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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  February 7, 2018 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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thanks to the panel. that does it for the hour. i'm nicolle wallace, "mtp daily" starts right now with a breaking news news story. >> don't we love the 4:00 and 5:00 hour. >> you used to get them all. i rage tweet but now we get a few crumbs. >> the sweet spot is 4:30. because we want you to have half of it. >> thank you. >> if it is wednesday, nancy pelosi is making history. >> tonight the pelosi factor. >> the speaker, i thank you for your courtesy, i'm not finished yet. >> will nancy pelosi filibuster strengthen her hand with democrats and improve republican plans to make her their mid term foil. plus -- rex tillerson dire warning about russian meddling. >> it is difficult to preempt t it. >> and finally, marching madness. >> don't see a military parade
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in the vernacular of the old soviet union if that is what you mean. >> reining in the president's military parade with a nod to richard nixon. this is "mtp daily" and it starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> good evening. i'm chuck todd here in washington and welcome to a busy "mtp daily." you're looking live at the house floor. where the house democrat leader nancy pelosi has been speaking for nearly seven hours straight. she's trying to force speaker ryan into committing to vote an on immigration bill. she's not asking for passage, just for commitment to -- for a vote on an immigration bill and as far as we could tell, this is longest house speech in more than 170 years. don't call it a filibuster. that isn't what it is. but she could speak for as long as she wants. those are the privileges for one of the two party leaders. and we haven't seen much from
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the democratic party messaging around today. which is odd. there is little to no press release from other house democrats cheering her on. there haven't been any press releases from the dnc. we haven't noticed any big hashtag. despite her marathon performance, it just doesn't seem like it is a major priority for her party today. which is strange. it is an impressive idea, just poorly amplified. nancy pelosi's show of defiance as they gear up to make the midterms about nancy pelosi. the campaign arm for the house gop was cheering her on today. the party has made it very clear, they think they're best shot at holding the house is to somehow tattoo the words nancy pelosi to the foreheads of every single democratic nominee running for congress. case in point, republicans are out with these ads to avoid an upset loss in the next month special election in pennsylvania, trump country. and there is plenty of pelosi in
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these ads. take a listen. >> nancy pelosi is calling your tax cuts crumbs. and pathetic. connor lam sounds just like her. they're even using the same crummy words. >> a $2,900 middle class tax cut for our community and now businesses are bringing workers raises and bonuses an creating job but nancy pelosi and connor lamb are still opposing your tax cut. >> the ads tell you about the lengths the gop will go to use her as their boogie man or boogie woman because those ads make it seem like connor lamb is supporting nancy pelosi as democratic leader when he is not supporting her as democratic leader. the ads are very careful. if you've seen, now you know why they are so careful. folks, control of congress this year is largely going to be a contest between two boogie men. president trump, and nancy pelosi. democrats are going to tag their opponents to the president. and they may not even need help from it. the background noise for the gop is president trump.
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but republicans will tag their opponents to pelosi. and republicans are stuck with their guy but democrats aren't. there have been called -- calls for a shake-up but pelosi has consistent consistently held them off or quieted them now and she's sending a message, she's not going anywhere and she wants to show she does have fight in her, especially for hispanics and she wants a vote on immigration. >> we really, again, are in a position to do something and we feel helpless, that is what the hard part is, helpless if our speaker -- of the whole house, will not give this dignity to this house of representatives to be able to take a vote on a subject of broad debate in the country, but we can't debate a bill on the floor of the house.
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>> helpless is an interesting and frankly appropriate word for the democrat on this immigration issue because pelosi and top democrats are looking for leverage on a deal to protect daca recipients. they tried to hitch it to the short-term budget last month so they tried to shut down the government and that didn't work and now it is a long term budget deal and it is hard to see how the strategy works, if the party is not united. democrats are paralyzed about what to do about pelosi and daca. congressman guiterrez, congresswoman pelosi has been doing this all day. what do you make of it? >> good for her. i'm happy she's stepping up. i hope now she keeps the fight going. speeches are great. they're good. they're important. and i'm thankful for the speech. but more important is to maintain your principle,
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maintain your political principle. listen, chuck, when that budget deal comes over from the senate, the only way it will pass the house of representatives is with substantial democratic support. and i hope -- i hear nancy pelosi as vigorously opposing democrats colluding with republicans to deport dreamers. because if democrats join with republicans on this deal, and lift the caps, what you will have is a collusion with donald trump to deport dreamers and i hope that does not happen. >> that is some strong language, congressman. so you are basically saying the senate democrats here -- and frankly the house democratic leadership was in on this deal. so you think this entire agreement that accepts the idea that daca is not a part of it, is a -- you're accusing democrats ever colluding. >> it is very clearly collusion with donald trump which will lead to the deportation.
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look, chuck i want to be clear, i was in a room not less than a week ago with nancy pelosi in which she stated to me and other members of the hispanic congressional caucus that these -- this budget deal that we are now talking about would be a matter in which she would insist that we get a vote. so it is not enough -- it's nice, it's cute even to say i want to vote on a dream bill or something from the dreamers but at the same time we're going to lift the caps and gave away all of your leverage. no. we have always insisted that one thing be tied to the other. once you separate them, i'm sure there are ample support for lifting them and the dreamers -- what do they get out of this? absolutely nothing. >> well, but haven't democrats thrown away the leverage. the shutdown gamut -- we don't
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know if it would have worked better this time had they not done it -- i think it is pretty obvious it was -- the timing never made sense to me last time. but they did it. >> sure. >> what do you do now? >> so here is what we did. we met with leader pelosi, members of the hispanic -- here is the purpose of the meeting. the purpose of the meeting is show us the way forward. now that democrats abdicated their responsibility to the dreamer community by folding in the senate and approving reopening the government, what is the way forward? she said it was the caps. and i said, great. sounds like a good way forward. is it? or is it not? here is what i would say to you, chuck. democrats are very good at spanish. one word. manna. tomorrow. every time it comes to immigration policy and i could sit down with you and we could sit down for half an hour and i'll give you ample examples at where the democratic party they talk a great game, they talk
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about how they're for immigrants but when it counts and when it matters, they put the party before their principles and in terms of immigrant community and republicans -- let's jut say nunca. never ever. >> do you think -- >> so how do you get people to have progress for our dream community? >> you seem obviously on one hand you're supportive of what nancy pelosi is trying to do, but do you think this is for show or something? you don't -- do you believe she's doing this to try to make up for giving in on the caps issue? >> well, look, here is what -- let me just reiterate this. here is my hope. that the same nancy pelosi that we have heard give this impassioned speech, filibuster, commentary on our dreamers and our immigration policy, i hope that is the same one that stands up at the democratic caucus
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tomorrow and said no to the democratic deal. if she does it, if she merely says i'm going to vote against it, and allows the democratic party and doesn't use the democratic party caucus for -- forcing which she could prevail to stop this deal, then it was a nice gesture but in the end the dream community is going to end on march 5th. they're work permits will go and the deportations will begin. >> you do have -- there is some -- if you can't convince party leaders and one could argue that dick durbin and chuck schumer may be your bigger impediments here -- >> look. >> what do you say to your -- to your home state senator who is trying to be the guy on this. >> here is what i'm saying. we have to stand up for our dream community. i'm a member of the house of representatives, chuck. i sat down with one person and that was nancy pelosi, less than a week ago and i remember what happened at that meeting and what she said. what she is saying on the house floor is consistent with that.
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let us hope that tomorrow the democratic party doesn't say manna again. because then what they have done is they have turned their backs on the dream community. because the greatest point of leverage that we have right now, chuck, the must pass legislation is this budget. and lifting the caps -- >> so you will tell those that care about this issue, don't blame president trump, blake the democrats or everybody in washington, don't leave anybody -- >> you know what, that is the problem in washington, d.c. we have a republican party that says never, ever. and we have a democratic party that just won't say anything but manna, tomorrow. it has to be today and we have to stand up for the immigrant community in principle and the dreamers deserve -- how would i say -- the unabiding loyalty because you know what, chuck, in the last election, you might say
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there were fewer of this and fewer of that community voting. but there were many more latinos every year, 1 million latinos turn 18 years of age and they're watching democratic party. don't turn your backs on them. and don't expect them the loyalty of that -- to party of the community. >> congressman guiterrez you bring passion to this. i appreciate that. and thank you for coming on to share your views. >> thank you. as we said earlier, republicans want to make 2018 all about nancy pelosi. as their shield. it is not a new strategy. the nrcc, the republican campaign arm has been using her as their boogieman since 2008. >> a vote for don kazoo is a vote for barack obama and nancy pelosi, they vote with nancy pelosi 90% of the time. now what do you think he'll do. >> the budget chairman and the sprat budget has a trillion
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dollars deficit. >> meet kathy who said about pelosi. >> she's done a great job. >> positions on the issues matter. we can't send barack obama and nancy pelosi a rubber stamp. >> a pelosi-palooza. job baca wants his old job back and nancy pelosi is throwing him a party. >> and when nancy pelosi needed votes for her acts, peterson vot voted pelosi, he voted with pelosi. and she spent $2 million to keep the vote. >> nancy pelosi put america $20 trillion in debt and jon ossoff is on her side. >> connor lamb has been called nancy pelosi hand-picked candidate and she'll do anything to get him elected. >> it is year ten of this. let me turn to another illinois member of congress, sherry bustos. thank you for coming on. let me first get you to react to your colleague from the illinois
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delegation, louis guiterrez. i know it is not news how passionate he is on the issue and how frustrated he is. i'm sure you are -- you share that. but after leader pelosi finished with this, what is the plan going forward to get a vote on daca? >> well i appreciate what congressman guiterrez had to say and he is passionate about it. i would look at it a little bit differently, i would look at it from this lens. it is up to speaker ryan to step up and let us vote on a daca agreement on looking out for these almost 2 million kids who came to our country who know america as their homeland now. to put that along with our budget deal, keeping the government's lights on, all of that, i think many people in the middle part of the country and where i come from out of molline, illinois, i would never use the term that we're just
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using, in such harsh ways about fellow democrats. i'm a democrat and have been one my whole light but it doesn't mean we see things the exact same way. i want to fight for these kids. they are human beings and should not be used as what joe biden said, as bargaining trips. he could step up just lick mitch mcconnell -- just like mitch mcconnell that they will get a chance to vote. i want to keep the government functional -- >> so you don't want to -- you wouldn't shut down the government for this. >> well i don't want to shut -- down the government. i understand we need to make sure we have something to work with moving forward, a plan to help kids. but i also don't want to shut down the government. and i would say the vast majority of the people that i represent would echo what i just said. >> let me ask you the campaign question. so you're a democratic challenger running for congress this year. you're going to make the case, it is time for change. elect democrats to be a -- a
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sort of a brake pedal on the atrump agenda and the republican response is here is what democratic change look like and they show speaker pell os yeosi what is your advice to democrat, you could say what you want but the fact is it is an effective strategy in swing states for a decade now. >> but we're going to show paul ryan in districts that we think we can pick up. his approval ratings are in the toilet. literally in the toilet. and whatever the speaker is, whoever the leader is, this is what is done. but i could tell you this, i think people -- and i don't care if it is a swing district like i represent, i think people all over the country are sick and tired of people in washington treating this -- which should be public service, as a game. and i've been think being this. i played college basketball and volleyball, i love sports. but this isn't a sport. it is not about winners and losers and who is -- >> that is my question. the question is -- this is a
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leadership team that hasn't changed in a decade and if the democratic party is trying to say that they could look at your district -- your district is one that is trending away from the democrats if the party is not careful. right. it is a district that is -- wants to be a democratic district but had the pulls into swing district-dom. what do you say to those -- you spent time on your work days, what do you say to the folks that say, you know what, it is always the same people all of the time. >> well, but that's like palace intrigue out in this capitol where i'm standing. people back home care about are we going to fight for them? are we going to make sure we're doing everything we can with the great policies frankly that the democratic party has, are we going to fight for them and get results? how are we going to get results, if we have a successful november. right now we have a 24 vote deficit. that is a -- that is a big enough to overcome. i think if we do things right and things smart, if we go back home and listen to people and come back here and fight for
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them, we still have people who lost their jobs to mexico and china a decade or more ago who aren't making what they made back then. so we still have a lot of fights on our hands to make sure that we're getting real results. it is hard when we are in the minority. so we have to basically make that case to people. hey, vote for us, let us get back in the majority and let us show you what we can do. >> you spend -- i noted earlier, you spent time doing the work days on different job sites in your district. i'm curious, what is the -- what is the conversation like with these folks on the tax cut? how have you talked about, what are they hearing? republicans think this is a good thing for them to campaign on if a republican is challenging you, do you think it is a good thing for them to campaign against you on? >> well, a republican is challenging me. i'll always have a republican challenger because i'm in a swing district. but i think it is a matter of listening to them. what i'm hearing right now is
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there is concern that 83% of the benefits of this tax bill that will add a trillion and a half to our debt by the way, but 83% of the benefits went to the richest people among us. and do they need it or do people who are just striving to do things better for their families need it? i think people will see a bump in paychecks and i've heard from people who said that and i will acknowledge, that is a great thing. and i'm glad you are getting a pump in your paycheck. but there is a lot more that we need to accomplish as far as making sure that companies are looking at things like affordable childcare and health care and maybe a shift work that works into people's families. i'm a pro-business democrat but 100% proorganized labor. i think that is part of our answer to -- as we go forward to make sure that we've got organize -- organizations fighting for us. and i think that is our answer. >> and a trip on the illinois
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delegation. today. thank you. we'll break down the democrats pelosi problem with the panel. could lawmakers break away from the long-time leader? new day looks nothing like yesterday. trails are covered. paths aren't what they used to be. roads nowhere to be found. ( ♪ ) and it's exactly what you're looking for. ( ♪ ) and it's exactly what you're looking for. lobsterfest is back at red lobster... with the most lobster dishes of the year. new dueling lobster tails has two tails that'll fight to be your favorite. one topped with creamy shrimp and scallops, the other... steamed with lemon and herbs. and no, you're not dreaming, classics like lobster lover's dream are back too, along with decadent new lobster truffle mac & cheese.
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welcome back. another within of the president's closest advisers is leaving. his name is rob porter. he's resigning as staff secretary after allegations of domestic abuse by his two ex-wives surfaced in the british tabloid the daily mail. nbc news has not confirmed the allegations. porter is calling them outrageous and simply false but he is resigning. white house press secretary said resigning was a personal decision he made. unquote. and as staff secretary porter sits right outside of the oval office and is a near constant presence with the president and as a speech -- writer and they call him a gate keeper but he isn't the first from the trump administration or the first one by the calendar year, by our account there have been 15 other
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leaves and that doesn't include comey or yates but it does include a second national security adviser and a sect press secretary and a cabinet secretary. we'll be back in 60 seconds with more "mtp daily."
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welcome back. let's bring in the panel. rnc chairman michael steel, stephanie cutter and sawil capure. and before i get to the strategists, i have found it intriguing and odd that it feels as if nancy pelosi is on an island in her own party. i've not seen a lot from tom perez and chuck schumer. you would think something of this magnitude would have a party amification effort behind had. >> by all indications it was a spontaneous decision by nancy pelosi to take the floor and driven by pressure from her base. she's feeling from the house democratic -- >> as we heard from luis gut
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guiterrez. yesterday he said senate democrats melted like a candle in the heat, and now he's colluding from trump. they went from melting to collusion. >> right. so this is -- this is driven in part by the pressure she feels to hold firm and not to go forward with the caps deal without a commitment on a vote. chuck schumer got the commitment to move forward and he could bank that and move forward, if she doesn't get anything it is a tough situation for her. and as congressman guiterrez pointed out, the defense caps are the last major piece of leverage they have. it is something this republicans have been eagerly asking for more months, if they give that up and speaker ryan said no, i'm not going to put this up for a vote because he said the president needed to be supportive, then what do democrats do? >> stephanie, does this go back to the mistake of shutting it down -- basically a -- a cr too soon and now all -- because now all of the -- it is a domino after lost leverage. the caps are gone. this is gone. senate democrats and nancy pelosi are no longer on the same
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page. >> let me point out a couple of things. we won't have the commitment from mcconnell on the vote unless democrats had done that. the second thing is what -- what nancy pelosi is doing on the floor today is confirming that democrats -- it is going to be very difficult for paul ryan to get that senate deal or anything like it through the house without democrats. and that is the leverage that nancy pelosi has. >> will she use it. luis guiterrez doesn't think she will use it. >> we let it play out. >> but the show had a been talking -- has been talking about there is not amplification. they are on the floor. go nancy go is nationally on twitter. there is more than in in studio but it is happening. >> why are you smiling. >> >> i'm having a flash back to -- >> you like the democrats have divisive problems rather than republicans. >> this is the first time i've had the show talking about the
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democrats. >> our pails in comparison. >> well not so much. not so much. >> we'll find out. we don't know. >> we'll find out. a couple of things, one, i thought congressman guiterrez drew a very bright line and when he started with the comment in answer to your question about, well, you know the speaker is doing, she's on the floor and she's like good for her. the disconnect between the democrats rank and file like him and what she's doing is very real. >> but here -- but here is the play -- >> just by that one comment, you haven't talked to the democratic caucus, have you? >> believe me, there are a whole lot of folks who stand with guiterrez in the house. >> and there is a whole lot of flip votes stancing with nancy pelosi on the floor right now. >> but i think the broader picture is, i'm not fixated on the guiterrez or fixated on the freedom caucus. i think what pelosi and chuck and the president and maybe a little bit of paul ryan who is probably a little bit more skittish about this, they are looking to look at their left and right and go, we can't cut a deal with them.
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so let's just pish them to the sidelines -- push them to the sidelines. president comes out the day after and goes, on the daca thing, i'm on the way to pathway to citizenship and it blue -ble up the right. and so now everybody is worried about the kind of deal she will cut and who is worried about it? the far left. and now we're ready to go to the middle to get the deal. >> and democrats are fine with this caps deal. >> the budget deal -- >> it is a deal. >> everybody got what they -- >> $165 billion in higher military funding for the republicans and $130 billion in defense funding. >> not one to one but closer than they thought. >> and it is an on litderation of president trump's budget proposal the nondomestic defense spending so democrats do have things to be happy about. but the daca fight, it is clever politics for sure for nancy pelosi to be on floor an elevate
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an issue so popular but how much can democrats do. >> it seems like lu is guiterrez wanted to have leverage on them but he couldn't tell me what that was. i don't mean that literally. it is like he's upset they don't have more leverage. but he also does. what can he do -- >> but who- >> i don't know. you tell me. >> there is nobody that knows that caucus better than nancy pelosi. and she proves that time and time and time again. and the chc has been standing on the floor with her for the last seven hours in this effort. >> is this on an island. >> i have no idea if he's on a island. what he said on tv does not reflect the support for nancy pelosi and what she's doing in the caucus. so i think -- this is something typical that we all do. we are making declarations about what is going to happen. it is too soon to know what is going to happen. what i do know is there is
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tremendous pressure on paul ryan who keeps hiding behind donald trump that we'll put something on the floor that this president supports. well, he supports defense spending. the only way they get defense spending is if they bring democrat with them. >> it seems likely to pass -- >> they are now passing it first. the -- the house was going to pass it and then it was delayed. >> it is complicated because they have to do a c.r. before that but when it comes to the house, nancy pelosi will make a difficult decision to deny them democratic votes because you'll have conservatives break away over the increase in nondefense -- >> the freedom caucus -- >> she has a crucial role to play going forward. >> i'll pause this here. this is lively and why we make television. stick around, up ahead, an nbc news exclusive, a top u.s. official said the russians have successfully penetrated u.s. voter systems. oh, joy. and at the same time, the
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secretary of state said russian meddling is a foregone conclusion. did he just invite hacking? that is coming up. with public services without starting from scratch. it brings your business up to speed, doing more with systems you have in place. it can bring all your apps to life and run them within your data center. it is... the new ibm cloud private. the cloud that's designed for your data. ai ready. secure to the core. the ibm cloud is the cloud for smarter business. secure to the core. you might be missing something.y healthy. your eyes. that's why there's ocuvite. ocuvite helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age. it has lutein, zeaxanthin and omega-3. ocuvite. be good to your eyes.
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welcome back. we've got some breaking news right now. russia successfully did penetrate the voter registration
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rolls of several u.s. state as head the 2016 election. in a interview, the department of homeland security said 21 states were targeted and, quote, an exceptional small number of them were successfully penetrated. boy, is that buroe -- bureaucray speak for we claim it happened but it is tiny. this is a new poll showing 64% of americans think it is likely a foreign government will twrie to -- will likely interfere in the midterms and rex tillerson agreed to -- agree and it was an odd suggestion and it may have been mistaken for a green light for foreign governments to say come on in and meddle. >> is the u.s. bedd -- better prepared this time around than 2016. >> i don't know that i would say we're better prepared because the russians will adapt as well. the point is if it is their intention to interfere, they'll
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find ways to do that. we can take steps that we can take but once they decide it is going to -- they are going to do it, it is very difficult to preempt it. >> joining me now is clint wats a national security analyst and former fbi agent and we got to know him when he was trying to explain to the senate intel committee, particularly on social media how this all works. mr. watts, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> i think i want to start -- we invited you on before we had our breaking news story go public about the actual news. it seems, by the way, with russia hacking, it is like the federal government is acting like facebook. at first facebook said, oh, no way that could happen. no fake news and then every month from the election they've admitted more and more ways that a foreign government interfered. is that what we're getting from the federal government. they insisted, no, voter rolls had never been touched. >> they always say exceptionally small or just a few. but the fact of the matter is, one precinct, if they change
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votes in one precinct or create mand mon -- pandemonium you will undermine the voter fraud or the election is rigged. how do you your vote counted? this is the purpose of russia, to influence conference and democracy. and dhs said in conjunction today, yes it did happen and they're going to do it again, and we really don't have a response to this. it is been really two and a half to three years that we've seen them start the meddling campaigns and we're coming up on an election and you can't even utter the word russia in the white house right now. >> and it seems pretty obvious why we can't expect the white house to sort of lead this effort. but are you aware of any effort anywhere in the federal government where somebody is working on maybe it is their own little task force about what
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preventatives can we put in and advise local campaigns or local election officials. is there any effort within the government that you know of? >> well, what i do know is this, the state department even going back to 2016 got money to deal with understanding foreign influence and that has been slow going to the global engagement center at state department. that money that's been there and the tillerson team has not acted on it. i'm hearing rumors they are tarting to get their feet on the ground over a year later. the other part is on this whole idea of voting machines being nationally infrastructure that we need to defend. the dhs secretary under obama wanted to do. >> that the states pushed back. i have not heard how they've resolved that issue. and even looking forward in terms of what the task force is, i've briefed people in every aspect of the u.s. government, i've not heard back and it seems we're in a persistent hover waiting to develop a strategy around this. i don't know that you could do that if you can't walk into the white house and have the leader
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of our country be able to talk to what that strategy will be. >> i mean, look, we had an iraq war study group, we had a 9/11 commission, we had the -- when major events potentially destabilize this country, we throw off our political hats and have a big bipartisan team, some would say it is thumb sucking sometimes but there is not -- there is no talk of some sort of commission like this. >> yeah, i think our greatest hope is the senate intel committee on the government side, thankfully -- you've seen corporations and the private sector move to do encrypted applications so that political parties can communicate. you've seen civil society start to mobilize. even in a bipartisan way. i've worked with some of those groups. but these are a fraction of what needs to be done. their low resource and people -- basically volunteering their time and it is not a serious strategy for the country and it does beg the question if -- did we just invite people to hack us
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today because in tillerson's speech he talked about consequences, what have the consequences be. i would laugh if i was russia, i would say, what are you going to do? launch another congressional investigation? please do that, because this is the greatest active measure success of our life and your perpetuating it. >> and there is no sanctions. and i think we've discussed this before. and i know after the north korean hacking incident of sony pictures, we may or may not have done an equivalent style of an attempt to shut them down. the federal government never confirmed but there was an attempt to try to retaliate. we've not even thought about retaliation because it is possible that those that make those decisions are compromised. >> i think it is two parts. one those that make the decision that are compromise and also unwilling and if they think they will stand to benefit. what is russia influences the
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votes and that could be devastating and we need to account to that we are extremely vulnerable. they're cyber capabilities out stretch our vulnerabilities and they could really do some damage to us. it could be in the financial sector, or in the government sector or infrastructure. we shouldn't take that lightly when we talk about responses. >> knowing the president has done a lot to delegitimize the media which is their favorite way of doing this, if you just look at rt and sputnik. glenn watts, thank you. >> thank you. >> up ahead, some are excited about the president's military parade but others are saying, no tanks. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we've got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on
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welcome back. tonight i'm obsessed with the idea that president trump is nixonan. well, there may be more than to that than we thought. the president was so impressed about the bastille day military parade he wants a parade of his own. leaving aside whether this republican party thinks the french military is something we want to emulate, the suggestion to have tanks and nukes rumble down the pennsylvania avenue has met with the washington response. democrats reference neapolitan and republicans suggest, it is only right and it is only about honoring the men and women in uniform, so stop linking it to
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trump. and president nixon thought his white house guards looked slovenly. and trump was impressed. and in 1970 he had them dress up, in double breasted white tunics and gold piping and other embellishment for then the prime minister. the action was swift and unkind and they were abandoned and sold to the southern utah marching band for $90 plus shipping and cleaning. pentagon said it is checking dates for this parade. is the president just trying to generate enthusiasm on the right so he could paint democrats as anti-military and scoring political points. that is what his critics think and they may be right about that. and you know what else? he could end working. democrats better be careful falling into this trap. we'll be right back.
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this new day. looks nothing like yesterday. roads nowhere to be found. and it's exactly what you're looking for. time for the lid.
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the panel is back. we have one of our favorite rorschach tests of the day. and lisa page and people going -- why does everybody know about our affair and that is a rorschach test and if you want to believe in a conspiracy, you could find your way into a conspiracy. they are unknown. there is one text that senator ron johnson that indicates, obama wanted to know what was up.
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>> unfortunately there are facts based in reality. >> i think we'll have mad lib about how to create your own conspiracy. >> or the context in which we
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were texting. this is days before obama confronted putin about intere-- interfering with our election. i don't know if they are talking about the clinton or the russia probe. >> the president is trying to discredit the fbi and discredit the investigation that he colluded with the russians to disrupt an american election. because he knows he's cornered. so he's -- he's pulling every string he can. but it is obvious what he's doing. this is to longer the party of law and order. republicans are not the party of law and order. they are -- they are protecting donald trump. >> so is there anybody in capitol hill that is at all worried about this precedent being said set to character assassinate by innuen innuendo, two people who are not political actors here. >> i have no doubt they're thinking it. how many are saying it publicly, i can't count any right now.
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. because that's the incentive structure that the president created. 85% continue to -- your phone lines will burn up in your offices and staffers will be hearing from each other all day long. >> and profiles in courage. >> the last point i'll make about stroez acsupported reopening the investigation is he days into the e-mails before the election we have a procedure. that's what an inspector general is for. and shouldn't you wait to release text messages? why don't you act like an investigative oversight body, see if it leads anywhere, then if it does, then you release the evidence. >> i've been making that point for the last few weeks here, the whole thing with nunez' memo,
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there's a trail to follow, let the people who follow, follow those bred crumbs and do their job. meanwhile, focus on legislation. >> there are people whose lives are being ruined right now, and i don't think anybody seems to care. thank you very much. something you missed right after this. bibs on people! lobsterfest is back at red lobster... with the most lobster dishes of the year. new dueling lobster tails has two tails that'll fight to be your favorite. one topped with creamy shrimp and scallops, the other... steamed with lemon and herbs.
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this new day. looks nothing like yesterday. roads nowhere to be found. and it's exactly what you're looking for.
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well, in case you missed it,
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washington has a favorite game, kicking the can down the road. >> what we don't want to do is kick the can down the road. >> we have been kicking the can down the road and we're out of road. >> the can has been kicked down the road over and over again. >> kick the can down the road another shameful time. >> the fourth in as many months. >> we're going to kick it down for three days or four days or five days. >> kick the can down the road. >> kick the can down the road. >> kicking the can down the road. >> we cannot continue to kick the can down the road. >> i couldn't agree more bernie sanders. washington has been kicking the can down the road it's not even a can at all anymore. it's just a hunk of useless garbage, we need to retire the dusty old phrase and try on a shiny new phrase. i haven't played kick the can in my generation, anybody under 50? how about leaving the message in
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the draft folder, or maybe ignoring the software update reminder. okay, i admit both of those are terrible. but let's stop using the same old worn out cliche, the american people will appreciate it. >> i would like a draft tweet. >> you're trying that one? >> draft tweet, because that speaks to people, we have twitter politics, a twitter president, so that goes in the draft folder. nancy pelosi right now is heading into her eighth hour on the house floor, she's spotlighting, she says, the fight for dreamers as congress debates funding and immigration. you know the old saying, you can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning, well, congressman poelosi


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