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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  March 29, 2018 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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be sure to visit power for puerto i'm nicolle wallace and "mtp daily" starts right now. keep it pg today after yesterday. >> i thank you because it only went downhill from there with michael steel. >> and we are all unhinged. >> we need more women at the table -- >> always. >> thank you very much. if it is thursday, we're talking pure politics. >> tonight the risks and rewards of all or nothing politics. >> i've asked republicans and democrats in congress to come together -- >> plus in a divided republican party, could president trump facing a primary challenger in 2020? and what the roseanne reboot teaches us about surviving family holidays in the age of
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trump. >> what's up deplorable? >> this is "mtp daily" and it starts right now. ♪ ♪ good evening. i'm katy tur in new york in for chuck todd and welcome to "mtp daily." and welcome to a case of purity polluting our politics. if you want to survive in this republican party, you need to be mad, crazy about president trump. and if you want to thrive in the democratic party, do you need to be crazy mad about president trump? are you stuck in the middle? as the saying goes, there is nothing in the middle of the road. but yellow lines and dead armadillos. want to get ahead in trump's white house? loyalty and flattery is your ticket to ride. the president has tapped his doctor admiral ronny jackson to run the v.a. does jackson have an experience running a giant bureaucracy with hundreds of thousands of
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employees? no. but he did rather memorably praise president trump as an articulate healthy and genetic marvel. >> all clinical data indicates the president is very healthy and that he will remain so for the duration of his presidency. and even for the remainder of another term if he's elected. he's very articulate when he speaks to me. ? people have great genes. i told the president if he had a healthier diet he would live another 200 years and he has good genes and that is the way he was made. >> and you better make it crystal clear you are the trump loyalist or the other guy is a charlottan. here is a sample of ads across the country. >> backed by president trump -- >> the tax cut was one of the proudest moments. >> too many washington politicians only want to attack the president. >> if you like president trump, then you won't like mike dewine. never trump lobbiest luke
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messer. >> chris mcdaniel loves the spotlight but doesn't care for president trump. >> here is the dilemma for republicans in competitive districts, too little trump loyalty and you risk losing your primary and too much trump loyalty and you risk losing the general. which is perhaps why we've seen so many republicans head for the exits or the hills, especially those unwilling to pledge their loyalty to trump. like pennsylvania congressman charlie dent. he's become a vocal critic of the president. we'll speak with him in just a moment. but it is not just the republican party undergoing drastic change because of the president. the soul of the democratic party is going through that change too. they're base is furious with president trump. we pulled -- polled democrats in december and 30% wanted to begin impeachment proceedings but democrats are allowing candidates like conor lamb in pennsylvania and doug jones in alabama and ralph northam in virginia some leeway to take moderate positions. or even oppose democratic leadership.
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but if you want to make a name for yourself in the democratic party it helps to be willing to go to war with the president. if you want to say become the top democrat and jerry nadler did last year. and here is the headline. congressman boasted of impeachment takes number two spot at house judiciary. we'll speak with congressman nadler too. he'll join me on set in just a moment. but since it all comes back to republican president trump, let's start off with the republican joining me now is retiring pennsylvania congressman charlie dent. congressman, always good to see you. >> good to be with you. >> is the gop only -- it does look like it will only get trumpier and now that you are leaving and ross littinen and costello and flake is leaving, do you need more of those people leaving the republican party or less? >> we need fewer of the people leaving the republican party.
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as i mentioned before, i think one of the real challenges for all of us is the party have been defined to the extent that loyalty to the president is the litmus test. before donald trump we had these ideological mistests and the purity police were judging you and now that donald trump is president and nonideological and transactional, it is all about loyalty to him. >> given that, do you think it is a good idea for moderates to be exiting this party, moderates who could potentially tamp down on his more extreme impulses. congress is a check on the president, no matter which party. you are supposed to be a check on the president and executive branch. without people willing to do that in the republican party, are you guys going to suffer as a party? >> well, you mentioned some of the seats where members are retiring and ross latinen and others.
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these districts will be extremely difficult for the republican party to hold in this mid-term election. so to the extent that we lose members who are considered more centralist, they tend to be in districts that are more swing or marginal positions. and those seats can easily flip the other to that except if -- to that extent, if i were the president, i would be concerned because these could be filled by democrats that could be quite hostile to him. >> do you think it is a good thing that president trump won in 2016? >> look, i didn't -- i didn't support him for a whole host of reasons i've stated numerous times. and he is the president and i said our job as members of congress to work with the president when he is on the right track and check him when he goes in the wrong direction and check him if he goes off the rails. in the conar lamb and saccone case, the national environment was toxic and that is what drove the dynamics of the case. but the kaebcandidate in that r
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said he would be trump's wing man and people are misreading the districts and that seat -- the president won it by 20 points. but you shouldn't look at it as a plus 20 trump district. it could be a minus 20 hillary district. people voted with the president with reservations and expect the congressman, even if they support the president on some issues, to serve as a check from time to time to stop him from his worst impulses and that is a mistake that the candidate made there, by fully embracing the president he thought everybody loved him and in fact they want him to be checked from time to time. >> let me ask this in another way, would this country be in a better place if hillary clinton won in 2016? >> i don't know. we would still be very divide and instead of the republicans -- on the defensive in the midterms and the democrats would be in a very defensive position. she was -- i couldn't support hillary clinton either. but bottom line is we'd still be
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a very divided country because people voted for trump because people wanted a change and they are willing to take that risk because they wanted change so badly. >> let's talk about the president's choices. ronny jackson to head the v.a. and the rear admiral also the president's physician. do you think that he's qualified to lead a giant agency, one in such turmoil? >> well, let me first say something about dr. shulkin. i worked with him during the obama administration and now during the trump administration. it is a big loss. the man is very competent. he's from the philadelphia region and well-known in in our hospital community and a capable administrator and physician and i'm concerned. he was doing a great job trying to get the veterans choice programs consolidated. and integrated health record with the d.o.d. and the v.a. all very much moving quickly under
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his watch. now we have a dr. jackson -- i don't know much about him. i hope -- i hope he has the skills that dr. shulkin had. again shulkin being a physician but also sophisticated in how health care systems operate and doing a very good job implementing choice and making sure veterans had options outside of the v.a. system. 36% of veterans are being cared for outside of the v.a. they're being cared for through choice or other care in the community programs and i want to see that trend continue. >> do you want there to be privatization of the v.a.? >> well, what i believe -- katie, we need to better integrate the civilian and veterans health system. it is absurd that where i live in allentown, pennsylvania, my veterans must go to wilkes-barre pennsylvania, 60 miles away for a scheduled in patient procedure that could be done in the communities. my veterans want to be served in the communities where they live. we educated our veterans and we call it the g.i. bill.
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and never created veteran clems or university and sent them to the private institutions and educated them and a great investment. i believe we must better intergrate the veterans into the community. by the way, i would mention the v.a. health system is needed. it should be more specialized focused on traumatic brain injury and behalforal health and prosthet prosthetic limbs. but should the v.a. be delivering babies. no and we're moving them into the community. and other areas if a come contracted breast cancer or an aging veteran needs a knee replacement. that should be done in the community to the greatest extent possible. some might call that privatization and i call that integration. we didn't call it privatization when we sent veterans to go to penn state or harvard or pick your favorite higher education -- that was the right way to go. >> last question -- >> and now that -- >> i'm sorry. go on. >> health care is changed a lot
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in the last 60 years. we need to better integrate this system and we would never set up a system in 2018 after the second world war. >> and apolitics, according to pugh six in ten millennials identify as democrat. does that concern you? >> yeah. i have children who are -- 23, 22 and 18. and yeah, i worry. i talk to the young people and they're concerned about where my party is going. republicans are -- we tend to do much better if people over the age of 50 -- it is the under 50 population where we are having problems and we're going to have to do a better job demographically reaching out to latinos and asian-americans, young people and lgbt community. many think we're a bit too exclusive. building a party is about inclusion and not ex collusion. addition, not subtraction. at times we're acting like this is a
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>> more trul -- more difficult under trump. thank you very much. >> thank you. and let's turn to jerry nadler, the ranking member on the house judiciary committee. let's talk about what defined the democratic party right now. 70% of the democratic base -- democrat want to begin impeachment proceedings. is that what it takes to be a democrat? >> no. that is not what defines the democratic party. with the funds -- the democratic party is a -- is that we are the party of working people and we are the parties that favors government having a safety net and government making an even playing field and government making -- as the helper of last resort. when people play by the rules and work hard, they should be able to get along in this country. >> impeachment is a big topic for democratic voters. 70% want to begin proceedings. there is a very strong anti-donald trump sentiment among democratic voters who find
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his presidency to be abhorrent. in fact, impeachment seemed to defi define effort for the judiciary committee. let me read what the new york times said last september. as our constitutional expert and with his demonstrated leadership on impeachment in the '90s, nadler is the strongest member to lead a potential impeachment. he wrote on a pocket size leaflet outlining his record. >> yeah. what i said was that we might very well be heading for constitutional crisis and that might involve impeachment or not and i was ve-- was very qualifi to handle the constitutional crisis because of my experience. and the fak that i -- >> you're putting it out there, doesn't that dangle something -- >> we were asked. i was asked. my opponent and i -- it was a hotly contested election. went before groups of democrat and the various caucus and the blue dogs an the progressive caucus and the democrats and we were asked that opinion and i
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said publicly repeatedly, i said, number one, i said i would dearly love to preside over the impeachment of donald trump, on the other hand you can don't an impeachment or you shouldn't unless the evidence is overwhelming and unless you see -- you believe that by the end of the process you will have -- you will have persuaded the people on the other side. not the members of the house or the senate, but of people who voted for donald trump that you had to do it. because you don't want 20 years of incrimination. we won the election and you stole it. i was clear on that throughout. >> do you donald trump is a danger to our democracy or national security? >> yes, i do. >> so why not impeach somebody is a danger -- >> you could only impeach if you can prove he's done an impeachable -- and those are a danger to the republican and the separation of powers and danger to the -- to liberty.
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>> a lot of folks would argue he's trying to obstruct justice in mueller investigation. >> obstructing justice may not be impeachable. as i said 20 years ago -- >> wasn't clinton impeached for obstruction of justice. >> and he shouldn't have been. and i said during the impeachment, it is not an impeachable offense because it doesn't endanger the public. perjury about the president's ago rond izing power, that is an impeachable offense. it doesn't stro -- it does have to be a crime and a crime is not a impeachable offense. and we may very well get into the impeachment and we may not. we'll see the evidence of the special counsel and see what the situation is. >> if he pardons mike flynn or
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paul manafort, anybody in the mueller probe, is that an impeachable offense? >> that could be impeachable if you had -- real evidence that was done -- the president is -- has the ability to pardon. i could vote against the bill but if i did it because somebody gave me $100,000 and it would be a brooibery and a crime and impeachable. if you prove he gave a pardon to somebody in order to impede the investigation of his own conduct, in order to obstruct the investigation, that would be very serious. >> is the party distancing itself from nancy pelosi? conor lamb said he wouldn't vote for her as leader. >> i don't think the party is distancing itself from nancy pelosi. i think certain people may. nancy pelosi in my opinion has been a very effective speaker and very effective minority leader. she has been demonized by years
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of propaganda by the republicans. equally -- and that is a weight around our candidates. and equally, if we were to pick -- to choose someone else to be the speaker, that person would be the immunized and i recently saw a chart showing the decline in popularity of party leaders in congress and they chart the same. paul ryan is very unpopular right now. and is probably a -- if we wanted to -- >> democrats aren't running against paul ryan though. >> if he wanted to, he probably could. we have a bigger devil figure to run against and that is donald trump. but my point is that any party leader is going to be demonized by the opposition and that is the experience since tip o'neal. what is -- what is the democratic party stand for other than its anti-donald trump position? what one thing that voters across the country can -- can voters look to or should it be more decentralized or be very tailored to every district. >> candidates have to be
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tailored to their own district. and i think you see candidates running in various districts and they are not all of the same. they are not -- they are not as liberal in certain districts as in my district for example. and they shouldn't be. because of the nature of the district. and it is our job to represent the people in our districts. i think the democratic party stands fundamentally for giving to middle class people and to people who like to be the middle class, for lower income people, a fair shot. and to use the power of government to protect them against the monopoly, against overweaning power and not to have the government sell itself to the highest bidder as i think you could make a good base is doing right now. >> congressman, good to see you in person. >> thank you. and ahead breaking news from the attorney general about a special counsel. ? ones that make it fast and easy to analyze and take action?
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attorney general jeff sessions has told members of congress that he will not name a second special counsel despite pressure from house republicans to do so. in the letter sessions said that allegations of political bias in the fbi and irregularities in the fisa process are already being looked at by a career prosecutor. and in an apparent brush back of house conservatives and allies of the president, sessions said that apointing a special counsel is, quote, by design reserved for use in only the most extraordinary circumstances. we'll be right back. 3, 2, 1... not cool. freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting? now that's cool! coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. and no surgery. results and patient experience may vary. some rare side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you and visit today... for your chance to win a free treatment.
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let's get right to tonight's panel. columnist for the daily beast, and caitlyn huey burns, reporter from real clear politics and lanny chin former adviser to mitt romney and a research fellow. and we got the breaking news, sessions will not appoint a second special counsel to investigate the fbi to -- to investigate fisa practices.
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what does that say to you? the attorney general said it won't happen. >> first it says he's a man of more principle than people like me expected because this is clearly the right decision, not the politicized decision but i want to -- it might indicate, and i emphasize might and his days are numbered and he is a dead man walking and you know what will happen on the trump propaganda channel and in the house republican caucus. they will go nuts over this and they probably will demand jeff sessions' head and could you see scott pruitt coming in -- >> and tell us why white house republicans wanted this special counsel. >> republicans feel that the justice department and the special counsel process is not fair to the president. especially since republicans control all of it -- all of washington. there is a feel ago mong the
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base th -- feeling that trump is getting an unfair shake and they wasn't -- they want to focus on other things, plr -- particularly hil clinton. and i kind of see his behavior daring trump to fire him and knowing that would spark a constitutional crisis, that would only further problems for the administration. we saw him be kind of defiant when he was out to dinner with rosenstein and other movements that he's made. and also it is notable that he was on the cover of "time" magazine this week. >> if anything will get him fired, it is gracing the cover of the magazine when donald trump wants the covers for himself. but it is difficult for donald trump to fire the attorney general which is why he hasn't done so up until now. >> it is difficult but the president laid the predicate for this. he said i want a cabinet that agrees with my view.
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that i'm comfortable with. and in that sense, the real defining characteristic could be the firing of jeff sessions. and think this lays the groundwork for that to happen in the very near future. >> how does he confirm a replacement for sessions? wouldn't that be hard. >> that is a big problem. because you know that democrats and even some republicans will make whoever the nominee is to replace sessions promise that they won't corrupt the mueller investigation -- >> will they trust whoever the nominee is? >> probably not. but you could make an argument they could make -- a recess appointment and that person could stay on the job, say scott prutity. >> will congress do that -- >> you've seen that happen in the past but that is a very dramatic move. these members of congress, they like recess like kids. so it is -- it's not at all clear that they would be able to do that. so you could get a recess appointment and then for a
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period of months the acting attorney general who has been named under the recess appointment could create mischief especially if it was scott pruitt from the epa. he would -- you know based on his performance at the epa he would do everything he could short of being caught in -- obstructing justice directly, to try to undermine that mueller investigation. >> and the big thing about removing sessions and putting anybody else in his place is that that person would presumably not have to recuse themselves from the ru-- rugs investigation and negating the need to have rod rosenstein who the president doesn't like and has been outspoken about on twitter and could encroach on the mueller investigation or rein it in. i don't see a situation where democrats roll over easily for any sort of confirmation -- for any confirmation for anybody else. >> and remember, we've also got mike pompeo to be confirmed and gina haspel at the cia.
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>> and ronny jackson -- no one was saying -- and we talked about kobe cosgrove and a number of different people. but ronny jackson was on no one's radar. so in a similar way we have to be careful in terms of saying, i think pruitt makes sense for reasons but he could pick someone out of left -- >> it could be allen der show witz. >> and it is not the democrats. there are republicans of course who have worked with jeff sessions for years in the senate and they feel an affinity for him and close to him and feel bad for him that he's been den grat -- denigrated by the president of their own party so i can't see a lot of republicans gunning for this -- well you have house republicans on the president's side on this. senate republicans have not been going there. >> which republicans -- which republicans vote down a confirmation? >> a confirmation of a new a.g.? >> i don't know that anyone would go that far.
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i think that there will be solid republican support. maybe with the exception of maybe susan collins. you might get a few on the margins. >> what about jeff flake? or bob corker. >> possibly. but they've been supporter of the president. >> john mccain. >> they've been supportive. >> but that was then. this is now. >> they were arguably hostile to the president then too. and so -- i'm just not sure that they would go so far as to vote against what they believe is an otherwise qualified nominee unless it is -- this person is completely not qualified to be a.g. but if there is a case to be made that they could be a legitimate a.g., i have a difficult time seeing republicans even jeff flake -- >> and do they also pass legislation that protects robert mueller. do we see this -- this tillis legislation go through? >> it depends if this kind of thing happens. but to date we haven't heard any republicans talk about the need to protect the special counsel. even among amid reports recently that president was talking
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about -- about doing so. it is brought up but there hasn't been republican leaders that said they don't feel the need to pass anything at this moment. >> would that be the deal that democrats make, you have to pass that legislation to get a new -- >> and even then democrats would try to delay the nomination until after november when they would have more momentum if the election went for democrats. and they haven't changed the filibuster rule entirely. so it would then come into play as to whether they needed 60 votes to confirm an attorney general and i -- i think there is opposition to scott pruitt and others who he might nominate. some people would say this is a slow-position saturday night massacre. there is something of a constitutional crisis. not as big of as if they fired mueller but wreaked of more obstruction of justice and so this could get -- into a situation where the democrats don't want to play ball at all. >> and whether he fires jeff sessions or not, you have seen
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in polling at least republicans start to respond, saying that they don't really trust mueller. that they don't really like this probe in the first place. so this campaign that the president has been waging against his own justice department is starting to seep in and that might be kind of his whole point. >> jonathan, caitlyn, lanny. stay with us. coming up, will somebody in the republican primary be the president in 2020. it is a possibility. >> and the guy who has a plan for how to do it, ahead. little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, ... with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring.
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welcome back. today in meet the midterms, mississippi soon to be new senator is trying to win over the white house. nbc news has confirmed that mississippi senate appointee cindy hyde smith met with a white house official after getting her less than warm welcome out of the gate. mississippi governor phil bryant tapped her to concede thad cochran retiring because of health. and she plans to run in a november special election to serve the his term through 2020. what is holding president trump back from endorsing her? well hyde smith used to be a democrat. she switched parties eight years ago but state senator chris mcdaniel is running in november
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and this is a nonpartisan jungle race. there is concern among establishment republicans that hyde smith might lose in november to mcdaniel and that mcdaniel might go on to lose a runoff to the democrat candidate. in other words republicans fear a repeat of the loss of the senate seat in alabama. an endorsement from the white house could give hyde smith a boost and help her defeat mcdaniel. we'll see. we'll be back with more "mtp daily" in 60 seconds. do what i did. ask your doctor about humira. it's proven to help relieve pain and protect joints from further irreversible damage in many adults. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver,
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we actually saved $50,000. and that's just one school, two semesters, three girls. together, we're building a better california. welcome back. could republicans try and push the president off the ballot in 2020? yes, we're talking 2020. don't throw things at your screen. at least not yet. candidates tried to keep him from getting the nomination two years ago and now republicans like senator jeff flake of arizona and john kasich of ohio are hinting they could try to do it again. they're not ruling out primary challenges against him this next round. as we all know, the president is
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unpopular. his approval rating ticked up to 43% in the latest nbc "wall street journal" poll, still the lowest number for any modern president at this point in his first term. but among republicans, 84% approve. keep this in mind, incumbent presidents who face serious primary challenges did eventually lose the presidency. there was gerald ford who went on to lose the general in 1976 after a primary challenge from ronald reagan. jimmy carter didn't get a second term in 1980 after a primary challenge from ted kennedy. and then there is lyndon johnson who dropped his bid for re-election altogether in 1968 an eugene mccarthy had a strong second place finish in the new hampshire primary. let's bring in long time republican strategist mike murphy who just wrote a piece in politico titled how to primary trump in 2020 and wrote, elected
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republican officials keep asking me if it is possible. it won't be easy, we should try any way. mike murphy, thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> so who are you talking about? you say elected officials keep asking you over and over again, who are they? >> well, they only do it in whispered tones in the shadows, trying to scurry away and not get caught talking about it. for the very reason you brought up. at the preb at the present time, which is important, because the future is unknown, trump is popular with republican primary voters. those are the only people that he's popular with so none of them want to be seen as plotting and screaming but there is no doubt the political baggage of the president is on the mind of just about every elected republican. >> are this republican senators or governors or congressman. >> i've heard it from people in congressional districts and statewide at different levels of government. >> so if somebody is going to primary him, who is the best bet?
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is it someone like jeff flake, is it someone like bob corker? john kasich? >> well in order for it to happen, what i say in the piece is i think it is likely he will be in enough trouble if we lose the midterms badly, that is supporting the republican party which is now will indeed crumble. that is the pattern. but it is still a long shot. it is hard to primary an incumbent president. i don't know who the name is. it will be driven by what the republican primary voters are looking for. i don't think we'll see a scenario like lbj is embarrassed and mckarmgy was second and enough to get him out and trump and shame are not on the same planet. so beat him state to state and delegate to dag-- delegate and most likely scenario is an anti-trump. he is seen as incompetent, erratic, nothing gets done.
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the opposition could be no drama and boring and highly competent and the other access is ideology. will we revert to the old meme where one of those with credentials will be more attractive and meme will move to a more traditional republican ideology. i don't know. but i think he is in trouble and there are unknowns as rumsfeld said and we don't know -- >> and you vaguely point to the political developments in utah. so, so vague. >> well i couldn't help it. what i'm trying to do here is put a fork in that invitation to mar-a-largo i've been waiting for and i think that is not happening. i hinted mitt romney because if the party is looking to end the drama and move on, and i have not talked to governor romney but this and he is an old friend and i worked with him when he ran for governor. but if they are looking for no drama and comfort, mitch will have a lot of stature.
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right now he's focused on running for senate in utah. there is also john kasich lurking around new hampshire which is the beginning of the pro prose and he did well there last time and you have a couple of people in the senate like jeff flake or bob corker or ban sasse. so if the numbers change, and that is the big if, then a whole bunch of different te-- differe people would be interested. but you have to after new hampshire whittle down to one opponent and where even the damages president could hold on to a plurality like in '16 and not have the imagine ort of the primary voters looking for something else around one candidate. so it is a disciplined challenge by that field. >> really quickly, do you think it is better if donald trump loses in 2020? because a republican primary challengers -- if history servserves us right, makes that candidate lose? >> personally -- it is right.
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i hope he doesn't run again. i'm a never trumper from gday one. but if not, he'll be in big trouble and i wouldn't bet on him winning which saddens me as a republican. i'm ready to change the channel on the president and we'll see if other people agree in the midterms. >> is it better if a democrat wins? >> you are putting me at the end -- generally it depends on which democrat. if it is a choice between trump and a bernie sanders or elizabeth warren socialist democrat, then it is a coin flip of pain. >> mike murphy. thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. and ahead, rose ann's return and why it is bigging a big splash in politics right now. m a was able to take care of my family while i was overseas serving. it was my very first car accident. we were hit from behind. i called usaa and the first thing they asked was
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even look at rosanne. i called her yesterday. look at her ratings. look at her ratings. >> time for "the lid." that was president trump talking about his phone call with rosanne barr. more than 18 million people tuned in for the first episode of the reboot of her sitcom this week. barr is a trump supporter on the show and in real life. the panel is back. jonathan alter and caitlyn burns and lonnie chen. this is a big deal. it is a big viewership and i think it underscores what we kept seeing on the campaign trial, while everybody on the coast potentially people in the media were losing their minds about every donald trump scandal, controversy, tweet, there was a significant portion
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of the population that was not paying attention and felt that, hey, you know what, i might lose my home and that matters more than donald trump going after a mexican judge or whatever. >> it is beyond that. the beyond that, the polarization of politics goes beyond just polarization of politics, it's polarization of society. there are trump shows and anti trump shows now. that has so invaded public society that we're seeing it in this. >> and i think we're seeing this because donald trump is so entwined in our popular culture, i mean he was once the star of a television show. he denigrates the media a lot, he denigrates hollywood a lot, he goes after the oscars, but a lot of those attacks have appeal with a portion of the country, and i think seeing this representation, is very appealing to him, especially since he used to be kind of part of the mass pop culture.
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>> how much stock should we put into it roseanne getting ratings like this. >> it's got john goodman it and laurie metcalf. will roseanne and trump -- it's very interesting to allow that kind of political debate into prime time old-fashioned network entertainment which usually, you really have to go back to archie bunker and "all in the family" to find a willingness on the part of these usually very cautious networks to let people really mix it up on politics. >> is it the idea that you can have a show or even a family with two diametrically opposed
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views. that is america right now, when i go out and i talk to folks on my book tour, a lot of people will say, i can't talk to this person in my life any longer because they support x. and my biggest advice to people who want this country to remain divided, don't talk to that person anymore. >> hopefully what the show won't do is to sew further seeds of discontent and further division between people. but potentially it can be a very uniting sort of thing. >> let's show a clip. we have a clip of her staying grace at the dinner table. >> okay, this is the first family dinner we have had in a long time, let's try to survive it. >> first let's say great,
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jackie, would you like to take a knee? >> a friend of our show, sends a column out talking about roseanne being a revival. he says hollywood is now faced with indisputable evidence that there's a huge potential out there for products that don't actively insult 63 million trump voters. >> yeah, i think that was the lesson of the election, right? >> yeah. >> and you see also, i mean think about just a couple of weeks ago, when hillary clinton re-emerged and was talking about trump supporters and the kind of reaction that that got from people across the country. i think at least as reporters, we have to pay attention to that and, you know, learn a lot of these lessons from 2016 about how the country is feeling and especially a lot of these cultural issues that the president talks be it. >> if they don't get the ratings next week for the third show, is this conversation mute? >> what i don't like about it,
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is it echoes a point that connie schultz who senator mayor brown said this week, and they both come from working class origins and connie's point is why should trump necessarily represent all of working class americans. there were millions of working class americans who can't stand donald trump, didn't vote for him the last time. and if this cements the idea, that if you're like the connor family, you must be for donald trump, that will be awful misleading because a lot of them weren't. >> stereotypes can sometimes be a little bit problematic. >> we will see what happens next week, jonathan, kaitlin, lonnie, guys, thank you very much. ahead, president trump and the mustache that makes him bristle. i have type 2 diabetes.
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in case you missed it, john bolton nearly lost the chance to be national security advisor by a whisker. author michael wolf writes in fire and fury that bolton's mustache nearly cost him a place in the cabinet. bolton's mustache is a problem, trump doesn't think he looks the part. and looking the part is a key requirement for the president. >> to me, the look is important. i like rick sercone, he's
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handsome. >> look at this guy, he's a handsome guy. do i look like a president? how handsome am i? how handsome? >> yeah, it's a thing, but back to bolton's stash, you have to admit, it's kind of amazing. the trump inner circle is teeming with mustaches, this right here is hud secretary ben carson's official portrait, he is sporting one. or how about trump attorney ty cobb, look at that, that nicely coifed lip cozy puts how saturday taft to shame. the mustache didn't seem to bother the president in this picture. and, you know, who else sported a mustache? fred trump, president trump's father. so president trump, maybe bolton's stash will end up growing on you.
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we're back tomorrow with more "mtp daily." "the beat" with ari melber starts now. >> i have sokatie tur, thank yo. tonight we begin, new tensions with russia, and bob mueller opening a new front on the russia probe. first this big probe, russia hitting back, kicking out 60 diplomats out of the country, this is after trump did what many said was too long in coming, expelling diplomats for faking that alleged blatant move of poisoning a former russian spy on uk soil. mueller probing russia contacts with the gop republican convention in 2016, and why the gop suddenly strangely softened


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