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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  November 25, 2017 5:30am-6:00am PST

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at the half hour, here's what we're watching. the search is on in egypt for the armed attackers who killed 300 people in a mosque. the islamist extremists detonated a bomb before streaming gunfire. retailers are still sizing up black friday shopping receipts. online sales projected to total $5 billion. as of 8:00 eastern time, adobe analytics says cyber sales exceeded $3.5 billion, up 15.5% from a year ago. after black friday trading on wall street, jeff bezos is worth $100 billion. he further solidified his title as the world's richest man. to this breaking news in egypt, the number of people reported dead in an attack overnight is over 300 people,
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including 27 children. bill neely joins us from cairo, aoe skwreuplt. the numbers are horrific. what's the latest? >> reporter: good morning, alex. as you said, the death toll still rising. it is now 305. as you said, 27 of them children. we have been speaking to a teacher from that town where the mosque was. he said the attack lasted 45 minutes. that's 45 minutes of continuous gunfire. truly horrific. as you say, the worst terror attack in history and one of the worst recently in the middle east. so a day of mourning here. in fact, three days of mourning and of military response with warplanes targeting what are described as terrorist targets. >> a massacre without mercy and mayhem after egypt's deadly terror attack. even ambulances targeted
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outside. inside more than 300 people dead, murdered as they prayed. nearly all were men. but there were dozens of children among the dead and injured. more than 100 wounded, hundreds more traumatized. this morning relatives took bodies away for burial. entire families were killed. after militants singled out the mosque in the town of abir al abed. the gunman, perhaps dozens in four off-road vehicles opening fire inside and out on worshippers. even by the deadly standards of the middle east, this was a ruthless attack. >> islamist militants have been conducting attacks against egyptian security outposts. but an attack against a mosque crosses a new threshold. >> the mosque is in sinai province, a virtual wall war zone, which isis is trying to
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take over. two years ago in the skies over sinai, isis brought down a russian-bound plane using a bomb in a soda can, killing 224. this year they have attacked dozens of christians, including inside a church. attacks egypt security forces seem unable to stop. president trump condemned the horrible and cowardly terrorist attack. egypt's presidency assisi. warplanes destroying vehicles sent to have been used in the attack and bombing what the military claim are terrorists in mountain hideouts. in egypt today, deep shock at the massacre of so many civilians at worship inside a holy place by islamist gunmen. well, there's been no formal claim of responsibility from any group so far. but no one here is in doubt that
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isis did this. so a manhunt today, three days of mourning, a long-term president for egypt's president. if he stands for anything, he stands for security and stability. alex, there is neither here today. >> yeah. there sure isn't. what a horrible story. bill neely, thank you for reporting from cairo. new questions this morning about russian meddling in the 2016 u.s. election and reports that michael flynn's legal team stopped communicating with president trump's legal team. lawyers for mr. trump, special counsel robert mueller and flynn are not confirming the reports. joining me now professor at duke law. good saturday morning to you. nice to see you again. let's get right to it. why would legal teams stop talking? does it mean they will be trying to cut a deal with mueller? >> it makes it likely he at least scheduled a meeting to talk about that.
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defendant subjects in these complex investigations routinely enter what's called a common defense agreement or joint defense agreement, they can share privileged material without giving up the attorney/client privilege. they generally require when somebody changes from the common defense to talking to the government, they must notify the other parties to the agreement so they don't continue to share privileged material with an individual who might be talking to the government. it is pretty clear from reports that that kind of notification has been given to attorneys in the russian investigation by flynn's attorneys and that probably means that flynn has at least scheduled a meeting to talk to mueller's team. >> in terms of content, and speaking about the government. in march, he offered to talk to the fbi in congress but in return for immunity. they said, no, we will turn you down on that. does it mean he has a bigger fish to offer mueller's team? >> well, i think that's likely,
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alex. and the reason i say that is because even though he hasn't yet with mueller, generally a defense lawyer will not bring his client in for a meeting like this with prosecutors and fbi agents without having first assured himself that his client is in a position to offer something and get a deal. because otherwise you're subjecting your client to questioning by the government with very little protection. and that kind of questioning really ultimately little makes it very, very difficult for somebody to change course and fight the case and go to trial. so a good lawyer will vet ahead of time with the client and make sure the client has something that the lawyer thinks the lawyer can trade with the government. so if in fact, there's going to be a meeting, probably some preliminary discussions have occurred with the lawyer previewing for the team what flynn might say. both sides think this is worth pursuing. >> but what if he can't deliver? what if ultimately what flynn is willing to say doesn't meet the
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expectations of mueller and his team? >> then he won't get the deal. typically a cooperation agreement or flipping as it's called, doesn't happen until you have had a series of what are called proffer meetings, an agreement to sit down and see what the government has to say. the government is looking for two things. they want to know what information of value does this witness potentially have and is this witness credible. will he stand cross-examination interest be able to help you prove a case? a potential cooperator has to get thumbs up on both scores. that's the purpose of the proffer meeting. a good lawyer would not bring in his client unless that lawyer had himself put his client through the wringer and had a pretty high degree of confidence that the client was going to pass on both scores. >> so if flynn agrees to cooperate, is that some sort of a sign that he does not feel a possible presidential pardon would be able to protect him?
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>> well, i don't know. you know, that's the unique part of this case. this is just a factor that normally doesn't come into play in routine criminal investigations obviously. extremely challenging for defense counsel to advise a client with this possibility heading in the wings. because there's no precedent. what's your level of confidence that you're going to be able to get a pardon? you know, unless you've been told by the white house that that is forth coming, which itself would be a very serious matter and itself would be obstruction of justice if the white house were signal to go witnesses they could count on a pardon. that hasn't really occurred. then you're rolling the dice to go all the way down the course of a federal prosecution and take a long sentence just counting on the fact that the president will pardon. that's a big risk. >> in the same vane, he said i
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hope you can see your way clear to letting flynn go. he's a good guy. i hope you will let him go. would a pardon for flynn put the president in legal jeopardy? >> well, i think, you know, we've been talking about this a little bit phurpbg legamong leg. i think the exercise of a pardon could be obstruction of justice. you know, if it's designed to protect the president from his own legal liability, i think the pardon itself might be valid. the president has that constitutional power. but that doesn't mean that the president's persist of the pardon couldn't itself be part of an object on instruction of justice case against the president. and i think if flynn does cooperate and there is significant information forth coming from him about wrongdoing involving the campaign, that really puts the obstruction case around the comey firing and this request to drop the case against flynn in a much, much brighter light.
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i mean, it really will drive home the point that the president had something to lose if the fbi didn't prosecute -- if the fbi went ahead and prosecuted flynn and he had a real strong motive for wanting the fbi to drop the case. because now we'll see potentially that flynn had information that was damaging to the president. and it wasn't just about, oh, flynn is a nice guy. >> all right. needless to say, samuel, we'll be talking with you again. thank you so much. >> thanks, alex. person of the year or not? what the president has to say by saying thanks anyway to "time" magazine. and mike quigley of the intelligence committee joins me to talk about the latest investigation.
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get symbicort free for up to one year. visit today to learn more. a new feud on twitter this time with "time" magazine annual person of the year. he tweeted last nighttime magazine called to say i probably would be named man person of the year like last
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year. but i would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. i said probably is no good and took a pass. thanks anyway. "time" magazine said the president is incorrect about how we choose person of the year. let's bring in democratic strategiest of young democrats of on america, joe watkins, aide to george h.w. bush and rick tyler, foundry strategies and former cruz campaign spokesman. hi, guys. welcome to you. good morning. how do you make sense of this? >> oh, good heavens. i think this is one of those situations where trump is, you know, he is a living legend in his mind and should be treated as such. having this conversation i could be the next "time" magazine person of the year. he can tweet about something where he thinks he should be getting credit for something
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again. >> what kind of benefit does the president see tweeting this kind of thing. particularly "time" magazine. he has a thing about "time" magazine and the cover he's been on or not. >> well, it's the kind of argument he likes to have. at the same time, it doesn't cost him anything. it takes some of the spotlight off all the things being thrown away and control the tempo and the news of the day. >> do you think his base is a news vacuum that they don't see "time's" tweet as well. they said that's not actually correct, mr. trump.
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for the most part his base is very, very loyal to them. he wins with his base when he does this kind of thing. >> rick, let's talk with the president still feuding with the nfl, this on twitter as well. he tweeted yesterday. can you believe that the disrespect for our country, our flag, our anthem continues without penalty to the players. the commissioner has lost control of the hemorrhaging league. players are the boss. why is this so personal to him, rick? >> well, here again, donald trump is playing to his base. he's gotten his base to believe the nfl players and the protests are unpatriotic. he is able to wrap himself in the flag. it may be a winning issue for him with his base and with certain americans who don't like to see people kneeling because they see it as a sign of
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disrespect. so, look, it's par for the course. "time" magazine is also par for the course. he can't stand someone else will get person of the year. stalin got it. adolf hitler. even somebody's named person of the year, he said i would have got it but i turned it down. this is par for the course in the world of donald trump. >> let's be honest, we don't know who is getting person of the year. it could be donald trump. >> nobody has driven more news than donald trump ever this year again. i don't know how "time" magazine gets out of not calling him person of the year. he is the news driver. >> i don't understand this whole tweeting back and forth thing. i'm curious your take on the nfl, where you think this is going to go next. >> he has to continue to do it. it is the meat for his base. a lot of folks who voted for him are folks very into football and
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have particular opinions on folks kneeling. it's not particularly appealing. you have a budget showdown looming, the tax plan, whether it will pass especially on the senate side. you know, so it's distracting away from the big issues happening right now. and something he has time to tweet about. he's like, all right, i'm keep the base happy. if he loses his base, he's not in a good position. >> and the president lashed out at lavar ball again. calling him a poor man's version of don king but without the hair. he adds, ungrateful fool. how do republicans see these attacks? >> well, it's not helpful of course. he makes lavar ball
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. >> they might want to see a plaque player get beaten up by the president. >> to the last thing he said there, a black player geten beaten up, do you see a racial element there? >> i think he called him a poor man's version of don king. he is a supporter of his. >> that tells you what they
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think of him as well. the fact that he says it's about him. he fells he can go on twitter. whether it be don king, nfl who predominantly black, he feels he can say these things because he knows it's the he red meat for his base. and calling him ungrateful. you should be grateful for what i have done for you. it is how blacks in general should be grateful to him. he definitely now what he was doing. >> how much influence will the president have in the alabama election. we'll be right back with the panel. and at our factory in boston, 1,200 workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation.
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. >> i can tell you one thing for sure, we don't need a liberal
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person in there, a democrat jones. >> mr. president, is an accused child molester better than a democrat? >> well, he denies it. look, he denies it. >> president trump there coming to the defense of republican senate candidate roy moore. my panelist is back with me. rick, i want to start with you here. why do you think the president decided to go on the record with that position? he had been silent until now. any reason why he didn't choose to stay silent? >> in his statement he had said and through sarah huckaby sanders, that he said it should drop out. she said no senate seat is worth a child. that was changed to we need this vote on tax reform. they may get that seat and a vote on tax reform. i think the consequences are
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devastating. >> did the president make the right move? >> well, i think that alabama voters don't like to be told what to do by people on the outside, so they're very independent, i think, but the hope is that alabama republicans will say to themselves, you know, we believe what these nine women have said and we just can't in good conscious vote for a candidate who has done this. and so the question remains is will they stay at home, or will they cross over and hope for doug jones or has doug jones sufficiently energized the african-american voters by touting somebody that prosecuted the clan and get african-americans to come out in big numbers? that's all yet to be seen. >> for sure. switching gears here, there are four women now if accusing al franken of inappropriate touching. is it fair to draw a comparison to that situation and the roy
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moore controversy? >> i think it's in the situation of sexual harassment, in general, i think, obvious, it's slightly different in that we are talking actual child abuse. this one is inappropriate groping. but i mean it's all in the same larger family of this is a problem. right. and we have not, we cannot excuse it in anyway, shape or form, no matter if we agree with that person or not. >> how about you, rick, do you think a different set of standards may be used for senator franken? >> i think we are going through the process now, we have to look at sexual harassment and assault, which is what moore is accused of the same way when i look at first, second and third degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. al franken did something obviously inappropriate and used remarkably bad judgment and roy moore potentially committed assault. which is a felony, we will have
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to sort it all out. i do think honestly members of congress need to be held to a higher standard. congressman franken should pay the price for this. we're supposed to uphold our leaders to a higher starndz standard. they have fallen short of this. >> al franken is expected to speak about it tomorrow. rick, good to see you all. happy thanksgiving weekend. thanks for joining me. >> in our next hour, i will speak with the national diversity for trump. i will ask about his tweets slamming anthem protests. she's nationally recognized
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there's more to know™. ( ♪ ) more people shop online for the holidays than ever before. (clapping) and the united states postal service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. ( ♪ ) because we know, even the smallest things are sometimes the biggest. . >> good morning, everyone. i'm alex witt in world head quarters. it's 9:00 a.m. in the east. timeout, president trump says he refused a possible offer to be the magazine's person of the year. last night "time"


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