tv AM Joy MSNBC December 17, 2017 7:00am-9:00am PST
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my frie "am joy." >> he mobilized the republicans to go along with that. he is moving toward a police state. let's not kid ourselves. he wants to go and get eric prince and put together a mercenary separate army and he wants to use the most available terrorists event to be able to declare martial law to be able to put into effect a world in which he controls it completely. >> good morning, and welcome to "am joy." that dark assessment of where america is headed under trump came from the ghostwriter of the "art of the deal." his warning comes as trump continues to attack the fbi and press and anybody else involved in getting to the bought kwrutt russian interference. as he and his supporters on capitol hill and in conservative media question the integrity of mueller who for years has probably been the most respected
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federal law enforcement official on both sides of the aisle. he's undercutting anybody that gets in his way or calls his power into question, like when he tweeted earlier this month about former fbi director, jim comey, after years of comey running the fbi it's reputation is in tatters. something that those with actual knowledge of the fbi say simply is not true. when he repeatedly makes the claim that russia gate is nothing but a lie. >> there's absolutely no collusion. i tornado madid not make a phon russia. it was a democratic hoax and an excuse for losing the election, and it never should have been this way. >> it begs the question whether trump will be successful in so duh sporting reality, that even if robert mueller finds evidence
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of collusion or obstruction of justice, trump and his supporters will declare it all fake news and find a way to avoid justice. joining me now, my panelists. sarah, i thought of you when i was on "hardball" the other night and asked by chris matthews for my assessment of what donald trump is doing with all of the attacks on federal law enforcement. this is what i had to say then, and i want to get your take since authoritarian states are your specialty. >> step two, get your state-run media, or media to echo that into your base and whip them up into a frenzy against those investigating you, step three, get the state party n. this case the republican party to echo
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that from the seat of government, and then of course you have to add that last step, call for the prosecution of your political enemies, in this case, dredging up hillary clinton to again call to lock her up. sarah, am i too -- am i being hysterical in equating what donald trump is doing in what the leaders of authoritarian states do? >> no, you are not being hysterical. trump has been on the path whether it's the persecution of ethic minorities, and wanting to use the government to enhance his family's personal wealth, and it's only gotten worse as he has gotten into office and consolidated power. he has faced very little opposition from the republicans who should be serving the public and should be keeping people like trump in his cadre of, you
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know, other corrupt and criminal actors in check. no, you are absolutely right to react in the way that you have. >> malcolm, you know, this week we saw members of congress, a co-equal branch of government literally behaving as if they were the defense counsel for trump, and attacking the fbi and accusing them of being criminals. it was breathtaking to watch republicans do that, and they did it with such voracity. are they part of president trump's administration or a co-equal part of the government. and then the tax plan, and it's as if trump and republicans are personally being even riched by the tax cuts and the policy of the administration and then they turn around and 100% back the leader? >> funny you should mention that, i am writing a whole book
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about this. tphr initially i thought trump is doing things for his own self worth and the valuation of his family stock and not doing it to benefit the united states, but not doing it with great malice, and he's doing it because he loves money, and now i think it's done out of hatred for his enemies. he thinks he understands the levers of power, and his problem is democracy. democracy is eating him alive right now. when he buts up against that, he goes to the vladimir putin playbook. putin, when he came into power was in the anti-corruption in the late 1990s, and join the skwrau swamp was the russian phrase.
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and then he got his friends to buy the news media and turned the news media, and that democracy against itself using democratic tools like elections. >> you think about it, and even down to things that we read in george orwell novels, the idea of banning words themselves, and it turns out multiple agencies, they were told they were not allowed that the trump administration they should avoid using certain words or phrases being drafted for the budget, and do not use the word titlement, diversity and vulnerable. the cvc have been told they have cannot use certain words.
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the seven words banned words, vulnerable, entitlement, diversity, transgender, fetus, evidence based, and science based. the words that must not be spoken by members of the trump tkpwut. >> it's crazy. joy, he's gone after the federal government and disassembled it. the only other target out there are the cities. at this point we have a barely f functioning federal government. i guarantee you, the next battle is going to be against the cities. they are going to pull back funding. they tried in the courts. now you are going to see doj with sessions, and what is the authoritarian state or police state look like? it's going to look like the pd, they will have to prove to the federal government that is a u.s. citizen. that's going to be the next battle. it's not going to be the
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military, but a data call. are you tracking the citizenship of the people getting aid whether it's education or medical care, that's what they are going to push on. i think that's the battle. >> it's important they are trying to essentially force blue cities, people that are run by democrats, and want compassion for the poor, you can't do that. we will force you to adopt trump pa policy. >> he went to the fbi, and you police -- which is what he is doing, the regular beat cops against federal law enforcement, as if he wants to split them as two entities, one completely and totally supports trump and the other doesn't, or the other is working towards justice. if he does that, and the people he introduced over at the
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department of homeland security, it's scary. you are creating your own instruments within your will. >> my husband and i went to cuba, and you have the police and the guys in the green military uniforms that police the police. they are two separate agencies that are watching each other in a way that one can intimidate the other. i want to go on this, it's not just russia, and egypt and governments throughout the world that operate as a family running a country and as autocracies, where you don't have freedom of speech and anybody considered to be an enemy of the state is purged out of the government. this is out of the epa, one of the agencies the republicans wanted to get rid of, an epa
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contractor spent the last year scouring the agency for anti-trump officials. the environmental protection agency is hired to help with media affairs, they have been critical of the trump administration, roars show. you have ever heard of an american add machine administration purging federal agencies for ideological consent. >> i can't overstate how terrifying this is. the cdc and hhs does so much work for women's health and aids and how can we not use words as evidence based, and the word climate change is already disappearing as we speak, and the fake presidency and administration cannot deal with fact. >> it keeps going on. it goes on. let's talk about it and i will come to you on this, donald
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trump popularized the term fake news, and that term has become popular among autocrats. and this is in the "new york times." in a country where press freedom is restricted including russia and turkey, libya, poland, thailand, somalia and others, political leaders invoked fake news as the justification of beating back scrutiny. >> one of the legal challenges he faces, he asked james comey to take a loyalty pledge to him. at what point will it go down to the poor person as a dogcatcher in some town. it's the same thing with media. he doesn't want independent investigative reporting, he wants to release what he wants to release and that's it.
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>> he has a squad of people on the far ride, roger stone on down, who are hunting, and trying to bait media to discred discredit journalist, and rinse the media of anybody who dissents from donald trump, so all that is left is those that admire him. >> we don't have to look too far to see whose playbook he's following. look at the political leaders he admires around the world. they are dictators. and the things that he admires about them is because he has no appreciation for democracy. he's running a khrep talk raw see. he would love to run a country like putin, no press freedom or checks and balances on peoples' powers, and he would like to do
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the way they did in the philippines, and it's crazy to me and it comes down to and blows my mind, how this man, the president of the united states, is he not a patriot? he believes the kremlin over u.s. intelligence. >> we know he admires putin. the three guys he most admires, xi jinping of china, and putin. >> we have known for almost a year now that he was putting people to test your ideological purity to donald trump, and not to the constitution or the defense of the nation. the constitution is under attack. american democracy as it existed
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since 1783 when they ratified the constitution is under attack. if i was in one of these administrations, and somebody comes into my office and says, hey, we will have to talk about your attitude towards things politically, i would dime that person out. you stand -- you swear an oath and i swore an oath and we protect and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic. >> we don't -- sarah, you were tweeting -- i think you tweeted about this yesterday. donald trump has even invoked the idea, continuing the russia gate investigation, he said people will die, the artificial hit job gets in the way and that's a shame because people will die because of it and it's a pure it job. do you know what he was talking about when he said that? >> no, the transcript is unclear. it could regard north korea or
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syria, and we know there's been a lot of collaboration and a lot of off the books collaboration, and he sought nuclear partnerships with russia since the 1980s when he was not involved in government. when a president casually says, a number of people will die and that's too pwaobad, and that's disturbing. his attitude towards veterans, i don't think he has any respect not just for the constitution or country but for the sanctity of human life itself, and it's alarming very few people followed up on that. what do you mean by that? that's something somebody should be following up on that. >> we will take a quick commercial break because we have to pay for the airtime and bring
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all of my guest back on the other side. coming up, donald trump is very upset that somebody wants his e-mails. irony is dead. we'll be back. my experience with usaa has been excellent. they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we've got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we're being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we're the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today. just serve classy snacks and bew a gracious host,iday party. no matter who shows up. do you like nuts?
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and there's no way that cannot affect a person's work. fplt i think the public's trust in this whole thing is gone. >> we are better understanding the magnitude of the insider bias on mr. mueller's team. >> while congressional republicans continue to push their pretext for president donald trump to fire special counsel mueller, the resistance is making its own resistance to push back. is organizing a strategy to convene protests within hours of an announcement mueller has been fired. the former director of the u.s. office of government ethics sounded his own call to resist. he said make a plan, folks, be ready to take to the streets. joining us again is our guests. thank you for making time for us. there are two separate stories i want you to unpack so people can
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make the difference between them. you reported on friday that the department of justice is saying the release of the private text messages, selected text messages between two fbi agents on the hillary clinton e-mail probe, that was not authorized. explain. >> so the oig is investigating these text messages, and they expressed a lot of disdain for trump -- >> not just trump. they did not like a lot of people. >> right, bernie sanders, or eric holder. what is interesting about this, he did not authorize eyd, these were actually leaked to certain members of the media, and those were very vague characterizations of the
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e-mails, and that led the chairman of the house intelligence committee to put pressure on the justice department saying he was going to subpoena them for the text messages. they were then pressured to release the text, and they were under investigation. this was another attempt to kind of muddy the waters and undermine mueller's probe. >> do we know whether or not the release of the text messages came from the top of the department of justice, meaning jeff sessions is recused, and devin nunez is recused, and how do those text messages end up in the hands of nunez? >> we don't know. it was an unauthorized leak. >> it give ammunition to say
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it's a biassed investigation, and it did help him with that narrative. we don't know who authorized the release of the text mess edges to the press, and we are trying to figure out who that was. >> let's go to story number two. this is bob mueller, he has obtained e-mails that have to do with the transition, the trump transition into office. let's explain that. >> access reported last night the transition team was using government e-mail servers to conduct its business over the period, over the course of the transition, and the gsa, which is the organization that overseas the transition team and it's e-mails, actually because -- gave those e-mails to bob mueller, and bob mueller is a government authority and he has the ability to send a letter and say, hey, can i see these e-mails, and without a subpoena. it's a basic process. and then trump's lawyers went and sent a congress by passing
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mueller entirely trying to bring this into the court of public opinion saying what mueller did was unlawful because he went around the transition team, and the reason is because he did not trust them to hand over all of the relevant e-mails and he thought some would be deleted because that's what that the transition team with the lawyers would have done and they would have sorted out -- >> you mean the way hillary clinton sorted out what was private e-mails that were the source of trump saying lock her up. >> that's what they wanted to do. >> how interesting. and they are upset their e-mails have been districted. lots of irony as well. i want to read the response of mueller responding to the reuters story. when we have obtained e-mails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation, we secured either the account owners consent or appropriate criminal process. they did not have their consent.
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that says to me that obtaining those e-mails were part of their appropriate criminal process. >> it was a government to government request. mueller is a government authority and they were using private e-mail servers and the government e-mail servers, one of the top attorneys said if they read the fine print they would realize there's no expectation of privacy. >> and for those that don't understand, it's not an anti-trump, it's who allowed him to have the -- >> it's an administrative agency of the united states. >> lots of irony. let's start with the release of the text messages. you worked and you were an fbi double agent and you worked with
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these people. the idea an agent inside the fbi would have the personal text messages released, your thoughts. >> it goes back, we are losing sight of the context. this harkens back to a few months ago, where the republicans were trying to frame this idea that there was intelligence that unmasked trump officials, and that was somehow biassed against trump. there was an improper, and as donald trump said, his wires were tapped. it's completely taking things out of context. you are allowed to have a personal opinion and you are allowed to vote for a republican. at the worst, what a person did was -- >> yeah. >> but that doesn't mean they are not objective professional individuals who are able to do their jobs. >> we should make a point at the
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time he was not investigating donald trump, this was during the campaign. he was investigating hillary clinton. so that's important. let's go to the next thing, which is the potential constitutional crisis that we talked about in the opening here. this is jackie speier, a congresswoman on friday talking about a rumor on the hill about mueller being fired. >> the rumor on the hill when i left yesterday was that the president was going to make a significant speech at the end of next week, and on december 22nd, when we are out of d.c., he was going to fire robert mueller. >> one more quick sound bite. this is robert rosenstein, the deputy attorney general and this is him talking about the house oversight hearing on wednesday. >> have you seen good cause to fire special counsel mueller? >> no. based upon his representation and service and patriotism, and his experience with the department and with the fbi, i believe he was an ideal choice
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for this task. >> let me turn to my journalist here. you have heard any reportings that backs up what jackie speier that mueller would be fired after christmas? >> i heard the same thing. he would do it by repealing a regulation that would prevent him from directly firing bob mueller himself. the only way -- one of the only ways he could fire him is by going through rosenstein. he could essentially repeal the regulation that would allow him to fire mueller directly and he would not have to go around rosenstein. whether or not there's a period that would require him to make this announcement and step back and wait for people to weigh in on whether or not that's allowed, and that's up for debate and has to be explored more, but there's a way legally where he could do it himself. >> deregulation is a big thing,
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and good timing, huh? >> we know he wants robert mueller out. every time the investigation hits where something is happening, what does donald trump do, he freaks out and goes and attacks people. >> he is using state media, what amounts to at this point to whip up a frenzy on the right that mueller is essentially a criminal. >> over at fox news we saw that they had a headline, kellyanne conway said a coupe is happening. this is insane. do i have to tell the american public, the last time we had a crisis of the magnitude was not the civil war, in the civil war they used the constitution to make a legal separation, and it was george iii, and inshrined in the declaration of independence. if he takes away the fundamental
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ability for us to police ourselves, and to police a president of the united states, he has done the ultimate obstruction in justice. he is dismantling the constitution. it cannot stand. we cannot allow it to stand. those of us who have sworn this oath, and anybody watching this and is in government who think it's good, you are joining a bureau and we don't need saddam hussein's panel to cheer him on. >> thank you all for being here. i am sorry this is such an alarmist open to the show. this is serious stuff and you need to start thinking about it. you need to start using your imagination to understand trump and we are looking at governments around the world because a lot of people across the world lived with governments like this for decades. coming up, the latest on the unrest caused by donald trump's
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i absolutely love this community. once i moved here i didn't want to live anywhere else. i love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other people's lives. together, we're building a better california. coming up, black women won democrats in alabama's senate seat and we will find out if the democratic party is listening. stay with us.
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he will not visit bethlehem. enjoying me now is ron allen who spent many years covering the mideast. you are just back from the region. tell me what you saw particularly after the declaration by the trump administration that they would move the embassy to jerusalem? >> the embassy declared that jerusalem is the capitol only, and the palestinians are in despair, and there are signs that say we love donald trump in jerusalem, and this was long overdo for them. west jerusalem is like a european capital. you go to the other side, the east side, and the palestinians live in poverty and have no control over their local f functions, it's still an occupied city on that side. the whole place is occupied. remember the international
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community doesn't recognize this. while nobody really there didn't see the united states as siding with the israelis for a long time, maybe less so during the obama years, this essentially strips away any facade, they see no role for the united states going forward in a piece process, and not that there's a piece proce peace process going on, and it's a tough thing for pence when he gets there because the palestinians are livid. the administration thinks this is all short term and they think all the protests and all the diplomatic standoff is a short term and will go away, and then that remains to be seen, of course. >> i wonder what it is that the administration, just from a reporting point of view, what does the administration think the palestinians want to receive? we are looking at the map and what would be left of palestine when you look at a map?
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>> well, there's gaza, and it's, you know, gaza, and the west bank, years ago it was swiss cheese and now it's swiss cheese cut up further because of the settlement expansion in that area. we talk about these things as settlements, but they are cities. they are not like a tent in the city. there's even tpau structure, and power, and sewers, and not going anywhere. some are tens of thousands of people that live there. there are security roads around them so the israelis can get back and forth. there are checkpoints. there's so much land that has been taken, and there's a question that could be a bible state, and of course, now, you know, they say there will never be a settlement unless east jerusalem is their capital -- >> in theory, bethlehem, it's technically in palestine. >> very much in palestine. >> if they can keep it.
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one wonders whether anything up is for taking essentially. >> that's what is happening, because in the palestinian areas in east jerusalem, is there are israelis buying land and taking pl land, and palestinian families are being kicked out of their homes and cannot get permits to say there, and the palestinian people will tell you, that's where the israelis are and taking over our property. >> that's an interesting perspective. stay with me, ron. i want to bring in the u.s. editor of the israeli paper, which i think is required reading to understand the politics at least of liberal israelis on this issue. it's great to talk to you and it has been a while. talk to me about the other side of this equation. you have palestinians in despair over the declaration of jerusalem, and over the expansion of settlements. where -- what are israelis
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thinking and is there a significant israeli left? >> well, i will answer the last part first. the israeli left is less significant than it used to be. given the fact that there's no viable peace process and not one in the offering, and the history of the past 20 years, israelis left have had little to sink its teeth into. as for the israeli reaction to the decision by trump, it's as ron said, most everybodiees were happy with the decision, and most thought it was long overdue, but now i think we can divide the public opinion into two, and there are those happy with the decision no matter what happens, and those are waiting for the fallout, and if the fallout is more negative than what we are seeing now, i think their opinion about trump's move
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will change. from an israeli point of view, the west bank has not exploded. the riots are from an israeli point of view containable and there have been no israeli casualties, and most everybodiees feel they have not paid too high of a price for the decision. and most israelis did not know there was a peace process so they can't be set to any damage done to the peace process. >> i want to go through the polling. this is a poll on the jerusalemish, and it's from the palestinian center. 91% of palestinians believe the decision is a threat to palestinian interests, and 72% say president trump will not present a peace plan, and on the most important problems, 29% say
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occupation and settlement activities. one more, and this is israelis on the impact of trump's decision, 49 -- 42.9% said it impedes the peace process, and others say it contributes to the peace process, and we did a segment on this, i believe it was last week, and the last couple of times we talked about this on the show, people were observing the palestinian side said that at this stage we are looking at a one-state saolutio, where there will be not two, and israel will have to decide to give palestinians full rights or drift toward a apartheid. do you agree with that? >> i think for me the sense of the realization that the two-state solution is dead and we only have the one-state solution, that's a very bad ending for israel and a dead end
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for israel, because as you said israel will have in the long run, two stories, either a bi-national state, which is a disaster, and i do not believe the two-state is dead but it's on its deathbed. there's a possibility if the players were different on all sides, including the american side, i think there's a still a possibility of reaching a two-state saw lousolution, but clock is particularing and there's little time left. and i think that trump's decision brings them much closer to bringing that decision than they were before. fplt i wish we had more time. the time is also ticking on us. this is an important discussion. thank you both. coming up in the next hour, lisa bloom is attacked by the right wing noise machine.
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a good friend comes by to spend very much needed -- badly needed holiday cheer. more "am joy" after the break. we've got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we're being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we're the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today.
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(dyou're drew brees?! i'm sorry to bother you, but my car broke down and i'd really appreciate a ride to the stadium. yes! ...but, no, i have to stay here and wait for a package. i thought anybody who rooted for me would have fedex delivery manager. that way you can sign for your packages remotely and even customize your delivery time. (car alarm beeps) excuse me sir, could you take me to the stadium? sure! hop in. - thank you.- hope you like jazz fusion. (neighbor starts singing) sorry. customize your deliveries with fedex delivery manager. and i have to say as a black woman, i actually don't want to be referred to as the backbone
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of the party. i'm a swing voter. i want our party to treat black women and black voters and brown voters and the obama coalition as swing voters. you have to work for it. you have to earn it. you have to show up. governor dean used to say, it is a sign of respect to show up and ask people for their vote. >> african-americans in alabama turned out to vote in decisive numbers this week and made doug jones the first democratic senator of the state in 20 years. on saturday i talked to two black women strategists about the lessons they hope their party is taking from the unexpected victory. joining me is tom thank you for being with me. >> thank you for having me. >> you heard karen finney who worked for howard dean. l. joy williams who you hadback a -- had back-and-forth conversations. what lesson did you take away?
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>> number one, we can win everywhere. that's why we have every zip code count strategy exactly like howard dean did. we can win everywhere when we field good candidates who reflect the values of the community, when we organize everywhere and when we never take anyone for granted. that's, i think, the key to success. we were in early. we were in everywhere and we have to recognize that, as i said earlier this week, african-american women in particular and african-americans generally are, indeed, the backbone of the democratic party and precisely because they are the backbone of the democratic party we should never take them for granted and we've been going to school on that not only in alabama but in virginia, mayor's races and elsewhere. that's how we win. >> couple things. the first thing is in alabama we had on some of the grassroots organizers who did the bulk of
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the work and they have been getting out the vote in terms of what people have done. is the democratic national committee committed to hiring more consulting firms? >> we did that in alabama. we were part of team doug. we wanted to make sure this was about doug and helping doug. a key to success in helping doug was hiring the likes of sthehei tyson who was helping us in birmingham to get african-american women out. in northern alabama we had patrick grayson who was working with small businesses so we were reaching out to barber shops, to beauty salons and other local businesses because we needed to find the voters where we got them. then the seawright, anton.
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they were lynchpins to our success. we listened to them and we moved off -- we pivoted off of their leads and their suggestions. >> i'm not talking about individual hires for the dnc, i'm talking about the fact we all know there's a consulting class in democratic politics that generally traffics in media buys and they get all the work. when the money is allocated a lot of grassroots minority owned consulting firms don't get that business. is the dnc committed to expanding its cadre of consultants to include those kinds of firms? >> absolutely. i gave you three such examples. >> those are firms? >> yes. two days ago we did a forum at the dnc so that we could increase the number of contractors telling them how to do business with the dnc. then in alabama it's really important to understand, joy, that we hired on the ground. we had 18 organizers from the community. i'm a huge believer in the
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notion that we need home grown organizers. >> right. >> one of the wonderful things about that here in alabama is now that we have had success here with doug, there's a governor's race there. >> right. >> these home grown organizers can continue that work. >> we're very short on time that's why i'm sort of jumping in a little bit. there are african-american candidates running in georgia and florida. you have andrew gillam running for governor in florida, pam keith running for congress. are these candidates going to get support? because there is a little rumbling on the ground that the party at large would prefer self-funde self-funders who are not candidates of color and not encouraging these candidates? >> as you know, when we have contested primaries we don't take a position in the primary itself. what we do do is lay the foundation. that's exactly what we're doing in all these states, laying the foundation of organizing so that candidates can win at the end of the primary.
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i'll give you a couple examples. >> we don't have time for a couple of examples. >> in atlanta and charlotte when we had the mayor's race. we invested in those races and we paid -- i think we played an important zbloel this is yes or no. are you going to invest money in voter registration? >> absolutely. we haven't done enough of that in the past. we have to couple it with building relationships with the voters. we can't show up every october and pretend we care. we have to have relationships lasting. >> tom perez. thank you very much. we'll have to have you back. >> have a good day. >> more "am joy" after the break. feels good to be back. feels good to be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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now this entire story is absolutely shocking. tonight we have very serious questions. why would he do this? is it dirty politics at play and part of the larger effort to undermine and destroy donald trump's campaign at the time? and will bloom's actions make it harder for all the real victims of sexual misconduct to come forward in the future? >> welcome back to "am joy." members of the pro trump media pulled out all the stops this week in their attempts to exonerate donald trump from allegations of sexual harassment and assault. the story shaun hannity referred to is the story in "the hill." this new story claims that prominent attorney lisa bloom sought money from clinton supporters and super pacs to
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give to trump's accusers during the presidential campaign. kennedy and others are framing a story as some sort of smoking gun proving that the accusations against trump are being gined up. it's an unnamed women who's a friend of makeup artist wbloom. the trump supporter had ties to associates of the president shared text messages with "the hill" reporters to decide that she ultimately decided not to come forward. it's driving the rights reckless coverage. relocate the unnamed accuser and her family. kennedy's coverage has overlooked a few important things in the hill story.
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first the unnamed woman appeared receptive to offer money and as bloom told "the hill" asked for up to $2 million in compensation. second, both hart and the unnamed woman, quote, stressed that bloom never asked them to make any statement or allegations except what they believed to be true. third, hart made it clear to "the hill" that the money she ultimately received was money for the women who were concerned, they were receiving death threats and rape threats had no affect on her claim that donald trump sexually assaulted her. finally, "the hill" piece includes an october 11th text from lisa bloom to the unnamed woman making it clear that no clinton super pacs were offering help, quote, let's please do a call. i have already reached out to clinton super pacs and they are not paying. i can get you paid for some
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interviews however. now an exclusive interview with "am joy" lisa bloom said the offers of financial support came amp she had to cancel a press conference with another trump accuser who became afraid of going public. >> donors reached out to us and said, my god, what can we do to help her or other women. arranging for security and location services for any women who wanted it. i was in contact with another woman who never did come forward and i relayed that. not hillary clinton nor anyone from his campaign was associated with any of those offers for relocation and security. >> they were never exaggerating. trump defenders on the right are using the hill story to cast doubt on all 18 of trump's
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accusers. >> at the end of the day the reporting showed though that only two women definitely accepted payments from lisa bloom, but it's the type of thing that brings into question the credibility of all the accusers against president trump. >> joining me now is msnbc contributor gabriel sherman. gabriel, i'll come to you on this first. bill o'reilly seemed to know this story was coming, which is interesting in and of itself. he was on with glen beck on the radio days before the hill story came out. the two reporters were part of the uranium one rollout. he tweeted the lawyer who attacked me with phony charges, lisa bloom, now exposed for arranging payments to women. please read this devastating article in "the hill." i told you guys from the beginning that many allegations were false and politically driven. lisa bloom represents some of the accusers of bill o'reilly as
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well. >> we should start by saying the irony is rich with bill o'reilly commenting on anything regarding sexual harassment given that he's paid more than $40 million to settle claims over the years. this is based on politics. we saw this. as a reporter, all i care about are the facts. we saw this in the '90s. a lot of right wing activists helped paula jones when she came forward to accuse bill clinton. we see people are politically motivated. ultimately what only matters is the facts and nothing that we have learned and these women have attested that they were told to misrepresent their stories. nothing we have learned in this "hill" report changes the credibility of the women coming forward to tell the truth. >> what we do learn from lisa bloom's statement which we are going to put up on our facebook page if you want to read the whole statement, this is lisa bloom testixting.
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these two reporters of "the hill" were given by this unnamed accuser her text messages in which you see her going through the agony. she wants to accuse trump, she changed her mind. she is a trump supporter, continued to be a trump supporter. the unnamed woman says to lisa bloom, it's my understanding that there is some clinton super pack, she spelled it wrong, that could help out if we did move forward. if we help the clinton campaign they would in turn help or compensate us? lisa bloom says let's please do a call. i have already reached out to clinton super pacs and they are not paying. i can get you paid for some interviews however. one of the things is worthy donors said we will help relocate the woman. this is on the idea of paying period. we work for free or sharply reduced fees. we add a line in our client agreements that if the client gets paid for media interviews, our law firm gets one-third. this is extremely unlikely so
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it's in our standard contracts, but rarely invoked. is it standard procedure for people to be paid to do interviews? >> in the television world there are ways to get paid for travel fees. standard journal lis stick practice is you don't get paid for access. for the big tv sitdown exclusives there are work arounds where they will pay to bring somebody into new york city and there is compensation involved. >> i want to bring in our full panel. sarah, what you've seen, this trump accuser and lisa bloom said she still does believe her allegations against donald trump even though -- partly because of her support for donald trump did not want to bring her story forward. this is lisa bloom talking about her still believing this woman's story. >> ultimately i was still willing to take her case, again, because her story was corroborated. she had photos from the time
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period and she had a witness. when she started looking for millions of dollars at the very end, should i have realized maybe something else was going on here? yeah, perhaps. >> sir, there is a thing going on on the right where there is a search for literally false accusers to try to go to journalists and get them to print stories that are fake to bring journalists down. this is a woman who lisa bloom says she still believes but because of her support for donald trump seems to have cooperated in a story design to essentially call into question the stories of other accusers, including her friend jill hart. >> yeah. i mean, that's -- that seems to be the case. but there are two things i'd like to bring up here. one is that sexual assault is not a partisan issue. >> correct. >> which reminds me a lot of the russia investigation which is also being falsely framed as a partisan issue. no woman should be forced to be a pawn in this scheme. this is an issue of a personal tragedy and it should not be used in this way.
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the second thing is that trump has an incredibly long list of allegations of not just sexual assault but rape. he was accused by ivan na trump. he was accused by a 13-year-old girl. this is one of the case that ms. bloom has been represented. he's been accused of 18 women by sexual assault. he's been accused of peeping in on women, teenage girls, excuse me, who are changing clothes. he's friends with many pedophiles. he defended roy moore. he bragged about grabbing women. i think this is very likely that this allegation is true. it's certainly something we should be investigating more strongly and in a more forthright manner. >> the way the right wing media has been using this story, it's trending earlier because we think that this will exonerate donald trump. we saw some of the same behavior when they were trying to put
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forward stories that would mitigate or exonerate roy moore. here is shawn hannity and tying donald trump and what he sees as his innocence to the cross case, michael brown and freddy gray if you can believe that. >> people cannot rush to judgment because sometimes innocent people are hurt because the allegations are flat out untrue. example in point, the duke lacrosse case. those kids were innocent. having their lives ruined. richard jewel in atlanta, falsely accused of being the 1996 atlanta bomber. he didn't do it. ferguson, missouri, michael brown, hands up, don't shoot, that was all a lie. freddie gray in baltimore, those cops would be convicted. none of them were. however, what lisa bloom reportedly did or attempted to do cannot be discounted. >> your thoughts? >> my thoughts, first of all, amen to everything that sarah said. this man is a self-admitted
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sexual assaulter. it's not very difficult to believe. how does dusting and revolting shawn hannity and fox news really to be peddling basically what is rape culture 101. normalizing men's sexual violence and blaming women for it. fox news is really going to be the network that's going to be peddling more theories for blaming women. this is so disgusting, joy, i don't know what to say about it. i don't think there's much doubt about the sexual assaulter that donald trump is. when it comes to donald trump and fox news, i believe women, end of story. end of story. >> you know, it is interesting that, you know, there's a thing called gas lighting. you sort of call into question your own memory of your own light in a lot of ways but also the idea of being forward leaning even if your own history involved the thing, leaning into that thing. >> yes. >> fox news with all the settlements that were made to the o'reilly, roger ales, they
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seem to be aggressively leaning in essentially saying they will be the arbiters of who are sexual miscreants or not. >> this is a classic political tactic, take a weakness and turn it into a strength. we saw it in 2004 with george w. bush. he did it to john kerry. he had a questionable vietnam war record when george bush was the one who skirted his service in the air national guard. this is a classic republican playbook. we're seeing it now play out with fox news. i think the fact is that this just shows that people believe that donald trump's vulnerability with women is still a live political issue. >> yes. >> the reason the white house and trump supporters are pushing back so far is this hasn't been >> you have people attacking vietnam war hero bob mueller who was a navy -- you know, he
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volunteered to go to vietnam and had a heroic war record as essentially a criminal and donald trump who avoided service in vietnam elevated as the savior of the military. he has no religiosity and he's painted as the greatest gift of christianity. everything is being turned upside down. for donald trump and roy moore, it's working. is donald trump going up against war hero john mccain and with bases of people, they're choosing donald trump, why is this tactic so effective? >> well, one thing, you know, i want to kind of contest is i'm not sure how effective it is anymore. the ratings have been plummeting. they've been plummeting among white male evangelicals. i think generally people are beginning to see through this facade. so as to how it takes hold, i think we've gone over propaganda
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in our media. i think fox news is essentially acting as a propaganda news network. we're dealt a barrage of news like a month's worth in a day. and i also think there's a failure of imagination. i think people don't want to believe that something so horrible and so vile can be true about the president of the united states and that he is so unapologetic about it. but that is the case. he bands himself most with his own words. when people heard the words as in the case of the "access hollywood" video, i think a lot of people want to put their heads in the sand because the pain is easier to take. and that's a complicated issue, which i think will take some time to resolve. >> i wonder if there's any consternation about this inside the rupert mourdock umpire, positioning of fox news. all of our networks, including our networks, have faced allegations. this is something that's happening to networks across the board. is there any trepidation about
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taking this tact inside a company to pay this many settlements? >> yeah. i've heard from women inside fox news who are pained and anguished that the network still has not fully confronted the sexual harassment issue. we saw in several days rupert mourdock said the whole sexual harassment issue at fox news was, quote, nonsense. from the top down women feel even months later roger ales is gone, some of his loyalists are gone and people like shawn hannity go on the air and discredit the accusers. women might start coming forward at fox news to tell the full truth because they're so outraged by the network's position. >> their aggressiveness attempting to sort of be the arbiter of this issue, it's really remarkable. thank you all. up next, the future of the internet may be in donald trump's hands. ugh. because there are options.
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final word, thank goodness for that. >> this week donald trump's republican dominated fcc voted to end the obama era net neutrality rules that protect equal access to an open internet. it's a huge win for the conservatives on the federal communications commission. especially for the fcc chairman who is a driving force behind repeal. the future of the internet is suffering. joining me now is one of the two democratic commissioners who oppose the move. commissioner clyburn, thank you for being here. you are the person i wanted to talk to on this. >> thank you. >> you said in your moving speech that the fight is not over. we know that several states are suing. >> yes. >> including new york, and here's a little word from new
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york's attorney general snyderman who said he's going to sue to stop the illegal rollback of net neutrality. who can he sue, first of all? would he be suing you guys? >> he can sue the agency. we made it very clear that we were no longer going to protect them when it comes to the internet, their experiences over the internet. we weakened the rules. we took ourselves, the expert agency, out of the protection process and we punted to the ftc, the federal trade commission, which has no background when it comes to net neutrality protections and they can only help you after a harm is done. and so we took ourselves out of the consumer protection business. we gave the keys to the internet to a handful of large mult multi-billion dollar internet providers and the rest of us small businesses and customers, we're on our own. we will only be able to fend for ourselves and hope for fair
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treatment over the internet but there is no guarantee. >> the agency, the fcc, also did this with a comment period that was tainted by fake comments that people were impersonating other people in order to take advantage of the comment period. here's attorney general snyderman talking about that. >> seven months ago my office began investigating a flood of fake comments submitted to the fcc in the public comment period for net neutrality. we've found 2 million fake comments that use the stolen identities of people across the country, including 100,000 new yorkers. we asked the fcc to help in our investigations but waited months to hear back. >> how can that have gone through without an investigation first? >> i don't understand why the agencies that in the past has worked cooperatively with attorneys generals basically ignored the cries from the attorneys generals saying we've got stolen identities and we've
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even found traces to russia. about a half a million pro repeals, people who wanted to get rid of net neutrality provisions, they can prove that that information, those submissions were made by russian -- from russian influencers. so it's perfect plekting to me that we see a process that has been compromised. our online system has been compromised which skewed the opinions that people saw over the internet, meaning those who wanted to get rid of net neutrality protections and made it look like more people wanted to when, in fact, the vast majority of legitimate commenters pro net neutrality. they wanted to keep our rules in place. >> in addition to getting rid of net neutrality, i think a lot of people don't understand that the fcc not only ended net neutrality at the federal level, they also prevented states, if states want to have net
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neutrality, we talked about this earlier in the show, forcing trumpism on unwilling states and cities that are blue that want to live under blue state blue city rules to say you can't do that. you must live under our rules as well. can you talk a little bit about how it can be possible if the federal fcc can stop states from doing net neutrality? >> that's questionable and that should and would be challenged. not only did we say states can't play in this space, they can't protect or enhance consumer protections for their own neighbors and citizens. we didn't give them proper notice so that process in and of itself is flawed. this whole process leading up to this decision, it's obvious the fix was in no matter what millions of americans said, no matter how much notice we did not give, they were going to repeal the net neutrality rules due process or not.
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>> "newsweek" did a piece, things like the me, too, movement, minority women, black lives matter, people who really depend on the internet as a life line. can you explain for those who don't understand why you object to getting rid of these rules? who will be hurt if these rules are gone? >> individuals, particularly those with businesses online. your internet service provider does not look like the same provider you signed up with. they are now in the content business. they are producing movies and shows and they even own, and you know this well, they even own media companies. >> yes. >> so they have an advantage. they have content. if you have a competing business or concern, they can favor the experiences on line for their customers over the experiences online in terms of your
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applications, how your website is being treated and the access to your site. they can favor theirs and disfavor yours. they can block. they can slow down. they can choke what we call interconnection points which will make the difference whether a customer can get to your website, have a good experience when it comes to your business, especially if it's an interactive online experience. say i had a competing movie streaming service, if i keep buffering or things keep slowing down, then you're not going to watch me, but if they advantage their businesses, then their content and that flow of information would slide. we wouldn't have known about ferguson, missouri, if the provider was able to block or throttle. the media outlet, they weren't covering ferguson. >> that's right. >> not until the hashtag started trending. we will be able to better tell
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our stories, promote our businesses, enhance our ability to find out what's going on in the world, but not if an internet service provider has the keys to our success, the keys to the internet that they will be able to block or slow down or inhibit free speech. that's what that says today. >> a lot of people don't know much about the fcc and they don't know how much you have been fighting for a very long time to bolster the voices and access of minority media businesses and of all-americans. that you from those of us who care about it. >> thank you very much. republicans are one step closer to changing the tax code as we know it. that's next. my experience with usaa has been excellent. they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family,
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you have no doubts that congress will pass it this week? >> i have no doubt. this has been a terrific process with the house and senate working together in conference and there's a terrific bill that's going to get to the president to sign. >> that's treasury secretary steve mnuchin seeming very confident about what could be congress's first legislative victory of 2017, sweeping tax reform plan. actually a sweeping corporate tax plan. joining me, msnbc contributor e.j. dionne, jamall simmons and kate dawson, republican strategist. let's start with e.j. let's listen to steve mnuchin
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this time on cnn, and he's talking about his favorite thing, the tax cut. >> this is the biggest single change to the tax system in fixing a broken tax code that we ever had. a family of four making $75,000 will get about a $2,000 tax cut and a family of four making $150,000 will get almost $4,000. plus, we think as a result of lowering business taxes, wages will go up. so this is a huge opportunity for creating jobs, creating tax cuts for working families. >> tony, aside from the fact that there is literally no evidence, literally none, that cutting taxes on corporations increases wages, setting that aside, i found it interesting, i'm wondering when you do, that when steve mnuchin starts talking about a tax cut, he talks about a family of 4 making $75,000 and it goes up from there. the median household income is $56,000. even his frame of reference is $20,000 more than the median household income. >> no, i think that's right.
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and as somebody at "the new yorker" pointed out, this is like a teaser rate mortgage because those middle class tax cuts disappear down the road. they couldn't fit them in because of that huge corporate cut. i mean, this is one of the worst pieces of legislation i've seen around here, and i've been around a while. i mean, the first thing is that this bill proves conclusively that donald trump is no populus. this bill is about as populist as an all male country club with a $1 million initiation fee. second, it's political punishment using government power to go against the opposition states, against blue states, with what it does to the state and local tax deductions. it's one of the most recklessly put together bills. there are positions that only the lobbyist who wrote them
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understand. it's not going to explode the economy. it's a truly awful bill. >> on the hill at senate staff. it also violates some of the claimed priorities of senators supporting the bill. i remember lots of talk about regular order from john mccain and talking about doing things the proper way. here's joe manchin, democrat from west virginia, talking about the process on "meet the press." >> i think mitch mcconnell basically told the president we can do this under a budget reconciliation, which is a budget gimmick. he passed a budget with $1.5 trillion going in. he had $1.5 trillion of deficit to work with, give away tax cuts, everything else rather than revenue neutral which is what ronald regan did, which is what i wanted to do and many republicans kind of wanted to do. that's not what we ended up with. >> it's just treated that the
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republicans do not care about budgets, debt, they just care about tax cuts for very wealthy people. is that unfair of me to say? >> i think that's very fair. let's be clear, the deficit isn't new. mr. mcconnell's been in the senate since 1984. i'm pretty sure we've had a deficit all that time. doesn't mr. mcconnell own the deficit as much as anybody. it's a wonderful talking point. i get the talking point. i was around in 2001 for that tax bill. i was on the floor. i worked that bill. we had a surplus at that point in time and that bill, joy, was supposed to give us more of a surplus, supposed to give us more jobs, et cetera, et cetera. it did not. it failed. even the 1986 tax bill was revenue neutral. they couldn't even do that in 2001 and they're not doing it this time. $1.56 trillion added to the deficit. now hold on. all of our republican friends
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are going to say, barack obama doubled the deficit. great. barack obama's not the president of the united states anymore, donald trump is. a man who's declared bankruptcy six times in the commonwealth of new york. so, yes, they love deficit spending. they're going to add to the deficit. it's not going to create jobs. it's going to devastate just like in 1986 it did in the housing industry. it will cause interest rates to go up, banks aren't going to loan and people are going to suffer. by the way, it raises taxes on about 3.5% of americans who are poor. poor. now think about that. republicans making a corporate tax rate permanent and screwing poor people. that is one hell of a christmas gift. >> jamall, there's a reason why steve mnuchin started his baseline at $75,000. under $75,000 people are getting a tax hike. they're going to pay for the tax
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cuts and tax cut for very wealthy people. around $1 million is -- they were claiming the democrats were wrong and should not vote on democratic health care until the new senator could be seated. here's an ad that an opposition group is running that is making the point that doug jones who just won the seat in alabama is not going to be allowed to vote on this. take a listen. >> the voters have spoken, but mitch mcconnell is trying to jam through the tax plan before alabama's new senator can vote and it's not right and mitch knows it. last time it happened when a republican won a special election, mcconnell stopped all votes until that senator receded. >> winner, whoever it is, should be sworn in promptly. let's honor the wishes of the people. >> call senator mcconnell, tell him he should honor the wishes of the people now, too. >> is that an effective message?
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a six figure buy my understanding is, jamall. >> yeah, we'll see whether or not people in the country get fired up about this. i think what they mostly get fired up is not about the process of what happened but what the result is going to be for themselves, for real taxpayers. i look at this, this is like a "thelma and louise" tax plan. it's going to be a really, good fun time until the point when we go off the cliff and they put the american economy into the ditch that we're all going to be facing. 2025 tax rates will go up on individuals because they were more concerned on making them permanent for corporations than they were making them permanent for american employees and, you know, people at the lower end of the economic scale. this bill does not address any of the fundamental problems that we have. how do we lower the inequality divide? how do we rebuild our infrastructure? how do we deal with the cultural changes that are happening and make sure women and people of color get paid the same as white
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men so we can support our economy and entitlements? when we get done with this on tuesday, we're going to go back and see medicare be put back on the table. that is not what people voted for. i think the republicans are, again, driving us over this cliff "thelma and louise" style. a good party until the crash. >> you used a forbidden word, ec entitlement. doug jones won't get a chance to speak on this because mitch mcconnell won't let him speak. here's doug jones talking about the tax bill. >> this seems to be plopped into a vote too quickly. there are things i like about it, cutting corporate tax rates, cutting some things for the middle class and increasing the standard deduction, but my biggest concern is the process and the fact that it will increase the deficit by over $1 trillion.
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that causes me great concern. i don't buy into the fact that it's going to grow the economy that that trillion dollar debt will get wiped out. i think that's a major problem. >> caring about people. he said there is people there. >> one of the shortest tenures. >> yeah, it won't matter. we're glad to have doug jones there. that would matter on this. what i will say is i think most everyone this morning is wrong. >> i saw what it did to a c corp that i was involved with. had an eighth grade education. i understand what the tax code is going to do and what it's going to do politically and politically 59% of america does
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not itemize the deductions. they're going to double the marriage deduction. >> it's unpopular. look at the polling. you might see the 2018 taxes. that's when it's going to be there. we have the 2018 mid terms coming. >> the democratic party has any kind of taxes. it's really bad. >> let me finish. let me finish. >> no. >> quickly. quickly. >> at the end of the day while we've had this from everybody else, i'll take mine and tell you it will create a competitive job system, it will raise wages and give people more take home pay. that's what's going to happen. the politics will work themselves out for 2018 and donald trump's up in 2020. so we'll see, but i'm glad to
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see that the democratic party is now concerned about deficit spending. i'm glad to see that people are talking about the 1.5 trillion that it might explode but if you keep doing it the way we've been doing it through the bush administration -- >> had growth. >> something different. >> we're out of time. i wish we had more time. i would love to go back around. we do not have enough time. happy holidays. merry christmas, you guys. enjoy your holiday. >> you, too. at the top of the hour, the white house responds to rumors that robert mueller's time is up. some holiday food for your soul. stay with us.
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obama clause came to town thursday to surprise a group of kids on the nice list in a washington, d.c. boys and girls club with presents and christmas cheer. adorable. and let's face it, whether you're celebrating a holiday or none at all, after the year we just went through and endured, couldn't we all use an excuse for cheer? yes. today, my last show for 2017, we are going to talk about filling our spirits by filling our bellies with food for the soul. and joining me now is an expert
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on the subject, mel va wilson. owner of a restaurant in harlem. really one of my favorite places to eat, literally anywhere, not just in new york. if you have not eat therein, i'm serious. show off this book. it's fabulous. and i love that name. and i feel like the country needs comfort. do you find that your customers now are coming to you for your delicious food, but for kind of comfort. >> totally. and enjoy being in the heart of harlem right now where justification lives, you know, kind of feel like it was born there. it's important for us to be able to sit at the table and come together through something that's known as a global common denominator, and that's food. nothing better to do it than some fried chicken collard greens. >> this is what i'm saying. the reality is think pieces that constantly get written during the holidays, how to avoid fighting each other over the
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holiday table, the hanukkah table, whatever. does food really bring people together even with the ideological polarization? >> food totally brings people together. what we're looking at right now is a crescendo in terms of political and sexual, so what food does, it allows us to sit down, have conversations, builds bonds and trusts. >> yeah, and you mentioned sexual. the restaurant industry has not been immune from the me too movement. we've heard about hollywood, the news business, it's just going sort of rocketing around the world of men, it's not unknown in this industry either. recently had a piece about ken frooeldman who was accused of sexual harpt, he's a restaurant or big restauranteur here. mario batalli, stepped away from his restaurants following sexual misconduct allegations, john besh in new orleans. it's happening now. >> it's definitely happening, unfortunately. but i'm a big member of an organization called the new york city hospitality alliance, and one of the things that we have done is we have seminars, and we
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talk about sexual prevention and we're also looking into implementing policies that deem this inappropriate behavior and teaches our employees on how to deal with this. >> how vulnerable are women in the restaurant industry? >> i think women in general are vulnerable. one of the great things is when i look at the woman's march and when i look at the me too movement, the fact that we are uniting and that we're together, there's nothing that we can't do. >> yeah. >> and we are our sister's keepers. >> amen. you've got to thing coming up where people can get some food. >> i do, i do. >> tell me quickly. >> oh my gosh, 20181 going to market tenth anniversary of my throwdown with bobby flay. totally changed my life. and it's chicken and waffles. $10, marking our tenth anniversary being on the show. january 8th. >> we are something for you guys too. we're going to show you guys these pies. if you have not had melba sweet potato pie. you haven't lived. you need to have that pie, this is delicious. is this your favorite recipe?
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>> it is, it's my grandmother's recipe. >> melba wilson, you are fabulous, it's fabulous. thank you very much. and can we do this now? can i do this now? let's do this now. we have two copies of this book, melba's american comfort. we're going to have her sign these for our two favorite tweets of the day. i believe that we have them ready. the two -- no hold's barred at a.m. joy this a.m. thank you all. the quibbler, you're getting a koich melba's book and one more, scariest a.m. joy ever. sharon williams, you are correct. it was the scariest am joy ever, you can't eat through the tv, but you can cook your own from the book. thank you very much. thank you so much. more am joy after the break.
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east 9:00 a.m. at west. there are a couple big stories we are following for you. there's a new turn in the russia probe. the president's transition team faring off a complaint about it tens of thousands of private e-mail us in the investigation. one of the questions about how special counsel robert mueller got the messages. and the new nbc news wall street journal poll shows what the gop could face heading into the midterms and it is a situation that has not happened since 2008. but we begin with the new details on the russia investigation, the white house pushing back against rumors that special counsel bob mueller's days may be numbered. the presidential transition lawyer firing off a letter to congress accusing mueller of illegally obtaining tens of thousands of transition e-mails, this from a government server. it's a claim promptly denied by mueller's spokesperson. white house official mark shore a bit earlier pushing back that the president may be plotting an end to the investigations. >> this administration is complied in every
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