tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC July 3, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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else of why is this happening up today, with special guest eliza griswold. you go find bonus content. that's "all in" for this evening. good evening, rachel. >> good evening. much appreciated. happy tuesday. happy 3rd of july which means it is the eve of a major national holiday in our country which means tonight it is a good night that you are watching the news. because we are all the recipients of what amounts to a fairly epic pre holiday nighttime news dump. you know how this dynamic works, right? a typical news dump is after the close of business on a friday night under the assumption that people don't watch the news on a friday night or read the papers on a saturday morning. that gets turned up to an 11 on
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the eve of big holidays sometimes. tonight this fourth of july eve is one of those nights. nbc news has broken a disturbing big story today about alleged sexual assault of male athletes at ohio state university by a doctor employed by the university who worked the sports teams of the school. specific will you with the ohio state wrestling team. >> now, conservative republican congressman jim jordan was a coach on the ohio state wrestling team during the time this was alleged. multiare exwrestlers have come forward on the record using their names to allege that congressman jim jordan knew at the time about the abuse, when it was happening and he did nothing to stop it or report it. one stunt has gone on the record saying that he specifically complained to congressman jordan about being groped by the team doctor. he says despite direct appeal
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for help to jim jordan, mr. jordan took no action in response. he put out a statement denying that he ever knew about any abuse at ohio state during his time there. he then amended his statement on later add an additional sentence supporting an investigation into the allegations. the school has now hired a major law firm to investigate this matter and there are now some expectations that the congressman might be called in to that investigation as a possible witness. a teacher told cnn, ohio state has an obligation to get to the bottom of this with a thorough and fair investigation. jim jordan has an obligation to cooperate fully that investigation these are serious allegations that have been made
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by former students and athletes at the school. they're very serious allegations. jim jordan overhappened with the doctor's ten you're for i believe eight years. he reportedly had a locker in the locker room that was right next to the accused physician. if this turns out to be a penn state style scandal and expose, he could end up in a very serious matter. it is one thing to be adjacent to a scandal. it is another thing to have multiple survivors say on the record that you knew about it at the time. you were asked for help and did you nothing. he is a favorite of the conservatives, he is a high profile member of the group. the tea party has that he should replace paul ryan as speaker of
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the house. outside of far right circles, he has become increasingly famous this past year as he and devin nunes have led the most famous in congress. congressman jordan said he had nothing to do with anything related to this scandal. noted idea that any abuse was happening. if in fact it was happening while he was there but ohio state seems to be taking it seriously. there is a big law firm doing an investigation and thanks to this news report today, there are multiple young men on the record saying they are victims and willing to talk about it. including the congressman's role while it was happening. just watch that one. that could end up being a very big deal. we also got news today of some important resignations. the head of the public corruption unit and the u.s. attorney general's office in the southern district of new york has resigned. this is the lead public
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corruption prosecutor. and resigning somewhere in the country, that wouldn't ordinarily be national news but in this case, this is the southern district of new york. that means among other news stories, thisprosecutor who has been supervising the investigation into michael cohen, president trump's personal lawyer. that criminal investigation thus far has not resulted in any charges against michael cohen. but as you know, multiple search warrants have been executed. the government has received millions of documents? >> & items from michael cohen's hole. he is talking openly to the press about what his plans are. this case in the southern district of new york against the president's lawyer does seem to be really ramping up. now the head of the southern corruption unit, she has left
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her job. she has left to go make ton of money in the private sector. and sure. the timing seems great. we also learned about an earthquake level resignation/retirement at the justice department headquarters in washington. this is not rod rosenstein, not jeff sessions resigning, but it is someone very senior and somebody intimately involved in the mueller investigation. and also, in every other justice department thing that has put up the hair on the back of the neck in the last year and a half. this is a surprise resignation we are learning about today from the top official at the justice department. his resignation is a big deal. it is a surprise. we'll have more on that depart you are and what it means coming up in a few minutes in the show. you'll want to see that. also on this holiday eve, we've had a no notice surprise drop.
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this little bombshell from the intelligence committee in the u.s. senate. the senate select committee on intelligence is conducting a bipartisan investigation into a wide range of russian activities relating to the 2016 election. while elements are ongoing, the committee is releasing initial, unclassified findings on a rolling basis as distinct pieces of the investigation conclude. the committee has concluded an indepth review in january 2017 on russian interference in the 2016 u.s. presidential election. they have initial finding to share with the american people. they find that the meddling is a sound intelligence product. quote, in all of the reviews with those who drafted and prepared the assessment, the committee heard consistent reply analysts were under no politically motivated pressure to reach any conclusions.
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all analysts express that had they were free to debate, object to content, and assess confidence levels as is normal and proper for the analytic process. as the inquiry has progressed cynic january 17, the committee has seen additional examples of rurk's attempts to sew discord. the committee could not occurs with intelligence and open source assessment that's the russian influence campaign was approved by president putin. quote, moscow did seek to denigrate secretary clinton. so this is a resounding statement. saying when that report came out from the nsa and the fbi and the cia, in january 2017, as the obama administration was leaving and the trump administration was about to be sworn in. that intelligence community assessment that said russia had meddling in the election, both
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democrats and republicans are saying that intelligence community report, that was sound. and over time it has only been more proven out by what we've learned since. now, in contrast, this past week, president trump hliterall quoted him. and now this note, it says it is bullet proof. the committee believes the conclusions of the intelligence community assessment are sound and notes collection and analysis consequent to the ica's publication continue to reenforce its assessments. this seems important particularly given that the sitting president of the united states keeps denying that russia ever did this. this is an important report. why did the committee sneak this
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out the door with no announcement the night before the fourth of july. they've released a big report. it directly contradicts the assertions of the president of the united states and the defenders in the house of representatives who have said, yeah, the intelligence community, they don't know what they're talking about. russia didn't do anything as far as we're talking about. this is a big deal. this is controversial. this is big news. but they have timed its release and not announced its release in a way that the s designed to relea release. this is why it is good you're here. it is good to watch the news on friday nights and before a holiday. any time people are counting on you not to watch the news. that's when it pays to be here.
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and that brings us to this. at the same moment the u.s. senate was releasing this report, affirming and doubling down on the intelligence community's conclusions about russia interfering with the election, at that same moment, look, all these republican senators were in russia today talking to the russian government about how they are o to -- since we're all pulling in the same direction anyway. >> it's going to be a great day. >> alabama senator richard shelby telling the russian government today that he hopes the meeting between trump and putin is going to be very big. we know there will be a, we know there's going to be a big meeting. we hope it will be very big between our president and yours
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in helsinki in a few weeks. we home it is going to be very big. what do you mean by big? why are you hoping for bigness? you're meeting with the russian government. did you plan in advance what you were going to say? we're hoping it will be a very big meeting. i think it will be just those two guys. what do you mean big? but watch where senator shelby really puts the screws to the russians here. >> so we won't be -- he will need to begin. we will have to wait and see. the world is better off, i
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believe, if russia and the u.s. have fewer tensions. but we don't necessarily need to be adversaries. >> go get them, senator. did you wait until you saw the whites of their eyes? as the meeting went on between all these senators, the "washington post" had a reporter there who says that senator shelby told the speaker of the russian parliament, senator shelby told him, quote, i'm not here to accuse russia of this or that or so forth. i am saying we should all strive for a better relationship. that's not what the russians have been striving for, big guy. the list of senators on this trip include richard shelby, ron johnson, jerry moran, john hoven, john thune, steve danes and john kennedy of louisiana. kay granger was also a member of
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the delegation. you will notice those are all republicans on this trip. more on that in a little bit. among the russians they all met with was sergei kislyak. he was the russian ambassador to the united states during the russian attack on our lex he is now back in moscow and received tons of awards when he got back. he is now an official. the main thing about all this is that our guests traveled here in order to talk. he means you don't need a back channel secure phone line to talk to jared kushner, right? that was a different kind of dialogue he was working on before in his other job.
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the head of this inexplicable republican only republican delegation to russia, ahead of this inexplicable delegation to russia today, bloomberg news reported in this adorable headline that the republicans traveling to russia, quote, hope to tell putin election meddling has to stop. before they went, they hoped to tell putin that. once they arrived in russia, the russian government said no, sorry, putin won't have time on meet with they will. that was nice. apparently the whole issue of election meddling didn't come up. another member of the washing n "washington post," they said whatever they hoped to do when they got to russia, once they arrive, it didn't quite get that way. quote, duma member nikonov had met with many american lawmakers
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in years past but this meeting was one of the easiest ones in my life. the question of russian interfering in american elections was ended quickly. we did not interfere. so the election meddling conversation was an easy one. one should not interfere. well, we don't. and the visiting republicans not only didn't pressure the russian government about them monkey wrenching our election, they didn't about anything else either. he says u.s. lawmakers did not bring up crimea during the moscow meeting. quote, i did not hear the word crimea once in two hours. this is kind of a weird thing, right? this feels like it might be a
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land mark moment in strangeness. after russia hit our next 2016, that gave us two big worries as a country, right? one is what that means in terms of of our current president. but also the prospect russia might keep doing it. that russia will keep monkey wrenching our elections if here on out to benefit kremlin and to hurt us as a country. those are the two. what does this say about trump? does he now owe them? concerns about trump but also whether russia would keep doing this in future elections. now concern a and concern b are coming together. we're heading toward elections a few months out. trump officials say they've
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received no direction. the the president is not only not warning the russians to back off, he is now publicly quoting their denials that they ever meddled. he apparently believes them. now he is on this remarkable and seemingly rushed run of giving russia stuff it wants. we've had this long string of stuff. he is saying maybe the u.s. would formally recognize that crimea now belongs to russia cynic they took it. the president talking about u.s. and south korea. it is not something that sounds lying it applies to russia but
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it is something suggested to president trump in a one-on-one phone call last year. he asked him to do it. we know that president trump didn't consult with the u.s. military on that policy change or making the noult. he just did it after trump was asked by putin to do so. we've learned that president trump was offered france financial incentives if they, too, would leave the european union like the britain did. and we learned that the u.s. might leave nato. the sounds you just hear in the distance was vladimir putin ripping his shirt off and pounding his chest in delight. and it is now reported that the big giveaway trump appears to be doing is to let russia have
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syria. assad, the dictator of syria, russia has been fighting on the side of assad. the u.s. has been supporting the rebels who have been fighting against assad. that's about to change. we are about to switch sides. he said the catastrophic war in syria is nearing what could be a diplomatic end game as the united states, russia and israel shape a deal that would preserve power. he appears toward abandon a syrian opposition that was partly trained and supplied by the united states. quote, trump's willingness to accede to russian power in syria and give up hard won gains. they seem to be losing the
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argument. we don't i don't know ahead of the mid material elections, president trump has hastily arranged this one up summit with vladimir putin. we don't know why ahead of that summit, he is working to tick off all of our russian annize. that's what he's doing. and before now, i think you could say there was at least a little awkward know. a little distance between the republican party, between other republican officials, and president trump on his unnerve and unswerving desire. all through this weird inwho had where the president's ties to a foreign adversary are as yet unknown and the single of a very serious investigation. all through this time, president
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trump's inexplicable closeness to russia has been a trump problem. at best republicans were critical of the president. at worst they were awkwardly ignoring it and pretending it wasn't happening. now look what happened today. a congressional delegation itself is not a bad thing. they happen all over the world. to countries we get along with and those we don't. here's richard shelby and all the other run-of-the-mill senators. not only visiting russia right now in a partisan visit no, democrats allowed. but really getting on board with trump. he literally that we don't need
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to be adversaries. he told the head of the russian parliament, i'm not here to accuse russia of this or that or so forth. that used to be something only trump would say. now that has been stuffed into the mouth of the cheryl of the senate appropriations committee. and everyone else. what's going on here? in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today. looking for a hotel that fits... whoooo. ...your budget?
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scott schools is the top official at the justice department. there is the only result if you search for him. that's sean spicer who was president trump's press secretary. the reason it comes up is that that piece of paper sean spicer is waving around in his hand in that picture, that piece of paper is a letter written by scott schools. you can zoom in and see his curly signature on the bottom of that letter. he has a super important job but clearly not a high profile one
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given this is what you get when you go looking for news photos of him. he is the top career official at the justice department. that's him in the middle there. thank you, google image serve. political appointees are one thing but career officials stay. and scott schools is the senior one at the justice department. and he has a strictly behind the scenes role. one of his colleagues called him the most under known person in d.c. which became the dlinl of the most important and influential profile of scott schools ever written. he is only of the only ones to receive status on robert mueller's work. this is him leaving robert mueller's offices a few weeks ago. when then acting attorney general sally yates was looking for guidance from the justice department about her being fired, she went to scott schools for that advice.
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when the department sent instructions on justice department employees that they needed to save records and documents to turn over to the special counsel, especially related to the firing of james comey, that request for preserving documents. that came from scott schools. when acting ag had to let the higher ups know he was being called as a witness to the special counsel investigation investigation, that notice went straight on scott schools. look at the hand written notes. took notes to scott schools. provided to scott schools. for the past year and a half, scott schools has been kind of a guardrail. the work the investigators do trying to protect them from the chaos that has been rattling around. the doj since donald trump became president, providing a rudder for his colleagues in
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terms of right thing to do, sticking to the rule of law and, and they regarded his as a sort of snuggy. today scott schools quit. npr broke the news that he is leaving the justice department. his last day is friday this week. npr reports he isn't being pushed out. he is not leaving because of a dispute with leadership. he will be replaced by another career lawyer at the justice department. but for whatever reason, the justice department is losing its yoda at a time the justice department is under a sustained pointed aggressive partisan attack from the president of the united states and republican members of congress. so now what? he wrote the profile for scott schools last year which is
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dlinled the most important under known person in d.c. as the russia investigation deepens. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> i say this is the most important profile of scott schools because it was the only one. >> the only one. >> what is your reaction to him leaving? and has anything evolved since you, since you wrote this last year? last summer? >> has anything happened since then? >> in terms of his role. >> i would assume he came into this job thinking he would stay in it many, many years. his predecessor was in the job over 20 years. i speck scott schools who is being grouped for replacing him
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thought he had a good future. he didn't know president trump would be elected. mabel he took a different job. there are no instigating disputes, no duress that went to his exit. it seems like he just got another opportunity. pain it just looks like an opportunity when you hate your job. i don't know. >> he was an associate deputy attorney general. there are a number of people who have that job. he is describe as the senior career official at the justice department and being, as you wrote about, the person who basically tells people what to do when they're in an unprecedented or highly pressured situation. the rule of law, policies and procedures of the department. what exactly was his job? what kinds of disputes would go to him? >> so the thorniest, most
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sensitive situations go to his desk. if rod rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, needs to decide whether to appoint a special counsel, let's say, he would ask scott schools for advice. if he were to decide who to appoint, he would probably ask scott schools for advice. schools' predecessor, who i mentioned before, margulies, he was seen to know how to deal with weird situations where there were political complications, issues of self-governance within the agency. he was given the most, all the hottest potatoes. a good example is that he was in the room when the decision was made not to prosecute hillary clinton. years earlier, he was sent to the office of vince foster.
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the white house counsel after vince foster committed suicide. the most sensitive situations are the ones the person in this job gets. >> and now he's left with no explanation. >> i'm unnerved. thank you very much. >> thank you. all right. much more to come on what has turned out to be a busy holiday eve including some news that we are getting in from overseas that you definitely don't know about yet but has big domestic implications. (vo) we came here for the friends. and we got to know the friends of our friends. and we found others just like us. and just like that we felt a little less alone. but then something happened. we had to deal with spam, fake news, and data misuse. that's going to change. from now on, facebook will do more to keep you safe and protect your privacy. because when this place does what it was built for, then we all get a little closer.
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in december there was a plan for a small group u.s. senators to go to a russian delegation. two republican senators, they are scheduled to go. as was a democratic senator, jean shaheen from new hampshire. but then russians said no to the democrat. senator jeanne shaheen has been a citizenic of russia. in terms of them messing with our elections. she was aggressive saying that rt, the russian propaganda, they should have to register as a foreign agent. talking about using spying tools on u.s. government computers for the russians. with that kind of a critical record, the russian government
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decided to deny a visa for senator shaheen to make the visit with her republican colleagues. so her republican colleagues decided they wouldn't go either. they canceled the visit rather than go without her. nice. bipartisan. nonpartisan solidarity. oh, yeah, russia? one of us can't come? none of russ coming. all four together, they were going to do this trip together. if the russians wouldn't let the democrat go, they decided they wouldn't go at all. nice. it was nice while it lasted. that was december. this time around the republicans just decided they wouldn't invite any democrats to go with them. seven republican senators including ron johnson of wisconsin, seven of them in russia right now. that's one way to solve the
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problem. so far they've said to the press in advance, that they hoped to meet with putin while they were there. that gave putin the chance to humiliate them to say they didn't have time. and bragging about how the americans came all the way to russia to talk to them. how relations are back on with the russians not having to give up anything. and they've talked, that's not how these things usually go. joining me, a former u.s. ambassador to russia. thank you very much for being here. nice to have you here on a holiday eve. let me skp you,, let me ask you.
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they happen in high profile ways and low profile ways. it seems like good thing in terms of what members of congress do with their time. is it unusual to have a big congressional delegation like this, seven senators and a member of the house, all for one party? >> yes. very unusual. it is very unusual to have that many senators. that's an incredible number of senators. to have no democrats, that's highly unusual. remember that they are on the committee. that's also unusual. in terms of how they've conducted themselves, there was an announcement that they hoped to meet with vladimir putin once they arrived in moscow.
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and they were informed he would not be meeting with them. they also said in advance that they planned to trays issue of russia our election in 2016. members of the parliament say it hand come up in any forceful way at all. it strikes me as something i haven't seen when i've covered it in the past. usually they can say more difficult things because they don't have to sit down with vladimir putin and negotiate about a start treaty or an iran nuclear deal. i helped negotiate on july 4th, 2013. representative mccarthy was the
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head of that. and the important thing is that they can push back and then go on the record. on public and say very basic things about, we think it is horrible that russia annexed crimea or violated our sovereignty in the 2016 elections. and the bipartisan thing keeps everybody honest. that usually happens when you have a bipartisan delegation not not just supporting the policy of the white house, one way or the other. >> we have an indication that the npr corn, the bureau chief if moscow, said say online that these americans who are doing this, went out of their way to not talk to the press. they have plans to not meet with any opposition figures. that would be a departure, wouldn't it? >> correct. they should have a press conference and sit down with npr
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and everybody else. you were quoting a lot of people i know well from the russian side. these are very experienced foreign policy hands and they were very dismissive of what happened in those meetings. you can have frank tough conversations i hope that tomorrow, they go out and meet some people in russian civil society. for all of the difficulties on policy we had with congressman mccarthy, he did daniel our celebration but then they peeled away and saw the opposition leader who two years later was
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killed. i hope it is part of their agenda tomorrow in moscow. >> i'm very glad we were able to have you on to talk about this, particularly while they are still will. this feels like weird time to have such a weird visit by this very high profile delegation of americans. thank you for putting in it context. stay with us. still a chance here. it's willingham, edge of the box, willingham shoots... goooooooaaaaaaaallllllll! that...was...magic.
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take a look at this. this is footage we got in just in the last few minutes from malaysia. in malaysia right now it is tomorrow. they're 12 hours ahead of east coast in the u.s. so this is wednesday morning. and this is the country's former prime minister arriving at a courthouse after spending a night in jail. that's him in the middle of that crush of people trying to make his way into the courtroom to be arraigned on the most serious corruption charges you can possibly imagine. malaysian prime minister was voted out of office just a few
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weeks ago when despite his best efforts to rig the election in his own favor he was defeated by an anti-corruption candidate who made the centerpiece of his campaign the fact that malaysia's prime minister is believed to be behind what might be one of the largest cash thefts in world history. the prime minister and his family are believed to have engineered the theft of many billions of dollars from the malaysian government, including hundreds of millions of dollars that he just stuck in his pocket, that he just piled up as cash in his own bank account. the u.s. justice department has alleged formally that he laundered hundreds of millions of dollars through u.s. banks, which gave them grounds for bringing a u.s. case against him. last week malaysian anti-corruption officials finally seized objects of value from the prime minister and his wife that are believed to have been bought with some of this cash that they stole. you might have seen this last week when they announced what they actually had found, what he
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had actually seized when they went to go collect all the loot, all the spoils of the theft the prime minister and his wife had accumulated. you might have seen this. this is from the "new york times." "among the items seized were 12,000 pieces of jewelry worth an estimated $109 million just in the value of their precious metals and gemstones alone. in addition, authorities seized cash worth $29 million in 26 currencies. simply counting the cash took three days for 22 officials using six currency counting machines. anti-corruption officials also seized 423 watches, 234 pairs of sunglasses, 2,'ll 00 pairs of earrings, 2,200 rings, 2,100 bangles, what's a bangle, 1,600 broaches -- i don't see if you see broaches or broaches. 1,400 necklaces. 124 city yaras. think about that for a second. presumably the prime minister himself is not even wearing the
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tiaras. it's just him and his wife. how do you split up the responsibility for wearing 14 tiaras? if that's just her that's a lot of tiaras to get around to. never mind the bangles. mrs. prime minister appears to be particularly fond of designer handbags. the anti-corruption squad seized 567 different handbags. purses. the ones from hermes alone were valued at $12 million worth of purses. the others are still being appraised but they apparently represented 37 different brands. who's the handbag appraiser that the government of malaysia has to call in to put a dollar amount on that? all in all, it looks like $4.5 billion in cash that the prime minister of malaysia somehow spirited out of his government during his time in office. the u.s. justice department is one of the legal authorities that has been pursuing that crime that apparently did not at all trouble president trump, who invited the malaysian prime minister to the white house just a few months ago despite that
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active u.s. justice department investigation accusing him of stealing hundreds of millions of dollars. president trump is reportedly quite fond of the now arraigned prime minister. "the new york times" reports that mr. trump once "gave him a photo inscribed to my favorite prime minister." well, today we learned he was arrested. tonight we just saw the first images of him arriving at court to be arraigned. you should also know there's another trump republican party connection here that is live and still unexplained. this malaysia thing, this is the gigantic theft and corruption case for which elliott broidy until recently the deputy finance chairman of the national republican party, this is the case where elliott broidy offered -- reportedly offered the malaysians a contract in which he and his wife would be paid $75 million for somehow making the justice department investigation into this matter go away. they could just pay them in handbags. why did this trump donor, the
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deputy finance chairman of the republican party, think he had the power to make this justice department investigation go away? how did he set a $75 million price tag as what he ought to be paid in order to do that? i don't know. but we do know that elliott broidy's business partner has been granted immunity in exchange for his cooperation as a witness in the robert mueller investigation. so i have a feeling in the end we will eventually find out. stay with us. as unfathomable as the universe a world that doesn't exist outside you, but within you where breakthrough science is replacing chemotherapy with immunotherapy where we can now attack the causes of disease not just the symptoms. where medicines once produced for all, are now designed to fit you. today, 140,000 biopharmaceutical researchers go boldly
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programming note. we're going to have a report on tomorrow night's show, on the 4th of july show, about the supreme court appointment that is expected any day now from president trump and that has become a big freaking political deal when it comes to the midterm elections that are fast coming down the pike. turns out there is a precedent for this in our politics that you should know about. we're going to have a report on that on tomorrow night's show. so i will see you then. now it's time for "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence. >> good evening, rachel. and i realize that your independence day begins as soon as i stop speaking to you tonight. and so, and so unless you'd like to hold forth on any afterthoughts you have after doing an hour of tv, i'm prepared to just say good night. >> bye. >> bye, rachel. thank you very much. and she's off on her 4th of july. well, as america approaches its annual day of
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