tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC August 3, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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it may have felt longer than an hour but that is how long it was. i will be in for rachel maddow. chris matthews is up next. home alone. let's play "hardball." well he is elected to run the country, head the u.s. government and speak for the american people yet gives the impression of a guy alone. even from his own staff, the cabinet he appointed. this is the world of donald trump. we know him from his tweets rather than executive leadership. tweeting from his bedroom while strangers run things down stairs and in the government agencies. i am chris matthews in washington. after months of inaction, his
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top officials gathered in front of the cameras to issue a strong message. russia is targeted the united states and our democracy is at stake. the trump administration was finally speaking with one voice. well, actually, it is not. just six hours after the president conference, calling it a hoax. boosti boasting of his personal relationship with vladimir putin. the difference between the president and his administration couldn't have been clearer. >> we continue to see a pervasive messaging campaign by russia to try to weaken, and divide the united states. >> we had a great meeting with russia. great meeting with putin. >> this is a threat we need to take extremely seriously. >> if i did go up and start
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screaming, they would have said, he was terrible. >> the russians have to stop doing what they are doing. >> if i get along with vladimir putin, that's a good thing. >> this threat is not going away. >> we got along really well. >> our democracy itself is in the cross hairs. >> now we are being hindered by the russian hoax. it is a hoax. >> as nbc news points out the two events created a split screen event. warning voters that russia is trying to undermine democracy. while trump saying it is all chickanery. the president said putin was unhappy he won. >> i'll tell you what, russia is
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very unhappy that trump won, that i can tell you. >> well that's a far cry from what putin himself said in helsinki. >> did you direct any of your officials help him do that. >> translator: yes, i did. because he talked about using the u.s./russia relationship back to normal. >> joining us now. and malcolm nance, msnbc analyst. first to the reporters, michael and then john. isn't that what is going on, this split screen? >> they had to show they were doing something and it left them exposed to critics who said you are not doing anything. you are not taking this threat seriously. they have an official way by
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saying look, this is a real thing that is on our radar. the president still able to say what he wants despite that. >> john, the white house briefing room is to brief the country what the white house y thinks, what the president thinks. and it said we have a threat from the russians, we are getting it again, and then the president goes out who is the president says no such thing, it's a hoax. >> yeah, it is a remarkable split, chris. another example of the president versus the presidency, you saw the show of forces in the briefing room yesterday. finally, overdue force. trying to outline steps on how to stop that. and hours later, the president made no mention of that whatsoever except to call it a hoax. and then instead, spent the
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majority of his time in that rally delivering a skreed against the media using fake news, using it as a blanket term for coverage he didn't like. remember, the president right then and there was given an opportunity to publicly with the world watching denounce what russia did and he didn't do that. >> who told those people, the head of the national intelligence, dan coats or the cia director, or fbi director, who told them to go in and stand there with sarah huckabee. who did if it wasn't the president. >> nothing in the white house happens without the president giving okay to it. you laid it out well in the
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beginning of the show. he charts its own path. he is going to say what he feels whether it is on twitter or at a rally. and in terms of collusion, the idea of interference, he can't separate the idea between the mueller probe and the accusations of collusions and just that moscow tried to interferon his behalf. given credence to that idea delegitimizes his victory. and we see time and time again how that revs him up and how he unleashes. >> did he tell those people to go into the pressroom? this is wacky. and why don't people see this is wacky. >> i can't believe that this is idea. >> who is the grown-up. >> i think john kelly. >> while u.s. officials take
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their step to combat the threat of russia interference. which ultimately hinders our ability to russia aggression. to deter russian, moscow needs to believe that the united states will impose costs beyond the sanctions and other pich punishments. >> what we saw yesterday it is the vice president who is still saying this is a threat and we need to do something. he is on a different page from the president. and if anyone else is saying hey, go into the room, we can see that. at the same time we are bleeding expertise in fbi on cybersecurity. they are walking out the door. >> malcolm, have you seen this? >> the last person i saw do that
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was saddam hussein. come out with these insane statements and wait to see if he would be backed up and i think what we saw here with donald trump is that he with mike pence decided to stage an event and allow them to cover their butts by coming out and doing what michael kelly wanted to do was to make a statement to the nation that they are on top of it. i think he has no intention what so ever of allowing them to go further than the presides conference. this givies him a measure of illegitimacy. >> i would guess, and i wanted you to check me on this. vladimir putin operates differently. he wants his government to do something, and they do it. and they do it because he believes it. that is his message.
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so the russians sitting there watching this game. the president say nothing is wrong and the people say they did. and trump doing it by subterfuge. what does putin make of this? what is going on here? they know we did it. they know we know we did it. >> so i would say on this putin didn't get the gift he thought he was getting when he got donald trump as president. he thought he was going to turn the united states government to his will and the bureaucracy is resisting direction that is totally outside the norm of what the u.s. has historically done. >> on the rhetoric -- >> as a journalist front paging it, how do we objectively describe this situation where the president is still, and he will do it again tomorrow in ohio. he is on the road now with his
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show and his show says hoax. >> well, from the rhetoric, putin could not be happier. the rhetoric was too pro russia. and when trump wants to do things on russia, there is deep skepticism. so he is playing too hard into it. where if he was quieter and maybe more conniving or more slick, he could get more done in terms of what russia actually wants. >> jonathan, i know what an ap reporter does, you have tocor everythi -- to cover everything that happens. these are the facts. how do you cover that event tomorrow. he says the same kind of denials and yet you know, you check your notebook or read any newspaper or wire copies, his people
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saying the opposite. he goes out on the stump using air force one saying no they didn't. >> i will be there tomorrow in ohio. and what we do is cover him fairly, and honestly was we can. and we will fact check him. he may say that russia didn't want him to win, but as a few weeks ago, vladimir putin on stage said the exact opposite. we have trump in a tweet saying the russians interfered to help the democrats. this is a unique moment where we have the president and the rest of his administration on two separate pages. we have seen it with other issues particularly with russia where president trump is charting his own course. even if flies in the face of the facts and even if he is opposed
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by members of his government. >> does everybody understand how crazy this is. this is out outlandish. first there were the remarks in helsinki which he will likely never live down. >> i have great confidence in my intelligence people, but i will tell you that president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. i have president putin, he just said it is not russia. i will say this, i don't see any reason why it would be. >> the very next day, as we are seeing in this split screen reality, when his hand was forced he wouldn't say explicitly that russia was responsible. >> i accept the conclusion that russia is meddling in the 2016
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election took place. could be other people also. a lot of people out there. >> a lot of people out there. and then he did it again a day later saying russia was no longer targeting the united states. >> is russia still targeting the u.s. mr. president? >> thank you very much. >> press, let's go, make your way out. >> no, he is shaking his head. this is dizzying. these are facts, the president saying one thing again and again in public to his crowd. his government with all their expertise and apparatus and intelligence information are saying the opposite. russia did it and they are doing it. >> it is not dizzying, it is compass p
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exacerbating. when i swore an oath, i hold it today. this is not a president who believes in that oath. he has an oath or a debt to the president of russia. he will do or say or do anything to the detriment of this nation. it came off like he was issuing orders. i think we are going to head into big trouble this election season and if there is a blue wave, that the russians are going to discredit it. >> thank you so much. coming up, paul manafort his lavish coats are ostrich and python. but something fishy about a guy who is broke. and then works in the trump campaign for free. why is the white house
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asking the aclu to clean up trump's mess over family separations. when he attacks the media like he did last night. does that help the candidates. and what about actual endorsements, are they a blessing or a curse. this is "hardball" if you have a sick humor, where the action is. and tiny. and this is laura's mobile dog grooming palace. laura can clean up a retriever that rolled in foxtails, but she's not much on "articles of organization." articles of what? so, she turned to legalzoom. they helped me out. she means we helped with her llc, trademark, and a lot of other legal stuff that's a part of running a business. so laura can get back to the dogs. would you sit still? this is laura's mobile dog grooming palace and this is where life meets legal.
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stone says that davis knows nothing about alleged russian collusion. wikileaks collaboration or any other improprietary of the election. sounds like he is covering for her. we will be right back. that's why we created expedia's add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. ♪ add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia. the full value oft wyour new car? you'd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor.
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xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. welcome back to "hardball." the first week for the trial of former campaign chairman paul manafort wrapped today. prosecutors digging into the financial dealings of the person who was trump's number one during key parts of the campaign. facing 18 counts of bank and tax fraud that pre date his time on the campaign. these charges stem from work overseas. a sales pitch, manafort wrote in a 2005 memo, we are now of the belief that this model can greatly benefit the putin
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government. it is the first real test for mueller. for more, i am joined by julia ainsley. and mimi rocah. thank you both for joining us to put this together. just stel us about the trial. and his own accountant was surprised. >> no one is talking about python. anyway, we thought it would be a dryer day. but actually, it struck a nerve and got to the meat of this case. when the first tax preparer came on the stand, he said there were told there were no foreign bank accounts.
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didn't know anything about cypress or where it was coming from. we saw mrs. kathleen manafort dab her eye and walk out the room. it was their joint tax returns. she knows -- >> her husband's denial of it struck her? >> the fact that she knew the prosecution was hitting on the right cord. this was going to be very hard for the defense to walk around. and we saw that. it was a really tough, it was a tough obstacle for them to go over. when they started cross examining the tax preparer, it was short kmexamination and all they focused on, didn't you know. weren't there enough bread crumbs there. and the answer was there was not. and then we had a witness, siciy
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laporta. she knowingly falsified these documents. and she felt personally disturbed. >> what do you make of a fact of a guy who lost his empire, no more luxury slief stylifestyle, broke and then he goes to work for trump. i know actions is always good. what was the intrigue here? a broken guy going to work for free for trump. >> it is intriguing. and i mean, this trial isn't going to answer the question. but it certainly lays the base for the big question which hopefully mueller will answer for us at some point which is as
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you say, he was a desperate man, broke, goes to work for trump and runs his campaign. and we now know that campaign gets help from the russians to help trump, despite what trump now says that's the fact. just those standing alone, you can draw real inferences from that. that manafort was doing this, you know, with either the push or the promise or however you want to phrase it of putin to get in that campaign and then putin would help and he could be very much, he, manafort could be the link. and we don't know all of the evidence that mueller has. there may be, i think there is probably much more about that. but even if you just look at those facts alone, it's a pretty compelling inference to draw and that is what prosecutors do. they draw inferences and look for the facts to see if they support that. >> i am going to stick on this
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for a moment. is this like six degrees of kevin bacon. sleazy stuff going on, and then manafort, business partners. and trump seems to have an affinity for russia, whether it is miss universes or whatever is going on over there. how did this start? the russian mix? >> different points for different characters. we see a pattern here. we see a pattern in the way paul manafort did business, and patterns in the way these people operated. wanted to maintain a certain lifestyle. >> and what did russians do for them? cash? >> cash winds, and putting them
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in a place where they owe something. >> russians have money they want laundered. >> and they are buying influence. they want to know they are doing their bidding because they have something over them. whether that is blackmail on something sordid. >> manafort is the only member of the trump campaign facing prison time. all of those indicted are cooperating. numerous other people under scrutiny. don jr., jared kushner, roger stone. mimi, i think this somebois the round. it is going to be a ten or 15 round fight. my guess it ends with donald
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trump. how important is this first round. >> in large part because it is the first round. it lays the groundwork for something that you know, i think could bleed into that namely manafort's susceptibility to russia and pressure when he was running the campaign. and also, i think that rightly or wrongly, trump has made, this well wrongly, trump has made this about the prosecution. put the prosecution on trial with the public. so rightly or wrongly, this is going to be viewed as a thumbs up or thumbs down on mueller's investigation. even if it is not about the russian conspiracy. how is he doing. and if a jury, which is a semiofficial basically body gives a thumbs up in a conviction, i think that will at least quiet a little bit of the criticism. and you can be sure if some
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reason there is an acquittal or hung jury, it will send the witch hunt people into a frenzy. >> if you want to call it a witch hunt, you have to make sure there aren't real convictions. with real convictions it takes on reality, and reality bites. thank you. the trump administration wants the american civil liberties union to reunite the policy. why are they helping private groups, a liberal group to clean up. they used to hate the ucla -- the aclu. i keep thinking sports. we'll be right back. ...commanded armies... ...yielded to no one. when i found you in my dna,
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we have a big difference on issues. you see, last year in the primary, he expressed his passion. he said i am a strong, liberal democrat, august '87. and then he said i am a card carrying member of the aclu. that is what he said. he is out there on out of the mainstream. >> welcome back. that was then republican and presidential nominee george h.w.
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bush. criticizing dukakis. i remember it, well, today our current republican administration asking the aclu to do the government's job for them. in a court filing yesterday, the u.s. justice department argued that the aclu is to use its quote considerable resources and network of law firms, ngos volunteers to help reunify the children. the government appears to be taking the remarkable position. well late this afternoon, the judge in this case overseeing the case rejected the proposal
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saying it was 100% of the responsibility of the administration. more than 570 are still in government custody. well i am joined now by jacob sob sobborof. a lot of people on both sides do respect the organization. it helps out people who weren't too popular. and your thoughts about this new reliance of the trump crowd. >> it is a bizarro world. and to watch that clip, the trump administration wants to put the aclu at the center
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because they have absolutely no plan to put these kids back with their parents. we are talking about the administration that separated 2,550 kids from their parents down at the border. i was on with you from down there. i saw the kids in the cages. and you know, i will never see anything like that again and i don't think many of us in our lifetime will see anything like that again. we separated them, but we don't know how to put them back together so the organization that are suing us, we will suggest why don't you guys do that and we will be the support can player and the judge said no. >> we have no line on those who were sent back to those countries of origin. how would the aclu be able to find those people down there better than the u.s. government. we have everything down there in those countries and they would
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be better equipped than the aclu based here to find those parents. >> those are the vast majority of the kids that are not reunited. 570 that are not reunited. 410 of them their parents -- this is the judge suggesting this. how about somebody from the health and human services. maybe you team up, both of you to come up with a plan. it is not like, it is complicated, it is a no-brainer. these people are going to the cons consulate. figure out how to get my child who is in the custody of the u.s. government back to me here. it is a no-brainer. but the government shirked its responsibility and the judge just ripped right into them and said this is not acceptable.
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this is unacceptable. >> in the old days the government of the united states, would find some business leader, someone who knew how to get things done and find one, and say you are good at this, do something for your country for the next couple of months and get this job done. why don't trump find one of his smart business types and get this job done. this is something you can do for your country. >> why didn't they put somebody like this in the beginning. they never thought this true. they still haven't thought this true. on the first part of the reunifications, they had this commander who was normally in charge of natural disasters and
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reunify these kids. but yet they are left searching again for this leader. >> thank you for caring about this project. that it hasn't been done yet. next, president trump laid into the media again last night. he is doing a lot of these rallies. he is not running the country, he is doing rallies. when it comes to the actual midterms, will they want this guy in town? i guess it depends. you're watching "hardball." oh!
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and accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. - ( phone ringing ) - get details on this state program call or visit you remember that we were way up in pennsylvania. and there was only 2% of the vote left and we were way up. if i lost every vote, we would have won the state of pennsylvania. and the fake news refeud used t
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call it, right? >> welcome back to "hardball." that was president trump at that rally last night. he was supposed to be boosting republican party. instead he spent much of his time doing just that, bashing the news. here is more. >> we are doing better in all of or states. despite all the negative stories from the fakers. even these horrible people, it looks like the academy awards there are so many. but they can make anything bad because they are the fake, fake disgusting news. >> look at those little kids just laughing at this educator in chief. the roundtable to want, erika werner. and jeremy peters new york
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reporter for the "new york times." have you been to these things? >> of course. it is the same shic every single time. somebody is going to end up getting hurt. i have seen reporters get their laptop slammed down. nothing yet escalated to the point where they have been physically injured. using a stalin, a choice phrase of joseph stalin to describe us. >> nixon would say they are our enemies. he wouldn't say they are enemies of the people. he admitted it was an
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adversarial relationship. but didn't say they were evil. >> turning all of his supporters against reporters. >> is it anticipatory? >> as you indicated, he goes to these rallies, supposed to be campaigning for a candidate for senate in this case or a house candidate barely mentions this person, talks about himself and attacks us. >> it is an applause line. not much more. and there is no consistent standard that the president has for what fake news is. he calls networks like cnn fake news but said warm things about alex jones. his standard seems to be coverage you doesn't like. >> he also lies about ratings. >> right. >> he just says about ratings,
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"new york times" is doing great. he says the dying no"new york times." trump was in florida earlier this week supporting desantis. and tomorrow he will be in ohio. in tennessee, diane black candidate for governor. president trump's endorsement is worth its weight in gold for republican candidate. the only problem is she didn't get it. maki is trump's endorsement worth it? >> well hasn't always pulled the people getting it across the finish line. and we are going to fiend out whether it is useful in
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election. in a box with trump's endorsement because she is tied with him like on tariffs which are unpopular in tennessee. and make it is difficult for her to do the straddle and win over the soft trump voters. >> that is a conservative state. a lobbyist said it is just as conservative as texas. and do you want to nationalize a race like that if you are her, blackburn? >> it depends on the candidate. if it is a base strategy, and trying to super charge the trump voter and run a turnout campaign, then his endorsement helps. talk about local issues. now it may work for someone like ron desantis. that is the level of devotion he
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is dividing. but for someone like colorado or in florida. >> i wish we had a national sports book. i go by this. i am thinking if you want to make a pick predictions, red or blue? if it is a red state, trump is going to get big support. he is going to drive that surprise. he is going to put the name trump on that ballot. in the blue states, he will stay the away. >> republicans are quietly talking about the missing trump voter. the people who showed up and voting for him. further, i mean your point is good, but trump doesn't help him in these red districts. look what happens in
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pennsylvania '18. trump showed up. it energized the democrats more. they came out and voted. >> he is a hell of a candidate. >> he is. >> trump weighed in on twitter yesterday, but one problem, politico reports urging voters to come out next tuesday. and who trump is campaigning for this weekend. >> what can you say? apparently he was confused or someone was confused. the outcome of this election is going to be interesting. the last special for the
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general. >> who wins? >> it is a tight race. the margin is going to matter more than ultimately who comes out ahead. panic time for republicans. this is a republican plus seven districts. the kind of district if democrats wins, it will portend a blue wave. >> is he being careful? picking a likely winner with waterson. >> he always does. this one, i'm not so sure. what is interesting to me is the way balderson has kept his distance. these are not like the ads that we have seen. the republican primary is one smart strategist told me, if it were a broadway show, it would be sung in the key of trump. all of these candidates running ads and tethering themselves to trump. and balderson has not done that.
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explosive allegations. she says she felt something wasn't right with donald trump during his now infamous interview with lester holt. quote while watching the interview i realized something real and serious was going on in donald's brain. his mental decline could not be denied. she will be our guest here on "hardball" august 13, a week from monday. you will not want to miss that baby. we'll be right back. a bigger room?! -how many of you use car insurance? -oh. -well, what if i showed you this? -[ laughing ] ho-ho-ho! -wow. -it's a computer. -we compare rates to help you get the price and coverage that's right for you. -that's amazing! the only thing that would make this better is if my mom were here. what?! an unexpected ending!
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you might or joints.hing for your heart... is if my mom were here. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. we are back with the roundtable, tell me something i don't know. >> from yesterday's primary in tennessee, an interesting republican candidate emerged. an organic gardener who makes his own skateboards.
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>> kosher skateboards, just kidding. go ahead. >> attempting to mimic alabama race. these days will determine the balance of what happens in the senate, and who controls the majority. these are states where they have been decimated. they need a lot of luck to pull it off. >> considering this is a sign of how spooked the republicans are. the talk of the shut down that trump was putting out there this week was a bit of a trial loom. this is why you saw him go on rush limbaugh. >> what's the verdict? >> well, hannity likes it. >> if you are the governing
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party, you ought to govern. >> thank you. when we return, let me finish tonight with trump watch. you won't like this one. but it will be worth watching for those who are thinking. you're watching "hardball." some cash back cards send you on a journey to get to your bonus cash back. first they make you sign up for bonus cash back and it's only on a few categories. and when those categories change, you gotta sign up again.
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3rd, 2018. trump famously said, the russia hacking could be somebody sitting on their bed that -- if the person doing it has no connection to the outside world. trump, the tweeter calls the russian effort to disrupt a hoax. yet his government says moscow's effort was not only real but ongoing to this day. reading trump tweets coming from a man alone. it is as if the person tweeting lives entirely alone, derives his thinking and entire sense of reality from his peculiar sources unlike that 400-pound of somebody. this is the president, sending
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signals as if he is alone on the planet, distant from his cabinet, his staff, the top intelligence and security officials of the u.s. government. as walter cronkite once said, that's the way it is. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. all in with krchris hays starti right now. >> tonight on all in. >> explosive new testimony in the trial of paul manafort. >> tonight, why paul manafort's accou accountant said they falsified documents. new reporting
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