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tv   Lockup Raw  MSNBC  October 8, 2017 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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follow "lockup" producers and crews as they go behind the walls of america's prisons and jails, to scenes you've never seen. "lockup: raw." >> much of "lockup: extended stay" is shot inside our nation's county jails. it's in jails as opposed to prisons that most of the inmates are still only accused of crimes and are awaiting trial and the resolution of their cases.
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these days, those stays are getting longer and longer due to everything from budget cuts to shutdown courtrooms to overwhelmed public defenders juggling dozens of cases at a time, and increasing amounts to make bail. >> don't do the crime if you can't do the time. you know? >> for some inmates, jail is less like a temporary stay and more like a prison sentence. even before they're convicted. while they wait, it's the little things that can make life bearable or lead to big trouble. in a setting where so many have so little, violence can erupt over any perceived slight, especially if it involved food. >> break it up! >> calm down. you're talking [ bleep ] >> it was no different at the fairfax county adult detention center in virginia. avian cole would find himself in a food-related brawl. but he first made an impression on us for having a way with words, especially when it came
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to giving us his take on virginia's designation as a commonwealth state. >> this is a commonwealth. this is a commony, wealthy state. it speaks for itself. if you are not in common or in tune with society you're out of place. and they got a place for people who is out of place and this is it. >> cole was serving a one-year sentence for robbery and malicious wounding. but he recently received a wounding of his own. thanks to another fairfax inmate jared faulkner. >> why were you fighting? >> a couple of weeks ago, two weeks ago he stole my cookies while i sleep. i pull back in there and beat the [ bleep ] out of him. i really beat the [ bleep ] out of him. >> i didn't take his cookies and i told him i didn't take your cookies. i don't want your cookies. like, i rarely eat the cookies. i don't care about the cookies they are two little cow cookies.
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why am i going to steel some cookies for? something that petty? >> his denial about the cookies was so strong, but in jail it's tough to tell. you don't know who is telling the truth. usually it comes down to he said/he said. >> he hit me right in the nose between the nose and the eye and i got a small cut that's like starts from my right there all the way up in to my, you know, my retina. so went to the doctor. he say it was about an inch deep. >> an inch deep? >> an inch deep. >> that would be in your brain, wouldn't it? >> i guess, i don't know. that's what they said, the cut, you know, was an inch deep or close to it, something. i don't know what they were saying. i just had a pounding headache so i blocked them out. >> faulk, who was serving time for possession of a controlled substance, received 20 days in segregation, after authorities concluded he started the fight. but he says cole deserved it, and that he has a reputation among the other inmates. >> i don't like him, he don't
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like me. he is broke and he ain't never got no food. he's always asking people for their trays [ bleep ] we call him the tray monster. >> cole says he's not a beggar but an opportunist. >> say you don't eat all your mashed potatoes? dude you want your mashed potatoes? it's starch. i need the starch. ain't no carbs in here. let me use the mashed potatoes. you a tray monster. that's what the term is. you know what i mean? it doesn't come from taking food. ain't no one going to let you take their food. >> the cookie conflict, even had faulk questioning cole's recent jailhouse conversion to islam. >> supposedly he became muslim so he can get close to the muslims so they would feed him. supposedly. that's what the word is that other people are saying like, yeah, you all became muslim just so you all could feed him because they know the muslims stick and feed each other and help you out. they need something, they got you. >> so why islam? >> discipline. it's one's way to find the self
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proclaim of freedom. when it comes to knowing who your god is. you know. there's only one god. >> while commissary snacks can be a source of conflict -- >> commissary. >> -- at the suffolk county jail on long island, new york, they're a source of humor. thanks to two of the more unique officers we've ever met. >> profeign bars? >> yeah, with the 7-eleven, i'll stop on the way home for you. >> officers are assigned full-time to fulfilling and distributing hundreds of commissary orders twice a week. >> they can spend $30 max. for tuesday delivery and the thursday delivery. cake, candy, cosmetics. the three "cs." >> and in the process they entertain themselves and seemingly most of the inmates, as well. >> elmer fudd. >> jim nasium. [ bleep ] mitchell. glucose, like sugar?
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>> sarah palin? you got to try to have fun. >> you can have fun at work, how nice is that? imagine in the last since i started this job, i never, ever didn't like coming to work. >> name? >> d placente. >> vi sen -- vincente? placenta? bring a pen or a pencil up. so we can expedite this. >> it's too hot to stand here. >> they are very new york. the accents and the way they carried themselves. it really lent itself to long island. you know, you really felt like you were in new york. it was fun. >> commissary giving back to the people. giving back to the people. you are getting it for cost. >> sure, they are. >> i think when decarlo and dresboli show up obviously the inmates are thrilled that they're going to get their commissary. but it was almost like this ually a pretty sad, desolate
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environment. they would participate, too. they didn't mind being the butt of their jokes. everybody would laugh. >> oldest guy in the dorm. morgan freeman. there you go. >> the king of commissary. >> i'm the guy -- >> the king of commissary. >> since i was a kid. >> only in the office. outside it's my show. >> that's the best commissary guy. >> yeah right. >> the best. >> why? >> why? because he makes sure our stuff is here. he don't beef with us. he make sure they go back and get it. if we do miss it. >> we're the only store in town. we could say or do anything to them, they love us just, you know, when you're the only store. >> officer decarlo worked the commissary route for 24 years. the last ten partnered with the officer dresple. >> i can't take you no more. >> all right. >> can't take you no more.
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>> we got it. >> you can't take me no more? >> i can't take you no more. >> i see you are busy. >> right after, you know, it's sickening after awhile he doesn't shut the hell up. never. >> yeah, you're right, you're right, you're right. >> partners. for a long time. >> love-hate. >> love-hate, marriage, divorce. >> hated me for months, didn't talk to me. >> we're back. we're back. >> now he likes me again. >> like mike and the mad dog. >> when you work with someone, you know -- >> it's -- >> -- ten years. sit next to each other. phone calls, you know. >> always. always. >> that close? >> close, close. yeah, we're close. >> you been on the list -- >> how many coffees did you get? how many coffees did you get? >> it's easy to order 20 instead of 16. that way i don't have to sit there and count it. >> you ain't missing nothing. >> i swear. >> look at this. watch this. watch this. abracadabra. what is that? oh! what is that? oh, i'm missing one. i see you -- >> unbelievable! >> i been working commissary 24 years.
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i know sons, fathers, grandfathers. i see a guy i look like someone who looks familiar. from 20 years ago and i go is your father -- your father tom smith he ever here? he goes, oh yeah, he was here 25 years ago. i go, i know them. >> and they just keep coming back and back and back. >> i wonder how that affects you. >> you can't let it. >> why? >> it's sad. it's sad and it's draining. >> you think about what chance do they have if their father was in jail, their grandfather was in jail, you know, the son, what's he going to do? how do you know what the right thing is if the parents and grandfather wasn't doing the right thing? >> one of the main things when you leave work you leave work. >> we leave work. it's over. >> you go back to your family, your barbecues, your pool. >> we go in and joke around with these guys for 10, 12 minutes. >> you want to be hard nosed with these guys, you're going to have a hard day. >> fellas, see you tuesday! try not to order too much. i don't want to really do too much. >> we work so well together.
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>> we need each other. that's it. we need each other. coming up, the pros and cons of a simple pane of glass. >> i wouldn't want that window right there. >> it's a blessing and a curse at the same time. >> how it can lead to big problems for a young inmate. >> i just wanted a window to the outside world and be able to look at the sky. i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free. it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well fitting dentures let in food particles just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. super poligrip free made even the kiwi an enjoyable experience try super poligrip free. ♪ when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company
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misery behind bars. at the bexar county jail in san antonio, texas, it was the windows. >> we got a window up in our cell and everybody want it. that we talk to, how you got your window? we could sit there all day and be able to look out, that would drive me nuts. >> being able to look out there and see everybody else is free makes me jealous and envious of everything. can't see my family, i'm locked up in here. >> this is all we got to look for the to. to the free world. that's all we can see. little skyline of the city, san antonio. train tracks. and that's about it. i can see the neighborhood of my house but that's as close as i'm going to get there for the next two years. there's nothing i can do about it. >> i wouldn't want that window right there. >> it's a gift and a curse all at the same time. >> too much partying here. i'm in here. there ain't no partying here.
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but that's the way it is. >> for 20-year-old clancy kelly, who we met at the fairfax county adult detention center in virginia, looking out a small corner of her window came with risks that were probably much greater than she ever imagined. >> why did you appeal to someone for the window? >> i just wanted a window to the outside world. i just wanted to be able to look at the sky. i don't know. i hate being cooped up. i can't stand it. >> in this particular housing unit, the windows on one side face another part of the jail where they house male inmates. there had been a situation where there was some exposing going on between the male and female inmates. and so, the solution for that was to frost all the windows on this side of the housing unit. clancy kelly told us thashe wasn't doing anything like that. she just peeled the frost back from the window just so she could get a look out to the outside world. >> being stuck in this very boring, dull, room makes me feel boring and dull.
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but if i look outside it makes me feel a little bit more free like i can see something, like the sky. >> the thing that caught our attention about clancy kelly is how out of place she seemed in jail. she looked really young and she looked more like an art student than an inmate. >> i think i'm the youngest one here. and i mean, i look young, people are always like why are you in here? are you like 14? no one would look at me and guess like i have like an addiction to heroin. >> kelly was serving 90 days for a probation violation from a previous dui conviction. >> i violated probation by not going to all my classes. i stopped going. i got arrested three more times. >> for what? >> two drunk in publics and a petty larceny. i went to court, and they brought me in here directly from court. i've been here since. i should be getting picked up within a couple days to a week to go to rehab. >> part of kelly's daily routine is waiting outside her cell
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while officers performed inspections to make sure every inch of it was just as it had been the day before. >> miss kelly? >> yes? >> what's going on with your window? it wasn't like that before when you moved in here. some of the tape is pulled off your window. the tint. see that? it wasn't like that when you moved in here. you know you are going to get written up for that. we talk about it in a little bit. that's a write-up. i may have to charge you with in-house charges. that's a no-no. you can tell some of the security film was already pulled back. it seemed like she tried to paste it back down but it rolled back up, and when i asked her, she admitted it.
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she will be charged. it's an in-house charge, most likely she probably may get d.s., disciplinary segregation. but if she hasn't been in any trouble they may be lenient on her. >> i'm not bitter about it because i was in the wrong. she's just doing her job. and i also did tell her the truth. i was honest with her when she asked me. there was a moment. i spent a moment thinking about being like, no, it wasn't me. but i decided to tell the truth. i guess they'll decide if they're going to move me or not, from this cell block. >> the possibility of going to disciplinary segregation is not to be taken lightly in fairfax county. it was one of the most restrictive we have ever seen. inmates are confined to their cells 23 hours a day. the only personal possession they're allowed is one religious book. >> faith and works should be together. >> mattresses are removed from cells during the day, making even napping difficult. the only meal they're served, except on sundays, is what's known as the loaf.
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an unseasoned combination of vegetables, flour and oil. >> looks like a handful of [ bleep ]. >> as kelly waited to hear her fate she played a fortune telling game she learned from another inmate. >> you take one from the back and one from the front and you're looking for doubles, and that's the blessing you get, you have a little code of what numbers mean what. so, like four, which is money. so maybe somebody's going to put money in my books or something. it gives you hope. i guess. they have been right. it's weird how right they have been so -- >> a short time later kelly is called out for her dciplinar hearing with sergeant taggert. >> all right. tell me what happened. >> i just picked at the little film on the window of my cell. and i pulled it back a little bit over time just to be able to look out the window. sometimes i would be anxious in my cell, and i would pick at that sometimes. >> okay. just the film that was on there? >> mm-hmm.
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>> okay. anything else you would like to add? >> no. >> okay. go and step on back and let me type this up and i'll be right with you. >> all right. i feel kind of stupid right now. i don't know if i should have said like not guilty or what but i mean he already saw the report. >> all right, ma'am. for the charge of destroying or defacing county property you pled guilty. i'm finding you guilty of that. okay. you did actually pull that back. now the cost for the sheriff's office to refix that window is going to be $200. therefore, we're going to go ahead and have you pay that for us. okay? that money will be taken out of your inmate financial account. so if you have $200 in your account at this time, that will be automatically deducted. also, as part of this i'm going to be moving you out of direct supervision. i'll be moving you to "c" floor. that time you'll spend there for 30 days. after that you can request to come back to direct supervision and if we have room we'll think about moving you back up here. any questions about that?
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come up here, i need your signature right here. >> kelly has been spared the rigors of disciplinary segregation. but she will be transferred to a higher security housing unit along with a fine. >> it was definitely destroying property and it will cost us $200 to repair what she had done. if i went to your yard and hit a ball through your window, i'm going to pay for the window. okay? so she broke our window. she's going to pay for it. we're going to move her down to a more secured area. a little smaller confines. less people there. i think the problem is a lot of times they don't realize how well they do have it up here and they forget themselves and where they're at. so sometimes people need a little reminder. >> they're moving me to "c" floor. >> what? when? >> tonight. >> no! >> and i have to pay a $200 restitution fee. a new window. >> so it don't pay to tell the truth all the time. >> do you find it ironic that one of the punishments was money
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when this morning your cards talked about money? >> i didn't think about that, actually. that is really ironic, actually. it's not the worst it could be. i have already gotten like five weeks in here. a week away will be a change of scenery. so look on the brighter side of things. >> good morning. >> kelly is then moved to her new housing unit in a smaller, less desirable section of the jail. >> this is worse. this cell is worse than the other one. i have no sunlight, at all. like there's no window. basically at this point i only have less than a week left in maximum so i don't really care. >> a week later, kelly was still in jail. she was supposed to be released to a drug rehab program, but there was a mix up.
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>> feels like i'm never going to leave. i keep telling myself i will probably leave tomorrow and i wait for each little interval of time to go by. okay, just wait till this next interval of time and see what happens. >> i think in the case of clancy key, it's e of the best examples of how the little things can really change your situation in jail. every time we check in with her, she seemed more and more depressed. >> anxiously awaiting to be picked up. >> three days later kelly was released to a drug rehabilitation program but during her stay there she did not comply with the terms of the program. she was returned to the jail and served 90 days. coming up -- ever wonder what jail smells like? >> imagine if you have wet clothes you left out and didn't hang them to dry. that's kind of like the smell of jail. a lot of socks. a lot of wet socks. ut medicine, but we know a lot about drama.
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from scandalous romance, to ridiculous plot twists. (gasping) son? dad! we also know you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so we're partnering with cigna to remind you to go see a real doctor. go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. doctor poses! dad! cigna. together, all the way.
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why are you locked up? >> "lock up" field producers are
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often asked to describe what jail or prison is really like. our field producers spend so much time on the inside, we thought we would have somebody for a fresher perspective. alex brassero first joined one of our field teams as a production assistant. the santa rita jail near oakland, california. >> the first thing i remember was the smell. it wasn't particularly bad. it was a very distinct smell. jacob hector said it was a standard jail smell. you will smell this at every facility. it's kind of like a damp smell. like imagine if you have wet clothes that you like left out, and you didn't like hang them to dry. that's kind of like the smell of jail. a lot of socks. a lot of wet socks. >> at the hamilton county justice center in cincinnati, ohio, d'andre rucker found a way to turn his socks into jailhouse air fresheners. >> you get the soap and break it down like this into little pieces.
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place it inside the socks. and then break it all the way down. this is one that's already done. once it's broke down, it will be into a powder form like this. can either tie it or leave it like that. when you want to freshen it you just go like that. and voila. you have your homemade air freshener. everybody in this pod has one. we trying to get everybody to get one in their cell so our pod wouldn't be smelly. >> cell mates devonte harris and joseph bass who are housed in the same unit as rucker also use the soap sock, along with a method of their own. >> deodorant, put it down the vent. it release a little nice odor so it will smell good. >> at the kent county jail in grand rapids, michigan, dennis jordan told us no amount of artificial air freshener could substitute for elbow grease. >> i'll pull them out just like this.
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then i'll take this rag right here and i'll clean the insides of it. inside this cell every day, i completely wash these walls down at least three times a day. i also wash the floor about three times a day. i keep the floor clean enough to where i can actually take my socks off and walk around without my feet getting dirty. >> i have never seen such a clean cell in all the time i've been here. i have seen clean cells but nothing quite like that. for this guy to clean walls three times a day, clean the floor two or three times a day it's amazing. his toilet was so clean you could actually see yourself. it was just amazing. >> jordan is serving 270 days for larceny and for violating his parole on a prior conviction of home invasion. he said his life outside wasn't nearly as tidy and orderly as his life on the inside. >> when i was 17, i was full of pride. i wanted a car. i wanted the best house. i wanted everything that all the other people around my neighborhood had.
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and those things are what led me to realizing that i was going down the wrong path after i started getting in trouble with the law. abuses, slanders, disobedience. >> i think having a clean cell was so important to dennis because it gave him something to do. but it also was something he had control of. oftentimes, especially in a lockdown setting, you don't have control over many things. the one thing dennis did have control of was his cell. >> put these back in order here. without being clean and in order, i feel like i'm out of order. as long as i'm out of order, i know that i'm not doing things the right way. so that i'm back-sliding. as long as i keep progressing and make sure that things are in an orderly fashion, i know that everything will be all right. coming up -- >> my nickname is picasso because of all the artwork that i do.
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>> the wide world of art behind bars. along with a couple of pieces that are just hard to believe. >> this is soap. off the floors of the showers. leftovers. it's not new soap. it's used soap. liked to style my dog as a kid... and were pumped to open my own salon. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica.
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i'm dara brown. president trump announced a proposal to make a deal on daca in exchange for building the border wall coming as part of a hard line immigration priorities by the white house sunday night. democrats nancy pelosi and chuck schumer released a statement slamming the proposal. harvey weinstein is out. the company released a statement saying the termination is effective immediately in the wake of sexual harassment allegations. now back to "lockup." on any given episode of
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"lockup: extended stay," there are a handful of special shots that bring a sense of movement and flow to the often stagnant world of prison and jail. that's because on every extended stay shoot, cameraman steve field joins our five person crew for a few days to shoot nothing but steady cam footage. >> i try to pick up movement. i'll walk with officers. i'll walk with inmates. i'll walk alone the perimeter. it gives a feeling that you're really in that spot and it's really your pov. it's a massive piece of gear. and when i suit up i really get looks from both the inmates, and corrections officers. it's a serious bit of work. you have to know where you are, what you're doing. you have to make eye contact with the inmates or prisoners. and what i've learned over time is they're real people. when you hear the stories, when you realize somewhere along the line they made a bad mistake. instead of taking this road,
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they took this road. and their life took a curve. when you actually talk to them face-to-face you really learn something about human nature. >> show the whole world how a 4'8" woman dominates these guys. >> that's what it looks like, doesn't it? >> i do enjoy it. i have to say. i'm very happy to go in there. i'm very happy to go home. >> while we bring a little bit of our own artistry to jail and prison, there's plenty to be found inside already. >> doing "lockup," we encounter a lot of people who have tremendous talent as artists. it's always amazed me because i always wonder, did they learn the art there, while they were incarcerated? is it something that they had known before they got locked up? but it always seems like almost, sometimes like a waste in many ways because i do wonder what they could be doing if they were on the outside with their artwork.
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>> at the tulsa county jail, in oklahoma, anthony freeman drew portraits of other inmates in exchange for commissary snacks. when we met him he was working on a series of portraits of native american inmate clyde cook. >> i'm mixing like indian art, eagles, peace pipes, dream catchers from his tribe and stuff like that. >> i met him years ago and he's come a long ways with his artwork. i try to get all i could get while i can get it. >> all i got now is number two pencils and rolled up newspaper. like i lay lead down on this and that's how i do my shading. you know i draw with my pencils but i shade with these right here. this is my hustle in here. that's what i -- this is how i eat. i usually just charge like $5 to $7 or something like that. you know, it's honest hustle. i probably average about maybe three a week. three or four a week. this month was a pretty good month. i probably made about $100 this month.
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>> at indiana state prison, ron jacobs picked up a nickname. that he took a lot of pride in. >> my nickname is picasso because of all the artwork i do. my art is the most important thing in my life. it helps me get through day to day just being locked in this cell 23 hours a day. >> i only encountered him because i was walking on the tier and i glanced in and saw his cell. and his entire cell was set up like a little artist den. he had palettes, he had created this world in which he could do his work. >> i think that if artwork doesn't give you a reaction, you aren't doing it right. it should either shock, revolt, inspire, you know, bring happiness, tears of joy, sadness, hate, whatever. i think art should be used for something other than just hanging on your wall. i look through magazines of women and i use like their profiles or their positions of their body and i'll redraw them. i don't really look at them as
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sex objects. i look at them more as inspiration. i believe women are the most beautiful thing on the earth and i try just to enhance their bodies to fit whatever criteria i feel. >> most of our production team agrees that what tulsa county inmate richard roberts did was something truly beyond belief. >> this is soap. it's off the floors of the showers, leftover. it's not new soap. it's used soap. >> i never have seen anything like this. there was an eagle and you can see the texture and the feathers and beautiful stuff. to think it came from scraps of soap from the shower floor it was just unbelievable. >> he loved it. this was how he spent all his time. this was what made his time go by and he also used it as a business. he was able to sell these pieces. and had money for his commissary. >> though roberts' artistic skills were appreciated by inmates as well as staff, the soap sculptures were deemed to be contraband and removed from his cell. though chief deputy robin who
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ran the jail did put them on display in other parts of the facility. >> he had an elephant sculpture with the big ears, big thick feet, the tusks. was phenomenal. phenomenal. i wished that they could use those talents for something other than soap sculptures in jail. coming up -- >> been a long day. working -- >> how a job makes a difference. with my dentures. i love kiwis. i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free. it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well fitting dentures let in food particles just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. super poligrip free made even the kiwi an enjoyable experience try super poligrip free. ♪
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-ahh. -the new guy. -whoa, he looks -- -he looks exactly like me. -no. -separated at birth much? we should switch name tags, and no one would know who was who. jamie, you seriously think you look like him? uh, i'm pretty good with comparisons. like how progressive helps people save money by comparing rates, even if we're not the lowest. even if we're not the lowest. whoa! wow. i mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. look at us. it's true that "lockup" covers a lot of dark subject matter. it's also about so much more. we cover stories that often
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times are inspiring. poignant and believe it or not, often funny. there is humor in jail and prison. >> they disappear. see? where did it go? >> and in the long weeks that our field teams spend at any one facility, the humor can serve as an ice breaker, even when it's about weight gain from high caloric commissary snacks. >> just growing. i'm getting a sonogram tomorrow. >> any ideas who could be the father? >> you had to go there. >> are you excited? >> why not try to bring some humor? something different. just to break the ice. >> that was good. that was good. of all the criminals, you're the only one that came up with that one. that was good. >> do you know if there any veterinarians close by? any veterinarians? >> i don't know. why? >> because these puppies are sick. >> that's pretty badass.
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those are pretty cute. they look like muscles only smaller. >> people respond well to brian. he brings this really lovely energy. in to everything we do. the only problem is, brian has a limited repertoire of jokes. >> these puppies are sick. >> if i hear his veterinarian joke one more time, i'm going to shoot myself. >> how does it feel to show those muscles in front of men who are five times your size? >> they are nude at every facility we go to. but, you know, we as crew members we've heard them many, many times. but still we laugh to make him feel better. >> but even kelly repeating his favorite joke is no comparison to the monotony experienced by most inmates. that's why work details that often pay pennies an hour, if at all, are so highly coveted, because they offer time out of a
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cell and something to do. the most common jobs are working in the kitchen or some form of janitorial duty. >> i'm a sanitation worker. one of five. at the top, a couple guys at the bottom. >> with the 72-year sentence, as a repeat offender, convicted of dealing narcotics, chazz harper welcomes every opportunity to stay busy at indiana's wabash valley correctional facility. >> take the broom and sweep around the cracks, get the [ bleep ] underneath the tracks, and come back with a big broom. >> how many times a day do you this? >> about three times a day. three or four. depending on how many times we get out. >> and though harper doesn't mind cleaning the showers, he does hate showering in them. >> you have to do a hand stand to get the soap off of your private area. you know. i mean seriously. look how close you got to get against the wall. if you are fat, that's not going to happen.
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get stay pay and then get outside, i mean, out of your cell more. >> how much do you make? >> about 30 bucks a month. it is what it is. same thing over and over. >> left, left. >> we have seen some more unusual jobs, as well. [ chanting ] >> the maricopa county jail in phoenix, arizona, has the only female chain gang in the nation. their job is to assist a local catholic church in burials of the indigent. >> we gather to bury the body of james. bless, oh, lord the body of james and may his soul find its home with you in heaven. >> visually it was incredible. you know, i remember one shot that i was able to get, i actually climbed into the back of the vehicle that they were
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using to transport the casket. and i came in behind, as the female inmates were pulling the casket out, and it was just, you know, the lighting was interesting and visually it was really dynamic. that's a situation that, you know, sticks with me. ♪ >> left, right, left, right! >> but as a former navy combat cameraman, kelly related even more to vastle vernon's job at the santa rosa correctional institution in florida. vernon was one of the chain gang workers whose job was to tend crops on the prison farm. >> a long day. working on our legs. >> vernon had a special duty. he called the cadence. [ sound off ] >> a lot of the cadences that i
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do is like basically freestyle. whatever come to my head or comes to me at the moment, i just sound off and everybody all do it in unison. >> of course it reminded me of boot camp. you know, at times, you know, going through and the discipline, and the camaraderie. because there is camaraderie. everybody's together. you know, listening to the same cadence and marching in step. there's a discipline to it. you know, everybody has to be in step or it's not going to work. to be there it brought back some memories. it was pretty neat. it was cool to be involved with that. >> one of the more interesting and i would think necessary jobs i've seen in the jail or prison was in louisville. >> what? huh? nothing. talking to you. >> it was called one-on-one and a general population inmate was brought in to a segregation unit and would sit outside the cell of a distressed inmate who was locked up 23 hours a day, and just engage that person. if they were getting distraught, this person would just bring them down.
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talk them down. >> during only her third week on the job crystal walker was assigned to an inmate on suicide watch. >> she would scream and yell but for some reason i'm one person that can get through to her. i acted like she was my daughter. i was just being a mother. i put my pinkies up to the window and pinkie promise you'll be good and she calms down. you can work with all of them in certain ways if you just find the way to do it. >> it was wonderful to see that kind of communication and how powerful that was. the locked up inmate, the segregated inmate at least felt like there was somebody who cared, somebody who could talk to, and they were like counselors. >> you going to go eat? go eat your dinner. yell if you need anything. >> there have been a few jobs that i've seen that really made a lasting impression on me. one was an embroidery shop in a prison in colorado. we walked inside, and it was not only just the size of the shop, it was a huge operation. it looked like some kind of
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facility that you would see on the outside. but it was what they were making. they were making, you know, american flags. here these inmates were making the symbol of freedom, and they are incarcerated in a maximum security prison. >> chester huggins says that depending on their size, he can make up to 100 flags a month. >> what the flag represents, purity, honesty, justice, freedom. i mean, they got other jobs around but being able to do this helps me. gives me peace. >> it still sticks to me this day. i see american flags flying in the wind and oftentimes i think of, you know, hey, this might have come from limon, colorado, and it could have been an inmate that made that. >> some inmate jobs not only teach skills that can lead to employment on the outside, they even come with professional mentoring. >> tight and round, gentlemen. tight and round.
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jobs in jail or prison are very important to the inmates. you know, not only does it break up the monotony of just day-to-day jail life, it also gives them a sense of purpose. i see a lot of people going to work and being very prideful in what they're doing or about to go do. >> that's the rice right here. gourmet. i cooked it. >> some of the people told me that they've never had this experience on the outside. and here they are waking up at 4:00 a.m., 5:00 a.m. to go to work and they're working 9, 10, 12 hours a day. a lot of them expressed to me that this gives them hope of getting out and actually getting a 9:00 to 5:00 job and that's something that goes far beyond the walls of the jail or prison. >> some jails provide the kind of training that can prepare inmates for new careers on the outside. at the santa rita jail near oakland, california, it was about barbering and cosmetology.
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>> you're going to pinch the hair, remember, and then pull the comb away. shape the nails first before you soak them in the finger bowl. >> i like coming because it gives me something to do and i'm learning a whole lot. >> i take the class, i can get a certificate so i can learn how to do cosmetology. >> to earn a degree in cosmetology or to go to state boards you need to have 1,600 hours. we don't have the capacity to provide that here at santa rita, so they can graduate with a certificate of completion when they completed the course. they hopefully are inspired to continue the education on the outside. so that they can earn the hours and operations that they need. >> the more i pull it, it doesn't rip and tear. you know it's pretty good. >> inside the suffolk county jail on long island, new york, is a professionally equipped
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bakery where inmates make the rolls served with every meal. >> that's a good dough. he did a good job. >> and it's all under the tutelage of a staff member with plenty of real-world experience. >> i'm not a ceo. i'm a jail cook. >> before he came to work at the jail, christopher ran his own restaurant. >> the restaurant business is brutal. no benefits or no 401(k) or insurance. so i came here. for a normal job. i learned in a matter of a day and a half just watching him. he walked me through it and told me if i needed a hand with anything to let him know. >> can't just let somebody do it themselves. >> you heard what he said. it's a good dough. >> tight and round, gentlemen. tight and round. >> when you work as a chef, you get to walk around with a knife. you get to leave it on the table. here everything is tethered to this table. this dough, what you do with this is when they're formed this
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way, you hit it twice, knock the air out of it. knock the gas out of it. >> you can see all the inmates really liked him. really admired him. he had so much enthusiasm and energy teaching them. the knowledge he had and everything was about this bread and making this bread and making the perfect dough. >> make them pretty, will you? come on! >> no ugly dough. >> no ugly dough. >> you can see the inmates kind of shine when they really got it right. >> under his watchful eye the inmates bake about 3,300 rolls per day, along with other pastries and desserts for administrative functions. >> we work every day. pretty much. 5:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. six days a week. you get one day off a week. it's always good to have a new skill. i can apply this and it could help me with a future job. who knows? >> i have been here for a month and a half and i love it. he's been busy. breaks up the monotony of the day. just gets me out of the dorm. i hate sitting around. >> you occasionally want to
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teach somebody who wants to learn something so you got a little time, you teach them. you're here. you got nothing but time. you might as well learn something. >> before it closed down, many of theseorkers left jail and went directly to jobs at a nearby nationally own industrial bakery. while there may no longer be permanent job opportunities just down the road, the inmates enjoy another perk. >> one of the reasons that these guys come down to work is they get to eat better. okay? you get -- you don't have to sit around -- you're not sitting around in a dorm. you're not sitting around with everybody else who is complaining about why they're here. they come down, they work. i make them work pretty hard. so for that they get to eat better than they would if they were not working. >> i eat these all day. that explains this. >> that's for me.
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follow "lockup" producers and crews as day go behind the walls of america's prisons and jails with the scenes you've never seen. "lockup: raw." unlike prison, where all the inmates are convicted and serving sentences, most jail inmates are only accused of crimes and are awaiting trial at the resolution of their cases. but combined, they total about 2.2 million americans behind bars.


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