tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC February 22, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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three major stories braking all at the same today and into tonight. we'll start with the most startling. this is the mug shot taken today of the serving republican governor of missouri. eric greiten. he's a former navy seal. he was elected governor of missouri in november, 2016. he was elected with just 51% of the vote. you might remember that trump won the state of missouri with 56% of the vote. so greiten ran pretty well behind trump. but it was still enough for him to win that governorship. today a grand jury in st. louis indicted him for felony invasion of privacy the case stems from news that broke last month about governor greitens having an extra marital affair, that he
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eventually admitted to. >> that news came with allegations that he had basically extorted the woman with whom he had had the affair by taking pick of her without her consent, while she was naked and blindfolded and bound. there were allegation made last month that he had basically threatened to use those pictures against her. now, governor greitens admitted the affairs. he denied the picks part of the story. but the alleged pictures part of the story is what led to his felony indictment today and what led to this mug shot. we'll have more ahead on what that means, exactly. whether missouri is going to keep this particular governor with his fellow indictment at all. >> that news broke late in the day on a day otherwise dominated all day long by the kids from douglas high in parkland, florida, who have flipped on the lights and scattered the roachs within it comes to the national
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narrative about mass shootings and the civilian proliferation of military style weapons. that narrative today got dark and at times a little confused, both at a big conservative conference in washington and the white house, itself. but as this debate the kids are not letting go of, as it continued through another day the eighth day at the shooting at their school. you should know tomorrow will be a landmark day. >> that will be the first legislative test of what these kids have done to leave the country in the wake of the massacre at their school last week. tomorrow will be the first test of whether there will be a change in law and policy in response to what those kids went through last week and what they have been doing in the week since him we have more on that ahead tonight and we have an exclusive interview tonight about something that is new and surprising and potentially really important, that four
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states are about to do together on guns the governor of one of those states will join us here tonight to break that news. you will want to see that, that will be exclusive here. but while all that other news was breaking today, we also got a new 32-count federal indictment against the chairman for donald trump president for campaign and the deputy chairman as well, paul manafort and rick gates the deputy chairman. they were both already indicted on a dozen counts back in october in federal court in d.c. today they were hit with a supercedeing indictment, thought in d.c., in a neighboring district where both live and importantly filed tear taxes. the eastern district of virginia. so they were charged in october in d.c. they were charged today in virginia. this means that a second grand jury, a whole different grand jury was involved in producing these charges against them.
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it wasn't the same grand jury that indicted them before. this shift in venue with these new charges also raises some very interesting questions as to where these guys are ultimately going to go on trial and when and how many times. there is now a non-zero chance that this new indictment means these campaign guys will go on trial in d.c. and then they are also going to go on trial in virginia. so we'll have more on that in a moment with somebody who knows these things inside and out. but here's what i think we have just learned about the special counsel investigation and about the relationship between president trump, the trump campaign, and all of these bedo tax charges of paul manafort and rick gates. you may remember this do you mean. a few months ago, msnbc obtained this letter and a list of talking points that paul
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manafort used in late february and early march 2016 to pitch himself, to pitch his services to the trump campaign. now, manafort at this point in the winner of 2016 hadn't been involved in electoral politics in the united states in decades. he has no profile at all in the republican party. he was on nobody's list of people who anyone might pick to run their campaign, let alone donald trump, when trump needed to move on from his troubled tasmanian devil phase when he had his first manager, corey lewandowski, they reported how exactly manafort unlikely character pitched himself for the top job after lewandowski got fired. we at msnbc got the letter and the talking points themself, we know that manafort's pitch to run the campaign. it start off as a pitch to trump's friends tom baric and it's manafort's pitch about how
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he saw the election going. how he saw trump's best path forward towards winning the nomination. what the biggest hurdles would be, how he can do it. the last couple pages are talking points for trump conversation. those are all talking point about why manafort believes he is the right man for the job, to run the campaign. and look at point number one. this is what manafort says he had to offer, quote, my roam, number one, i am not looking for a paid job. interesting. paul manafort now facing a dozen federal felony charges in d.c. another dozen-and-a-half federal charges in virginia. he ran the trump campaign, starting in march 2016 for free. he's not the kind of guy that needs money. that was always a quirky detail about trump brigg on manafort, one, why is this guy running a
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presidential company? he's only been operating in politics in the former soviet union for the past 15 years, what's he doing now running a u.s. presidential campaign? and two, why is he working for free? well now say hello to the new dime. because now we've got a lot more of that plot. manafort makes that pitch for free in march 2016. here's what we now know is going on for manafort in the months leading up to march 2016. the new indictment pages 20 to 27 to be specific if you are going to read this before you go to bed tonight, they layout a scene of absolute financial desperation for paul manafort. we don't know why he was in a state of financial desperation, but we do see direct evidence of a scramble, a scramble by manafort on multiple fronts to get his hands on a lot of cash. a lot of money.
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but it's kind of a failing scramble. now, there are legal questions to get through here. we'll get some help with those. but the plot line question to get through is for me it's been a sticky question from the very beginning. why was paul manafort offering to work full time for free? at all? especially why was he doing that? given what we now know was going on in his finances at the time? this indictment describes a two-part scheme the first will be the first indictment, the first wrath of charges against him. the first part of the scheme, according to this diernlths takes place between approximately 2006 and 2015. during that time quote manafort and gates generated tens of millions in income as a result of their ukraine work. now the special counsel alleges, most of this was in the first indictment. mueller's office alleges that the money that they made in
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ukraine they hid it in offshore bank accounts. they laundered that money and did not report that money to the irs. that was basis of a lot of that first round of charges. but now in this new indictment, they describe a second phase of the scheme. and that one didn't take place between 2006 and 2015, it was after. the second phase of the scheme took place quote between approximately 2015 and at least january 2017. so this is the part that overlaps in time with manafort and gates working on the trump campaign. trump announces he is running in 2015. he gets sworn in as president in 2017. so that time period is phase two of their scheme. quote, when the you train income dwindles after yanukovych fled to russia, manafort, with the assistance of gates, extracts money from frud lent means.
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so there's phase un, right. there is this money spigot that gates and manafort a tapped too. this money spigot out of ukraine from the pro-putin ukrainian dictator who they are working with in ukraine. >> that money gets shut off when the dictator gets overthrown. in 2015, they have to scramble for new source of income. that scrambling, also described in detail, in time, it's all happening right in the lead-up, up to the moment when manafort pitches himself to work on the trump campaign for free. so, in 2015, he gets a loan from a financial institution where he
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lies to the bank about how much of his money he makes overseas. then quote in late 2015 through early 2016, manafort sought another cash loan a construction loan he said he would use to improve one of properties. he never intended to use it as required by the loan contracts. he never did. then again same time period, late 2015 through early 2016, manafort tries for yet another loan the indictment says to get that loan, he dies again an says his daughter and son-in-law are living at one of his properties, where really he is renting it out on airbnb full time. he wrotes to his son-in-law that when the bank assessor comes to assess the condominium, he believes are you living there. manafort according to indictment is trying and failing to jump through a million hoops to try to get these loans.
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there is that lie about his daughter and son living in the condo he is trying to get this loan for the indictment further on that loan says he also has rick gates obtain and submit false insurance documents. after gates contacted the insurance broker, asked her to provide lendser b with false information, gates updated herbie e-mail. so there is this scramble to get cash, cash loans with a lot of different kind of alleged fraudulent documents. it's all going on late 2015
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through january, february 2016. right before manafort applies in late february/early march to work for trump for free. this financial scrambling right up until that time,co argument this indictment, that scrambling is not going well. in approximately february 2016, manafort applies for a business loan from lender c.
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so they're wildly inflating their income. they're faking their profit and loss statements. they're sending in false insurance documents. they're lying about whether properties are rental properties or places where people live. they're saying i need this loan for construction and not using that loan for construction. so manafort in the portrait painted in this document, he is scrambling. gates is helping him through all sorts of apparent illegal means. in march, 2016 the same month he is pitching himself as a guy that doesn't need to be paid at all. manafort and gates tried to get him yet another loan for that one they have a false profit and loss statement that overstates
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the company's income by quote more than $2 million, which is the amount the learned told manafort he needed in order to kwul for that loan. but at this point it's like, it's gone on too long. that cut and past job for that profit and loss statement they were going to falsify, that one seems like it was a little of a mess, maybe the scramble is going on so long they were getting slop who promises to pay to whom it may concern? they made it look like they were
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about to get paid $2.4 million. problem, though, quote the bank was unwilling to rely on the invoice to support manafort's stated income. they requested additional information. the bank was unable to obtain savthsry support and the loan application was denied. why did he need all these loans, this cash? we don't know, for some reason times were tough. this stuff all happens in close succession, all at once, late 2015, early 2016. these guys are doing back flip, allegedly to try to get cash from manafort, increasingly, it was not working. but then it the all turned around. for some reason manafort offers himself to the trump campaign as a full-time volunteer. i don't have any money worries. then, thereafter, his money problems turned around and
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again, look at the timing here. look at the timing. between approximately july 2016 and january 2017, manafort with the assistance of gates, sought and secured approximately $16 million, $16 million in two loans from lender d. oh, finally, great relief, money coming in. let's put late 2015 and early 2016 behind us. all right, thank god for lender d. i mean they were still apparently ripping off lender d. there was another drd profit and loss statement where gates took the real profit and loss statement. he converted it from a pdf and added income to the real figures, turned it back to a pdf. they learned to not use the bookkeeper anymore. they allegedly concocted a note from rick gates swearing that the $300,000 over 90 days past
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due on paul manafort's american express card, that was all a big misunderstanding among friends. they concocted this story from lender d, where manafort and gates told the bank, actually gates just borrowed the cardch he was good for it. he is totally going to pay it back. pay no attention on the delinquency significantly affected paul manafort's credit score. they still had to scam learned d. with lendser d, it worked. yet again, look at the time line. all of that scrambling in late 2015 and early 20 skerngs all of that scrambling, it's increasingly not working out, starting july 2016, gaelts and manafort jackpot. they convinced lendser d to cough up $16 million bucks. we believe lender d is the federal savings bank a small substitution that lends to u.s. military veterans in chicago. paul manafort is not a u.s.
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military veteran, nor does he have anything to do with:. the $16 million they gave him in loans, that was huge chunk, like a quarter of the total loanable assets of that bank. nbc reported yesterday that people that work at that bank questioned the propriety of those loans at the time. nbc also reports that mueller is investigating those loans and that quote, at least one of the bank employees who felt pressured into approving the deals is cooperating with mueller's investigators. the wall street tourn u journal reports what mueller is investigating specifically is the question of whether those loans were a quid pro quo. did that bank give that money to manafort because by doing so, the head of that little bank came to believe that he would be appointed secretary of the united states army by donald trump. quote, steve calk, the chief
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executive of the bank, was place calls to pentagon and specifically to army headquarters, asking for briefings to obtain information and prepare himself for a possible job, he apparently was convinced he was going to get. so what is described in this indictment is paul manafort, for some reason, end of 2015, beginning 2016, he was doing gymnastics to try to get his hands on lots of cash, lots of money at a frenetic pace, late 2015/early 2016. he was most of the time failing. right up through march 2016 and in march 2016, he takes this trump gig, for free and within a couple of months, ka-ching $16 million in loans, which is now reportedly being investigated as his payment for making this poor sod in chicago thinking trump was going to name himming is of
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the army. so, that time lean i think is the big piece of the plot that this just gave us. some other new things, in the old indictment, in the october diernlths mueller's team said that rick gates and paul manafort laundered $18 million the new indictment, they say it wasn't $18 million they laundered. it was $30 million. so a lot more. where'd they get the information on the additional $30 million? i don't know. there has been speculation and reporting any new charges or allegations against manafort, in plarks would come because rick gates was pleading guilty. he was providing everyday against his old business partner paul manafort. this new indictment does have 18 new charges against paul manafort. they got 23 new charges against rick gates. there is no sign from a new guilty plea from rick gates. now, there is new drama about
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who gates' new lawyers are. we will talk about that in a minute. a couple other specifics to know. in the first indictment, the one back in october, there were no charges of tax fraud against manafort and gates. that was interesting, especially those who are lay observers of these things, in that indictment in october, there was a ton of description of tax fraud, but no charges. so that led a lot of people to ask in november, if mueller has evidence about tax fraud, tax evasion, where are the tax evasion charges? they're here. they didn't charge him in october. but those tax charges are here now. they're in this one. and there's one more big question that this new indictment raises. the foreshadowing we got from the court about what was going to come in this indictment, sort of came in two stages the first was friday night. on friday night, manafort's team said they, excuse me, mueller's team, sorry, on friday night,
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mueller's investigator said they have new evidence of new criminal conduct by paul manafort. they said in a filing about paul manafort's bail package, that there was bank fraud associated with some of the properties manafort had offered up to the court as his guarantee he wouldn't leave the country to avoid trial. that's why he's not in jail, he's out on bond, essentially became, saying, don't worry, i won't flee the country. part of how you know that is i'm putting up $10 million of the property the court can see if i take off. so in a filing about manafort's bond package, on friday night, mueller's team was like we see big bank fraud problems here. those allegations appear to be what's in this indictment to you. so there is a little foreshadowing on friday night this morning then the judge formally requested, excuse me, formally rejected a request by paul manafort related to his
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bail package, now, there are dozens of criminal charges related to the properties manafort put up as a part of his bail. that's what's in this indictment. because mueller's team is raising all these questions about these properties, about them being basically obtained by fraudulent means, that does not mean paul manafort is at risk of having his bail package, bond package revoke. the reason you put up a bond pack annual is to say you don't need to put me in jail. you can have all of this property, that's very valuable, all of these assets, if i take off, those property and these assets are so valuable, obviously, i would never take off. you can be assured. if there is no problem, there a chance palm manafort will have his bail revoked? it is a possibility now we got this new indictment the court will put him in jail awaiting trial stay with us.
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>> reporters outside a federal courthouse in washington, d.c. early this afternoon catching paul manafort on camera. a couple hours later, boom, 32 new felony charges against manafort and his deputy rick gates. joining us to understand what happened here, chuck rosenberg a former u.s. attorney for the eastern district of virginia, which is where the grand jury that returned this new dime was seated. thanks for being here. >> it's nice to be here, thank you. >> the first indictment of manafort and gates was from a grand jury in d.c. these new charges were from a grand jury in virginia. where you served as u.s. attorney. is there a reason for this change of venue? it seems unusual just as a lay observer? >> it's unusual. it's not unheard of. if you want to charge manafort and gates, with everything they did, you have to bring it in this case in two different places. it seems to me they don't have venue for the tax fraud charges
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in the district of colombia. they probably don't have venue in the eastern district of virginia for the failure to register as foreign agents. sow want to charge them with everything if you want to run the table you have to do it if two different places. >> does this mean these guys could face two consecutive trials if these two different jurisdictions? >> yes, if they don't plead guilty, they will be tried if one place first, the other second him i don't know who goes first the judges will set dates the lawyers will argue about it. yes. are you exactly right, rain el. >> i seen some reporting today, this would all get consolidated into virginia, it doesn't make sense to me, consecutive trial is not in its own right. >> that makes sense. >> it does, it happens, i think your instinct are right on this. >> why do we get these tax charges now? the tax allegations were made months ago if that first indictment. we're only seeing the charges on the tax matters today. do you have any insight as to why that mile ght be in.
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>> a little bit. i started doing tax case right out of law school. the tax cases are more cumbersome, the reviews for prosecutors to bring them. we had a whiff. now with see them. it's not surprising to me they lag a little bit. >> last question, it seems to me we saw hints before today. there are serious questions being raised by prosecutors about the properties manafort put up as a part of his bond pack annual. is there a chance that what they're aiming at is they want the court to put him in custody awaiting trial instead of putting him out on house arrest? >> if they change their minds and want him held in custody, they'll file a motion. the judge has to according to bail law reform act find the
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least restrictive combination of conditions that will reasonably assure a defendant's appearancep that's the standard in all bail cases. so they might be able to argue, i'm sorry, manafort might be able to argue there is some collateral and third party signatures thatly assure his appearance. i'm not certain this means that bail will be revoke. i'm pretty certain it means it will fought get any easier for him. >> chuck rosen burg. former senior fbi official. thank you, i'm glad you were able be with me tonight. >> thank you. >> julia ainsley, national justice reporter, thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> i want to read the statement on behalf of paul manafort from his spokesman. paul manafort is innocent. he is confident he will be acquitted of all charges the new allegations once again have nothing to do with russia an 2016 election interference/collusion. mr. manafort is confident he
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will be acquitted and his violation rights will be released. let me ask you, i see conflicting reports about. i don't know what to make of it. paul manafort's recommendation seems stable. rick gates' reputation does not. he had an initial lawyer that dismissed him. he had three different lawyers, now dismissed them. maybe. >> maybe. >> now then the third lawyer and some interesting reporter from betty woodriffe from the "daily beast." do you have any clarity on this? >> so we have not confirmed the daily beast reporting. we know that tom green was on the filing we saw tonight. he is now representing rick gates. he put out a statement saying i am rick gaethjes' lawyer. the daily beast is standing by it, reporting, i think this shows even jumping into three different lawyers whether or not it's a fourth, rick gates is not in this boltd maybe stable six
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as paul manafort. paul manafort's representation as you just read states he is innocent. these money laundering charges, they tried to talk us out of this, this summer. i'm not wreaked it verbatim. >> he's reporting about the exact smr there is no way you request use real estate in that way. here it is him rick gates, going into this, he felt as a deputy, he wouldn't have to have the same exposure as his boss paul manafort. so he might not have ramped up his legal representation in time. he sort of changed his tune. a week ago, we're hearing, he had the third lawyer, he was now going to cooperate and perhaps plead guilty and flip on manafort and change the whole thing. today this changes the narrative. what we see is a man who is perhaps kind of stuck in a really tough place. what i'm hearing is he might not have enough to offer robert
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mueller to be able to get this cooperation, leniency. i think to the extent there is questions about his legal team him he is probably angry at legal advice he's gotten in the past. he doesn't know why he is being name, including in the same things paul manafort is included with. especially since part he was helping. >> through all of the stuff about the malfeasance with banks and lending institutions, it's all gates helping manafort commit fraudulent acts. >> exactly. this is a position i don't think he is expected to be in. but it's not clear that changing lawyers a fourth time is going to get him out of this. >> julie ainsley, justice reporter, that is a bizarre sci plot. we don't know how it will end. >> thank you, we'll follow it. >> much more to come. a very news night and a really big interview coming up on the show. stay with us.
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>> the first national bank of omaha claims to be the largest privately owned bank in the united states. tear website is filled with wholesome inspiring stuff, like every bank should pass the good person's test, doing what's right, helping others, giving back. they are cutting ties with a goliath of a different kind. for the path decade, one of the products that first national bank of omaha offered its customers is the national rifle association visa card. the official credit card of the nra. well tonight, first national
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. >> tomorrow is the day that florida republican governor rick scott says he and his fellow republicans will announce a pack only of reforms for that state's gun laws. part of that is expected to be that long guns like the ar-15 rifles used in last florida's massacre will be subject into the same age littles as handguns. >> that age limit issue is expected to come up in the reform packet they will unveil tomorrow. you should let the nra said they are absolutely opposed to any age limit like that.
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. florida has long been the nra's favorite state for pushing the envelope for more and more extreme gun laws, but florida now has these kids, these high school students no are incredible as a political force and in other ways. they descended on the state capital and the biggest protest the state capital has seen in decades, these kids are not changing, they're driving a whole national narrative around this subject. what you can predict in florida before eight days ago, i think right now all bets are off for good predictions. nobody know what is will happen. >> that will be very interesting to watch tomorrow. what happens when the florida governor and legislature unveil their package of reforms tomorrow. along side the suspense around that, though, sheer one calm doable sober idea that's being unveiled right now. four democratic governors, four northeastern states, are now
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announcing their own regional coalition against gun violence. governors of new york, new jersey, connecticut and rhode island say they are forming a regional effort, joining up to strengthen background checks to share information about people banned from buying guns into each of these states, to create a multi-task force to intercept illegal guns across the region. they say they plan to collaborate on new gun violence research. gun violence research has been banned by congress at the federal level for over 20 years. well, northeastern governors say if the federal government won't do it, the northeast will. they plan to share their findings nation i nationwide. a lot of eyes will be on florida tomorrow to see what republicans there will come up with regard to a gun reform package. we are about to find out if a group of states can do something constructive on their own terms on a big if you have scale it can make a difference for a whole region of the country, even if we are still stuck in
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our politicians nationwide. joining us exclusively is the governor of the great state of new york, governor cuomo ma, i appreciate your time, sir. >> oh, i know, thank you, it's my pleasure to be with you, rachel. >> so how will this regional coalition work? is there more planning to do or are you guys feel like you have figured out what you want to do and it's a matter of enacting it? >> no, we can get out what we want to do. and we're all about action or results. i think you summed it up well. look, the national die loss, i hope the florida massacre spurs real action him but they're setting the bar so low that i think it's a foolish expectation, raising the age little from 18 to 21 bump stocks, these are increment am measures at best. it's like trying to fight a forest fire with a garden hose. and they're going to fight now whether or not they can even get
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that done. so i'm not -- call me a cynic, i don't believe the federal government will take meaningful action. i believe the national elects are afraid of this issue. i this i the high school students are showing more leadership than their elected officials. and if you are a governor then the question is, what can you do? now, our states have federal laws on the books than the federal laws. after the sandy hook massacre in connecticut, new york passed a sensible gun controlled bill sauld called the safe act, which has the model reforms we have been looking for. connecticut has good laws. rhode island has good laws. new jersey has good laws. the problem is, you are limited biure own borders. so i can enforce those laws and i have that data in my state, but if somebody tries to cross the border and goes to
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connecticut to buy a gun, they don't have that information. so if the federal government won't act and you can't get a 50-state solution well, then get what you can. and start with state coalitions and that's exactly what we're doing now we have databases on mental health, on protective orders. we have databases on warrants for arrests, all of which would stop a purchaser in the state of new york. share those databases with the other states, so you're take wack are good laws and you are now expanding the foot print of that to a northeast coalition. >> what do you expect to be the financial implications of this pact among these four states? do you expect you will need a lot of new funding to be approved by the legislature, for example, in your is that it to get this going? >> money is tight especially after what the federal
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government has done to states like new york eliminating the deductibility of state and local taxes, where they really targeted 12 states in this country, all democratic states, all blue states. a and call eight tax cut and then raise taxes on our people 25%. so money is tight this does not require additional resources. it does not require legislation. we have the data. it's just a collaborative sharing that we can do on our own, four governors signed off. it's just a function of executive authority. so we're doing it. and i think it's the recognition is worry not going to wait for the federal government. i don't believe they're going to do anything meaningful. i think at best they take some incremental measures which are political crumbs, just to throw out to the crowd. but even the definition of the issue is absurd. and what this administration is
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very good at doing, rachel, is they define the issue in such absurd terms and then we engage on that absurd level. the problem is school safety so we should arm teachers. and then we get into a discussion of how absurd that concept is arming teachers. i'm not going to fall for the trap. they misdefined the problem. the problem is not school shootings. the problem is school shootings, and shootings in malls and nightclubs and shootings in concert halls. it is a societal problem. the problem is mentally ill people and dangerous people having access to guns and especially high powered assault weapons. 1934, this nation outlawed
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machine guns, because they said it was too dangerous. god forbid they fell in the wrong hands. let's be half as smart as they were in 1934. so the real solution here is not mental health or arm teachers, it's mentally ill people who have access to guns. that itself the tnt. there are two almosts to this equation. and they don't want to talk about that. because if you did, then you have to say, look, you need a universal background check system. no loopholes, no gun show loop home, et cetera. you need the real mental health database. >> that also has the information that states like new york has put together. you need a reporting system where the teachers could call in and say, someone should investigate this person him we think he may be mentally ill. then you'd have to have the courage to look at the american people and say, look assault weapons are too high a risk for
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the reward. you don't need them. you don't hunt with them. and they can do such damage so quickly, 30 clip rounds. ieds. these can really kill dozens of people. i don't think washington has a stomach for it. i would like to see the national democrats frankly put forth a real bill that defines the problem in actuality and defines the legislative solution in actuality than talk about the best we can get. tell the american people what the real problem centimeter tell them what the real solution is. put it out there. have the political courage to put it out there. and then whatever you get from a compromise or a second conversation. at least have the dialogue of
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though, the court reporter at the st. louis post dispatch tweeted this. it might have been the peak of that missing reporters bags. she saw something quite out of the ordinary, i just saw pot governor eric greitens being led away in the custody of the st. louis sheriff. guys, did you just see that? was that the endangered lest? it's true, not something who looks uncannily like eric greitens. it was the actual governor led away by the sheriff. today he was indicted and taken into custody and booked at the st. louis justice center. he is charged with a felony count of invasion of privacy in the first degree. this comes one month after news
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broke that governor greitens had an extra marital athey're in 2015 and he allegedly had taken compromising photos without her permission and allegedly threatened release the photos about publicly shipping them. governor greitens admitted to that affair. he denies the allegation of blackmail, after he was released tonight, he issued a statement saying that while he made a personal mistake, he says he did not commit a crime. he cast the indictment as a partisan issue. called the county attorney quote a reckless liberal prosecutor who uses her office to score political points. it was a going indictment fought the prosecutor, directly. now, it's true that missouri politics can somehow seem like a brawl. if the governor doesn't ring bells beyond his new hints and mug shot, you should know since
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he took office last year in missouri, he has been very controversial. he has managed to offend and alienate any number of his fellow republicans in the state capitol. it's not at all clear his fellow republicans are ready to stand united behind him, now he has been indicted on a felony. the republican legislature launched their own legislation. the republican house speaker says quote we will carefully examine the fact contained in the indictment and answer questions, as to whether the governor can lead our state while a felony case moves forward. we will tell you that terrence for the governor filed motion to dismiss. the governor is fighting this charge. what happens next is not necessarily up to him. whether he remains as governor of missouri is very much an open question tonight, even among his fellow republicans. they never much liked him anyway, that does it for us tonight. we will see you tomorrow.
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now it's time for lawrence o'donnell. >> good evening. >> that is a complex story, this thing that happened to that governor. you actually thought about trying to tell that story him i gave up. there is and i couldn't begin to tell it. that's why we need two hours of these shows so you can do the things i can't get to. brian's going to do some things after me that i can't get to. but we do have the 32 indictments tonight and we're both covering that. and rachel as you know, the irs is always very proud to tell the story about how they never managed to get al capone for murder but they got him on tax evasion. that's what's in these indictments. >> we have been waiting since october for the tax evasion charges against manafort and gates not because we thought they might be tax frauds but because it was spelled out in the first indictment.
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