tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC April 5, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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"revolution: apple changing the world." and headliners, in-depth look at man we talk about so much here, robert mueller. i'm become here at 4:00 p.m. that's the broadcast. good night from new york. happy to have you with us. happy thursday. so our on going list of senior level departures from the white house and trump administration frankly is quivering in anticipation of another cabinet secretary being added to this list. so far there are three trump cabinet secretaries on this wall. the first was tom price who resigned amid a scandal about his over the top luxury travel spending while running the department of health and human services and rex tillerson, there is rex tillerson, secretary of state, his firing has an asterisks over it because of the white house lying about
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the timing of when exactly rex tillerson was fired and then the white house firing another senior state department official that guy. ding. when that guy told the truth about when tillerson actually got canned. i know that i'm sort of the only person in the media fixated on this but it's an intriguing question. why did the white house go to such lengths to concoct a proven false story about when exactly rex tillerson got fired as secretary of state? we still don't know but that false story is why they had to fire that other guy on the way out the door, as well. then there was david schulkin secretary of veterans affairs. also fired recently. again in his case, and the white house went to some length to concoct a false story about that. in his case at v.a., administration said that he resigned when in fact david schulkin didn't resign.
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he didn't quit. they fired him and the white house has been caught in a lie trying to convince people he quit when he didn't. the number of high-level departures from the most chaotic presidential administration is a remarkable spectacle. i didn't used to have a chair that swivelled. when it comes to cabinet officials resigning the spectacle is more chaotic for them than these other officials who have quit or been forced out and as of tonight, we're on career death watch for another cabinet official and head of the epa, scott pruitt. his title is not up there, which is starting to feel astonishing when you consider the immense pileup of revelations about his behavior in office. especially when you consider what we learned about scott pruitt compared to the comparatively small things
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that have caused some of these other people their jobs. i mean, i do think it's possible, though, that in order to understand what is going on, it's possible one of the other names on this wall behind me, one of the other names on this list of high-level trump departures may actually help us explain a little bit about what is going on with the scott pruitt story, the astonishing scandal and the guy on this list who could help us understand what is going on with scott pruitt would be, where do we have him? there. special advisor to the president on regulatory reform. that is the sort of boring title that the trump administration gave a very high profile business guy who president trump was very, very, very excited to brag about knowing all through the campaign. >> you know, we have the greatest business people in the world. i have so many people endorsing me. carl icahn. he's a great natural, natural negotiator. karl icon endorsed me. >> we got carl icahn. carl icahn.
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carl icahn. carl icahn. carl icahn. >> carl, carl icahn. the president liked to talk about him a lot during the campaign. he's a very rich, very famous corporate raider who built up an enormous personal fortune as a shareholder activist. he gets ahold of a controlling interest in the company. that means he gets himself or hand picked people on the board of that company and uses that control to pick that company up by its ankles and shake it and until money comes out of its pockets. sometimes forces changes on companies that make them stronger and more profitable and sometimes he tears them apart and eats the assets but that's how he made his fortune. he's not a specialist in any one area of business. he's basically considered to be a polymath financial genius. but he's cut a swath wherever he thinks he can use them to
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extract money for himself. the reason carl icahn is up there on that board, the reason he didn't last as special advisor to the president on regulatory reform is because of this reporting from reuters and this reporting from patrick keefe at the new yorker magazine. reuters and the new yorker documented how carl icahn used that trump administration white house gig like it was just any other carl icahn corporate raider business opportunity. he leveraged that gig into what may have ended up being hundreds of millions of dollars in personal profit for himself. one of his interests at the time, his business interest was a refinery concern up against significant environmental cost. he was very outspoken against those environmental regulations that impose those cost in his refinery business. when he was announced as trump's
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regulation czar, the market responded especially by expecting that those environmental regulations would go away. turns out carl icahn placed his own bets on the markets that they would do that. and so when his bet paid off, he pocketed tens of millions of dollars and the value of his refinery went way up in direct reaction to the actions he took as a government official. it's slightly more complicated than that but that was laid out by reuters and the new yorker. carl icahn had to go. he quit the night the new yorker article came out about him using the position to make himself potentially hundreds of millions of dollars. it was amazing. right after he quit the white house went through this remarkable "through the looking glass" exercise where they tried to pretend that carl never had that white house job in the first place. so what was there to quit? the press release announcing he
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had that job, i can't see a press release. can you? this doesn't say that. really weird. in that new yorker article, the one that ended carl icahn's brief career as a public official, we learned how scott pruitt got his job in the first place. when he visited trump tower to discuss the top job the president elect concluded the interview by instructing scott pruitt to walk two blocks up down to meet carl icahn. according to bloomberg, trump told scott pruit quote carl has some questions for you. scott goes up, meets with him and gets nominated for epa job on december 8th. the following day carl icahn says i've spoken to scott pruit four or five times and i told donald he'll do away with many of the problems at the epa. that is reportedly how scott pruitt got his job in the first
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place. carl gave it to him. since scott got that job at the epa, he's been an out of control, open spigot of scandal, and also strange news about his preferences and priorities and behavior as head of the agency. not a surprise that scott pruitt was going to be epa administrator very hostile to the epa and environment in general. everybody knew that. that's what trump ran on. but it was a surprise to everyone when we learned that scott pruitt was charging the taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars. it was initially around $20,000. we since learned it was over $40,000 to build himself a cone of silence in his office. a sound proof security booth inside his office at the epa where he could have secure communications without being listened to by anybody else in the epa except presumably the
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ones who listened to him through his fillings. we learned he charged tax players to install bio metric locks and swept for bugs and charging taxpayers for an expanded 24 hour a day, seven day a week multi man security detail which is far in excess of anybody else that's run that agency has had. in keeping with his security requests, we learned he also sought to have taxpayers buy him a bulletproof suv with run flat tires and wanted taxpayers to buy a reception desk for the reception desk outside his office that would be a bulletproof desk. wow. pruitt also claimed that his very intense security needs were why he had to always fly at least first class, if not on chartered planes or military planes which are more expensive than private planes. pressed on the connection, scott
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pruitt explained while someone once said something rude to him in an airport. it's unclear whether the person that said something rude to him in an airport said whatever he said that offended scott pruit, hey, scott, i think you're terrible or whatever. did that guy also say by the way, i always sit in coach? so you better steer clear of me and my kind? i mean, somebody was mean to you at an airport. could you tell he was a low class rabble? nobody has been mean to you in first class? have you ever talked to anybody else in first class? it was a lot of weird stuff, weird and expensive stuff. scott pruitt running this agency. we have since learned there was an effort to buy him a $100,000 a month private jet membership to have a private jet on standby at taxpayers' expense
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whenever he wanted to go anywhere and he used an emergency contingency provision in the safe drinking water act meant to hire scientists in the event of a drinking water emergency, he used it instead to hire lobbyists and spokespeople and to give big raises, 30, 40, $50,000 raises to young staff members he brought with him to -- from oklahoma. we then learned that one of those staffers who he gave a $30,000 raise to, she had among her taxpayer funded responsibilities, the job of shopping for potential apartments for scott pruit in washington d.c. and as you no doubt have come to know, that has since led to revelations that at least for the first year in office, where scott pruitt lived in d.c. was in a swanky capitol hill townhouse coowned by an energy lobbyist who charged scott pruitt a princely sum of $50 a night to stay there but he only
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had to pay for night when is he slept in the building. that news broke last week. it's been getting even shakier for scott pruit since then. he's basically had a two-part defense as to why nobody should see that living arrangement as weird. part one, the epa ethics staff signed off on that while the ethics staff clarified the only reason they did sign off is because they didn't exactly understand that arrangement. they now say they at any tididn all the facts about that, that's the only reason they okayed it. the only we had known. that's half the defense on the the $50 a night lobbyist house problem. the other half is he says even if he was living in that lobbyist's house for $50 a night, he says that lobbyist did not have any business before the epa, his agency.
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>> why did you then accept $50 a night to rent a condo from the wife of a washington -- >> let's talk about that. that's been reviewed and market rate. >> from the wife of a lobbyist. >> who has no business before this agency. >> is that williams and jensen, major lobbying firm. exxon mobil is a client. >> mr. heart has no clients that has business before this agency. >> mr. heart, my $50 a night landlord has no business before this agency. that was scott pruit's defense as of last night. turns out mr. heart, his lobbyist landlord, absolutely does have clients with business before his agency. a good run down on this published tonight by sam stein at the daily beast detailing at least nine clients who absolutely have active business before the epa including a glass
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-- pipeline for and glass manufacturer that settled clean air act violations and a bunch of other companies at which point it becomes impossible to imagine. this cabinet official continuing to stay in this job, right? given this reported evidence of corruption and conflict of interest. his defense to what he's done has been disproven. he says he was cleared by ethics officials. ethics officials say we didn't know that. he says these lobbyists didn't have business before my agency. oh, yes, they absolutely freaking did. but even after that like -- that end of the road stuff breaks, still more keeps coming about scott pruitt, still more just today. that he demanded security detail used sirens and lights to get him through traffic jams in washington d.c. despite the fact that his security detail said that wasn't allowed.
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cbs said pruit wanted the lights and sirens to cut through traffic to go to official event. then the "new york times" followed up and said actually scott pruitt told his security detail to do that thing with the lights and sirens not just to get him to an official event but at the airport and often times to fancy dinners including specifically to this restaurant which apparently he loves to get to in a hurry and arrive with a splash when he dines there in washington. the reason we know these kinds of details about scott pruitt's behavior as epa administrator is because members of his security team that he's telling to use lights and sirens are among what is reportedly a large number of epa officials telling reporters they were demoted, reassigned or effectively fired by scott pruit when they confronted him about his crazy spending. in one case a guy says he told
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the white house personnel office about it. that said from what we know about the white house personnel office, they go to vape and play beer pong so maybe they didn't notice him at the door and knock him out. even if scott pruitt noticed and allegedly retaliated by demoting that guy who complained about him to the white house. since this avalanche of unflattering news has come down the mountain and landed on top of scott pruitt. both his critics and pruitt himself have complained a little bit this might be what cost scott pruitt his job. he's getting all the this attention not necessarily for substantive actions but this ethics stuff. i have heard that criticism from pruitt, but also from people who are real critics of pruitt in terms of what he's trying to do at epa. i actually think
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the important thing to recognize is his ethics stuff and substantive behavior as head of the epr are not separate and carl icahn is part of what proves it. just pick out one of these scandals, right? the inspector general is looking into this luxury travel that scott pruitt has taken on the taxpayers' dime. one of the most lavish of the trips is a trip first class with seven staffers and an undisclosed number of staff to protective detail to morocco in december and there is all sorts of amazing scott pruit ethics thorns on this rose. why were they all flying first class? why did he bring seven people and a full security detail. one of the people he brought is one of the staffers he gave a $50,000 bump in salary to courtesy of the safe drinking water act. salary bump he now denies knowing anything about. another staffer he brought is a woman named samantha dravis who quit sometime in the last few
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days amidst the scandal. just learned about her quitting today. the top democrat on the senate environment committee last week sent the inspector general a request to look into the e employment because he said he's been notified for november, december and january, she didn't show up to work. even though she was quote likely compensated as a full-time employee throughout that time. well, during that time she did apparently go on that first class trip to morocco and according to a letter from congressman elijah cummings, part of the fun of that trip to morocco, is they took a layover on the way. on the way to morocco, they decided to stay overnight in paris on a saturday night, december 9th and it must have been a good time because according to congressman cummings, they quote, missed their connecting flight from paris to
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morocco at 10:25 the next morning. that meant another big day in paris. it resulted in lots of time in paris for scott pruit and his entourage all flying first close -- class, including his peeps from oklahoma he got big raises for and this other aide who allegedly was not doing any work at the time for that month or the month before or after even though taxpayers were allegedly still paying her salary. sounds like the tour for which they should have made t-shirts at the end, right? here's the thing, what was this trip to morocco for? "the washington post" said scott pruitt and crew of epa aides, see in the headline there, spent four days in morocco promoting natural gas. that's weird right? they met with officials and tried to talk them into making a major change in the economy. he went morocco and took the
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trip to convince the moroccan government to start importing american natural liquid gas to meet the country's energy needs. that's a weird thing for an epa administrator to do. noted that epa plays no formal reel. such activities are over seen by other u.s. government agencies like the energy department and regulatory agency farc. the only active liquified natural gas export plant in the united states at that time was one owned by taniar energy. it's a carl icahn joint. activist shareholder. it's fun to read through the business reporting about carl icahn using leverage to get the ceo of the company fired. that big of a shareholder with that power at the energy
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company. the only liquified natural gas. export terminal in the united states. if you buy liquified natural gas in the united states, you get it through that company. carl icahn gets scott pruit his job. scott pruit flies to morocco and on the taxpayers' dime and what does he go for? to promote chenniere energy, to persuade inexplicably to provide american gas to the benefit of papa carl icahn's pet financial project of the moment. and if this seems farfetched, this happened before carl icahn had to resign in a totally separate matter, allegedly using government position to enrich himself and benefit companies in which he was a big investor. and yes, and in addition to his connection to carl icahn, scott
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pruitt at the time was also living for $50 a night in the home of the principal lobbiest for chenniere energy. so all this to say, don't worry about whether the focus on the bonfire of scott pruitt's ethics is distracting to his behavior at the epa. it's one in the same story. but as of tonight, he's still in that job. anybody know why? with the power of 335 turbo-charged horses lincoln mkx, more horsepower than the lexus rx350 and a quiet interior from which to admire them. the lincoln spring sales event is here. for a limited time get zero percent apr on the lincoln mkx.
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so there is a bunch of news still unfolding tonight. president trump tonight still making noise about starting this trade war he appears to want with china but tonight really ratcheting it up. the president wanting $100 billion in tariffs on chinese products making front pages tonight. this would go with $50 billion in tariffs the white house announced this week that caused china to already announce
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retaliatory measures. here is a direct quote from republican senator ben sass of nebraska in response to what president trump asked for. direct quote, no kidding. quote, hopefully the president is just blowing off steam again, but if he's even half serious, this is nuts. china is guilty of many things but the president has no actual plan to win right now. he's threatening to light american agriculture on fire. let's absolutely take on chinese bad behavior but with the plan that punishes them instead of us, this is the dumbest possible way to do this. okay. republican senator ben sasse tell us what you really think. i should also tell you in terms of developing news that we have brand-new news in the special counsel russia investigation, a new court filing has just been made public put on the docket as we were getting on the air. thanks to this new filing we know as recently as last month, mueller's prosecutors were
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executing more search warrants against paul manafort including them seeking materials for quote ongoing investigations that were not the subject of prosecution involving paul manafort. oh. and on top of that, honestly, nobody can figure out how it's possible the epa administrator is on his job after non-step -- nonstop headlines covering everything from him living in energy lobbyist's house to riding around with sirens blaring because maybe he's not thought as important enough once he got there. joining us now is the great nicole wallace, host of "deadline white house" weekdays. nice to see you, my friend. >> nice to see you. >> you're hosting in for brian's show tonight. >> i am filling in at 11:00. >> thank you for coming in early to talk. let me talk to you about epa stuff.
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you went through lots of crises in the george w. bush white house. every white house has its own level of scandal. do you have any sense of the rhyme or reason, p what makes a person have to quit this administration versus something you're allowed to stay on weeks and weeks dangling in the press like this? >> there is no rhyme or reason. what i think happened today, former white house adviser put this story at door step of the white house staff. the "new york times" reporting that you referenced about the six individuals that amount to whistle-blowers basically. they objected to administrator pruitt's conduct. >> to his face. >> two of them include presidential appointees. not career officials. in the bush years, a lot of the whistleblower scandals were
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career officials that had policy concerns about policies you covered in depth, that's not the case for pruitt. these are people that had concerns about pruitt's conduct lack of ethics, wackadoo stuff about the phone booth and weird stuff about the rot of ethics and they were people that knew donald trump personally. one was one of his advance guys. that's a body guy that has every white house staffer on advance team on his cell phone. the other one was chief of staff, placed in epa by the presidential personnel office. you covered the story in the "washington post" about a game called icing where i might start playing it myself where you run around and the person that finds the vodka has to drink it. that's the office. >> the beer pong office. >> the icing office placed the chief of staff at epa in his job. he is someone that can get high-level white house staffers on the phone. this pruitt story is no longer epa story, it's a white
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house dysfunction story and the notion they didn't know what was going on is an implausible account. days whether they could kick to the epa press office is over. >> there are reports that there is a scott pruitt fan club effort in among the industries that he's been so favorable to. >> no surprise. >> they are lobbying heavily conservative media and lobbying right wing influencers to make this a witch hunt against scott pruitt to get the white house to pledge to keep him on. there is an organized effort on the right to say this ethics stuff for scott pruitt shouldn't be a reason he's pushed out. >> ethics, nobody cares. it's difficult to get smeared in an ethics scandal in the trump administration. this is a president that taught the country what the word em emoluments means because he's so corrupt. he never separated himself from his own business. it's an oxy moron. a trump administration ethics scandal. >> but you're saying in this
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case what is different, what we've crossed into that's new territory is what looks like an ethics scandal may become more potent and dangerous for him. because it's crossing the white house? defying the white house? >> they are not people who are offended by the dismantling of our regulations to keep the air and water clean. >> not a policy dispute. >> they are not people blowing the whistle on enhanced interrogations. cia and bush era. these are people who largely agree with the dismantling of all of our clean air and water regulations who are blowing the whistle on conduct that's so reprehensible they could pick up the phone and call friends in the white house office of presidential personnel, which you have to assume is the office that placed pruitt's chief of staff in his job at epa. this story is much more of a white house story than it's being covered now and i think those flashing red lights. there is also a flashing neon light and something seedy about this story and gross and i don't think conservatives wrapping
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their arms tightly around mr. pruitt are going to feel good about that at the end of this. >> do you think he'll go? >> i don't think he lasts -- not because -- defense is he's ideologically aligned with everything the president wants to do. so is jeff sessions. his job is on the line hour by hour. nobody is safe. somebody that dominates the headlines like mr. pruitt, not safe at all. i asked a trump confidante about kelly. he says is kelly okay? is kelly safe? nobody is safe. nobody is okay. >> wow. nicole ellis, white house veteran, the house of "deadline white house" at 4:00 and hosting the "11th hour" and a special in-depth look at man you might have heard of, robert mueller. you're a very busy woman.
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especially today. breaking news in the mueller investigation, actually, beyond the breaking news i told you about at the top of the segment. somebody we haven't heard before who mueller's team is apparently questioning and we can apparently tell something about his direction based on this. just breaking news. we'll have that for you next. stay with us. miracle-gro guarantees results with rich potting mix that uses ingredients fresh from the forest... and plant food that adds vital nutrition so you'll have three times the blooms. they bask in their success. miracle-gro. three times the beauty. one powerful guarantee.
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those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. we actually saved $50,000. and that's just one school, two semesters, three girls. together, we're building a better california. so here is breaking news. there are two pieces related to the mueller investigation tonight. i mentioned the new filing tonight from the special
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counsel's office which reveals as recently as last month, they executed a search warrant last month on paul manafort. march. on top of the six previous search warrants they obtained in his case. paul manafort asked him to provide it in unredacted form in and said in response they have to remain redactions in the latest search warrant quote relating to on going investigations that are not the subject of either of the current prosecutions involving paul manafort. so last month as of march, they were still executing search warrants against manafort and redacting information that relates to on going investigations that aren't the subject of either of the prosecutions involving paul ma -- manafort. that's breaking news item number one.
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from the russia investigation. the second is this, a form of this -- comes in the form of mcclatchy story which is just out. which tells us two things. here is the first. quote, special counsel robert mueller's investigators this week questioned an associate of the trump organization involved in overseas deals with president donald trump's company in recent years. armed with subpoenas compelling electronic records, mueller's team showed up unannounced at the home party to multiple transactions connected to trump's efforts to expand his brand abroad. part of what is very intriguing here, mcclatchy doesn't name this trump business associate who was questioned at his home and searched this week by the special counsel's team, but the other thing we learned is mueller's team is very keen on asking about one person in particular, quote, investigators were particularly interested in
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interactions involving michael d. cohen, trump's long-time personal attorney and former trump organization employee. among other things, cohen was involved in business deals secured or sought by the trump organization in georgia, the nation of georgia, in kazakhstan and in russia. i don't know what any or all of this signals but we do have a federal prosecutor on tap to help us out with this. stay with us. at&t provides edge-to-edge intelligence, covering virtually every part of your retail business.
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the kayak explore tool shows you the places you can fly on your budget. so you can be confident you're getting the most bang for your buck. alo-ha. kayak. search one and done. i have some questions. you know i start off not just the day but every show like we're live at 9:00 eastern time. i sit here at the top of the show and i have a few questions in mind i would like to have answered with expert guests and reporters. then you get into the show and the breaking news happens in the middle of the show and the questions, they change over the course of the hour so i have new ones.
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we just learned since we've been on the air tonight in new court filing just made public tonight that trump's campaign chair paul manafort has had seven search warrants executed against him already. seven. including one most recently last month. when i started this show, i didn't know i would have this question but now i want to know, dude was indicted in october. dude was later indicted, again, what in february? what are they doing still executing search warrants against him in march? as of last month after he's on trial on two different sets of dozens of felony charges and in the search warrants, the government says it can't unredact them because some of the information pertains to on going investigations unrelated to the existing prosecutions of paul manafort. does that mean manafort is in way more trouble than we can see or does that mean there's
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something they're seizing from manafort that relates to on going cases against other people? joining us now is joyce vance, former u.s. attorney from the great state of alabama, somebody that gets these things much better than i do. thanks for being here. sorry i'm incoherent. >> you're not incoherent. >> thank you. you're nice saying it that way. let me ask you about this new filing we've just gotten in, just been made public. nobody had that much time to review it. it appears from back and forth between manafort's lawyers and mueller's prosecutors this is the seventh search warrant executed against paul manafort and this can't be reacted even though manafort's lawyers want that because it relates to on going investigations. that strikes me as strange given manafort is in trail in two different jurisdictions. does this seem more typical for you as someone that's been through federal prosecutions? >> it would maybe be a little unusual if this is your standard simple case but in a complex
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white collar investigation or public corruption case, you'll often see this wave of indictment with on going investigation and although you can't continue to use the grand jury to investigate once you indicted a defendant on certain charges, you can continue to investigate other crimes on going crimes or as you point out perhaps even crimes that manafort is not the defendant or the target that they are investigating. so a couple different possibilities here. >> over the course of a criminal trial, does the defendant and his legal team have the right to see unredacted versions of the search warrant used to obtain evidence in the government's case? >> usually they do, but here mueller's team makes very clear that they have only redacted two kinds of information. they redacted information to protect the identity of their
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confidential sources, which they are entitled to do under supreme court precedent. and they also redacted information that would possibly impair on going investigation, saying they are also entitled to do that, and they clarify that the search warrant stands on its own that sufficient probable cause is established by the unredacted information they provided to manafort. this looks like a situation where the government wins and point out three of the search warrants aren't redacted in any way. that information has been fully provided to manafort's team. >> ask you about another matter here. mcclatchy is also reporting tonight that a business associate of the trump organization this week had a very dramatic encounter with mueller's team. quote, armed with subpoenas that compelling electronic record, and sworn testimony, mueller's team showed up
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unannounced at home of this trump business associate this week. this comes on the heels of reports that mueller's team has been doorstopping -- airport stopping a number of different people in this investigation, george nador, a number of russian oligarchs, australian entrepreneur. all these people described as being stopped at the airport and being confronted by officials who in some cases took electronics and phones and searched them on the spot. that from a civilian perspective seems like an incredibly invasive and aggressive tactic. is that also a typical prosecution tactic? >> the fourth amendment protects us from search and seizure or citizens or simply people present in the united states. investigators can't stop and you can't seize things without a
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probable cause or search warrant. everything is different at the border and when you're coming through customs, law enforcement actually doesn't need a warrant. they don't even need probable cause. interestingly enough, there is recent case law from the 11th circuit, home of atlanta, one of the biggest airports in the world that confirms yet again even for cell phone or computer, at the border the police don't need a warrant. they can ask you for those items and compel you to let them take a look at what's on your phone or computer at the border. >> in customs at the border they don't need a warrant in the case of this business associate that had folks show up at his house, they had subpoenas that compelling records according to this late breaking reporting. joyce vance, former u.s. attorney from alabama, really appreciate your time tonight, joyce, thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> all right. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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the most vulnerable republican in the united states senate is widely considered to be this guy. nevada senator dean heller, he's up for election. in a state that donald trump lost in 2016. there's a lot of press interest in dean heller because of that vulnerability, and he doesn't do a lot of interviews. interestingly, that means the news dean heller has made is when someone has leaked from an event he spoke at where he thought it was in
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private. politico has audio from an event what he thought was private event, saying he hopes supreme court justice anthony kennedy retires this year otherwise he says republicans might be in for a route in november. >> i believe that we're gonna have another supreme court justice this year. i think kennedy is going to retire sometime early summer. that being the case, republicans are going to have another opportunity to put a supreme court justice in place, which i hope will get our base motivated because they're not motivated right now. but a new supreme court justice will get them motivated. >> that was a few weeks ago. dean heller wishing and hoping that supreme court justice kennedy will resign with perfect timing. that was audio he didn't know was going to be made public. now it happened again. dean heller gave a speech in which he offered a prescription for how someone could beat him. he told the nevada republicans men's club that democrats
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outnumber republicans in nevada by about 60,000 he said, quote, if we can get that number below 50,000, if we can get the number of registered democrats below 50,000 i can't lose. then he said this. the audio is choppy but this is him talking about voter registration in nevada. for the upcoming election. >> that audio at a private event obtained by the las vegas review journal. their reporter, colton lockhead, what he says is we have f we have 100,000
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more registered republicans than democrats in the state of nevada i can't win. let me say that again, i can't win. that's what's called a road map it's like dean herl got up and said, are there any rich democrats anywhere in the country that want to fund voter registration efforts in nevada because if there weren't those that wanted to fund that five minutes ago, now that he has broadcast that sentiment on what it takes to beat him, there will be 5,000 rich democrats around the country that want to absolutely fund that effort. we'll be right back. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else.
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last summer congress almost unanimously passed a law that required the trump administration to draw up a list of russian oligarchs to be hit with sanctions as punishment for them attacking our election in 2016. specifically the law said to draw up a list of high net worth individuals who were known to acquire their wealth thanks in part to putin. despite legally required to make that list, on the day of the deadline, trump's treasury released something else instead. laugh out loud list of russians, that was literally copied out of the forbes list of people in russia. the real list required by the law was made or worked on at the state department and agencies that were responsible for this law and producing list for sanctions. we never found out what happened
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to that list, the real list. reuters is first to report and now confirmed, the trump administration is planning tomorrow to list its first sanctions on russian if the oligarchs list comes from the table of contents of forbes magazine or we'll see the real list we believe was created. if it turns out to be the list mandated by congress, hoping to hurt putin by making it difficult for his friends, that could cause some real action from russia. it's going to be worth watching to see what that list looks like. that does it for us tonight we'll see you tomorrow. now it's time for "the last word with lawrence o'donnell." >> as you reported michael cohen's life got more interesting today with the special prosecutor apparently talking to associates of his trying to dig into what he's been into. and as luck would have it, guess who's sitting next to me. you can'be
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