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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  April 28, 2018 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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and, as a result, will die in prison. >> that's all for this edition of "dateline." . i'm craig melvin. thank you for watching. good morning. i'm dara brown. in new york at msnbc world headquarters. it is 7:00 in the east, 4:00 out west. here is what's happening. no collusion, president trump touts the findings of the final house republican report, but with the investigation ongoing, is he celebrating too soon? an impending indictment, what made a judge hold off on a lawsuit from stormy daniels. also, the president foregoes a washington tradition. >> and i could not possibly be more thrilled than to be more than 100 miles away from washington. >> why he is head to go michigan this year instead of putting on
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a tuxedo tonight. >> we begin with a live picture of the white house where president trump is taking another victory lap over the latest house gop report on the russia investigation tweeting last night house intelligence committee rules that there was no collusion between the trump campaign and russia as i have been saying all along. it is all a big hoax by the democrats based on payments and lies. there should never have been a special counsel appointed. witch-hunt. >> meanwhile, the lawyer for stormy daniels is threatening a new lawsuit after the judge in that case granted a 90-day stay. michael avenatti says what they are considering for them to be another way for them to depose president trump. >> i think it may happen in regards to a defamation claim we may be bringing against the president relating to his tweet where he called my client a con or suggested she lie to the american people. we may very well be bringing that claim here shortly. >> let's bring in camilla for roll call and kevin cerelli from
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bloomberg tv. great you have to both here this morning. >> good morning. >> kevin, let's start with you. michael avenatti is not going anywhere anytime soon. what is the likelihood of questioning the president in a deposition? >> questioning in a deposition on this particular issue, i'm not sure the white house nor its legal team will get on board with that. but i think, dara, that part of a broader trend here is something we've been reporting on for several weeks now and that is that this is a legal fishing expedition. the fact of the matter is, there could be subpoenas issued, e-mails obtained, and that could lead to the investigation in another route. >> put this 90-day delay into perspective after all that has transpired this week. >> this is only the beginning.
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let's not forget michael cohen is under this investigation because of robert mueller's investigation. what they find on the information, the documents that the fbi seized could lead to conclusions with the stormy daniels lawsuit and end this investigation that robert mueller is leading into possible ties between the trump campaign and russian operatives and colluding with and interfering in the presidential election in 2016. depending on what happens in this lawsuit may determine the course of robert mueller's investigation. >> and a 90-day stay is not that far away. so my colleague, joe scarborough, he has a new investigation on fox and friends during which the president made some stunning revelations about michael cohen's organization. joe says there is no one who can save trump from himself.
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he's afflicted by self-harm syndrome. this is not about trump being political destruction. kevin, is there no one in the house to stop the the president these days and what does it matter because is this just how he operates? >> well, you know, i'm going to leave that for other folks to decide. but i think the policy here really gets to directly answering your question. because the senate judiciary committee moved a bill on out of committee that would make it much more difficult for president trump to fire bob mueller, which i thought was interesting particularly because that committee is chaired by republican senator chuck grassley of iowa, someone whos has voted in lock step with this administration. so you have a republican-controlled committee advance ago bill to place a check and a balance on this administration. but take it one step deeper. you have senate majority leader, mitch mcen connell, also a republican from kentucky and he
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is saying he's not going to bring that piece of legislation to the floor as has house speaker paul ryan, a republican in the house -- a retired republican. so republican leadership is still very much behind this administration. until there's a space between them, i don't really see the back and forth between whether or not he'll fire bob mueller really going forward. >> and camilla, kellyanne conway says president trump might start calling into fox every month, especially during breaking news. where is this coming from, especially if it poses a legal threat there? is there no longer anyone who can act as a filter for the president? >> right. well, president trump has been very clear that why he even uses twitter in the first place is because he wants to directly communicate to his base, to his supporters. so what you're really seeing here is just another method and another means to him communicating with his supporters about what he's doing. there's no secret that he loves fox & friends and that he goes on frequently to talk about
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about his accomplish manies and what he's doing in the white house. this is like another step of president trump touting his accomplishments and using fox and friends as a vehicle to boast about what he's doing at the white house. >> kevin, i want to turn quickly to this uproar over the firing of house chaplain father patrick conray. speaker paul ryan reportedly told the house republican conference friday morning that he fired father conrad because gop members felt like their pastoral needs were being met and he didn't fire him for a political reason and that is according to several republicans inside the room. >> as legislation on taxes continues to be debated this week and next, may all members be mindful that the institutions and structures of our great nation guarantee the opportunities that have allowed some to achieve great success while others continue to
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struggle. may their efforts necessary days guarantee that there are not winners and losers under new tax laws, but benefits balanced and shared by all members. >> kevin, i know you had that ooph at the beginning there. >> well, i'm catholic. s as a catholic, this is so intriguing. but, look, here are the fact. i spoke with speaker ryan's press secretary yet about this. and i said why was he fired? and look, in the speaker's defense, he doesn't want to be giving details about any firings for why they were -- for why someone is fired. on the flip side of that, his pret press secretary said directly that he was not fired because of prayer. that, of course, is not what democrats are saying. they're pouncing on this, including house minority leader nancy pelosi. they're saying it was because of a prayer. but from a conservative perspective, there are many folks who would argue that the
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tax plan actually does help a lower income folks. but from a democratic perspective, this is something that is fascinating because of the back and forth of how many -- over the identity politics type of argument of how they're trying to win over a constituency of catholics. and if you look at polls, catholics have been swing independent voters in every major election going back decades. this is a fascinating issue. i'm not sure whether or not it will stick around for much longer. but it is interesting that there hasn't been really a concrete answer for why he was fired. but speaker ryan is saying, hey, wait a minute, i don't want to get into the details of why someone was fired. you know, that's what they're saying. >> he just wants to move on. camilla, to kevin's point, although many critics are pointing to the different idealogical views, can you put this in context of the religious battle that has been playing out in washington lately. >> right. the biggest question here and
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what a lot of democrats are asking is is it appropriate? was it appropriate that paul ryan asked the chaplain to resign? that's the biggest question here. the.chaplain, in his defense, said that if he was a chaplain at a hospital he would be talking about health and his responsibility as a chaplain is to talk with about what's going on in congress. so he didn't deem his prayer that he gave as political, even though a lot of republicans did. and so there's this big question as if can a prayer be political? does he have a right as a chaplain to be political prayers and not to take sides. a lot of republicans said that he criticized the gop tax plan in his prayer. and so, you know, this is the -- leads to a bigger question on whether it was appropriate for paul ryan to ask the chaplain to resign over this prayer. and there's still speculation on exactly why he was fired.
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but a lot of people are really raising this question on whether it was appropriate or not to ask him to resign over a prayer that they gave. >> and respectfully, i would note that his office does say on the record that the chaplain was not asked to resign over a single prayer. obviously, they're being criticized by democrats about that, but that we should note that is the statement from speaker ryan's office. >> something possibly brewing, but still a surprise to the rest of us. and the handshake seen around the world. it happened at a summit long on pledges, but short on details. what will come of this and what this means for the president's meeting with kim jong-un. better hot dog in every hand, well, you gotta make... a better dog! that's what oscar mayer does every... single... day. our dogs are totally free from artificial preservatives, any added nitrates or nitrites, and we waved bye-bye to by-products. and we're taking those better dogs to the ends of the earth... the top of the world... and everywhere in between. why? so you can get back to eating them,
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you know what's not awesome? gig-speed internet. when only certain people can get it. let's fix that. let's give this guy gig- really? and these kids, and these guys, him, ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. two things have changed. one, it's going from the top to the bottom. this time, kim jong-un himself is engaged.
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he's the nuclear negotiator. in our case, it's always gone from the top -- from the bottom to the top and now the president is personally engaged. my worry there is that we're not going to be ready and the president is impulsive and shoots from the hip. but at the same time, this is good. >> former u.n. ambassador bill richardson on what made reconciliation on the north korean peninsula possible. this came after the north korean leader kim onunion and moon jae-in held a historic meeting on friday with kim becoming the first member of his family to cross the demilitarized zone since the korean war. joining me now is former deputy assistant secretary of state for each asia, evans revere. great to have you here. >> great to be with you. >> is kim jong-un doing this merely to get some relief from u.s. sanctions? and then what happens to the talk of denuclearzation if that is over or does this seem different somehow? >> it's different in terms of the level of emotion, the level of euphoria that we've seen here
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is at least this high as we've seen in the past. but i think the bottom line remains that the ultimate goal for the north korean leader in this had process, that he has helped put in motion is easing the sanctions. sanctions that are building, have been building for a while and will continue to build and represent a major problem for him and his economy and the future of north korea. and so this move was put in play a number of months back in orderer to begin a process that he hopes, i think, will result in the easing of these serious economic sanctions and other measures. >> and the north korean state news agency released a statement, at the talks, both sides had a candid and open hearted exchange of views on the matters of mutual concern, including the issues of improving the north-south relations, ensuring peace of the korean peninsula and the denuclearzation of the peninsula. so will north korea actually denuclearize? >> there is good reason to be skeptical about that.
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first thick's first. the joint declaration that was issued by the two leaders coming out of that summit, an important document. but remember that it is essentially a compilation of north-south agreements and unning ununderstandings, some of them goc back to 1952. some of those are directly reflected in this documentation. so there's a lot of recycled hopes and recycled aspirations from the past in this document. let's remember that all of the previous agreements essentially came to not. so it's with good reason that i'm advising everybody to be just a bit skeptical. i think president moon deserves full credit for the logistics, for the pageantry, and for the way this summit was carried out. but on the substantive end, let's be very, very cautious going forward because we've seen many of the -- much of the content of that summit declaration has failed to be
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implemented over the decades. >> and evans, as you mentioned credit, there are varying views on how much credit president trump might deserve for this. is there really a way to gauge that? and what is your assessment? >> i think the posture that the united states government has taken, a very firm one in putting these sanctions in place, both the current administration and at the tail end of the obama administration, you saw america moving in this direction. it's the right direction to go. the important thing now is to keep the heat on, keep the pressure up, and if we can do that and keep our heads about us and be very, very careful of the summit between the president and kim jong-un, let's keep in mind that he is a master tactician, he is a master strategist and the president will be going up against a real pro in this summit. so let's be very careful going into this next stage of this drama as it unfolds. >> and i want to ask you, the president tweeted, please do not forget the great open that my good friend, president xi of china, has given to the united states, particularly at the border of north korea.
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did china have a role in this >> the chinese had a role that they have been generally helpful in implementing sanctions against north korea and that has certainly helped. but let's also keep in mind that the chinese have their own interests including being supportive of the north koreans and chashlly the chinese have been looking the other way as ships registered in china have been violating the very sanctions that china claims to be upholding. so china is trying to have its cake and eat it too here. >> and president trump says he's going to meet with kim jong-un in the next couple of weeks. what is next? >> let's hope there is a lot of preparation in the run up to that summit. the south koreans did a masterful job of preparing their president, i hope, and i expect that our team will do a similarly solid job of preparing the president. and it's going to be important to have a strategy going in and to know what end state we are seeking. that is extremely critical. and just one last point on that,
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we need to understand, let's not put the cart before the horse in terms of peace and denuclearzation. the idea of having a peace agreement with north korea, while it retains its nuclear weapons is a really dangerous idea. let's go after denuclearzation first and once we are going down that road and making good progress, that's the time to start talking about real peace on the korean peninsula. >> a point well taken. i know you just flew in from seoul. thank you for being here. >> just got back. thank you. a migrant caravan has gathered as they seek asylum in this country. the trump administration declaring they're not welcome. gadi swartz is in san diego watching this drama as it unfolds. can you tell us, what is the latest? >> good morning, dara. this right here is the first part of the united states that members of this caraen van would
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see if they are admitted into the united states. but it would likely be in detention. they are prepared the to be detained for days, weeks, even months and there is a chance families could be separated. >> by foot, by bus, by train. the caravan has arrived. once the numbering over a thousand, not under 400. mowers like catherine fleeing violence from honduras have lost almost all of their belongings. the clothes she wears and her daughter, ashley, are all she has left. she says that all she has left is milk and diapers. we watched as 1-year-old ashley learned to walk during their journey north. in mexico, she told us back in her hometown, she got caught between feuding gangs that threatened to kidnap her daughter. now that she's at the border, losing her baby girl is still his biggest fear.
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>> and lawyers with the caravan say that could happen during her plea for asylum. >> one of the tactics that we've seen from the trump administration is the separation of children from their parents whereby they place children in foster care situations under the office of refugee settlement and they place the parents in adult detention centers. >> a situation made even more tense by the president's regular tweets targeting the caravan, most recently saying i've instructed the director of t homeland security not to allow these people into our country. it is a disgrace. >> catherine tells us that she has spoke within other members from the caravan that have broken off that are already safely in the united states. she says she is still not sure whether she's going to go at it alone or try to cross with the caravan on sunday. and the president says no to
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for a second year in a row, president trump is skip canning the white house correspondents' dinner and will instead hold a campaign-style rally. this year he's heading to michigan. where does president trump's love-hate relationship stand with the press right now? >> yesterday, the president met with the white house correspondent association scholarship winners. $148,000 in total. and he met with them at the white house and he called journalism a quote/unquote great profession and said they want to be reporters. can you believe it? and he said that, of course, to the press corps. this is all about the scholarship winners this weekend. >> and it is a big night for them. >> yes. >> what do you make of the fact that sarah huckabee sanders will be at the white house
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correspondent dinner this year given her own friction with the press that we say play out every day? >> this is a tradition. president trump, this is his second time he's not doing even though sara puckby sanders is going. i still don't think it takes away from the fact that president trump is not going to attend the dinner. .this is the second time in a row. the white house correspondents' dinner is a tradition and it's not coincidental that he planned the rally around this time of the dinner. this is the same dinner that former president trump criticized president trump and a lot of people speculate the this may have influenced president trump to run for president. >> this is no big surprise. president trump is going to go talk to his base. this is more important for him, right? yeah. and i think when you talk to the people at the white house, they feel the criticism plays into their base.
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>> kevin, ka minimcamilla, thanr being here. thank you for watching. at the top of the hour, it is hugh hewitt. but first up, it is "your business" with j.j. ramberg. stay with us. hey grandpa. hey, kid. really good to see you. you too. you tell grandma you were going fishing again? maybe. (vo) the best things in life keep going. that's why i got a subaru, too. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. need a change of scenery? the kayak price forecast tool tells you whether to wait or book your flight now. so you can be confident you're getting the best price. giddyup! kayak. search one and done. but as it grew bigger and bigger,ness.
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