tv MTP Daily MSNBC January 18, 2018 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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to answer it. according to a gallop pole under trump, global approval of america hits an all-time low. this wasn't this low at the height of the iraq war. how do we deal with this. >> before he was inaugurated it confirms every prejudice people around the world have about america. trump in his person does. >> you think that is a campaign issue, just to tie it altogether. >> i don't think it is a campaign issue but it is an issue for the next ten years. >> it is an america issue. my thanks to you for taking my abuse. that does it for the hour. "mtp daily" starts right now. >> hi, nicolle. >> i'm sorry i'm late. i'm always late. >> i had to -- i read more glenn simpson testimony. that reads like a spy novel. >> go do it now. >> if it is thursday, the art of the deal president is making deal-making look very, very
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complicated. >> tonight, is president trump trying to shut down the government? does he want a deal? does he even know what he wants? >> it could happen. we'll see what happens. it is up to the democrats. >> plus the partisan blame game kicks into a predictable higher gear. >> democrats refuse to cooperate. >> republicans are dilly dallying. taking their good old time. >> and is chief of staff john kelly on the outs for calling the president uninformed. >> no, he didn't say that. i don't think he said it the way you would like him to say it. he didn't say that. >> got that? this is "mtp daily" and it starts right now. good evening, i'm chuck todd here in washington, trying to cover our government. but it can't quite govern. less than 31 hours away from a
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government shutdown. the -- house has been debating after the president threw a giant wrench into the negotiations and deal-makers on capitol hill were unsure of what the president wants or if he understands what is in the short-term deal. and now senate democrats are suggesting they have the votes to kill it any way. folks, here is how president trump set off a chain reaction on capitol hill. one, it all began with a tweet that was intent on blowing up his own party deal as it dangled on the brink of failure. why? because it continues an extension of c.h.i.p. this is what he said. c.h.i.p. should be part of a long-term solution. not a 30-day or short-term extension. excelle -- exclamation point. and then his own party is scrambling to figure out what went on. two, it suggested to some republican leaders that the president did not know what was in the deal they would be told he would sign. >> i don't know whether -- it is
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clear to the president what we're trying to do is reauthorize c.h.i.p. long-term and not just for 30 days. i would understand his concern about doing it just 30 days but it is -- we're trying to do a long-term extension because states like mine and children and health in every state is -- depends on that program. >> three, his tweet suggested to some republicans the president was going rogue and might want to kill the deal. >> when you look at tweets like that, though, do you feel like you have a partner in negotiations? >> i feel like that -- tuesday trump was a great partner. i want that guy back. >> that is two tuesdays. tuesday trump is the nickname senator given to the version of trump, the one trump he dealt with that he thinks is a reliab reliable negotiator, the day that he almost agreed to a daca compromise. four, other republican leaders had to go out publicly and insist the president did know what was in the deal and he wasn't going rogue or trying to
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kill it. >> i didn't see what he wrote. but i've spoken with the president and he fully supports passing what we're bringing to the floor today. we figured out on a bipartisan basis how to renew and extend the c.h.i.p. program. >> does the president understand. >> he does understand c.h.i.p. >> five, it prompted the white house to once again -- when i say white house, not the president -- to suggest they don't take the president personally too seriously. even when he dumped on a must-pass spending bill on a brink of a government shutdown. the president supports the continuing resolution introduced in the house. and six, the c.h.i.p. induced-chaos infuriated democratic leaders who were looking for reasons to be outraou outraged and they were handed one on a silver platter. >> this is like giving you a bowl of doggy doo and put a cherry on top and call it a
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chocolate sundae. this is nothing. it is almost like an amateur hour. >> that is a visual none of us want to have right before dinnertime. and here we are with republicans an sure if their own conference will support this deal to prevent a government shutdown, democrats have even less of an in senttiv -- incentive and the president is making it worse. but they all agree a government shutdown won't be their fault. >> the budget should be handled a lot different than it has been handled over the last long period of time. >> i believe the democrats want to shut down to get off the subject of the tax cuts because they worked so well. >> if the democrats want to shut the government down or deny funding for rain shower troops or stop c.h.i.p. funding for unrelated issues, that is a choice they would make. i don't think it is a good choice for them to make but that is their decision to make. >> this is a first time in recent memory that any party has dominated by having the majority in the house and the senate and
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the president in the white house where there has been a government shutdown. >> and the government isn't the only thing on the brink. there are signs that the chief of staff john kelly's own job might be on the line. we'll get to that later in the broadcast. but we begin with a scramble to avoid a government shutdown tomorrow night. let's go to capitol hill. kasie hunt, you saw her in the clips trying to figure this out. and the last thing people heard, paul ryan railing about senate democrats, they are going to shut down the government. but it is the house freedom caucus that appears to be the difference between the house passing and not passing their own bill. casey, what is noigoing on? >> and i just spoke briefly with congressman mark meadows from the chairman of the freedom caucus and he said he just got off the phone with the president on air force one trying to convince him and others to get on board. he said they are talking back and forth with the speaker's office to adjust this to let them vote for it because the
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reality is if the republicans seek this in the house they can with their own party unlike senate could pass this and if the freedom caucus is the reason this goes down that makes them look as though they need to take more of the blame for the shutdown. the president clearly doesn't want that. but, chuck, the big problem for this bill is in the senate. and chuck schumer and democrats appear to have the votes and are broadcasting that pretty openly. they're base progressives want them to do this and take a public stand against president trump. they are united. there is only a handful of red state democrats and their party certainly not as strong as it used to be in rural areas and instead winning the day are the progressives who say we don't care. we want you to shut this down. >> i guess i hear you there. but it seems like the house is a bigger stumbling block right now. up until about an hour ago, it did look like this was going to be a bigger issue for the senate but what is meadows going to
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extract and what could he get that will somehow make it easier for the senate to pass? >> reporter: well i don't think there is anything that he could get that would make it easier for the senate to pass. i think the problem here -- and this is part of why i understand why you are focused on the house and the fact that we could stop having the conversation about the senate if it goes down tonight, the speaker has been pretty confident about it so far. they have been broadcasting that in a way that -- that has been remarkable and unusual. >> but as you and i both know, how often is leadership and confident and seeing the freedom caucus pull the rug out from under them. a lot. >> reporter: that is true -- it hasn't happened at much with speaker ryan and typically when -- -- >> touchay. >> and this was aimed at defense hawks and people concerned about that. there are some rank and file people who vote for the speaker who are just really up in arms about the continuing c.r. it is a separate issue than what
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we've been talking about with the d.r.e.a.m.ers and other things long those lines. so you are right, things could go sideways on the house floor. but i think that the president and the speaker is counting on the president's influence with mr. meadows and others who support him to try and get this through the house. so in some ways, actually now that i'm sort of talking through this with you, kind of live, the one thing that has been raised is potentially doing a three or a five-day c.r. to give them more time to do the negotiations. if were it to fail in the house, they would try plan b. and avoid a government shutdown and pass to the senate but we're clearly in extrapolation territory. >> we are in the plan c. and d. categories. go figure out what the heck plan c. is right now and we'll have you back to talk about plan d. joining me now, mike rounds of south dakota. i'm guessing he is opposing the
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must-pass spending deal. but it might not get to the soint -- the senate and you are learning information as kasie hunt is reporting it. but are we at the brink today because president trump's tweet this morning? did it sort of get more chaotic because of the c.h.i.p. tweet this morning? >> i don't think so. i think the biggerish ru-- the bigger issues is they have an interest in doing the immediate daca deal. and there are a number of republicans in the senate that are convinced we have to send a message about how bad c.r.'s are in terms of long-term funding. we did -- we've had four and four months now, there is a number of us still trying to get to a -- a yes vote. i'm concerned about the defense spending. i also recognize that we have to democrats on board with us in order to get to 60 votes. and so in this discussion hopefully some of the hawks on the democrat sides well, if
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withwit -- if we could get something for defense, i think those folks might join us. but at this stage of the game, i don't know that we have the votes in the senate. i'm one of the people. >> you're a no. >> i'm not there right now. >> are you a no on the whole thing, you won't let it come to the floor or a no i'll let it come to the floor. >> we'll see what comes over from the house if it gets here to begin with. but i've told leadership, number one, this is not a case of where any of us want to shut government down. we still have another full day before anything like that would happen. what we want to do is make sure we have done everything we can to help those folks on the front lines and give them assurances that we care about whether or not they are actually getting the funding that is necessary to take care of their needs. at the same time, we know that that means that it is republicans and democrats both in agreement that we've got a way to move forward. >> all right. let's say in this fantasy world
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that you guys do get a month. explain to me why this gets easier in a month? we'll be that much closer to the daca deal totally expiring. -- >> you are asking my -- asking my question. >> i know. explain to me how -- you have debt ceiling that you are going to need to raise again in march. so now you are -- now you have government funding running and daca all of it running together and that is supposed to be easier than the chaos you are dealing with now. >> and you have one more thing. you no longer have c.h.i.p. as a bargaining point. >> or the defense spending. or perhaps defense spending as a bargaining chip. >> under the current proposal, c.h.i.p. is off the table because it is extended for a period of six years. and so then what is the next bargaining chip that brings democrats to the table. so that is one of the questions i think that a number of us have raised. we understand the need to keep government open. we also understand that doing one continuing resolution after another, nobody really wants. and this is going on for 44
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years. now here we are once again four times in 44 years this process has worked. what we really want to do is bring to a head the fact it is not working for republicans or democrats and that at some stage of the game we have to recognize and make a deal that both majority and minority can stand up and say this is a better solution to a funding for the government than what we've been doing since 1974. >> look, you're a former governor. you intuitively have had a deal with -- with budgets and so many of the senators haven't. do you think your fellow senators, particularly republicans, do they realize that you are handing democrats more leverage if you extend just one more month? let's just -- break it down in crass politics, when you throw in debt ceiling which republicans have never been able to raise on their own, you are handing the democrats more leverage. so whatever daca deal you don't like today, doesn't it get worse in a month? >> i guess that is the way that i've looked at it. >> okay.
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i thought we were on the same page on this -- >> look. this is a case where -- i know we have disagreements, republicans and democrats alike. but look, the reality is republicans want to do a daca deal. but they also want border security and actually president trump does as well. and i don't think we're that far -- off. and leader mcconnell said this and he is correct, this is not an emergency to be done in two days. i agree with him on that. but if we are talking about a continuing resolution there has to be some format that says we are getting closer to a final solution on the budget between now and october. and if we don't get to that stage of the game, how can we go back to the home state and say we're getting our job done. if we did this in pier, south dakota, the people would throw us out on our here. >> and the five-day c.r. thing that i smell is coming because nobody wants to be the one to shut it down. that will fly through both houses if it is just a five-day
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deal? >> i think it probably would. i've talked to a number of my colleagues who said that while they would not vote for a 30-day or a continuation until february 26 n 26, if we could do something before the state of the union and get this behind us, that is a positive and i don't know whether we could do the entire daca deal but let's talk about -- since we want to do and get the border security completed, i need h 2 b visas and that is important for the tourism time of the year, i think there is an opportunity. but if we continue to kick the can down the road, we won't get it resolved. >> fair enough, senator. and what new information everybody needs on daca. everybody knows what is on the table and just has to grin and bear it at some point. >> there were a number of areas that i think we could bring the president on board. there is right, there needs to be more border security and do better job on restricting who is eligible for daca. but that along with h-2 b which
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us care about, that brings a lot of people to the table. >> senator rounds, i appreciate your doing this in realtime because we are all learning information in realtime. it is one of those days. thank you. >> thank you, sir. up ahead, the president did not like what chief of staff john kelly was quoted as having said on tv about his immigration plan. could it be a sign of a bigger problem inside of that west wing? we'll be right back. i didn't know where i was from ethnically. so we sent that sample off to ancestry. my ancestry dna results are that i am 26% nigerian. i am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. i put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. because it's a hat, but it's like the most important hat i've ever owned. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at
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welcome back. president trump was in western pennsylvania this afternoon. sorry, a little groundhog day. it was billed as a trip to talk about the economy but he just happened to be in a place where there is a special election and happened to throw his arm around the candidate in that special election. >> the person that people are hearing more and more about, a real friend and a spectacular man, rick saccone.
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[ cheering and applause ] that little thing may have cost the rnc a few dollars because on paper this trip was to sell administration policy and the tax plan to be paid for by taxpayers who play for official business not the rnc who pays for a political trip but it is hard to make the case after the president tweeted, going to pennsylvania to give my total support to rick saccone. so the white house wanted this to be a white house trip not a political trip. as we told you yesterday, the president campaigning in a special congressional election in this tough environment doesn't look like a in -- a no one situation. and if they win they hold on to a seat in a trump country and if they lose with the trump's appearance in the district, will show no republican is safe even in trump country. that is the risk here. we'll be back after this. okay folks!
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staff john kelly, is his job in jeopardy? the president and his top aide do not seem to be on the same page. washington post reported that kelly told democratic lawmakers on the hill that some of his boss's hard-line immigration policies were, quote, uninformed and that u.s. would never construct awall along the entire southern border and mexico will never pay for it and this morning the president appeared to vept his anger on twitter when he read the whole thing. saying, quote, the wall is the wall. it is never changed or evolved from the first day i conceived of it. he also then went around to discuss the fact that it wasn't going to be a continuous wall which is something he never discussed on the campaign trail but we'll leave that aside. into the event in pennsylvania, he had this to say about john kelly. >> i think general kelly has done a really great job. he is a very special guy. >> [ inaudible question ]. >> the what? >> [ inaudible question ]. >> he didn't say that. well i don't think -- he didn't say it the way you would like him to say it. he didn't say that.
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>> they must have made up. all is good between these two. the panel, shane harris is a national security correspondent for the post and daniel hisay and brad todd a republican strategist and ad maker. shane let's start with the basic news. i'll get to kelly in a minute. it is weird that the president's not in washington when this is happening. maybe he likes that. it looks like a mess of congress. but the president sort of created more -- it was already a chaotic process and he added more to it. >> republicans might be glad he's not in washington today too. he's done enough for this morning. this happened a few -- recently with the surveillance bill where the president came out and tweeted a position that was opposed to the one that the white house stated before. this is a pattern now it seems where he's coming out and expressing a view that is totally blowing up the strategy the republicans had in mind and just ensuing more chaos into the mix. he was bad enough and you could see from your interview with
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senator rounds, both sides have an incentive to avoid a shut down but the president is not helping so maybe they are glad he's staying out of it for the afternoon any way. >> the democrat base, do they think shut down is a good thing and that sells -- that independent voters won't punish democrats for this. >> i don't think they will punish democrats because they control the house -- >> independents won't. >> republicans control the white house and senate and white house and i cannot say that enough. and as was said earlier, i don't think ever before has a party controlled all three branches and been a shut down. jeb bush said trump would be a kay ott president and here we are and he is a chaos party and the republican party is a chaos party and they can't get together and polling has showed if we do have a shutdown they are blaming the republicans and that is who they should blame. >> in 2013, the worst week of the campaign cycle was when ted ted cruz and republicans shed
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down the government. they thought it would make the base happy and bring the majority to its knees. they were wrong. i would give advice -- >> i don't know about that. you are revising history. you are revising history. the reason you guys got rescued from the shut down is there was a thing called didn't work and without health care, we don't know -- i think we do now, debacle saved republicans from getting blamed for the shut down. >> we got blamed for it. i remember the polling. >> and how important was shutting down -- >> and obamacare as a whole -- >> but that stepped on the shutdown. >> it was a failed tactic. the question is -- there are ten democrats who have very difficult races this year and republicans states that trump won. do they want to be on the hook for shutting the government down? it will be democrats. 50 republican senators ready to vote and ready -- >> we're up to -- the number -- >> give it time. >> we're not there yet. >> give it final.
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there will be up to the democrats to shut it it down or keep this open. >> i think we're going to get the five-day deal. that feels like this is where it is headed. they realize the 30 days -- there is too many constituents and too many people -- >> and you mentioned claire mccaskill in missouri, it is not in her interest -- >> you mentioned that -- >> but the democrats could lose them. and is my math off. >> where is claire mccaskill is she leading a effort for bipartisan deal. >> there was a bipartisan deal to be had. it is the republicans and trump who are not coming to the table and being pro-equal governing partners. >> she doesn't have nine of her democrat friends ready to cut a deal. >> what is five days going to fix? what is going to change in five days. it feels like the cake is baked here. and i don't know why five days will have everyone coming together. >> what changes in 30 days? that is what i don't understand. what changes in 30 days other than the democrats have more
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leverage because of the debt ceiling. >> i think that the question is, how close are they and when -- there are a lot of conversations going on. several different groups of senators trying to work out. how close are they. some feel they are closer than others do. if the ones that feel like they are close are right, five days you could get it done. also 30 days gets us closer to the election. claire mccaskill and john mansion and joe donnelly and jon tester, they need a deal as bad as donald trump and mitch mcconnell. >> and if this goes february 28 and government funding, debt ceiling, daca. it just feels as if that debt ceiling thing becomes a big hanging meatball. >> i don't see how it is better for republicans to wait 30 days. i don't. it is not in their interest. >> the democrats are the incumbents on the ballot in the senate and the house. >> it is control of the government. >> talking about john kelly here, there is one thing to have trump and john kelly at odds on
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this. this is not the first time that the president has been upset at something c-- john kelly said. but the political shop is under fire, is that fair to say and the big complaint is that john kelly doesn't understand politics and if you have a chief of staff that doesn't understand politics you can't run the white house in an election year. what do you say. >>? he has the toughest job in the job besides being quarterback of the redskins and i think this president came to washington vowing to do things differently. guess what, it is going to look different. it is going to look different. and he also challenged republican party the entire time of his nomination. so that means it won't always be in sync with capitol hill. and people who voted for him like that. they knew this would be ugly at times. and so i think that is how you have to look at john kelly and his job. >> i do feel like we're at that six-month mark. so who knows and we know that -- it does seem -- he got worn out
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by the campaign managers at about six months. >> that could be what is going on. >> but in the comment where he is saying, no he didn't call me uninformed. the president wanted to not make too much of this rift because he knows he needs john kelly and a disaster with another white house chief of staff. and i question whether kelly has political acumen. but he does have certain -- policy instinct and he was in charge of southern command and worked with the souther border security and cares about which is why you seeing him lean ford on the comments and shape what the president's policy ought to be. >> it is january 16th. it is my understanding -- i had people in december telling me that -- and this is the first time we've seen the president stump on the tax bill and i was told that is is how he's going to see january and i haven't seen it. i was told in missouri and north dakota -- >> i'm not surprised.
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that is what i would have done if i was president. but again he's a chaos president and he gets easily detracted by wh what he sees on fox and friends and tweets and other things happening in his orbit. >> why hasn't he done a tour of the red states touting -- in the i was told this was an idea floating around that -- >> well either he tours too much or too little. he can't seem to make the washington press corp happy with his travels. >> this is isn't a washington press corp issue. >> you will see him in year in the states where democrats didn't cut the classes for middle class americans. ten states where they failed to help cut taxes, you'll see them in those states and -- >> and that is because they didn't really cut taxes for the middle class. >> you are having fun. >> always. >> you do it with a smile. shane will go get an umbrella. the art of the deal, what is the democrat's bottom line to keep the government running. is it daca or bust? we'll talk to the democratic
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minority leader in the house, steny hoyer, does he have any votes to give to paul ryan to help him out? he'll join us next. i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... me. my symptoms were keeping me from being there. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them.
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welcome back. we're following the constantly moving developments on capitol hill as our nation is careening toward a government shutdown tomorrow night, basically it is a quarterly event these days. leaders on both sides of the aisle have been talking trying to figure out how to avoid this all day. joining me the number two democrat in the house, whip steny hoyer. he's in all sorts of gangs on various things. so -- and i know you are
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involved in a lot of these back channel negotiations. let me start with the basics here. are you going to help republicans pass their continuing resolution? are you going to help with votes for them on this or not? >> no. we're not, chuck. we've been kicking the can down the road too often. in september all 183 democrats that voted, voted to extend for 90 days the government funding. so that we could negotiate and reach agreements. that time was wasted. we didn't get there. i agree with mark meadows who said all this does is kick the can down the road one more time. so the republicans are in charge. they have the majority, they have enough votes if they want to simply not agree, have agreements with us, they could move on their own. and that is what they've chosen to do. >> is there any scenario where you'll help republicans do this? the five-day shut down scenario if they needed votes?
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>> look, we're -- we're in the place with we have been asking for 120 days to get agreement, to get agreement on the caps so we know how much money we're going to spend in 2018. we're a third of the way into 2018. we still don't know what the expenditure level will be. we want to see the c.h.i.p. bill pass with other health care extenders as well, including the community health centers and they need to be considered as a whole. and we want to see disaster relieve pass. that is not in there. is there a way? yes, to sit down and reach agreements. compromise. but paul ryan has all this year decided to go his own way in a partisan way and, fine, nothing we can do about that, but if you are going to do that, do it with your votes. >> what are you going to tell your constituents, many of whom are federal government workers, you have a district not far from the nation assist capitol -- >> i have a lot of federal
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workers. >> so 30 days, what -- what is wrong with waiting another 30 days? i could argue politically, congressman, that democrats have more leverage in 30 days. the debt ceiling, daca's expiration is suddenly closer, and the burden suddenly -- and we know republicans can't raise the debt ceiling on their own. >> i'm not going to vote against raising the debt ceiling. raising the debt ceiling has -- or not raising it has extra order nary -- extraordinary consequences. the republicans have voted against that on a regular basis. and i have no intention of voting against that. but i want to responsibly move forward. frankly, you say well -- you could be better able to get agreement. we've been asking for agreements and the agreement we've asked for is the one that ryan entered into for the last four years and that is equal increases in spending for domestic and defense spending.
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that is what he put forward. that is what he greed to with senator murray. that is all we're asking for. if he does that, maybe we could move forward. if he gives us some ability to make sure the d.r.e.a.m.ers are safe, maybe we can move forward. if he does something on the health care side, with c.h.i.p. and the community health centers, maybe we could move forward. but there is no movement on those for 120 days. what makes us think that another 16, 20 days is going to make a difference. frankly, we haven't seen the light at the end of the tunnel. >> it is my understanding you were in the meeting with the congressional hispanic caucus and chief of taf john kelly. >> i was. >> give me your version of events. there seems to be the president says that john kelly's words aren't what it was reported. what can you -- what can you tell us about what happened in that meeting? >> well i think the president was wrong in terms of john
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kelly's words. i think they were reported accurately. the president is -- inclined to deny words that he says, much less what anybody else said, minutes after they are said. so that i think that is simply not credible. i think general kelly came into the meeting and i thought it was a positive to ask to meet with the hispanic caucus, go through the border security and have -- and hear from the hispanic caucus how important it was to do what 86% of america thinks we ought to do and that is make sure the d.r.e.a.m.ers stay in the only country that they really know, america. >> is it -- >> i think that was positive. >> there is another specific in there. according to the washington examiner, apparently kelly also told you guys in that meeting that he's willing to sign a deal that doesn't include the family migration issue, that basically punts the so-called chain
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migration debate to later. did you hear that? >> i don't know that -- i don't want to say that because i don't remember him saying that specifically. i don't think that is accurate. it made clear to him, however, that family reunification was an important american principle and that it was not to be negotiated away. >> and what was his reaction to that? was that something he was -- >> he didn't have much of a reaction other than to say, we think that is an issue to be discussed. >> you are in this group of number twos. kevin mccarthy, dick durbin, john cornyn. >> correct. >> let me ask you this. why not -- if the president wants funding for 700 miles more fence in exchange for daca, why -- how is that not like a doable deal? just straight up. >> look, we don't think the wall works. we don't think it is a good economic investment and as a matter of fact, general kelly did, in fact, make comments on
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that. where he said it may not be the wall that makes us security. it may be some other things. but he clearly made it -- made it clear the president was not talking about 2,000 miles of wall, talking maybe 700 miles of wall. the response to that of course is let's get a study from the department of homeland security and experts as to what is, in fact, needed. i think we certainly could agree to that. that would be i think a positive way forward. so that -- the wall -- >> it is probably not -- >> we don't think -- >> it may not be. but then maybe it is too much for us and as you pointed out, the legislative process is compromised. so we may have to take something and he may have to take something. now the one thing, chuck, i want to make a point is, i was also at the white house meeting with the president in my view 24 members of the congress -- well 25 members of congress said we want to take care of the daca protected individuals.
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25. there was no nobody that said no to that. so that is not a question of a deal. that is a question that the president agreed to that and everybody in the room agreed to it. let's agree to it. and put it on paper and pass it and make it happen. >> well, i think lindsey graham is looking for tuesday trump just like you are. congressman steny hoyer. thank you, sir. i know you will go back to more meetings. let us know what happens. up ahead, what happens when two billionaires play musical chairs at the governor's mansion. to fight back. my doctor and i came up with a plan. it includes preservision. only preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd backed by 15 years of clinical studies. that's why i fight. because it's my vision. preservision.
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welcome back. i'm obsessed with one of the rema remarkable things in politics. so let me set the stage. republican bruce rauner is the governor of illinois and he wants to stay governor. he is a billionaire so that helps him. pritzker wants to be the governor. he is a billionaire too. that helps him. now republican billionaire rounder doesn't want to face pritzker who has to survive a primary. so what does rauner do, gets involved in the primary, buying 11 minutes of air time across the state. why? he wants to air parts of a fbi wiretap of pritzker talking about a possible job with former democratic governor rod blogoyavich. he wound up in prison just like
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three of the previous six illinois governors. it is an illinois tradition. here is part of the fbi tape in a recent one-minute ad that the republican billionaire rauner is running. >> there is an a.p. i could apoint. >> you are doing the right thing for the people. >> are you a lawyer? >> there is an a.p. i appoint. >> there you go. >> don't rule that one out. >> okay. >> now all of the stuff is circumstantial. we already know what happened to blago. and now he is not the first politician to meddle. mccaskill 2012, and gray 2002 but 11 minutes is a lot of air time. clearly republican billionaire rauner would like to see democratic billionaire pritzker go down in march to face a -- i guess more modest opposition in the general election, might be just some multi-millionaire named kennedy. we'll be right back.
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time for the lid. let me put up some math here, you're going to have to find 11 democrats. senator mccain is not going to be here. senator graham is a no. sounds like rounds is a no. paul and lee, we know they're nos on cr. who are the 14 democrats? even if all 10 red state democrats go, who are the other four, danielle? >> that's a good question. i mean that's a good question, i don't have the answer to that. >> if claire mccaskell votes to keep the government open but four other democrats don't, do you think you could make hay out of that? >> she's supposed to lead the democrats, it's time to lead. >> it looks very tough in the freedom caucus, but in the senate, the math is much, much
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harder. even hearing from steny hoyer, the prediction is dangerous, but you're not seeing people putting on the brakes like you might when you're this close to the deadline. >> there is a bipartisan deal on all of these issues, it's out there to be had. >> but it's different pockets. i think there is a bipartisan deal on daca that doesn't match up with the bipartisan deal on chips, which doesn't match up with the bipartisan deal on cap. >> it has to be a bipartisan deal that unites most of the majority. that's life in the minority. that's just the way it works. >> in the house, they've gotten used to that, the senate is a different story. >> don't you think this is a bet that the democrats -- it's basic wagering at this point, you want to do the five-day thing, it's
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basically a parachute. >> it will blow back, and they'll be more able to negotiate when they see the national parks being shut down. >> they have always been in the opposite position. they have forgotten they're now in the idiot position. they have to keep the government open. >> that's not accurate and that's not true. when the republicans did it, they were the majority in congress. and they're still the majority in congress. as much as you might try, you're never going to pin this on democrats. >> it's controlled by one party. >> it not controlled by the republican party, it's going to take 10 democrats to agree. >> i am curious about the president going to pennsylvania. i don't get it. i have made it clear, i just think politically, it seems like a bad use of the president's time. to give you a taste of how the democrats are trying to run in
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pennsylvania, here's. >> the governor is going to congress, he's fed up with gridlock, connor lamb will work with anyone to get the job done. >> what's interesting is i have been hearing you in my head when i watched that ad the first time, and that's why he's called for a friendship on the republican side or the democratic side. it's not easy to run for -- >> he also fires a semi-automatic rifle in that ad, i can't see the democrats renouncing him if he were a republican in that manner. >> but this, i throw this back at you, daniela, which is he's saying doug jones is a guy who's not going to shut down the government, there's a whole bunch of voters who are tired of the gridlock, don't you want to
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be part of the party that prevents gridlock. >> in it blows back on the republicans, and i think that's a really great ad. >> the president going to pennsylvania, is it worth his time? >> it seems impulsive, it seems spur of the moment. now who's going to pay for that trip? it's like the tweets, he tweets as though no one is going to tell him what to do. is it a good use of his time? probably not. >> i think the president has an emotional attachment to pennsylvania. everybody said he wasn't going to win pennsylvania and it ended up he did. by the i what, we got to show you this one. prince william gives his hair a royal sendoff. right after this.
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in case you missed it, the royal family's heir apparent is making his hair less apparent. check out prince william at a reception today in london. the duke of cambridge has taken a little extra off the top and is now sporting something of a buzz cut. it's been a journey for the teenager, those were heavy days, but years and genetics would take their toll, over time, the prince and the top of his head had a bit of a falling out. but you know what? i think the duke's new do looks good.
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i think white house correspondent jeff mason would agree and i'm sure it would pass muster if the duchess didn't approve. if the prince can afford to go bald, maybe there's hope for the rest of us. that's all for tonight. maybe i shouldn't be so scared of that. ari? >> for now, chuck, for now. thank you, chuck todd, we have several developing stories tonight including why authorities are probing did russia help donald trump win the election. and the exclusive aid to paul manafort who says he could go to jail all because of his desperate need for relevance, we'll get an inside account. but we begin with these stories in washington right now. we are now entering the eve of the deadline for a government shutdown. although it seemed unlikely after last
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