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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  March 10, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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certain unique track record. he, dwight eisenhower was the leader who accepted the nazi surrender. for donald trump success would be less of a proven leader delivering on his track record than that of a nuclear case of beginner's luck. but then again what normal person isn't hoping it works. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. we begin "the beat" with the guest on the breaking story right now. stormy daniels is in the news right now as donald trump comes closer to this scandal. trump lawyers michael cohen seem to represent trump's company while working to buy stormy daniels' silence. tonight's story pokes another hole in michael cohen's shifting defenses for facilitating this $130,000 payment to stormy daniels. money that's now sparked an election law complaint, a secret arbitration filing in california
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and these unusual grillings of trump's white house spokesperson. but the biggest question haunting michael cohen is the most obvious. if donald trump was not his client in this matter, who was? thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me, good to see you. >> you have been in the eye of this storm this week, and today we see new developments in this story. if michael cohen was doing all of this of his own volition and not for donald trump, then who is his client? >> it's a very good question, and it's a question that has not been answered by either mr. cohen or by the administration. and quite honestly, the entire story makes no sense. you don't have to be an attorney to conclude this does not add up. >> this is the weirdest thing. because in a lot of cases there's a debate about are you right, is michael right, is
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stormy right, is trump right? and these are the players. i have been reporting on this story as well. the latest development seems to be the idea that maybe michael cohen is just a rogue agent. i want to walk through this for the audience. you don't need to be a lawyer. we'll put up on the screen what we know. there's stormy daniels as a client. then we have you, sir, her lawyer. then we have michael cohen taking stormy daniels to arbitration and trying make her be quiet. and then we have the big question. if michael cohen is not working for donald trump, who is his client? is this simple and it does seem michael cohen's defense has become he's doing a lot of things on his own. >> it is that simple. michael cohen is a licensed attorney under the new york state bar rules. and attorneys in every state have very specific rules that they have to live by, that they have to operate by in order to
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keep their license. and in almost every state and certainly within new york there is a requirement, meaning it's not optional, that an attorney inform his or her client at all times of all material facts relating to a negotiation, a case, et cetera. so in this instance if in fact mr. trump was mr. cohen's client then there's no question that mr. trump knew all about this. because mr. cohen would have an ethical obligation, not optional, to inform mr. trump. if mr. trump was not mr. cohen's client, then who was mr. cohen working for? the answer cannot be himself because he wasn't a party individually to any of this. so the options are either mr. trump or the trump organization or some other unknown party that we haven't heard about. but it is a very simple question. who was his client? >> yeah, and this is the part that does confuse me.
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i've reported on parts of your case that are more questionable, the idea that you might get the entire mba thrown out because of a missing signature is an open debate in court. but the idea that their defense has become michael cohen just spends a lot of money to help donald trump without donald trump's knowledge is as you say not only shady, it literally would appear to violate these ethics rules. i noticed in your filing you be a reference to that. are you seeking to make as well a separate ethics complaint against mr. cohen? >> we haven't made that determination yet. this is very straightforward. he needed to have communicated with a client. if he didn't have a client, he had no business doing any of this. but quite honestly, and i've every superlative i could possibly think of. it's ludicrous. the suggestion is ludicrous -- i'm going to use that one tonight. this suggestion that somehow mr.
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cohen was operating of his own volition, spending all of his time -- i mean this was not a negotiation that took 30 minutes. you don't draft a document of this nature and spend an hour. we're talking about hours and hours of work back and forth, communications, arranging the payment. it's a lot of work to undertake. and the fact mr. cohen wants the american people to believe he was out there doing this on his own and not reporting to anybody about it, it's not believable. >> and that's the factual side that has not made any sense. you used the word ludicrous about your adversary mr. cohen. tonight he's using that same word to you. he says he's clearly allow said his 15 minutes of fame to affect his ludicrous conclusions. i transferred the amount to the
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llc. how he and and the media at large, i guess that's us, believes this to be breaking news is a mystery to me. your response. >> i've been very frortunate in my career. i think i actually got my first 15 minutes about 20 years ago. so that's number one. number two, i standby the statements that i've made. the fact of the matter is this can be cleared up very, very simply by mr. cohen provide ing all the financial documents that he believes substantiates this claim of his, that all the money was his money, and quite honestly if mr. trump was his client then why did mr. cohen draft an agreement that had numerous places where mr. trump were to sign and has a number of references to mr. trump within the document? it makes no sense. if i'm out operating on my own
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and my client doesn't know anything about it, i don't draft a document that has all these references to my client. >> last question. mr. cohen emphasis initial denial about the funds said he was not reimbursed by the trump campaign or the trump organization. what does that tell you, and why was he unable for whatever reason to say he was not reimbursed by president trump or mr. trump's representatives? >> mr. cohen is engaged in what we call in the profession lawyers speak. what he did not say was mr. trump did not reimburse him. >> no, he didn't. >> what he did not say was another surrogate for mr. trump reimbursed him. what he did not say was he paid it. what he said was he facilitated it. that's a very interesting word, facilitated. he's engaged in lawyer speech as opposed to straight speak. i don't care if you're in the left, the right or the middle.
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you deserve straight speak. straight speak from mr. cohen and straight speak from the administration. >> well, it's been pretty fascinating to watch this process hit the white house briefing room, hit mr. cohen at the fcc, and you and your client clearly doing something with the story that broke wide open two months ago. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> now we have more on this story and the news stormy daniels was just making here with my next panel. first, i want to share a little context how this two month old report has raised questions not only about daniels about whether these revelations there could be problems out there. stephen colbert was just asking our own chris hayes whether this story matters sn. >> is there stormy daniels news important or just news candy? >> i think it is important.
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this is one instance of one mda that was signed that locked one inconvenient set of facts away from prying eyes. we have now found out about it despite initial denials. i suspect there are others. >> i suspect there are others. that my colleague's view. jennifer ruben and malcolm na e nance msnbc terror analyst. your reaction. >> i think there are two possibilities. one is that he simply was settling one case that he got reimbursed by president trump and in doing so mr. cohen and mr. trump both violated various disclosure laws and the fec. the other possibility which i find more and more likely is perhaps michael cohen was giving
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a slush fund of lots of money, and it was his job simply to get rid of these problem people for mr. trump. you know, you don't come up with one of these complicated mdas and have a whole process of sending money around just on the fly. this seems like a routine these guys had down pretty pat. he was given a certain pool of money. it was his job to cleanup donald trump's problems. and if that's the case, i would like to know how many of these problems the russians know about. i'd like to know how many other opportunities for blackmail are out there. and i'd really like to know the sum total of the people he's been paying off and why he's been paying them off. >> i think you put it really well, and that really overlaps with chris hayes' analysis, which is this a pattern of practice? and that means there's more vulnerability for the white house. iesha, i want to sketch this out on a friday night as we talk about the president's problems with this adult film actress,
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with mr. cohen and think back to the context of the number of women who have accused mr. trump of misconduct and he threatened to sue them. take a look. >> three women lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. total fabrication. the events never happened, never. all of these liars will be sued after the election is over. >> what does it tell you that he never sued any of them in open court and we learned that last week michael cohen was doing the opposite, trying to keep stormy daniels out of open court in secret arbitration? >> well, we know that the president is a liar. and that's what keeps coming up time and time again. he's a philanderer, had these
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relationships and has been paying people off. he just admitted that he was clear that these women were coming forth with their stories in order to have some impact on his campaign. so it would be clear to me then that he authorized and knew about these women or at least stormy getting paid off in order to save his campaign. so to me that is confession right there that should be investigated. >> and that's an important facet of this. i want to play for you malcolm nance again the record here. donald trump talks a big game. and what we've seen in these gag orders is a type of settlement. and here he was talking about how that's what he won't do. >> i don't settle cases. you know what happens, when you start settling lawsuits everybody sues you. i win cases in court. >> malcolm, put that in a national security context for us. when he does settle and he appears in this instance, if you believe the lawyer we just heard from and not michael cohen, that
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he wasn't going roelg, that he settled in order to try to keep information private? >> well, he settles to cover up past malfeasance. this is national security nightmare. i mean it just sounds salacious because it involves a porn star. but what we have now is a president of the united states who pays people off, either what he thinks is legally or illegally, whether it's a slush fund or not here's one grume of people that probably know all about this. the kremlin. they know everything about it because this was a man who went to russia in 2013 and held the miss universe pageant with an unsecur unsecured telephone. and whether he had other women on the side or talking to his lawyers about past case, they know all about this. and so whether this information was used as a blackmail, we don't know. and anybody in the u.s. government who had security clearance, who had even a
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fraction of this occur, they would have lost their security clearance and been kicked out of government. >> jennifer, do you see this as primarily a story about lying or do you see it as malcolm does, that broadly? >> i see it in both instances. there's the micro story of him paying off individual women, behaving in ways that would have gotten him perhaps short of the presidency had they been known. but the larger question really is what has this guy been up to his whole life? and is there a pile of information out there that the kremlin or other people, frankly, have in their possession that they can use to mip him? suddenly, you know, that christopher steele dossier seems a whole lot more credible for those people who are skeptical. because you know what, donald trump has been hiding stuff his whole life. and he's been settling cases his whole life. so i think we need a full
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accounting. perhaps congress can do that after the next mid-terms of what's out there, what are the claims that are brought, who are the people he's been paying off and why he's been paying off so many people over the course of his life. >> malcolm, go ahead. >> yeah, she absolutely right. the whole question of national security comes into this with this continuous pattern of paying people off. this is not settlements. these are under the table payments. if he will do that against his wife while she is having a child and do it using his lawyers, and this is just a question of not just personal behavior but a question of will he do this with national -- you know, national priorities or national policies? will he have to pay people off? or are there people who think trump is already in debt and paying them off? this is already horrible. >> iesha, take a listen to the argument from the president's
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former aide anthony scaramucci. i'm going to read to you his claim here. we have scaramucci basically says -- let's take a listen. >> this is an issue of blackmail. when you have somebody who has something negative about the president of the united states they can use that as leverage against them. >> let's address that. and i get jonathan's point about that, but at the end of the day in this john ray as it relates to this president i don't think the guy is blackmailable. >> of course he's blackmailable. yes, the president has a lot of dirt we all need to know about. congress needs to uncover this. i'm glad there are investigative journalists who are digging and digging. the piece i want to come back to, though, is we're creating a box whether he's dangerous to america. i always think he's dangerous to america because he can be blackmailed and lot of reasons.
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but we also need to talk about his character. and this is guy americans put into the white house that does not reflect the mind of the american people. it matters who was running around sings his praises, and we all need to hold them accountable as well for the lack of dignity and lack of respect for our society and certainly for people that he and his friends are exuding. so i want to remind us this is an ethical issue as much as it is a legal one. >> and one directly and across purposes of a candidate who ran and said i win cases. i'll sue these people. i'll do it in open court. and what we learned i think it's still sinking in because there have been other stories, michael cohen was running around last week forcing people into a secret proceeding so they couldn't go to court, so they couldn't speak. coming up sam nunberg in the grand jury room today for seven hours. that was of course after he came on "the beat" the pledged to
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defy bob mueller. later vladimir putin weighing in on the trump white house, and also tonight viceland's star desus and mero are here for a special edition of fall back monday. customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it's a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable. so, what are we gonna do? ♪ insurance. that's kind of what we do here.
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the answer cannot be himself because he wasn't a party individually to any of this. so the options are either mr. trump or the trump organization or some other unknown party that we haven't heard about, but it is a very simple question. who was his client? >> that's stormy daniels' lawyer just a moment ago on this show. from daniels suing the president, trying to get out of what he says is a hush payment that's unfair. the white house denying the underlying conduct. there's also a new report here that trump's personal lawyer michael cohen used his personal e-mail address to arrange the details of this transfer. back on "the beat" i'm joined by the reporter who interviewed stormy daniels. that was the original article that started it all and also
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joined by angela basset, a reporter for "the washington post." what do you think of what you're seeing today and the role of michael cohen? >> i think the story is not ending. i feel like the intouch interview coming out after t"th wall street journal" is just building and building and building and going to hit a point where they can't back away from this. there's more evidence coming out, and i think this is just the beginning to be completely honest. >> i don't know if you're familiar with the strategic advice deny, deny, deny. i'm less familiar with deny, deny claim you want secret arbitration. and here's sarah huckabee sanders who did that. by the way, trying new strategies, trying new things. and that's what she did and reportedly donald trump unhappy with that strategy, and there was more on that just today. >> he said from the podium you acknowledged the president knows about the arbitration involving
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stormy daniels. so does he remember speaking with his lawyer about that. >> i've addressed this expensively. i don't have anything else to add. >> of course i'm not a lawyer and don't understand the specific legalities around this. but what i know is his lawyer is lying about he didn't know about this, the idea is ludicrous on his own he would pay an adult film star $130,000 during the campaign and not tell trump about it. what's interesting here is trump during the whole campaign -- you could say a lot of things about him. that his voters knew that he was kind of crazy, that he said ridiculous things. there was a tape of him saying he grabbed women's crotches. but ultimately what stock with hillary clinton was the corruption charge.
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he was the wild card but he was always honest. and i think what's going to hurt him in his next election is i think he's way more corrupt than she ever was. >> i think you kind of said it all. but again like i said there's so much evidence out there now that i don't know how they're going to figure out their way around it. i feel like when "the wall street journal" report first came out, it was one report. they could come out and say no, no, no, and they did. stormy daniels did. and then the intouch report came out with the 2,000 word transcript that can't be made up. with my interview i did six years ago long before a nondisclosure agreement was even in place. >> do you think stormy daniels is in a sense outsmarting michael cohen and the president? >> i think she's getting her ducks in a row for sure. i think she wants to be the one to tell her story. yes, my interview did come out, but she has every right to tell it. it's kind of out there now. >> and you think she wants to
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profit off this ultimately? >> i don't know what her motivation is. i haven't spoken to her since 2011 but i think she wants to be able to tell her side of the story. >> thank you both in a story that's not going away. up ahead sam nunberg facing off today. and also it could get very real. an explosive report cites people close to trump saying he could fire his son-in-law, daughter and chief of staff. and viceland's desus and mero are here for a fall back on the beat. good choice. how about calling or texting? definitely calling. puppies or kitties? sorry, cats. dry eyes or artificial tears? wait, that's a trick question. because they can both get in your way. that's why it is super-important
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bob mueller's grand jury back in action today grilling sam nunberg for seven hours. this is total shift from his vow monday to defy mueller which he
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detailed in his first on camera interview on "the beat." mueller had previously previewed his testimony. he speculated on what they had and why he thinks they're building a case against roger stone. >> i think they were interested with something with his business. >> with his business? did they and you about the way he ran his business? kwles yes, they asked me because they're trying to setup a perjury case. >> i can tell you legally this whole week is different because he's the first witness to threaten to fire mueller, even if he didn't. he's the first to leak a mueller grand jury subpoena, which we all learned from and reported on. and also while some obsessed over nunberg's media tour because he was the loudest, did you also notice this week there were actually three russia key figures speaking out. nunberg, his mentor roger stone, and the wife of guilty trump
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aide george papadopoulos. you've got to see it all to believe it. >> they're not going to send me to jail. >> you'd rather spend possibly a year in jail than 80 hours going through e-mails? >> i'm not going to jail. >> you know mueller can arrest you, right? that's like saying eat me to hannibal lector. >> i didn't and sam nunberg to protect me. i don't think i require any protection. >> i was subpoenaed to appear in front of a grand jury myself. you can imagine how surprised i was. >> new charges against paul manafort, and they added another ankle monitor to the indicted former trump aide. >> that looks like a busy week. he writes the water of this investigation rising higher, and malcolm nance is back with me as well. i started the table with paul.
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>> for anybody in the orbit of the mueller investigation the struggle is real. mueller is going in. he's a hard core prosecutor. it's a chiche now to say he's going after these parties but his or her. when you have the best law agency in the world focused on you, you have to tell the truth regardless of who you implicate. if you implicate people high up in the chain that's a lot of stress. >> one thing i heard from people in the legal circles after monday interview which obviously got some notice was maybe a theory that mr. nunberg and others are trying to alert roger stone and others through public comments, that which they
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otherwise couldn't privately huddle about, which is pretty interesting given "the new york times" reporting that donald trump is also trying to talk to some witnesses. what do you make of that theory? >> you know, i think it's possible. again, for nunberg mueller is mainly at this point interested in him for documents and for leads. you know the prosecutors are always evaluating witnesses, thinking about an ultimate criminal case. nunberg now has no credibility, so mueller is interested in him with regard to leads. why does he think carter page colluded with the russians, and why does he think donald trump knew about that meeting with the russian lawyer? and also documents. he subpoenaed everything nunberg ever touched with regard to rush, with regard to trump and a lot of witnesses he's ever call. he's going to compare the e-mails he gets from nunberg with the e-mails he gets from other people like roger stone. >> and malcolm nance, all of
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this is happening against the backdrop where russia is continuing to operate in ways that interfere with public discourse, interfere with potentially our elections according to intel agencies. and vladimir putin gets up, and it's been such a crazy week. i know you've seen it, malcolm. here's vladimir putin new remarks praising donald trump's well-balanced demeanor and their connection. take a listen. >> translator: i am not disappointed in trump at all. he's made a great impression on me on a personal level, and i think he's a well-balanced person. >> malcolm? >> vladimir putin, ladies and gentlemen. of course, he's not disappointed in trump. i mean if many cases had asked and do everything you want to do and making it look like they're not doing it for you, but i mean this is just amazing.
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that was almost a quarterly evaluation from vladimir putin for an audience of one. that being said going back to what paul was saying, nunberg is going to have to talk. and i'm certain he did talk today. all of these relationships that he's had, the most important ones are the ones he wants to protect the most. that's wikileaks. roger stone showed up in london last week and had his photograph taken outside the seck ecuadorian embassy where julian assange is. stone may end up in that embassy. >> i read you, and i'm obligated to say of course that's speculation and roger stone is presumed innocent and indeed hasn't even been called. now on the reporting side "the wall street journal" has been a place for leaks, joun dowd, the president's lawyer already
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pouring cold-water on this. trump's lawyers want to use the interview with trump as leverage for negotiate eggs and they think they could use it to quote, set a deadline of 60 days from the date of interview. you know the precedent on this. pablo escobar was able to set a deadline on the investigation on him. that's not a true thing. when you are under investigation you don't get to set any deadlines. it's sort of wild, but i'm bringing the reporting to you. what do you think of it? >> well, look, deadlines is something the trump legal team has raised all the time, this idea that mueller is a about to be finished. and of course the speculation here among the white house and reporters is this is a way of trying to keep the president calm suggests that mueller is about to be finished. the problem of course with that is truthful. one is that his legal team suggested that mueller was going
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to be finished by thanksgiving and then by christmas of last year. that didn't happen. but secondly to get back to your original point, there are these leads coming out all the time, new avenues that mueller appears to be discovering, the waters rising as i wrote about today. suggesting that really prc and the people around him are now in a perilous position because we're seeing this information constantly on a daily basis. >> paul, your view on the deadline. >> trump is never going to have a sit down. one thing he's going to listen to with his lawyers is he's headed to self-destruction if he goes into that room with robert mueller. >> thank you. up next all over the late night shows and they're taking over pop culture, and if you don't know about them yet you're about to. they are taking back fall back friday night.
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it's friday on "the beat"
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and tonight we have a special edition of fallback friday. this one is a take over. >> hey. >> you know that it is a take over when we cue the air horn. i i am joined by viceland's desus and mero. >> well, tonight we have -- do they ever confuse you? >> no. >> because trump wanted to brag about the low african-american employment rate which has been on the decline since 2011. >> we only bring out the air horns on special friday. >> we feel honored.
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>> let's start here. who needs to fall back? >> who needs to fall back this week, you had hill on feels like a year ago, sam nunberg. wow. he did every show in existence in like seven hours. it was amazing to watch. i can't believe i'm in the same room he was in. he said he's not doing a subpoena. and shout out to you. that was a omemoment for the culture. >> thank you. and monday he was feeling some type of way, and today he did testify. >> he said no one is going to make me testify, and shout out who talked him through it the way a public defender talks him through it saying, listen, you have to go to court. >> you can't just blow trial. >> like someone was trying to
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sell him something. >> no, i'm good. >> the kid mero as you're affectionately known, who needs to fall back? >> martin skrely. you know the farmo bro thing where he's inflating drug prices for people that need medication. this guy needed to get his for the longest and he finally got his. so you can fall back. >> also the f word uusing is fallback. >> that's right, fallback. >> that's rarity. i mean that's special. my fallback is a special group fallback. when you think about all the former trump aides making news this week, look how many have
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been fired. that is rising red line to gary cohn this week. and these are people trump picked who are giving him trouble. and you may know there is a saying in jamaica, we run tings, tings not run we. and you've got people in the white house and they are supposed to if i may say run tings, and there's been so much chaos it does feel like tings are running them. >> every week we meet new characters in this white house only to lose them at the end of the week. i don't want to learn a new name. i was like hope hicks, i was rooting for her. >> i always liked meeting people from different places. but if you found out they were there for just a semester. >> i was just starting to learn about columbian. >> who else needs to fall back?
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>> who else needs to fall back this week? oh, the russian embassy for trolling through twitter after the nerve attack in england. they went on and saying it happens. he was actually a british spy working for mi-6. they were just like mind your business. and it's a very serious nerve attack. 21 people injured. you know if this was a terrorism attack it'd probably be 24/7 coverage. and you can't just get on twitter and mock victims of a nerve attack. >> and when we talk about the cultural and the diplomacy of the world i guess feels like it's getter meaner. i get that countries for a long time have been killing people. that's the history of the world. but there wasn't always like bumper sticker gloating about it. >> like trolling or making a meme, like we got you. >> got you, like ha ha.
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>> not cool, no. >> mero, who else is on your list? >> this has been a strong fallback for a long time now, jeff sessions. jeff sessions hates two things gnat i love. being dominican and weed. so you need to fall back. i don't even know how you still have a job. you look like a keebler elf, a benjamin button. sit down, shut your mouth and go hide in the cafeteria. >> he's definitely going to find you now. >> is the problem with jeff sessions is his keebler quality or -- >> i never met anyone who was so anti-dominican in my life, and being from there i don't understand what his hangup is with us in particular. >> you think it's specific to some countries. >> yeah, there's so many dom
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dominca, which you easily can confuse. so get him all the way out of here. fall back, jeff. >> this is the strongest fall back i've seen. yeah, you're really saying it. >> i was running back and forth with a flag but he took it from me. >> with the fat joke, that was a good one. >> i love billy crystal on city suckers, man. >> i love you guys seem like actual beat viewers. congratulates on your show. thanks for coming back to fallback friday. we're not done. there's no reporting trump feels liberated to finally act more on his impulses. what does that even mean and how does it relate to north korea? that's next. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does.
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9:49 pm
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new reports tonight, donald trump may fire his chief of staff, national security
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advisor, daughter and son-in-law, which could obviously complicate this new push for north korean diplomacy. why the change? reporting trump's tired of feeling being reigned in. he's willing to defy his advisers which when you think about it does relate to the north korea news. mike pence saying just this week saying there'd be no change without concrete verifiable steps from north korea and his secretary of state saying this the day of the announcement. >> in terms of direct talks with the united states and you asked negotiate eggs, and we're a long ways from negotiations. >> but as you know sometime a long way and just a few hours. ceo and founder of the group and foreign policy specialists of ours. good to see you. >> good to be here. >> when you look at this announcement is it potentially a
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good idea and how real is it? >> well, i don't think an idea had anything to do with it. i think this story is tied to the stormy story and this president is defined by the fact he has really, really bad impulse control. he had bad impulse control back then, and he has this week defined all the news by his lack of impulse control. remember the trade deal? the trade deal he was talking to a bunch of people and he said, hey, we're going to have tariffs and his staff scrambles around. and tillerson didn't know about it, his staff, nobody in the white house knew about it, and he said, hey, a distraction. maybe a distraction from the stormy thing. let's do this and then we'll figure it out later. the plan for this administration is ready, fire, aim. >> wow. well, as you know one of the hallmarks of the era we're living in is that you can
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martial any argument against donald trump from donald trump. here's what he tweeted in april 2017. the u.s. has been talking with north korea for 25 years. talking is not the answer. >> well, look, i mean it's also true that the north koreans have been angling for a meeting with the president of the united states for a long time. they've been trying to get this to happen, and past presidents have said, well, tell you what, why don't you actually do something first? why don't you earn the meeting? and in this particular case the north koreans got the meeting without actually promising anything. they said we were going to freeze, but it's not verifiable. we don't know how long it's going to be for, and that's why there was all this push back today. and for a brief while it was like we're not going to do the meeting and then we said yes but we're not sure when we're going to do the meeting. >> if you take the most negative view this is worthless or a
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hustle how do you explain south korea's cosigning it? >> look, talking is better than war. >> talking is better than war. >> thank you. there is no scenario for war in the koreas. south korea is the one pushing this. they like the fact they can take a breath, move it along, get it to the range of talk. and frankly, perhaps they can get this thing dragged out long enough that you don't have as impulsive of a president of the united states at the time we've got the next push comes to shove with north korea. >> and there might even be less
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hate tweets. sam nunberg face-to-face today. we have an update on that straight ahead. [thud] [screaming & crying] ♪ [screaming & crying] ♪ [screaming & crying] [phone ping] with esurance photo claims, you could have money for repairs within a day... wow! that was really fast. huh. it doesn't have to hurt for long. hmm. that's insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. these are the specialists we're proud to call our own. experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly personalized cancer care. expert medicine works here. learn more at
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new banquet mega bowls, piled high with creamy mashed potatoes, corn, and shredded cheese under a savory blanket of gravy. but that's not all, because we topped it with crispy hunks of protein-packed chicken. now that's mega.
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where does it all end? well, it's friday and former trump aide sam nunberg showed up to bob mueller's courtroom today. he complied with the subpoena changing course after hearing from milo wily right here on "the beat" monday. what he was saying before and after he was on set with us. >> this is so ridiculous. i'm not going to give them every e-mail i had with steve bannon and roger stone. i communicated with them every day. i think carter page colluded with the russians. i think he colluded with the russians. >> what i can so you online if you go to our facebook page is those behind the scene shots. it shows sam as he was arriving before and after the interview. as to what we're learning today,
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let me tell you this. bob mueller did not send seven hours of his grand jurors time just to make a point or to intimidate mr. nunberg. we know a lot was discuss, because that's a lot of people's time. and we'll be reporting next week on what we learned. be sure to >> if the 13 russian nationals plus three russian companies did, in fact, interfere in our elections, is that okay with you? >> i don't care. i couldn't care less. >> reporter: american democracy -- under attack. tonight, megyn's kelly's no-holds-barred interview with vladimir putin. >> why would you allow an attack like this on the united states? >> why have you decided the russian authorities gave anybody permission to do this? >> this is some sort of nonsense. >> come on -- >> nyet. >> come on -- >> this is all a smokescreen. none of this could or would have happened without the direct authority of the man who sits in the kremlin.


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