tv AM Joy MSNBC March 25, 2018 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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that is a wrap of this hour of msnbc live. i look forward to seeing you at noon. stay where you are. peter wang would never, jamie guttenburg would never, meadow pollock would never. >> i say to them, the real disruption to the educational process is staring down the barrel of a gun. >> we need change now! yes, i am a parkland survivor. but before this, i was a regular black girl. after this, i am still black and i am still regular. and i will fight for all of us! >> you hahave you heard?
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>> have you heard. >> all across the nation. >> all across the nation. >> we are going to be. >> we are going to be. >> a great generation. >> a great generation. >> flnow give yourselves a hand. >> good morning. we are live in washington, d.c. where on saturday america witnessed one of the largest mass protests in u.s. history. emma gonzalez amplified the voices of her peers. she stood in silence for six minutes and 20 seconds. she said that was the length of time it took for 17 of her classmates and staffers to be killed february 14th in parkland, florida. for that time she made the nation stop and sit with the trauma of loss and absence. her silence was deafening. in part, because for the last 39 days, since the shootings in their hometown of parkland, florida, emma and her activist classmates have been so vocal in
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their demands for change and to local and national gun policy. they organized. they got a gun reform bill passed in florida. they have begun chipping away at the power of the nra while making sure to include the voices and opinions of people whose suffering and trauma in the face of gun violence in their own communities for years has gone unheard. despite the suggestions by some adults that they are too young or uninformed and not prepared to be on air or maybe crisis actors or paid actors, these kids assembled in hundreds of cities around the world to take the baton and give us all a message. >> to the leaders, skeptics and cynics who told us to sit down and stay silent, wait your turn. welcome to the revolution. since this movement began, people have asked me, do you think any change is going to come from this? look around. we are the change.
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>> here with me is matt post, a high school student who spoke yesterday at the march in d.c. tell us, for those who may have missed -- this was incredible. you could feel the energy there. 800,000 plus people just in washington, d.c. alone. what was your message to that assembled crowd and to the world? >> we want change. if this congress isn't willing to pass comprehensive gun control on november 2018, we will elect a new congress to get it done. >> you are a student member of the board of education of the montgomery county schools. we know maryland suffered a school shooting in the interim, in the last 39 days. it hasn't even stopped. what concrete changes do you think would prevent another mass shooting or another shooting in schools or anywhere? because they are happening in theaters, concerts, nightclubs. >> i think something important to acknowledge is that these shootings are not just happening in schools and they're not just
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mass shootings. there are silent tragedies that are happening every single day that aren't making the news. we have a very specific list of demands. we want a ban on semiautomatic rifles and high capacity magazines. we want to raise the age to buy a gun from 18 to 21. we want actual investments in our mental health support as a country. >> you are 18. >> yes. >> you seem pretty mature to me. you are on your way to college. you could be drafted. we were talking about john bolton being our new national security adviser. a lot of people on the nra side say why shouldn't a man like yourself buy a gun if you want? >> not everyone is at the same level that i am or the parkland kids are, any of the incredible kids. we need to put as many barriers as possible between crazy people and guns.
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thinking that would assuage him. what do you say+++ and that are saying, we think you are trying to oppose something for our family part of our culture? >> is that enjoyment more valuable than someone's life? i don't buy it. i think what's powerful about students protesting is that we are highlighting the gross inhumanity of this issue. we are putting it in concrete terms. it's our life or your gun. >> i want to -- we're going to bring in our panel. we have e.j. of the "washington post." great columnist. michelle bernard, and kate dawson. i will throw it out to everyone and get your impressions of the march. you and i, we were on the same flight coming over. what were your impressions of the march and of the young people that are taking command?
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>> i was wandering the crowd pretty much all day. it was one of the most moving experiences i have had in politics. it took young people to shake up a blocked and stale debate. it took young people to move us off in weird second amendment abo abstractions. i thought you say it in -- the themes of this in different speeches. emma gonzalez reminding us of the seriousness, why people were there, the long silence was so powerful. naomi, an 11-year-old saying that this is a multi-racial movement. reminding us the inner city kids killed. gun control is no longer a suburban issue the way it was cast. cameron, matt today, laying out concrete demands. this is not about we want something vague. no. they were very specific demands
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about background checks and ban on assault weapons and the like. lastly, it was very political. there is too much kind of false equivalence, that's all to blame. it was vote them out was one of the most popular cheers. the them was anybody who stands against sane gun laws. the attacks on the nra and their influence in the debate. as matt said, if they take nra money, we're not going to take them. that came up over and over again. there was a practical set of demands and a clear sense of what needed to be done politically to get it done. >> michelle, it was an incredibly intersectional argument being made. we had this debate early on when the parkland kids came forward because they appear to be white. some are hispanic. >> and black. >> and we were able to meet some of the kids as well. 25% of the school, according to
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david hogg, is african-american. that was all blurred yesterday. that was all gone. there were kids from chicago, kids from all over the country. the kids themselves have organized it that way. >> it was -- that's what i found to be so beautiful and extraordinary. i got there about two hours before it started. we stayed the entire day. i was there with my kids and some of their friends. all day long. the kids themselves are so egalitarian. standing in the crowd i thought, this is the best of america. the racial divide that we have seen since this last election was completely non-existent yesterday. i cannot tell you how many white people i saw holding signs and buttons that said, black lives matter. or the young woman who was a white student who spoke yesterday from the stage and she drew attention to the fact that it was the aflufluence of the ks at this school that brought the
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attention but brought everybody back to chicago and the students losing their lives for many years in chicago. i thought it was an absolutely extraordinary moment in history. i was honored to be able to be there and be with my kids and children like you. >> absolutely. i have to ask you about politics. matt has brought it up. e.j. brought it up as well. this was a political march. it was a huge march. more people than at the trump inauguration. the numbers have been run. he will deny that. he hasn't tweeted about the march. the numbers have been run. 800,000 people in d.c. versus 600,000 who went to his inauguration.obama's inaugurati. no nra money, which means basically every republican in congress who take lots and lots of nra money and four democrats. is this a concern the republican party needs to take seriously? >> i'm not sure the concern is there yet. i applaud matt and his friends
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and his compatriots. there were 3,000 in columbia, south carolina. that's where politicians come from. movements like this is where they come from. it's their right. we watched it during the vietnam war. you can study civil rights and see where these organic movements come from on issues. they're on the right issue. they are over the right target. is it going to matter in the 2018 election? it will matter when they show up and they hold up their parents to voting i.d.s. they hold up their ability to say i can move votes. the majority of the protesters yesterday are not 18. will it impact the 2018 election? will it stop people from taking contributions from the nra? i doubt that. what it will do is spawn a new generation of folks who want to enter the political discourse, both republican and democrat,
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because that's -- i know we try to make this a partisan issue. what i find energizing and exciting is, this many young people are coming out making a statement against something they believe and are passionate in. they are putting a litany of choices. to move politicians, they have to move votes. i think it's organic. i hope -- e.j. will understand this. i hope it doesn't become pros ta liesed into a paid political campaign where the money and the consultants get involved and all of a sudden they become more than one issue and get used for this effort. that's a fear for me. >> that's what the nra literally is. the nra marshals millions and millions of dollars in paid political campaigns for their -- to sell more guns for the gun industry. the nra is doing that. i want to let the panel in because it's partisan. >> i wanted to say -- i respectfully disagree in one sense.
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when we were walking in yesterday, i was watching thousands -- you were there. thousands of students walking in and there were kids there who were handing out stickers with the year that you are old enough to vote. my children for the first time had to sit down and figure out what year they could vote and they put their stickers on. they are generating thousands and thousands of new voters. matt is 18. a lot of his classmates had 18. they will vote in the mid term elections. kids were registering to vote yesterday. we are going to see an enormous tidal wave of change. >> i don't buy the whole argument that republican shouldn't be scared because a lot of the people are under 18. they will get to 18 eventually. congress is either going to get it done now or we will vote them out later. >> i want to say, god bless a political consultant calling out the sins of political consult t consultants. i'm glad he mentioned the 3,000 people in south carolina. one of the things that gets less attention because they're not
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media centers, this wasn't just a blue state urban thing. these marches all over -- oklahoma city, it was in -- i think it was in oklahoma was a huge crowd. these folks were very conscious of the election. about every 20 feet when i was walking along, there was somebody with a voter registration clipboard. they were saying, this is not about today. this is about november. >> that's right. >> that's where the danger to republicans is because of where they have stood on this issue for the last 20 years. >> i thought one of the most dangerous things i saw yesterday for a republican in office was the student who said how much money marco rubio got from the nra and did quick division and said how much each child's life was lost. $1.05. and said, marco rubio, you lost $17 on february 14th. it was an arresting moment. if i were a member of congress taking money from the nra, that
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would -- that alone would absolutely shock me. >> one of the biggest marches was denver, colorado. a very important swing state. people are very pointed about registering voters, including latinos out there. they were registering young people to vote. florida, the epicenter, 15,000 people marching. in parkland, florida. this is a voting issue. i disagree with you. it's being directly squarely at republicans. the biggest recipient of nra money is ted cruz who is facing a guy named o'rourke making this an issue. >> i answered the question would it be an issue in 2018. is there enough time -- will there be enough people registered to vote? will the organic movement last until november? it could. it's a big 2020 and 2024 issue. what these young people are missing is, if i don't vote you
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out, guess what, i'm going to run against you. there's another talking point for them. we're going to get politicians out of these rallies. we will get future politicians. my question was, is there enough time in 2018 to amass enough votes on the ballot on this issue? certainly, it's driven the issue into the public's conversation. my question professionally was, will there be enough votes in 2018 for this to vote people out of office? i don't think so. i think 2020, 2024, i think there's a lot down the road. we will see when we have this conversation the third week this november. >> i don't know about that. i will give matt the last word. >> we have 226 days until november 6, 2018. the march was a beginning. it was not the end. we're just getting started. >> all right. thank you very much, matt post. great to meet you. up next, stormy daniels. the big interview airs tonight.
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telling her story on "60 minutes." she is suing to be released from a non-disclosure agreement she reached with trump's attorney just before the 2016 election. trump denied the allegations. while daniels said very little so far, interest in tonight's interview went through the roof after her attorney tweeted out this mystery photo of a disc writing, if a picture is worth 1,000 words, how many words is this worth? he explained what he meant to chris matthews on "hard ball." >> let me tell you this. that dvd contains evidence of this relationship. let me tell you why i sent the tweet. i sent the tweet as a warning shot. to michael cohen and any other supporter of the president and to the president himself to the extent that they plan on disparaging my client, lying about what happened or spinning facts that have no basis in
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reality after this "60 minutes" interview, let that tweet be a warning to them. >> joining me now paul butler and natasha bertrand and lisa bloom. thank you very much. you told me something, paul, about michael that is interesting. >> i taught him criminal law. i can't say i taught him everything he knows. i think he has a pretty good case with this contract. if trump didn't sign it, there's this concept called statute of fraud which means there's in contract everybody has to sign or it's not good. >> he is also a very brilliant public advocate for his client. i will give you credit. >> look, even if trump wins, he loses. can anyone imagine him going after this woman for millions and millions of dollars for something that he is having his
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people say he never did. >> yeah. and absolutely. let's talk about the expectations game in terms of where trump's mind is going to be at. they are keeping him golfing. trying to keep him distracted. michael tried to temper expectations this morning. he wrote one of them, not all of our evidence will be displayed tonight. we are not sure what cbs will include. we know a lot from the full interview will have to be cut because of time allowed. tonight is not the end, it's the beginning. his second tweet was the fact a sitting president is pursuing over $20 million in bogus damages is remarkable. we are not going away and will not be intimidated. is that trying to temper expectations? maybe i think a lot of people are saying if they don't have something, if it's al capone's
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fault, this will evaporate and trump will go on a tweet storm declaring victory. >> this interview is not the be all end all of this case. it would be -- like he said, it would be foolish to show all of their cards tonight. this is a case that they intend to pursue. it could get to the point where trump has to be deposed. that would be a very interesting thing to see. he is right about the fact that this is remarkable that trump now is trying to sue stormy for $20 million. if he wanted to keep this out of the public eye, he just breathed a lot of oxygen into it. if it were any other president, that president would have been writing their resignation letter. the fact that a scandal came out where he allegedly had an affair with a porn star and republicans are looking the other way and trying to cover their eyes. >> while an affair with a playboy bunny while married to his third wife who had given birth to his fifth child.
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>> all at the same time. he is subject to a different set of rules. voters hopefully may care about the fact that he is trying to bury her in legal costs, is trying to -- he may have paid her hush money during the campaign violating laws or illegally hiding campaign donation. these are things that if they don't care about the affair, they may care about that. there's a national security angle to this, which is that secrets worth paying over $1 owe,0ow $100,00 is worth paying for. what other secrets are out there? >> you know, his voters may not care and they don't seem to care about much that he does. the courts do care. that's the saving grace of the republic. i want to play you one of the other aspects of this that's become a big subject of contention, the question of
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whether trump threatened stormy daniels. >> here is what i will tell you. the threat was delivered in person. my client is going to describe it in detail. the american people are going to hear from her. they are going to judge her credibility. it was very frightening to her. >> was the threat part of the reason she signed? >> i think absolutely. when the president's fixer exerts pressure on you to sign a document, you don't ask a lot of questions. you do as you are told. >> lisa, what could be the legal ramifications if that can be proven to be true? >> i would love to see michael, who is doing an amazing job, file an additional claim for those threats. that would take it out of the arbitration, the secret agreement where he does not want to be and where trump wants to be. i want to say, i know the conventional wisdom is, it's about the money, it's not about the sex and that trump doesn't
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have to follow standards everybody else has to follow. but i think it is about the sex. both of these women, stormy and karen, say he was having unprotected sex with them over and over again while melania was hope with the home with their infant son. potentially getting these women pregnant. i think this is consistent with all of his appalling behavior toward women that we know about. >> on the issue of getting her pregnant, another thing people have noted in the nda that were signed, there's this language about paternity. is that just boilerplate in an nda with your side girlfriend? or your second side girlfriend? >> language by a very careful lawyer who is trying to cover all of his bases. again, it's not gratuitous. they put this in for a reason. maybe we will hear this tonight. a good lawyer doesn't show all of his cards.
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i taught him. i know he knows enough that he has stuff that he is not revealing yet. could very well undermine the president. >> let's play karen mcdougal who had relationship that overlapped with the stormy daniels relationship in which they were having unprotected sexual relations. this is the cnn interview saying he tried to pay her for sex. >> after we had been intimate, he tried to pay me. i actually did not take that. >> did he actually try to hand you money? >> he did. he did. i said -- i mean, i just had this look of -- i don't know. i don't even know how to describe it. the look must have been so sad. i never had been offered money like that. >> we're running out of time. i have to play one more sound bite. this is the same woman saying that -- she was sleeping with him and he compared her to someone. interesting. take a listen.
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>> did he ever compare you to any of his kids? >> you know, he is very proud of ivan ivanka, as he should be. she's a brilliant woman, beautiful. that's his daughter. he should be proud of her. he said i was beautiful like her. you are a smart girl. there wasn't a lot of comparing, but there was some. i heard a lot about her. >> lisa, i don't have a question. i just wanted to let you comment on that. >> okay. i represented four trump accusers, including jill. she's been saying for years that when trump assaulted he eed her sexually, he pulled her into ivanka's bedroom. she was about 11 years old at the time. there's clearly a disturbing pattern here. what i love about michael is he has a legal strategy and he has a media strategy. he is not putting everything out there on the first day so this dies. he is keeping this in the news. he is releasing a little bit day
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by day. the legal part of this could go on for years because whichever side loses will go up on appeal. the media side will go as well. he says he has a lot of evidence. i believe him. he is going to release it when he wants to release it. i think this is going to stay in the news for a long time. >> absolutely. paul butler, we are hearing some reporting that donald trump is questioning whether his advisers are connect in telling him not to respond to stormy daniels. is that start? >> he needs to keep his mouth shut. there's two issues here, credibility if he has been having his people apparently lie about whether he had this affair, if he lies again, that's putting him in jeopardy. this was clearly a campaign contribution by michael cohen to help trump get elected. that's supposed to have been reported. that's something that mueller could be interested in. one part of this that's sleazy. there's another part that's very relevant to the russia obstruction of justice investigation. >> expand on that. it's relevant because? >> because it goes to his -- he
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is willing to accept campaign contributions and not report them. a violation of the election law. if cohen spent 130 k, more than he is allowed to contribute. it has to be reported. it wasn't. that's a violation of federal criminal and civil law. >> i want to -- we have something just came across. the producers put in front of me a new piece out by "the washington post" talking about donald trump and his sojourns in florida. one friend saying the president told him to expect one or more personal changes. trump also complained while he is there at mar-a-lago about the media attention stormy daniels is receiving calling the entire episode a hoax that opponents are using to attack him. he asked one friend how daniels, who is scheduled to appear sunday night on "60 minutes" was
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going to affect his poll numbers. >> this has had remarkable staying power for a reason. there are few times we have seen stories stuck to the president the way this has. the fact that they are trying to sue her for $20 million for breach of the contract shows they take this seriously. it's also -- it's not just about tr trump. it's a story about the people loyal to him and what they are willing to do to keep his secrets. that will remain in the public eye and important to people as this moves forward. >> it's interesting that he is asking if it's going to affect his poll numbers. the evangelicals have stood by him. last word on this to you, lisa. in theory here, stormy daniels does this interview. she speaks. does this open her up to the trump side being able to say by giving this interview, you have clearly violated the non-disclosure agreement, every word you said in the interview
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means you are le -- >> they have decided to take that risk and they just don't care. what i think is interesting and what you just said, if trump is saying this is a hoax, if he is calling her a liar, he is potentially exposing himself to defamation claims that she could bring against him. i won in the california supreme court in my defamation case against bill cosby on behalf of janice dick enson. good luck with that strategy. >> stormy daniels is not going away. stormy daniels, she just might be the one with the cape that people have been looking for all along. her or mueller. thank you, natasha, paul, lisa. nobody call me at 7:00 p.m. tonight. coming up, we will discuss what trump's foreign policy will
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so it is a virtual disaster. it is totally inconsistent with the reason why it was set up to have a national security adviser. >> as donald trump plans for a possible meeting with north korean leader kim jong-un and edges closer to withdrawing from the iran nuclear deal, a new national security adviser, the third after mcmaster and flynn, remember him, will soon be at the helm. hard line former u.n. ambassador john bolton, one of the most hawkish foreign policy figures in the country. who just last month made a case for a pre-emptive strike on north korea in a piece he wrote for "the wall street journal." joining me is malcolm nance. malcolm, there's a piece out -- good morning. there's a piece out in foreign policy that talks about what john bolton is expected to do once he gets in place.
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inco they are expected to launch a massive shakeup at the nfc aiming to remove dozens of current white house officials. those targeted for removal include officials believed to have been disloyal to donald trump, those who have leaked about the president to the media, his predecessor's team and those who came in under obama. the choice quote from it, one of the former national security -- former white house official who spoke to foreign policy offered a blunt assessment of former owe bo baa obama officials. everyone who was there during the obama years should start packing their s-h-i-t. >> this is a guy with two guns shooting in the air who is going to come in and clean up the white house. the people that he is talking about getting rid of are the
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staffers who are part of the general government bureaucracy. most of them are seconded from other agents like the department of defense, department of state and other organizations, central intelligence agency, that helps the national security council and their staff make decisions. as national security adviser, it is not a go it alone organization. this is a go it alone character. he thinks he is going to come in there and get rid of everybody and create a loyalist block, miniature poll it bureau within the white house. he well run into the government, the defense department. >> i want to play you -- you said come in with his guns blazing. it just so happens, he is also recorded back in 2013 a video for the nra which we know has lots of interesting connections to russia, to vladimir putin's russia. here is john bolton in this
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video that's been used by a russian gun rights group called the right to bear arms. david keen appointed him to the committee in 2011. here is the video he made in 2013. >> more time has passed since the united states created our own constitutional freedoms, we never forget the joyful optimism that marked the beginning of our democratic history. we wish our russian friends that same hope and pray for you the strength to preserve these first precious freedoms. >> what do you think about that, malcolm? >> it's laughable. there are no right to bear arms in russia. there are 700,000 rifles in russia. they are mainly hunting rifles and shotgun. anything else in that country is an illegal weapon whether you talk about ak-47 or a pistol. they don't have a right to have those things. it's interesting because he is a friend of this guy named torchin
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who came to the united states with a woman and they created this russian right to bear arms organization. they are really a trojan horse for bringing russian money into the republican party. they did it through the nra. he is a supporter of this. he made this video in support of that. really, he did it for a country that has no rights, runs sham elections, kills journalists and is a totalitarian state with oil money. >> let's quickly before we go get your comments on a couple new other highs. mike pompeo moving over to state. he having had met with russian s spies, i guess, for whatever reason and secretly met with russian spies in washington. the new cia head with her interesting ties to torture. >> mike pompeo was a political appointee. i was at a dinner where he gave the keynote about a month -- a
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couple of months ago where he said his aspiration was not to be a former director of the central intelligence agency. there he was. he didn't last 90 days. as opposed -- to tell you the truth, she does have a troubling career which has some components which were involved in the water boarding torture debate. those will have to come out in her confirmation hearing. i don't think she's as culpable as many people think. we need a career professional at the cia who will deal in ground intelligence, ground fact. >> we will get more of your wisdom in our next hour because malcolm will be back. we never let him go home. coming up in our next hour, the right wing media turns on trump. what? facebook promises to do better. a wealth of information. a wealth of perspective. ♪ a wealth of opportunities. that's the clarity you get from fidelity wealth management.
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yeah. to stop investigation without cause, i think it would be a constitutional crisis. as donald trump spirals further out of control, that phrase, constitutional crisis has been thrown around more and more. you've probably heard it on this very show. particularly as democrats and some republicans fear as you continue spiraling trump will lash out and find a way to fire special counsel robert mueller. or he'll defy the special counsel that will provoke, say it with me, constitutional crisis. what exactly does the term mean? luckily, we have a constitutional scholar to explain. mark alexander dean of the university. what do you hear when you hear people throw around the term constitutional crisis when it comes to trump. what does it mean to you? >> it can mean a lot of things, joy it's certainly the situation where the constitution might not speak to something that we think is perhaps wrong but there's no
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perfect definition of what to do. so, you're doing something is that people might say, this shouldn't happen. but the constitutional doesn't exactly say what you're supposed to do. we have to sometimes depend on the institutions. that's for the president to stand up for what's right. the president to stand up for what's right. and the courts to stand up to what's right. >> we actually went to our facebook viewers, we asked them, tell us what you think. what do you want to know from mark. we have a couple questions here. >> right. >> walter e. mccloud asks if trump is found to have obstructed justice what happens if congress does not vote to impeach him? what that be considered a constitutional crisis? >> i think that kind of scenario would be a constitutional crisis. there's certain -- as the constitution stays there are high crimes for demeanors in which the president and will be impeached from office. if it gets to the point where the president is doing something so extreme as for obstructing
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justice it's not necessarily where the congress should take action. there's lots of facts to be seen but the congress has an important role to play to make sure that the president is arching in the best interests of the united states. and if that doesn't happen, we have to react? >> is that more of a political crisis or a constitutional? let's say robert mueller comes out and says, i find that he committed the crime of bribery. just a fictional theoretical thing. and congress declines to act, is that your political or a crisis? >> i think it's a political situation. if congress doesn't act at all, the question is what do we do that if we have a president that's in such a bad place then our system isn't working. that's the one thing we have for 200-plus years is our system going forward. >> let's take one more. sharon jenkins writes the writers of the constitution could not have envisioned a man who wants to be a dictator of the united states.
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can that be the dictator? can they change the law to amend the constitution which would sound crazy? but he just phrased xi jinping in china so he could rule more than two terms. could donald trump theoretically do that? >> well, certainly, the constitution can be amended. it takes a huge effort in order to do so. i don't think the american will allow that to happen. that's one of the great checks the american people we have a certain right and to amend the constitution would not require the congress but people in the united states to change the constitution which i don't think the people would allow if somebody said i want to be president for life. >> what if robert mueller were to serve a subpoena on donald trump and he refused to accept it? >> i think that's what happened with richard nixon. and clearly the court stated that no person is above the law. the president must respect the courts and if there's a subpoena and the courts back it up then indeed the president must go along. i think that's one of the
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biggest challenges lying ahead to see what happens if there is a subpoena and whether or not the president goes along because the president must in fact go along with the laws of our nation. >> and if he refused to accept it that would be textbook constitution crisis. >> absolutely. >> thank you very much. have a great sunday. >> thank you. >> i appreciate you being here. >> more "am joy" after the break.
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chuck schumer is like the cat that ate the canary. meanwhile, trump gets a fraction of what he wanted. >> i personally wish the president had vetoed this bill. made them stay in washington. make them keep their promises. what happened to the republican party. what about that party that believed in fiscal responsibility? >> this was a huge defeat for the president on a signature issue. it's really, really bad. there's no way to spin it. >> welcome back to "am joy." hours after surprising his entire staff by issuing a veto threat, donald trump backed all the way down and signed the massive $1.3 trillion spending bill on friday that ignored every single promise he made to his devoted followers including explicitly any funding for the precious wall. and that sent media sinning out of tune and morphing into his critics. from the house freedom caucus, to rush limbaugh to breitbart to
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even his fawning audience on fox. when trump admitted to buyer's remorse the same day tweeting he would never sign a bill like this again. ann coulter shot back tweeting, yeah, because you'll be impeached. meanwhile, we are just showers away from the interview with stormy daniels that airs on "60 minutes" tonight. and per her attorney's cryptic tweet showing this cd, it might not be what stormy says but rather than what she shows. meaning trump needs his media guardians now more than ever. but given what happened on friday, they may not number the mood. joining me now, e.d. deel of "the washington post" michelle bernard. and national republican consultant katon dawson and msnbc political analyst, anna ramnist. it was interesting to see the biggest cheerleader for trump who laid the groundwork and lost their base for him basically
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giving him love, love, love all the time and not love on that omnibus bill. what did you make of it? >> i think the reality is, all of the people who support "endeavour" trump know deep down in their hearts, if they have hearts, hay was an enormous hold your nose gamble. he was an ex-democrat. he was thrice married. he clearly didn't honor any of the evangelical values that permeate the party. and they kind of grabbed on to him and stuck with him and he's degraded our norms and to be clear to be a russian plant. because of this hope that he would do a couple of republican fiscal policy things that would make the donor class happy. and as he's violated that, he's starting to break the essential bargain which is a lot of his supporters are willing to have the country go to shreds, as long as their tax bill looks favorable. once you violate that tax bill. you'll really starting to touch
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something that is sacred. >> i mean, there's always been the sense, you know, maybe i'm just speaking for myself here, michelle. but there was a long time at work here. donald trump in his business dealings did a certain thing where he sells you a gilded apartment building that has correspo corian instead of granite countertops. and then in politics says what the people want to hear. alt-right or anti-immigrant, obviously anti-mexican-american leanings and then just say what he wants to say. and he was delivering the things that republicans want because the paul ryans of the world will be into him. because he's giving them their tax cut for the rich. given evangelicals everything. although it's not clear whether or not he's ever been to church but he gives them what they want. but he also decided to legislate
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in a stingy way for the domestic odd audience. here's ann coulter and rush l b limbaugh i'm sorry, reacting to his. >> now signing a bill to prohibit the bill. "the wall street journal" said he did it because he wanted to go to mar-a-lago. >> that's baloney. that's baloney. >> that's your corporate newspaper. >> no it's not my corporate anything. this man is the hardest working guy in that white house. he doesn't sleep, he works day and night. it didn't pay off here. you know why? the republicans didn't care enough. >>. ♪ >> i'm feeling like i just saw donald trump get on the escalator and go back up. >> michelle, the thing is, you know, no domestic spending and the wall and being
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anti-immigrant till the left dog dies. >> yes. >> those are the implicit promises but these people don't own that base anymore. can they sell them back? >> i guess anything is possible. i'm looking at the clips and i'm thinking they are just figuring out what the rest of the world halgs always known. you don't know who donald trump is. you really don't know what he stands for. and you have to start questioning if they even know what their base wants. >> they clearly don't. they want donald trump. these people have gone from being loud and chests-thumping right wing figures to basic with being donald trump's brother. >> yes. >> they all have to, if you don't, you will lose your show. charlie seitz has said this, you have to get out of the business if you're not slavishly devoted to trdonald trump. >> i think we know that miss
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shapiro is going to be the next. >> maybe the next justice on the supreme court. >> my conservative colleague at the "washington post" george will wrote donald trump doesn't convictions. he doesn't have principles. he's got impulses. and those are very different things. and during the campaign he made utterly contradictory promises when it comes to spending. and the conservative part heard him sound like a conservative. he said repeatedly that a whole lot of things in government he didn't want to cut because a lot of those ex-democratic voters, mostly working class voters who switched to him didn't actually want to cut government. and displayed last week where he was really -- it was like he was going to split himself in two. because he sent out that tweet. he said, well, i'll never sign a bill like this again. that's one part of trump. >> right. >> and then the other part of trump realize he couldn't afford
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a government shutdown. >> right. >> he couldn't afford to walk away from this bill. because it was no solution that the republicans could pass in congress other than the one on his desk. >> right. the reagan democrats, he is one of them. i mean, right? that's what trump was. >> it's unfair to reagan democrats. >> it probably is unfair. i want to go to caton on this. because there was this interplay between trump and fox news where he gets the policy from them. the tv talks to him. and he kind of does what it says. and then the people on fox news jen y genuflect on him. and then you have "the washington post" that donald trump is actually concerned with the coverage on fox. people with this thinking say he's frustrated with the bill and the coverage it's receiving, particularly on fox news, where critics took aim at the level of
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spending on the bill. now here is jesse waters who is one of the biggest die-hard trump fans talking with ckelli n conway on saturday. >> what happen to the wall funding? >> well, jesse, this was a town knocking the idea of the wall and now giving billions of dollars of funding towards it. that's a step in the right direction. >> a very small step. >> so, what happens when jesse walters and donald trump break up? i mean, which parent does the base go live with? >> well, you know, the base is certainly, when you're in the business end of see electing republican politicians, you may a lot of attention to fox. because that's where a large audience gets political information in hard conservative
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primaries. certainly, you keep your base together. i always have to remind nice and a lot of things that go on in washington that donald trump got elected for draining the swamp. message of electricer hup which was hillary clinton and do you want full chaos in washington. well, he has provided full chaos in washington and about a third of the electorate still likes that. they like the confusion. they like all of the messages. but as i said, a couple weeks ago, joy, there was an organic movement that was started called the tea party which was just about spending. completely about deficit spending. and i predicted that that -- >> many people in their mortgages were deadbeats and race and hanging obama effigy. >> i got it. i'm just telling you politically what i think. certainly, the president watches at least two or three cable stations maybe not cnn anymore. but he does.
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he's watched msnbc before, i can assure you of that. he has gotten information from that. fox news has placated. but there's a conservative base of people who buy products that are advertised on these stations and every now and then you better speak to them, you better talk to them. i think i'm seeing the economics of cable tv, the economics 6 politics. but the message is, whether it be stormy daniels, there's so much out there to about sorted right now, that i'm not sure what's beating its way through on that station. >> let me ask you, just heard, his base includes, the white evangelicals. they don't care about him being unfaithful to his wife. that's obvious. but they really care about building a wall to keep mexicans out. they really care about a wall to keep the brown people out. really care about it. that might have been the galvanizing issue, they really, really care about not spending
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money on the poor. on the domestic programs. i remember a time the tea party threw a dollar at a guy who was disabled on the ground, get a job and threw a dollar. these are animus towards people who are takers. those two things were just viem lated in one bill by this guy. it's not the stormy daniels stuff that takes him down with that. it's that stuff. how much of that are they willing to take? >> i agree. i can't answer that question, i can tell you donald trump is now on the ballot until 2020. and there will be a referendum in 2018 on him, per se. how much does this damage him? i mean, you can start poking holes in the dam and watch the water flow through before it bursts. we've seen some lower numbers in republican primaries. we just lost a republican congressional seat. we're seeing some things that are very problematic for the conservative movement and the republican party. a lot of that is to be expected.
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but the jury's still out on the dynamics of what's going to happen in 2018. and then we're going to move to 2020 politics. and you're also watching the senator from nevada talking about running. you've got numerous other people trying to primary a president which is very hard to do. >> right. >> so there's a lot of it to digest. >> yeah, there is. >> and that's why this fox news stuff is dangerous. because you already have indications in the polls that anti-trump voters, they're going to vote as often as they cannot to feed that story. they're just all going to get out there. >> yeah. >> there's real disillusionment on the trump side. republicans are not enthusiasm about voting. and when you're getting attacked by fox news that only depresses enthusiasm on your side further. so, this is actually something, i think, republicans have to worry about. >> i'd like to point out, just
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listening to it, if you listen to it and you think about all of the promises donald trump made to his base during the campaign, i just think we are witnessing not just a fracturing of the republican party but true schizophrenia. these are people that want limited government. they don't want to spend too much money. they're lambasting the president for the way he voted friday. but this was a president that promised that mexico was going to build the wall, not the united states government why then be angry if the money has not been budgeted. >> anand, you could go on and on, the opioid epidemic hitting constituents in some of these states like west virginia, he's not doing anything like that. in fact, he's coming after their medicaid. he's letting paul ryan work his ryan budget which would eventually come after their social security disability insurance. not to mention that starting a trade war with china makes everything at walmart more expensive. and these going to degree the
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industry. china is coming for kentucky, coming for their bourbon. did they refuse to vote in 2010 just because barack obama didn't literally remake the world in a year and a half? >> and so vigorous is this tolerance that we're now living through a moment in which the democratic party is going to become kind of more associated with kind of the idea having sex with your spouse. the republican party is going to be more associative with having sex with porn stars gives birth. which is more remarkable than the bennett republican from the '90s. we can't ignore, i feel like a conversation about the coalition hold and tactics and polling, how will he assemble his base? i think we risk for getting the moral conversation this is what it's about. this is not how you hold a base together. this is the most degrading
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holder of this ocffice in history. this is the most audacious holder of this office. with complete lack of character and integrity and kindness towards his fellow human beings. and so, the idea that we're sitting here saying it's so surprising that he didn't fund this thing after saying this, or it's so surprising that the border wall, we're listening to it. this is as bad a man as has ever governed our country. and anyone who is surprised that he disappointses them about anything is a fool themselves. >> and we are out of time. but i do have to come back to katon. i hate to put you in the position, but katon, i think anand makes a really good pound. when the republican party loses the ability to make any moral argument for its leadership. it's not arguably, you could
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argue he in the margin could win this number of voters and you as a strategist can get to the finish line with him in the truck with them. but what moral argument for republican leadership is left at long last? >> well, you're probably spot-on on some of that. i don't think the electorate that we deal with or the lazy voters that we deal with are on tune with everything that we're saying and everything that we're doing this morning. there is a concern in the republican party about where we are and who we stand for and what we are. and that was what we thought the last election was going to be about, was 16 pretty qualified candidates. and donald trump won. so, at the end of the day, i go back and always think, on these politics, what was it like when president obama was there heading into his election. we'd won all of these races. and then at the end of the day, president obama won again. so, we're having some of same arguments not about the moral thing, but about policy.
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so, where are we as a party? i can't answer that right now except i can tell you all the politics are local and that's what we're paying attention to. >> luckily for us we're going to have the moral argument because we've got beneficiary shp william barber coming up. >> tonight at 7:00, everyone is going to be watching the stormy daniels interview. there's a restaurant in san francisco that since shut down. it's a perfect cocktail for great drinking tonight. orange and stormy. two ounces of rum, two damages of orange bitters. orange and stormy is the perfect drink. >> and ginger beer, my friend. we love it. i think we're all going to be having that. thank you all for everything. thank you very much.
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♪ according to a new report out about "the new york times," donald trump is shaking up his legal team yet again. you know those two lawyers who were announced as new additions to the legal defense team just a few days ago? those attorneys joe dejenna virginia and victoria tensing will not longer be fill-ins the gaps. they're not going away entirely. trump's personal lawyer said donald trump is disappointed that conflicts prevent joe de
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jen dedevelopment nonv. with me malcolm unanimous the tear project. joining me on the program, one of the reporters who broke this. donald schmidt. so donald trump hadn't hired him yet? >> well, they had announced last week, they were in the process of looking at conflict issues around digenova that digenova had a meeting and they realized that conflicts were an issue. my guess is they probably could have gotten around them but they
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will not be representing the pled. >> and what were those conflicts? >> well, digenova had represented some witnesses in the investigation. and that would put the president in an odd spot. because the president wants to have a lawyer who is just simply representing his interests and it can create an appearance of a conflict. >> and which was more of -- let me go on, sorry. my guess is at the end of the day, if the president wanted to waived conflict issues, he would have, if he really wanted digenova to be his lawyer. >> right. >> but for whatever reason, they couldn't get past that, and the president basically has one personal lawyer now, jay sekulow who is trying to figure out how to built a legal team at a crucial point in the investigation, as mueller wants to speak with trump. trump wants to speak with mueller. but a lot of work has to be done on the front end of that. they have to figure that out. and it's also a time when the
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investigation certainly doesn't look like it would be going away. they had told the president it would be over by this point, and it certainly isn't. >> now, he's only being represented solely by jay sekulow now? >> well, he has mark kaowitz from last summer. the president's longtime lawyer from new york. he's still involved. sekulow is front and center here on the investigation. john dowd having quit last week. he still has ty cobb in the white house. and sort of came in search of more lawyers when you need a lot of lawyers to prepare for such an important event. >> absolutely. and one of the other ones, paul, when it comes to this, reporting for "the new york times" this morning is that one of the other conflicts of course, that victoria tensing representing mark carolo, and he was the guy
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who was concerned that hope hicks may have been drafting a statement about the infamous trump tower. >> make no mistake, i don't think this is about bad chemistry, it's about a conflict if trump had actually hired these two lawyers robert mueller would have gone to the courthouse and said, your honor, what's going on? because he has the goods on hope hicks. mueller is targeting or has as a subject trump. so, you cannot represent both someone who is the subject of an investigation and people who are witnesses, who may be -- have implicated information about that subject. >> and in layman's terms does that mean mark carrolo wanted to give information? >> yeah, done serve two masters. and playing this game, would you represent donald trump the answer for most of us is no.
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not because of potential criminal exposure. we lawyers actually like that kind of thing. it's because he has horrendous judgment on his own and he doesn't listen to lawyers. so, again, the go-to lawyers in d.c., frankly, these two lawyers are not on that list. so, i don't know who he is going to represent him on these very serious charges. >> they would not be the people considered on the top? >> not for this kind of white collar crime. they're lawyers who had their day a while ago. they're pundits. not that there's anything wrong with being a lawyer pundits. >> not at all. michael cohen, another one of donald trump's attorneys has gotten issues or implicated in some way. give us your take on the fact that donald trump is having such a hard time defending himself against this mueller case? >> it's exactly as he said just a moment ago. he cannot be trusted to say what a lawyer coaches him to say when
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he comes into the witness box. he has his own way of wanting to dominate the -- you know, the scene, and by doing that -- you know, he has this pattern of discussion. first thing he does, is he lies. just right out of the box. then he tries to deserve. then he tries to disassembly. and then he uses some other form of arrogant confession at the end of it. what lawyer would want to defend that? between hiring yosemite sam and my cousin vinny, it's amazing that he's going to get anyone to work for him. >> i want to ask you in terms of your reporting, michael shchmid, there was some reporting, and ill-reporting that one of the sources of conflict that dowd did not want him to do an interview with the special counsel. do you have a point on that? >> correct. what we had learne eed dowd had
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basically said i'm not going to let the president sit with an interview with mueller and i'll quit over that. the other thing about dowd, he's a difficult personality at times and i think that grated on the president. and the president doesn't like to be told that he can't do certain things. dowd was saying don't do an interview with mueller. the president wants to do an interview with mueller. so, when all of those factors were tied together and he's greating on other lawyers on the team, whichever lawyers were left, there's not a lot, and that led to dowd leaving. >> last but not least on this, michael schmidt, who else are donald trump and his folks talking to? because he's running out of people to call in washington, d.c. who can defend or deal with a case at this level? >> well, that's the thing is that the president, as he tweeted this morning, said he's going to have no problem bringing in high-end lawyers but he can't seem to bring in the top-tier washington lawyers. the guys that are very well
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schooled in federal investigations. and complex investigations and dealing with them. these are men and women that work in the justice department that have deep experience representing clients with complex criminal exposure. this is the ultimate thing to represent the president. and he has struggled to find those folks. he talked to a guy named emmet flood. asked a top washington lawyer. didn't look like flood is coming anytime soon, but with trump that can always change. >> very interesting. also tweeting, fame and fortune will never be turned down by a lawyer. but you know what, he doesn't always pay the fortune part. paul butler, malcolm nance, and michael schmidt, thank you very much. i have type 2 diabetes.
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and never said anything. the obsession with guns. being bullied. even posting on instagram about shooting up the school. i mean, no one said anything. i mean, i'm sure tomorrow somebody will wish they had said something. so, howell...going? we had a vacation early in our marriage that kinda put us in a hole. go someplace exotic? yeah, bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. what? what happened? i got a little over-confident on a moped. even with insurance, we had to dip into our 401(k) so it set us back a little bit. sometimes you don't have a choice.
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but it doesn't mean you can't get back on track. great. yeah, great. i'd like to go back to bermuda. i hear it's nice. yeah, i'd like to see it. no judgment. just guidance. td ameritrade. people have said that i am too young to have these thoughts on my own. people have said that i'm a tool of some nameless adult.
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it's not true. my friend it's and i might still be 11 and we might still be in elementary school, but we know. we know what is right and wrong. we also know that we stand in the shadow of the capitol. and we know that we have seven short years until we, too, have the right to vote. >> the kids behind the march for our lives movement are reinforcing the importance of holding elected officials accountable and using their voices to promote change. my next guest knows all about fighting for justice for those whose voices might not otherwise be heard. back with me is matt post a high school student from montgomery county, maryland who spoke at the march. and bishop william barber.
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and wenz ewenzernoley. >> we know citizens in state capitals and massive turnout this fall. tragic deaths are being turned into resser is recollection movements against guns and violence. we actually brought matt back. he's an admirer of yours. you have a chance to give direct counsel and advice. >> you know, joy, i'm taking advice from these wrung people. the bible said he should be led by a child. and we forget that jesus was a child when he was straightening out movements of his day. what i would say to you, matt, first of all, thank you. what you all are doing is powerful. really where the student activists are acting more like
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adults. while the extreme right are acting more like children. it's also penetrating because your movement is helping to deal with policies of death. you will make the connection that the extreme politicians that block the universal health care that cases people to die. that block living wages that cause people to die. and that pauses water and prevents environmental regulation allows people to die are the same people that block voting rights that people died for. are the same people that are protecting assault weapons more than they're protecting children. and if we can make these connections, we can build a powerful fusion movement because we understand it's all fighting essentially the same extreme political ideology. and lastly what is so promising because i heard you all say enough. but i also heard you say you're not going to stop protesting. that this was just the beginning. make sure that people say this is a movement, not a moment. and that you're not going to stop voting. you're not going to stop
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registering. when you get ready to do sit-ins, you do those, too, unless they hear us because you're right and stay on the right course. it's so powerful, i'm so inspire >> dr. barber as joy said, you are one of my here rose and i've been following you since moral mondays in north carolina. and it's easy for people of mying a to become cynical with this process. how do you stay so optimistic that change is possible and it's going to work out? >> one of the things, first of all, when things like this happen is causes you to have hope. hope comes up through the despair. and something grabs you and says, even if they don't change right now, i'm going to push the change. because it's the right thing to do. and that's what's so tremendous. and when we can come together, you know, the poor people's campaign the national call for moral revival is starting after
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mother's day, and we're going to have 40 days of direct action. and young people are joining that, too. the hope comes from fighting. the hope coming in the midst of standing. we get home, we see somebody like chief winceler standing up for, the apaches, standing up because people are opposing water that will help children. hope comes out of struggle for justice and love. >> this bring in the chief. we talk about the movements, whether it's movements against gun violence. movements against the harm to the poor that's been done by our government. and idol hear do hear more. and we got a lot of coverage when the pipeline was being pushed through the dakotas. you know, the struggle for your community is often really invisible. so tell us, you know, tell us what we need to know, in order
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to connect your movement to the rest of these movements. >> well, i think it's really important, when it comes to the history of the founding of america. as i said across the country there's a first chapter to this whole thing. if we can unlock that door, we'll be able to identify these policies and rules and how america was founded. because the first chapter really carries all of that hardship. and because of that first chapter, we were put under the rug never to be heard. never to be heard, never to be seen. that's why in this movement it's so crucial because it's an overall healing. not just one section. it's going to take all of us to come together. i tell many people, when it comes to colinization, the white people were colonieized first. that's when i say to my brothers and sisters it's going to take us all unified to stop what is
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evil happening across this country. and that's why it's so important. >> yojoy, i want to jump in her because i have never cried when i went to visit chief wendsler on the apache tribe and heard the children talk about their fear because a multinational company was drilling in that land. it was given over by a politician. but they're drilling, joy, and polluting the aquifers that are not just going to hurt people on the refservationreservation, bu people. and the waste on the top, if it's airborne, it causes cancer. and to hear young people fearing for their lives, their future. this is happening on federal land. all of our land. sacred land. they even have attacks where their holy land is being destroyed right in front of the children. and the children are joining the
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chief and leading this effort, saying we have to stop this. that's what i say to all of these young people, we have to connect an afusion with the movements. the movement for health care, the movement for voting rights, the movement to protect children on reservations all of them are a model movement that we must bind together. >> you know what i love about you guys, matt, your generation already knows that? >> absolutely. there is a soullessness to our politics as dr. barber was saying. and we are going to change that, we are going to bring compassion to government. because we are a compassionate generation that has a strong sense of our moral values of what is right and wrong. we have to differentiate between the greed of our politicians and these different lobbies. and what is going to help the most amount of people. >> and chief, talk about the young people that are a part of the apache nation.
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we don't hear a lot from them. we don't see them on tv. we don't see them out with signs saying native lives matter. they're not as visible. what do we need to know about the struggles that they are dealing with that people like matt can connect with? >> well, as you know, we've been in confinement for over 500 years. and what's happening in indian country with our youth today, this is prophesied that our young children will began to have their voice and spread the word. and it's important because the role that the native-american is on is a spiritual role. as you were saying about compassion, it's going to take compassion to change things in this world. if we don't have that, then we're always going to have the differences. i really tell people across the country that we've already delivered and our children haven't lived yet. and we're got to make sure we preserve those important things for them. and it all goes back to the federal poses and laws that are
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outdated. >> i'm going to proactively say if i -- we'll connect all of you guys together. we'll get matt and bishop barber together and chief, thank you so much. matt post, welcome barber, and our new friend chief nosie, thank you very much. i hear you, sam. cedric, i couldn't sleep at night because of my diabetic nerve pain. i hear you, claire, because my dad struggled with this pain. folks, don't wait. step on up and talk to your doctor. because the one thing i keep hearing is... i'm glad i stepped on up. me too, buddy. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, step on up and talk to your doctor today.
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school walkout, i love you. if you walk out of that school, walk out of my house. >> i'm laughing. >> that simple. we are a gun owning family. we are a family where my sister farms, a family where we'll fish, we'll hunt. we are not a family that jumps on every single thing an ally does because some stuff we don't agree with. >> nratv featured a new guest on their channel, someone we didn't all see coming. killer mike who many of you came to know as a surrogate for bernie sanders in the last presidential campaign. he is getting dragged for recording a video with nratv to criticize the growing push for gun plaunz michelle is, there's a lot of thoughts that people
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have about what killer mike decided to do and to say in support of an organization that has made threatening videos including videos about yours truly that has seeksly treated black and brown people as fodder for a scare campaign to get people to buy more guns and said zero when philando castillo, a legal gun owner was shot down by police. nra said nothing about tommy rice when he was holding a toy gun. suddenly killer mike is riding with them. your thoughts? >> it's disgusting. the one time i've been able to find when the nra supported gun control was in the 1960s when america was fearful of bobby see malcolm x and other civil rights leaders. people joke about it today. if you want to get real gun control legislation, let's arm every black man and black woman in america. we'll get gun control very
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quickly. i cannot believe he allowed himself to be a puppet for nra. i believe that the only reason the nra is doing it is because it will sell more guns. any person who is fearful of black men will take one look at that man wearing his gold chain and what are they going to do? run out to whatever local store they can and get another gun. it's a vicious cycle. if a black man got killed in sacramento last week holding a cell phone. >> 20 shots. >> 20 shots. >> where was the nra. >> how many more black men might be shot if they actually go out and get more guns. >> he has -- no disrespect. i interviewed killer mike during the election, very smart guy, very articulate about his points of view. but not everybody could walk around being called killer mike, right? he has the privilege to do that because he's a famous entertainer. if you strip all that away, if he's in his backyard with a cell phone --
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>> there's no protection for him. that's the irony. >> the nra was. >> i think it's important to see why is the nra using him like this? quinnipiac did an interesting survey last month where they asked, do you think that the nra supports policies that are good for the u.s. or bad for the u.s. among african-americans 10% said good. 80% of african-americans said nra policies are bad for the u.s. so he's not speaking for african-americans and they're trying to break ground. i don't want to pretend i'm a wrapper, hip-hop fan. my son tries to educate me. i'm a jazz and rock guy. but there are other voices in the hip-hop and rap community who have spoken on the other side. snoop dogg's line, me don't want no more gunplay, don't want to see no more innocent blood shed. there are a lot of other people out there speaking out against gun violence and against the
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nra's position. i think clearly, from the polling, they speak a lot more for the young people who are the base, the base sort of fans of rock and hip-hop. >> i think -- i don't know that the message is there. let's play killer mike talking about wa con da. >> i don't agree with everything dana says but she says the tears of white mothers are like ratings. that's so true. it was so sad to hear her acknowledge it. but it's true. and black people know it's true. black people say it in conversations and coffee houses. >> there's a lot of people who will realize quickly -- >> you not woke. you not woke. wauconda everybody had guns and spears and everything else. >> i'll quote somebody who said clearly he didn't watch "black
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panther" too closely. there's been a lot of focus on what the nra morphed into since it supported gun control when reagan wanted to disarm the black panthers. they've morphed into quite an eth-nationalist organization and the ferocity against black people and barack obama. it's ironic they're desperate for popularity and street credit because the young people on the other side are cooler than them. they feel sort of like they need something pop culture to respond. >> it will sell more guns. i want to remind you, you mentioned barack obama. shortly after president obama spoke before the international association of police several years ago, wayne lan pierre issued a video how to get rid of gun violence and referred to chicago as a third world nation. >> absolutely. it's ironic politics. thank you ej. more after the break. , ej.
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