tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC May 29, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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improvements, it's not a state that needs a turn around. thank you for watching this hour of "velshi & ruhle." i hand you off to andrea mitchell. summit expectations. five days after cancelling that historic meeting with kim jong-un, a top north korean official heading to new york to meet with secretary of state pompeo to get the summit back on track. >> kim jong-un for his part wants to have a meeting with president trump regardless of the con tent of the meeting because that's legitmaization. conspiracy theories. the president's loose relationship with the facts is having a big impact on what americans believe to be true. mid term madness as the president heads out to campaign, levels new charges about who is meddling in the november elections. not every republican candidate wants his help. >> i don't think i would put to the president as a role model
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for my grand kids. good day. i'm andrea mitchell. there's more signs that the north korean summit is back on. as north korea's former spy chief is heading to new york to meet with secretary of state mike pompeo later this week to talk about preparations for what the white house says is the expected summit between trump and north korean leader kim jong-un two weeks from now. the high ranking general stopped over in china on route to the u.s. he was seen at kim jong-un's side at the surprise weekend summit with south korea's president moon as well as right behind ivanka trump at the olympics. the white house announcing president trump will meet with japan's prime minister about the north korea talks at the white house next week. nbc kristen welker is at the white house and janice joins us
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from seoul. a lot of action indicating this is really back on track and working on not just the logistics now but the substance with this high ranking official heading to new york. >> reporter: that's right. the white house is signaling that this on again, off again summit is now back on again. you have kim jong-un's right hand man coming to new york to talk to secretary of state mike pompeo to hammer out some of the final details, some of the final sticking points. as you pointed out the president set to meet with prime minister abe on june 7th. there's a u.s. delegation at the dmz and we know that joe hagen who is the deputy chief of staff traveled oaf the weekend to singapore to start to lay the ground work. the tone here at the white house has changed. i spoke to kellyann conway and she stressed all of these
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developments are good. she didn't commit to the fact the summit will happen. i think the white house trying to send the signal they want this summit to happen. they are working toward it happening but all of the eyes have not been dotted, all the ts haven't been crossed. it's clear this is what the side wants. >> i'm intrigued by that surprise rapidly arranged meeting face-to-face this weekend between moon and kim jong-un. why face-to-face? >> that is an intriguing question. these two men have a telephone hot li h hotthat w hotline that was recently established. it begs the question what is it that kim jong-un wanted to talk about. why is it that he requested this meeting to happen in person to deal with issues that they couldn't deal with over the
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phone. he revealed more about the meeting in a news conference on sunday. he said that kim jong-un says he's committed to having the summit with president trump, says he's committed to denuclearization but everyone still evading the question of what that means. what will the north koreans be willing to talk about and what would they be willing to agree to. that's why there's so much pressure on this team of u.s. officials at the dmz who will meet again tomorrow at the u.s. delegation. they're trying to hammer out the agenda. what is it that they're going to talk about at this summit that will produce the historic photo op that president trump issing looing for but it al needs to produce a workable agreement. something they can hold up and say, yes, this was a success. that's the task that's facing them. >> athese two sides do not even agree on the terms of what they are talking about.
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you've got this new report from stanford from the most experienced expert on north korea's nuclear weapons program who says it would take 15 years to properly denuclearize. >> reporter: remember when president trump was first asked about this, he said it means they get rid of all of their nukes. the administration has consistently said that meant immediately and in short order but then last week you started to hear president trump walk some of that language back and acknowledge that it might be a process that would be phased in over time. it was clear he wasn't sure what that ultimately would look like. there's no doubt that continues to be the largest sticking point. what does denuclearization look like and will both sides agree to the terms. >> thank you both very much. joining me is professor for the
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center of security and cooperation and co-author with condolezza rice of "political risk." tell us about the stanford study. >> well, andrea, my colleague at stanford center for international security and cooperation is the leading expert scientist. he is the last american scientist to go inside north korea's nuclear facility and he visited the facility several times between 2004 and 2010. the report which he wrote with a former cia analyst really throws cold water on the idea that we can have complete, immediate denuclearization of north korea.
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north korea has donzens of buildings and thousands of people involved in this nuclear program and even decommissioning one facility can take years. we need to have a persistent and patient and deliberate approach to denuclearization over a period of time. >> amy, joining us now is david ignacious. you and i have seen a lot of twists and turns in the u.s. relationship with north korea over decades. what are the risks of white house and kim both wanting the summit so badly that hthey are rushing to a meeting which will be disappointing. >> we saw over the last week that president trump decided that he was too far out over his skis. he wasn't hearing the right things back from the north koreans. i think the fact that the north
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koreans didn't show up for the schedule planning meetings. there was some, a freeze on their side. we don't understand it. suddenly replaced by this new atmosphere of positive talk and more to point preparation. my sense is right now both in the meetings that are talking place at the dmz involving the north korean and u.s. representations and the meetings that will begin soon with the north korean intelligence chief and secretary of state mike pompeo, the basic frame work agreement will be hammered out. recognize this is a phased process. the thing i'd keep my eye on is how will the north koreans get rewarded for each phase of their
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denuclearization over whatever period? what sanction will be removed? what investment projects will be authorized and how will their compliance be focused on? >> to you, amy and david, as well, there was a appearance by mike pompeo to present the annual state department report on nations of concern regarding religious freedom which is a top priority for the secretary of state. the report strongly criticizes north korea for having political prisoners and religious prisoners in horrific state. here is what i tried to discuss.
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>> are you going to meet in new york? we'll get some answers later today. >> he doesn't know whether human rights and religious freedom is even going to be discussed with kim jong-un. probably not likely. >> this raises a very interesting parallel to the iran deal. how narrowly do we want to tailor the negotiations. the nuclear risk is large. there are, as you mentioned, a host of other issues. the brutality of the regime. export of nuclear materials. a whole host of things. the question for mike pompeo is
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how broadly does he want the discussions to go and how narrowly does he want to tailor them to the nuclear issue. >> just picking up one of the threads from the stanford report we've been talking about, they have a plutonium program which is much more dangerous than their uranium fueled program. they can have a much greater range. >> the north korean program is advanced unlike iran. they have detonated nuclear records. they have shown they are a nuclear state. we need to look at the details as they emerge about how this will be structured.
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how do you -- what's the structure for decommissioning plu plutonium reactor. the iran nuclear agreement is very clear about these issues like verification and making sure of compliance. will there be similarly tough provisions. will be remarkable if president trump allowed a weaker agreement with north korea than what president obama got with iran. >> thanks so much. we're going to be continuing on this subject for a number of days and expecting meetings in new york with the north korean and secretary of state. probably thursday. before we go to break, the dow tanking. it's down 445 points. this on concern about jpmorgan
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chase and new sanctions levelled against china today as well. coming up, midterm acuizations mueller's team. easy to analyze and take action? how about some of the lowest options fees? are you raising your hand? good then it's time for power e*trade the platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. alright one quick game of rock, paper, scissors. 1, 2, 3, go. e*trade. the original place to invest online. it was always our singular focus, a distinct determination.
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meddle in the midterm elections. joining me now is political analyst robert costa and peter baker. welcome both. peter baker, first to you. is there any evidence at all that the mueller team who are known as elite prosecutors are partisan democrats and would be meddling in the midterms? >> this is part of president trump's defense against investigators. this team and robert mueller who was appointed by rod rosenstein who was a republican and is using the fbi led by chris wray who is a republican. are there people on robert mueller's team that are democrats? yes. have they contributed money to hillary clinton's campaign in the past?
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yes yes. you're not to consider people's individual, personal, political background in choosing prosecutors. i think robert mueller has shown long history what he is interested in mostly is conducting a professional investigation. this is an effort by the president to make them look like partisan figures than neutral investigators. >> there's been a lot of twitter traffic today robert costa as well. one says sorry i've got to start focused my energy on north korea, bad trade deals va choice and not on the rigged russia witch hunt. that's kind of a grab bag, if you will. >> how the president chooses to use his time is his choice. what peter brought up is important to recognize is the president's complaint about pat
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s partisanship is about the political timeline and the legal time line. mueller's team has signalled they would like to issue a report sometime this summer. perhaps in july or august about the president's conduct. that does not mean the russia probe is over. the russia collusion investigation would certainly continue but the mueller team has long said it would like to finish the presidential conduct part this year before the mid term elections. the president's complaints show there is some unease in his circle about what that report could mean for the gop ahead of the midterms. >> paider, talk know about the new york times lead story today on conspiracy theories and how that affects the public's understanding of what the facts are on a lot of these issues. >> he's shown over the years the propensity to buy into some of the more fringey elements of
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american societies whether it's about 9/11, president obama's birthplace and so forth. when you see him talk about this handling of the campaign, it's worth reminding what we know and what we don't know. we know the fbi had an informant who talked to three campaign add visors about russia. the president has said is they had a spy embedded in his cam pin. at one point he said they had spies all over his campaign. that's not in keeping with the facts as we yet know them. that doesn't stop the president from seeing this as a deep state conspiracy out to get him. a lot of people believe that. a lot of people see his point of view and viewing thanksgivi in y nefarious way. >> it would undercut the kr credibility of any report that
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mueller does release. rudy giuliani says that was part of the goal in one of his interviews this past weekend. what about going on inside the west wing. where do we stand with john kelly's role. the lack of communications department, per se. the leak investigations. what's the mood? >> with regard to general kelly he's seen in the west wing as someone who would like to make it a year. being chief of staff for a year and maybe think about his options. it's unlikely based on conversations i had over the weekend that the president will make any big move on chief of staff before the midterm elections. it's traditional for presidents to make major changes after the midterm especially in their first time when there's a change in congressional power. it's time to start anew in there's divided government. the president isn't eager to make a move on kelly. they have a generation repoire.
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>> all these moves, all these parts moving now on north korea, do you have any doubt this summit is going to take place? peter first to you. >> i still think it's up in the air. we're still in this place where they want to make it happen. clearly they are bending over backwards to some extent despite the president's decision to can el sit. anything can happen between now and the time the summit may or may not take place. >> don't cancel your tickets though. >> quickly, you have the median likely to happen at this point. the question that hovers over this administration is what would the meeting be. would they accept the meeting
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that didn't have the promise of denuclearization on the table or tried to end the korean war, establish diplomatic ties. will that be enough to push this meeting forward? at this point it seems likely they are okay with lowering the expectations with denuclearization. >> it's very likely that south korea's president moon will play a role in some part. we're hearing signals he may be there as a buffer if this goes off the tracks. to be continued. thank you both so much. coming up, zero tolerance. growing blow back to the trump administration's policy of separating undocumented immigrant children for their parents. you're watching a ining andrea reports.
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separated. they say their sponsors family member fail to follow up to safety checks. this is president trump falsely tries to blame democrats tweeting put pressure on the democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from their parents once they kroscro the border into the u.s. two different policies are being merged in people's minds and that's some of the issue jeff sessions issued a warning of crackdown. they would be prosecuted and their children would be taken from them. that was issued about a month ago. >> beginning of may. >> there's the issue of whether or not other children who have been separated and put with foster care or with other family members have been lost in the bureaucratic red tape. >> this is right. there's two different issues at play. one is that roughly the 1500
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children lost were minors and processed by the government and put with a relative or sponsor. the sponsors or the said relatives may not be documented so when the government follows up, they may be afraid to answer those calls. that doesn't mean that we shouldn't know where the children are. ohio's congressman portman had issued a directive asking people to come with congressional approval to make sure there's some sort of process in place. that decree was done a year ago and still we have no answers from congress. not surprising. he's a republican. what's really concerning is once again the president -- it was his administration that decided to set in place a policy to make sure that children were separated from their parents at the border and this is what's happening now. >> which they thought would be a deterrent to try to scare people from even coming.
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>> put yourself in place of a mother who crosses three countries, three borders to come hereylum and to be known they were torn away from their parents. the president has the opportunity to stop this. it's not a law. it's policy. it's discriminatory. the aclu said they saw infants as young as 53 weeks go into court without a parent. this is not who we are. this is not an american policy. this is a way for individuals to rally up the base. if you recognize what the republicans are really after, they try to propose really strong tax policy. that doesn't work. they are finding that immigration reform seeming to be tough on crime, seeming to be tough on families is what will rally them up. that's all they got for the midterms. as americans we need to have a reckoning with ourselves and say is this the type of country of separating infants from their parents. >> here is the deputy hhs secretary appearing on hugh
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hewitt radio show speaking on whether the kids are all lost. >> they're not lost. they have been placed in the vast majority of placases with parents or close relatives. when they are a sponsor, we release them and they are not lost. they are given to -- in the vast majority cases parents or close relatives. the only reason people believe falsely the children are lost is because that sponsor does not answer the phone when we make the call after 30 days. >> that controversy is masking the more profound issue which is the may policy, the beginning of this month that sessions announced which is a hot button midterm issue and does separate kids from their parents. >> in many cases ininfants. they are trying to confuse the american public say this was on
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the books. the separation of children and families at the border is new. it started under john kelly. he floated this idea back when he was homeland security -- secretary of homeland security. what i would encourage the american people to think of is the fact the kids have been put in places of sponsors, not necessarily relatives, the fact we don't know who they are, in the last case this happened. the last time the american government lost children, some of them were placed in human trafficking scenarios. children were found in narfarms ohio working in destitute conditions because these sponsors were human trafficking them. >> that is a horror that has to be pursued. thank you so much. always good to see you. meanwhile starbucks taking action closing stores around the u.s. to talk about prejudice and
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enti where a manager called the police on two african-american men who had not made a purchase at the store. al sharpton spoke to starbucks ceo about what is happening and what is ahead. >> this is just the beginning. we don't think this is magic wand, 5/59 a29 and we're all together. >> we're working on additional content and modules that we'll roll out. i see this will be something that is woven into the fabric of how we operate add company. >> joy reid is the host of am morning joy. tonight she will join reverend al an chris hayes for every day racism in america town hall. thank you for joining us. what do you hope to accomplish
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and your thing about what starbucks is doing today? >> you know, i think part of what has to happen to move this conversation forward is to have a frank conversation about what african-american and people of color deal with on a every day basis. sort of run out of public spaces because someone who is white feels uncomfortable with our presence. it's something that black people deal with every day and a lot of white americans may not be so aware of. i think you saw in the white patrons in that starbucks a kind of mix of disgust but also surprise that this is actually the way it goes on in sort of every day life. you're talking about the every day discomfort that some white people feel with black people's presence. i think it's important to get that out and talk about it and to talk about some of the implicit biases that may lead to those confrontations. >> one thing we know from a new nbc news survey poll about racism in america is 64% of
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those polled ploo eed believe tm remains a major problem. 15% said they had been treated unfairly because of their race. >> i didn't know anybody black that hasn't had the experience of being followed around in a store. it's happened to me. had the experience of going into oo restaurant and have waitest pa -- waiters pass you by. a white friend joins and a waiter snaps to it and comes to your table. this is something that happen ts in our dailies lives. we shouldn't have to live with it. we have to get past it. beyond the policy ideas where people are being demonized because they are a certain kind of immigration, a certain color of immigrant, that's one set of problems. you have the starbucks problem. we have to discuss them in order to get past them. >> i want to ask you about, it's hard to believe but roseanne
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barr has been tweeting out ranloran rageous things but she tweet ee about the obama administration and valerie jaret. muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes had a baby. now she has apologized saying i'm truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and looks. i should have known better. my joke was in bad taste. what do you have to do on social media to get fired from a top rated show on an american broadcast network? >> well, i mean in the apology, i think the end her looks part is the part that stands out to me. roseanne is admitting the planet of the apes part of that joke. it wasn't about her politics and it was about her appearance. we saw people making gorilla and ape jokes about michelle obama.
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it was common. it was googleable all over social media. it's place people go when talking about black people and goes back centuries. i think that was a very telling part of the apology. you've seen wanda sykes walk away from the show. she was one of head writers on the show. it's fraught because for a lot of roseanne's fans who are in a big venn diagram with trump fans, they don't see et. you have a certain set of people who feel you should be able to speak this way. we have a president at the moment who is kind of giving a broad sense of permission to not be political correct. to speak the way you want, to offend who you want and people shouldn't say anything about it. the question is whether or not the fan base that she has now developed which is very, very much aligned with the president's base. if it's millions of people and
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still watching her show, the question is whether or not they are considered to be more valuable than the people upset and rightfully offended by her tweet. that's the question that abc has to answer. >> the tweet. it's called racism, as you fwhoknow better than i. every day racism in america. nee needed now more than ever. that's tonight at 9:00 eastern. coming up, access denied. the supreme court dealing a blow to planned parenthood. stay with us. people would stare. psoriasis does that. it was tough getting out there on stage. i wanted to be clear. i wanted it to last.
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so i know how important that is. welcome to holiday inn! thank you! ♪ ♪ wait, i have something for you! every stay is a special stay at holiday inn. save up to 15% when you book early at the supreme court released decisions on three cases. a legal challenge declined to consider on an arkansas law could be major challenge to reproductive freedom. pete they refeudsed to consider this law so that means the lower court hold lapses and this involves non-surgical abortion procedures. basically the morning after
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pill. >> not the morning after pill but this is medication abortion. it's a two step process. women take the first pill in a doctor's office, a clinic's office and the second pill at home. there were two clinics in arkansas that were providing this. they have told their patients they can no longer provide the service. the patients should stop coming in. planned parenthood calls it shameful and says it will continue to fight this law. that was passed in 2015 but never gone into effect. blocked by lower court rulings. today in declining to take up this legal challenge, the supreme court allowed those lower court stays to lapse. the law can now, for the first time since it was enacted in 2015 be enforced. the attorney general said she awe plaapplauded the decision. i have fully defended this law at every time. we're a pro-life state. she says and always will be as long as i'm attorney general.
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any doctor providing this medication abortion service had to have a contract with another doctor and that other doctor had to have admitting impressive lenl at a nearby hospital. planned parenthood said this is very close to a law that the supreme court spruk down two years ago from texas but said the drt thoctors had to have admitting impressive leadmit ing privileges. the supreme court declined to take it up and didn't say why. this is not dead legally. it goes back to the trial court to complete a homework assignment that the appeals court gave to that judge saying we need to know how many women this would affect. planned parenthood says it will continue to fight it. for now the law goes into effect. >> these are early stage medical abortions. >> right.
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this is common in the early stages. oregon said not many women take advantage of it. >> thank you. coming up, role models. mitt romney's provocative comment about president trump. that's the inside scoop, stay with us. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. so my doctor said... symbicort can help you breathe better. starting within 5 minutes. it doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. doctor: symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. it may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandpa: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggy! (giggles) get symbicort free at
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now to politics, nbc news learning president trump will hit the campaign trail for republican candidates at least once a week until the midterms. mitch mcconnell is trying to keep democrats tied down in washington threatening to cancel all or part of the recess. mitt romney signaling his campaign may not take a page from the trump play book. >> do you think he's a role model? >> i don't think i would point to the president as a role model for my grand kids on the basis of his personal style. he's departed in some cases from truth and attacked in way that's not entirely appropriate. i believe his policies have been a good deal better than i might have expected. some of the things he said are
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not ones i would aspire for my grand kids to adopt. >> let's get the inside scoop from charlie sykes and msnbc contributor.adopt. >> charlie signpes. msn msnbc's garrett haake in salt lake city, utah, where he interviewed romney ahead of tonight's debate. and susan page, "usa today" washington bureau chief, right here. welcome all. garrett, first to you, mitt romney certainly signaling on the one hand, on the other hand, he's being very cautious going into this primary, having come in behind the leading candidate, so surprising some in a convention. >> yes, i wouldn't pay too much attention to the results of the convention. that has a lot more to do with the nature of how utah nominates its politicians. this is still very much still his race to lose. you heard a little bit in the answer, the dilemma he is in. when donald trump acts like a kpz republicconservative republ
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romney will support him. they line up fairly well on immigration. they line up on some big republican issues. but it's never been a secret that mitt romney and donald trump could not be more far apart on personal style, personal bearing and sort of the degree their personal character is part of their political personas and that's the box he's in here in utah. make no mistake, there is nothing his campaign would like to talk about less than donald trump. they want to talk about utah issues. they want to make sure he is perceived as a utah politician. they also make the argument romney is a good fit for this senate seat because he is a national figure and can punch above his weight as would be the junior senator from a relatively small state and that's the dilemma they're in here. if you're going to be a national figure and say you have that national ability to help your state, you're going to take questions about the president of the united states and the long existing tension between you and he. >> and charlie sykes, what about other candidates around the country? is donald trump campaigning for
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you a plus or a minus, a mixed bag? he goes to nashville today to campaign for marsha blackburn for that open bob corker seat. >> one thing about mitt romney, number one, there's not a lot of candidates willing to go as far as he did and he didn't go that far when you think about it. compared to what he said during the campaign. remember, this is a guy who said donald trump was a con man, a fake, a phony, all of those things. he is raising questions about his character and whether he's a role model. very, very few republican candidates are willing to do that this year. as for donald trump, look, this midterm election is going to be a referendum on trumpism and there's no question about it, the republican party has decided to join itself at the hip. the problem with that is that also means they are hostage to donald trump's unpredictability. and, you know, when he comes into a state, he is going to suck all of the oxygen out of everybody else's candidacy. that may gin up the base but it carries a high risk. >> and especially with so many
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women candidates, particularly on the democratic side this year, historic number of women running in some very high-profile races. >> like we've never seen before and doing very well in these primaries and getting nominated not always in the most competitive seats. the problem with donald trump is he will help you turn out republican voters. he will also help you turn out democratic voters. he is owner skrizing and unifying for the democratic party. some divisions in the democrats between the more liberal democrats and more sen trust democrats. but they are all united against donald trump and that's one of the risks you have. a solidly red state, you probably want donald trump to come in. if you're in a purple straight or even a red state that's not quite so red, it probably makes you kind of nervous. >> you're a midwestern person, you come from kansas. charlie sykes is out there in wisconsin. what about the balancing act for some of these candidates? >> that's right. i think charlie's exactly right, we do not hear republican candidates who are on the ballot being critical of president
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trump, but they do have the option of either talking about him a lot or not talking about him so much. i think one reason you see a lot of talk about immigration for instance is because that is a safer issue for a republican candidate than holding the president too tight in some of these states. >> and, charlie, just to wrap it up, in wisconsin, what are you seeing there? >> well, you know, exactly what susan said, you know, we're a purple state here and so if trump were to come in here, there's no question about it, that he would turn out republican votes, but he would also turn out a lot of democrats, some of those democrats who might have sat home when hillary clinton was on the ballot. by the way, i'm not sure how some of the more extreme anti-immigration rhetoric is going to play in the upper midwest. the story's about separating parents from young children. look, that's stuff that may appeal to the red meat base but for the suburban voters in places that will determine who wins wisconsin, not necessarily a plus at all.
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by now. it bears repeating, though, mamoudou gassama scaling the side of the apartment building like spider-man to get to the child dangling on the fifth floor balcony. he met with france's president macron on monday and he granted him french citizenship. he was also offered a job as a fireman in paris. the boy's grandmother says he is truly a hero. speaking on television last night, gassama said i wasn't thinking about being brave, i just did what i had to do, i had to save him. the boy's father is facing charges after he left the child in the apartment to go shopping. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." we have a lot of heroes to follow on the show, online, on facebook and twitter. we'll post all of tha that @mitchellreports. craig melvin next. >> he may not consider himself a hero but my goodness. andrea, thank you, good to see
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you. coming to you from msnbc headquarters in new york city. racist tweet. growing calls for abc to cancel tv star roseanne barr's show. she tweeted a racist message, comparing one of obama's top senior aides to the child of the muslim brotherhood and "planet of the apes." starbucks are shutting their doors for bias training, but can people change? do we have ingrained biases that we may not even know exist? plus, 4,645, that's how many puerto ricans died during and as a result of hurricane maria. that staggering new death toll from harvard university experts who have been studying the storm's impact. the official government death toll you might recall 64. we'll get to that in just a moment. we start
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