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tv   First Look  MSNBC  August 22, 2017 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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to its rightful place in the sky. thank you for being here with us. we are a partner and a friend, but we will not dictate to the afghan people how to live or how to govern their own complex society. we are not nation-building again. we are killing terrorists. in the news this morning president trump lays out his plan for america's longest war but offers few details. anger erupts at a security council meeting following last week's deadly protest. divers are looking in flooded comapartments as officials demand answers.
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president trump has announced a new approach for afghanistan. throughout it a 16-year war sets in. the president unveiled a plan to continue u.s. engagement, but provided few details, including any specific reference to how many additional american troops will be deployed. the 30 minute speech marked a major policy reversal for trump who in the past has urged the united states to get out of afghanistan. >> my origin stikt wal instinct out, and historically i like following my instincts. all my life i've heard that decisions are much different when you sit behind the desk in the oval office. in other words, when you are president of the united states. a core pillar of our new
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strategy is a shift from a time-based approach to one based on conditions. i've said it many times how counter productive it is for the united states to announce in advance the dates we intend to begin or end military options. our troops will fight to win. we will fight to win. from now on victory will have a clear definition. attacking our enemies, obliterating isis, pressuring al qaeda, preventing the taliban from taking over afghanistan and stopping mass terror attacks against america before they emerge. >> about 8,400 american troops are currently in afghanistan. that's down from a peak of about 100,000 back in 2010.
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they are considering deploying 4,000 additional troops to that country. joining us now reporter for "politico" jacquelin fineman. great to have you with us this morning. how is the new strategy, you think, from this trump administration different from the past? i personally remember the headlines of the obama troop surge and the bush troop surge in afghanistan. what are the chances it's actually going to end america's involvement in this longest war? >> i think chances are slim that we're going to be out of afghanistan any time in the near future, and lots of analysts have pointed out, this is fundamentally not that different a strategy from what president obama did. some of the employee things that trump highlighted that are sort of changes are this new empowering of the military that we'll see. we've already seen a lot of that from trump giving troops in the field the ability to make decisions, empowering the defense secretary to set the troop numbers.
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i expect we'll see more of that under this, and he also talked about sort of a new strategy with pakistan in terms of pressuring them more and trying to work a relationship there more. >> jacquelin, he even talked about the number of times we've seen troop surges. what is the affect of a troop surge in afghanistan? remember back in june he didn't give us an exact number as to how many people would be deployed. remember back in june the number between 2,000 and 5,000 troops was floated out there. that is the traditional effect of a troop surge in that area? >> it's important to note that nothing on the ground is going to change today. it's going to take some time to actually see more people on the ground. trump's speech did not give a lot of details about numbers or the kinds of things he might see these people doing, but in the past commanders have talked about the need to provide more
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trainers and actually accompanying afghan units and things of that nature to provide a little more hands on assistance. >> he is kind of pulling a 180 here in regards to his view on afghanistan. in the past saying we need to pull out of afghanistan as quickly as possible. he did acknowledge that in his speech last night as well, but, of course, facing new headlines today before breitbart especially. trump defending the flip-flop in a somber speech there. how do you combat that when you have a base that is depending on you to pull out of a war that's been going on for 16 years and now suddenly you're making a change there? >> obama ran on the plalt form of getting troops out of iraq and afghanistan and when he left office, he still had thousands of troops in both places. i think once you get the classified briefings, get more intelligence and sort of have the weight of that decision, it's not uncommon for people to
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reverse things they said before they were in that role. >> all right. thank you. we'll talk to you again later on in the hour. thanks, jack len. zpliench the president began his remarks last night seemingly with a nod to the violence and ugliness that played out in charlottesville last week and spilled out across the country. he framed the concept of unity through the lens of the military. take a listen. >> the men and women of our military operate as one team with one shared mission and one shared sense of purpose. they transcend every line of race, ethnicity, creed and color to serve together and sacrifice together. the soldier understands what we as a nation do often forget. that a wound inflicted upon a single member of our community is a wound inflicted upon us all. when one citizen suffers an
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injustice, we all suffer together. love for america requires love for all of its people. when we open our hearts to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice, no place for bigotry and no tolerance for hate. >> while the president drew praise from his party, even top leadership acknowledged mistakes had been made and were pressured to hold him to account. >> there were not any fine people in that rally. it wasn't morally ambiguous. it was morally wrong. >> i have a hard time believing if you are standing in a crowd to protest something and you see, you know, all these anti-semitic slogans and the
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hitlers and the swastikas and you are good with that. you are not a good person. that's so very clear. that's why i think, yeah, it was not only morally ambiguous, it was equivocating, and that was wrong. speaking of charlottesville, a meeting by charlottesville security council erupted into chaos last night as residents vented their frustrations with how leaders handled the response to that deadly rally last weekend. >> the agenda make any mention of the rally or its aftermath. leaders listened for more than three hours to people that said that the authorities did nothing to protect them from white
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nationalists. the council thely voted in favor of ek pedestrian ieting the removal and relocation of both the robert e. lee and stopwall jackson memoirs as well as draping it in recognition of the city's mourning. president trump is off it arizona for a campaign rally in phoenix tonight when a first stop in the border town of yuma. he will visit a facility to review equipment monitoring on the border with mexico, though he elizabeth visit the border wall itself. later vice president mike pence will join the president at this rally, but the state's republican governor will not be in attendance. governor ducey will greet air force one when it lands, but is working on other matters. governor ducey's focus has been working -- and in the area that will continue to be his priority during the event and afterwards. in a washington postop ed phoenix mayor great staten writes "america is hurting, and it is hurting largely because trump has doused racial tensions
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with gasoline. with his planned visit on tuesday, i fear the president may be looking to light a match. " "that's why i ask the president to delay his visit. it's time to begin the healing process. imauto not optimistic the white house will heed that call. back in washington the head of the secret service is warning the expanded duties of -- is stretching his agency's resources thin. the situation has become so costly the agency is running into trouble paying its agents. making a long-term problem even worse. national correspondent peter alexander has all the details. >> reporter: they're being stretched thin by president trump's travel spending nearly every weekend at his properties in florida, new jersey, and
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virginia. agents are now protecting 42 people, including 18 trump family members with their jet setting lifestyle, business, and pleasure. tiffany trump lounging on a yacht in italy. eric trump's uruguay trip. costing americans nearly $100,000 for agents' holtz rotes alone. the director said it's an ongoing issue that cannot be atrin attributed to the current administration's protection requirements alone. telling usa today the president has a large family, and our responsibilities require in law. i can't change that, and i have no flexibility. >> you need to have fresh, well-trained agents available for protection. it's going to take a toll in terms of morale on the agents. >> by law those agents can't make more than $160,000 in salary and overtime. the agency is now working with congress on a financial fix to better support the president's elite protective force. peter alexander, nbc news, the
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white house. zbroinchts navy and marine divers are searching for the ten sailors missing after the u.s.s. john s. mccain collided with an oil tanker off the coast of singapore on sunday. it comes as the navy's top admiral john richardson has ordered the entire fleet to take a one-day operational pause to insure that all ships are running safely. admiral richardson has ordered a comprehensive review which will include investigating possible cyber intrusion and sabotage, although the admiral insists there are "no indications right now that those are the causes of the incident." the u.s.s. john s. mccain is named after senator john mccain's grandfather and father, and in a statement the senator sent his thoughts and prayers to those affected, adding that "more forceful action is urgently needed to identify and correct the causes of the recent ship collisions." this is the fourth incident this year involving a navy vessel in the pacific, and the second time this year a destroyer based in the seven fleet's home port in
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japan was involved in a collision at sea. >> incredibly tragic event there. all right. still ahead, some of the iconic images of the solar eclipse that left the nation in awe yesterday putting our differences aside if only for a few hours. zblienks pl plus, it's only week two, and already the national anthem protests have kicked off. that's going to be a talk of the season. those stories and a check on weather when we come back. ♪
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and it's also a story mail aabout people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee.
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that's why at comcast we're continuing to make4/7. our services more reliable than ever. like technology that can update itself. an advanced fiber-network infrustructure. new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. millions watched yesterday as the moon blocked the sun. this video is from oregon, one of the first places to be cast in total and complete darkness. here's the view from 40,000 feet. this special charter flight actually flew two hours over the pacific for that rare glimpse. we can go even higher. this view from the international
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space station. you can actually see the dark spot back over there over the united states. wow. that's incredible to see. >> the first family also washed -- at one point the president took his chances and he peeked up without his glasses on, but it seems like all is fine because his eyes were in good shape last night during his speech, it seems. we also got this tweet from the 41st president george h.w. bush, four generations there including the younger president bush. the 93-year-old former president says he is looking forward to
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the next eclipse in 2024. pretty awesome images there. >> no doubt about that, for sure. >> what an interesting and cool moment. let's get a check on your weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. the weather was pretty zeedecen for the eclipse yesterday. >> we had a few spots. carbondale, illinois, was cloudy, and then in the last second came out for some people. we had a lot of people with the longest totality, and also charleston was iffy. at the last second on the yorktown -- just popped out behind the clouds at the last second. we did have some good moments there. i think one of the best moments was that everyone was short of the glasses, so so many people were sharing their glasses with strangers. you only had to look at it for ten seconds to realize how cool it was. that was fun too. overnight we haven't had a lot of fun. the weather world is about to get active in the next couple of days, and, unfortunately, that usually means a lot of destruction and a lot of issues. overnight we had torrential flooding, possibly historic flash flooding in and around kansas city. numerous small creeks and rivers have had their all-time high. they're evacuating apartment complexes. we've had overnight water rescues by the kansas city fire
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department, and that threat continues now south of kansas city. some areas have picked up over half a foot of rain. later on today this cold front heads to the east. it's going to be hot. it's going to be computer today from new york city to philadelphia to washington d.c. all up and down the eastern seaboard. then this cold front rolls through 27 million people at risk of severe storms. maybe even an isolated tornado or two. central new york and central pennsylvania, keep in mind late this afternoon. here's the timing of it. this is where we are this morning with the storms. then as we go throughout the day, we'll take the storms through the ohio valley, into areas. there's the central new york threat and also central pennsylvania. this is at 7:00 p.m. pittsburgh, it looks like about 4:00 to 5:00 for you. state college, the binghamton area, syracuse, utica, sometime around 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. is when the worst of that storm will roll through. kind of weakens by the time it makes it to i-95, and then tomorrow we'll do it again in the southeast, but not as severe. just scattered storms. the other thing we have to watch, guys, we'll talk more about this later in the show, the tropics are getting active. we had harvey.
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it dissipated. it's now over the yucatan. all our computer models are targeting southeast texas with possibility of a tropical storm and maybe even a hurricane on friday into sunday of this week. that's only literally in three days from now. that's something we have to watch very closely for our friends from houston all the way down to corpus christi. >> guys, it's a bit of a cause of concern for the folks there. can i just say one thing about the eclipse yesterday? leading up to it, i know there was like a lot of buzz, but it was -- >> a lot. >> it was really -- >> a little bit. just a little bit. >> it was really -- it did live up to the hype when you actually see it. you understand what all that buzz was about. i have to say that having seen it for the first time was pretty incredible. >> i will say i'm glad that -- >> downers finally on board, huh? >> it took us a while to come around, but we're not all as scientific as you, bill. i actually liked the box. when i saw a guy put his head in a box, took me a while to figure out what that was about. it was impressive. >> i saw a guy put his head in a box. >> all right. still ahead, the giants get
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lucky after obj takes a nasty hit and those plucky dodgers somehow manage to roll on piling up win number 88. sports is next. i needed something more to help control my type 2 diabetes. my a1c wasn't were it needed to be. so i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's suppose to do, release its own insulin. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. trulicity is not insulin. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you or a family member
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choose from the is turbo, es 350 or nx turbo for $299 a month for 36 months if you lease now. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. it's our back to school beeone cent evente. at office depot office max. 10 pack pens, one cent. composition notebooks,scissors, and plastic folders all one cent each! hurry to office depot office max. ♪taking care of business. beggin' skinny strips or beggin' black label? there's two?! what a delicious dilemma! beggin' strips premium edition. twwwoooooo?!?! with real meat as ingredient one. everything to your liking? mmm mmmmm... beggin' strips premium. becaussssseeee beggin'! welcome back. time now for sports with the browns and the giants wrapping up week two of the nfl preseason on monday night football to cleveland where a group of 12 rounds took a knee in prayer and the star-spangled banner sounded before the contest. several teammates stood next to
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the group and placed an arm a kneeling teammate. while we seem to see the nfl along the sideline this is preseason, this group included the first known white player to kneel for the anthem. cleveland tight end seth devalv who said recent events in charlottesville had a lot to do with his decision. his wife is african-american, and he said he also had his future family in mind. as for the game, new york's star wide receiver owedodell bem jr. exited after coming up limping following a low tackle making an elite catch in the second quarter. fortunately initial tests revealed only a sprained ankle. beckham's injury will be further evaluated in the coming days, but he said he is not expected to affect his start in the season opener against the cowboys on september 10 th. we'll see how that one goes. meanwhile, with college football season on the horizon, the alabama crimson tide find themselves at the top of the
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a.p. preseason poll for the second straight year. for the furt time under head coach nick santa barbaran, ohio state, florida state, and usc each received first place votes while the defending champion clemson tigers round out the top five teams. all right. turning now to major league baseball where in pittsburgh the dodgers notch win number 88 after a four and a half hour extra inning ballgame against the pirates. this was a long one. dodger curtis granderson slugged his second grand slam this week. a deep ball out in right field that puts l.a. up 5-3 in the seventh inning. after pittsburgh knocks things up in the next frame, this one goes to extras where it takes a solo shot from puig in the top of the 12th to seal the deal for the dodgers. l.a. hangs on to win this one 6-5. and back in cleveland the indians with a base runner on second tied 4-4 against the red sox in the bottom of the ninth inning whe
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inni inning. take a look. >> good enough. >> he throws it away. here comes goddard with the winning run. >> how about that? >> oh, that one hurts. instead of just advancing the runner, cleveland walks off on a throwing error to third base that allows the deciding run to score. >> let's just say to avoid mike barnacle this morning after the highlights in the red sox game. he is not going to be in a good mood. especially after that throw. all right. thanks for that. still ahead, president trump rules out withdrawing troops from afghanistan and ups the pressure on pakistan at the same time. >> plus, the search for a van driver in last week's barcelona terror attack ends in a shoot-out. we'll have the latest coming up next. i no longer live with the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no
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councilmembers reportedly fled the meeting, and the council ultimately voted unanimously in favor of expediting the removal and relocation of two confederate monuments. officials in charlottesville have issued four arrest warrants for the man featured in a vice news report on the white nationalist rally there. christopher cantwell says he thinks they are in relation to an incident caught on dam are a
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where he describes being pepper sprayed. he teltz "the times" it's his job to shock people, and he says he is willing to turn himself into authorities. a texas man is due to appear in court for face charges for allegedly trying to plant a bomb on a confederate statue in a houston park. officials say that a park ranger spotted the 25-year-old man kneeling in front of the monument on saturday. materials, including ab explosive liquid were found on him. federal agents searching his home yesterday says he discovered a large amount of hazardous material. president trump has announced plans to deepen engagement in america's longest war, and in a speech last night at the fort meyer military base in arlington, virginia, the president unveiled a strategy that ruled out withdrawing troops. now, it marked the significant policy reversal for trump personally who acknowledged his origin sti origin
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original instinct to pull american personnel out. >> i share the american people's frustration. i also share their frustration over a foreign policy that has spent too much time trying to rebuild countries in our own image instead of pursuing our security interests above all other considerations. our commitment is not unlimited, and our support is not a blank check. the government of afghanistan must carry their share of the military political and economic burden. the american people expect to see real reforms, real progress, and real results. our patience is not unlimited. joining us once again from washington, reporter for politico, jacquelin cline. great to have you back with us.
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the president in this speech mentioned the roles of neighboring countries and the role they must play going forward. take a listen. >> we can no longer be silent about pakistan's safe havens for terrorist organizations, the taliban, and other groups that pose a threat to the region and beyond. it is time for pakistan to demonstrate its commitment to civilization, order, and to peace. another critical part of the south asia strategy for america is to further develop its strategic partnership with india, the world's largest democracy and a key security and economic partner of the united states. >> i think if you are a pakistani official, you are probably watching that thinking, like, what is this all about? it's going to be a bit of a pivot. obviously the united states is not the only country involved in afghanistan. ironically he didn't even mention china, which has a border with afghanistan, and obviously much more involved there than india.
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how do you seize the nation's expanding sphere of influence in that particular country? what additional challenges do you think is this going to add to winning the war so to speak? >> i mean, i think the u.s. is going to be looking for more engagement from all of their partners in afghanistan. yangd responded to the president's remarks saying basically we are already doing a lot in afghanistan, and we will continue to do so. the defense secretary jim mattis put out a statement last night saying he will be asking nato allies to do more. there are thousands of nato troops that have been fighting there since 9/11. i think this is really going to be a stepped up -- the united states is looking for this to be a stepped up international effort and to get more coalition partners involved. >> jacquelin, we have some reporting that sort of suggests that one of the reasons that president trump may have considered making this decision is a possibility of acquiring part of afghanistan's vast mineral resources which could be valued really in the trillions
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of dollars. a huge resource. he has previously openly talked about taking the oil from iraq, which we've heard in the past. how much from what you understand does this play a role in his decision making process in regards to the strategy moving forward in afghanistan? >> it's unclear how much of a role this plays. trump has obviously surrounded himself with a number of generals who have pushed for this to empower the military. i'm sure they also played a role, but the united states also doesn't have a rare earth metals mine for things like cell phones and pretty much everything we use has these metals in it. acquiring these -- afghanistan's minerals could be very valuable, but also given the reaction to his remarks on the campaign trail, i have to imagine it would be fairly controversial. >> all right. jacquelin for us in washington d.c. this morning. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. well, now to the latest in that terror attack. authorities have identified -- as the driver of the van who
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left people dead in barcelona. now he has been killed by spanish police. it happened during an operation in the town of suberatz. he shouted all yea akbar and opened his shirt to reveal what was deemed a fake suicide belt. he was also carrying several knives and daggers. authorities confirmed that he was able to escape the barcelona scene by walking to a nearby university neighborhood where he stole a car and stabbed a driver to death. he also hit a police woman with that car. police say they have detained four other suspects relating to the attacks in barcelona. the eight remaining suspected terrorists connected to the attacks have been killed. all right. heading east where navy and marine drivers are searching for the ten sailors missing since sunday after the u.s.s. john f. mccain collided with an oil tanker in the straits of malaca. it's the second time that a destroyer based at the home port in japan has been involved in a collision at sea. yesterday the navy's top admiral john richardson ordered the entire fleet to take a one-day
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operational pause to insure all ships are running safely. joining us now to talk more about this live from seoul, south korea, nbc news chief global correspondent bill kneely for us. good to talk to you this morning. give us the latest into the investigation as to why this happened and seemingly the frequency of instances like this. why are they continuing to take place? >> good morning. first briefing on the search. as you say, navy and marine corps divers accessing the three areas that the navy has identified as having been flooded on the u.s.s. john s. mccain. that's crucially the crew quarters, a communications room, and a maintenance or machinery area. all of those were sealed off when this collision happened in the middle of the night. it was just before dawn. the divers have been in there. others see 100 square mile area. fishing vessels as well as helicopters from four countries
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are continuing this search for the ten missing sailors. as you say, there are three separate investigations, if you like, going on. one immediately into the collision itself. secondly, a wider comprehensive investigation into the seventh fleet, and thirdly, this extraordinary worldwide operational pause, which the navy says will be staggered across globally across the entire fleet. it will last one or two days, and it could begin as early as this week. what they're trying to find is was this incident with the coal and the u.s.s. fitzgerald simply a series of unconnected events or is this a systemic failure? i've been speaking briefly today to admiral harry harris of the pacific fleet, and he says this operational pause will not have any affect on the workings of the u.s. fleet, either in protecting the u.s. or the region or the korean peninsula. we're going to get an update from the navy, we hope, in
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singapore in about 90 minutes time. >> certainly a lot of questions there. that is for sure. a lot of families have been affected by that. bill kneely for us. thank you. the latest polling finds that americans disapproved of the president's response to charlottesville by a factor of 2-1. the washington post-abc news poll found 28% approve while 56% disapprove. 42% said they felt the president is putting neo-nazis and white spremists on equal standing with opponents. 35% said he was not, while 23% had no opinion. 83% of americans find holding neo-nazi views to be unacceptable. 9% say it is acceptable. still, his approval rating remains mostly unchanged since a month before. seven months in americans give the president a 37% job approval rating. down five points from where he was around 100 days into his presidency. 58% disapprove. those who strongly approve of
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the president's performance has fallen to 22%. that's a new low. while 45% disapprove strongly. even some of the president's allies have continued to criticize his response even yesterday. >> the president's comments about both sides were a mistake, and they shouldn't have been said. i certainly wouldn't have said them, and i don't adopt them, and i don't agree with them. the people who wanted to cause violence in charlottesville were the neo-nazis and the white supremacists who came there to cause violence. in the end the people in public life say things all the time that are mistakes, but they have to pay for that. >> i know the president. i've known him for 15 years. i know that the president is not a racist. i absolutely believe that. it does not excuse the
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statement. the statement is just wrong. there aren't good people on the neo-nazi side. there is not a moral ekwifl ens between those who oppose neo-naziism and those who oppose white supremacy, those who oppose fascism and those who engage in it and support it. there's not a moral equivalency there. >> he has to quit stepping on himself. he had a very good infrastructure press conscious the other day, and then he stepped on it and guaranteed it wouldn't get covered. that's like a quarterback who goes out and throws the ball down to the other side and fumbles on the first play of every possession. he has to be more disciplined and he has to work as part of a team, and then i think generally he could end up being a remarkably great president. he has to make a couple of mid-course corrections. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell insists there is "zero chance" that the u.s. will default on its debt. that could happen if congress doesn't raise the borrowing
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limit by the end of september. the majority leader was also asked about his thoughts on what the president often calls fake news. take a listen. >> my view is that most news is not fake, but i do try to look at a variety of sources every morning before i get to work. everything from the "new york times" to off beat publications that have certain niche audiences. i try not to fall in love with any particular source. >> now, the senator made those comments at an event with treasury secretary steve manuchin when the two highlighted the need for tax reform. all right. still ahead, an ohio judge is caught in what authorities are calling an ambush style attack. the connections officials say the suspect has to another high profile case in is that state. plus, bill karins will have the latest on the threat of severe weather for up to 27 million people today when we come back. shawn evans: it's 6 am.
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welcome back. an ohio judge is rorg this morning after being shot in what authorities are describing as an ambush style attack. officials say judge joseph raziz was arriving to the jefferson county courthouse in steubenville yesterday when the suspect opened fire, but the judge happened to be armed. he returned fire along with a probation officer who was just behind him. police say the suspect 51-year-old nathaniel richmond was hit in the shoot-out and later died from his injuries. richmond was the father of malik richmond, one of the two high school football players from steubenville convicted in a 2013 case of raping a 16-year-old girl. now, officials say the judge had nothing to do with that particular case, but according to reports, prosecutors are investigating whether the motive for the shooting may be over a wrongful death suit filed by richmond on behalf of his mother that judge braziz was presiding over. at least 40 people outside
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philadelphia have been hurt after two trains collided there. the incident happening just afternoon midnight in upper darby, pennsylvania, when an incoming high speed train failed to stop and ran into an unoccupied train that was sitting inside a transit terminal. officials say none of the injuries, thankfully, are life-threatening, but at least four people are in critical condition as we speak. want to get a check now on your weather with nbc meteorologist bill karens who is standing by. >> hello. we are watching closely what's going to happen in the gulf of mexico. it's very possible in about three days from now on friday we could have a tropical storm or maybe even a hurricane heading towards south texas. that's kind of the breaking news headline in the tropics world overnight. the other story of what's going on around the kansas city area south of kansas city, this goes back over six hours. i could have taken this back even 12 hours ago. torrential rain is going to remain over this region. flash flood warnings are widespread from kansas city to topeka, and now into central portions of missouri. there is the water rescue
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overnight. the rivers and the creeks in the area at historic levels never seen before, and i know we have some houses and apartment complex with water surrounding and evacuations taking place right now. we'll continue to monitor that when we get the day break pictures in, we'll give them to you. 27 million people at risk of severe storms today. not everyone will experience them, but that's at least the potential. this area of orange is at greatest risk for the strongest storms. maybe even an isolated tornado or two from about state college to binghamton, back up through areas around utica and into the adirondacks. here's the thing in the tropics. this was tropical storm harvey. it weakened. now over the yucatan. a lot of our computers think this could strengthen into a tropical storm or a low end hurricane as we go through friday. this is friday 5:00 p.m. this is where our computers say it could be heading. we're targeting south texas here, and we'll have to wait and see what happens if it can get its act together. if it doesn't, it stays weak. if it can get it back together, we have to watch out. it's the gulf of mexico, and it can strengthen quickly. >> all right. thanks for that, bill. now to the lifestyle of one of the government's rich and
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powerful. the wife of millionaire treasury secretary steve mnuchin went off on one instagram user. huffington post called it her let them eat cake moment. there was a picture of the newlyweds deplaning a jet after an official government trip. she called it "day trip" and then tagged it with a slew of designer labels, pants _#tom ford sunnies. _#hermes scarf, -#val_#valentin. >> glad we could pay for your little get-away. lynn then lashed back replying to the user by name writing in part, "have you given more to the economy than me and my husband either as an individual earner in taxes or in self-sacrifice?" she ended the reply "have a good evening. watch the new game of thrones. it's fab."
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the post has been deleted, and lynn's -- >> i'm not sure she should be engaged with user comments like that when you are coming out of a government -- >> you should stay on the ground. >> _#the ground. all right. still ahead, facebook facing a very big problem with one of its key demographics. >> details on how one rival's use appeal is putting pressure on the social media giant, and the other stories that are driving your business today. this is a financial transaction secure from hacks and threats others can't see. this is a skyscraper whose elevators use iot data and ai to help thousands get to work safely and efficiently. this is not the cloud you know. this is the ibm cloud. the ibm cloud is the cloud for enterprise. yours. my bladder leakage was making me feel like i couldn't spend time with my grandson. now depend fit-flex has their fastest absorbing material inside, so it keeps me dry and protected. go to -
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>> in addition, weather and traffic as you get ready to head out the door. a key focus from partners in the region like pakistan and india with the ultimate goal of a new
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settlement. the president's rally in arizona will likely touch on the new policy while also engaging in a little bit of politics. mr. trump has been sharply critical of jeff shake. >> thank you for that report. >> and defense secretary jim mattis is in baghdad this morning. and jury selection gets under way in the bribery trial of senator bob menendez. he is accused of lobbying in exchange for gifts. he's argued his gifts were protected legislate of actions and that there was never a quid pro quo arrangement. >> that does it for us. "morning joe" starts right now. >> on my orders, the united
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states military has begun strikes against al qaeda terrorist training camps and military installations of the taliban regime in afghanistan. >> this modest expansion can make a real difference. >> hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum that terrorists, including isis and al qaeda would instantly fill just as it happened on september 11th. and now 16 years into that conflict. welcome to "morning joe." mika has the morning off. with us, we have david ti


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