tv MTP Daily MSNBC October 8, 2018 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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my thanks to bill crystal, betsy woodruff, matt miller and jeff, four of my favorites dee spielt what they say about me behind my babbling. that does it for us. mtp daily starts with my friend katy tur in for chuck. >> i hear you're going to be out here tomorrow. >> i am on my way in the dark of night. >> enjoy your trip. if it's monday, the mid terms are abreuing here at ucla. ♪ ♪ >> hello and welcome to mtp daily. i'm katy tur in for chuck todd. coming to you live from ucla's campus in california. a state that is critical to the midterm battle for control of congress. in an election that is now just
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29 days away, if you can believe it. california is a prime target for democrats as they look to felipe number of house seats here. much more on that in a moment. but we're going to begin tonight with the "i" word, impeachment. right now the gop are looking to rescue those vulnerable midterm seats by keeping its bates energized after winning an ugly confirmation battle for justice brett kavanaugh. president trump has previously tried to make the mid terms a referendum on his impeachment. now he's warning his base that democrats are coming for kavanaugh, too. >> now they're thinking about impeaching a brilliant jurist, a man that did nothing wrong, a man that was caught up in a hoax that was set up by the democrats, using the democrats' lawyers. i think it's an insult to the american public and i think you're going to see a lot of things happen on november 6th that would not have happened before. it was all made up. it was fabricated.
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and it's a disgrace. and i think it's going did show you something come november 6. >> the president might be getting ready to road test that message. he's blitzing the campaign trail this week with four rallies in five days. iowa, pennsylvania, kentucky and ohio. politically he's looking for a two for. fire up his base and drive a wedge between the democrats and their base. there is energy on the left to potentially mount an effort to impeach kavanaugh after the mid terms. and democratic leadership doesn't seem too happy about it. democrats recently wrote a letter to the president vowing to investigate kavanaugh, warning of impeachment proceedings depend on what they find. 40 house democrats signed the letter, but the house's top democrat nancy pelosi was not one of them. >> we're not about impeachment. people care about what happens to them in their lives. they see the cost of prescription drugs and health care costs.
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they see a paycheck that doesn't go as far as it should. they see -- they doubt whether their voice counts for much because big special interest money weighing in, would we ever get a gun bill, gun lobby, would we get or raise the minimum wage, would we protect the air our children breathe. all those things are more important to people than who is on the supreme court. that would not be my plan. >> pelosi wrote her own letter to colleagues after kavanaugh's confirmation with this battle cry. we must not agonize. we must organize. people must vote. we must own october. she mentioned digging up white house records on kavanaugh to set the record straight, but nothing about removing him from the courts. joining us now is tonight's panel. with me here in california, msnbc political lannist elise jordan who was the campaign advisor for rand paul and former aid in the bush white house. also here on set, chief political reporter for nbc for southern california. conan nolan.
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and rounding out our panel democratic strategist irish a moody mills and senior writer jake sherman. everyone, welcome. let's start here at ucla. we talked earlier about kavanaugh and the way he's igniting the republicans and the way he's igniting democrats and the way in which republicans are using him now to sustain that energy from today, which is 31 days -- i'm sorry, 29 days until the election to election day. is the way to do it by warning that democrats are going to impeach him? >> well, it's interesting to me that donald trump -- that wasn't necessarily the most effective play when it was just him. when it was him alone, you've got to vote for these other people because of me, me, me, me, i can't get impeached. but now with brett kavanaugh's confirmation being such a lightning rod and really galvanizing republicans outside of just the trump base, pulling in more reluctant republicans who just weren't sure what they quite made of the protest ands they also weren't happy with how they perceived the mistreatment
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of brett kavanaugh. so it could be a good rallying cry, but like we said this morning, you've still got another 29 days. i find it telling nancy pelosi herself is not using the "i" word. she knows it's counterproductive to her efforts to get democrats to turnout. >> what nancy pelosi is doing and democrats on the ground might want are two very different things. we're here in california. it is an extraordinarily progressive state. it is a state that is seen as the resistance. how pressure are democrats here under when their vote -- for their voters to do something like impeach brett kavanaugh? >> remember, you had brad sherman in the san joaquin or central valley, what am i saying, san fernando valley who introduced articles of impeachment against the president, maxine waters. when it comes to brett kavanaugh that is going to be ancient history by the time the election rolls around. people are not going to be thinking about him. you have 43 congressional districts in california. of those 43, 14 are occupied by
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republicans. that could be cut in half by election day. i don't think the supreme court nominee is going to have anything to do with that. you see a democratic base that is energized, and i don't see it on the other side. >> jake, but republican candidates are trying to use it to their advantage. josh howly in a press call to reporters today invoked this. he's running against claire mccaskill in a tight race for the senate in missouri. how much are they banking on this and is it because they don't have a lot of other things to run on having to do with this president? the tax plan has been iffy with some people, not quite as popular as they would have hoped. and there is a real backlash when it comes to health care and what the republicans are doing to gut health care. >> the reality is this message is going to be effective in deep red districts, deep red states and deep red elections. but that's not the political game for republicans at the moment. the political game for republicans, as you guys just
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mentioned, is in districts in california, middle of the road districts where republic cans are running in tight races against democrats. they're in the suburbs. as we saw the washington post did a poll this morning republicans are getting creamed with women. so i don't think in three's middle of the road districts that the idea that brett kavanaugh might or might not be impeached is going to make any difference and polls bear that out. this is not an issue that is going to help republicans win the house. help republicans keep the house. i think, again, yes, it could be helpful in deep red states and driving out turn out. in these middle of the road suburban districts, it doesn't matter a lick. >> mitch mcconnell, though, is very bullish about what brett kavanaugh is going to do for the mid terms. mitch mcconnell is known as a great strategizer, somebody who knows how to read the room, if you will. and here's what he's saying. >> we've finally discovered the one thing that would fire up the republican base, and we didn't think of it, the other side did
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it. the tactics that have been employed both by judiciary committee democratic senators and by the virtual mob that's assaulted, all of us in the course of this process, has turned our base on fire. they managed to deliver. the only thing we had not figured out how to do which was to get our folks fired up. the other side is fired up. they have been all year. >> asia, what do you think? >> first of all, let's be really clear about who he is talking about when he says the base is fired up. he's talking about they've got white men fired up. and so, great, they think they're going to win this election with white men and they're not. the fact that mitch mcconnell would stand there and say he's been assaulted, republican senators have one assaulted when in fact it is women who continue to be assaulted by some of his friends, and he doesn't karen about it, is exactly why democrats are going to win and have a blue wave. we have 69 districts right now that are toss up, 69. and the vast majority of those
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districts, including the washington post poll mentioned says this, is that women in those districts are likely to support the democrat. in fact, in those districts, democrats are winning by several percentage points. but women in particular are going to vote for democrats and they're going to vote for democrats because of guys like mitch mcconnell who say, oh, well, you know, i'm being assaulted, not women. i think that is really going to be what we need to watch in all of these swing districts. we need to watch how women turnout. women are fired up. women have been fired up since the women's march when donald trump first got ee lelktelected. the kavanaugh hearings have called into question who was there to support survivors, who was there to be impacts with women. i think the women know who their friends are. >> let's put that polyp on the scree -- poll up on the screen. are you saying there is no room in the conversation to talk -- to see a middle ground here? not necessarily a middle ground, but to talk about what this could mean for boys. i know the democrat -- sorry,
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donald trump has invoked this, donald trump, jr., has invoked this. this conversation has gone to two polar opposites. which is if you don't believe the woman, then you're a supporter of the man. if you're a supporter of man, you d'antoni believe t you're a supporter of women. >> if you go to scary, social media mothers are talking how tough it is to equivocate women being violated with the prospect that maybe little boys might be falsely accused, which is certainly not a phenomenon that is running rampant by any stretch of the imagination. let me tell you what we should be concerned about our boys being raised being able to be grow up compassionate in this era of donald trump, the men are supposed to have locker room talk and be if i lable to grab y
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their parts. they're not raising their boys to be sexual predators. any political discourse suggest this is okay. >> elise, what do you think? >> i think there has to be some middle ground. the american public wants more nuance than just an either/or. it's unfair to men, it's unfair to women. it's unfair to husbands and sons and it's unfair to wives and mothers. so i do think that we have to look at the totality of the issue. and i think that what mitch mcconnell is referencing is the climate last week on capitol hill, with the protesters, was definitely at a fever pitch and it definitely was a stronger, more frenzied environment than anyone had seen, long-time observers of capitol hill in a long time. there is more of a risk for senators and politicians these days with violence we saw with the horrible shooting that
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nearly ended steve scalise's life. i think that is in the back of the mind of some of these congressmen and women when they are talking about the violence because they feel an elevated threat level and have had to increase their own security. >> there is no violence against any of these senators. i want to push back against that. when mitch mcconnell and others -- >> i wasn't saying there was violence against senators. >> that is completely foolish. women literally have been assaulted and are coming forth courageously with their stories. to try to equivocate some guy on capitol hill saying, oh, well, using the language of fever pitch and this suggestion women are just in hysterics and up there on capitol hill yelling, they are talking about their lives and trying to be heard. and i think that women are offended by that entire attitude that tries to silence them and suggests that men are somehow, you know, also being threatened because women are speaking their truth and we're going to see that play out in the mid terms. >> conan, jump in. >> read the piece about the
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radicalization of america. in all due respect, there is no middle ground. on this there is no middle ground on climate change. it's astonishing that we've gotten to the point where the supreme court is now arguably becoming the most politicized institution of the three. the founding fathers didn't even have a place for them to meet, the supreme court. and now we have the knock down drag out fight we saw, that was unprecedented. and it goes to the tempo of the politics. we don't see it as much here in california because we're a one-party state. but what we see across the country is astonishing. >> jake, i want to talk about that, the radicalization, tribal aspect of politics now. who does that affect more, who does that benefit more, the republicans or democrats? bannon loves running on the idea of tribal politics. >> what i see on a day-to-day basis members of congress view each decision they make as how
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it will affect them in a primary race. most of nemanja in most years -- this is not a typical year, but most of them in most years, all they have to worry about is a primary challenge. challenge from the right or a challenge from the left. so their view is always going to be toward one of those polls. so middle ground as you guys just alluded to is not something that people are ever looking for, and that's never going to change as long as polarized and state legislatures draw maps. there is the idea that there is going to be some sort of renaissance of middle of the ground central thinking in politics is a fantasy. it's not going to happen. >> elise, conan, aisha, jake, we are just getting started. stay with us. ahead, see a golden opportunity in the golden states. can they flip republican seats this november? we'll talk with two democratic candidates who say, yes, they can. fact is, there have been twenty-six in the last decade. allstate is adapting.
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not in this house.? 'cause that's no ordinary family. that's your family. which is why you didn't grab just any cheese. you picked up new kraft expertly paired cheddar and swiss for eggs. beat that! kraft. family greatly. welcome back. as we said, both republicans and democrats are trying to channel voter anger from the kavanaugh fight into voter turnout as we head into the midterm homestretch. one of the key places in the battle ground for the house is right here in california where early voting actually begins today. hillary clinton carried seven districts in 2016 that are currently held by republicans. the cook political report rates all but two of them as toss-ups right now, making them prime targets for democrats. and democrats also have their sights set on republican congressman duncan hunter's district. it is the red est district in southern california, but has
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become more competitive since hunter was indicted for using more than $250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses. winning seats in california will be a key test on election night for democrats. if they can win here -- i'm sorry, if they can't win here, can they win anywhere? joining me now is two democrats trying to turn red seats blue. mark is challenging congressman duncan hunter and harley rouda is challenging congressman dana rohrbacher. gentlemen, thank you very much for being here. omar a, since you're sitting next to me, i want to start with you. there is talk about the "i" word, impeach. many not university genentech president any longer, but brett kavanaugh. is that something you would support if you were elected to the congress? >> that's a good question. democrats need to stop complaining and campaigning. we need to win elections. we are where we are because we lost elections in 2016. what happened a couple days ago is going to define many generations yet to come.
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these people's kids. what we're going to do in the next 29 days will also define many generations to come. >> that is not quite an answer. would you support impeaching him? >> no, we have to win fair and square and win some elections. >> what do you think, harley? >> you're talking about kavanaugh. i think we do need to find out whether he lied under oath or not. he certainly showed a demeanor not consistent with somebody we would expect to be serving on the supreme court. >> would you want to find out more information? nancy pelosi file a foia request yesterday to obtain records between the white house and the fbi, but also i think to get more information on the interview process, what happened behind the scenes when it comes to -- when it came to the investigation into kavanaugh. would you support that? >> yes. i think the american people want to know. they want to know whether the latest justice on the supreme court lied under oath. and as i stated earlier, it was very clear that his demeanor in the process was not becoming of a member of the supreme court.
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so we rushed him through and we are living with the consequence of rushing him through by not having a full story and a full understanding of what he said on the stand whether it was true or not. >> how much should kavanaugh and his status on the supreme court, the investigation into him, kavanaugh period, be a campaign issue the next month? >> i talked to a lot of people, women on both sides. republicans, democrats, independents galvanized upset. it rings true for them. it's going to galvanize both parties. i think at the end of the day we need to focus on our districts. for me it's not about the personal politics. it's about our personal health, personal safety, personal dignity. i was raised by a single mom, broken hearted. i'm appalled by the toxic masculinity in wash shall what. somebody accused of the allegations and his big bold idea was to blame his wife ask dloe her under the bus. there is a lot of toxic masculinity men and women need
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to hold accountable for. >> looking at california as a whole, there is a big race. senator feinstein is running against kevin de leon. who do you support? >> i'm sitting out of that race. i'm figuring out the best ideas -- >> why are you sitting out? >> i think it is healthy for our democracy to challenge the establish: that's what i did on both sides. democrats and republicans were against me because i was lead ing with my values. he's running a campaign challenging the status quo and i'm figuring out who has a viable chance. what i will say is dianne feinstein is a fixture and she has a senior fixture that has the ability -- >> what do you think of the job she did on the committee? >> i'm proud of the work she d. >> what about you, harley, would you support feinstein or de leon? >> likewise, i'm not picking sides here. i have one mission and that is to defeat rush's favorite congressm congressman. feinstein has done a fine job in
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serving our country and great job on the judicial panel as well. we need quality people like diane in office. whether she or kevin win i will support them 100%. >> i know you guys are both running for the house. do you think the senate democrats and republicans should have done anything differently in the confirmation process for brett kavanaugh? harley, first to you. >> we should have been fighting on the mcconnell rule. it seemed to work for the republican party and they delayed that confirmation process for almost a year. yet we had to rush this one through as quickly as possible. and i think as democrats we should have vocalized more that this process deserves the time to give it the depth and breadth to make sure kavanaugh was the right person to go on the bench. >> didn't they do that? >> that didn't happen at all. >> they were in the minority. i didn't mean to interrupt. they were in the minority. they tried to do that. they tried to slow it down as much as they could. they demanded more
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documentation, more paperwork from the e-mail time from the time he was in george w. bush's white house. they tried to delay as much as they could. >> the key is they are in the minority. we are going to feel disempowered as democrats, people fighting for women until we win back some seats. that's what the focus is. the next 29 days, we've got to focus on flipping the house. that's the biggest focus. what happened a couple days ago happened. let's move forward the next 29 days. win some seats and hold the administration accountable. >> here is part of an ad duncan hunter is running against you. >> i'm familiar with it. let's watch it. >> he is working to infiltrate congress. using three different names to hide his family's ties to terrorism. his grandfather masterminded the munich olympic massacre. he said they deserve to die. >> what is your response in >> that is not based in fact at all. i was cleared by the fbi to work at the white house. duncan hunter was indicted about the the fbi. that's the contrast.
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one is a law breaker and one is an aspiring law maker. >> why haven't republicans condemned the ad? >> a lot of them have condemned it. i don't care about what is going on in washington. they don't seem to have their act together. what we need is a new incoming class like me and rouda who will hold the administration accountable and bring back civility and honor and get rid of chaos in washington. >> harley, what do you think of the ad? >> that's the first i've heard of it. that is consistent with what we're seeing from the congressional leadership, who is probably paying for t. they have a long history of creating lies and making up stories to run an agenda that clearly is against the will of the american people. so omari, keep 2350i9ifighting . you have a great race. you're going to win it. >> i will say this. i'm not a threat to national security. that ad shows i'm a threat to duncan hunter's seat. >> there are three polls that have you slightly closer than some other polling that's out
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there. how do you feel about the polling right now? do you think it's adequately representing the people that are actually going to go out and vote or do you believe there are going to be first-time voters, not likely voters that will end up swaying -- >> pollsters are having a 45rd time figuring out what a likely voter s. the only poll that matt erdos is an election day. we have to get out the vote. we have to make sure to redeem ourselves, get back the country we love and lost in 2016 by going out and voting. >> harley, you were a bit ahead of dana rohrbacher for quite a while a couple months back in july and august. parliament of september. that has since tightened. now you're neck and neck. why do you think that is? >> yeah, katie, really depends on the poll. we've had numerous polls that show i'm either tied or slightly ahead. the polls have different models for voter turnout. if you go with the conservative turn out similar to 2014 general election, then you're going to have a tighter race. but if we get the surge vote
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that we saw in the primary to carry over to the general, then you start to see a little bit more except ragts and i'm confident we will carry the day on november 6. >> last question to both of you. first off, nancy pelosi has fund raised on your behalf, harley. would you support her as speaker of the house? >> yeah, i've said all along i've got one mission here, that's to defeat dana rohrba rohrbacher. if i'm fortunate to win, i will hold up the hand of who is the speaker of the house. >> what is stopping you now from saying you will support nancy nancy pelosi sni >> i don't know who else is running. i want to see who else is running for speaker of the house before making a decision. >> you said you don't support nancy pelosi. who would you support? >> whoever can earn my vote just like i'm trying to earn -- >> do you have any thoughts who that might be? >> legality me gt me get electe umenyiora have the first exclusive on that question. >> thank you very much for
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joining us. we do appreciate it. and we do want to note that we did reach out to the republicans in these races. the democrats are challenging and to other republicans as well to join us here today. but unfortunately none of them could be here. ahead, the gop fights to close the enthusiasm gap. more mtp daily live from the campus of ucla right after this break. [ cheers and applause ] i was just finishing a ride. i felt this awful pain in my chest. i had a pe blood clot in my lung. i was scared. i had a dvt blood clot. having one really puts you in danger of having another. my doctor and i chose xarelto®. xarelto®. to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner that's... proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. in clinical studies, almost 98% of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. xarelto® works differently.
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welcome back. president trump met with deputy attorney general rod rosenstein on board air force one this afternoon. when the plane landed, rosenstein still had his job. the white house says rosenstein and the president spoke 45 minutes on the flight from d.c. to orlando and the president characterized the great -- the conversation as, quote, great. questions have swirled about whether the president would fire the deputy attorney general since "the new york times" reported last month that rosenstein suggested secretly recording the president and discussed invoking the 25th amendment to remove him from office. justice department officials told nbc news that rosenstein was joking. today's meeting comes after a face-to-face meeting between the two was scheduled and then postponed. ahead of the air force one meeting, president trump praised his relationship with rosenstein. >> i actually have a good relationship, other than there's been no collusion, folks, no
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collusion. and -- but i have a very good relationship. we'll see. dint hear you. >> -- >> no, i don't, no. >> so, as the isn't said, we'll see. the deputy attorney general as of now remains at his job. more mtp daily after this live from the home of the bruins at ucla. come on, guys, cheer. [ cheers and applause ] pplause
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they watched the last few weeks and were disgust the by the behavior of senate democrats. >> this is going to the streets, at the ballot box. i've never campaigned against a colleague in my life. that's about to change. >> i want to thank the other side for the tactics that have allowed us to kind of energize and get involved our own voters. >> those are republicans celebrating not only their kavanaugh victory, but also the notion that the grueling fight over his confirmation helped their chances in november. in recent poll numbers backed that up, democrats enthusiasm gap, a measure of how many registered voters say they are interested in the mid terms has been cut from 16 points in july to just 4 in the latest nbc news/"wall street journal" poll. for more i'm joined by mark lotter, special former assistant to president trump and currently a member of the trump 2020 advisory board. mark, good to see you. >> good to see you, katy. >> enthudo you think the republ are too confident and cocky on
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what the kavanaugh is going to have on the mid terms? >> we're seeing it in the fund-raising. the rnc has reported a 500% increase in the fund-raising. the nrcc which is the campaign arm of the congressional republicans, i think their fund-raising has been up 418%. so we're seeing it across the board. the question is now we have to make sure we translate that and hold onto it all the way through november. >> does it help to have a social media campaign that is got a #beers for brett, apparently being support bid one prominent republican senator, john cornyn tweeted this. it was champagne. not quite beers for brett, but bubbly for brett instead. is that the way to fire up the base? it is certainly a way to anger a lot of democrats and women. >> i'm not sure it's funny, but i'm not sure it's going to translate to any votes. no, i think what we've got to do
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is we've got to remind people what they have gone through and what's at stake. i had mean, as you've mentioned and you were asking your earlier guests, you know, is impeachment on the table if house democrats take overcome january of next year. that's a very real question. we know what it will mean to the president's agenda. it looks like right now we're going to gain seats in the senate. so that right now in control of the house is what's at stake and how do we move forward from there. >> do you think that running on this idea that democrats are -- democrats intend to impeach judge kavanaugh is the way to keep the enthusiasm about this nomination in play for the next 29 days? and i ask that because kavanaugh was confirmed with 31 days to go until the election. the access hollywood tape, which was all but forgotten by election time, came out 32 days before the 2016 election. >> i'm not necessarily sure that will keep going for 31 days. but i do think there are aspects of what we saw play out that can
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carry forward. we've seen not only an increase in enthusiasm and donations, but we've also seen -- starting to see some unity coming together from never trumpers and folks who are more in the middle, in the moderate who have come back to the republican party because of what they saw going on and how democrats treated judge, now justice kavanaugh. but also just in terms of the general, i would say the antics and the circus that was created during this entire process. >> are republicans coming back after the procession or is it male republicans? because when you look at the enthusiasm gap, there is a 4-point advantage still for the democrats. there's that. there is a giant or very large gender gap there. when you look at women for -- who women prefer, 55% say democrats compared to 35% for
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republicans. for men it's 50% for republicans. why do females, why are women not coming back to the republican party? >> i think there could be many reasons for that. and that's one of the things we have to identify, not only in this campaign cycle, but moving forward as a party. but one of the things i would -- that i think is that as we so e solve -- saw this process play itself out, outside of the very active on both ends of the spectrum of the political activists, when you look at those people in the middle, the moderates, maybe the suburban college-educated men and women, when they saw what was going on and then you add to that the far left ward shift of the democratic party, more embracing socialism, you've got a lot of people who are going to be asking themselves, is this the democrat party that i used to support or that i would occasionally support here and there?
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>> then why aren't women coming back to the republican party? do you think kavanaugh helped or hurt republicans with women? >> i think in certain groups, with maybe some of those in the middle, it might help. we'll wait to see. this has just happened so polling will probably take a few days or week or so to truly start to capture any kierntd of chan -- kind of change there. i'll tell you, i have a lot of people -- friends of-mile-per-hour who were moderate, middle of the road, lukewarm on the republican party that told me in recent weeks they're taking a look. they did not like how they targeted this man, his family, his reputation over this. and then when you saw the protests and you saw people literally clawing at the doors to get into the supreme court over the weekend, that just rubbed people the wrong way. >> but are you so sure those protesters are only democrats? >> no, i'm not convinced those are only democrats. i don't think they were only women. there were a number of people there and there are a number of
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reasons why people would show up and protest on one side or the other. there were people there supporting judge kavanaugh in some of these rallies. so -- but when you see overall the coverage that was -- it was mostly focused on the anti-kavanaugh crowds and i think whenever we get to that radicalization in terms of climbing the steps and banging on the doors of the supreme court, or yelling during the confirmation vote itself, those kinds of things, people who are more middle of the road and moderate, not necessarily leaving every breath that politicians say like we do in washington, d.c., i think it just has a general ability to put people off and make them think twice. >> what about those women that were victims of sexual assault that were there protesting, what about the women who are at home victims of sexual assault who are watching, do you think that turns them off when they see that? >> no, i think that absolutely -- probably are a
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very good number of people who would identify with the feelings and rightfully so, because sexual assault is a terrible crime in some cases. it's a terrible incident. women who have been assaulted should be able to come forward. i'm saying strictly from a political standpoint, though, when you look at the visuals of how that takes place, i think there is a chance that that is -- that could impact some people who are not necessarily as motivated as those who are coming out pro and con on the extremes and coming out and protesting. >> we will see what the next round of polling says. we will ultimately see what happens in november. mark lauder, thank you. >> thank you, katy. >> ahead, taylor swift says to democrats, you belong with me. more "mtp daily" live from ucla right after this. it was here. i couldn't catch my breath.
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before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. learn all you can to help protect yourself from a stroke. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. welcome back tonight. and meet the mid terms. are you ready for it? taylor swift decided to speak now, break her silence on politics and announcing her support for two tennessee democrats. in an instagram post, the ten-time grammy winner said while she had been reluctant to bring up her political beliefs early in her career, the last two years have led her to change her mind and publicly back two democratic candidates in her home state of tennessee. and she showed some bad blood
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for democrat phil's opponent, congresswoman p congresswoman marcia black burn. as much as i have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, i cannot support marcia black burn. her record in congress a pauls and terrifies me. president trump is trying to shake it off. dee fe defending black burn moments ago on the south lawn -- no, this is not from your wildest dreams. >> i'm sure taylor swift has nothing or doesn't know anything about her, and let's say that i like taylor's music about 25% less now, okay? >> 25% less. we'll see if the endorsement boosts. more "mtp daily" after this.
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welcome back. time now for "the lid." cross-country panel is back. elise, conan, aishia and jake. the u.n. study that is extraordinarily dire about wher dire about where things stand in terms of getting carbon dioxide levels to an acceptable point, and emissions to an acceptable moment to make sure we don't get the globe to warm past 1.5 degrees celsius by 2040. it's an issue here in california like no other states. why is that? >> governor brown has called this a definitive issue for the party and the legislature has acted in a way that puts the state in the leadership role worldwide. this is a state that wants to abolish the fossil fuel engine by 2050. it's set goals to co-2 reduction
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to 50% of 1990 levels. that's a lot of wind and solar. so there's consensus in california. yet the last republican governor was arnold schwarzenegger. he's on the cover of "time" magazine being the green governor. when donald trump backed away from leadership on climate change, jerry brown was happy to have the climate summit in san francisco go overseas. >> are republicans forced to embrace the issue here? there are moves to campaign against the gas tax, which is something the republicans can get traction on they believe. why are republicans more likely to embrace this here? >> you look at an example of the national republican stance on climate change and what president trump has done pulling out of the paris accords. at the epa, all of the deregulation, the less environmentally friendly standards that he's chosen to usher in.
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and that just isn't where republicans necessarily, even in california, even though they are a small sliver, necessarily are. so global and state party have to have a different posture to be successful. >> you're a native california girl. you know this better than both of us. republicans who ran statewide were always environment republicans. pete wilson, when he became governor, talked about big sur and sectioning it off for development. there's an environmental strain within the republican party in california. >> why isn't this more of a national issue? it's certainly a big issue here in california. conan said it's one of the reasons why donald trump lost so baddy to hillary clinton. why isn't it capitalized more by democrats across the country? >> that's a good question. i wish that it was more. i wish we were talking more about the environment. we talked about the environment a little bit around michigan in
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flint and the water there. but i think you're right, democrats would do well to talk about the future. what we've been missing out a lot on is that we've allowed donald trump to gaslight us about a variety of issues to keep pointing the finger and finding boogiemen. i think the democrats are off balance now. we used to be under barack obama a party of hope, thinking about what it means to be a leader in the world, a leader on the environment, a leader generally, and what it means to transform our nation so that we can thrive in the future. and we have gotten away from that. so i think the democrats would do well to get back to our core values and make this a bigger issue. >> jake, this report warns of a crisis as soon as 2040, a real crisis. is anybody in congress talking about this? >> no. i mean, democrats are. but if they take back the majority, we'll see if the politics have shifted for them. it's been 12 years since democrats won the majority in 2006. remember, when democrats had the majority last time, they tried
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to pass a cap and trade bill, which would presumably help this massive crisis that scientists are warning about. and many democrats lost their seats, not many, but a few lost their seats after republicans ran campaigns saying that they were looking to hike the cost of energy. so we'll see if democrats have a durable enough majority -- >> nancy pelosi -- >> what about republicans running on deregulation, how much is that helping campaigns across the country right now, jake? >> it's tough to say. it's one of many issues that republicans are talking about. i think it's not a verien mating issue for some people. for others, it's been help bel in the business and energy front. we see republicans across the country trying to ruin their democratic opponents across the board. and if you talk to republican operatives, they are trying to make democrats a not palatable party in 2018. that's the dynamic that's
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driving across many races across the country throughout a lot of regions and partisan lenses is that. make the democratic opponent not someone that people can vote for. >> the republican -- this report calls for an end to coal period by 2050. that's something that donald trump ran against. >> that was his big message in west virginia and then in parts of kentucky, too. bringing back coal, but this has been part of donald trump's message the entire time, to bring back industries that aren't necessarily there to be resuscitated, like manufacturing. and instead of looking into the future, he's looking into the past. >> elise, thank you. thank you to the giant hot dog dancing behind you. that was charming. conan, good to see you. thank you, as always. ahead, our feature presentation. entation a once-in-five hundred year storm
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the press" film festival. that will do it for me tonight. we'll be back tomorrow with more "mtp daily." many thanks to ucla for hosting us. i'll be back on the road tomorrow. next step, reno. "the beat with ari melber" starts right now. hi, ari. >> hi. do you have a minute? you look like you're having fun out there. >> sure, i have a minute. >> i don't like to get into the professional jealousy game, that's not my style. but you did land an interview, i don't know if it was an exclusive or not. i saw it today, there with the bear. and i've got to say, that's a big interview to get. do you have any back story for us? >> it was a big interview. we tried for months to land this interview. the bear said he would only come on if jacob was there. so we had to get jay so
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