying it is false that mr. ali published defamatory statements, there's no evidence of actual malice. joining me, care line heldman who accused bolling of harassment, lisa bloom, civil rights attorney.
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and on the phone, yashar ali, author of the report on bolling and the target of this defamation suit. i want to start with you, yashar. you tweeted it is important to note that bolling's sumness comes after me and not huffington post. were you surprised when this lawsuit was filed that it didn't include huffington post? >> i'm not surprised because this is a suit without merit. he's doing this to try to intimidate me. and of course he is not going to include huff post, owned by verizon, multi billion dollar conglomerate with a fleet of lawyers because he knows he would be demolished by them. i'm not going to bow down with him, he is going to have to deal with my lawyer, and he is trying to do this to intimidate, attempt to intimidate a young reporter. >> and the huffington post stood by you, lydia paul green, editor
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in chief sent out a tweet of her own in which she said yashar ali is a paid freelancer under contract with huffpost. we have no hesitation about standing by him financially in this case. you feel you're fully supported by the company? >> i am, just to be clear, i have not accepted their offer of financial help with respect to the lawsuit. and one of the reasons is because he is coming after me directly. but they have made a very serious offer, have been kind enough to do that. they didn't technically have to do that and cudos to lydia for standing by me and other reporters that face these meritless lawsuits that are, you know, put out in attempt to shut people like me up. it's not going to work. >> lisa bloom who is a blockbuster attorney in your own right, i want your take on yashar's come back, a fiery response that says we welcome the opportunity to depose
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mr. bolling and review his message history. is the risk in this lawsuit a little thing called discovery? >> absolutely. and mr. ali, take the huffington post offer of financial help for attorneys. i have been litigating a defamation case for two years in california against bill cosby, they can be long, drag out, a lot of motion practice. let your organization stand behind you, and yes, you get discovery. i suggest attorneys send out document preservation letters which means he can't destroy any electronic communications, you have to hold onto the phone, devices, e-mails, texts. and we know why, to see if we can preserve evidence here. it is appalling, joy, we have a journalist going after another journalist for a story allegedly with 14 sources. come on. he'll never be able to prove actual malice. >> carolyn, you could
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theoretically be a witness here. does the fact that eric bolling's attorneys say these are fabrications and made up, given your personal experiences, what do you make of that? >> i think it is fascinating that much of what he did to me he did on air, so there are actually videos of him sexually harassing me on the air, calling me dr. mchottie, making comments about me being beautiful, smart, and dead wrong. i didn't go to college for 12 years to have my professional title have mchotty after it. he hasn't replied to my allegations. he has, of course, gone after the story about the pictures, but i think it's telling. he did it on air. fox executives stood by while this happened. i'm not sure he has a leg to stand on, especially given that there are other women afraid to come forward but who could.
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so i don't think eric bolling wants to pursue a legal path with me, i think it is a frivolous lawsuit against yashar and i think it wreaks of desperation. >> your 14 sources will come into play. are you confident the people you spoke with are going to be willing to testify on your behalf? >> i know some of them will, but i will not be revealing my sources. i made a pledge to them to protect them no matter what. if i end up, not trying to be dramatic, if i end up in jail because of that, that's fine. i made a commitment and i have to keep it. >> do you have in your possession copies of text messages? >> i can't talk about that. >> can't talk about that. all right. lisa, in order to prove defamation, what is it that eric bolling would have to actually prove? >> he's a public figure. means a simple negligent mistake would not be sufficient.
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he would have to show that mr. ali intentionally lied about him or at least published an article with reckless disregard as to the truth or falsity of the article. that's a very high standard. notice that what was filed in new york was a simple summons with notice. the simplest legal document a first year law student could draft and put out there, slap a big number at the end. i want $50 million. i never put that in my complaint, never put a dollar figure, that's a head line grabbing way to get attention but doesn't mean anything. the man hasn't been fired. he still has a job, he's just been suspended. how on earth can you prove $50 million in damages, you can't do it. >> do you think this is simply a lawsuit meant to, i don't know, make the appearance of umbrage so that he can present himself as an innocent man and that he is not serious about the lawsuit? >> this is a way he is trying to save his job. i've had a number of sexual harassment cases against fox news so i have some understandings of how things
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work there. he has been suspended. he wants to keep his job. i think he wants to say to paul wise attorneys that represent fox news, you can't fire me until my lawsuit is resolved. defamation lawsuits can take five years or more. he wants to say i have an outstanding claim, let me prove my claim, let me keep my job. >> carolyn, bolling is getting support from pat robertson. this is what he had to say about the accusations monday. >> if you wanted to destroy the fox news, you really wanted to destroy them, what would you do? you would send salacious material ostensibly from one of their popular co-hosts or hosts, the latest attack is against a guy named eric bolling who i think is a straight arrow, he was on this program, dedicated catholic, goes to mass every day, very nice man. they pulled him off the air because somebody sent pictures ostensibly over his name.
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>> this is a false flag accusation rearing its ugly head. can you imagine anyone you work with at fox, any women that you knew or worked with at fox faking text messages from eric bolling to frame him for sending such lewd material? >> absolutely not. i think that eric bolling was not particularly cautious about his actions. i would say that compared to some of the other men at fox who also engaged in similar behavior, he was sloppier. with that in mind, goes beyond genitalia pictures, right? i have made allegations, some of which are provable by looking at youtube videos, others provable by looking at journals and eyewitness accounts and things i told people immediately after it happened, it is not just me, it is multiple women. it has been multiple women at fox against multiple executives and hosts, it was a culture, and frankly i grew up pentecostal, evangelical, i am not that any more. but pat robertson should be
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ashamed that he is advocating for something that the church would not advocate for. this behavior is in no way godly. >> and the last one to you, yashar ali, "new york times" reports the attorney representing eric bolling, michael j. bowe, is from cast oh wits, benson and torres. he represented bill o'reilly who was ousted in april over sexual harassment allegations. do you feel this is fox world trying to shut down a line of inquiry by journalists into the culture as regards sexual harassment at that establishment? >> i don't think it is fox world as much. they really haven't offered him much support. they do give much of a statement when i called last friday, suspended him almost immediately. this is about -- this firm was
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used by folks at fox. word gets around, start using the same lawyers. important to note that my lawyer is rush limbaugh's lawyer, appeared on sean hannity, and is a republican. so i am matching him here in terms of someone who can't be accused of being some, you know, democratic show. i certainly wouldn't want to deal with patty glazer. >> somebody will be soon. thank you very much, appreciate you guys being here. i want to let viewers know, we reached out to eric bolling's attorney about the story and accusation that heldman made. we have not just gotten a response. what if yesterday's white supremacist rally had been a muslim rally. think about that during the break.
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why are so many in the white house struggling to call the acts of violence in charlottesville acts of terrorism? would we have seen a different response from the president had yesterday's white supremacist protesters be of a different creed, nationality, religion? more of that next on "am joy." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ will people know it means they'll get the lowest price guaranteed on our rooms by booking direct on hey! badda book. badda boom! mr. badda book. badda boom! book now at
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well, the response to charlotte vitz be different in the subject -- if the suspect didn't look like this? joining me now, "daily beast" columnist and a staff writer for "the new yorker." dean, you wrote back in may, will donald trump ever say the words white supremacist terrorist. trump refuses to call them what they are. especially laughable given the campaign trump slamed hillary clinton continually for not calling isis radek the
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terrorists. what do you make of his struggle to use the words "domestic terrorism" regarding charlottesville? even to talk about nazis or name them? >> this is strategic. we know it's strategic, joy. that donald trump doesn't want to alienate his base. david duke made it clear to him. we voted you in. not the leftists, meaning people of color or the leftists the jews. donald trump is playing to his base. it's dangerous. i wrote that in may after the terror attack in portland by a right-wing terrorist who killed two on a train for standing up for a muslim. and came up from baltimore for the purpose of killing white people. killed one. arrested, charged with terror m terrorism. at least charged with terrorism. another man in maryland. my point, donald trump put resources in to fighting white supreme supremacist terrorism and maybe the young woman would about live in donald trump didn't play politics with
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people's lives. what's that he did here. >> if isis rammed a car into the crowd, labeled quickly, call it domestic terrorism. other republicans came out said it's domestic terrorists. h.r. mcmaster, national security adviser to donald trump. this is him on "meet the press" this morning. >> what terrorism is, is the use of violence to incite violence and fear. certainly it was terrorism. we can confidently call it a form of terrorism. >> why is it so hard for donald trump to do it if this national security adviser can do it? >> i don't think that he actually recognizes white terrorism and might think it's a contradiction in terms, based on him not being able to name it, refer to it as such. the tragedy at the pulse nightclub, he had no hesitation referring to that at terrorism and referring to this person as a foreigner even though born in
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queens. the same place donald trump is from. i think in his mind he can only understand terrorism something that is done by people of color, and it's unconscionable that in the context of what we just saw, and eric holder said is exactly true, these are the same times of attacks in nice and manchester. what is different other than the ra race of the person perpetrating it. >> and if this was a muslim driving that car? >> donald trump would have instantly declared it radical terrorism and called for surveillance of american muslims saying we have less constitutional rights because of our faith and went further. explored the issue of internment camps. we haven't had a terror attack on u.s. soil, we've had at least four by right-wing, white
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supremacist terrorists a term he won't use. hughes call elizabeth warren a racist and hillary clinton a passivist and they won't get the message. luke at david duke. they love it. they hear it, know it, white supremacists for years and thanks to donald trump they're out in the light. >> i can imagine. go ahead. >> and point out statistically the majority of the attacks we've seen since 9/11 have been from white right-wing extremists. this is not just a kind of one-off situation. this is a vital dynamic, vibrant form of extremism and terrorism that we have to confront and then not only this, in february of this year, he removed white extremists from the conversion of extremism program they had, they were running in federal government to try to -- address
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the ways in which people are being radicalized. he wanted that to -- >> before we run out of time, donald trump has a way of naming enemies. a new ad put out today by the trump re-election campaign. please, take a look. >> democrats obstructing the media attacking our president. career politicians standing in the way of success. but president trump's plan is working. the president's enemies don't want him to succeed but americans are saying, let president trump do his job. >> i'm donald trump, and i approve this message. >> to both of you, what do you think of that? donald trump naming his enemies, not white supremacists or domestic terrorists? >> you would not almost realize this is a person with a 38% approval rating based upon that stunning. really quickly to you as well. had that been a black lives matter protest, how would have
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have looked? >> conflation of black lives matter with the kkk, which we've seen before. >> tanks in the streets. we're out of time. i don't mean to cut you off. thank you all. that's our show for today. "a.m. joy" back next saturday, 10:00 a.m. eastern. stay with msnbc. by funding scientific breakthroughs, advancing public policy, and providing local support to those living with the disease and their caregivers. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors.
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