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tv   MSNBC Joy Reid  MSNBC  December 2, 2017 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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find me on stain graham, facebook and twitter. let me know what you think. stick around. "a.m. joy" is next. have a great time. lock him up! lock him up! the man who led the charge of "lock her up" at the gop convention, former national security advisers michael flynn now a convicted felon. spectators shouting "lock him up" leaves the courthouse friday after lying about his contacts with russia. he's agreed to cooperate with mueller's investigation. the plea agreement stems from phone conversations the disgraced three-star general had with russian ambassador sergey
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kiss lea kislyak after the election but before taking office. flynn says he contacted russianss at the urging of two top officials in the trump transition team. he was part of trump's traveling inner circle from the campaign to the transition and into the early days of the administration. no other -- no one other than michael flynn is named in the indictment. the swift plea means they're reaches right into the heart of president trump's inner circle including his son-in-law jared kushner. joining me now, paul butler, and former fbi doubling act. rosa brooks, former pentagon official and justice security analyst matt. and a wheat in "newsweek" is out today. michael flynn lied to the fbi about russia but should have known better. why should he have known better?
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>> because he spent 30-plus years as a member of the intelligence committee. those that don't know, when you're entrusted with secrets, the code you take is just to tell the truth, and it sounds quaint and might sound simple, but when michael flynn was in the room with those investigators he had to know there was a decision he had to make. either, you know, say i don't recall, i don't recall what happened with kislyak. he chose a quinntive answer. no yes. he said, no. in fact, we know he lied. he decided to lie. the only thing i can draw from that, joy, the only thing i know is that someone who spent 33 years in that community had to have been faced with a position that if he told the truth, the truth would have been far, far worse than the lie. the question here, joy, is, why was he lying? what was he protecting, afraid of telling? why afraid of telling the truth? >> that's the definitive question. not as if, rosa, wouldn't have been something you could presume if you are michael flynn, former
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head of the defense agency. not a guy just walking in off the street. a career military man, three-star general. why not assume your conversations with sergey kislyak were being recorded? denies credulity, someone in that position must know the conversation was being recorded would lie? your thoughts? >> you would think so. the one and only time i met mike flynn head of the ddia, he's a smart manr. asked all kind of smart questions. presented us with a commemorative coin commemorating our visit and the date on the coin was the wrong date. so maybe that just says it all. i don't know. it is truly bizarre. right. if you are head of the defense intelligence agency you know to a complete certainty that we do monitor the electronic communications of foreign diplomats, particularly coming from states considered
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adversarial to the united states. it's bizarre. i think that -- if he thought he was going nothing wrong, if he just had a brain fart as we call them, my children call them, then you just say to the fbi, i shouldn't have done that. i screwed up. i really goofed here. i shouldn't have been having those conversations. i think it's absolutely right that lying about them to the fbi suggests that there was more going on that was even worse. >> yeah. you do what karl rove did in the valerie plame, revise your statements, they are no longer lies. >> right. >> the other extraordinary thing about this in the flynn statement that he put out afterwards. he himself defends himself against the t word. treason. after 33 years in military service to our country including nearly five years in combat away from my family and my decision to continue to serve the united states, extraordinaire painful to endure these many months of false accusations of, puts in quotes "treason" and other
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outrageous acts. to me, extraordinary. for him to invoke treason begs actually more questions? >> yes, that's right. obviously pushing back somewhat against the idea that he colluded with a foreign government, inappropriate contacts with russians, and i think the story that he is trying to tell, you see it somewhat in this statement of offense that mueller released yesterday, everything he did he was directored to do. get to the question why he lied about these contacts, what we found out yesterday is, he wasn't just lying to cover up for himself. he wasn't just lying to cover up the fact he had these conversations with sergey kislyak but lying to cover up the fact a vast number of people inside the transition later inside the white house knew he was doing it. we found out he called down to mar-a-lago, talked to deputy, k.t. mcfarland meeting with other officials including the president presumably, reince priebus, talked to jared kushner in one other instance.
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he wasn't just -- just lying to say to himself, he was protecting an entire apparatus inside the white house in on this thing. >> get to, a little round robin about people with exposure. start with jared kushner. we know michael flynn talked to senior transition officials, quote/unquote, about his contacts with russia. one of them presumably could be jared kushner, and this is from the "wall street journal" back in november. jared kushner also happens to be the person who reportedly pushed for the firing of jim comey, investigating all this. how much exposure does jared kushner have? >> the statement of offense contains this narrative of flynn having these conversations with the russian abd, hambassador, h up the phone. make another call. calling a senior trump campaign official. sounds like jared kushner. he's got exposure, again, not so much for substantive offense but for covering it up. if he lied to the fbi about it he's going down. again, president trump is
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famously disloyal. who's he been super loyal to? michael flynn. >> yeah. >> he fired the fbi director because the directy wouldn't call off the investigation of michael flynn. so flynn knows something. mueller's about to find out exactly what that is. >> absolutely. matt, one person spectacularly disloyal to, jeff sessions. sessions is not out of the woods either. adam schiff on the house intelligence committee regarding jeff sessions the attorney general on thursday. >> i asked the attorney general specifically, did the president of the united states ever take any action that you believed, instructed you to take any action that you believed would hinder the russia investigation? and he declined to answer that question. >> intriguing. matt? >> yeah. look, not answering that question is answering it, right? if the answer was no, you would say no. we have a pretty good idea what happened here. we know he's taken a number of steps to try to impede the russian investigation.
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the president himself said the reason he fired comey he didn't like the way he handleds russia investigation. sessions was involved. signed his oh memo went to the president along with rod rosenstein's memo. the question, anything else? we wlook at obstruction of justice we focus on his decision to fire comey but also know in those months between the time that they first got the warning from sally yates in january and when comey was fired may 9th, the president called the director of national symbol ens director of cia, of the nsa, asked all of those people to interfere, try to stop the russia investigation. hard to believe he called these officials he barely knew and didn't call the attorney general who super vises the fbi and known, had a close relationship and didn't ask him to inappropriately interfere as well pop those are the kinds of things you'll see bob mueller looking tore to prove obstruction of justice. >> should we look with a little
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more prejudice or skepticism at this white house narrative that mike pence was simply lied to and knew nothing? mike pence was intimately involved? a part of the transition team. sally yates said michael flynn might have a problem, one would presume the vice president was told that, too. is mike pence out of the woods here? >> i don't think anybody's out of the woods. clearly we're likely to see more revelations coming in the weeks ahead of us, weeks and months ahead of us, and flynn tells mueller whatever he knows. i don't think anybody is safe. one other thing i wanted to say about flynn. it's hard to underestimate how betrayed many of the military personnel i speak to feel by flynn's behavior. we have hundreds of thousands of enlichsted men and women, remind constantly, you will be fired, prosecuted, if you don't stick straight to the line in terms of avoiding contact with foreign adversaries, in terms of telling the truth and so forth.
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and then when they see a three-star general like michael flynn doing this, it's really, it's a slap in the face for all of those people who have been abiding by the rules all along. >> yeah. and not only skirting the rules in terms of his lobbying, but dealing with autocratic governments, taking cash. taking money -- >> cashing out. >> absolutely. not just money from r.t. to sit with vladimir putin at the table. allegedly taking money from, interests in turkey allegedly. renditioning, conspiracy theory, trying to take a u.s. resident and ship them off to turkey? and involving his son. >> absolute antithesis of the idea of service. >> absolutely. michael flynn's son mike junior not charged with a crime. exposure pressure that pushed flynn to plead guilty is not clear.
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"washington post" reports flynn junior is not expected to be charged. ask what that said to you? why mike flynn jr. will not be -- >> look, this is a sweetheart deal mike flynn has. matt miller can speak to this. when it comes to these cases, the government has time on their side. michael flynn does not. you've heard he'll put his house up for sale. these defenses are not incredibly difficult to mound they're expensive. that's probably a couple of things on the docket besides he doesn't want to go to jail. his military pension, michael flynn's pension as well as his son. the litany of charges and conspiracies alleged, the fact it's boiled down to one simple charge speaks volumes to what flynn has offered, and look, you know what the risk is exposure, him, his son, livelihood and family. there's a lot yet to get on the table to negotiate with. >> and only charged one thing. like the fbi.
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could have gotten him for any number of things. missing money, taxes, lots of are things to charge. the fact they didn't charge with anything than lying to the fbi and didn't charge his son -- >> he knows exactly what it is flynn has to offer. whatever it was, it was good enough for him to give flynn this sweetheart deal. as for the son, again, when prosecutors want to get you, they don't just go for you. they go for your people, for your family. that makes people change positions. why now with trump, this is getting personal. this is flynn, also his son and his son-in-law. so we can expect that the president might react differently here than he has to other phases of this investigation. >> rosa, we know that donald trump seemed to have a particular interest in protecting mike flynn. it was flynn he asked comey to protect, and then before he fired jim comey. so -- >> yes. >> flynn seems to be the person in the most jeopardy.
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something you says, rosa, about the military community. could flynn lose his pension over this? >> he could absolutely. >> sorry. say again? >> no, no. he absolutely could. >> yeah. so it's an interesting question about that. i want to go around and ask what you all think could happen in theory if dwonald trump were to try to pardon mike flynn, paul manafort, george papadopolos or anyone else? >> too late to pardon mike flynn. he pardoning him, flynn loses the ability to take the fifth amendment. can't incriminate himself. he knows what he would testify to and can compel it. get him out of the guilty plea but not from testifying against the president even if he wanted to. too late. with respect to manafort and do it there. you happy to would be the red line leading congress to act. i'm spenticcal that a republican house would do it, it could tee
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that issue up of the president being an absolute lawless president, four square, in front of congress. >> same question? >> paul manafort. >> does it, writing his own article of impeachment, president trump is. the question, will the republican congress have the will? end of the day, it's not going to work, because mike flynn, for example, just would be charged with kidnapping, conspiracy to kidnap as a state crime in new york. president trump has no power to pardon anybody for a state crime. either way, there's leverage over mike flynn. whatever he knows about president trump will come out. >> all right. thank you all. appreciate it. stay late to. up next, moment. evagen helpn
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i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. the level of corruption, the crim na behavior, all of these things going on. it's just unbelievable what we've seen in our country today. >> there's an old playground saying, he smelled it, dealt it. certainly that's the case for former security adviser michael flynn. the same michael flynn famously led lock her up chants regarding hillary clinton during the 2016 republican convention. max we'll waters pleaded after the plea, lock him up, lock him
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up. joining me congresswoman maxine waters herself. congresswoman, i want to play one more bite from michael flynn's quite raucous performance at the republican national convention when he was far more smug. here he is. >> yes. yes. yes. >> lock her up! if i, a guy who knows this business, if i did 1/10, 1/10 of what she did, i would be in jail today. >> congresswoman, can we say he at least has done 1/10 of what hillary clinton has done? >> let me just say that this administration was warned by obama. sally yates warned them that he was probably compromised by the russians. trump paid no attention. pence paid no attention. they know who he is and what he's all about, and so he has been caught, and mueller has bun
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what i've always known he would do. starting to connect the dots and bring them in, and we know that he would like to have immunity, and remember, he kind of asked for it some time ago. this man is guilty of something, and i think it's a lot, and i think the president is connected and knows what it is. >> and you know, congresswoman, you have been out there touting the idea that donald trump should face impeachment. that's fallen on deaf ears among your colleagues on the other side of the aisle, among republicans. does this indictment and this guilty plea of michael flynn, have you seen it change the attitudes on the other side of the aisle at all? >> not yet. but i think it's going to be hard for the republicans to continue to be silent and to stand with this president as it unfolds. this is the tip of the iceberg. there's lots more to come, and i think it's going to lead right to not only collusion, obstruction of justice, money
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laundering, you go -- it goes on and on and on. we are at a point in time in the united states of america with a president who is involved in all kind of things that would shock people, i do believe, and so i know that i've been calling for impeachment. i know i've been criticized, but i know everything that i have learned about him and his allies, their interests in lifting sanctions, their connection to putin, their connection to the kremlin, i know that we are going to find that this president needs to be impeached. >> you know, in all seriousness, there have been real questions about donald trump's mental state. not only tony schwartz, person who actually wrote "the art of the deal." bob corker called the white house a day-care center, you tweeted on friday, mr. trump, there's help for your deteriorating health called
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admitting guilt and telling the truth. why do you suppose even with republican background on the record questioning this president's mental stability they haven't been willing to actually do anything about it? >> the republican party is in disarray. i don't know that it is a party anymore. first of all, you're absolutely correct. they're silent. they aren't saying anything. called him a moron, tillerson did. people questioning his mental health and look what they just did with this tax reform bill? created a $1 trillion deficit when they're supposed to be the conservatives concerned about our budget, concerned about our expenditures. so i don't know who the republicans are anymore. they're simply now tax and spend republicans, they're simply republicans who are standing behind a president who's taking us to war, who's bullying, who's taunting, who's carrying us right into a war with north
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korea. i don't know that there is a republican party. it is absolutely outrageous. >> talk about our tax bill for a second. just a few of the highlights, if you call them at. individuals, doubled standards and eliminate personal exemptions, repealing tax deductions hurting people in states like new york, advances taxes to corporations cuts rate to 20% lowers taxes for real estate development firms like donald trump's. you 1ed, add about $1.4 trillion to the deficit and raise taxes on the poorest americans. we've talked earlier including with other republicans former republicans saying once this thing passes, the thing that paul ryan and republicans have wanted most, really, to slash taxes on the wealthy. raise them on the poor and cut into entitlements. once they do that and don't need donald trump anymore, do you think that is the point at which republicans drop him? >> i don't know. some people are saying that they just wanted to get past this tax scam that they're doing.
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and then this would free them up in order to do what they should be doing and truly representing the people, but let me just tell you, this tax scam that they're fostering on the american people is simply, you know, a tax scam that's for the wealthy. i mean, they have never touched the 35% to 20% reduction for corporate taxes. that has been consistent on the house side and on the senate side. reduce those taxes, but the big corporate interests in america, from 35% to 20%. they have fiddled around with a lot of things. the fact of the matter is they're willing to penalize poor people, hard-working americans who don't make a lot of money. middle class americans. the individual cuts that you will see, little tax cuts, they all are going to be no good in ten years from now. they're temporary. but the corporate tax deductions
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are permanent. >> yes. and i mean, how do your colleagues -- always fascinated by the conversations that must be taking play across the aisle. how do they justify, for instance, rescinding the tax break for teachers who buy school supplies or the tax break for grad students not rich who want to go to school or making the tax exemption for people hoop go to private school get more generous the more wealthy you are? is there a way to explain why they have to do that? >> no. they don't attempt to justify it. they think they can get away with anything. they think they can tell their constituents anything. you're absolutely right. we have teachers all over america who spend their money to make sure that they have the supplies and equipment that they need for their children in the classroom, and they don't say, thank you, teachers. certainly we're going to give you a tax break. no. they are making their lives more
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difficult by not allowing them to deduct even the interest or any of the money that they're spending, and with the students who they claim to care about, no. they're going to charge them higher interest on the student loans. they are outrageous, and they think that those constituents who are voting for them don't know, they won't find out and they don't have to answer to them. it's outrageous. >> yes. and we haven't even gotten into it, gerrymandering and voter suppression gives them an insurance policy. maybe if people want to vote against them they may not be able to get rid of them. >> maybe not. they got jeff sessions doing their bidding. >> indeed. congresswoman maxine waters. always great to talk to you. >> i've got to do the parade. christmas parade today. >> have a great time. >> thank you. coming up, the battle for alabama. donald trump heading into roy moore country. stay with us. hey, man. oh!
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low rates and no hidden fees. find your rate in just two minutes, and take on your debt at coming up on "a.m. joy," donald trump defends roy moore and irritates america's closest ally, happens to be planning a very big royal wedding. sounds like he's trying to get kicked off the guest list. we discuss, after the break.
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when i say they, who are they? they're liberals. they don't want conservative values. they're the -- lesbian, gays, bisexual transgenders who want to change our culture. they're socialists who want to change our way of life. putting man above god. >> wow. alabama senate candidate roy moore is winning a vast conspiracy for the multiple
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allegations he faces of sexual misconduct. roy denied he targeted girls for sexual liaisons including a 14-year-old and preyed on girls at schools and the local mall when a prosecutor in his 30s and soon will get backup from his most power. it defender. donald trump holding a rally just 20 miles from the alabama border, four days before the election. host of the "dcc oechlt podcast." >> take a look. a vote for roy moore means securing the border, defending the second amendment. tax cuts and conservative supreme court judges. and doug jones? well, we'll let president trump tell you about doug jones. >> we don't need a liberal person in there. jones, i've looked at his record. it's terrible on crime. bad on borders, bad with the
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military, bad for the second amendment. >> before i come to you on this, donald trump has added to that by also just opening defending roy moore. listen to that. >> he totally denies it. he says it didn't happen, and you know, you have to listen to him also. you're talking about, he said 40 years ago this did not happen. so, you know -- let me just tell you, roy moore denies it. that's all i can say. he denies it, and by the way, he totally denies it. >> does donald trump's backing, jimmy, wind up carrying more over the top in all likelihood? carrying moore over the top or does it matter? >> i'm not sure. i don't know it matters. we'll see. i think he's going to pensacola, about 20 mimes fr miles from th border four days before the special ease lection. some polling will be done between that rally and, of course, election day and we'll know whether or not donald trump is giving him a bump, but i'm
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not so sure he will. ip do know this, when those two men are standing on the stage together, 18 women collectively accused both of those men as being sexual predators, a rather stark think to thing about and ponder. i can tell you this as well. roy moore in that campaign ad you talked about, showed a minute ago, he said gay and lesbians, ba, ba, ba, a dirty little secret. we've been around for a long time, and never going back into the closet and will never have to listen to this stuff again. i don't know if roy moore will win or not. he's bumped up in the polls. a "washington post" poll out this morning has jones within a margin of era, a three-point lead. we'll see what happens there, but, look, it's alabama. guess what? they like having conservatives in the senate. let them send one. fine with me. that's mitch mcconnell's
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problem. not line. >> read you a little of the letter leigh corfman, one of the multiple accusers of roy moore, the 14-year-old when he allegedly accosted her and she said this -- published in an alabama newspaper. i'm not getting paid for speaking up, rewarded from your political opponents. what i'm getting is stronger by refusing to blame myself and speaking the truth out loud. what you did to me when i was 14 years old should be revolting to every person of good morals. now you're attacking my honesty and integrity. does does your morality end? >> do you believe leigh corfman? >> i wasn't there, don't know the facts. i wasn't there, you're not there. i'm not here to judge these women or call these women out. i actually, i am with women for trump and we endorsed roy moore. i was at an event, women for roy moore two weeks ago, but this is a thing that alabama's going to make the decision.
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and you xasked the question, dos it matter president trump is going there? i'm glad he's going there. end of the day, i think alabamians will decide and what's really relevant here is that they, the people across this country are tired of washington sticking their nose into everybody's business and trying to choose the candidates in the races. this is a rebellion, i think, against mitch mcconnell and the 30, $20 million to $30 million he spent. whether or not president trump goes or not, i think that the people are still going to come forward and i think they will vote for roy moore. >> let me just -- back to my original question. do you believe the women who accused bill clinton? back in the '90s? >> there are a lot of accusations out there. i'm not here to jump any of those women. i don't think that's right. judge. >> why would you -- why would a woman come forward and say that roy moore did this to her when she was a 14-year-old girl? you don't believe them? you don't have an opinion on
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whether what they're saying is true? and if it's true -- let me ask you this. if it's true that he preyed on teenaged girls when he was a 30-year-old, 30-something-year-old prosecutor does that immorality matter to you as a voter? >> joy, this is the thing. it's that i, myself, and my family, are victims of being accused of the most horrific horrible things you can imagine. for political reasons. there's still litigation going on. >> you're not answering my question. >> i am. i believe in, you're innocent until proven guilty. that is what this country is founded upon and i believe that. i'm -- i was not there. i'm not going to judge these people. i mean that is not why i'm here. there's an alabama senate race and regardless what i say, you say or what jimmy says or anybody sells in the media, the talking heads, the alabamian voters are going to decide. and for us to pretend that they don't have the knowledge and the
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where wiwith all to lis this ou and make the decision for themselves is preposterous. these are smart, educated people and i believe they'll decide what is best for them. >> jimmy, sounds like amy is saying, that this doesn't matter to her? it sounds like there are a certain percentage of alabama voters for whom the allegations of child molestations are irreleva irrelevant. a poll, who has higher personal moral standards? doug jones wins it easily. 53% to 34%. if doug jones is out that have higher moral standards by a margin 53% to 34% and only leading in theal poll by a three-point margin. is there an indication voters in alabama just don't care about his morality? >> exactly right. i find this a fascinating conversation for this one point. if, in fact, roy moore wins, and i think he will, and it comes out -- amy's asking for proof.
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you know, innocent until proven guilty and if there's proof roy moore did any of the things accused of doing, will you stand by him and will you still be, you know, women for roy moore? i mean, i just -- i just -- would you support an ethics investigation? we can have a conversation all day about washington, d.c. and mitch mcconnell. nobody in alabama gives a damn about mitch mcconnell. hate to break the news to everyone. >> hate to break it to you, jimmy, they absolutely do. they absolutely do. >> no, they don't. no, they don't. let me finish. let me finish. >> quickly, jimmy. >> nobody cares about mitch mcconnell, except in kentucky. and just like you said. alabamians vote for people running in alabama. kentuckians vote for people running in kentucky. that's a fact. i don't care about mcconnell and south carolina or virginia or anywhere else. i do care -- >> let me -- hold on. time-out. >> select a sexual president
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tore to the senate is whatprodu sena predator to the senate is what i have a problem with. >> and proof positive he actually did molest girls, say that happens, would you change your support? >> joy, we have stood beside him -- >> you would not? >> if elected that is what the voters choose? >> even if -- >> i want to make a point. this is the thing. if he is elected, there should not be any ethics investigations. the reason, because these people are going to the polls knowing all the information put in front of them. they have the wherewith all to make the decision. >> okay. >> should there become an ethics investigation and mitch mcconnell and his cronies try to expel him from the united states senate that's a very dangerous line they're crossing, because -- >> and okay. another thing we know roy moore did. putting, if you can even say the words putting aside child
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molestation, alleged. roy moore led the charge against removing segregation from the alabama constitution. that edefinitely did. does the fact that he did that impact your support for him, amy? >> joy -- i'm going to say this. first of all, we got involved in this race, i mean, months ago. we actually endorsed mo brooks and came to the runoff and now here we are. we are standing beside roy moore -- >> can you just answer my question, amy? don't give me a speech, a speech, amy. answer my question. >> there is not one candidate across this country including president trump i agree with on every single issue. >> do you have a problem with roy moore leading the charge against removing segregation from the state constitution? it's really a yes or no. >> joy, i don't know what you're talking about. >> put it back up so you know what i'm sauk ak. roy moore led the charge against removing segregation language.
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you know alabama has a history here. he led the charge against removing the language of segregation from the sons stu constitution. straightforward. do you have a problem with that? >> can you femme more about that? i don't know what you're talking about. absolutely not. i mean, we're all the same. we're all americans. >> but -- jimmy, last word here, because it seems to me there is nothing one could say about roy moore that would move amy kramer and other supporters, really nothing. you haven't said anything. >> if roy moore actually -- donald trump said i could go to fifth avenue still get eleshgtded. he did. guess what? he was right. if roy moore did the same thing they're going to stand by him because he's rb. i'm fine with republicans owning republicans. i'm totally okay with that. i just think you have to, when you own them you have to own everything about them. i mean, literally everything.
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if that means he's a segregationist or homophobe or misogynist you have to own that. that's your party. your party is standing by someone that supports those things. >> jimmy, are you going to say the same ak democrats? that's one of the big problems in washington, d.c., that it's all about party politics and we need to look at issues -- >> i care about a sexual predator winning. >> time-out. tegment over, amy, you do believe whatever allegations are against democrats, because you just said you can't judge republicans but against democrats you believe whatever it is and think democrats should be accountable for 23. extraordinary. >> we as americans, is better to look at issues instead of -- >> hate to say it's the protection of our children. i have kids. mild molestation, it's an issue. >> i have a daughter. >> wow. we have to own the fact that, it doesn't bother you this man might have month levie lefted
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children. out of time. very fast. >> as a victim of child molestation it's disgusting amy would actually support a child molester. >> leave it there. i never like to do that but we have to. in my ear, segment is over. >> accused not proven guilty trp true. he has been accused of child molestation. up next, international outrage. take it across the pond. how donald trump ticked off america's closest ally. i've never been in one of these before, even though geico has been- ohhh. ooh ohh here we go, here we go. you got cut off there, what were you saying? oooo. oh no no. maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years? is that what you wanted to say? mhmmm. i have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. you ok back there, buddy? the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if?
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having such a special relationship with the united states is when a friend tells you you've done something dreadfully wrong you tend to listen. and wouldn't the world be a better place in the prime minister could persuade the president of the united states to delete his twitter account. >> the united states' closest ally is throwing stones from across the pond after donald trump put a crack in the special relationship with his reckless tweets. trumped earned himself a rebuke from theresa may after he retweeted misleading anti-muslim videos from a far right fringe group in britain. this may not be the last we hear of trump snubs by the brits. it's unclear whether he'll be on the guest list for prince harry
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and meghan markle's wedding. let's talk about the tongue lashing donald trump got at the hands of parliament over the retweet of the muslim video. does that signal the brits may want to walk back even the idea of trump visiting? i think he has an imminent visit coming up. >> there's been a discussion about donald trump since the day he was elected. the british people are fairly divided but they are united about donald trump. there's been a desire to not have him make the state visit but after he retweeted this -- these videos from an extremist far right organization, which was the equivalent -- our parents' generation fought together. the brits and the americans against nazi scum. this organization is nazi scum like the kkk. and the woman who actually put out these videos is like the sebastian gorker of britain without the humility. so there is -- there's revoltion
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in britain from all sides of the political spectrum that donald trump could have done this or associate with these people. >> you had the spokesperson for donald trump say that it doesn't matter if the videos in question, which essentially tried to accuse muslims of homicide and attacks on nonmuslims. but it doesn't matter if they were real or not because the idea is real. what is the thought on that over there in the uk? >> well, exactly -- i mean, the thought is just simply that it's clearly dog whistle stuff. we do have fringe elements in all societies. we had it in britain as well. but it's always a small minority. but they've given standing by social media and the thought that an american president could share this with his 44 million followers, enablers, whatever you want to call them is really repugnant. and there's been an uptick in support or joining of the facebook page of this right wing organization since trump tweeted
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these videos. so there's absolute disgust and hoping this will end soon. >> let's talk about the impending wedding of meghan markle and prince harry which has all of us over here all excited. i guess it's ironic we fought a whole war to get ourselves out from under the queen but we're still interested in the queens royals on this side of the pond. have they reacted to this interracial relationship the way we have in the u.s.? >> with the usual exceptions of right wing loanies there's been great support for it. britain and america have had a couple disagreements along the way. 1776, 1812, but they are, with the exception of the disgust for donald trump which does unite them, the british and americans are coming closer together. they like each other. so there is great happiness that this very beautiful woman, who is -- has proudly got her
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african-american heritage and they can be coming together. i don't think there's any likelihood that donald trump will be invited to the wedding, though, because there's a royal proclamation that if there is a wedding in a royal chapel there can only be two people with orange hair there. now prince harry has orange hair and the one who didn't get the marmalade color from a bottle has priority. so i don't think trump is going to be invited. >> presumably the obamas would, however. there's quite a close relationship between the royal family, the younger set, and the obamas. you assume they would be there? >> there is a warmth. one hopes that may happen. it's going to be a private wedding, not a big westminster abbey type thing. i think we should cut donald trump a little bit of slack. there's been some discussion here that donald trump had been constantly saying he hoped to be revered as a leader like lincoln. and i can say now that it is going to be the case.
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he is like lincoln. lincoln rockwell, the founder and leader of the american nazi party. mercifully no longer with us. the other thing that's been commented on in britain here about donald trump is that he's not been given sufficient credit for a couple of things. one is, he said there was going to be a big tax cut for christmas, and it's actually in the bible. it says there shall come a great prophet to the land. if you're a great billionaire or corporation, they'll be getting a profit. and his family values are fantastic. his children are going to get a billion dollars and he's -- he's sympathetic to child molesters. he's very compassionate. >> i night stop you, but we have to go. martin lewis in london, thank you. tune in for more "a.m. joy" tomorrow. in the meantime, keep it right here on msnbc. so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you...
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two of the most important stories of the year are unfolding at the same time right now. today what may end up being the two most important stories of the whole first year of the trump administration both at least started happening on the same day. the first, of course, is legislation for the first time. there has been no significant legislation of any kind passed since republicans took control of the house and senate and the white house with the inauguration of donald trump in january. well, tonight, the senate appears maybe poised to change that with the biggest change to


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