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tv   First Look  MSNBC  August 16, 2017 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> uphill fight if i ever saw one. thank you so much for explaining all that being with us on the night shift tonight. for all of us, that is your on our broadcast for what is just tuesday evening. thank you for being here with us. good night from nbc news headquarters here in new york. this event just happened. before i make a statement, i need the facts. >> that tracking on charlottesville. president trump once again blaming two sides about a rye outthat broke out over the weekend. plus, igniting a firestorm on social media. and new this morning in the wake of that charlottesville violence crews in baltimore begin removing confederate statues in the dead of night. good morning, everyone. it's wednesday august 16th, i'm
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ayman mohyeldin alongside yasmin vossoughian and louis burgdorf. well president trump fanned the flames of controversy around the violence in charlottesville, virginia, once again where white nationalists and affiliated groups chanted nazi slogan. and one of those white nationalist marchers plowed into protesters. a day after singling out the kkk and other gait group, the president reverted to his original statement that multi time sides were to blame for that violence. during an unplanned session with sessions, he explained the condemning while adding those marching alongside them contained many fine people. >> there was no way of making that statement that early. i had to see the facts, unlike a lot of reporters -- unlike a lot of reporters. i didn't know david duke was there. i had to see the facts.
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and the facts as they started coming out was very well stated. everybody said his statement was beautiful. if he would have made it sooner that could have been good. i couldn't have made it sooner because i didn't know all of the facts, frankly, people still don't know all of the facts. the first statement was made without knowing what we were seeing. the second statement was made with knowledge, with great knowledge. what about the alt-left that came charging at as you say the alt-right. do have have any semblance of guilt? what about the fact they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs? do they have any problem, i think they do. as far as i'm concerned that was a horrible, horrible day. wait a minute, i'm not finished. i'm not finished, fake news. that was a horrible day -- sir, do you put these protesters -- >> i'm going to tell you something, i watched it very
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closely. much more closely than you people watched it. you had a group on one side that was bad. and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent but nobody wants to say that. but i'll say that right now. you had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit, and they were very, very violent. >> from both sides, sir, you said there was hatred, violence? >> yes -- i do think there's blame on both sides. you look at both sides. i think there's blame on both sides and i have no doubt about it. and you don't have any doubt about it, either and -- and -- and if you reported it accurately, you would see that. >> the neo-nazis started this thing -- >> excuse me -- excuse me, you had some very bad people in that group. but you also had people that were very fine people. on both sides. there were people in that rally, and i looked the night before, if you look, there were people
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protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of robert e. lee. i'm sure in that group there was some bad ones. the following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people. neo-nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. but you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest -- because i don't know if you know, they had a permit. the other group didn't have a permit. so, i only tell you this, there are two sides to a story. >> all right. among the white house staffer was surprised to say the least. a senior white house official tells nbc news that president trump was not supposed to answer any questions at all. his team went into the event with the understanding that he would highlight the infrastructure executive order he had just signed. and then he would leave. he would head back upstairs and let his aides handle any
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inquiries. once in front of reporters, the president, quote, went rogue. members of the team are stunned, steve mnuchin, gary kohn stood silent. members of the president's staff stunned and disheartened. said they never expected to hear such a volatile opinion. missing was jared kushner and ivanka trump. they were out of public view when the president announced the exit in observance of a holiday in march, as the house bill gathered traction in the house. they were in some valley after donald trump jr. was beset with the report about the russians. they were in bedminster for the weekend, and are now said to be in very late have the on a long-planned trip. let's talk to jacqueline. good to talk to you this morning. as you just heard, the president
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seems like he went rogue. he went offscript in his press conference yesterday. much to the dismay of many of the people of his administration. how is the white house going to deal with this now, moving forward, seeing that they had an agenda that they wanted to push through. whether it comes to tax reform, or infrastructure reform. it seems like this is going to be the cloud hanging over everything? >> absolutely. i think this is just another distraction for the administration. you heard the press conference ask repeatedly, doesn't anyone have a question about infrastructure? and. it was just everyone wanted to talk about this issue in charlottesville. it's important to point out that lawmakers on both sides of the aisle condemned this legislation yesterday. and so the relationship between the white house and capitol hill is already not great. this is only going to make it worse. >> hey, jacqueline, let's talk about a little bit what we're referencing in that setup, the staff. one of those officials, john
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kelly who we saw hanging his head off to the side of the president yesterday. incredible picture. he was at the presser, there's proof that no one, not even general kelly, a lot of people putting hope in can contain the president especially when he goes offskrichcript. >> i think there was a lot of optimism, when john kelly came in, essentially getting a read on the president's tweets before he sent them. that he would be able to rein in the president's personality. but going into the job he said he wasn't gloing to change the president. but when you put the president in front of a microphone, there's only one person that can control that and that's the president himself. >> we heard bannon saying he's a good man. he wasn't been with us too long, but he is a good man to say the least. he really didn't get into the plans for steve bannon. what's the read here? do we think he's going to go?
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>> right. he basically said we'll see. i think we'll have to watch whether or not he stays. you've seen the president not hesitate to get rid of people who are not -- who he believes are not pushing forward his agenda. and working on his team. so, i think, especially, john kelly will probably have a role in this, a voice in this. i think we're going to have to wait and see if he stays at the white house. >> all right, jacqueline klimas thank you for joining us. both lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are criticizing the president's comments. many did not mention the president by name. house speaker paul ryan said we must be clear, white supremacicy is repulsive. there can be no more ambiguity. and kevin mccarthy said the violence was a direct consequence of white
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supremacists demonstrating. arizona governor jeff flake, a vocal credit of the president said, we cannot accept excuses. >> and in a series of tweets senator marco rubio denounced the president's remarks saying, mr. president, you can't allow white supremacists to share only part of blame. and cory booker, take a listen. >> anybody that believed in kkk -- the president should renounce the hatred and bigotry. the president should have done that immediately. and what he did today again goes back on what he said yesterday. that's unacceptable. the president was wrong to do that. i've said that loud and clear. >> the president appears to have won over that because of
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remarks. david duke tweeted, thank you, president trump, for your honesty and courage to tell the truth about charlottesville. alt-right leader richard spencer quoted i'm proud of him for speaking the truth. vice news in charlottesville, here's vice news on hbo. >> so, how do you think yesterday went? >> i'd say it was worth it. we flew we were going to meet a. the in fact that none of our people killed anybody unjustly i think is a plus for us. and i think that we showed our rivals that we won't be cowed. >> did the car that struck a protester that's unprovoked? >> the video appears to show someone striking that vehicle. when he's animals attacked him
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again. he saw no way to get away from them except to hit the gas. >> so, you think it was justified? >> i think it was more than justified. the amount of restraint that our people showed out there i think was restounding. >> i think it's tough to taut but we're up to the challenge? >> tough to taut, someone died? >> i think a lot more people would have died. >> if you get an opportunity to watch the entire thing. it is incredible. that's elle reeve reporting for vice. and lone actors and small cells within the white supremacist movement will likely continue to pose a threat for violence over the next year. and more people are leaving the advisory council. afl-cio richard trumka and his chief of staff announced their
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resignations saying we cannot sit on a council for a president who tolerates bigotry and domestic terrorism. scott paul also announced he'd be stepping down. on monday, the ceos of merck, intel and under armour dropped out. and he tweeted for every ceo that drops out of manufacturing council i have many to take their place. grandstanders should not have gone on. jobs. >> why do you think these leaders are leaving their manufacturing council? >> because they're not taking their job seriously as it pertains to this country. and we want jobs of manufacturing in this country. if you look at some of those people that you're talking about, they're outside of the country. they're having a lot of their product made outside, if you look at merck as an example, some of the folks that will leave, they're leaving outside of embarrassment because they make their products outside. and i've been lecturing them,
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including the gentleman that you're referring to, about you have to bring it back to this country. >> ceo vollmer also criticized the president's comments but so far is not stepping down from the manufacturing council. still ahead, how some of the sports world is reacting to president trump's comments on char klo charlottesville. plus, hundreds missing in sierra leone in mudslides. that story when we come back.
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welcome back. a bill to restrict transgender people access to certain people's bathrooms in texas is dead after a special legislative session abruptly ended early. lawmakers in the state house adjourned last night would you say passing a bill on a 30-day session which was scheduled to end today. the measure was appealed back in march. major corporations including
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ibm, halliburton and exxonmobil were opposed to the bill, arguing it would make it hard for them to recruit talent. it was a pet project of republican dan patrick who lambasted the republican house speaker for its failure and provided difficulty for lawmakers of its ilk. overseas in sierra leone, a catastrophic mudslide in the town has left over 300 people and 60$600 missing. it start after heavy rains caused a mountainside to partially collapse. and many victims were trapped understand tons of mud. one red cross worker said, quote, he's never seen anything like that. a tower of mud just wiped them away. a government spokesman said an exact death toll is unknown. and nikki haley sent out a tweet, our hearts are broken by
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the images. let's get a check on nbc meteorologist bill karins. bill, kansas and nebraska pummeled with severe weather. and all of that bad weather is making its way our way. >> for friday afternoon. we'll get to that in a second. good morning to you, louis. you can see the lightning strikes down in kansas. so, this mess has to head east over the next two or three days. for today, we do have a slight risk of severe weather, 4.5 million in kansas city area, des moines, aims, back down to wichita, definitely large hail and wind with the storms. let's track these the next coming of days to make your plans. this is 10:00 a.m., hit and miss. then the storms form later on the front, 7:00 p.m. this is where the storms will be for northern oklahoma right to central portions of iowa. central minnesota this is more heavy rain for you. then we take this from wednesday. overnight, might get a straight
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strom into chicago. thursday afternoon, we do it again. cincinnati, back down to paducah, into areas around cleveland. then by friday afternoon, this whole mess makes its way to the east coast. so if you have friday afternoon plans at the airport from d.c., philadelphia, to new york, all the way up to albany, new york. there's a possibility of definitely delays on the roads and especially at the airports. that's a soaking rain friday afternoon with some of those thunderstorms. by the time we get to the weekend forecast, though, it will clear out and leave everyone pretty nice. i also want to mention, we still have hurricane gert out there off the east coast safely moving away. but there are really dangerous rip current threats from the beaches of new england down to north carolina. it's sunny and pretty nice. it's confusing. it's warm and beautiful. the waves and rip currents are dangerous. keep that in mind for any beach plans in the southeast. down along the gulf coast. it's a typical storm. heat index, 100, to 110. that's from saers of south carolina to georgia. and very typical heat in areas
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of texas. that doesn't change tomorrow with 100 in san antonio. the tropics also. i didn't mention anything heading to the u.s. because nothing is at least for the next week. do expect maybe two, maybe three named storms over the next three days. still ahead, lebron james gives his reaction to comments made by the, quote, so-called president. and down in miami, the giancarlo stanton show just keeps on rolling. we'll have all of the highlights. sports is next. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. this august visit your local volvo dealer to receive sommar savings of up to $4,500. this august visit your local volvo dealer a penny it's ourr back to school one cent event at office depot office max. notebooks! one cent!
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time now for sports. where one the world's top athletes has spoken out about social issues, thrust into the spotlight following the recent events in in charlottesville. before exiting the stage at a charity event in ohio yesterday, nba star lebron james reflected on the weekend's violence and referred to donald trump as the, quote, so-called president. take a listen. >> the only way for us to be able to get better as a society and for us to get better as people is love. that's the only way we're going to be able to account for something at the end of the day. it's not about the guy that's the so-called president of the united states or whatever the case. it's about us. it's about us looking in the mirror. kidding all the way up to adults. all of us looking in the mirror saying what can we do to help change. shoutout to the innocent people in charlottesville, north
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carolina, and shoutout to people who just want to be great. thank you, i love you all. >> james touched on a twitter post adding that trump has made hate, quote, fashionable again. turning to the nfl, ezekiel elliott has officially filed an appeal to the six-game suspension for violating the league's personal conduct policy. elliott who was accused of domestic violence will reportedly face his appeal on threats by his accuser on quote, ruined his career. august the 9th. turning on major league baseball, where giancarlgiancar streak of homering. six straight games, 11 of the last 12, and 23 of the last 25. a feat only matched twice before in baseball history. he is on fire. all right. in boston, the red sox leading
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st. louis by a run with cardinals base runners on first and second. take a look at this. >> ground ball to third. back to bag one. and the red sox turn a triple play! >> there it is, the boston infield turns a triple play to retire st. louis in the fourth inning before going on to win 10-4 in that one. down in arlington, in texas, the rangers on a plate steal from third base to extend the texas lead in last night's seventh inning against the tigers. while the pitcher is called for say ball. with scores to run anyway, it's still an impressive dash. the rangers go on to win it 10-4. >> it reminds me of that scene in cleveland indians major league, willie mays who steals third base. you have to have a lot of speed to steal home plate.
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still ahead, a race that's divided the gop. and what it means with the president's ability to work with congress. we'll be right back. i was really surprised that i wasn't finding all of these germans in my tree. i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. the big surprise was we're not german at all. 52% of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at there's nothing more important so when i need to book a hotel, i want someone who makes it easy. gets it. and with their price match, i know i'm getting the best price every time. visit booking.yeah! tand the alzheimer'sf association is going to make it happen.
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♪ welcome back, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian. alongside ayman mohyeldin and louis burgdorf. it's the bottom. hour. let's start with the morning's top story. president trump once again facing criticism on his latest comments on the violence in virginia. the president replacing words
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ever unity, reverting back to his claim that both sides were responsible for the violence. >> and some appear to defend the president. hallie jackson was there and found herself in a heat the exchange with the president. take a listen. >> reporter: a defining moment in donald trump's presidency. >> you look at both sides. i think there's blame on both sides. i have no doubt about it. and you don't have any doubt about it either. >> reporter: the president unfiltered and defiance. responding to criticism of his comments condemning the charlottesville attack. >> what about the alt-left? do they have any semblance of guilty i think they do. >> reporter: both protesters and counterprotesters came ready for a ists who came
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in force. it's one of those who plowed into heather heyer. >> you had some very violent people in that group but you had people who were very fine people. excuse me, excuse me, i saw the same pictures as you did. you had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue. and the renaming of a park from robert e. lee to another name. >> do you think what you call the alt-left is the same as neo-nazis? those people -- >> that's my question. >> excuse me. i've condemned neo-nazis. i've condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-nazis, believe me. not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. >> they were white nazis? >> those people were there because they wanted to protest the taking down of the statue of
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robert e. lee. >> should that statue haven't taken down? >> excuse me, you'd know it if you were reporters but many of you are not, many of those protests were to protest the taking down of robert e. lee. i notice that stonewall jackson is coming down. i wonder is it george washington next week or thomas jefferson the week after. you really have to ask yourself where does it stop. george washington was a slave owner? was george washington a slave owner, will the president lose his status. >> reporter: the president blamed many sides for hatred, bigotry and violence. not condemning then the white supremacists and neo-nazis who participated in the rally. he did denounce them monday. >> but you had many people in that group other than neo-nazis and white national effortisnati?
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>> reporter: the president said he never spoke with steve bannon about his original fame this weekend. >> i like him, he's a good man. he's not a racist, i can tell you that. he's a good person. he actually gets very unfair press in that regard. but we'll see what happens with mr. bannon. >> thanks for hallie jackson on that report. politico is reporting how this sequence of events came to be, quote, the president's remarks on monday authed in part by chief speechwriter stephen miller put some of the most ardent tone. and according to a senior white house adviser, but the president veered from those prepared remarks. joining us once again from washington, defense reporter for politico, jacqueline klimas. jacqueline, good to see you back here. we've seen lawmakers on both
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sides of the aisle criticize the president's comments. but let's talk what about this does for his ability to actually work with congress going forward, as long as they're always consumed with these headlines. another week of headlines. how are they going to get anything done on the agenda in what is supposed to be a busy september? >> absolutely. this is definitely going to make the relationship between the white house and capitol hill and distract lawmakers from their long list when they get back in the fall. they're going to need to pass a budget. if they're going to pass the president's budget, they're going to have to do with control act, capps. and a lot of big picture items that they're going to need to focus on bipartisanship and coming together. and this is just another distraction and another rift in the relationship with the white house. >> jacqueline, let's talk about the reaction we're getting from some of the president's top military leaders. we've got admiral richardson from the navy who reacted pretty quickly on saturday. putting a facebook post up.
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there and the marine corps, saying no place for racial hatred or extremism in the u.s. marines. our core values of honor, courage and commitment frame the way marines live and act. a very different tone. a very swift tone, at that. a big break from the president in the way he's been speaking, of course. >> definitely, to say that there's more ambiguity in this matter is definitely a break from the president's remarks. it's not the first time we've seen the military try to temper and break from the president's remarks. when the president tweeted out the transgender ban. we saw the chairman of join chiefs saying we're not going to make any opinions, we're going to wait for official guidance. so, to see these two military leaders of the joint chiefs break with the president and saying this will not be tolerated with mat marine corps i think is significant. >> jacqueline, let me ask you about one of the personnel issues. one of the issues brought up is
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that ivanka and jared kushner were not present the last few days. should anything been read into that when you put into the fact with the decision to pull out of the paris climate agreement. should anything be read into the fact that they were not there once this white house went off the rails, so to speak? >> i mean, seeing the charlottesville protests unfold, i don't know it was a planned event. we also have to remember they don't have really the policy experience to deal with this. they are just trusted advisers to the president. and, you know, i think trying to do what they can with their limited experience and the limited role that they have. >> and certainly, that can be something posed to general kelly, a lot of people hoping he can contain the situation. >> thank you very much for that. the violence in charlottesville has only
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hastened the movement to take down confederate statues. earlier this morning, crews removed confederate monuments. the mayor did identify confederate cemeteries as a resting place. and now calling for a statue to be reviewed the author of the dred scott decision. and a confederate statue was down in gainesville, florida, and the jacksonville council is preparing to remove memorials from property. while the mayor of dallas has sets up a 90-day study to review whether to remove such markers. the governor of kentucky is now criticizing the city of lexington for considering to
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remove two statues. and a monument was toppled by protests. the woman you saw there, placing the rope around the statue was arrested yesterday. but not before saying this. >> so, what we did, not only was it right, it was just. i did the right thing. everyone who was there, the people did the right thing. and the people will continue to keep making the right choices until ever confederate statue is gone. until white supremacy is gone. ketia fattah thompson is due in court today. and officials say more arrests are expected. let's turn to alabama. there will be a runoff there. senator luther strange and justice roy moore will be facing off next month. the winner will be facing doug jones. in yesterday's special primary, moore finished in first with
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about 40% of the vote while the incumbent strange came in second with 32%. congressman mel brooks came in third with just under 20% and will not advance to september 26th. strange appointed earlier received the endorsement of president donald trump early last week. president trump loomed large over the race. in strange's favor. but neither that or the backing of mitch mcconnell's super pac were not enough for strange to win outright. sources tell nbc news they expect trump to campaign for strange in the next couple weeks. and coming, fed subsidies tied to obamacare plans that could spike costs. and the president lashing out over members of his manufacturing council stepping down as members of that group continues to grow. next, bill karins will be back with a check on the forecast when we return.
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president trump's plan to potentially cut federal funding for subsidies on health insurance could force insurance companies to hike premiums on obamacare plans by 20%. that's according to a new report released by the congressional budget office yesterday. the cbo says the spike in premiums would take as places early as next we're. the report says the cost to consumers will likely stay the same. or even decline, due to the premium increases being offset by more tax credits. but that would increase the deficit by $194 billion through 2026. president trump has warned he could end the funding after republicans failed late last night to appeal obamacare. let's turn to court leaders. cnbc's cal carolin roth joins us
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live. >> no surprise there. as you said, the exodus continues. more business leaders are leaving the president's manufacturing council over the firestorm over his response to the violence in charlottesville, virginia, over the weekend. the latest ceo is afl-cio president richard trumka but also his deputy resigning, saying the president, quote, tolerates bigotry and domestic troch terrorism. the alliance scott paul also leaving the council. president trump lashed out against the ceos on twitter attacking them saying for every ceo that drops out, i have many to take their place. now in other news, let's talk about uber and more use for the ride sharing app. recode reports they issued another set of penalties for its privacy and security practices.
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the lapses reportedly date back to 2014. and they include the company deceiving consumers by allows employees to access sensitive details for example of its trip history. uber has been investigate by many agencies like the federal trade commission and must now submit 20 years of privacy checkups by outside auditors. let's talk about commerce spending. consumer spending picked up in july. personal debt is rising while personal savings is down. what does this mean for our economic outlook? >> well, overall, the numbers yesterday were pretty good, 0 it's 6% pour retail in july. that was the biggest increase in seven months and that spells good news for consumers which make up 70% of the economy. there were factors in there like amazon's prime day. and consumers also flocked to the car dealers again and bought
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more cars. overall, the retail sector when it comes to companies they're still very much struggling and that was visible. and the u.s. stock market retail once again underperforming. when it comes to today's trading session, all eyes on the fed minutes. back to you. >> carolin roth, thank you so much. let's get a check of american with nbc's bill karins. bill, you're the guy to talk to about the complete solar eclipse next monday. i'm make sure i'm get my glasses. >> i've got to get my glasses. now, everyone's out of them. we'll talk about them at the end of the forecast. also to update everyone in the storms. a lot of the flash flooding has ended in nebraska. but the storms continue in lincoln, and omaha. 4.6 million people in slight storms. just on the end, our friends from wichita. it's a warm humid day from atlanta all the way to the eastern seaboard. plenty of sunshine.
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a summerlike day. hit and miss storms along the gulf coast as united states expect like normal. try in texas still very hot. we're still watching hurricane gert heading out in the atlantic. these are what we call invests, they're not named storms yet. this is where we start to line the storms up this time of year and we'll see if it's headed to the caribbean or make that turn out to the north. nothing is threatening our country anytime soon. here's the latest on hurt gain gert which is producing dangerous rip currents and large waves on the east coast. 90-mile-per-hour winds. now, it's move togts east coast at 20 miles per hour. that's going to head out over the atlantic. let's get into that monday total eclipse forecast. we're trying to forecast areas that are going to look good. it's easy to say who is clear than to say who is inny. this is the path of totality here. the white is where the path is. oregon, idaho looking good. sun valley, almost a
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picture-perfect place to be. and nebraska, a few clouds can around north platte. those are showers up near lincoln. kearney is looking good with a few clouds. then things get iffy, as we go through tennessee, portions of kentucky and back to south carolina. the south carolina forecast hasn't looked good for the last couple days. it remains that way. and showers, there is the possibility of that. we'll continue to watch that forecast, monday afternoon. there's people trying to make a lot of decisions of where to drive. where to fly. hotels. and it's a lot easier. >> i think the question we want to know, we're not obviously in the bath of totality. we won't be able to see it? >> you'll see about 75% of it. >> where is the closest place in new york for us to go see it. >> i'll tell you to head to south carolina but i just mentioned the forecast is iffy. if you guys want to go to idaho with me -- >> road trip. road trip. >> right after the show, we'll probably make it there in time. president trump facing
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plenty of criticism at home over his latest comments over the charlottesville violence. >> up next, we're going live to london to see how those are playing out overseas. and if that's not enough... we should move. our home team will help you every step of the way. still not enough? it's smaller than i'd like. we'll help you finance your dream home. it's perfect. oh, was this built on an ancient burial ground? okay... then we'll have her cleanse you house of evil spirits. we'll do anything, (spiritual chatter) seriously anything to help you get your home. ally. do it right. a penny it's ourr back to school one cent event at office depot office max. notebooks! one cent! rulers, glue and 12-pack pencils! all one cent each! hurry to office depot office max! ♪taking care of business they carry your fans shpassions, hopes, and dreams.s. and maybe, a chance at greatness
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because shoulders were made for greatness. not dandruff.
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mr. president, are you putting the alt-right and the same plain?
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>> i'm not saying. there was a group on this side, can you call them the left, you've just called them the left that came violently attacking the other group. so can you say what you want but that's the way it is. >> president trump's handling of the violence in charlottesville, virginia has been highly criticized but it's also getting reaction overseas. we're seeing this is playing out big time at home. what's the reaction been like overseas? >> it hasn't been very positive at all. the reigning minister of education said the u.s. must unequivocally con determined and "trump's reaction to charlottesville shows public
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racism. in fact, displaying flags or symbols associated with the nazis is illegal in several european countries like germany, france and austria. and in germany, commentators from even the most conservative organizations argues the u.s. is moving away from democracy under president trump and that the president has become, quote, the standa standard bearer for white supremacists and referred to it as a blood curdling experience and here in the u.k. some here are urging the prime minister to cancel the state visit by the president while satirists are having a field day, one paper depicting the white house can a kkk hood on top.
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>> vice president mike pence is making his way across latin america. and for the second time in two days, spoke out about the threat for military intervention. >> the way to go is not to take force but to how ensure that democracy is -- we do not see force as an option to resolve the conflict in venezuela. >> venezuela is sliding into dictatorship and as president donald trump has said, and i quote, the united states will no not stand by as venezuela crumbles. the united states will bring.
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but the president and i remain confident that working with all our allies across latin america, we will achieve a peaceable solution to the crisis facing the venezuelan people. >> coming up next on "morning joe," hallie jackson and "the new york times" glen thrush take us inside where the president doubled back. and. >> and al suss from joy "morning joe," everybody just moments away. . . ♪
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2:57 am
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her family has asked attendees wear her first color purple in her honor. >> and officials from the u.s., canada and mexico will meet why washington, d.c. to kick off negotiations to rework nafta. president trump has backed off the idea of tearing up the agreement. >> that does it for us. i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside louis burgdorf and "morning joe" is next. >> if you reported it accurately, you would say that.
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>> heather heyer got -- >> excuse me, you had some very bad people in that group. but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. >> that's the president of the united states calling neonazi as and white supremacists who rioted in charlottesville very fine people. the president of the united states has a bully pulpit like very few other people on entire planet. in yesterday's press conference he used that to grant more equivalencies to nazis and white sigh prem cysts. -- supremacists. it seemed to do some congratulate violence not only to the institution of the presidency but also to this


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