tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 14, 2018 4:00am-4:30am PDT
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i want her to be right here in the thick of it with me. >> that's all for this edition of "dateline." i i'm craig melvin. thanks for watching. >> good morning toe all of you. i'm alex. 7:00 in the east. a very early 4:00 a.m. out west. here's what's happening right now. 12 russians, bun indictment. i will tell you this. russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the # thousand e maims that are missing. i think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. >> now, the message of the indictment is sending to vladimir putin two days before
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the summit. how this could change the president's approach to that meeting. also the fallout from the presidency marks the nato summit and whether this could be part of a delivery strategy. and what the president got wrong during his visit with the queen of england. but new reaction since the first time of the announcement, the stories you heard about the russians yesterday, why didn't they do something about it especially when it was reported that president obama was informed by the fbi in september before the election. we are also getting new reaction from roger stone saying he could very well be the unnamed person in the indictment. here's what stone said about his twitter ex- chaeng. >> any objective person who will
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read that exchange will see that based on content, context and timing, it's benign. it's innocuous. so i think i probably am the person referred to. >> the reason i'm not charging this indictment is because i zefzedding from from the defendants i passed nothing on from the deaths and my exchange with them which is included, which any reasonable object ifz person can read is benign. it's innocent. there's no evidence of collusion or conspiracy or coordination. >> and as democrats on the hill pramp up their calling for president trump to cancel his summit with vladimir putin. the two leaders will have a bilateral news conference after their meeting on monday. let's go now to the clearest text to the kremlin having been established so for.
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pete yil yams has more. >> as hillary clinton stumped for votes in mr 2016. russian intelligence was burrowing into computers at her cam tan prosecutors say targeting more than 300 people. it was the work of 12 offers of russian military tear intelligence. some have questioned what's behind the timing just as mr. trump is preparing to meet vladimir putin monday. >> brief president trump about these allegations earlier this week. the president is fully aware of the department's actions. >> but charges say in late july the russians try for the first time to hack into servers in clinton's personal campaign office, the same day president trump said the. >> russia, if if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. >> prosecutors say the russian
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set up dc falsely claiming it was done by americans. >> it was no douaccording to democratic national convention was about to begin, if you have anything related we want it in the next two days. the russians reeuated a fake persono and wrote to a person in regular contact with the trump campaign saying did you find anythingested? >> it was rommer stone, a trump campaign advisor. his lawyer said he had no involvement in the hacking. >> and charges don't accuse anyone in the u.s. of knowingly helping the russian hackers. >> there's no allegation in this indictment that any american
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citizen committed a climb. and the the hacking efkted the election outcome. nbc news at the sus tis department. >> let's bring julia manchester and chief correspondent with washington tv. >> i thought there was autoic cough lee. i know what i'm talking to. your reaction from the president which black lives matters as a day or so. the indictment cuz not mention any american by name. is this more of the same from the president when it comes to the russia invest gaugs? >> no it's a new level of detail and specifically that skbrul date. the indictment doesn't say it was in response to what trump said during the campaign, but clearly the timing is unambiguo unambiguous. now the dime current go as far as to say who exactly was the person that the russians were
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communicating, roger stone steps forward and say, it was many and we're going to the level of detail going down to the fact that they paid for the website with krip t-- let's go back to the president calling this is witch hunt with prime minister may. so might this announcement have been the justice department strategy to give the president an easy way out of the summit with president trump? buzz he could have called it off. ? we're very possible. we saw in that oern general rosenstein that the president was. >> reporter: very well aware i be it'sesting, you know, the timing of all this because here oothe press conference with
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prime minister may andment with may 2016. they really seem to dim his opportunities to make good headlines or to possibly get a bit more positive press attention so that's interesting, but yeah, it could have given him a leeway of getting out of meeting with bipartisan. the president should really we think these movements but i don't see that happening. the white house seems to be moving ahead. >> let's got the identity for the constituents, how significant do you think this
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part of the indictment is? >> it's clearly showing how active people were in trying to get this type of information and when people step forward and say no, no t me. it calls into question why do think think they even needed to be denied? ? it is very clear when they want to do is say nobody knowingly understood how this was coming out. they thought this was somehow available information but the clearly reminding people how toxic and competitive this campaign was and now some people are going through extraordinary lengths to stop hillary clinton. >> let's look at the numbers. we've seen according to polls, americans are losing interest to the mueller nvtsz gags overyawl. does any part of this indictment impact their organization because look at all the specifics in these indictments.
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>> right. i think it the pends what part of the country you're looking at. i think us and the u.s./washington corridor we're very interested in this. there's been an obsession of that and i think coming ahead of the midterms i think a lot of americans are focused on other issues such as economy. but this does touch into national security. we've seen it with the last batch of indictments. but there is definitely a lot of fatigue about this just because this is no nuanso nuanced, and the importance of keeping elections safe from outside -- foreign interference is an important issue for them but they really care about other issues such as the economy. >> we're going to take a short break. i'm really sorry about that.
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we'll have you both back. the followup from the any toe summit and the impact president trump made there. why some are saying a cleanup is not possible. ♪ [ coughs ] ♪ ♪ [ screams ] ♪ [ laughs ] ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa. your one item would be the name your price tool? it helps people save on car insurance. why wouldn't it save me? why? what would you bring? a boat. huh. is not a marathon. it's a series of smart choices. and when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress.
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>> now to the expectations for the president's meeting with vladimir putin. we're joined from scotland where the president is sending the weekend. a long distance hi to you. there's more reaction from the president trump on the indictments yesterday. what all did he say about that? >> this has been an issue that pth has burned under the surface fora long time and he used twitter as he so umpb kmnts, and the question where is the dnc
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receiverer? then he raises the question of deep state. the allegation that there's somehow a conspiracy entriched in the government. >> that would be a case where they would be the president trying to say this happened the circumstances of the barack administration, don't look at me. so the president again, always irritated about the russia investigation. not talking about what this is uncovering in terms of the probe to take into his meeting but instead, lashing out about questions he thinks are unanswered. over this weekend time the president will get some time for our meetings and phone calls and preparing for his meeting with vat myrrh putin. he also acknowledged he might have some time if govl, which he referred to today as his main form of kper side. we don't take it from the
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president trump. so this is also a homecoming for the president. his mother was from scotland so there's an awareness here that he's got familiemme routes instf sort of probleming as it should be about for media putin, they'd ask questions to a time before he was in office. getting some distance and he hammers away t a that on triter. >> may i ask you what is coming through in back ground? is that part of the protests? >> there is a protest in the area, but it is a pride protest. it is not exsected at the president. i wasn't sure if that would breathe through and so there are people exercising their rights and opinions but it's not exsectly about the president, at least this particular protest. >> we'll talk to you later.
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joining me now, christopher dick ki and an msnbc contributor. >> first off the bat, directly othe russian government, where does this lee president trump? >> well, it leaves him with more and more gifty claiming that he doesn't know what was behind the hacking of the dmc, who was behind the efforts to affect the american elections. there's really no question and hasn't been any question since thor of 2016 during the elections bah the russians were to attend, but trump has tried many times to deny that. you may remember him saying it would be a $24 cabinet. >> it's the 1,800 gorilla that was doing it.
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>> yeah. jha okay. so this is thing that would seem the president is very much been looking forward to for a very long time. he has signalled no desire to summit the subject. ma would there be reason for him to cancel the summit? >> no, i don't think so. only if some dramatic diplomatic steps were taken by the administration and that's going to happen. no, for putin this is super important. he wants to be seen as an equal and trump sneems to be treating him as an equal. one of those for instance is about use crane. he wants to tell trump that he doesn't really understand the ukraine situation. i don't know of course that he interviewed with the elections. he'll lie about that and sometimes trump had accepted that lie and they will put syria
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near the top of the agenda. putin would like to have absolute control over the situation and would like to get the americans out. so a lot of people think a deal is going to be cut on syria and that will be pocketed by putin at the moment. >> but given this indictment, vladimir student has to have an agent while 12 intelligence agents are specifically named with the details of what they did when conducting these hacks and dissemination of bad information. >> well, you know, alex, once you tart to dismuss things, facts as fake knews, you can keep on doing that forever. 7 to 11 president.
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his story about may have heard about the jus disdepartment issues indictments from a grand jury of 12 specific rugs. as long as you can question whether these are true facts, as long as you can argue the deep state was shout behind this, you can create this cloud of doubt and once you can do that you can go on doing whatever you were before. >> your analysis that our president trump speaks. okay, i want to go to what you wrote. about the anger, the disgust as the president blue up the nato summit. >> immediately had to go damage control mode. this happened f a the president had led. do you think it was a deliberate strategy and who benefits from this kind of strategy?
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>> you know, i don't want to sound like a broken record but russia benefits from this kind of strategy. first of all, i think it's completely misleading. the u.s. defense budget is a whole lot bigger than any other member of nay to. 26 it's $602 billion. but that es not to defend europe. that's the whol u.e u.s. defens establishment. and he compares that to the european apples and storage complaints. if he's wants to sigh that is to break it up so we can have bilateral neg asian. and i this think the important thing here, alex, is aside
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fromtaxic and strategy we might not just built on the letter of the laud and the troeties that we signed. it's built on confident and trust and what he did was destroy that trust. there's nothing the pentagon can do it to destroy it. next we're going the talk about whether anything of substance came out of an fbi agent's hearing, but big new. we'll get eto that. ♪
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here's something you should know. there's a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most don't even know it. a virus that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. the only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us, it's time to get tested. it's the only way to know for sure. big news behind closed doors. house judiciary and oversight committees met with laura page yesterday and she was more cooperative but the strzok meeting was much more combative to let's take a look to some of that. >> i don't appreciate what was originally being said was changed. >> you've embarrassed yourself
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and i can't help but wonder when i see you looking there with a little smirk how many times did you look so innocent into your wife's eye and lie to her about lisa -- >> mr. chairman, this is outrageous. >> credibility of a witness is always an issue. >> wow. let's bring in julia. who dou you think the audience there, for someone like the congressma congressman,'s about to retire after this term. >> the audience definitely trying to appeal no those skept tall of the fbi and using strzok to investigate that, but it was closed door, so the stakes were differently different. >> what about those that came to
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the defense of strzok? do democrats lose any credibility by doing so or in particularly in the light of what he said. there was a round chorus of groans on that one. >> an expert embarrassing himself he should be able to embarrass himself and the fireworks were in that hearing, the indictment that came out the following day seems to lay to rest whatever accusations are being put forward about strzok. whatever his views were which republicans viewed at the time. bad for the party, bad for the country, the indictment that came out the following day says there is real work being done. this investigation is very serious and look at the evidence that they're putting forward. >> okay. thank you so much. good to see you both. that's it for me for this
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half hour broadcast. thanks so much for watching. i'll look for you to see you at the top of the hour, but stay where you are. it's now time for your business. ♪ that's confident. but it's not kayak confident. kayak searches hundreds of travel and airline sites to find the best flight for me. so i'm more than confident. how's your family? kayak. search one and done.
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