tv MTP Daily MSNBC September 26, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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our thanks to peter bake e elise jordan, john howell, john earnest and eugene robinson. that does it for our hour. i'm micolle wallace. mtp daily begins right now. >> someone blew through their breaks. i blame holidayiman. >> don't say that. >> i blame him randomly. >> you can always blame hilemon. >> ari velshi wouldn't get a show until 6:30. >> it's tuesday. a crimson tide is parting the republican party. >> tonight, what happens in alabama won't stay in alabama. >> we will be supporting any candidate that comes out of this primary today. >> why today's senate primary
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runoff in the heart of dixie is splitting the heart of the gop nationwide. plus senate shocker. republican bob corker says he won't run for re-election. tennessee will likely be in play in 2018. and president trump keeps up the heat on the nfl and why he thinks this issue is a political winner for him. >> i wasn't reoccupied with the nfl. i was ashamed of what's taking place. >> this is mtp daily, and it starts right now. ♪ good evening. welcome to mtp daily. you know how i feel about tuesdays. if it's tuesday, somebody is voting somewhere. it is a big somewhere today. i'm chuck todd in washington. welcome to another edition of the fracture within the republican party. another failure on capitol hill and another retirement from an
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establishment senator. bob corker said he will not seek re-election in 2018. and mitch mcconnell declared the latest version of the gop health care bill officially dead. good luck getting out the vote today for luther change. and the senate republican primary runoff in alabama is going. yet it's election day. polls are set to close in less than three hours. what is being decided may be more than just who the republican nominee will be in the race to fill jeff sessions vacant seat. the battle is between luther strange, and roy moore. mitch mcconnell is backing strange. you might have heard about that. so is, technically, the president and vice president pence. sarah palin, steve bannon and sebastian gorka are backing moore. that means this race is essentially trump versus
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trumpism. he is backing strange instead of the insurgent candidate. he is over the republican party's candidate over the trump sounding guy. both candidates are trying to sound like the ones hugging president trump the closest and hitting mcconnell the hardest. >> we did not come here to defy donald trump. we came here to praise and honor him. for mitch mcconnell and ward baker and karl rove, and steven law, all the instruments that tried to destroy judge moore and his family, your day of reckoning is coming. >> i have been in washington less time than the president has. and we've become friends, personal friends. we worked we have the same goals same agenda, i'm keeping my eye on ball which is the president's support and his agenda. >> if you have to ask who steven law and baker are, one runs the
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nrsc, one is involved in the super pac that helps the nrsc in some of these races. anyway it's mitch mcconnell's political future that might be on the line. and roy moore couldn't have asked for a better weekend of headlines leading up to the election. the republican's health care bill failed again today. in the midst of another culture war with president trump's attack on the nfl for taking a knee on the national anthem. those comments felt out of the bl blue. strange's ties to mcconnell is moore's voters' number one gripe against him. >> i think luther strange is a mitch mcconnell boy skpoo i'm all for draining the damn swamp starting with not letting him in there. >> i don't give a flying flip about mitch mcconnell. doeng he has done right by the
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president, along with ryan and some of the others. their endorsement means nothing to me. >> it's not good how easily when congressional leaders names are on the lips of constituents not from their home states. that's usually not a good sign for said kong leader. if moore minutes, mcconnell's life in washington gets each harder. i'm sure folks in his office are going how can it get harder. whipping votes, and finding consensus. corker's announcement today, does that foreshadow the retirement of sort of mcconne mcconnell-like senators. moore is a flame thrower. if he wins by double digits mitch mcconnell's as the ultimate political survivor may be tested bike never before. rank and file republican members aren't happy with mcmonthly because they think he runs the senate in a two partisan way. ironry, grassroots think he is not using the party's majority
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as a sledgehammer enough. he is caught between two forces here he may not be able to satisfy. let's go to nbc's vaughn hillyard. he's our man on the ground tonight in montgomery alabama. what would you seeing on the ground? is it high turn out? is it low turnout. we know that strange is trying to get the voters to turn out big. >> reporter: exactly. that's where strange was last night was in birmingham in shelby county. today he is only 15 minutes away from where he was last night? everyson county. they are focusing on the birmingham area, a populated area to got out the votes. i just got off the phone with the party of roy moore. they said they are feeling good with what they have. the polls have them ten points ahead. their concern is they said the turnout could be 10%.
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2500 votes that's 1%age pointed. it's interesting the sound you played about mitch mcconnell from those voters. i was taken aback. in hearing the voters they said yes, out of the woodwork they said mitch mcconnell. >> you did not prod them. >> what was that. >> you didn't prod them with mitch mariah careyr mcconnell. >> no. >> you didn't educate them or preface the question, with as you know, mitch mcconnell. you just brought up moore and strange and they brought up mitch mcconnell. >> moore and strange, and they brought up mcconnell. i would say but donald trump came here to town and said would you please, alabama vote for luther strange. they said it's not for strange, not for mcconnell. not for the super pac. he they said we are here to
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drain the trump, we are here for trump. as you heard steve bannon say he said this is the dave reckoning today for the likes of mitch mcconnell, he can throw as much money this way but ultimately the grassroots will come through like they did last year. >> you were embedded in the 2016 campaign, you were in plenty of states on a primary day, a caucus day, and you could feel whether turnout, you can sometimes tell whether there is engagement or not. are people engaged in this race? or is this looking like a low turnout? >> it may be a low turnout night just on pure numbers. there was 18% turnout a month ago for the first special. on the streets i was surprised by the number of people who were interested and knew what was happening. i was in fair hope earlier walking around the streets talking with voters and there was people going into the polling stations.
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>> vaughn hillyard, should be an interesting night. can't wait for the closing remarks from both candidates when it's all called. joining me now, jim jordan of ohio, a founding member of the house freedom caucus. he is supporting roy moore in the senate race. did you go down and campaign for him? >> i didn't go down and we have endorsed judge moore. i think he is going to win tonight. >> let me ask you this, there is a lot of fear among the establishment wing of the party. why do you believe they fear roy moore over luther strange? you could argue on paper. is there a lot of difference? what do you say? >> here's what i think is happening, the establishment had a number of things. bradford meets kanter, the freedom caucus is formed. a sitting speaking steps down midterm. donald trump gets elected.
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tonight, if the polls are accurate, roy moore is going object the senator from alabama. if that's not a message the people are sendsing to the establishment i don't know what is. let's do what we told the american people we were going to, repeal obamacare, cut taxes, build the border security. let's do what we said, if we start doing that you won't see the friction like we are seeing in alabama you will see us getting done the things the american elected us to get down. >> you heard boehner saying i don't have the votes. i can only get a certain amount of the way there. the votes aren't there. there are not enough jim jordans in the house. what do you say to that argument that leadership makes? >> many times we said this. we didn't start the match, we didn't start the game. all too often we would forfeit and not have the debates. let's have the debate. i understand we may not get all we want all the time but you
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can't quit before the referee blows the whistle. let's debate. that's what we failed to do. that's what the american people saw us fail to do. that's why they have had the frustration they have had. >> if roy moore wins tonight, and it is double digits. sounds like you think it might be. our folks on the ground think it might be. and it's double digits, how would you like to see mitch mcconnell react to that? how would you like to see him recalibrate in reaction to a loss like that? >> it's not about recall -- it's simple. we make this job way too complicated. our job is pretty basic. what did you tell the american people you were going to do when they elected you? go do that. did we tell them we were going to repeal obamacare? yes. did they tell them we were going the secure their southern border? yes. did we tell them we were going to cut their taxes and regrow our country. yes. let's focus on those. that's not establishment versus
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non-establishment. it's basic. what did we tell the american people we were going to accomplish. if we are making progress it will be fine. if we are not, that's when they will continue to be frustratesed. that's the case right now. >> let me go to health care. are you satisfied though that -- how many different ways do you have to try to do this, where you just -- the consensus isn't there? this was a party line vote and they couldn't. there is three that went public against it which you and i both know they were probably the brave three. there is probably double that that are glad they didn't have to make that vote. >> i know how frustrated i am, and how frustrated the people are. the thing that bothers me is that six republican senators back in july voted goence the exact same legislation. it was offered as an amendment. the exact legislation they had supported 20 months ago and that they had campaign on that they had told the voters in their respective states they were going to support. when it came time to do it they
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said we can't do it now. you want to talk about what ticks voters off? more than anything, tell them one thing at election time, get in office and say i can't do it now. that's the frustrating part. that's why i think you are seeing people in alabama saying we think roy moore is going to do what he said, come in and do the things he campaigned on. that's why i think he is going to win tonight. >> do you want more primary cham challenges, do you think this debate needs to happen inside the party even if it becomes painful for the party in the general election come november. >> i want us to do what the american people want us to do. i don't wish that. i just want us to focus on what did we tell the people we are going to do? let's get it done. let's take the debate. too often i feel like we are afraid to have the debate, go on the offense, say here's what we believe in, what we campaigned
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on, how it's going to help families across the country. >> roy moore said he was against graham/cassidy. >> i would have -- i think if that would have passed i think you would have seen the house go for that. it was moving in the right direction. >> you would have accepted it? >> the freedom caucus early on we didn't like the bill that was rolled out in the house. we made it better, then we supported it. we were willing to look at what the senate sent back to us. at this late hour i thought it was going to give flexibility to states and begin to bring down premiums. we were leaning in the direction of supporting that. we thought it had good potential. we'll see. >> let me ask you a. >> laer philosophical question. you were talking about on one hand you said look we made this promise to american people, repeal and replace. we have got to full it. >> yeah. >> the consense us in the country overall, that's not it. that's the consensus inside one party but it's not the consensus of the party overall. how much should you take that into account. how much should you take into
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account there is a large chunk of the country that doesn't want these types of changes. >> mostly what you should take into account is what you said. it is always a good thing to keep your word, your promise. what did you tell the voters? you established a contract with the voters on election day based on what you told them you were going to fight for and accomplish on their behalf. that's first and foremost. people find it hard to believe because i'm conservative but i used to work closely with dennis cue send itch. on civil liberty type issues we found common ground and were willing to work together. i'll willing to do that if i think it's good for the folks i'm representing: the most important thing is the contract you established with your constituents, what they elected you to do. >> jim jordan, republican from ohio thanks for coming on and sharing your views. coming up, the latest gop health care bill, version three, is dead, again.
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but is there a version four on the horizon? regoing to risk the tax cut bill by attaching it to health care? we'll be right back. [ distorted voice ] mister policeman, when you read this, it will be too late. this killer is completely insane. [ gasp ] [ distorted voice ] i gave you all the clues. he's been watching us the whole time. no. [ distorted voice ] you could have saved her. [ distorted voice ] this is just the beginning. [ screaming ] the snowman.
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welcome back. as we said earlier, the republicans's latest last-ditch effort at trying to diss dismantle maybe part of obamacare this year is now over. again there was just enough republican opposition to kill the bill. the sponsors of this bill, lindsey graham and bill cassidy admitted defeat this afternoon. >> we have made the decision since we don't have the votes we will post pope that vote. okay? am i disappointed? absolutely. >> to anybody out there who thinks that mitch mcconnell hasn't done all he could, you don't know what you are talking about. >> let me say briefly where we go from here is tax reform. >> as bill belichick might say, on to cincinnati.
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the bill suffered a crushing blow when susan collins officially announced her opposition. they could only afford to lose three republicans. ted cruz claimed he was against it. we don't know where lisa murkowski was. that whole ted cruz being against it was overlooked by a lot of people. hasn't been a great year for the republicans to try to repeal and replace the obamacare bill. after all this, there is still optimism that something on health care could pass one day. >> we haven't given up on changing the american health care system. >> to my republican friends throughout the country, there is plenty of fight left in us like there is fight left in you. what am i confident of? with a new process, with more hearings, with regular order, that we are going to get 50 votes.
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welcome back to mtp daily. let me bring in tonight's panel, hugh hewitt,ellyiana johnson. and danielle gibs. since she laughed at my joke, maybe -- i have to say, it is an election day so i am happy to have three political junkies with me. eliana, let me start with you. i know you are doing reporting on this race. what is going to happen? >> everything i'm hearing suggests that roy moore is going to come out on top tonight. what is fascinating to me is that the race is far more a referendum on mitch mcconnell and his leadership and it's become kind of a national issue than it really is about moore and strange. i don't think trump's appearance down there convinced anybody that luther strange was the
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antiestablishment candidate here. >> look, and you saw me in the way i asked the question, hugh, i did it almost for you. we were having a discussion before the show, you didn't buy the idea that mcconnell's naming are anything was this high. and no, no, we have seen it in the national polling and you heard it from our reporter. >> mitch mcconnell saved the supreme court by going with no hearings, no votes. he is the most competent republican leader of my lifetime. >> why aren't they giving him credit for this? they blame him. >> president trump has rebrandsed mitch mcconnell as the swamp as opposed to the warrior that saved rinchism for the united states supreme court. >> i don't think grassroots feel loyalty to the republican party and its leadership in washington. >> what about trump? >> i don't think trump feels loyalty to the republican party or its leadership and that's why his voters who are backing moore
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feel comfortable bucking his chosen candidate. >> what does this race say to you, say to the left? >> republicans are in a little bit of a disarray at the moment. maybe president trump, you know, his political coattails aren't what people think they are. it's all very confusing. but you know, at the end of the day i have to go with hugh. i didn't think that mitch mcconnell would actually be the referendum that's going to drive this race. apparently, it is. you know, the fact he hasn't been able to govern means something to people. >> disarray doesn't begin to get it. jim jordan -- my head was going around. >> do you believe he would have backed graham cassidy. >> no, i don't. >> when they examine the corpse, the dna on it will be rand paul, the conservative fringe in the elected offices are the people that killed a reform and replace bill, not the centrists.
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>> you are heated. >> jim jordan is a great guy. a buckeye, a browns fan. fan of the radio show. nevertheless that was alternative facts. i was on show with you when kellyanne said alternative facts. >> it is amazing to me we are talking about -- the fallout tomorrow for trump's candidate is going to be on mcconnell, not trump. part of it goes to the friday night -- one of the reasons we have the nfl controversy i'm convinced he read the crowd, realized they weren't for strange and did him a favor. i have got generic red meat. that's his gift. he knows how to read a room. >> it is about trump in the sense that the broader political dynamic usually after a president is elected you see sort of a return to republicans versus democrats in washington. the parties coalesce behind one another. but i don't think that's what we've seen at all. republicans are fighting with
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republicans on the one hand and democrats are fighting versus democrats. and i really think trump was a symptom of a totally broken party on the right. and bernie sanders is a symptom of a totally broken party on the left. while republicans are having this dispute, democrat are arguing about nationalized health care on their side. so i do think this is about trump in that it shows how broken the party is internally. >> i would argue democrats are more unified than republicans are. >> always easy to be unified in the minority. >> of course. >> as the republican party found out. one thing we shouldn't underestimate. strange got this senate seat in bizarre ways, a governor that was facing potential impeachment appoints the guy that was investigating him. luther strange arguably was damaged goods coming into this. maybe i am helping out poor steven law's spin here a let. they didn't want luther strange but this is what they were dealt with. >> i believe that judge moore, justice moore if he wins could
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be defeated in the general because republicans don't want to be branded with that. i asked our colleague with that. robert costa. he diplomat think it will be that close of a race. there is strategic republicans who think that moore could be a terrible brand for the republicans to have to vote under. >> i buy that the race can get competitive because i buy that national money will come in. i buy the fact he has a nice resume, doug jones does, former prosecutor, you know, a hero to many in the african-american community because he prosecuted the church bombing suspects, reprosecuted them, got them convicted. same time, he's white, and maybe less polarizing to some swing voter there in alabama that may look at politics flew a racial prism. but i -- roy moore has won statewide a number of times, even under circumstances arguably worse than this.
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>> it is a real stretch for me to believe that a trumpian candidate or a candidate channelling trumpism with the help of steve bannon, who came from the trump white house running from a state that trump won by more than 20 points is going to lose in a general election. 23 you are right, i will eat my hand. >> eat your hand. >> can democrats get galvanized for doug jones? >> i think they can. i agree it's going to be a big stretch and i don't necessarily see the numbers are there. i think they will. i think they will get mobilized by somebody like justice moore. >> is this one of those you have got to get caught trying? if the parties wants to positive that it wants to be a 50-state party. >> you don't let any race go uncontested. i don't care how difficult it is. >> not everybody in your party agrees with you. >> they should. >> a lot of democrats would love to see justice moore become senator moore. >> there was a time when
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democrats were cheering the rise of donald trump. i was wondering are democrats now going to cheer the rise of people like roy moore and tarkanian and all the other fringe candidates, or have they been chasened in the way that senate republicans -- >> i would like to think that no one would support having just moore for some broader democrat thing down the road. i always thought having donald trump be the republican nominee be a horrible thing. >> there is the name sharon engle, todd aiken, there are a number of republican nominees who damaged the party long term. >> they didn't get into the senate. >> they didn't get there. if justice moore does it becomes an ongoing problem: too much time between the runoff and the general. an uncomfortable amount of time. i can't tell you how many
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republicans from '94 loved winning without oliver north. anyway, stick around. it is politics day. campaign dame you can fell it here. president trump is still playing political football keeping up with his hits on the nfl. what's the end game? that's ahead. discover card. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer.
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of the u.s. territories. the president received a briefing on the recovery efforts in puerto rico today in the situation room. >> i think we've done a really good job. we are continuing to. we are literally unloading on an hourly basis water, food, supplies. we have our top top people from fema and our first responders and everybody else. we aring go to be deploying navy ships. they have already been deployed. and we are going do far more than anybody else would ever be able to do. fema administrator brock long assures more funding is on the way despite the agencies dwindling resources during the destructive hurricane season. >> we are not running out of money. is moneying getting low? sure, the president very proactively approved 100% reimbursement for the first 180 days of this response to puerto rico and the virgin islands. so that right there gives the reassurance of the private sector partners we need to come in to do the job, that they will be paid.
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welcome back. president trump tweeted about the nfl players taking a dhee during if national anthem. he met with conservative groups at the white house last night where he not surprisingly spent a significant amount of time talking about the nfl according to at least one person who was in the dinner meeting. this afternoon while taking questions from reporters after meeting with spain's leader, mr. trump pushed back on the idea he has been preoccupied by this
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issue and went nuclear on the league by invoking gruesome imagery about the military battlefield. many people have died, many, many people, many people are so horribly injured. i was at walter reed hospital recently, and i saw so many great young people. and they are missing legs and they are missing arms. and they have been so badly injured. and they were fighting for our country. they were fighting for our flag. they were fighting for our national anthem and for people to disrespect that by kneeling during the playing of our national anthem i think is disgraceful. >> joined by espn magazine columnist npr author howard brian. thanks for coming on. good to see you, sir. >> good to see you chuck. how are you? >> let me ask you, the president today used military veterans, combat, those that have been wounded in combat as a defense, i guess, if you will, of his
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critique of the nfl players using the national anthem as a way to protest police brutality. what's the reaction been since the last couple of hours when that version went out? >> i think it's classic misdirection considering even the people that disagree with the anthem protests know pretty well that the protests are directed at first toward police brutality. they have really very little -- they have nothing in fact to do with the military or the soldiers or anything about the fighting in afghanistan or iraq or anything that's happening at walter reed. it's misdirection. i think that people know that. it's also sort of interesting that someone who had deferments would talk about disgrace and disrespect of the military. but that's another story. but i think that what is happening here with the players is they found -- they found something to be united around,
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and there is really no -- there is something about this that's sort of interesting, chuck, it's that there is no epiphany here with the owners. there is no movement on police brutality or on what colin kaepernick was protesting for in the first place. what happened is that this entire protest over the weekend was directed towards the president. you sort of have a morphing of the original reason why they were protesting. and now it's being directed at him. >> in my experience covering donald trump, anyone who has gotten into a culture war debate with trump hasn't come out looking so hot. >> they usually loose. >> and the nfl -- what is the breaking pop for the nfl? it's still a business. granted, it has a fan base that people don't realize is the most bipartisan fan base of the three major sports, if you want to
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throw in hockey, it is the most bipartisan of the four major sports because it's more popular across the board in popularity than the other sports. what is it is the breaking point for the nhl when it comes to the constant attack coming under a patriotic attack from the president of the united states? >> i think that's going to be the real challenge for the players and for the league. especially the league, considering they are trying to have it both ways. one thing to remember is that, one, you have got some score settling here taking place, considering that the nfl has denied trump having a team on two occasions. once in the '80s and also as late as 2014. so i think these two sides are trying to wait each other out. >> i forgot, that was the buffalo bills -- is that the run he made at the bills? >> the bills, yes. >> i forgot about that. great reminder to our audience. yes. >> so you are also looking at a $13 billion industry, and that people have been very reluctant
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whether to let it go on any reason, whether the reason is concussions or cte or discipline or kneeling for the flag. i think the connection that people have to this game is very, very strong. you are right. when you battle against president trump, what has happened most times is that people lose that battle. and i think that the end game for the owners is to try to wait this out. i don't think that they honestly are committed to siding with the players. but they are in a tough position because you have got incredible tension going on right now between ownership and the players. you have got it on cte, on concussions, you you have got it on discipline and you also had a tension situation two weeks ago where you had the executive director of the players association call roger goodell a liar. so the last thing the players -- the last thing the ownership needs right now is have the players be really unified against them.
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it's going to be interesting to see how long ownership can wait this out if he keeps up the attacks. >> what about the players? i saw what happened to von millner denver where all of a sudden he was asked not to appear in tv ads anymore for the local i think it was a ford dealership. he is still being paid. but he was a kneeler. what is going through the player's head? how much -- how devoted are they to keeping this up? do they feel as if president trump almost is daring them to do it and they feel they can't back down? at the same time it's possible they are going to get hit with some livelihood issues. >> well, they are very competitive people, we know that. and that's part of this battle is that players don't back down and the league hasn't backed down. i think it's actually going to be more of a battle this the nba. the basketball players aren't backing down at all. and they have got guaranteed
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contracts and it is an 80% black league. i don't think you are going to see them back down. listening to lebron james's comments yesterday i thinks that going to be a real battle for the next several months. but the nfl, the contracts aren't guaranteed. they have less security. look at crow matty who took a we a couple weeks ago and he is out of a job. colin kaepernick hasn't been re-signed. once again the players are in a real difficult position here because right now i think what you are seeing, especially if you add major league baseball to it, bruce maxwell, the player who knelt for the oakland a he is. what you are seeing is less of a protest against police brutality is protesting the president directly. if you don't have a contract, you better be careful that your owners don't abandon you because you don't have a safety net that the others have. >> i want to ask you about the police brutality issue in the first place. do you feel it's gotten lost.
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>> i feel not only is it getting loss, but it's in danger of being completely smothered by this. and i think that's one of the real disappointing parts about this. because you have to stay on target here. and you start to wonder about the stamina on this issue. you wonder whether or not the players are going to be reminded or if they will have a strategy to remind themselves about why this matters in the first place. and as we know, the president has a way of being something of a tornado, of taking all of these issues and making them about him. and i think that the players, especially when you have ownership taking a knee and not signing a guy like kaepernick, i think you are going to have the players -- i think the players have to retrench a little bit and rethink why they are doing this. stay on target, come up with a streaming to make sure their mess an doesn't get swallowed up in all of this noise. >> i was supposed to make that the last question.
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does kaepernick get signed by an nfl team before the end of this season? >> i don't think. the reason why i don't think so is because the opportunity to do that is now. if you are really committed. if you are jerry jones and you are dan snyder and all these guys who locked arms this weekend with your players and you believe in why the players did this in the officers place, then the biggest way that you could make the statement to the president and to everybody else about your civil liberties, about the reason why you have the right to take a knee in this country is to call colin kaepernick and say hey let's play ball. that hasn't happened. because that hasn't happened a lot of this looks like performance art the me. it's one of the reasons why i don't think that the owners should be patting themselves on the back or anybody should be patting them on the, about. if kaepernick -- if that issue is real, if it really matters, now is the time to give him an opportunity to continue his ploint. >> howard brian i have got to live it there. as always, thanks for coming on.
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appreciate it. i have had you play political columnist for us before over here. and i appreciate it. thank you. still ahead, one of president trump's associates gets grilled. we'll discuss roger stone's meeting on the hill ahead in the lid. unpredictable abdominal pain or discomfort and diarrhea. i tried lifestyle changes and over-the-counter treatments, but my symptoms keep coming back. it turns out i have irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, or ibs-d. a condition that's really frustrating. that's why i talked to my doctor about viberzi... ...a different way to treat ibs-d. viberzi is a prescription medication you take every day that helps proactively manage both abdominal pain and diarrhea at the same time. so i can stay ahead of my symptoms. viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. do not take viberzi if you have no gallbladder, have pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, long-lasting or severe constipation, or a bowel or gallbladder blockage. pancreatitis may occur and can lead to hospitalization and death.
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spread it on twitter. here's what happened. on saturday afternoon, among the thousands of tweets he made that afternoon, he tweeted the following, quote, rhabdomyolysis test fired a ballistic missile capable of reaching israel. okay. but the thing, is they didn't. over the weekend iranian state television broadcast this footage of what iran said was a successful ballistic missile test capable of carrying multiple war heads with a range of 1200 miles. thing sits' not true. it is most likely old footage. iranian state tv was lying. in fact, three defense officials tell nbc news iran didn't actually launch a missile at all. by the way we have satellites that tell us these things. there were news organizations that did report the test but cited iranian state tv. nbc news was not able to verify the details of the test or if it
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had even taken place. we did report what the iranian state agency was claiming. the u.s. never had any indication there was any kind of a launch. but the president tweeted it prd it anyway. one phone call with jim mattis and he could have checked his tweet before he sent it out. (vo) do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. do not go gentle into that good night. ♪ ♪
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and incumbent governor who has a chance at a second term would. >> as he good man. he can win and he can spend a lot of time doing that. >> he is sending some messages. he'll make one call to former governors who all say you're going to hate it. >> everyone respects him. but the iran deal was on his back. it is not like the loss of a great conservative. >> it has really bummed out the centrists. it is like he lost a spouse. he implied in the statement, they are very close. is the implication was corker is leaving because he thinks the senate is a mess. >> i think you're right that mcconnell is upset about this
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already and i think if roy moore wins tonight, it will inspire, tennessee is much more did it for republicans to win. another rash of primary challenges to republican senators in a way that makes 2018 a bigger headache for mitch mcconnell. >> suddenly there's a senate map that gets expanded for the democrats. you're looking for a third seat. you're targeting arizona and nevada. texas? okay. tennessee was always the other one out there but only if corker wasn't the nominee. >> it's an added gift for the folks at the dfcc. i think we all agree for different reasons. corker wasn't my favorite person in the senate but it does make me a little sad. things are so messed up. i wouldn't call him a centrist. he is not the fringe of his party. he fees like he can no longer get any work done because the
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senate is so broken. he knew he would get he a challenge on the right. he's been one of mcconnell's chief critics. >> the audience may not remember this. bob corker put together the legislation that allowed the iran deal to be ratified without ratification. for many of us, it was extraordinary proportion. >> if given the chance to vote for corker or marsha blackburn. if it is a sharon angle candidate, no. it puts the seat in play but not that much in play. i'm the optimist. all of a sudden they do that and put the gubernatorial seat in play. they're going to be fighting these things, too.
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>> i'm not sure. but i certainly don't think it is implausible given the, i think we'll see in the next few weeks, a bunk of announcements of primary challenges and that can spur additional retirements. it's tuesday, election day. always more exciting. this is the drug enforcement agency. we are ordering you to land immediately. alright boys, let's land. what is he?
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that's all for tonight. we didn't miss anything. that's what we're telling you. we didn't miss anything. we'll be back with more mtp daly tomorrow. >> whatever i missed, you have. >> i'll going to be watching your show tomorrow for making essential of alabama. thank you. now, when it comes to russia, we don't know if president trump is guilty. we do know he is obsessed. new reports in a meeting with americans for prosperity with president tim phillips group group, founder, conservative leaders, trump suddenly brought up russia out of the blue and slapped will jeff sessions for recusing himself. in this "wall street journal" report, his comments dripping with venom. all this as roger stone
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