tv MTP Daily MSNBC December 12, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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my thanks to mellissa, steve, charlie, jason and joyce in alabama. that does it for our hour of "nicole wallace." hi, chuck. >> hi, nicole the best part of working here, on an election night. we get to do this. >> if it's a tuesday, it's a lection.'s a tuesday, it's a >> c'mon, you got the tingles, the music, you know i love that election music. it's chuck todd, i'm here at nbc news election headquarters in new york city, welcome to a night that will change american politics. we're not sure how exactly. we are about to find out, folks,
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either alabama voters will send in an accused childçnw molester washington or one of the ?jñì(l% rubiest, reddest is that its in america will defy president trump by electing a democrat. either way, buckle up. in less than three hours, polls closest in alabama's special ewill exto the u.s. senate between democrat doug jones and republican roy moore. in a few minutes, we will get our first look at the early exit polls. what is the mood and the makeup of tonight's electorate. why are they voting? whoqo( showed up? what do they think of president trump? we're going to start to get some of those answers in just a few minutes. and seemingly, no matter what they say, or who wins tonight, you are going to see a political earthquake the only question is the magnitude. some republicans worry a more victory will throw the 2018 mid-terms into chaos byj the party's brand, a more loss can throw them into the chaos,
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too. republicans would have 51 seats and democrats would have the win at their backs and a plausible pass to get that senate majority. what does that mean in the short term? it means the president's agenda, the congressional investigations, you name it. all of it is line tonight. but we're not done. zoutcome is also going to be seen as a referendum on steve ban nonon's nuance, a win for moore means bannon will be able to recruit more candidates like moore and create more head cakes iation for mock connell a. loss means for mcconnell will have some ammunition to fight back and try to kick,v+k bannon out of his . so with everything riding on tonight, both candidates cast their votes today, albeit in very different ways. jones arrived by foot. moore by horse, but for moore,e that was not even the most unusual part. the most unusual part is roy
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moore took questions from the press. which as far as we can tell is the first time he's done so since the allegations first broke, more than a month ago and it isn't hard to see why he may have waited until the last possible moment to actually answer questions. >> i am not talking to acowsers. i am talking about this race, and the people in it and the allegations. we're done with that. >> judge moore, senator cory gardner said as soon as you get to the senate, he wants you expelled. what will you do? >> we will take this up when we get to the senate. >> we take those problems up when we get to the senate when we win. >> i am joined now by nbc news' vaughan hilliard, he is outside where row moore is holding his election party, vaughan, you were here for weeks.
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you seen the ebbs and flows, you got a batchful of voters you have been talking back and talking to. have you seen any change in sentiment over the last 48 hours? >> reporter: i think, chuck, be pointed out is high turnout across the state. not only are we getting high turnout throughout these counties, but there is suggestions that we seen numbers outpaced general elections here in the state in the rural county, roy moore is bank on republicans coming out, turning the vote. the interesting things we will be looking at, chuck, is those /l counties the question is whether republicans will come out to vote at all or sit home hesitant to vote for unalleged pedophile and unwilling to vote for a democrat doug jones with reseeing at least anecdotally at this point
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or early ballot requests made over the last week, we believe we are seeing high turner voteout, we are getting a better understanding. i was if touch with voters. we talked to many on the ground in the montgomery area, i touched base with people out in the birmingham area, they suggested to me several of them that they would be willing to vote and cross over. they would be willing to vote for doug jones the question is, how many of them? i talked to amanda adams, she says she hasn't talked to a democrat in more than 20 years. a suburb of birmingham, connie hoover says she's never questioned a democrat. >> vaughan hilliard, it's, i tell you, what we are seeing already, people are seeing underneath there, the president does not have a jobs approval rating at 50 either. i think that says a lot there. all right, vaughan, go back to work there, joining me now is the campaign chief strategist for roy moore, dean young,
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welcome back to the show, sir. >> thank you, mr. todd. >> let me start with turnout. you heard vaughan hilliard's report there, it's probably a slightly higher turnout than a few days ago. what do you make of that? >> he's right about that. i have been watching all over the state. we got people at differen4up%ç precincts, i'm getting calls. it is a high turnout.1b"÷ there is a he turnoutg2w÷ all t the state. we to the we were going to be fine going into this thing at 7:00 in a few hours, we will have a senator snaimd named judge moore. >> that confident. you think it's a closed poll call. let me ask you this, was roy moore even in the>2p alabama all week long or did he leave the state? why didn't he campaign at all in the final stretch? >> well, judge moore has been around for 25 years in the state and the people know him and so the people of alabama realize this race is so importantçóyy t
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mitch mcconnell is coming here. the fake news has been out there and telling people everything they can about judge moore, making this stuff up. the question is this, whether alabamans fall for it? i told you this, chuck, in the past, if they can beat judge roy 30, 40 $50 million, if they can be anybody anywhere any time and our country will never be the same. >> does judge moore plan to cooperate with an ethics investigation in the senate? >> judge moore will cooperate. he will help donald trump achieve his goals, what donald trump ran on, judge moore is going to vote to be i would the wall. he will vote to protect life. judge moore will do everything he promised to do becauseuw#éz moore is a man of high character and integrity. >> he willa cooperate fully wit
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whatever information they would want to see assuming he is elected to the u.s. senate? >> i think those guys are blowing a lot of hot smoke. >> you really don't believe it? >> no, i don't. >> you think that they're just doing an oaky doke here? smr you saw eb, they ran away from judge moore and came back slowly, surely, saying, hey, will et the people of alabama decide. chuck that is what we want in alabama. the people of alabama are going to send the senator up there, judge roy moore. they expect judge more took sto be seated. they don't think these people are third world dictators like my opinion mcconnell. we don't want themó will overturn the people of alabama. >> i got to get to you respond to;lsááá)r'g that day la moore said last night. let me play it and ask you about it on the other side, sir. >> fake news would tell you that we don't care for jews.
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i tell you all this. i've seen it all. i want to set the record straight while they're here. one of our attorneys is a jew. >> does mrs. moore understand why so many jewish folks are offended by what she said? >> no. >> how she said it and the tone she used, sir? >> what she was trying to convey, chuck, is something that's very bake. >> that is that judge moore and kayla, they have friends all over the spectrum. they have jewish friends. they have black friends, white friends, red and yellow,yát(ibl and white. >> that itself a little song we sing down here in alabama. we're in sunday school, you say everybody. judge moore is a friend of character, who cares about all the people in the state of alabama. he will care about all the people in this country. >> does she use the stereotype?
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has she used a hurtful stereotype in trying to convey that? >> she surely didn't mean to, conduct. i think you know that. i mean, she didn't mean to do it. if she offended anyone, she didn't mean to. >> it didn't come across as well, she was trying to make the point i told you just now, she would never try to offend abe. >> i want you to respond, this has gone viral. i'm guessing you seen this on social media. i want to play this and see if you have gotten judge moore's reaction to this. >> you are supposed to uphold the constitution the constitution said all men are created equal. how is my daughter a pre vert because she's gay? i can't take back what happened to my daughter. but stuff like saying my daughter is a prevert, i'm sure
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that bothered her. judge moore not just said my daughter. he didn't call my daughter by fame. he said all gay people are preverters. obama nation, that itself not true. we don't need a person like that representing us in washington. >> how do you respond to that? >> that's the first time i heard it. i can almost assure you judge moore didn't say that judge moore is very clear he believes that marriage is between a man and a woman and it's just that clear to judge moore. >> does he think sexuality should be illegal? >> no, he disagrees with it. he knows that homosexuality is something, is not what he would consider the normal course of life for people and he knows that it's a2''wñ'r$a destructio lifestyle and that's, you know, that will be something. >> he believe, it's a lifestyle, he doesn't believe people are born gay? >> well, it is a lifestyle. everybody can argue who is born
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how, but it's just something that judge moore disagrees with that lifestyle. he doesn't run around calling people fails, that's not who he is. >> senator shelby, richard shelby, sir, let me final question. senator richard shelby decided not to vote for judge moore. he said he wrote in a distinguished republican's name. that's the single really republican in the state of alabama. how did judge moore take that? >> well, it's up to senator shelby how he wants to vote. judge moore will work with for shelby when he gets up there. that's all senator shelby, if that itself the way he wants to vote and tell anybody that, that's completely up to him him çrdjtsjjut is fine with that. >> dean young, it will be an interesting night. you think it will be a sort night. you think you are going to bed at 7:00, huh? >> i think about 7:45, we'll have enough indicators that say we will win. the people of alabama will have spokeen. we will keep pushing forward,
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thank you, chuck. >> you got it. dean young, thank you for coming on, sharing your views. we appreciate it. >> thank you, sir. joining me from another perspective is democratic state representative patricia todd, representative todd, thanks for coming on. nice last knight name there. >> well, thank you. it's good to be here. >> to my knowledge, we're not related. who knows, maybe one of our jeanology. >> we need to lock at that. >> our types might be able to figure this out. my grandmother is into the jeanology these days. so. >> well, good. >> what you are hearing and seeing on the ground is democratic current u turnout at a level that it needs to be for a democrat to win? >> yes. i just came from my polling place. they said they had a constant stream of people in. it's overwhelmingly democratic bovenlgs i think we've had more people vote by 4:00 today than any time since. so i'm feeling very hopeful.
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>> what's itm circumstances that a democrat comes up short, what's it say about alabama. under these circumstances, where essentially the entire political establishments of two major parties other than the president is pulling for the democrat in this case and if he can't win, what does that say about alabama to you? >> they were in a sorry place. we are very concerned about the impact on the state, if roy moore is elected. i serve on the education budget committee. we're always looking at economic development programs, trying to bring businesses and jobs to alabama. he is going to detrimentally hurt that effort. alabama is already not a place that most people want to come and reside. i mean, those of us who live here love it. but list face it, if you travel outside, people have a stereotype about alabama. let's hope we don't prove them true tonight. >> you know, alabama's had some
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good luck. i guess, i don't know who you attribute it to. i guess it was during the reilly era, quite a few international companies came into alabama to open plants. have you, do you have any reason to believe some of these companies would pull out or not invest in alabama if roy moore wins? >> i don't think they'll pull out. they have a huge infrastructure already in place here, but they won't expand here and we're currently in negotiations with many other companies trying to get them to locate here. believe me, they will stop in their tracks him you know, most of my conservative republican friends will vote for doug or stay home. they find it appalling to have to vote for roy moore he has brought our state down. he's so divisive. we don't feed that in theóñ#q senate.
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>> would this be an easier vase for roy jones if he were pro-life? >> i don't think the abortion is the tipping point here. if you look at polling, most people approve of choice for a= woman, depending on the circumstances, that's true even in alabama. i don't think people are run with issue voters, i may not agree with doub on issues. when you take them in combination that's how you make the decision. honing the abortion issue will be the factor here. >> what about the national party, the national party didn't want to overget involved. at the same time, they didn't want to ignore it. they seem to be halfway if, halfway out. maybe some was for perception reasons. did they do this right in your opinion or should they have done more or is that outside issue something they needed to be
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sensitive to? >> i think they played this right, alabama does not need to come into the state and tell us what to do. we have a history of that from the civil rights movement. so i think the party played that well. i'm not a two-party system supporter. i think it artificially divides us and where we should be working on coalition building on issues, not based on party and this race demonstrates the worst of it. because we have people who would rather vote for a pedophile than a democrat and they've said that. >> well. >> we really don't have an active party and that's been hard on
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this campaign because they usually would run the field campaign and they're non-existent. so doug's had to do that all himself. the national part is struy is sg after the presidential loss. i think we need to get back to grass roots and physical out ways to work together instead of being divisive. i do that in the legislature every day. i think we should do that at every level of government. >> state representative patricia todd, i got to leave it there. drat from alabama. thank you for coming on to share your views. patricia it. >> thank you. up next what we all have been waiting for, been teasing you below the lines there with some numbers, we are heading to the big board and a look at who is voting and what matters to them as they cast that ballot today. >> i don't think moore is a good representative of the christian faith. >> roy moore is a good christian man. all of this bull crap that's going on. nothing but bull crap.
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welcome back. as promised. here's the first look at the exit poll special set of elections in alabama. we have been showing them to you. below the screen there. we're not going to talk about it. ballots are being cast. this is a first hint of what the night can hold, let's bring in steve kornacki with the numbers, there is a lot of hints here this is as close and divisive as we thought it would be. >> it's uncharted territory as we know here a. senate election. i'm about to show you numbers from the first exit poll alabama in a december, ki tell you that. the first exit poll in five years to come from alabama. so lopsided. here we go. the sexual allegations against moore t. importance here 40% of respondents here saying this is important, 55% saying it's not important. so a baseline there. how about which describes your vote here?
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this is a question among the voters? what you can see, 80% of jones voters say they strongly favor him. moore's voters, a lot more reservations, just over half saying that strongly favor him. him. they got some reservations, how about a more bake assessment of the character, the question here of values. does roy moore share your values and what you see there? 46 saying yes. 49 saying no now, what do we flip the question around and ask it aboutní remember, 46, 49 here, what is it for jones 48, 48. >> steve, that is the number that told me number one a long night and number two, i'd be a little nervous if i were roy moore t. president needed to be
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over. you don't have the president over 50 in a red state like alabama. that's tough to win. >> that is tough. >> it's been 30 years since we've had a race within five points in alabama, be i the way. >> excellent point. basically, since rick shelby. >> shelby's first election. we defeated a first time senator. he was a democrat. >> right. exactly. all right. steve, we'll be back. you are coming back with more numbers a little later this hour, including a co-question about the issue of abortion. we have a lot more of this special edition of ntp daily in just 60 seconds.
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year will depend on what happens in alabama. that it seems to me is something we should all be concerned about, republicans as well as democrats when you have ripped shelby, the senior senator from alabama a. man who has a very distinguished record in the united states and instead of saying, i can't vote for this guy, and the president of the united states using the lang he has been using about why we have to have him. i mean, i don't remember. i have been doing this 50 years. i don't remember a time when there was such a collusion at the bottom not at the top. >> can we put too much on this race? it's sort of i think of the scene in my cousin vinney, what else? whether they will have kid, be i the way, that happened to be in the state of alabama that took place, we have put everything on this race. >> i think honestly, i'm not a democrat. f doug jones wins, it means a lot.
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if he loses, we're back to the fundamental also, where it's tough for a democrat to win. if he does pull it out, it says a lots of some republicans and independents to cross the aisle or stay home and say, we're not going that far. maybe we did with donald trump. we're not going with roy moore. it says a lot about a good black turnout because we needal of our voters to turn out it means a lot if jones wins, i'm not going that far. >> let's take the republican party's lace in this race. i think it's fair to say if either of the two people roy moore ran against the sitting appointed senator luther strange or mem brooks had won the primary, they would cruise today. >> we wouldn't be sitting here knowing. >> we wouldn't have paid attention. >> by the way the networks wouldn't have paid for a poll to be more nextly hon nest.
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>> the moore choice is a choice by a special electorate to pick the furthest out, he would have v[ge)t perfectly accept choice. v[ge)t perfectly accept >> it's who the president should have endorsed. >> let's move forward to 2018. the republicans were tempted in 2012, 2014 to primary incumbents and to push voters, as voters, to push the party as far to the extreme as they can this result if he wins or close will be a suggestion, will be a lesson to them that they are embracing potential suicide in 2018 if they follow this pattern and go for the guy furthest to the extreme, the electorates, if they will not find or minimally will find roy moore acceptable, if you pick the roy moore equivalent, not that there will
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be a file or something in other states, you are going to reap the whirlwind and this is a, this election, the lesson of this election is, don't be lunatics, don't go for the lunatic or you are not going to like where the party is in 2019. >> tom. >> i agree with all of that, but what i also agree is that we have learned in the last any months that we can't get toojmrr down the road, because we don't know what will happen between now and next week, quite honestly. there has been a surprise every week about the development, that have nothing to do with the past. there is no kind of template for figuring out where this country is going and how it wants to get there. i will say this about alabama. i have spent a fair amount of time down there. i got in trouble a year ago, because i made a little crack about them at the university of mississippi commencement address. i said it as a joke, eb, it didn't make a difference, they
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often respond to the criminal and say, we'll show those people. >> right. >> he has been running on that, he said, this is our state, it's not the washington past state, northern liberal media estate. >> let me challenge your point here. >> if jones loses it proves that alabama is just alabama t. president of the united states continue even get a 50% job rating among this electorate, win or loads, thatr66yñ me is stunning. >> that's true. >> if he is sitting at 48 in alabama november 2018. >> with voters. >> if southern states, red states like that democrats are going to win the house and the senate. >> that's a big number win or lose for jones. >> just a moment, if i can, democrats will win if they can get their act together. there is no evidence of that yet in terms of having a
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counterpoint of view that is persuasive and it touches the bases in the country that they have to touch. >> you bring a point. right now. >> i think all the data suggest what you just said is true, that is that the table is set for them t. latest poll the maris poll has the generic ballot. whether you vote for a democrat they have 260 candidates. >> that suggests if there is a way, will is somebody there to right it. >> so many times there were not. >> finish your point.
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>> also you look at virginia in 2017, just last month. you? there were twice as many democrats who challenged nbtds two years before. >> that set them up to ride the wave. i think even if jones loses narrowly, it still, i think we are trying to make the same point, chuck, you and i always, i try to always agree with you. even if jones loses, it doesn't change a lot. there is still a good runway. >> i'm a big believer in the ufo theory. the unforeseeable occurs. >> the minute they set this election. roy moore, it's a special election. we call them special for a reason. >> one little nugget f. i told you 43% of alabamans call themselves republicans in this exit poll. what would that tell you, joen? >> it would tell me that donald trump is having a negative effect on self-described republicans, the likes of which we haven't seen.
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>> moore may win but only 43% of those that came right now. >> that is a stunning muchóynk figured at least it would be at whatever the trump number was. i figured it would be much closer to that. you are staying with6-n0y$fpog . voters are headed to the polls. votes are still opened. when weeqr7 speak in poll clos terms, accusations, okay, of a sexual misconduct against moore are still the issue. we will hear from voters on both sides of it coming up. betes pill proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...and lower your a1c. wow. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction.
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welcome back. we've got more from the alabama exit polls coming up in just a minute. polls are still opened for about two-and-a-half hours. there and the only thing we know for sure is that nothing is for sure in this race. >> i'll be supporting roy moore, basically, because to put it bluntly, i don't believe the allegations. i don't feel there is enough proof. >> hmm, definitely fought rnot roy moore.3f.: i think that should be obvious. it's not apparently. >> normally i don't vote democratic this time around i think it will be that for me. >> a lot of people my age are kind of embarrassed that roy moore is alabama's person right now. it doesn't make our state very good. >> i think the people of alabama doesn't like people letting them in their business. ♪
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i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424. more people shop online for the holidays than ever before. and the united states postal service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. because we know, even the smallest things are sometimes the biggest.
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tonight, what's your message to senator mcconnell? >> well, i'm coming to the senate and we'll work out our problems later. >> this is an important time in alabama's history. and we feel very confident where we are and thousand this will turnout. >> welcome back. we have a lot of numbers, special election calls for double dipping at the big boards, let's bring kornacki back, walk us through it. >> exactly partying, polarization is the word we use so much. check this out t. democrats 44 favorable, up 52 unfavorable? republicans almost indistinguishable. 43 favorable. 51 unfavorable. virtually the same number there. how about the issue, though, of apportion? this is something obviously roy
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moore's campaign is pink hopes on. in an anti-abortion state, 54% saying abortion should be illegal. 40% saying it should be legal, an issue moore was hoping would benefit him. a bake question of which party do you want controlling the u.s. senate? democrats getting 43%, republicans on this question getting 51%, again that's when moore is hoping they will vote the party more than the person that was something he was happy to see i imagine. >> what did we get? we asked about not just that but aboutsome bake questions, liberal moderate, conservative. party i.d.. a 43r 37d 27 independent. the 30-47 seemed narrow to me a six-point for the republicans. i expected it to be single digits. >> that seems lower than i thought. >> maybe the numbers will change
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i looked back at 2012. the number of democrats is up three points from 2012. another issue in this, too we have been talking in the polling, public opinion polling here. are there shy voters some way in this, who for whatever reason they're afraid to say they're we think we have fixed it. will people want to talk to the exit pollsters at the polling places or alabamans that shy of outsiders? that is something we are certainly concerned about. at the same time, we feel we have built in safeguards? fñ get the ultimate test
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>>. aw'cc >> welcome back. tonight i'm obsessed with the reason we're having so many special elections. president trump didn't know anybody and picked congressman mike pompeo to -- head the cia. he picked congressman to him price to run health and human services so we had a special election in georgia. he picked ryan zinke and senator jeff sessions as attorney general so we have a very, very special election in alabama today. it's allf party, a slew of headaches. they've spent lots of monevkcñz millions to win back safe seats which certainly weren't so safe because of increased democratic enthusiasm. the times are achanging, this year's specials will replace guys to replace the trump administration. next year's special election will be guys on the receiving
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. >> there's a special place in hell for republicans who should know better. >> welcome back. time for our election panel is back. brokaw, j pod. that was one of those outside agitators in hollywood. what is with these hollywood producers. >> coming in -- >> alabama's telling them how to vote. well, look, there are two things about bannon, a special place in hell is a direct lift from an ivanka quote about roy moore when she said i don't know if he did it, whatever. but there is a special place in hell for child molesters. that's a nervy thing for bannon to do, like he's going straight at the trump family? that seems kind of reckless
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because trump is not loyal to many people. he is clearly loyal to his kids. >> it seems kind of bannon to me, really. he doesn't love jared. i wasn't surprised by it. you know, i think he's loyal to the president to an extent. president to an extent but he is happy to tweet his kids when he thinks they've gone on the wrong side so i wasn't surprised. >> bannon is on the ballot today. i would say his ability to become, to run the headxb;; of party is on the ballot today. >> big stakes for him. and hewñ remained very confiden. he saw this as a pivotal race and he can't wait for '18 to come along. he thinks that will be bannon year. he will say to the party and the people who are running, it's time now for to us make a statement about this country and who we are. now, if he lose this is one, that's a big blow to him.
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but if you watch him on television, listen to him on sirius and the other places he is showing up, he has a big head of steam. >> all of you got to scour the exit poll. go. what did you see in that it said, oh, that's interesting. >> i see a ridiculously approval rating for trump in the hardest red state in the country. as far as i can tell. that's what i see. among this electorate. the notion that the president of the united states who got 61% of the vote, i think, in 2016 in a state that hasn't had a republican come within, a democrat come within 20 points of the presidency, can't break 50 in a poll of actual voters? should be terrifying to them. terrifying. >> what jumped out at you? >> 30% of the electorate being black in this exit poll.
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a tick up. even from 2012 when barack obama was on the ballot. and it was a presidential election year. if that holds, that's really good news. also two-thirds of women with children voted for doug jones. and registered he women. >> it is not just the numbers but the culture of alabama. that's not pre served just for alabama. for example, they lost their governor who has always described himself as good christian man. he was involved in an extracurricular affair and towed resign. now we've got all these people saying, as he good christian man about moore. and then we know there's a lot of evidence about what he did. no question about that. then you put that in the context of the president's tweet today against the senator of new york. what was good about that?
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>> the evangelical here, will there be some sort of, i don't want to use the word i'm about to slip into. wait a minute. what has happened to the evangelicals? >> there's an enormous divide. you have a crew of evangelicals who have decided to throw their lot in, on the grounds it takes tough man to make a tender chicken. he's fighting on our side. >> i've heard that phrase a lot. >> and then you have my friend pete, russell moore of the southern baptist association. mike, a whole bunch of evangelicals who are serious, deeply conservative people saying, this is the destruction of a 50-year movement to save the souls of americans through
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the corruption of politics. leaching into something that should be -- >> but think about the young voters. >> and we see that. robert jones research looking into the schisms of the evangelical christians and finding out the young people are running away in droves. but with donald trump and with roy moore, what you see is the problem. one of the problems with the evangelical project. which is that it was so based on the subjugation of women and we will playing a particular role. mistreated, the role is to keep women in a certain place anyway. >> i don't think you need to go there to get to the point -- >> i do. >> you don't need to go there to accept the notion that there are evangelicals who stay conduct of donald trump and roy moore is
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acceptable and evangelicals who say this is opposite of the kind of personal comportment that we expect from a good christian man. >> what's interesting to me, in the senate and the white house, it is not about the evangelicals or spiritual qualities. we need to vote. >> we need supreme court. >> we can't succeed without that vote in the senate. they're not throwing in the qualities of christian values or the evangelicals' movement. >> they're saying, i need vote for the tax bill. >> they've become an interest group. like the nra which i don't think is what they intended to be. >> the senate leadership, they're 180. they were saying they're not acceptable here. >> they've done a 90. i'll give them. that they're not at 180.
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. welcome back. tonightrpf is not the last spe election before the 2018 mid terms. we still have a few to look forward to. there's republican congressman trent franks. he resigned last week. the primary will be february. the general, april. pennsylvania, remember tim murphy? he resigned this fall after he
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revealed he encouraged his miss stress to get an abortion. you don't want to write any special election off. they're special for a reason. msnbc's special electioníì(lc% coverage continues throughout the night. you'll hear the music all night long. we'll be back with "mtp daily" sñresults. they ari? it will be a big one. >> a very special election. any tips for how to watch the rest of evening? >> wait for the returns! >> there. i think that's timeless. >> don't call it until the votes are cast and counted. >> we'll be watching you on all channels. tonight all eyes are on alabamañ the polls are closing there shortly. where republican roy moorec%-u been fighting charges. he arrived on a horse today. >> there it is. a
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