tv MTP Daily MSNBC December 27, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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of thousand of people it wouldn't be coming here but doing it in china. >> alex webb covered apple for "bloomberg in news." "mtp daily" starts now. talking planned obsolescence and katy tur is the in for chuck. >> what? i felt an insult in there. >> no. >> are you saying i'm an upgrade to the 4:00 p.m.? >> exactly. so it's self-deprecating. >> i can stack my papers. can i? >> well done. i can hear it. >> on to the news. if it's wednesday, to embrace or to impeach. that is the question. good evening. i'm katy tur in new york if for which which. welcome to "mtp daily." guys when it comes to the big battles facing congress next
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year, everything will be viewed through a trump lens. whether it's daca, infrastructure, government funding, russia or -- you name it. we end 2017 with republicans warming to trump and democrats warming to the idea of his resignation -- or impeachment. republicans are heading into 2018 with most of their trump critics purged from the party or converted. take senator bob corker. called the white house an adult day-care center and wouldn't support the president's tax plan if it raised the deficit by a penny and said he was leaving the senate. then he voted for the tax plan and talked about his new-found every think for the president. or take lindsey graham. he went from calling mr. trump a kook, unfit for office to now complaining when people called president a kook, who's unfit for office. can't make this up, or take the trump love-fest, after the gop
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passed the tax bill. >> it's been a year of extraordinary accomplishment for the trump administration. >> exquisite presidential leadership. >> we would not be standing here today if it wasn't for you. >> this is one of the great privileges of my life. to stand here on the white house lawn with the president of the united states who i love and appreciate so much. >> moments ago president trump made an impromptu visit to the west palm beach fire station touting the tax bill as part of a historic first year on the job. >> we have signed more legislation than anybody, broke the record of harry truman. if we get this big tax break, because that's the legislation of all legislation. we have more legislation, including the record of harry truman. a long time ago. and we broke that record. >> we're not sure where this comes from, because he has not broken the record for signing bills in his first year. forget truman. he trails clinton, bush and
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obama in their first years. but as the president touts his agenda, there's a wave building from the other side, because if republicans have learned to stop worrying and embrace mr. trump, the evolution in the democratic party has dramatically gone the other way. much to tfrustration of its leadership. many of the party's rising stars in the senate want the president to basically self-impeach by resigning, but democratic leaders don't want to talk about the president's impeachment or his resignation. >> the left of our party is still annoyed with me for not impeaching president bush for going into iraq. what could be worse than that? it's not a place i think we should go. >> when you think about the enormous to-do list facing congress in the election year think of these three questions -- how desperate is the gop to
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stand with the president? how motivated is the democratic party to stand against him? and what do the bases want? because often in politics, if the people lead, the leaders will follow. we're going to talk with members on both sides of the aisle. joining me now is kentucky democratic congressman john yarmouth. thanks for joining us. what exactly does the party stand for in 2018? working with donald trump or impeaching donald trump? >> we don't stand for impeaching president trump. i think there are a lot of us, myself included, who believe that donald trump has committed impeachable offenses, but that doesn't mean that impeachment is a reasonable thing to pursue, particularly we're not in the majority. not going to get passed in the house. two-thirds needed in the senate. never get close if we got impeachment resolution passed. a waste of time. on the other hand, it's appropriate to talk about the fact that this man deserves to
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be impeached, and in my case, the kun thing that stands out for me, when he threatened to revoke tv licenses over questionable content -- content questionable to him. to me, that's an abuse of power that rises to an impeachable offense but doesn't mean we'll spend talking about it. >> hold on. hold on. i'm trying to follow you here. you introduced articles of impeachment then tabled them. are you saying that you need -- >> actually, i -- >> you did not? >> no. i voted to table, yes. >> yeah, but you -- >> i'm sorry. >> you also introduced them. >> right. co-sponsored it. a different resolution. >> my question. if you're co-sponsoring a resolution to introduce and also tabling them, is this trying to have your cake and eat it, too? yeah, talk about impeachment, talking about a moment ago, at the same time it's not worthwhile to try impeachment? seems they're in conflict with
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each other? >> we don't have the power to do it and don't have the votes to do it. we'll never get a resolution to the floor. take the majority back, may be a different story. >> should run on 2018 on trying to impeach the president? >> that's a tactical consideration and i think most of our leadership on the house side at least have said we don't want to rile up the republican vote. there's a huge energy advantage and our voters are telling us every day, our base is saying, go after him. impeach him. please do. >> yes. >> but, that's not going to help win back control of the house. that's a political thing. >> and -- wanting to impeach president trump. 7 in 10 democrats want to impeach donald trump. that's a lot of democratic voters. it you're looking to ride this wave, do you disagree with leadership when they say we shouldn't be running on this? >> i agree with leadership pe we
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shouldn't be running than but how we can make american lives better for the people. run on things like clean air and water and that this administration is trying to undermine that. making voting expanded, not contradicted. we oug constricted. and on a fair tax code not one that benefits the wealthiest americans, run og infrastructure. that's how you do create jobs. running on doing something about student debt. one of the greatest impediments to a dynamic economy we have right now and all things, by the way, we could have done with that $1.5 trillion worth of borrowing we're going to do because of this tax bill. >> and will you run on the idea congress can work together can have bipartisanship? can bridge the gap between the two parties and not just do this ping-pong effect we're seeing? where one party controls congress and whammed they're their legislation without support from the other side? >> it would be wonderful to have
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that kind of environment. i understand you'll have charlie dent on late here is one of those people easy to work with across lines. unfortunately, he's leaving the house. >> you have some time. you have time in the next year that leads to the next question. before 2018, is there anything you see, your party being able to work with donald trump on? any compromise you can make? >> i think infrastructure is the perfect opportunity for us to do that, and, of course, immigration reform as well. i was on the part of the gang of eight in 2013 that worked on comprehensive immigration reform. we can work on a bipartisan measure to do that, because we actually did it. there are plenty of opportunities to do that. this tax bill was bizarre, unlike the affordable care act, when we begged republicans to work with them, they wouldn't let us work on it with them. it's unfortunate. to have the sustained confidence of the american people and to build confidence in congress we
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have to do things in a bipartisan way. it can't be to the victor goes the spoils all the time. >> congressman yarmouth, thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> happy new year. >> to you, too. >> thank you. turn to pennsylvania republican congressman charlie dent. congressman, thanks so much for joining us. let's talk about the republican party. on abc "this week" you said the party, the loyalty for to president trump is the litmus test for 2018. if that is the case, do you still consider yourself a republican? >> well, absolutely. i'm a member, katy, of the lincoln wing of the republican party. the party of abraham lincoln and theodor roosevelt, dwight eisenhower, ronald reagan, the bushes. i'm a proud republican but i think the party has to basically take stock in itself right now. i am concerned that both
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political parties are taking on isolationist, protectionist at times nativist inclinations which i believe is very unhealthy and have always said, too, prior to donald trump, we had a litmus test for the republican party. those -- there were people out there, chiefs of the purity police, always trying to enforce some doctritrine ir. now that donald trump is president, not the ideology and moved to loyalty to the man. >> loyalists versus the personality? >> although, you can make the case donald trump is -- pragmatic to a fault. practically. >> is he pragmatic to a fault? is it pragmatic to go after leaders of your own party when trying to get legislation through? is it pragmatic to demonize democrats and --
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>> no. that's -- that's just -- >> difficult to work with them? >> no. going after leaders of your own party is just stupid. it's not pragmatic. but the point is, that i guess a i'm trying to make, really, right now, i've said that people will say you need to be loyal to the president. who doesn't always inspire party loyalty. face it. he's nomly republican just as bernie sanders isn't a democrat, needless though he's taken over the democratic party. the parties are re-aligning as we speak under our feet and nobody's sure how it will figure this out. >> and room going forward in the republican party? >> i don't know about that. look, we're going to have is a midterm election that will settle a lot of things. the president is still very popular among the republican base. at least recently popular among the republican base. the challenge is for a lot of
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members who represent districts like mine, i'll say swing districts or marginal districts, attaching yourself to the president is really not a smart thing to do in the mid-term election. in these swing marginal districts, in the northeast and i can find suburban districts in california, chicago, indianapolis i wouldn't either but the president will be an asset to those representing ruby red districts but those seats aren't heavily contested. that's the lay of the land. >> you said last week, last weekend, the republican party's alienating minority voters, hispanics, african-americans and alienating women voters. is there a way for the republican party to lure them back in, entice them to vote for the gop if donald trump is still at the top of the ticket? >> well, often the president's incendiary rhetoric, you know, we had the charlottesville situation. some of the comments made previously about hispanics and mexicans, obviously, very
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unhelpful and obviously there are issues with women. right now what we can do as a party is move forward aggressively on this daca issue. that would show that i think we are sincere in trying to work with many folks. that's something i -- i also happen to believe we should reauthorize the voting rights act to conform with the supreme court decision from a few years ago. things like that that we can do to show that we are a party of inclusion, not exclusion and about addition and not subtracti subtraction. i worry there are too many voices in our party. i hear that nativist isolationist protectist movement that speaks to exclusion and is very unhealthy for the appear. to be fair, i see it happening with democrats, too. >> had your party voted on daca or congress voted on daca before the recess, do you think your party would have voted it up or down? >> well, i believe we're going to vote on daca shortly in the -- early in the new year.
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>> do you think you're going to vote it up? >> oh, i believe it will pass. i believe that 300 votes to pass some kind of relief for the so-called d.r.e.a.m.ers or daca individuals, children. 300 votes for that, i believe. not a majority. the majority of republicans but one hell of a lot of republicans who will vote for that. >> i was talking to mark caputo of the trump campaign earlier today and asked whether or not there was a deep stake, or president trump believes there's a deepstate? going after the doj a lot and the fbi? mark caputo believes, yes, there's a deepstate, sorry. michael caputo. my mistakes. believes there's a deepstate and so does the president. do you believe there's a deepstate? >> no. i've never bought into that. it strikes me as a bit of a conspiracy theory. you know, everybody's got to take a deep breath.
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you just had my friend john yarmouth on talking about impeachment. i remember going through issues with george bush and dennis kucinich would have impeachment articles and democrats going with impeachment articles over the internal revenue servirs co over donald trump. everybody take a deep breath and let director mueller do his job, we should respect and support the fbi doing their job. the point is they're good professional people and i don't like all the attacks on the fbi and don't buy into the conspiracy theories out there 2345 some are advancing. we shouldn't be doing that as republicans. >> with all due respect. you're leaving. not trying to get re-elected and you're a moderate republican. how do you expect everybody to take a deep breath when the ones who say take a deep breath are leaving? >> well, you know, like i said. i've been in the arena now for
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28 years. i did 14 years in my state legislature. a tough place there and 14 years in congress. 20 years is a long time but i think i can advance many issues i believe it from a different place and intend to continue to bring voice to these issues. i'm not getting out of the game entirely here, but i've run for office 13 times. no sane person should run for office more than 13 times, but it seems like the right time on a professional and personal level. >> where are you going? >> a good question. talking to a number of folks. and i continue to just -- feel it out. all i can say, there's a lot of opportunity out there. in this world. and a lot of people talk to me, and there's plenty of opportunities saulis all i can you. nothing definitive, when i do i'll let you know. >> congressman carole dent, thank you. happy new year. coming up, dramatic revolutions about sexual harassment in the department of
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justice. is the government handling the cases properly? and here's your "mtp daily" weather update. snowed in erie, pennsylvania snowed a lot. pummeled by more than five feet of lake-effect snow shattering the record. it's not over. forecasters say another five to ten inches are expected by tonight. back in a moment. -oh! -very nice. now i'm turning into my dad. i text in full sentences. i refer to every child as chief. this hat was free. what am i supposed to do, not wear it? next thing you know, i'm telling strangers defense wins championships. -well, it does. -right? why is the door open? are we trying to air condition the whole neighborhood?
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