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tv   First Look  MSNBC  November 16, 2017 2:00am-3:00am PST

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the roy moore fallout continues. more women coming forward accusing if senate candidate of making unwanted advances, but so far the alabama republican party is refusing to abandon him. big day on capitol hill as republicans push forward on tax reform. president trump getting ready to visit capitol hill to rally party before a house of votes. and awkward moment mid speech for president trump. one top republican who once suffered a similar problem is weighing in. good morning, everyone. thursday, november 16.
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i'm ayman mohyeldin alongside yasmin vossoughian. allegations against alabama senate nominee roy moore continue to mount. is out with stories from two more women. tina johnson says she was 28 years old in 1991 when moore groped her in his law office. >> kelly harris thorpe says she was 17 years old when she turned down moore in 1982. "the washington post" and "new york times" out with front page stories of women who accuse moore of going at teenage girls at the mall decades ago. gina richd sardson in this pict said it was right before her 18th birthday when she has her first encounter with roy moore. she was a working a sears. after declining request for phone number, he then called her school. pulled from math class to the principal's office where moore asked her out again over the phone.
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>> but later she says he asked again and she relented after going to a movie, she tells "the washington post" they were in his car chatting and i just explained to him that my dad is a minister and i just can't sneak around because that's wrong. she said she thanked him and, quote, started to get out and grabbed me and pulled me in and that's when he kissed me. it was a man kiss. like really deep tongue. like very forceful tongue. it was a surprise. i had never been kissed like. she was scared and told him i have to go because my curfew is now. nbc news has not verified the allegations and moore denied past allegations. moore campaign called it politically motivated. also fighting back allegations of the only woman to accuse him of sexual assault. focusing part of the story in the 1977 yearbook. >> the allegations that have come out, i hope you understand it takes time to work through this. we don't have a $20 million
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budget as a campaign. it takes time. we want to be correct. we demand that you immediately release the yearbook to a neutral custodian so our expert, you can send your expert as well if you would like to. our expert can look at it. not a copy on the internet. the actual document so that we can see the lettering. we can see the ink on the page and see how old is the ink. 40 years old or a week old. release the yearbook so we can determine is it a genuine or a fraud. >> alabama msnbc vaughn. good to talk to you. yesterday we thought we would hear from the president and the roy moore scandal. any word the president will be commenting on these allegatios.s >> reporter: good morning. yes, yesterday was the president's chance. we kept hearing he would address these allegations once he
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returned to the united states from overseas and yesterday was his opportunity after giving remarks at the white house. this is what i'm told. >> thank you very much. thank you all. >> should roy moore resign, mr. president? do you believe the accusers of roy moore? should he resign? >> the three individuals who have interestingly been silent on this have been president trump, vice president pence and the other one is steve bannon. continues to standby roy moore as these allegations come out. >> the white house as you mentioned those three individuals, mike pence, president trump, steve bannon, they've certainly been somewhat silent on the issue. we're getting a very different reaction from capitol hill. a lot of the senior republican members of the hill, they've been very forceful in terms of what they expect will happen if
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moore wins and what they want to see him do before election day. exactly. mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader suggested there would be ethics hearing which could lead to expulsion from the senate. he's the one of pushing a write in candidate. even though they don't have a name for a write in candidate. richard shelby is the other interesting one. other senator from alabama. he said yesterday he will write in distinguished republican. he's kind of been the one voice from within the republican apparatus in alabama to have smoken out. very much a divide in washington, d.c. and what's happening here in alabama. poke very much a divide in washington, d.c. and what's happening here in alabama. >> yesterday president trump delivered 25 minute post mortum of trip to asia. >> everywhere we went, the foreign host greeted the american delegation, myself included with incredible warmth.
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hospital, and most importantly, respect. and this great respect showed very well our country is further evidence that america's renewed kofd a confident and standing in the world has never been stronger than it is right now. this is exactly what the world saw, a strong, proud, and confident america. i explained to all of the world leaders and across asia how well the united states is doing. >> trump had been promoting the speech over the past week as a major statement. however, when you really look at it, no new announcements or news regarding either of the trip. two main umbrella, trade and nuclear crisis. it was expected for him to announce he was relegating the state sponsor. sara huckabee sanders said he would have a decision on by the
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end of the asia trip or the president would announce a new trade agreement of some sort. something he left asia without actually announcing. instead, he dove back into the well reiterating past comments and policies. >> then there was that other version of watergate, shall we say. in addition to the old saying about karma. there's a trump tweet for everything. both apply to the president yesterday. you may recall during the gop response to president obama's state of the union in 2013, marco rubio had to pause and take a now infamous sip of water. something trump ridiculed on twitter about. and also on the campaign trail last year. >> when they put marco on to refute president obama's speech, do you remember that catastrophe he's like this and we will -- i need water. help me. i need water. help. and he's -- this is on live
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television. it's rubio. >> wow, so during asia speech. >> fast forward. >> a clearly parched president had trouble finding opening, holding a water bottle on multiple instances for his part. rubio got in on the conversation said similar, but needs work on his form. had to be done in one single motion. eyes should never leave the camera. not bad for his first time. >> we should do a side by side of both videos and vote on who did it better. >> politicians drink water just like us. looking for legislative win; house republicans vote on tax bill today. top gop leaders are confident that the bill will get passed. at the same time, president trump is expected to make a trip to capitol hill today to rally republicans before the vote.
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nbc casey hunt has all the details. >> reporter: after failing three times to repeal obamacare, senate republicans are trying hard at it again, adding repeal of individual mandate to buy health insurance to tax plan. >> individual mandate of obama is the most unpopular part of obama. two-thirds of americans hate it. >> played a key role in selling the plan to the president. >> 100% for it. i heard he said i love it. i love it. >> he said he loved it. wanted to confer with his team. he did. 100% forward. tell everyone. >> president trump tweeting this week, now how about ending the unfair and highly unpopular mandate in o care. if it succeeds. millions on obama could face higher premiums. >> everybody needs to be in the pool to keep prices down. by letting younger and healthier people out of the markets, cost will go up for older and are
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sicker people who remain. >> makes some moderate republicans nervous. >> if we start getting into health care issues with the individual mandate, then we send a very mixed message. >> speaker paul ryan planning a vote thursday on the house version of the plan which doesn't touch obama. >> of course we don't like the individual mandate. right now focused on tax reform. >> signs of trouble in the senate. republican senator ron johnson already announcing he's a no on the tax plan. casey hunt, nbc news. the capital. joining us now from washington capitol hill reporter for the hill, molly cooper. good to have you with us this morning. we just heard from casey, a lot of uncertainty surrounding gop tax reform effort now that they've kind of wave e weaved i repealing obama with it. the senate seems to predict particular trouble. where's your prediction where this goes from here now they've tried to tackle the issue of
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obama in a tax reform bill. until i heard susan collins and ron johnson coming out with ron johnson saying he was opposed to it. s sew sewen collins says she has concerns. usan collins says she concerns. they can only afford to lose two votes. swe haven't talked abo e e e ed john mccain and corker. they haven't said how they're going to vote on it. they're reviewing it, of course. it's a pretty gbig gamble given the makeup of the conference right now. keep in mind, one of the reasons it feels like senate republicans are moving their bill faster than normal is because we do have this special election coming up on december 12. talked to several republicans privately who said we got to make sure we pass this before we lose a member of the senate and possibly have a democratic from
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alabama come in and/or roy moore who will faces problems the moment he gets to the senate. >> you probably also say really quickly you probably wonder in president trump is wondering if he should have probably not trashed senator bob corker or flake or mccain. he needs the votes to get in. >> exactly. let's talk about roy moore. go to a strategy here being thrown around. i want to get you take on it. luther strange stepping down. what do you make of that? is it feasible? what's you take on it. >> it's possible. right now the governor seems like the governor of alabama has a lot of power. she can actually call for a new election or cancel the special election coming up and call for a new one: you know, it's really up in the hands of the alabama state republican party. what's interesting to me is i talked to several republicans from alabama who all endorsed
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roy moore before the allegations came out. yet, they haven't pulled their endorsement yet and aren't commenting on it. so that to me was kind of striking. i talked to bradley the other day who incidentally is a former labor and employment lawyer. also has a lot of experience training people and companies in sexual harassment. i asked him, do you believe these women? do you believe these accusers? he said i have no doubt -- i have no reason to doubt their v voracity essentially. it really is in the hands of the state party. >> live on the hill this morning. molly hooper, thank you. still ahead. lawmakers announce new gun control legislation and believe it or not it's getting support from both sides of the aisle. coming up, senator elizabeth warren a get on morning joe for
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exclusive interview. be sure to stick around for that. we'll be right back. ( ♪ ) more people shop online for the holidays than ever before. (clapping) and the united states postal service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. ( ♪ ) because we know, even the smallest things are sometimes the biggest.
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even the smallest things dear dauwith our used to mother-daughter matches. but i've been taking osteo bi-flex ease. it's 80% smaller but just as effective. which means, i'll run you off the court. hugs and kisses, mom. osteo bi-flex ease. made to move.
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senators push bipartisan gun control. want to fix the background database. according to description of the bill obtained by nbc news. plan would incentivize states to strengthen the national criminal background check. that's a program by asking federal agencies to up load and verify the criminals and help bar unfit purchasers from buying a gun. in exchange, create plans for states that comply and withhold political bonuses for agencies that do not meet those standards.
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>> bipartisan response is the best chance. speaking of mass shootings. in the wake of the recent mass shootings in luis videgaray and tex and texas. 95% of voters in the united states say they support mandatory background checks for all gun purchases. 65% in favor of a full nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons. another all time high. 91% believe anyone convicted of a violent crime should be barred from buying a gun. when it comes to president trump's handling of gun policy in majority of americans say they disapprove with only 40% supporting him on the issue. 52 opposing him.
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congress is still just moving the needle. good to have bipartisan support. hopefully changing happening here. let's go to brooklill karin standing by. >> have you heard of meddy cane. these are powerful storms in europe. mediterranean. they have their version of a hurricane. storm sitting just south of greece. had horrendous flooding in the athens area. some of the pictures from the flooding. ten fatalities. a ton of damage and storm is sitting just south of greece. still expecting more additional flooding in areas. obviously in is aftermath that is there. look at the vehicle on the right. see how high the water was to push that vehicle up like that. when it went through greece. so let's get back here to the northeast. nothing like that around here. just a little bit of light rain. over the top of new york city. up to hudson valley. little blue in northern vermont. temperatures aren't cold enough for significant snow outside of
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the mountains of maine. go through this afternoon and evening and loving that. temperatures are mild. 51 right now in new york. 48 in d.c. showers are over with in d.c. philadelphia and new york. 10:00 a.m. all the light showers should be over with. plague you and be with you. boston, providence, cape cod. here's the timing of it. outdoor plans at noon today for the lumnch hour. rain is steady. right up through the cape. go through this evening. that heads out. we will see cool enough air tonight with lake affect snow showers. middle of the country, not bad at all. 61 in oklahoma city. want another gorgeous day out there, 72 in denver. big storm for the west coast. talk more about that coming up. sounds good. bill karins with the weather forecast and word of the day. meddy cane. short for mediterranean and hurricane. >> wow, there you go.
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still ahead, the very latest on three ucla players caught shoplifting overseas in china. and in football the feud between jerry jones and nfl continue to heat up. sports is next. this job that they created to do online grocery and to have that one-on-one experience with the customers, he's meant for it. i'm joey gabe, personal shopper for walmart and i love to see a smile on my customer's face. ththe next energyngs toto power our dreams,re will be american energy. hesumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. let's go to sumatra.
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press conference said the freshman trio will not be involved in any activities while the school continues investigation into the matter. president trump tweeted before the press conference asking where was a thank you for the players for intervening. discussing the release of the players with chinese president xi jinping. hours later the players thanked the president and also offered apologies. >> i would like to thank president trump and the united states government for the help they provided as well. i'm grateful to be back home. and i'll never make a mistake like this again. >> i guess consider themselves lucky now and happy to be home. >> to the nfl and escalating tensions between dallas owners jerry jones and the league. according to wall street journal, nfl sent letter to all 32 owners accusing jones of trying to sabotage contract negotiation with commissioner goodell. stating conduct detrimental to the league.
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often critical of goodell, especially in relation to ezekiel elliot's suspension. forcing him to sell the cowboys during a radio interview in dallas. >> i've had not one, not one inkling of communication from the league office or any owner that would suggest something that laughable and will ridiculous. >> sticking with running cowboys news. running back ezekiel elliot d p drops appeal. after sitting out sunday, be able to rejoin the cowboys not until week 16. two games left in the season. against the seattle sea hawks on christmas eve. any time you have the dallas coy bows, jerry jones and the nfl fighting, going to make
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headlines. >> probably not good for the league to have one of the marquee franchises going head to head with goodell. >> jones is considered along with craft, probably the two most powerful owners. still ahead, the fire storm continues for senator roy moore. back live to alabama for the very latest. plus treasury secretary steve mutualen and his wife strike a pose and it goes viral. that story come can go up next. ♪
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moore's favorability is tanking down 16 points since the allegations came out and nrse is not sharing the entire poll or the name of the firm that conducted it. called on moore to be expelled. should he win the december special election. last night tweeted to senate majority leader mitch mcconnell who called for him to drop out of the race to bring it out. meanwhile the president is refusing to address the moore situation. here he is since returning from
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as asia. >> thank you very much. thank you all. >> should roy moore resign, mr. president. do you believe the accusers? do you believe the accusers of roy moore? >> to see the president weigh in and see him join the cause. >> i would like that, but again. >> all right. that was the president remaining silent on that issue. ivanka trump did weigh in telling the associated press there's a special place in hell for people who pray on children. i've yet to see a valid explanation. steve bannon appears to be standing by moore's side despite the allegations. according to white house chief strategist tell s politico bannn will be there. more allegations surfacing now.
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how is the campaign reacting to these latest allegations. they haven't responded to allegation of woman six. 7. eight and nine. that's a good question. culturally speaking. the differences looked up the background there. while that's awesome you have got such a diverse background. sort of redo that. the point is. >> what does the background have to do with dating a 14-year-old. >> i'm not finished with the concept of it. >> please answer.
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what is does her background have to do with dating children, 14-year-old girls. >> sure. in other countries, there's arrangement with parents for what we would refer to. >> alley is canada. >> i understand that. >> now ally has also spent time in other countries. >> so have i. >> it's not a bad thing. >> i don't know the point you're going. >> nbc did track down roy moore last night where he was actually out in auburn at a private fundraiser. this is a campaign currently being outspent 11-1 by the democratic in this race. campaign many need of cash without the support of national republicans. >> that state. the response from that lawyer on so many levels is wrong. >> sort of just shows how shallow the defense is on this coming on and saying that. it is unbelievable. i was shocked when i saw that yesterday. >> absolutely shocking. let me ask you. republican candidates in alabama. we know the gop on nationwide have abandon roy moore.
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asking him to step out. in alabama, though, they're still sticking by this guy, right? >> exactly. despite the defense you just heard, despite roy moore never giving an outright denial of some of these allegations, last night, a 21 member committee of the alabama gop met last night. they had the opportunity to remove him as a republican candidate after about a two hour conference call with these 21 members that came out last night and they told us there is no change. they're standing behind the candidate. forensic examination of the yearbook defense. live in alabama this morning. thank you. house is set to vote on the republican plan to cut taxes by $1.4 trillion. get a fan over the finish line. one party member is throwing a wrench in the efforts.
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senator ron johnson became the first senator in the party to come out against the house and senate tax plans. johnson has been with roy among the growing concerns about the plan. take a listen. >> i wouldn't vote for this senate version. bottom line. there's a real problem here. i'm assuming we'll be able to get to a yes. i think this is a very solvable problem. we need dedication to solve it. >> tax reform and reduction is something that i'm very much in favor of. and has a greet deal of appeal for most americans. i believe if we start getting into health care issues with the individual mandate, that we send a very mixed message. >> so far there's been no progress. most of the new york delegation is going to vote no. we believe we believe it will have a severe impact on the
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state income tax level is high and so much of that would be lost. >> earlier this week, top economic adviser cd vigary konc >> i think it's important we get this done. we have to get taxes done this year. the legislative calendar is going to get very crowded come the second week of december. announced he's stepping down at the end of the month. richard kor dcordray has been m for mortgages and credit cards and banks. republicans have been critical of the agency for years. arguing that it lacks accountability and stifles economic growth. cordray's departure has sparked speculation he may not name a
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successor. in the white house statement, said quote, the administration will announce an acting director and the president's choice to replace mr. cordray at the appropriate time. did not give a reason for the departure. >> also we're going to have elizabeth warren later on in the show on morning joe to talk about that in an exclusive interview. don't want to miss that coming up on morning joe. joining us now from washington capitol hill reporter for the hill, molly hooper. yesterday, interestingly enough, a small group of house democrats introduced art cals of impeachment against the president. nancy pelosi has been clear she does not support articles of impeachment. what is the counter argument to
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those who launch the impeachment article. >> it rallies republicans. it rallies the donald trump supporters to find the effort who would say the effort is offensive, premature and uncalled for. when you rally that kind of group. that means people are going to get to the polls to vote. if the republicans are in control of the house, unlikely any articles of impeachment would get to, would be considered in a judiciary committee where the republicans control the gavel. if the democrats control the gavel and control the chamber, that potential for impeachment trial is much more likely given the democrats would be in control. >> molly, your colleagues on the hill, soft of reporting that the democratic leaders, getting increasingly bullish on chances of taking back the house. sounding pretty optimistic with reporters yesterday. imagining it had to do with
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election weeks ago. what is fueling this optimism beyond of course the elections. >> well, you also have a number of republicans who have decided not to run again. house republicans committee chairman such as jeff and bob goodlack who decided they are not going to run again. could be seen as a signal they don't feel the republicans will maintain control of the house. also partially due to the fact republicans have terms limits on committee chairman and they essentially reached that terms limit. after you've been a committee chair. going back to the ranking files is less desirable. you have about 14-15 republicans who decided not to run for re-election. the special elections, the midterm elections, earlier this month, that has fueled talk of potentially a wave in 2018.
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given this recent allegations and the tone in alabama over roy moore, which was seen as a republican seat, safe republican seat even with roy moore before the allegations that he would hold onto republicans and pull down. now that it's in doubt, that does give democrats more momentum and with more momentum, they get to more contributions and keep in mind, you also have this other issue where many republican donors, big donors did not like the fact that the republicans were unable to pass that republican obamacare repeal and replace. they're being a little bit more st stingy with their contribution. if republicans don't have money to run with, hard to fuel candidate campaigns. >> that's why republicans are banking so heavily on tax reform, of course. looks very good for them they're able to get that passed before the new year. molly. thank you.
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so what should have been a standard event for steve mnuchin found him once again on receiving end of criticism for bad optics. mnuchin was on hand for tour of the printing and engraving in washington. presented with a fresh sheet of $1 bills featuring his signature. as he was showing the money. came along for the event. to pose for a photo. now watch this. this picture lit up social media. it comes after the pair received criticism for embarking on a taxpayer funded flight back in august. you may remember this. on the way to fort knox. included a viewing of the solar eclipse. hawking designer clothes on social media page during that trip. now per usual the internet had a field day as you can imagine with all kinds of methamphetamine. some comments steve mnuchin touches a $1 bill for the first
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time. honey, i think i found the perfect floor matt. now, the new york post was more direct in criticism with the headline, tone deaf mnuchin pose for money shot. >> i think mnuchin is worth $300 million or is something. >> the picture of his wife holding that. >> i think there was a pose there for sure. >> yes. >> everybody, still ahead. grave new details of the deadly mass shooting in northern california are police are searching for a motive there. plus horrifying scene as the police officer responding to a call is engulf of mexicoed innen explosion. that dramatic video plus bill karins back with us. more on a storm system making quite a mess for some parts of the country here.
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welcome back, everyone. learning shocking new details about the shooting in california. grim discovery at the shooter's home. >> the killing spree started at the shooter's own home. police now believe the suspect, identified as 44-year-old kevin neil, murdered his wife before going on a rampage. >> confident that he murdered her probably late monday and literally just put her body in the flooring and covered it up. >> tuesday morning the gunman open fire at at least seven locations. randomly targets homes, vehicles, killing five people. ten more injured. >> i was looking out the window and all of a sudden, there was just like pop pop pop pop pop. during the rampage, neil drove to rancho tehama elementary school. >> we would have had a horrific blood bath in the school if the school hasn't taken the action they did. >> the staff being held as heros
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for quick thinking. >> this is every educator in america's worst nightmare. the lockdown procedure was implemented flawlessly. >> crashed vehicle through locked gate before firing dozens of shots into classrooms. >> six-year-old alejandro hernandez was shot in the foot and chest. >> he's learning in first grade. why would someone go for the kids. >> neil's sister says he was unstable. >> it's scary and so sad too because you knew he couldn't control it. >> more than 100 officers responded to the shooting. neil was shot dead in a standoff on the side of the road. steve patterson, nbc news, rancho ta hay ma california. tehama. ehama california. tehama.
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reporting to a gas leak in august when a duplex exploded showering the street with debris and engulfing one of the officers in flames as you can see the video there. according to police, the officers caught in the blast continued to assist with resident evacuation while suffering second degree burns. >> unbelievable. >> quite a hero there. >> 61-year-old homeowner later died from the blast. the hurt officer has since recovered and returned to full-time. >> it's an incredible reminder of the risk and danger that first responders put their life on the line to help the people in need. let's switch gears for a moment and bring bill karins back with us. bill, bring us a new word to learn in this segment. >> that ayman can then define. >> i'll dig deep. i don't want your brain to implode. let's go to the west coast. watching all the bad weather over the last couple of days. couple of the ski reports. some have picked up 40 inches already this season. jackson hole, stevens picked up 12 inches of snow in the last 48
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hours. here in washington state. notice the blue in the cascades. now getting the snow in the mountains of california. pretty good storm for you. maybe upwards of 2-3 feet at highest evaluations. includes 80s. as of last night did need the change required to get through the pass. also some of this rain and snow through the southern half of idaho. mostly confined to strat sectce sections of the sierra mountain range. northeast light rain kicking through this morning. not much. wet roads. not a lot of airport delays. have to carry the umbrella. especially eastern portions of new england. today's forecast, is just fine. little cold. look at denver. 7 t 72 degrees. storm of the west coast is coming east. by the time we get to friday, great lakes. saturday, rainy in ohio valley. saturday night areas of the
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northeast. >> i would appreciate it if you could give me an update on ski reports from now to christmas. >> you're a big skier. >> ski or snowboard. >> skiing. not to assault snowboarders out there. my husband is a snowboarder, as well. >> we just lost a lot of viewers. still ahead, very latest on the political standoff that is taking place in zimbabwe. ew di. . . ew division. ew division. ew division. ew division. ew division. ew division. ew division. ew division. ew division.ew divisio. . . . . . . than ever before.
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and the united states postal service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. because we know, even the smallest things are sometimes the biggest.
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welcome back, everybody, the trump administration announced it had reversed an obama era band of trophies from zimbabwe. the ban enacted back if 2015 prohibited the importing ofle fant remains to prove it has the protection. the policy change comes as the interior secretary ryan zinke is helping increasing american's awareness of wild life enforcement and economic benefits of americans traveling awhere'd to hunt. >> i have a quick thought. why? why would you want to import that from zimbabwe? >> i have no idea. staying with the latest political turmoil in zimbabwe, where long-time rumer robert mugabe has now been confined the house arrest. we will get the latest from i-tv
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correspondent martin gessler. >> it seems the robert mugabe years are at an end. the first thing you saw was an army road block. they were relaxed, they waved us through. it seems the political, master manipulator is boxed into a corner even he won't be able to fight his way out of. his allies have been rounded up. his power base eroded. the deputy who he exiled a couple weeks ago is back. he says he will speak to the nation when he has something to say. lots of speculation. optimists are talking about free and fair elections. the pessimists are saying not too much of a difference. even they are saying it can't be as bad as it was and even they are delighted that grace mugabe
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will not be the next president of this country. it has been through dark times lately, zimbabwe. there is a sense of cautious optimism here. >> thank you for that reporting. interesting enough the state department has put out a statement saying they want to see the military step aside. they don't want to say they are in a political process given he se so controversial as a figure. coming up next the latest on the allegations of nominee roy moore allegations continue to mount and president trump weighing in on whether he should step aside. >> joe and mika weigh in. and adam schiff and tom cole weigh in over the republican's tax plan. morning joe, everyone, moments away. hello this is joey, walmart online grocery.
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this job that they created to do online grocery and to have that one-on-one experience with the customers, he's meant for it. i'm joey gabe, personal shopper for walmart and i love to see a smile on my customer's face. more people shop online for the holidays than ever before. and the united states postal service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. because we know, even the smallest things are sometimes the biggest. even the smallest things hesumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. let's go to sumatra. where's sumatra? good question. this is win. and that's win's goat, adi. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing.
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making the coffee erupt with flavor. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. that erupts with even more flavor. which helps provide for win's family. and adi the goat's family too. because his kids eat a lot. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. packed with goodness. welcome back, everybody, before we toss it over to morning joe, the stories you will hear the day ahead. we start at the white house. kristen welker, good morning. >> reporter: hi, good morning to you. today president trump heads to capitol hill, where he will try
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to secure a victory on the gop tax reform plan. there are still some major sticking points. it comes after president trump went on a victory lap on wednesday, in a nearly 25-minute speech heerp at the white house the president insisted his 12-day trip to iasia was a success. he's clearly frustrated by headlines he didn't secure any result, he insisted he laid the groundwork and to pursue fairer trade deals. he replicated time is running out when it comes to, if and all options are still on the table. back to you. >> thanks for that report. meanwhile, the fcc is getting ready to vote on rules, they will decide whether to relax the limits which broadcasters see as long overdue and opponents see as another step of consolidation of local media. >> that's it for us this
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morning. morning joe starts right now. when they put marco on to refute president obama's speech, do you remember that catastrophe? and he's like this, and we will, ha, ha, i need water, help me, help. and he's, this is on live televisio television. it's rubio. japanese companies have announced investments in the united states worth more than $8 billion, 17,000 jobs. thank you. they don't have water. that's okay. what? >> no, it's okay.


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