tv Morning Joe MSNBC November 13, 2017 3:00am-6:00am PST
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that could happen. i don't know that it will, but it would be very, very nice if it did. >> in the words of the president, strange things happen in life. just ask hillary clinton. president trump entertained the possibility of befriending north korea's dictator, just hours after calling him short and fat on twitter. good morning. it's monday, november 13th. i'm nicolle wallace, alongside jon heilman. joe, mika and willie will be back tomorrow morning. with us this morning, veteran columnist and msnbc contributor mike barnicle, political reporter for the washington post and moderator of washington week on pbs, robert costa, former aide to the bush white house elise jordan, president to the counsel on foreign reilations, richard haas. and heidi pryzbila.
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>> short and fat. >> we can still be friends. >> just a little bit worse. not so much physical comedy but some other comments will be coming later. >> we begin with those controversial remarks from president trump over whether russia meddled in the 2016 election. he sparked confusion and criticism to comments he made to reporters following a private meeting with russian president vladimir putin at the apex summit saturday. when asked if russia's attempt to meddle in the 2016 election, president trump said every time he sees me he says, i didn't do that. and i really believe that. on the u.s. intelligence community, he says i mean, give me a break.
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they are political hacks. so you look at that and you see president putin who says he had nothing to do with that. facing sharp criticism from republicans and democrats alike. clarifying his remarks during a press conference with the vietnamese president sunday trump said, quote, as to whether i believe it or not, i'm with our agencies, especially as currently constituted. not leaving it there, the president took to twitter to respond to his critics writing, quote, when will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with russia is a good thing, not a bad thing? they're always playing politics. bad for our country. i want to solve north korea. syria, ukraine, terrorism and russia can greatly help. and then does the fake news media when crooked hillary clinton, secretary of state, was
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begging russia to be our friend with the misspelled reset button? obama tried also but he had zero chemistry with putin. richard haas, go. >> there's so much to unpack there. >> i followed you on twitter. i sort of feel like i read your -- i won't call it a nervous breakdown but your exas pich piration in real time. >> he continues to give russia a pass. >> a pass would be the benefit of the death. this is i believe them. >> two years of essentially not seeing russia as the international spoiler, as the international problem that they are. second of all, he continues to overpersonalize relationships wlrks it's with the leader with north korea, putin. somehow personal chemistry matters. no. country also follow their own national interests, which is what he should be doing. third, he introduces american
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politics to trash professionals overseas, bringing up hillary clinton and so forth. no. you leave that stuff behind. if you ever go there, and the answer is you shouldn't, you just deal with the issues. meantime, all of this is obscuring so much of what happened in this trip. the president of the united states goes to asia, takes the united states out of the principle dynamic in that part of the world, which is a global regional trading agreement. 40% of the world's economy should be there. we've taken ourselves out. who is benefiting? china. china is the strategic beneficiary of this latest bout of american isolationism and protectionism. that's what historians are going to write. ind why everyone is focused on how inappropriate this was about american politics and kim jong-un. it won't help to deal with north korea. the real story will be the united states abdicating its
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position. we will pay an economic and strategic price literally for decades to come. >> making china great. >> i sense that you may have comments you would like to make on these matters. the president of the united states has been on this trip. almost every day he has managed to take some kind of shot at his predecessors or people involved in his current government in some cases, certainly in past governments. in this case i thought the most shocking thing about this on some level was to wake up over the weekend and have him take ong clapper, comey and brennan and essentially feel like, again, once again his instinct is to side with vladimir putin over his entire intelligence community. not just to do it but on foreign soil. speak a bit to that. >> could you imagine if barack obama had done this, the outcry that there would be in conservative media just for obama when he campaigned and he was in europe and the large
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crowds. and that was used by the mccain campaign back in 2008. the standards used to be so different. big pictures so disturbing about this trip is, you know, president trump is semi well-behaved for a couple of days and not having as many outbursts and everyone is like this is a great trip. our standards have gotten so low for what we expect of a president that if he's not causing some major international incident, we assume that's a success. >> there was a change in his phrasing. i think that's important. after making a few calls over the weekend. currently constituted, talking about the intelligence community, because white house officials and others said to the president you like director mike pompeo at the cia are. >> reminding him. >> president trump, you appointed that guy. >> you picked them. >> he's your guy. >> not only is he his guy, most days he gives the president the presidential daily briefing. they have a real rapport.
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because when bannon and so many people that were there, whispering in his ear, because he is at war with former leaders of the foreign policy. you do stand with pompeo. yes, i do, he said privately. that's why he switched it around a little bit. that doesn't mean that these comments about comey and clapper are going to end. that rage about what they said publicly about him still exist. >> the pompeo relationship, he's in a lot of trouble. he has had two missteps where the cia has had to correct. >> his rhetorical behavior has affected deeply the morale at langley in the cia. they wonder if he's a politician first or dci first. but richard mentioned history. and history's judgment on all of this.
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and sadly -- i truly regret to say this, but i -- all weekend lo long, watching and following this trip, we can't wait for history. the judgment is being made now. world leaders are laughing at our president of the united states who stands on foreign soil, attacks two career intelligence officials, bren sben clapper, calls them hacks. attacks a former director of the fbi, calls him a liar. all of this happening after rejects tpp that you alluded to and while he rejects it and while they roll out a red carpet and they give him a big crowd and he's thrilled, saying things like nobody has ever seen this before for any foreign leader in china, they are picking our pockets. we are the united states of america and, regretfully -- i regret to say this. the president of the united states is without a clue as to who we are and what this country represents. >> members of the --
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>> well, moving on from that. >> really. >> uplifting way to start the morning. >> bob corker is having a hearing tomorrow to talk about these responsibilities and said what you just said. he doesn't seem to understand what we're about or what the job is about. >> on veteran's day weekend, too. add to that. >> exactly. members of the tran s of the tr partnership are moving ahead with that deal without the united states. they reached a deal over the weekend on the core elements of the pact, which still needs to be finalized. president trump withdrew the united states from the negotiations process back in january. japan's economic minister said that he hoped that moving ahead with the deal would be a step toward bringing the u.s. back into the fold. but in a speech at the apec summit, president trump said he was only interested in bilateral deals in asia that would not disadvantage the u.s., a sentiment he echoed, speaking at the asian summit in the philippines earlier this morning. >> we celebrate your incredible
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success and we also seek economic partnerships on the basis of fairness and reciprocity. we want our partners in the region to be strong, independent and prosperous, in control of their own destinies and satellites to no one. these are the principles behind our vision for a free and open indo-pacific. we've made some very big steps with respect to trade, far bigger than anything you know. in addition to $300 billion in sales to companies including china that was $250 billion and growing upwards substantially from that. we've made a lot of big progress on trade and have deficits with almost everybody. those deficits will be cut very quickly and very substantially. >> the president says he expects the white house to issue a full statement on trade wednesday, following his return to the u.s. richard haas, i've never seen you about to jump over the table
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before. >> he so misunderstands trade. he literally gave a speech where he talked about agreements that tie our hands. last i checked that's what agreements do. good news is that they tie everybody else's hands as well and on balance you're better off. these are deals to, yes, hundreds of billions of dollars but that's over a decade or 15 years. trade agreements on a far larger scale. they help us economically and strategically and twav these types of arrangements. the other countries in the region are entering into these multi-lateral arrangements. that's what they want, gives you the opportunity to deal with issues that you can't begin to deal with in bilateral agreements. these aren't threats to our sovereignty. they're ways of enhance iing or economic growth and strengthening our alliance. >> richard, explain the difference between china in tpp with us and without us. what happens to us? >> china isn't in tpp. they set up its own agreement.
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under trade agreement that we helped design and participate in and have all sorts of rules that are good for us, instead you'll have this agreement without us, which we'll lose access to the markets of our friends. china has set up an alternative, which is closer to the race to the bottom. it will be good for china to approximate strengthen the role of its government, its economy and its influence. we'll be shut out of that. we're doing this to ourselves and the president and those around them, i hate to say this, don't seem to understand the basics of trade that you teach in economics 101. it doesn't matter that you have a bilateral deficit with this or that country. what matters is that trade added up. and if you look at the last 70 yea years, last i checked, mike, the united states has done pretty well in the world and it's been done against the backdrops of regional trade agreements. >> i listen to richard haas sitting here, and i'm sympathetic to richard in a lot of ways on the economics here.
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i also hear, to donald trump and to a lot of trump supporters, i hear a lot of council on foreign relations, blah, blah, blah. the thing that donald trump is doing on the trade front here is the stuff he promised to do when he ran for president. his economic message over the course of the time that he ran, this was at the heart of it. multilateral, all these trade deals, council on foreign relations, that's all for the birds and not helping the working man in america. just think about the politics here. is donald trump not, in fact, doing exactly, on this issue, exactly what he promised to do when he ran for president of the united states? >> it sounds like he's trying to do exactly what he promised to do. here is the important distinction, even by his own measurement here. john, did you see him walk away from this summit with any kind of major big bilateral deals, even what we're seeing here is that countries like china don't necessarily have to come to --
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feel compelled to come to the negotiating table. we're moving forward without us and we're seeing a president here who is walking away with very little to show at the end of the summit, even by his own standards. we're seeing that he is very thrilled, however, with the pageantry, with the rolling out of the red carpet for him. but what is the deal materially, even by his own standards, that he is walking away from this summit with in terms of bilateral trade deals? secondly, we all remember that beat iing up on china, labeling china currency manipulator, that was the beating heart of his po populous message. it's actually our own fault. it's been the bad deals of our leaders. i could see that you would want to take advantage of us. that's a huge come down from the language he used in the campaign trail, that china is raping us.
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so, to your point, yes, this is what he promised, was to take us out of these big trade deals. but at the same time, we're seeing that his strategy of trying to cut these bilateral deals isn't really going to work out so well because these countries really aren't compelled to negotiate them with us. >> robert casa? >> you look at this trip, it's not just about president trump pulling away from international agreements but him trying to reframe in a sense -- look at these foreign leaders. look at abe. he can try to reimagine the relationship with china, india's rising in the region. japan is try iing to be resurge. they're still a little cautious in china about this nationalist movement in the united states. they still want to deal with
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president trump. they don't want to have such hostility with china, making working with him on north korea. you have them struggling to cut these bilateral deals. at the same time it's interesting to watch because of this disruption, chaos caused by the united states walking away. asian leaders are wondering how do we rebuild relationships with the united states to benefit ourselves in the region? >> if you're the senior adviser on the plane you're elated that they spent 16 minutes talking about the trade gap and not retrenching on russia. >> this trip, i cannot think of a time when an american president go as broad and there's absolutely no mention of american values. >> nato was the last time. >> yes, exactly. it's an established pattern now. he goes to the g-20, talks to putin about russia, about the collusion and absolves him.
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does the same thing this trip. he talks more about that on a foreign trip than he does human rights when he's in china. >> standing next to a murderer, to a thug. >> duterte or -- >> duterte. >> and putin. >> and putin. to give him that kind of presence, to stand up there and watch duterte attack the media and go along with it, this is a guy who -- >> he does the same thing. >> thousands of killings. this guy is a thug. >> he likes authoritarians more than human freedom. >> we are now down to the point where every country where the president of the united states now goes and visits, they took the playbook of the saudi arabians when his first foreign trip occurred in saudi arabia. here is what these countries do. they throw him a parade, roll out a red carpet, surround him with applause and they pick our pockets. >> depressing final words. >> still ahead on "morning joe," new developments in the alabama senate race where roy moore is
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threatening legal action after being accused of molesting a teenager decades ago. we'll play you his latest comments, including his answer when asked if he remembers dating girls that young. leader of north korea ramped up again over the weekend. first, bill karins has a check on the forecast. bill? >> good morning, that cold, chilly weekend is still with us in areas of northern new england. some areas of maine are still in the teens. light rain is moving through. done in d.c. baltimore. philadelphia, light rain over the next hour or two. it's just moving into new york city. unfortunately there's still enough cold air in the northern edge of this that we have a little bit of wet snow mixing in. careful driving through the poconos. northern new england has a little bit of light snow. that cold temperature i told you about. 14 in caribou. we're not freezing as badly as we were in mid atlanta.
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it's still very chilly for the kid this is morning. dlivent put the clothes on them as they head out the door. huge storm coming onshore overnight. winds today could pick up. we could see them as strong as 50 to 80-mile-per-hour winds. power outages are possible in the pacific northwest. that's the biggest story on the map as far as storms go. and that will stay there over the next two days. middle of the country, i haven't mentioned about you. you have the best weather. temperatures in the 70s. denver, 68 and 70. that's a gorgeous forecast for your monday. new york city, light rain for the first couple of hours here in the day and we'll clear it out this afternoon. still cool and chilly. temperatures only in the 40s. as you can clearly see,
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judge roy moore is threatening lawsuit against the paper that printed that he molested a 14-year-old girl and pursued relationships with teenage girls when he was in his 30s. >> just three days ago the washington post published another attack on my character and reputation in an attempt, a desperate attempt to stop my political campaign. these attacks that i was involved with a minor child are completely false and untrue and for which they will be sued. >> moore provided no details about what type of suit he planned to file or when he planned to file it. but on saturday, he said he will provide new information within days and denied the claim of sexual misconduct with a 14-year-old. >> i've been investigated more than any other person in this country. to think that grown women would
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wait 40 years to come before, right before an election to bring charges is absolutely unbelievable. there are investigations going on. in the next few days, there will be revelations about the motivations and the content of this article. they will be brought to the public. we fully expect the people of alabama to see through this charade. >> moore did not respond to msnbc's questions when leaving his event on saturday but did answer some on sean hannity's radio show on friday. >> would it be unusual for you as a 32-year-old guy to have dated a woman as 17? that would be, what, a 15-year difference or a girl 18. do you remember dating girls that young at that time? >> not generally, no. if i did, you know, i'm not going to dispute anything but i don't remember anything like
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that. >> but you don't specifically remember having any girlfriend that was in her late teens even at that time? >> no. i don't remember that, and i don't remember ever dating any girl without the permission of her mother. >> would it be normal behavior back in those days for you to date a girl that's 17 or 18? >> no, not normal. >> my daughter is 17. my daughter is 16 years old. if she is 17 or 18, i don't want her dating a 32-year-old. >> i wouldn't either. >> and you can say unequivocally you never dated anybody that was in their late teens like that when you were 32? >> it would have been out of -- out of my customary behavior. that's right. >> oh, my. a former colleague of moore's in the county district attorney's office spoke out over the weekend. therese qula jones posted on twitter, as deputy d.a. in gadsden when roy moore was there, it was common knowledge about roy's propensity e itity
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teenage girls. i'm appalled that these women are being skewered for the truth. the subject line, quote, mcconnell's dirty plot to zloi me, quote, according to sources, establishment republicans are colluding with the obama/clinton machine behind the scenes in order to keep me out of washington. following allegations he once engaged in inappropriate conduct with young teenage girls. mike lee and steve daines recently pulled their support. bill cassidy of louisiana also backed away in a saturday tweet saying, quote, based on the allegations against roy moore and what is known i withdraw support. bob corker writes look i'm sorry but even before these reports surfaced, roy moore's nomination was a bridge too far.
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yesterday several other republican senators suggested that moore should end his campaign. >> i don't know, chuck. i don't know how this is going to turn out. you know, this is a terrible situation. nearly 40-year-old allegation. we'll probably never know for sure exactly what happened. but from my point of view, you know, i have to say that i think the accusations have more credibility than the denial. i think it would be best if roy would just step aside. >> certainly the allegations are very, very strong. the denial was not as strong as the allegations. i think if the allegations are true, there's no doubt that he should step aside and not for the party, but for the american people. we have to find a way to restore trust and confidence in our elected officials and in our government and this goes in the wrong direction. >> on friday the national republican senatorial committee ended its fund-raising agreement with the moore campaign. as of sunday night the national
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republican committee continues to have 11 field offices on the ground in alabama to help with moore's campaign. nicole, you had a catch in your throat there in the middle of this story. we've been talking about this since the story first broke when i was on your show a couple of days back. why is it difficult for anybody at this point to do what some of these right-thinking republicans have done and said we have to wash our hands of the accused pedophile and figure out a way forward. there's no way that the political damage of stnlg sticking with this guy is worth the senate seat, if it's even s salvageable. >> it's not about political damage. four women with nothing to gain and everything to lose, telling their story in "the washington post," attached to their name. that's it, people. there won't be a trial. this is not a criminal situation. he is not being convicted in a
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court of law. we don't wait for a preponderance of the evidence. we're not waiting for more facts. you believe the women or you don't. elise jordan, for the life of me, i cannot figure out why no staffer has explained to these men who go on tv and say i'm waiting for more information. for what? we're not convicting him. he's not going to jail. there's no due process in the court of public opinion. it's a privilege to govern under the banner of a republican. it used to be. it's going to be a punishment in the next 48 hours. notion that this is a construct, if true. no, this is it. four women under their name that have to be speaking about the most horrific moments of their lives, being fondled and touched by roy moore when they were teenage girls, that's it. that's all the information you're going to have. >> it make mees sick s me sick stomach, the way that people have voresponded to this. if it's true. >> it's not a trial. right. >> people are saying 40 years.
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it was 40 years ago. who cares? that means that this women have been playing this on auto repeat for every day of their lives. the one woman, the 14-year-old, she tried to commit suicide two years later. and then you have people saying if these allegations are true? well, it made a big difference in that little girl's life and that woman's life. >> there is a solution now for the majority, the majority of republican senators who refuse to take a real stand on this and instead choose to say if this is true. but there's a solution. there's a path for them to follow. it is the transcript, portions of the transcript we just read. >> from sean hannitty. >> just read the transcript, senators and make up your mind after you read that transcript. >> you can't read that transcript without basically -- given the way he's hedging on these questions, you can't help but -- you don't have to have covered "cops" for very long to
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look at that guy and say that's a perp right there. that's not an innocent man. bob, i want to come back to you, though, to come back to my admittedly -- obviously, the political ramifications are not as important as the moral ramifications, but the political ramifications are real. the republican party when they had a todd aiken problem is dwarfed by the potential problem of roy moore for republican candidates all over the country heading into 2018 where every one of them is going to be asked about roy moore if he ends up still being the republican standard bearer in alabama. every republican candidate is going to get this question. talk about the dimensions of that political problem for republicans if they don't abandon this guy, and quick. >> it's a moment of choosing for both parties. republicans and especially president trump when he gets back from asia has to make a choice. hedging their comments saying moore has to have time to defend himself on allegations. the president gave a similar comment when abroad. are republicans going to allow
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moore to keep running if he refuses to quit the race? mcconnell has taken a hard line. the white house has not. that's a choice they have to make. democrats have to make a choice. doug jones, running a steady race, competitive in the polls. are democrats going to make a real play in the south? will any establishment, moderate republicans endorse doug jones? if they are so against moore, how far are they willing to go in the coming weeks? >> heidi, a couple of republicans in washington, obviously, this strikes a nerve with most women. they called me friday afternoon after this show and said what's the right thing to do? i said the right thing to do is run a write-in campaign for luther strange or get behind the democrat. is there any curtain number three i'm missing? >> i don't think so. although i don't know that many republican also get behind the democrat. i think what you'll see is more of them, like barbara comstock, particularly, republican women, who i'm sure you were talking with over the weekend. this wasn't just the story. it was roy moore's response to
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it, in which he essentially doesn't deny having had these relationships. he denies assaulting the women. but then he says, i didn't -- i never dated any of them without permission from their mother. well, who needs permission from their mother if you're another 30-year-old person? it was his own response to this that was so problematic. and i also want to chime in, nicole, on this from the perspective of the women you were talking about earlier. and the assault that they are coming under and why this is happening now. we saw the same thing in the harvey weinstein case. why this is happening is because journalists and, might i also add, female journalists, who went to these women and decrcre this had safe space for them to go ahead and tell their stories and to do it in a way that the evidence was so overwhelming, they corroborated also time and place. for example, with leigh corfman,
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that she actually was at the courthouse for a child custody hearing at the time that this happened. it is also the fact that these women are being given a safe space by other female journalists to come forward and tell their story, which is what also happened in the case of the harvey weinstein stories coming out. >> you know, nicole, john mentioned earlier that, you know, if you're a cop and you're interrogating roy moore the way that sean hannity interrogated roy moore. if you have a guy like roy moore in the box, in the sbrogs room and talked like he spoke to sean hannity you're thinking one thing looking at him across the table, there's more to come from this creep. >> exactly. to pick up heidi's point about harvey weinstein, what's happened is more reports from women. if it's not true -- it's an exquisite piece of journalism from "the washington post" in that there are so many concurrent accounts.
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what happened since the story was first publish sd more concurrent accounts from people who were peers of the women. >> the women have stood by their story. >> and men and women in their lives from that point on have stood by their stories and added memories and the pictures become more full, not more foggy. which is why the foggy account on sean hannity is a joke. >> bob costa made the point. before this story broke you had howard dean. there was a big argument after last tuesday's elections, the race was tight, huge victory for democrats. now this story has broken. if democrats do not have the courage -- shouldn't even take that much courage to go down there and run this race, get down there behind their candidate and try to take this race. a huge, symbolic victory on gender politics, politics of the south. tbld a giant victory that would send a huge message across the country. democrats have to seize that moment if they're going to
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try -- if they think they have a chance to take back the senate and the house this say moment to show that they have enough guts and money and energy into this race. >> when the women grab back. we'll go to alabama for reaction from the voters. coming up, the strongest show of force in the sea of japan. we'll talk to nato's former commander about the preparations for the threat of nuclear war next on "morning joe." it's a small finger...a worm!
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the schoolyard war of words between the president and the leader of north korea ramped up this weekend again. trump's trip was, called, a war monger's trip adding trump begged for a nuclear war. the statement ends calling trump a doddard or lunatic. why would kim jong-un insult me by calling me old when i would never call him short and fat? oh, well i try so hard to be his
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friend. maybe zie that will happen. >> is that real? >> trump was asked to leee elaborate on that friendship. he said it was, quote, a possibility because, quote, strange things happen in life. he had separate tweets over the weekend that aimed at russia and china saying, quote, progress is being made on the north korean front. >> joining us gordon chang, columnist for "the daily beast" and now the dean of the fletcher school of law and diplomacy at tufs university, navy admiral james tsavrides. let's start with you. there's so much on this trip. just on that exchange, which truly made me want to check and make sure those were real messages from the american leader. >> well, you know, as someone who stands 5'5" on a good day, i kind of resemble the remark
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about kim jong-un. i feel his pain. but it is shocking and unbelievable, let's face it, to that coming from an american president. more importantly, it does not advance what we want to do. what we want to do is take and create order out of the chaos. here we are, injecting more chaos into the order. and that is going to not stand us in good stead, particularly as three nuclear-powered aircraft carriers with 200 strike aircraft are operating in the waters off korea. escalation and inadvertent exchange of ordinance, we've got to be deeply concerned about that. that kind of rhetoric doesn't take us in the right direction, to say the least. >> gordon, off the admiral's description of how we are literally on the eve of potentially something horrific happening, i asked you, just as we were about to come on here, how happy is china about all of this. and your response was not at
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all. explain that. >> first of all, the chinese don't like three aircraft carriers off the peninsula. the reason is that three carriers give you the capability of conducting round-the-clock operations. two don't. and i think that has some significance in beijing. also, president trump in seoul and in tokyo had really good stops. firming up our relationships with those two critical allies. the chinese didn't like that. i think the chinese thought they probably got the better of trump during his stay in beijing. that's probably also just temporary. the reason is that underneath, those discussions between russian and chinese officials didn't go well from china's point of view. >> why? >> we affirm we're going to continue to sell arms to taiwan and told chinese to get their agents off u.s. soil because they've been conducting inappropriate activities as they try to round up who they consider fugitives. we've seen a lot of pushback from the united states. and trump being in the region is
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something they don't like. he's showing the flag that, the u.s. is staying in asia and they don't like that either. >> i want to talk about the possibility of something inadvertently happening. i would be interested in your experience here. the danger is not necessarily that the united states simply launches a bolt out of the blue but with all these u.s. ships and aircraft operating in the region just say north korea approaches one of them with their own naval vessels and it turns on a radar, what happens then? do you think this is a way a conflict could actually begin? not out of something planned but more out of an incident? >> absolutely. we've seen this again and again and again in world history just going back 100 years ago. how did world war i start? assassination in a minor balkan country when the arch duke ferdinand is shot and the nations then sleepwalk into world war i. the problem here, richard -- you're absolutely right to point it out.
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these young pilots and these young surface warfare officers on the ships are listening to cnn. they're hearing what their president is saying. on the north korean side, the same thing. they've got young men and women, forward deployed, with great machines of war. they're 32 years old. 28 years old, 26 years old. the idea that in the back of their mind my boss wants a war is how that exchange of ordinance starts. and then it is bar the door, escalating up the korean peninsula. that is the real concern in my view. not a planned strike but an inadvertent sleepwalk into a major confrontation or conflagaration on the korean peninsula. >> gordon if you had to give president trump a grade on this trip, what would you give him? what do you think overall was achieved? >> you have to break that down by stops. it was really very difficult. tokyo and seoul, he gets a's.
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in beijing if you're charitable a c minus. in vietnam, i give him a b. we don't know what's going to happen in the philippines. i don't like the idea that he didn't raise human rights. senator mccain has said our interest are our values, our values are our interests. we've always got to remember that. despite whatever geopolitical issues we have. i understand what trump was doing. we do need the help of the philippines in the south china sea, more dangerous, perhaps than north korea. but nonetheless we've got to talk about human rights especially with the state-sanctioned murder, 10,000 drug dealers killed. >> why were you shaking your head when admiral stavridis was talking? >> we've got three carriers. the north koreans aren't going to do anything. north koreans strike when we have isolated ships or planes. the pueb lochlt in '68. ec in 1969. 32 people killed in those two incidents, the death in 1976 of
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two army officers. the north koreans strike when they know we can't strike back. right now we can deliver a lot of order nainants to their door >> attacking jim comey, former dni clapper on foreign soil. >> gordon and i probably would agree we could stumble into a war. it might not be this minute. but the more forces that are in close contact with each other, the danger of this kind of add vernt escalation goes up. i think to the other question, as you really look at the objectives of this trip, it was to reassure our allies, to deter our opponents. a third objective was to distract the public from what is happening back in washington. i think on that one, the president has not been successful. and i think the mueller investigation continues to clank
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at him like a panzer tank. any level of distraction here is not going to shake it off and bringing after people -- people like john brennan, who is a fabulous career civil servant, or jim clapper, a retired three-star admiral and civil servant, that's a mistake as well. >> best legal and political analysis of the morning from admiral james stavridis. and gordon, thank you very much. "morning joe" is coming right back.
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grow. officials say 50 aftershocks have been reported and more are expected. here at home the clock is ticking for congressional republicans to get a deal on tax reform over the finish line with ten days until they are self-imposed thanksgiving deadline. mitch mcconnell backtracking on his claim that middle class americans would not see a tax increase under the senate republican plan. telling the "new york times" on friday that he misspoke. >> i hate when that happens. >> we'll talk to the chairman of the democratic caucus joe crowley fighting against the republican tax bill plus nbc's andrea mitchell joins the conference and we'll go live to peter alexander in the philippines. >> look at that shirt. >> "morning joe" is coming right back. [ keyboard clacking ]
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affairs correspondent and host of andrea mitchell reports, andrea mitchell and washington bureau chief for associated press, julie pace. this morning the president is in the philippines where he spoke at an asean summit is long with rodrigo duterte. in the streets invited with massive protests and trump and duterte clink glasses during the normal gala to open the summit with trump later saying the two have a great relationship. duterte also say sang a philippine love song called "you are the light" which he said was on the orders of the commander in chief of the united states. wow. >> white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders says the issue of human rights did briefly come up in the fight against illegal drugs, an extremely controversial crackdown involving extra
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judicial killings. and speaking to vietnam's president in hanoi yesterday, he offered services to help mediate the dispute regarding claims in the south china sea, saying he is a very good mediator and arbitrator, if he can help, please let me know. the president gauged success of his visit this way. it was a red carpet like nobody i think has probably ever received. he added, quote, that really is a sign of respect. perhaps for me a little but really for our country and i'm really proud of that. richard haass, the size of the red carpet is everything, huh? >> clearly. >> you don't know where to start. i've never seen you speechless as you are today. go. >> the presidency is everything in terms of himself. we never really had an occupant of the oval office who in some ways saw himself not as the stew ard of the job but just in personal terms.
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he goes out to asia and doesn't see himself carrying the tradition of american foreign policy but how he's treated. did we get closer to resolving the north korea crisis? not obvious to me. united states opted out in terms of forging new regional trade disagreement. politically and right there in the philippines, united states is essentially disavowed its own political dna. how could the president of the united states stand up next to a guy who has committed thousands of extra judicial killings and shouldn't be there talking to him but how could he not make human rights and values the centerpiece of the meeting. this is a trip that in many ways i believe has hurt, not just the image but reality of the united states and the part of the world, this asia will be the 21st century cockpit, if europe wasn't the 20th century, asia will be in the 21st century, where the people and wealth is
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and military might will be. the united states is significantly set its interests back here. >> does he legitimize all of duterte's tactics by standing shoulder to shoulder and serenaded to him inside the philippines? >> sure, he puts the prestige in the united states and makes it a personal friendship between himself and this is a guy who shouldn't be allowed within 20 acres of washington, d.c. this is someone who has nothing to do -- he has nothing to do with who we are. as an affront to who we are and what we stand for. it's consistent with the president not thinking enough -- not -- the foreign policy is not just about our interests moving into the nuclear thing, it's about how the united states is perceived. we're in a competition of ideas. we're in a competition of principles. this is the sort of thing we'll therefore lose the competition because we're not standing up for who we are. >> the president sparked confusion and criticism with
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comments he made to reporters following a private meeting with russian president vladimir putin at the apec summit in vietnam on saturday when asked if russia's attempt to interfere in the u.s. election came up in the conversation, trump responded, every time he sees me he says i didn't do that and i believe. i really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. >> the president also criticized members of the u.s. intelligence community give me a break, they are political hacks, you have brennan. you have clapper and you have comey, you look at that and you have president putin strongly says he has nothing to do with them. you'll start talking about syria, no, you're going to start talking about syria and the ukraine. a day later trump appeared to walk back the statements after facing sharp criticisms from republicans and democrats alike. clarifying reports with the vietnam ease president, he said as to whether i believe it or not, i'm with our agencies,
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especially as currently constituted. >> i'm surprised that there's any conflict on this one. what i said there, i believe he believes that and that's very important for somebody to believe. i believe that he feels that he and russia did not meddle in the election. as to whether i believe it or not, i'm with our agencies especially as currently constituted with their leadership. i believe in our intel agencies. >> the president also took to twitter to respond to critics writing when will the haters and fools realize having a good relationship with russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. they are always playing politics, bad for our country. i want to solve north korea, syria, ukraine, terrorism and russia can greatly help. then adding, quote does the fake news media remember when crooked hillary clinton as secretary of state was begging russia to be our friend with the misspelled reset button. obama had zero chemistry with
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putin. >> andrea mitchell, i would say the president's behavior on this front has flabbergasted me except at this point in the administration i'm kind of out of flabbergast. reflect on this. you've covered a lot of these kind of trips. this seems to me to be so far outside the norms and what any previous president have ever consider considered acceptable, on foreign soil siding with vladimir putin in the way the president has here. go. >> it would be outrageous if he said it in america, but to say it on foreign soil is to exponentially worse. it's hard to compare to any previous president. there were times when i was covering ronald reagan and on the early foreign trips, wasn't well rested, made goofs and would -- he would misspeak, but never on substance. i mean, those were sort of gotcha errors that people would
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focus on with an elderly president. but this is so beyond the pale, to side with putin over the intelligence agencies, the former intelligence leaders representing the workforce, the product, the analysis, of the men and women who are still there in those agencies and to take the line political hacks against brennan and clapper, on veterans day, clapper, a man who served since the early days in vietnam in uniform and has served the country for more than 50 years before retirement is just sort of out of any kind of space. and then, the walk back awkwardly again, this was while he was on air force one. there was staff around, nobody seemed to pull him back, sara sanders or no one else pulled him back from this and no one seems to be able to talk back to the president. clearly later in the day they thought better of it and had the walk back about putin and it was a convoluted walk back.
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richard haass has been talking about this morning, take a look at the "wall street journal"'s editorial page on saturday, pointing out that the president is disadvantaging already disadvantaging the u.s. on trade. just one case in point, he -- the japanese imposed a tariff of 50% on american beef imports in recent months. they already negotiated under tpp with their tpp partners a 27% with australia, tariff. that's the difference, 27% for australians part of the trade group, 50% for the u.s., which is outside of it. he is -- he never has understood trade and trade deficits during the campaign and now on this campaign on this trip, talk about bilateral agreements when we have no leverage because we're outside the group. >> julie pace, you saw a lot of fallout from trump's attack on brennan and clapper and comey and saw brennan and clapper themselves defend themselves
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over the weekend and some of the -- john kelly was asked about trump's tweets and says they are what they are, he told the "new york times" and said the tweets don't run my life. just talk a little bit about what's going on inside the white house right now, both in terms of how kelly is responding but also mike pompeo having to come out and potentially swat the president back on the question of russia and meddling in the 2016 election. just talk about the internal dynamics as they watch the president on foreign soil do the kind of things andrea mitchell was describing as far out of bounds. >> the comment that the tweets don't run his life, i think he's wishing that but they are such a forceful dynamic within this administration because it is the driver of the agenda many days, the fact that he will come out and say something on twitter ends up reshaping the message for the administration that day and ends up pushing them to have to do a lot of cleanup duty.
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and this issue of russia, it is so confounding to so many people within the administration because even when the president goes out on the second day and tries to clean up his earlier statements on air force one, he's just seemingly unable to give that concise answer russia meddled in the election, full stop. he struggles to just say that even though that's the implied message, what he's hope being is the implied message in the second day statement. what you see from pompeo and hear within the intelligence community is this frustration, because the leadership of the intelligence communities yes are political appointees but they are representing as andrea said the work product of hundreds and thousands of analysts. when clapper and brennan were putting forward the assessment on russian middling in the election, it's not as though they got in a room and said let's go tell president obama that russia meddled in the election. they were taking the work of analysts and people who spend
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careers in the intelligence community and still there right now who are still there serving this president. so the frustration runs really deep in the intelligence community and trump just can't seem to get to a point where he can just say with clarity what everyone else in this administration can say. >> nick, there seems to be something else in his statement. when he came out to clean it up, he says add currently constituted, about his intel agencies, now pompeo has stepped in it twice in the last six weeks and both of your papers have chronicle donald trum's efforts at criticizing the nsa and dni and other enforcement agencies. it seems by saying as currently constituted, he does have faith in the intel community, that he still sees a very distinct political overlay of his world view of his wants and his agenda over the intelligence community. >> it's amazing. >> the president's twitter feed is basically a secondary stream
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of commentary and policy that is often at odds with the official one. with secretary of state and defense and cia director and ambassador to the u.n. there's constant conflict and this added yinkle that there's the possibility that the president will be tired of the senior appointee or move them around. a few weeks ago, pompeo was up for a more senior job, right? on his way up now. there's so much uncertainty and i speak to our experts and allies and people around the world and what they say is they are constantly trying to gauge how seriously to take those tweets and can never quite figure it out. >> when you look at the president and i ask what's behind this behavior to my sources, they say he still believes that the effort on the russian investigation is an effort to nullify his victory last year. and regardless of the facts that are presented to this white house about russia's
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interference in the election, because of how he sees it in a political way, he will continue to see those kind of facts as political statements, which is why he rages out against it his own appointees zsh -- >> what does that say? >> does that put the finger on the scale for him? >> he has such aversion to anything connected to president obama but he knows -- i think pompeo is someone to watch. he was floated for secretary of state. someone who gives the president the daily briefing. he is someone who has enabled i'm told privately a lot of president trump's views of the world. when he was told abroad, don't put pompeo son a limb with these statements, i'll agree, i'll walk back. >> pompeo seems to me the one doing the most publy live wire dance but we know from reporting in the times and the post and probably even julie pace too that, he has constantly sought
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to put his heads of intel agencies and law enforcement agencies in the untenable position of advancing his political agenda, seeing to it for comey to let flynn go and pushing back against the press stories, constantly sought to plit size agencies that have long been -- i don't know it's legal but more normal to leave these agencies to do the nation's business. >> he seems more obsessed with his own political fortunes than protecting the country's national security and using those agencies for their inte intended purpose, which is to keep the country safe. he quite simply seems he would rather rel gate them to become another political arm and forget about them and try to push through and ignore that there is in russia investigation going on. >> andrea, how are they dealing with this? i hear mur muring that they brand together in the trenches and hope not to be called on.
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>> absolutely but look at the grown-ups in the cabinet and what they are having to put up with. the constant -- for john kelly, i'm fascinated by julie pace's take on this, for john kelly to say he doesn't pay attention to twitter feeds, that is wishful thinking. everyone is paying attention to this, everyone around the world. just imagine how vladimir putin is looking at the u.s. president, you know, i took advantage of him again. he's clearly the former kgb colonel is going back to moscow and saying i won. and assuming that the president will use the immense authority of his office to try to crimp or change or alter the investigation right now into russia. and look at what russia is doing prospectively and look at the future of russia's advancement in this space. there's even an investigation in the uk as to whether russia financed the brexit referendum,
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which is permanent and has shattered the england's relationship with europe forever more. they are doing the final negotiations next month and the eu as to customs and other agreements. this is it. they have no option they are telling me, british officials from washington just last week. no option to return and revisit that. but they are investigating russian money that has now popped up in the referendum. >> real quick point. remember what hangs on the horizon, the mueller investigation and this white house prepared to go to political war as indictments perhaps come down the line and indictments have come with the former campaign chairman paul manafort and his aide. this is the atmosphere driving these conversations inside of the white house. >> and to politically weaponize these agencies in their arsenal. >> and want to call it fake news if things continue -- >> chief of staff said his position is untenable. tweets are the latter day equivalent of white house statements.
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he may say that's not his job, it is his job. the rest of the world takes tweets seriously, this is the unfiltered donald trump, so the rest of the world reads them carefully, they are often baffled by them and see the contrast between other things that other administration people say but as chief of staff to say this is kind of not my job, this is just -- that's not a sustainable possible, we shouldn't kid ourselves. >> julie pace, i want to bring this back to you and close this out here and to drive home the bob costa point a second ago, i'm a simple man, i don't really totally understand this. if donald trump is under investigation and his administration and people around him, the russia collusion and whole mueller investigate, right, you would think in simple terms the president would think it's probably not in my best self-interest to be seen again siding with vladimir putin, cozying up to vladimir putin and
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making lovy dovy eyes in these pictures we've been showing here, maybe just think, i should probably put distance between myself and vladimir putin. and again we see him doing what he has done over the course of this trip. please explain to me what the political logic is to doing what he's done over the course of the last 96 hours while he's been abroad on this front. >> i wish i could. but it's really confounding. this is the exact issue that people within his own administration have that, in this political context when his campaign, so many people within the campaign are facing an investigation about what happened with russia during the election, it would be so much simpler if the president would just come out and say russia obviously interfered with our election and we're going to investigate that and stop them from doing it going forward and i'll tell that to vladimir putin's face and once again we're in november of this presidency and still struggling with that. i think to bob's point, he sees
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this whole construct as an attempt to undermine his legitimacy and doesn't understand that he furthers that narrative by not being able to give the simple clear answer. >> what do you think? >> i think this quote you just read reminded of us, like waving of the white flag from general kelly, the tweets don't run my life. i mean, it's like i give up. i give up. >> exactly. >> they are what they are, the tweets don't run my life. is that the craziest thing you've ever heard from a white house chief of staff. >> he's the second most powerful man arguably in the entire country and therefore in the world saying the tweets don't run my life. >> general kelly, the tweets are your life. julie pace, thank you, andrea mitchell, we'll watch at noon as we do every day here on msnbc. still ahead, roy moore seems to take a page out of the presidency playbook, trying to fend off allegations by attacking the prs press and promising to release new information to clear his name. we'll go live to birmingham for the latest on the u.s. senate
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just three days ago the "washington post" published another attack on my character and reputation in an attempt to stop my political campaign. these attacks that i was involved with a minor child are completely false and untrue and for which they will be sued. [ applause ] >> that was republican senate nominee from alabama, roy moore threatening legal action against the "washington post" last night for its on the record allegations that he molested a 14-year-old girl and pursued relationships with three other teenagers in his 30s. on saturday moore said he'll provide new information within days and denied the claim of sexual misconduct with a 14-year-old. >> i've been investigated more than any other person in this
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country. to think that grown women would wait 40 years to come before right before an election to bring charges is absolutely unbelievable. there are investigations going on in the next few days there will be revelations about the motivations and the content of this article. they will be brought to the public. we fully expect the people of alabama to see through this charade. >> moore did not respond to nbc's question when leaving his event on saturday but did answer some on sean hannity's radio show on friday. >> would it be unusual for you as a 32-year-old guy to have dated a woman as young as 17? that would be a what, 15-year difference or a girl 18? do you remember dating girls that young at that time? >> not generally, no.
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if i did, you know, i'm not going to dispute anything but i don't remember anything like that. >> but you don't specifically remember having any girlfriend that was in her late teens even at that time? >> no, i don't remember that and i don't remember ever dating any girl without the permission of her mother. >> would it be normal behavior back in those days for you to date a girl that's 17 or 18? >> no, not normal. >> if my daughter is 17 -- my daughter is 16 years old. if she's 17 or 18, i don't want her dating a 32-year-old. >> i wouldn't either. >> and you can say unequivocally you never dated anyone in their late teens like that when you were 32? >> it would have been out -- out of my customary behavior, that's right. >> that tape gets worse, not better. joining us is vaughn hill yard, with a little over a month until
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the special election. have allegations of sexual misconduct impacted the race? and we know they have. what's the sense on the ground? >> reporter: exactly, it was just a month -- week and a half ago he was on capitol hill meeting with senate republicans and nrfc, fund raising arm. now we saw over the weekend multiple senators rescinding endorsements but we want to take you here to the ground in alabama. among the republicans here in alabama, among the party officials it's quite clear there is going to be no alternative in this race. if there is, to quote an rnc committee man from alabama, he said that individual would be to luther strange to potentially try to mount a write-in candidacy, should be ready to pack bags and move north of the mason dixon line. we're here in birmingham and this is one -- this is the crux of where somebody like doug jones, i want to introduce you
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to, the democrat in the race, if you would have said he would have opportunity in this race, it would have been a little crazy now suddenly the former u.s. attorney, prosecuted two clansman in the bombing of the 16th street baptist church. a new poll came out showing them neck in neck in this race. in the suburbs this is really where he's going to have to mount a credible campaign with well educated and particularly women. this is what a couple of individuals interesting responses told us yesterday. >> i'm going to vote against roy moore and vote for doug jones, i think he's a man of integrity and i can't say that i feel that way about roy moore. >> you've never voted for a democrat? >> never voted for a democrat. i see a lot of doug jones signs around that i'm really surprised the neighborhoods that i've never seen a democrat sign in before. and talking to people, people are fed up and sad and disheartened at what they are seeing happen in the republican
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party. >> i know there are some allegations out there. i want to hear more about those and see if they are investigated a little bit more. but at this point i'll kind of keep my eyes and ears open and see what's going on. >> i would be more inclined to vote for doug jones if the allegations against roy moore are true. i can't respect someone who has done those things. >> reporter: i want to remind everybody, it was a 2012 race when roy moore was running for chief justice. he won by 3% over the democratic run in the race, judge bob vance. the question here now is how will somebody like doug jones run a campaign here without the democratic support nationally. in order to bring republicans over or get republicans to turn out for you, you've got to be able to operate as pretty much a radical moderate essentially, where you don't have that apparatus that is behind you. what they fear at this point is really running a john osoff campaign, tha why you haven't heard from doug jones because they are trying to lay low and officials told me yesterday on
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jobs and education and health care. >> i love that, radical moderate. vaughn hillyard, thank you so much. president trump side stepped further questions about moore on saturday. claiming in a brief discussion with reporters on board air force one that he was not following the story too closely, quote, i've been with you folks so i haven't gotten to see too much and believe it or not even when i'm in washington and new york, i do not watch much television. i know they like to see people that don't know me say i watch television, i don't get to watch television, primarily because of documents. i'm reading documents a lot. real really? and different things. i read much more, i read you people much more than a watch television but but anyway, i have not seen very much about him about it. the white house director of legislative affairs said they are eager to hear what moore has uncovered in his own defense. >> what moore has said that this
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week he plans to come forward with more evidence to support his innocence. >> if that evidence doesn't work, what does that mean? you guys are going to step in. is this senate seat that important? >> there's no senate seat more important than the nation of child ped feel i can't, that's reality. he has not been proven guilty. we have to afford him the opportunity to defend himself. >> once again, this is all you're going to have, four women speaking on the record to the "washington post" in an exquisitely detailed accounting, not on trial. this is for the public of the party to figure out. is this the best we can do? it's a privilege to serve in the senate as a republican. >> republicans have a real challenge here because there are a few alabama republicans i've spoken to who would like to run a write-in campaign but only if moore would step aside. he's still in a position to likely win this race and democrats have a choice to make, will they put resources and activists down there and money down there to help doug jones
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win? vaughn was right, doug jones has been staying pretty quiet because he thinksz suburban voters will maybe come out for me if they don't think of me as a democrat butt alternative to roy moore. >> the text of the hannity conversation we just read is incredibly incriminating in and of itself, the idea he alluded to the potential idea of suing the "washington post" over the weekend, you can only imagine what a deposition would look like. >> listen, the sean hannity interview was catastrophic for roy moore. sean came him three or four or five chances to make a clear denial and every time he skated back from the edge of a clear denial. that did not look good. as for the lawsuit against the "washington post," politics is full of people who threaten lawsuits against papers for accurate stories and they are almost never actually filed and
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almost never won, ever ever. fat chance on suing the "washington post" on retraction on what is a very solid story. >> that's one good piece of advice going forward for all men, if you are dating someone for whom you would need the permission of their parents, you should probably not -- you should not be dating that person to begin with. >> and he kept digging the hole. he brought that up, add that as hannity kept giving him opportunities to deny. when i'm looking at alabama and vaughn's report, which he interviewed suburban women voters, suburban voters, i think that that is what this election is going to come down to. you have doug jones who actually stands a real chance, roy moore who doesn't do well in general elections in alabama. and you have a voter base in birmingham that actually is more organized than normal because bernie supported mayor was elected. i think this is going to be an interesting race to watch evolve as these allegations probably keep coming and the women are
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only further validated. >> what do you think about exactly that point? the idea -- what does the national democratic party do now? obviously money, obviously perhaps organizational capacity, but any link between the national democratic party and the democratic candidate for the senate in alabama could prove to be really problematic. >> you don't want to -- the point bob was making before, i think democrats need to first commit to the notion they can win this race then figure out what the best way is to do that. the best way to do that may be to pump money in the race but stay out of there, nationalizing it and making it look like the national democratic party is on the ground and turn it into the osoff race, that could turn off voters who want to vote for the democrat down there not because he's a democrat but because they are repulsed by roy moore. it may be a matter of turn on the dollar somethipigot, but loe
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you're trying to play in an aggressive thing, just lay low. >> coming up, president trump tweets about the possibility of becoming kim jong-un's friend. this really happened. and this morning, he got serenaded by the strong man of the philippines, peter alexander joins us live with more on this quite literal love song next. snoept ♪ ♪
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. >> i'm reluctant to criticize the president when he's abroad but i don't believe putin. there's no good reason to believe putin in my view. i don't think any objective person should believe putin on this score. when i said that to putin, his response was to me, that we understand one another. it wasn't meant -- i wanted to make it clear to him that i understood his -- where he was coming from and understood that i knew where he was coming from. but i don't believe putin at all. they did meddle. he was responsible for it. >> do you think the president is being naive or worse with regard to putin?
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>> i don't believe putin. that was joe biden speaking moments ago on the "today" show. we'll have more throughout our show. joining us live live from manila in the philippines, peter alexander. president trump is trying to downplay his comments about putin and as joe biden just put it, it's easy, you say i don't believe putin. >> reporter: that's exactly right, this controversy was reig natured when the president aboard air force one told reporter when he saw vladimir putin during the meeting that he basically said he believes that vladimir putin believes that russia didn't meddle in the election. it was the u.s. intelligence that said that not only did vladimir putin know about it but likely involved in the ordering of moscow's meddling in the election. the president gave the benefit of the doubt to putin over the former u.s. intelligence officials, some of them james clapper and john brennan, former
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cia director saying that donald trump showed that he could be played by these foreign leaders. the president who has been disciplined for most of the trip had shown remarkable restraint in terms of twitter and got on twitter this week and basically said in his words, haters and fools out there, when will they realize that having a good relationship with russia is a good thing, not a bad thing, that wasn't all he had to say on twitter this weekend. also after being restrained about kim jong-un during the speech he gave in south korea before the national assembly on twitter, basically called him short and fat, called him shot and fat, i won't do it but in the process called him just that, saying that the two men could be friends, he said anything is possible here. what's striking is the back half of this trip where he's been warm towards president xi and putin and warm towards rodrigo duterte, the controversial athor tear yan president, accused of
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ordering extra judicial killings of thousands of people as part of what's been a bloody crackdown on the drug war in this country. the president just heaped praise on his host as part of a southeast asian summit over the course of today and tomorrow. today described the great relationship the two men have, warmly calling duterte by his first name, rodrigo, sharing a joke with him about reporters before they were forced to exit the room. but at no time publicly bringing up the human rights abuses in this country. the white house says when the two men met privately with some of their aides by their side, that the issue of human rights did come up but only briefly they said. the philippines government says it was never raised at all. >> peter, i trust you, my friend are over there be a good ambassador for wildcats in manila. >> reporter: always. >> the question i have is this, the president will come back from this trip relatively soon. i'm always interested to get inside the collective head of
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the administration. when he comes back from this trip, they are going to say that the bigs victories of this trip, what they are bringing home to the united states are what? that's a good question, he's going to make it clear with the victories he now told reporters will be a major announcement, a statement at the white house on wednesday, an announcement to focus specifically on trade and deals he's been describing, $300 billion in deals between u.s. manufacturers and some of the countries over here, not all of those are guaranteed but that's what they are going to focus on. i think beyond that this white house is going to say the president himself is going to say, look at the great relationships i have. i get a long so well with everybody, not just shinzo abe but president xi probably won't tout vladimir putin but another guy he was cozying up to and rodrigo duterte. the president himself describing the red carpet welcome he's received all across asia as he wraps up his five nation tour
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here, it's like something you've never seen before. i think that's the way he likes to feel about it or wants americans to feel about it. >> wow, nbc's peter alexander, we miss you, hurry home. up next, can the senate guarantee that middle class americans won't see a tax increase in their plan? mitch mcconnell says well, not exactly. plus, could joe biden have beaten donald trump? the former vice president answers that question next on "morning joe." from the very beginning ...
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haven't felt this confident since the day before trump won. >> you love our fresh new ideas delivered by fresh new faces like me, nancy pelosi. >> and me, dianne feinstein. >> and me, chuck schumer. >>. [ speaking spanish ] >> and i'm team player donna brazile. >> and we also have some great new leaders waiting in the wings like hot young thing elizabeth warren and also, that's right -- >> it's biden time! >> and i'm still around too. joining us now, chairman of the democratic caucus and member of the house ways and means committee, joe crowley of new york. it's very funny but behind every "snl" satire, where are the new leaders? >> there are many within our party. >> who? name three. >> name three. how about joe crowley for one --
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>> okay. i think sherry bustos from illinois is fantastic young leader. i think hakim jeffries is outstanding and you can can look at castro from texas, a myriad of young folks that are there. joe kennedy from massachusetts, who i just love the guy. i think he's fantastic. >> seth? >> he's a real deal and so i think there are a lot of folks there waiting in the wings -- really we're out there doing things and supporting candidates and traveling what we do to elect a democratic majority. >> congressman, this tax fight will be the biggest fight on legislative front going forward, a lot of republicans think this is all or nothing for them. right now the polling has the gop tax proposals are under water, way more unpopular than they are popular. will democrats almost can't screw this up it would seem if
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you start out with the numbers that they are looking at right here, looking at them on the screen here, 31% favor, 41% oppose. should this not be a relatively -- not easy but relatively easy to beat this tax proposal? >> democrats to beat this tax proposal? >> i think they have the numbers in the house, there's no question. they passed the budget resolution that included the $1.5 trillion hole in our debt to get this bill passed. you know, if they can hold all their california votes to vote against the interests of their own constituents, which they did already in the budget resolution, we have nine republicans in new york state, seven of whom voted against that resolution, five have come out against this bill. if all those folks come out against this bill, this bill is dead. it is actually against the interests of their constituents. their constituents they believe don't know enough about this but more people understand what it's about than more that are against it. >> congressman, democrats are on
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the rise in the suburbs. if you're a senator in a state president trump won or a house democrat in a district president trump won, do you feel any pressure to maybe come along and vote for this tax proposal? >> i think when you look at the fact that when you're getting rid of that state and local tax deduction, that that really hits states like california, hits states like new york, hits states like illinois, hits states like pennsylvania, just to name a few. new jersey is another. and much of, i think, the growth of the republican party within those states has been in the suburban areas. i think that's a tough vote to explain back home, especially when you have people like peter king in new york being very outspoken against it. you have others in new jersey who have come out against the bill. you have darrell issa in california who's come out. that wall is breaking. if that wall is destroyed, i think this bill goes down. it really comes back to do you come out better in this tax bill or worse? i think for about 28% of
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americans, they have going to see an increase in their taxes. that's middle class america. at the expense of the middle class to help give a major tax break to the wealthiest in this country and special interest corporations. it just doesn't jive with the average american that that's what we should be about doing right now. >> you know, when you look at the outlines of this bill as they have and in print newspapers and online and stuff like that and from people like you appearing on tv shows, you look at what it's doing to medical deductions and student loans. that's clearly a negative for many, many families, but there's one element i'm interested in your opinion on. it is the refusal to include state and local income taxes going forward as a deduction. if you outline the states that would be most impacted, it's almost always states that vote democrat. >> it's -- >> am i paranoid? >> no, you're not paranoid. it's the one thing that's been
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consistent throughout any bill that's come forward. even when the president's initial bill was presented in the two or three pages that he presented, there were no pay-fors so it was almost a $3.5 to $4 trillion bill. there was one and that was the elimination of s.a.l.t. or state and local tax deductions. there are other horrible things in here, including getting rid of the tax credit for hiring veterans, for instance. that's gone. there's so many little -- the teacher, you know, buying extra tools for teaching in class, that will no longer be expensed under this bill. there's so many little things in this bill that make it in many respects for me immoral, but i think the double taxation of states like california, like new york, like new jersey, even pennsylvania i think is a focus on blue rather than anything else. it's a very, very political document. >> you have now said that you think the democrats have better than 50% chance of retaking control of the house in 2018.
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you have steve bannon out there right now loudly saying -- trying to rally republicans by saying if the democrats take control of the house, that will lead to the impeachment of president trump. just talk about how the politics of impeachment will become a campaign issue and how democrats should handle that if as you move into next november. >> it's already an issue. we've seen the steyer ads. we know in terms of genning up support in our base. i think there's real concern about the direction of our country and where the president has taken us, not just in terms of overseas but domestically as well. the desperation to get this tax bill passed at all costs is because of the donor base. chris collins said it from buffalo. we've had others say it as well. if they don't pass this bill, they're done. i think when it comes to the issue of impeachment, i like the tact that robert mueller is doing his job. he's taking it where it leads. if it leads to somewhere and it's an issue that can be
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prosecuted, that's up to them to decide. i think everyone deserves their day in court, including this president. >> congressman joe crowley, thank you so much. pacific countries move forward with the tpp trade deal without the u.s. it's bad news for american businesses, but great news for china. richard haass explains. plus roy moore accuses republicans of colluding with democrats in a conspiracy to accuse him of molesting a 14-year-old decades ago. we'll hear from him and more reaction from senate republicans. as we go to break, here is one of those fresh young faces that snl had some fun with. >> i honest to god haven't made up my mind about that. right now i want to focus on the book and focus on winning the off-year elections. >> but you're not closing the door on it? >> i'm not closing the door. i've been around too long. i'm a great respecter of fate. but who knows what the situation is going to be a year and a half from now. i don't have any idea. i'm in good health now, i'm in good shape, knock on wood as my mother would say.
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but i just don't know. i honest to god, that's the truth. >> do you think you could have beaten donald trump? >> oh, gosh, i don't know. you know, the polling data at the time said yes and since then, but i wasn't in the race. you've got to be in the race. it's a tough game. accumulations up to 8 inches... ...don't know if you can hear me, but [monica] what's he doing? [lance] can we get a shot of this cold front, right here. winter has arrived. whooo! hahaha [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. brace yourself for the season of audi sales event. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad... liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. don't worry - i know what a lug wrench is, dad.
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a good thing for -- i can tell you for north korea, but it would also be good for lots of other places and it would be good for the world. so certainly it is something that could happen. i don't know that it will, but it would be very, very nice if it did. >> in the words of the president, strange things happen in life. just ask hillary clinton. president trump entertained the possibility of befriending north korea's dictator just hours after calling him short and fat on twitter. good morning, it's monday, november 13th. i'm nicolle wallace alongside national affairs analyst for nbc news and msnbc, john heilemann. joe, mika and willie will all be back tomorrow morning. with us this morning we have veteran columnist and msnbc contributor, mike barnicle, political reporter for "the washington post," robert costa, former aide to the george w. bush white house and state department, elise jordan, president of the council on foreign relations and author of the book "a world in so much
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disarray," richard haass and heidi przybyla. >> i'm trying to think about things worse than short and fat. >> just a little bit worse. not so much physical comedy, but some other comments will be coming later. we win with those controversial remarks from president trump over whether russia meddled in the 2016 election. the president sparked confusion and criticism with comments he made to reporters following a private meeting with russian president vladimir putin at the apec summit in vietnam on saturday. when asked if russia's attempt to interfere in the u.s. election came up in the conversation, trump responded, every time he sees me, he says i didn't do that, and i believe, i really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. the president also criticized members of the u.s. intelligence community saying, quote, i mean
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give me a break. they are political hacks. you have brennan, you have clapper and you have comey. so you look at that and you have president putin very strongly vehemently says he has nothing to do with them. now, you're not going to get into an argument, you are going to start talking about syria and the ukraine. a day later trump appeared to walk back those comments after facing sharp criticism from both republicans and democrats alike. so then clarifying his remarks during a press conference with the vietnamese president on sunday, trump said, quote, as to whether i believe it or not, i'm with our agencies, especially as currently constituted. not leaving it there, the president took to twitter to respond to his critics writing, quote, when will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. they're always playing politics, bad for our country. i want to solve north korea, syria, ukraine, terrorism, and russia can greatly help.
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then adding a short time later, does the fake news media remember when crooked hillary clinton as secretary of state was begging russia to be our friend with the misspelled reset button? obama tried also but he had zero chemistry with putin. richard haass, go. >> there's so much -- there is so much to unpack there. >> i followed you on twitter. i sort of feel like i read your -- i won't call it a nervous breakdown but your exasperation in realtime, but recap it for us. >> so many things to say. one is he continues to give russia a pass. >> a pass? this isn't a pass. i mean a pass would be like the benefit of the doubt. this is i believe them. >> again, it's consistent, alas, with two years of essentially not seeing russia as the international spoiler, as the international problem that they are. second of all, he continues to overpersonalize relationships, whether it's with the leader of north korea or with putin, somehow personal chemistry matters. no, what matters is countries
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are going to follow their own national interests, which is what he should be doing. third, he introduces american politics inappropriately into international settings to trash intelligence professionals overseas, to be bringing up hillary clinton and so forth. no, you leave that sort of stuff behind. if you ever go there, and the answer is you shouldn't, you should just deal with the issues. and in the meantime, all of this is obscuring so much of what happened on this trip. the president of the united states goes to asia, takes the united states out of the principal dynamic in that part of the world, which is a global regional trading agreement. 40%, 40% of the world's economy should be there. we've taken ourselves out. who's benefitting? china. china is the strategic beneficiary of this latest bout of american isolationism and protectionism. that is what historians are going to write. so i understand why everyone is so focused on how inappropriate this all was about russia, american politics and also about
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kim jong-un. but the real story will be a united states that is abdicating its position of regional and global leadership. we will pay an economic price and strategic price for decades to come. >> elise, i sense that you may have some comments that you'd like to make on some of these matters. i'd like to focus on one issue. the president of the united states has almost every day taken a shot at his predecessors or at people involved either in his current government in some cases or certainly in past governments. in this case i thought the most shocking thing about this on some level is to wake up over the weekend and have him taking on clapper, comey and brennan and essentially feel like again, once again, his instinct is to side with vladimir putin over his entire intelligence community. just -- not just to do it, but to do it on foreign soil. so speak a little bit to that. >> can you imagine if barack
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obama had done this the outcry that there would be in conservative media? just for obama when he campai campaigned and he was in europe and the large crowds, and that was used by the mccain campaign back in 2008. the standards used to be so different. what i find big picture so disturbing about this trip is that, you know, president trump is semi well behaved for a couple of days and it seems like he's not really having as many outbursts and everyone is like, oh, this is a great trip. our standards have gotten so low for what we expect of a president that if he's not causing some major international incident we assume that's a success. >> there was a change in his phrasing i think that's important after making a few calls over the weekend. when he says currently constituted, talking about the intelligence community, it's because white house officials and others said you like director pompeo at the cia. >> you have to remind him? >> pompeo has built this real relationship with president
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trump. >> remember, you appointed that guy. he's your guy. >> not only is he his guy, he gives the president most days the presidential daily briefing. they have a real rapport. the president believes that he is at political war with the former leaders of the intelligence community, but he walked it back because he was convinced privately you do stand with pompeo, don't you, mr. president? yes, i do, he said privately. that's why he came out and switched it around a little bit. but that doesn't mean these comments about comey and clapper are going to end, because that rage about what they have said publicly about him still exists. >> but the pompeo relationship -- pompeo is in a lot of trouble. he's had two missteps where the cia has had to correct his public comments which is the exact reason trump likes him so much. >> his behavior, both rhetorical behavior and physical behavior with the president i think has been told repeatedly by several people, has affected deeply the morale at langley within the cia. they wonder whether he's a
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politician first or a dci first. but richard mentioned history. history is judgment on all of this. and sadly -- and i truly regret to say this, but all weekend long watching and following this trip, we can't wait for history. the judgment is being made now. world leaders are laughing at our president of the united states who stands on foreign soil, attacks two career intelligence officials, brennan and clapper, calls them hacks. attacks a former director of the fbi, calls him a liar. all of this happening after he rejects tpp that you alluded to and while he rejects it and while they roll out a red carpet and give him a big crowd and he's thrilled, like nobody has ever seen this before for any foreign leader in china, they are picking our pockets. we are the united states of america and regretfully, i
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regret to say this, the president of the united states is without a clue as to who we are and what this country represents. >> well, moving on from that. an uplifting way to start the morning. >> bob corker is having a hearing tomorrow to talk about these responsibilities and he said just what you said. he doesn't seem to understand what we're about or what the job is about. >> on veterans day weekend too, add to that. >> exactly, exactly. so members of the transpacific partnership are moving forward on that major trade deal without the united states. top officials from the 11 countries that make up the agreement reached a deal on the core elements of the pact which still needs to be finalized. president trump withdrew the united states from the negotiations process back in january. japan's economic minister said he hoped moving ahead with the deal would be a step towards bringing the u.s. back into the fold. in a speech at the apec summit president trump said that he was only interested in bilateral deals in asia that would not disadvantage the u.s., a
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sentiment he echoed speaking at the asian summit in the philippines earlier this morning. >> we celebrate your incredible success and we also seek economic partnerships on the basis of fairness and reciprocity. we want our partners in the region to be strong, independent and prosperous, in control of their own destinies and satellites to no one. these are the principles behind our vision for a free and open indo-pacific. >> we've made some very big steps with respect to trade, far bigger than anything you know. in addition to about $300 billion in sales to various companies, including china, that was $250 billion and going up very substantially from there. but we've made a lot of big progress on trade. we have deficits with almost everybody. those deficits are going to be cut very quickly and very substantially. >> the president says he expects
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the white house to issue a full statement on trade wednesday following his return to the u.s. richard haass, i've never seen you about to jump over the table before. >> he so misunderstands trade. he literally gave a speech where he talked about agreements to tie our hands. the last i checked, that's what agreements do. they tie other people's hands as well and on balance you are better off. so the president is talking about these deals. these are deals, yes, for hundreds of billions of dollars but that's over a decade or 15 years. trade agreements are on a far larger scale. they help us economically and strategically. they dwarf these types of arrangements. pie the way, the other countries in the region are entering into these multi lateral dpraeagreem. it gives you an opportunity to deal with issues you can't in bilateral agreements. these aren't threats to our sovereignty, these are actually ways of enhancing our economic growth and of strengthening our alliance. >> so richard, explain the
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difference of china within tpp with us and china within tpp without us. what happens to us? >> china is not in tpp. they set up their own alternative trade agreement. rather than a race to the top under a trade agreement that we helped design and participate in and would have also rules that are good for us, instead now you're going to have this agreement without us which we're going to lose access to the markets of our friends. china has set up an alternative which is closer to a race to the bottom. it will be good for china to strengthen the role of its government and its economy and its influence, but we'll be shut out of that. so again, we're doing this to ourselves and the president and those around him, i hate to say this, don't seem to understand the basics of trade that you teach in economics 101. what doesn't -- it doesn't matter that you have a bilateral deficit with this or that country, what matters is trade added up. and if you look at the last 70 years, the last i checked, mike, the united states has done pretty well in the world and it's been done against the backdrops of regional and global
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trade agreements. still ahead on "morning joe" roy moore is asked if he remembers dating teenagers when he was in his 30s. his answer is not generally, no. we'll play you that sound and what other republicans are saying about it, next on "morning joe." this is not a cloud. this is a tomato tracked from farm to table on a blockchain, helping keep shoppers safe. this is a financial transaction secure from hacks and threats others can't see. this is a skyscraper whose elevators use iot data and ai to help thousands get to work safely and efficiently. this is not the cloud you know. this is the ibm cloud. the ibm cloud is the cloud for business. yours. ♪ ♪ do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet? yes? great! then you're ready for power e*trade. the platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. sweet!
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the republican u.s. senate nominee in alabama's special election, judge roy moore, is threatening legal action against the newspaper that printed on the record allegations that he molested a 14-year-old girl and pursued relationships with three other teenagers when he was in his 30s. speaking to a forum last night in huntsville, alabama, at which media was not permitted, moore said this. >> just three days ago, "the washington post" published another attack on my character and reputation in an attempt, a desperate attempt, to stop by political campaign. these attacks that i was
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involved with a minor child are completely false and untrue, and for which they will be sued. >> moore provided no details about what type of suit he planned to file or when he planned to file it. but on saturday he said he will provide new information within days and denied the claim of sexual misconduct with a 14-year-old. >> i've been investigated more than any other person in this country. to think that grown women would wait 40 years to come before -- right before an election to bring charges is absolutely unbelievable. there are investigations going on in the next few days there will be revelations about the motivations and the content of this article. they will be brought to the public. we fully expect the people of alabama to see through this
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charade. >> moore did not respond to nbc's questions when leaving his event on saturday, but he did answer some on sean hannity's radio show friday. >> would it be unusual for you as a 32-year-old guy to have dated a woman as young as 17? that would be a, what, 15-year difference, or a girl 18? do you remember dating girls that young at that time? >> not generally, no. if i did, you know, i'm not going to dispute anything, but i don't remember anything like that. >> but you don't specifically remember having any girlfriend that was in her late teens even at that time? >> no, i don't remember that and i don't remember ever dating any girl without the permission of her mother. >> would it be normal behavior back in those days for you to date a girl that's 17 or 18? >> no, not normal. >> if my daughter is 17 -- my daughter is 16 years old. if she's 17 or 18, i don't want her dating a 32-year-old.
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>> i wouldn't either. >> and you can say unequivocally you never dated anybody that was in their late teens like that when you were 32? >> it would have been out of -- out of my customary behavior. that's right. >> oh, my. a former colleague of moore's in the county district attorney's office spoke out over the weekend. teresa jones posted on twitter, as a deputy d.a. in gadsden when roy moore was there, it was common knowledge about roy's propensity for teenage girls. i'm appalled that these women are being skewered for the truth. >> meanwhile moore is alling republicans conspired with democrats. mcconnell's dirty plot to destroy me. according to sources, establishment republicans are colluding with the obama/clinton machine behind the scenes in a desperate effort to sabotage my campaign and keep me out of washington. but the pressure is increasing. following the allegations he
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once engaged with conduct with underage girls. mike lee of utah and steve danes of montana who recently endorsed moore pulled their support. senator bill cassidy also backed away saying based on the allegations against roy moore, his response and what is known, i withdraw support. tennessee senator bob corker says it was a mistake to nominate moore from the very beginning, writing on twitter, look, i'm sorry, but even before these reports surfaced, roy moore's nomination was a bridge too far. and yesterday several other republican senators suggested that moore should end his campaign. >> i don't know, chuck. i don't know how this is going to turn out. you know, this is a terrible situation. nearly a 40-year-old allegation. we'll probably never know for sure exactly what happened. but from my point of view, you know, i have to say i think the accusations have more credibility than the denial. i think it would be best if roy would just step aside.
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>> certainly the allegations are very, very strong. the denial was not as strong as the allegations. i think if the allegations are true, there's no doubt that he should step aside. and not for the party, but for the american people. we have to find a way to restore trust and confidence in our elected officials in our government, and this goes in the wrong direction. >> on friday the national republican senatorial committee ended its joint fund-raising agreement with the moore campaign. as of sunday night, the republican national committee continues to have 11 field operatives on the ground in alabama helping with moore's campaign. nicolle, i saw you have a little catch in your throat in the middle of the story. we've been talking about this story since the news broke at the end of last week. why is it difficult for anybody at this point to do what some of these right thinking republicans have done and say we've got to wash our hands of the pedophile or accused pedophile and figure out a way forward.
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there's no way in which the political damage from sticking with this guy is worth this senate seat, if it's even salvageable for roy moore. >> here's the thing. it's not about political damage. these stories are all we're ever going to have. four women with nothing to gain and everything to lose telling their story in "the washington post" attached to their name. that's it, people. there's not going to be something else. there won't be a trial and this is not a criminal situation. he's not being convicted in a court of law, so we don't wait for a preponderance of evidence. you believe the women or you don't. elise jordan, for the life of me i cannot figure out why no staffer has explained to these men who go on tv and say i'm waiting for more information, for what? we're not convicting him, he's not going to jail, there's no due process in the court of public opinion. it's a privilege to govern under the banner as a republican, it used to be. it's going to be a punishment in another 48 hours. but the notion that there's this
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construct if true, no, this is it. this is all the information you're going to have. four women under their name speaking about what would have to be the most horrific of their lives, being fondled and touched by roy moore when they were teenage girls, that's it. that's all the information you're going to have. >> it makes me sick to my stomach the way people have responded to this. it really is so chilling that the responses, well, if it's true -- >> it's not a trial, right. >> people are saying 40 years. well, it was 40 years ago. well, who cares? that means that these women of been playing this on auto repeat every day of their lives. the one woman, the 14-year-old, she tried to commit suicide two years later. and then you have people saying, well, if these allegations are true. well, it made a big difference in that little girl's life, in that woman's life. >> coming up on "morning joe," president trump calls the cia's former director a political hack while giving vladimir putin the benefit of the doubt. we'll talk to the agency's
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former chief of staff, jeremy bash, about how the intel community is responding. "morning joe" is back in a moment. if you move your old 401(k) to a fidelity ira, we make sure you're in the loop at every step from the moment you decide to move your money to the instant your new retirement account is funded. because when you know where you stand, things are just clearer. -♪ a little bit o' soul, yeah because when you know where you stand, at bp's cooper river plant,
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i'm surprised that there's any conflict on this. what i said there is that i believe he believes that and that's very important for somebody to believe. i believe that he feels that he and russia did not meddle in the election. as to whether i believe it or not, i'm with our agencies, especially as currently constituted with their leadership. i believe in our intel agencies. >> except when he doesn't. president trump there trying to clarify his remarks on saturday on whether russia meddled in the 2016 election. earlier when asked by reporters if russia's attempt to interfere in the u.s. election came up during his conversation with putin, trump responded, quote, every time he sees me he says i didn't do that, and i believe. i really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. the president also criticized members of the u.s. intelligence community saying i mean, give me a break, they are political hacks. you have brennan and clapper and comey. so you look at that and you have
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president putin very strongly, vehemently says he has nothing to do with them. now, you are going to get into an argument. you are going to start talking about syria and the ukraine. joining us now, chief international affairs columnist for politico, susan glasser and former chief of staff at the cia and the pentagon, now an nbc news national security analyst, jeremy bash, mike barnicle, robert costa, nick confessore, elise jordan back with john heilemann and i. wow, that ended up being a mouthful. >> the gang's all here. >> the gang's all here. jeremy bash, you spent a lot of time at the cia. i was struck not just by donald trump saying that he believed vladimir putin, but then even in the correction he makes clear that now that he's got his guys at the intelligence agencies, the nsa, the cia, the dni, now he's with them. still making clear that he sees our most critical national
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security agencies as political instruments of his. >> yeah, fundamentally misunderstands the way our intelligence community is constituted, nicolle. they are comprised largely of career professionals, people who do not switch with one administration or the other. there is some political level at the top for political accountability, but the working level, the rank in file, the people who risk their lives and conduct the analysis and speak truth to power to a president in the oval office, they are career professionals. so when he says i support them now but don't support them before, it's the same people. so his answer really makes no sense. i think, nicolle, the problem at taking vladimir putin at face value in his explanation is that you're bound to take him at face value when he says i'm not meddling in ukraine, i'm not occupying crimea, i'm not bolstering assad in syria, i'm not giving iran a land bridge to the mediterranean. those are all of putin's talking points. if a president of the united states takes those talking points at face value, it's going
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to undermine american national security. >> jeremy, what do those professionals at langley here when they hear president of the united states say i believe putin. >> it's very disconcerting. first of all, for the most part they keep their nose down, do their work and try not to get involved in politics and see this all as distractions. but they want to do their dead level best to give the president their view. now, a president can disagree with them, that's okay. but when he does it privately, it's one thing. when he does it publicly, the problem is that then our allies, partners and even adversaries will not believe the view and the word of american intelligence and, again, that can underminus big time. >> susan glasser, john heilemann here. we've been talking a lot about the putin stuff from this trip but there's obviously a lot of other things that have happened, some other outrages including the way president trump has dealt with president duterte and other things. just give us a sense as you've watched him over this trip what are the big takeaways from his
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performance in that region and when he comes home, history looking at this will judge it. >> i think once again we have this trip 11 days -- first of all, it's kind of a long march for somebody like donald trump who doesn't like to travel. his aides begged him to break it into too and it's twitter trump versus teleprompter trump. for the most part trump has been relatively disciplined, marching through his speeches about north korea and the like. but over the weekend we saw twitter trump come back in full form. he turned vladimir putin into a story. and in many ways, i think, though, what people in the region are saying to me is this is a trip that will be remembered once again for the rise of xi jinping as the real regional leader. you know, it was just a couple of weeks ago that xi was elevated at the communist party congress. i think it really emphasizes america stepping back in the world. there was a pointed slap to the united states when 11 members of
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what would have been the transpacific partnership with the united states announced during the timing of his visit we are going to go ahead with this trade pact anyways. that was a very clear-cut slap in the face. then you had trump himself basically turning vladimir putin into a story. his aides had desperately wanted him not to talk about russia. they even decided not to have a formal meeting with putin on the sidelines of this in order to avoid russia once again taking over a trip. and yet that's exactly what happened. so, you know, in the end i think even when trump is relatively more disciplined, teleprompter trump, twitter trump always comes back and sort of bites him. >> jeremy, you've spoken about the career professionals at langley at the cia that have done their work and do their work without fear or favor, no matter who is in the oval office. the current dci, director of central intelligence, mike pompeo, comes from a world of
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politics. and politics seems to have infected part of this process now with the president seeking out against clapper and speaking out against john brennan. what, if anything, does this do to pompeo's position with relation to the professionals in langley? >> first, mike, i think it's important to note that the intelligence community is not just the cia. there are 17 intelligence components. as others have pointed out, the intelligence assessment on russia and on putin came not just from the cia, it also came from nsa and the fbi. so all of these intelligence agencies have kind of come around and coalesced around this unanimous view about putin. this is where the president is standing not just against the cia professionals, he's really standing against the entirety of the intelligence community. we have had directors of central intelligence and directors of the cia who came from political life. i worked for one, leon panetta. he was a california congressman. the importance isn't where they come from, it's kind of where they stand. the key thing is to stand with
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your professionals. i think director pompeo idoiis g that. he's allowed his agency to say, no, the president is incorrect. leadership should continue to do that. i think it's very important not just for the morale of their people, it's important because it's the credibility and word of the united states. >> susan, nick confessore here. back to the asia trip for one second. so the president met with the philippines president and he extended some diplomatic courtesies as some kind of rhetorical courtesies to the president of china. so how rare is it for the united states president to go to asia and sort of take a step back and offer the kind of praise that our president did on this trip and certainly in china was well received? >> you know, nick, it's almost a rhetorical question because of course the answer is in the past this is not something that american presidents do. in fact it's almost a trademark of donald trump's diplomacy. you had richard haass on earlier
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point out that trump has a tendency to overly personalize diplomacy. he also has a tendency which is shocking to praise authoritarian leaders and dictators of all stripes. and this has been from his very first trip overseas. remember when he went to saudi arabia and he went and told the saudis, we are not going to lecture you anymore. not only is he not lecturing people like xi jinping or duterte, he's gone over the top in the other direction and praising them. and again, there's a gap certainly. it's not that he's moved american policy 100% in the direction of the world's thugs, autocrats and strongmen, but the messaging on this is not merely pure symbolism, it bears remembering because it's one of those things that it's not surprising from trump, but it's still shocking and it's hard to, you know, keep that sense of shock when you realize this is the american president. you know, remember the shining city on a hill saying this over and over again to people who are
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accused of egregious human rights abuses. >> susan glasser and jeremy bash, thank you both so much. up next, the president's top economic advisor says ceos are the, quote, most excited about the republican tax bill. now both paul ryan and mitch mcconnell have been forced to admit that they misspoke about the bill's impact on the middle class. is it bad legislation or are they bad at selling it or is it a little bit of all of the above. we'll talk about it next on "morning joe." [ keyboard clacking ] [ click ] [ keyboard clacking ]
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you don't like this tax bill at all. >> well, if you're a billionaire, it's wonderful. if you're all the rest of us mortals, it's unbelievable. >> what do you think of the corporate tax form, and do you think that there needs to be some corporate tax reform? what about this plan? >> this is a complete giveaway to the richest people in this country at the expense of everybody else. it's pure and simple. they want to cut the taxes on the people who own the companies. that's why the stock market has already gone up in anticipation of that. but for everyone else, whether you've a homeowner, whether you pay property tax, whether you pay state and local income tax, whether you have student loans or whether you'll just be one of us average people who ends up paying off the interest on the $1.5 trillion or more of debt that they are taking to give to the richest people in the country. we all lose. so this is, as he said, brady
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said it's time. but you know what it's time for? it's time for payback to the republican donors, to the koch brothers. the koch brothers are these two multi gazillionaires, who have funded the republican party for the last 15 years. they say, okay, now it's time for our billions and billions. we want our estate tax ended, we want capital gains. it's shocking actually. >> are you against all tax reform or just this tax reform proposal? >> well, i'd be in favor of tax reform that actually helped workers, for example, expanding the earned income tax credit. this would be something so absolutely basic. i'm against anything which builds the debt right now. you know how many debt we have in this country? we are already have doubled the public debt in the last eight years and it's on a trajectory that with this will reach 100% of our national income. >> republicans used to care about that.
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>> it's unbelievable. what happened? we're about to create the deepest fiscal crisis that this country has ever had, knowingly. and why? to give money to the recheiches gazillionaires in this country. it's the biggest theft i've ever seen proposed. it may be the biggest heist in history, $1.5 trillion. >> it would bring the corporate rate down from 35% to 20%. house republicans wanted to come in immediately. senate republicans are saying maybe delay it for a year. as an economist, what would it mean for the economy if that corporate rate did come down from 35 to 20? >> it can't stick because we can't pay for it. so all that's going to happen is a temporary gift to the world's richest people and then it's going to be reversed. what will also happen is that other countries will follow us in this race to the bottom. now, of course, gary cohn and steve mnuchin and trump and others are, oh, that's great, we
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get taxes cut everywhere. but all they do is break the budgets everywhere. this would be the most unbelievable wealth transfer but leave all the rest of america saying, my god, we have a public debt we cannot afford. and why are the republicans doing it? the republicans used to be the paragon of fiscal responsibility. they're doing it for one reason only. they all say it, by the way, you just parse the news every day. we have to deliver for our donors. our donors will abandon us. who are the donors? david and charles koch, sheldon add adelson, robert mercer. billionaires who are pulling a trillion and a half dollar heist before anyone realizes what's happening and then have a public
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debt for the next generation while china is zooming forward for global leadership. >> i don't speak for the republicans anymore but there has been a bi -- barack obama talked about tax reform and he talked about doing it with his republican friend tom coburn. there has been talk of reforming the tax code for a long time. >> yeah -- >> just not this specific proposal. >> this proposal is just a theft. real tax reform, you know, if we could have it -- >> looks like what? >> hmm? >> real tax reform looks like what? >> would recognize the incredible inequality in this country, the cheating by our companies again shown in the paradise papers. the biggest companies in this country, the most profitable, the highest market cap companies like apple and amazon, they're not paying taxes on their vast profits, they're all in bermuda and the cayman islands. that would be real tax reform. >> but wouldn't this incentivize these companies to bring their businesses back? that's what the trump
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administration is arguing. and that all of the unnecessary regulati regulation, that it would by lowering the rate, it would take away the incentive to find these tax shelters. >> the day after this heist, everyone realizes the u.s. government is going to go bankrupt so how much unsent iucs that going to be. builders will stop building, this is just theft. up next, when the world seemed new. a new book looks at how bush 41 navigated the global landscape after the cold war came to a close and what that leadership could mean for today's world. "morning joe" back in a moment.
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even as president with the most fascinating possible vantage point, there were times when i was so busying inning progress and helping change i didn't always show the joy in my heart. but the biggest thing that's happened in the world in my life, in our lives, is this. by the grace of god, america won the cold war. >> still gives me chills. joining me, the founding director for the center for politics jeffrey angle. his new book "when the world seemed new" describes how president george h.w. bush managed the tumultuous end of the cold war. i want to ask you quickly, i worked for the bush family for the better part of a decade it it's amazing, it's heartening to
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see sort of the nostalgia for the lifetime of service of george h.w. bush and the friendship he developed with former president obama i think is sort of a rare symbol of what used to be a more bipartisan time. >> it's really remarkable. we think about bush, i think especially in the context of our current president, it's hard to picture a president who has a better resume when he took office than george h.w. bush. he had essentially been in public service for 30-odd years and really was an experienced player in especially diplomacy around the world and i think part of the nostalgia is looking back to a time when we expected more experience from the people at the top. >> listening to you and nicole and watching that clip that introduced us, again, george h.w. bush, part of it seems like we were looking at and we're talking about now something that happened, like, 19th century. >> you know, here we are, fast
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forward, 2017, in retrospective on george h.w. bush and it seemed to me, again, off the clip we just saw, the united states, our role in the world, has changed enormously over the years but we've always been the united states of america, great power, great influence. but one of the things i'm wondering if you'd agree with this, one of the things that president george h.w. bush brought to the presidency that's been absent i think quite a while now is the concept of humility. if you agree with that, the porps of it, in a president. >> you know, it's remarkable to me that president h.w. bush really never used the word "i" in office, it was always "we." what we're seeing at the end of this ten-year declassification process that brought about this book is just how president bush was able to speak quietly not only in public but also behind the scenes. that he was a president who would talk to foreign leaders
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constantly on the phone. not necessarily when there was a crisis but when there was nothing going on. when there was a crisis, they would know he could trust his word. it's really the most important distimpgs i can think of at the end of this boom is how much the president's word around the world was trusted and how much american leadership consequently around the world was actually sought. >> jeffrey, it's easy to forget just what a chaotic time this was when the cold war ended. the fall not only of the soviet union but the berlin wall, the demise of the eastern bloc. people think these are big historical forces in play and that it somehow now feels inevitable. that it was resolved in a peaceful way was not inevitable. just talk about what the downside risks were. what did george herbert walker bush do, manage to do, in this delicate art of diplomacy? what did he save people from? how bad it could have been had he not managed it so well?
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>> it's no exaggeration to say we are all quite lucky to be a live. if we think about the fall of the soviet union, it's really nothing more than the fall of a great empire. as we go back throughout history, we rarely, if ever, see empires fall without an ensuing great power war. and never before in history have we ever run this experiment with nuclear weapons in the mix. all the tumultuous events, the fall of communism, the fall of the berlin wall, tiananmen square in china. we have all he conducted with global leaders around the world. essentially when things were in crisis mode on the ground, trying to make sure nothing escalated. to be honest, if one soldier in some of these crises who had lost their nerve and fired their weapon or one protester picked up a rock, it could have started the general melee which then could cascade into nothing less than nuclear war.
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so the fact bush was a bell to keep essentially international tensions calm during this period is really quite remarkable. >> the book when the world seemed new is out now. jeffrey, thank you. final thoughts? >> that is a little de pleasie i depressing because it makes me feel we're in an era of managing decline with our american reputation overall. >> nick. >> it's amazing, president trump says america first but more and more it feels like america alone. >> well, let's get him in here. >> trying to go in order. >> the world seemed new. francis fukiyama said it at the time. we thought that was the future at that time. now we see the rise of nationalism really countering that rise of liberalism in the classic sense years ago and that's what we're all dealing with today. >> mikey. >> well, last week, toward the end of last year, i saw the president of the united states standing on the stage in china saying, you know, don't blame the chinese for taking advantage of us, it was past presidents,
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past administrations that allowed them to do this. yesterday, we saw the president of the united states standing on another stage, complaining about our intelligence community. everything's gone right by me. i no longer understand what's gone on. >> i think there's no bottom. >> it's been fun doing this. >> it's been fun. >> you want to come back? that will be good. maybe they'll let us -- yeah. >> you'll never see -- >> cat's away, mice play, all rest. feels good. >> that does it. thanks so much for joining. joe, mika and willie will mercifully be back here tomorrow morning. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage in two minutes. nda' cl. wow... now, that's how you make a first impression. they're going to love you... that's ford, america's best-selling brand. hurry in today for 0% financing for 72 months across the full line of ford cars, trucks and suvs! and just announced...get 0% apr for 72 months plus $1000 cash back! take advantage of these exclusive holiday offers
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during the ford year end sales event. accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it.
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6:00 am
hi there, i'm stephanie ruh ruhle. this morning, much to cover, starting with the president wrapping up his asia tour, name calling, touting america first and defending none other than vladimir putin. >> i believe that he feels that he and russia did not meddle in the election. >> sure he thinks that. this as he praises and barely mentions human rights to a leader whose war open drugs has left an estimated 4,000 people dead. and a very scandalous senate race. republicans calling for roy moore to step aside as the candidate hails the allegations as a political hit job. >> these attacks are completely false, untrue, they will be sued. >> even if it's a political hit job doesn't mean you didn't do it. we begin this morning
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