tv Kasie DC MSNBC March 26, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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reading the bible and waiting for dawn, while the whole wide world is fast asleep. sex, lies and videotape. welcome back to "kasie dc." the video of stormy daniels' interview is out tonight. some of it is what you might expect. the claims of stormy daniels who said she and donald trump had sex once in 2006. they met, she says, at a golf event in tahoe. flash forward to 2011 when daniels agrees to tell her story to a magazine. according to her, trump attorney
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michael cohen threatens to sue. soon after, daniels said this happened. >> i was in a parking lot going to a fitness class with my infant daughter. i was taking the seat is facing backwards and diaper bag, getting all the stuff out. a guy walked up on me. and said to me, leave trump alone, forget the story. then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said, a beautiful little girl, a shame if something happened to her mom and he was gone. >> you took it as a direct threat? >> absolutely. i was rattled. i remember going into the workout class and my hands were shaking so much i was afraid i was going to drop her. >> did you ever see the person again? >> no. if i did, i would know it right away. >> you would be able to recognize that person? >> 100%. even now all these years later.
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if he walked in this door right now, i would instantly know. >> after trump won the republican nomination, daniels says cohen reached out with the $130,000 offer, which came with a non-disclosure agreement. the story broke 15 months later. in the wall street journal hours before the president was sworn in. the white house denied allegations the president had an affair with daniels. daniels says he knows i'm telling the truth. joining me rick tyler, john ernest, former white house press secretary, paul butler, a former federal prosecutor and an msnbc contributor, in new york, susan delpersio and nancy erica smith. thank you all for being here this evening on what is a remarkable night of news for america i think may be an understatement. josh, you have been watching this interview as somebody who
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-- well, had your share of crisis moments in the white house. >> certainly not one like this. >> anything like this ever? >> nothing even remotely approaching something like this. >> we have seen just unrelenting story after story after story from this president in a way is that difficult to digest. it's hard to remember what happened one week to the next and nothing seems to matter. is this different? >> it seems to be different. certainly, there's been several weeks buildup to this interview. there are details that continue to leak out about it. when you take a look at the interview, you see there are details that they are withholding. she asked whether she has physical evidence, text messages or anything that would prove she had this affair. she declined to say yes or no. >> the president hasn't said anything about this. >> the president hat not said anything. that's the other distinguishing feature of the story. president trump does not hold
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back from wanting to throw a punch on twitter or standing in front of a podium. on this story, he has been conspicuously silent. in some ways i think that's revealing of the kind of leverage that he feels she may have over him. >> rick tyler, i wasn't sure we could have a national moment around president trump, considering how many things we deal with in a given week. this does feel like that in some ways. i'm wondering if it's going to evaporate by tuesday. >> probably. i think right now -- it's a he said she said. you have porn star versus the president. people would normally say the president would win that. now it's a porn star versus donald trump. well, it might be a 50/50 odds here. no evidence came out in this interview. it's all he said she said. they have or they don't. we don't know. maybe donald trump is looking to cut a deal with them. i don't know. in the torrent of news that
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comes out of the white house with staffing and with korea and bolton and on and on and on -- >> sure. >> this is more wind in the storm. >> i'm willing to give you that certainly we have been through a lot and it's entirely possible you are correct. one thing that makes me think it might be something to last longer are things like this. i'm told we have the spanking sound bite. >> does this formally work for you? and he looked very taken aback. he didn't understand what i was saying. talking about yourself normally work? i was like, someone should take that magazine and spank you with it. i will never forget the look on his face. he was like -- just -- i don't think anyone has spoken to him like that, especially a young woman who looked like me. give me that. you wouldn't. hand it over. so he did. i was like, turn around. drop 'em.
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>> you told donald trump to turn around and take off his pants? >> yes. >> did he? >> yes. he turned around and pulled his pants down a little. he had underwear on. i gave him a couple swats. >> susan, is this real life? >> when you have to say give me the spanking sound bite, we know we have taken a bad turn somewhere. ironically, we actually heard about this a few months ago. it's not even new information. of course, it's new to hear her say it to camera and have this interview where there was a lot of hype. i kind up at the end of the day though is, all of this doesn't really matter. it's all baked in already. even if he is found guilty of a campaign finance violation, he pays a fine. i'm not sure what it does to donald trump as far as people who support him. it certainly rattles up the people against him. he has to be very difficult for
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his home life. as we are dealing with staff shakeups and as rick said north korea, not to have a stable home life is also probably very disturbing when you think about the president of the united states. >> absolutely. paul butler, let's talk about what could potentially be lasting from a legal perspective here. josh earlier mentioned this question about evidence, text messages, receipts, they show in this interview a fedex receipt that shows that they sent materials to michael cohen in his official capacity at trump organization. at the same time, we have not seen this evidence that is apparently squashed by this non-disclosure agreement. >> yeah. we have had spanking, sex, lies, possible videotape. this story is good but it's not as good as the russian investigation. so then the question is, what's the relationship? we have michael cohen, who is the president's operative, not lawyer. because in this, he is the deal maker for the president. if mueller is interested in him in terms of the mueller -- in
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terms of the russia investigation, in mueller can get the goods, if cohen has criminal expose you are in this case, that might be a way to get to cohen to eventually get to the president. >> nancy, what do you make of that argument? is it a bridge too far to try to connect these two? >> i don't think it's a bridge too far to connect the stories at all. i really disagree this is a he said she said. i hate that term to begin with. it's not he said she said because he paid through his lawyer $130,000. there was a non-disclosure agreement. she talked about tonight or her lawyer talked about maybe there's a destruction of evidence, which is unethical. it's unethical to make people lie. when people are threatened, which she says she was, you will agree to anything to end it because you are afraid. the threats i totally believe. bo deedle admitted smearing gretchen carlson when we were
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suing roger ailes. he has been accused of doing the same to other women and fox news. we know he is a friend of donald trump. to say that this is the same old same old and maybe he is saying something and she's saying something is false. his lawyer paid money to shut her up. >> on that exact point, i actually -- i want to play more from the interview. what we do know is not he said she said. what happened in the hotel room aside, there's not a denial that this money was paid. here is stormy daniels talking about that. >> was it hush money to stay silent? >> yes. the story was coming out again. i was concerned for my family and their safety. >> i think some people watching this are going to doubt that you entered into this negotiation because you feared for your safety. they're going to think you saw an opportunity. >> i think the fact that i didn't even negotiate, i just quickly said yes to this very
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strict contract and what most people will agree with me extremely low number is all the proof i need. >> that is stormy daniels talking about the money that was paid. the other piece of this that's important in the context of the story is in what capacity was michael cohen, trump's personal attorney and more than that, personal fixer, what capacity was he paying this money in? he has said this doesn't matter because it was in his personal capacity. stormy daniels and her lawyer say that they have evidence that shows that that was not the case. take a look. >> to mr. cohen as executive vice-president and special counsel to donald j. trump, the trump organization. again, listing the fifth avenue address. this idea there's a separation now between mr. cohen individually and the trump organization or mr. cohen individually and donald trump, it's nonsense.
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>> josh, does their story hold up in light of any of this? >> look, there's a lot that is very difficult for mr. cohen and his client, mr. trump, to explain about what he did and why he did it. and i think as long as those questions are lingering out there, this is a story and people will continue to ask. >> rick? >> i think that's right. from a legal sense, the president may be in trouble. from a political sense, i'm not so sure. his base is just -- they're not going to believe this. they're going to say this is made up and she's making it up. i agree with josh. i find her to be credible. she seems credible. she tells a story. she comes across convincingly. i think it will go on and on. in terms of affecting elections, i'm not sure it's going to have an impact with everything else going on. >> josh, do you think it has a bigger impact on -- i don't want to say the institution of the presidency. but in many ways the office and our perceptions growing up as kids and how you are supposed to conduct yourself.
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we were talking about how republicans in congress have tolerated far less in terms of public behavior. is this setting a standard we're never going to come back from? >> there's no question that it degrades the kind of public respect that people across the country and around the world have for the institution of the president of the united states. there's no denying that. this is not the first episode of president trump doing that. this is probably most vivid example of that. as somebody who spent time in the government and worked in the white house, it's discouraging to see that institution be degraded. i do have some confidence that it's a durable institution and that there will be an opportunity for the next president, whether that person is a democrat or republican, whether that person takes office in 2020 or 2024, for some of that to be rebuilt. i do have that enduring confidence.
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look, it took more than 200 years to build up that institution. it's going to take more than donald trump and a couple of -- >> it wasn't just donald trump. it was jfk. it was clinton. it's uncomfortable to talk about the obamas because they actually did hold the office with honor. he seemed to be a very good husband and a very good father. >> hold that thought. you mentioned bill clinton. here is president trump in 1998 talking to chris matthews about bill clinton's tryst with monica lewinsky. >> it's so embarrassing. you really have to say, where does it stop. i like this guy but you really have to say, where does it stop. why do they keep revealing the details? he had sex but now they talk about the kind of sex, where it took place, where it was, on the desk, off the desk. it's so out of control. it's such an embarrassment to him. i see him walking around, it's like a terrible embarrassment. he has been a teflon guy. they compared him with reagan. that teflon is exploded all over the place.
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>> believe it or not, polling at the time indicated that president clinton actually became more popular during the lewinsky scandal. a poll taken one day after he was impeached had clinton's job approval at 72%. susan, does it seem that the lesson that donald trump learned here was just make sure everybody signs a non-disclosure agreement so they can't detail what was done? >> donald trump has shown no respect -- to go to the previous part of the conversation, has shown no respect for the office of the president. these things just keep rolling on top of it and adds to it. he doesn't want -- he will just keepdenying. he is saying this is all a media hoax. he will continue. the people who are behind him are with him. he will be stuck at a certain point. with the popularity around 38 to 42, he is looking at a democratic house next year for
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sure. and impeachment proceedings. that's what he has to look forward to. he is doing nothing to help himself in this matter. >> paul, you are going to jump in. >> ken starr started out with a failed real estate transaction and ended up with a stained blue dress. the question is whether mueller will go there. mueller is going after trump and his associates like they are hard core thugs. if there's expoure -- clinton got in trouble for lying in the grand jury. supposedly trump -- >> they were never hired. >> dowd didn't want trump to go in the grand jury. everything is game in the grand jury. it's not over until it's over. >> fair enough. we are getting started here. when we continue, we will talk more about the legal arguments and non-disclosure arguments. later, my exclusive interview with ryan costello. why he is joining republicans
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deciding not to run for re-election. ambassador andrew young on the march for our lives and the legacy of his friend, dr. martin luther king. as we go to break, the kasie dvr. our producers watched the sunday shows so you don't have to. >> thousands of students filled the streets. >> they marched in hundreds of cities and towns across the country. >> the march for our lives. >> the largest march on washington. >> i think this time it's different. >> people want changes here. >> they gotta keep it up. >> what we don't want to do is start stripping rights away from law abiding citizens. >> how about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem do something about maybe taking cpr classes. >> this week, the president continued to dismiss advisers. >> he is bringing people in who are on his team.
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>> i think he thrives on chaos. maybe that's the way to run a reality tv show. it's not the way to run the greatest country in the world . >> the president told me he is perplexed by the reports there is chaos. >> another potentially explosive interview is set to air. >> stormy daniels is set to share her story in an interview tonight. >> this is politically motivated. he said he thought that much of the stormy daniels stuff was a political hoax. >> which brings us to our power player of the week. >> he is a premadonna. >> karen is talking about the family pet bunny.
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both steffi clifford and karen mcdougal are suing to get outof contracts. mcdougal is suing the national enquirer to get out of a contract that paid her $150,000 and restricts her ability to speak publically. she claims the president's attorney michael cohen was secretly involved with her talks with the enquirer's parent company and the company showed new signs of interest after trump secured his party's nomination. >> once donald trump won the republican nomination, you are saying ami suddenly came back to you with interest in the story? >> to keith. to us for the story.
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>> why do you think it was that it was after donald trump was the republican nominee that they came back? >> they wanted to squash the story. >> you are saying they wanted to protect donald trump? >> i'm assuming so, yeah. >> the white house has denied the claims of the affair. the enquirer's parent company told the times it decided not to print her story because it could not verify details. acknowledged discussing the allegations with cohen as part of its reporting process. nancy, i want to go to you on this theme of non-disclosure agreements is a very important one in trump's -- president trump's life, mr. trump's life as a businessman. what are the potential ramifications for the way these suits are unfolding and how this might play out for the president in the courts? >> well, non-disclosure agreements are contracts like any others. contracts can be voided because
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they violate public policy or are unethical. in this case, the contracts clearly violate the public policy. paying people off to be silent about potential wrongdoing by somebody running for president of the united states days before an election reeks of a public policy violation. if it came after threats, it may have been entered into under duress. but ndas should be banned. california and new jersey have laws pending to ban them. we know in the me too movement that ndas are how we keep serial sexual harassers in the workplace and shut women up about it. they shouldn't be allowed at all. there's no reason for it. in new jersey, we're dealing with it by saying, it's the victim's choice. if there are victims out there that don't want to talk about it and certainly not every victim is going to be on tv or in "the new york times" because they don't -- it's not a famous harasser.
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but if the victim wants to talk about it, we will stop taking her voice away. that's really important. also it is tied into, in this agreement, they had to give allegedly had to give any evidence they had back. that's unethical for lawyers to destroy evidence. that might be evidence relevant to another woman's case. we saw that with the cosby case recently. the judge has said that other women can testify. >> in this case, the allegation is not necessarily harassment or that there was wrong done. both are saying there's consensual affair and they are being silenced in a way that's inappropriate. paul butler, what's your take on these arguments? >> with stormy daniels it's almost a law school exam. on the one hand, she cashed the check. it's a good contract. on the other hand she's saying mr. trump was supposed to sign. if you look at the contract, he is a different party. he has obligations and burdens and consideration he get something from it.
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you would expect he would have to sign. at the end of the day, this is a big case. it's going to be resolved by california contract law. >> susan, can i ask you about this question of duress? nancy brought it up this idea. stormy daniels has in her interview talked about this idea that she signed or put her name to statements that denied she had an affair, that are contradicting what she's saying now, because she felt bullied, intimidated and under duress. do you think this element of her story is something that's going to resonate more strongly with voters than other elements of it? >> it certainly will because in this interview as well as even with the playmate interview, there was a sense of bullying. in this environment, that is going to go against donald trump. there's also a third lawsuit that's going on. that has -- that may actually force him to give a deposition and even though it's a defamation lawsuit, there was actually harassment charged
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there. in this environment, donald trump is certainly presumed guilty, if you will, of sleeping with these women. because i think most people believe it. that's why he had them sign the non-disclosure agreements. this is all working against him. it will have play when it comes to the elections this fall. >> one other thing that i wonder how it impacts how women voters in this country are going to think about this story. this sound bite we have from stormy daniels. take a look. >> he quit talking about himself. he asked me things. i asked him things. it became more appropriate. >> more comfortable? >> yeah. wow. you are special. you remind me of my daughter. he is like, you are smart, beautiful and a woman to be reckoned with. i like you. i like you. >> josh earnest, susan, who wants to weigh in?
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>> i want to take a shower. >> exactly. >> it's gross. >> it is gross. i do think that not just women are going to have a negative, creeped out feeling by that. plenty of men did. there are a couple of men who are creeped out by that comment on this set. >> i feel like we're all -- okay. paul, nancy, thank you for participating in this conversation tonight. still to come, let this sink in. the ceo of facebook, a multibillion dollar media taking out a full page ad in newspapers. today in the u.s. and the united kingdom saying we have a responsibility to protect your information. we will talk about that up after the break. you were saving other home s. neighbors helping neighbors and strangers alike. - this is what america's about.
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the organization. i didn't know what his ultimate role was. that didn't impact my decision. they came to me three times and i said no. >> that was president trump's original campaign manager, corey lewandowski, distancing himself from the cambridge analytica controversy. they have been accused of harvesting personal information of more than 50 million facebook users and using that to help political campaigns. ken, you apparently don't think there's any there there to this giant scandal that i personally -- i think i view it differently than you. what do you think is going on? what's the next turn of the screw? >> there's an issue with the way that the data was obtained and a real question for facebook about their ability to safeguard this type of data that their users don't believe is accessible to commercial vendors like cambridge analytica and the way that they obtained it misleading.
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they purported that -- to be doing some academic research. >> they didn't delete the data after they were supposed to. >> correct. what they did with it is where i take issue. this idea that cambridge analytica was this mastermind of microtargeting i think is incredibly overwrought. having watched them with a number of campaigns for a number of years and operatives who are sort of -- had their arms twisted to hire them because they -- >> you think they were selling something they couldn't deliver? >> absolutely. that's what i think. that's not me. that's what the operatives think. >> the psycho graphic modelling. >> it's microtargeting. there's always questions about what these digital and data firms are actually doing and whether it's a bunch of smoke and mirrors. in their case, cambridge analytica's case, i know of multiple campaigns where the campaign operatives felt sort of compelled to bring them on because they thought that it was a way to raise money. in order to get money from robert mercer, they had to hire this firm.
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when they did, they felt it was not bringing anywhere near the type of value that would be -- >> with what they were paying. what's your view? >> wasn't the chronology that after that they got the data from facebook? >> no. they got the data before they made the push into u.s. political campaigns. >> my take -- >> go ahead. >> to answer your question, i think that we don't know. i'm not going to go so far as to say they were brilliant and they delivered this election to donald trump. clearly, there was targeting going on. it was effective. we have a lot of reports out on the results. >> right. >> where the vote was swung by 5,000 votes or something in places like wisconsin. these are dots that need to be connected. why did donald trump go to wisconsin? was he tipped off? there are questions across the atlantic just today, guardian has a new piece out, there's a
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whistle-blower saying, there was a firm that was connected to cambridge analytica that was involved in the brexit vote, leave the eu vote. >> this brings up major questions for the social media companies. facebook putting out -- i don't have the paper in front of me because it's the stormy daniels transcript in front of me. the back page of the "washington post" with an ad aimed at people like you and me. we, unfortunately -- there it is. there's the ad. you can't even see facebook's logo, as chuck todd pointed out today. in the bottom corner. that's for those of us picking up the papers. thank you for sticking around to talk about this. i appreciate it. after the break, my exclusive interview with republican congressman ryan costello who will explain why he won't run for re-election. back after this.
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welcome back. earlier, i spoke with republican pennsylvania congressman ryan costello. i asked if he would run for re-election despite his district being redrawn and not in his favor. >> it's the most difficult decision i can recall having to make. the answer is i will not be. >> explain that. >> well, there's a number of factors. i have an 8-month-old. i have a 4-year-old. it's a very challenging job serving in congress with a young family.
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i accepted that. had planned on running for re-election in the congressional district that i have served for the past 3 1/2 years and which has been the congressional district since 2012. what happened was the state supreme court then in a matter of a week or so decided to invalidate the map, the first time in the history of the republic where a state supreme court has done that, and ultimately altered the district. had a california professor draw a district rather than the legislature doing it. they didn't give the legislature enough time to do it. drew a district, got rid of 50% of my district and took a district which hillary clinton won by a point but which i had won to a district that hillary clinton won by ten points. >> so this, of course, is a suburban philadelphia area district. that has swung back and forth. regardless of whether these lines had been redrawn, was potentially getting tougher for you. no?
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>> there's no question that it was going to be tougher in light of what's happening in the suburbs across the country. in my district i was just about to say the local democrats on the left has become more engaged and candidly more angry by the week as president trump says things and does things which many republicans, myself amongst them, from time to time do disagree with. so that coupled with the fact that every single time that i speak out and voice my disagreement with what the president might do or might say only then has my pro-trump republicans not too pleased with me either. the combination of what i've had to deal with just in terms of having a young family, what the state supreme court did, which i think was obscene, along with the political environment has me -- led me to the decision that what is best for my loved ones, those who love me the most, those who i love the most, that at this moment in time, running
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for re-election is not the prudent course of action. and i say that after a lot of deliberation. it's been a very tough decision for me to make. i think i'm making the right decision. >> what's it like for you to be stuck in that vice that you just described? does the republican party have space for politicians like you anymore? >> well, i think that it does. because i have some colleagues that are similarly situated. and i certainly would never say anything that would make their life more difficult. but it is a vice. it's extremely difficult. and i'm not -- look, i try and do the best that i can with it. but in this environment -- i mean, losing half of my congressional district a week before i'm supposed to run for re-election and having it turn ten points bluer is -- i don't even know -- >> impossible situation it seems. >> i've come to the reality of it. i can't believe that happened.
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it's very difficult though for what i would call your centrist republicans. i think i would be categorized as that. it's a very challenging political environment to be sure. what i have tried to do and what my colleagues that are similarly situated, who i think do an able job of doing it, is to speak out what you find appropriate. no matter how much you speak out, those who don't support the president are -- it's not going to be enough for them. at that moment in time, you get really stridently pro-trump republicans bothered at you because you are not defending the president. i'm not so sure there's an easy answer to that conundrum. >> before i let you go, congressman, i have to ask you about something that perhaps falls into this category that you are talking about, difficult questions about the president of the united states. there's an adult film star, stephanie clifford, stormy daniels, on tv, detailing what she alleges was a sexual encounter with this president. what's your response to that? is this conduct becoming a
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president of the united states of america? not to mention that there was, she alleges a payoff from the president's personal attorney. >> yeah. i'm going to answer your question. but that is actually one of the reasons why i think it's the right time for me to perhaps consider another line of work, at least temporarily. >> i can't imagine why. >> we're talking about porn stars and the president rather than about tax policy or what we need to get done by the end of the year or what should have been in the omnibus. i will give you another example. i have a bill to bring back cost sharing reductions and create a reinsurance plan for two years which will reduce health insurance costs for 9 million americans who don't get a subsidy, wasn't included in the omnibus. it's hard to get that message out because we're talking about tillerson and mccabe and one thing after another. it is deeply frustrating, i will certainly say that. >> my thanks to congressman ryan costello. after the break, civil rights
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icon and former u.s. ambassador andrew young joins us live to talk about what it means to march in the wake of yesterday's historic rallies. when i received the diagnosis, i knew at that exact moment, whatever it takes, wherever i have to go...i'm beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors that work together. when a patient comes to ctca, they're meeting a team of physicians that specialize in the management of cancer. breast cancer treatment is continuing to evolve. and i would say that ctca is definitely on the cusp of those changes. patients can be overwhelmed ... we really focus on taking the time with each individual patient so they can choose the treatment appropriate for them. the care that ctca brings is the kind of care i've wanted for my patients. being able to spend time with them, have a whole team to look after them is fantastic.
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stay with us. joining me from atlanta, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations and civil rights icon andrew young. ambassador young, thank you for being with me tonight. i appreciate it. >> thank you. i enjoy watching you all the time. >> thank you very much, sir. i want to start by -- we haven't had a lot of time tonight to talk about some of the other news that's been happening in washington. since you were the former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, i want to ask you about the president's choice to install john bolton as his national security adviser. what do you think of that decision? what would your advice be to the president and to mr. bolton? >> i was horrified. it made me think of a quote from martin luther king about vietnam
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when he said nothing is more dangerous in all the world than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. i mean, i think the thing -- i spoke up for tillerson, because at least tillerson had been around the world and knew people as a businessman. i didn't agree with him. but he was knowledgeable. i think that bolton has been an idealogue who is not known to speak to people. he is in his own little world. looking at north korea -- i got back from south korea from south korea a few months ago. and you can stay in the trump towers and you can see north korea. everything is so close up there, there cannot be a successful war when you're going to hurt south korea, china, russia and japan. war is just not an option.
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same thing is true of iran. those are places that he's upset about. i saw a report that said if there was a non-nuclear confrontation with iran, there would probably be in the neighborhood of 200,000 u.s. casualties. >> a very difficult situation indeed. sir, apologize. i want to ask you since i have you and you have -- >> you asked me that. >> no. i do know that. since the hundreds of thousands of people who marched in this country -- >> they were wonderful. >> -- in washington. >> that's the future. >> what do you have to say to those kids about how this becomes something that we're talking about weeks and months from now? >> it has become. they got a taste of the power of democracy. dr. king used to say that unearned suffering is always
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redemptive. they saw blood on the students. they will never forget that. i'm 86 and i can't stop. by and large, because i can never forget martin luther king, jr. with a bullet through his spinal cord. though i think he went to heaven without pain, without even hearing the shot and i think his spirit is still with us, i saw it in his granddaughter. america's in good hands. everything you're talking about now, the congressmen, these kids are not going to be upset by district shifting. they're going to understand hacking. they're going -- you know, they are comfortable with the information age in a way that he and i are not. so i cried.
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i was so happy, i cried. >> when i spoke with john lewis, he said that when he was young, when he was your age during the civil rights movement, that everybody simply told them things could never change. that was just the way it is. >> i was in new york when john lewis was at a national sit-in. i had just bought a house. i had two children and one on the way. when we saw john lewis on television, my said it's time to go back home. i said we are home. we just bought this house. she said, no, new york cannot be my home. sell this house, quit your job, we're going back south. and i think that it was john lewis himself who kind of inspired me to come back to atlanta, not wanting really -- i mean not looking for trouble, but just seeing that this was a moment when the south was about to change and my family ought to be a part of it.
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>> and you absolutely needed to be there. yeah. >> i've been there now for 60 years and still excited about it, because things are changing. the world is changing for the better. the distractions are really distractions. >> indeed. >> if we can look at some of the good things that are likely to happen and usually good overcomes evil eventually. when you've got young people 11 years old with the kind of articulate intelligence they have, i feel good about life and i feel great about this country. they made america great again. >> i apologize. we are running up against a very hard clock. thank you so much. >> god bless you.
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>> thank you. after "kasie dc" you can see ambassador young in the incredible documentary hope and fury. it's time to talk about what we're watching for in the week ahead. this week, for me, that means orioles opening day. for that, i would like to welcome to the show a surprise guest for me. i did not learn this was
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happening until this evening. buck showalter. are you on the phone? >> yes. how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. i really appreciate you doing this. you probably can't see the little garden gnome of you i have in my office from last year. listen, you hired an entire new team in like the last two weeks. >> wait a minute. i saw you throw out the first pitch. if you were left-handed, we might have a spot for you. you're pretty good. got a good arm. >> thank you. i appreciate it. you've got a couple of guys on the squad this this may be their last time with the team. what do you think? is this our year? >> we always feel that way. this is our last day of spring training. we're breaking camp tomorrow, heading north. hopefully the weather will turn a little bit better. you never know. you know, you never know. i'm going to glow in the time we have and the special people it's been fun to be around. what do you think? you think we've got enough pitching? >> if i'm worried about anything, it's that. cobb gives me some hope. thank you so much for doing this, sir. i really appreciate it. let's go os! >> yeah. get out there. >> sounds like a plan. i'm going to hold you to that.
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that does it for us here on "kasie dc." ♪ this morning, stormy daniels tells her side of the story. the adult film star who claims she had a sexual encounter with donald trump more than a decade ago says she was threatened to keep quiet. plus, more reporting that president trump is planning possible shake-ups as earlies as this week. and more than a month after the deadly school shooting at parkland, florida, hundreds of thousands hit the streets to participate in our mars across the country. good morning, everyone. it's monday, march 26th. i'm
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