tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 27, 2018 4:00am-4:30am PDT
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came back, that they were declaring to me and the world that i'm innocent. >> curtis lovelace, a life interrupted. good morning. i'm morgan radford in new york at msnbc headquarters. it's 7:00 in the east, 4:00 out west, and here's what's happening. the package bomb suspect now behind bars. how investigators qaa him, and what we're learning about his past. also, the role of the political climate in all of this and who's really to blaming for the divisiveness. >> these terrorist actions must be prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent of the law. we must unify as a nation of peace, love, and harmony. the media has a major role to
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play, whether they want to or not. and the big question. what effect will all of this have on the midterms? a familiar voice lays it all out. the president said he'd pass a mid-class tax cut before the ne midterm election. they're not even in session. he just makes it up. the number of packages mailed has jumped to 14 with one sent to camela harris and one to billionaire businessman tom stier. dna evidence and a fingerprint on an envelope addressed to maxine waters is what led them to sayoc. he's charged with five federal crimes and if convicted faces up to 58 years in prison. also this morning a clearer picture is developing as to who
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exactly cesar sayoc is. nbc's kerry sanders followed the trail of clues from south florida. >> reporter: the portrait amerging amerg emerging of 56-year-old say s-- cesar sayoc. he would go after many democrats who received devices, saying of george soros, you will vanish, and attacking debbie wasserman schultz. >> i received a tweetz from this guy who was saying things such as make sure you hug your loved ones before you leave your home. >> reporter: sayoc has a history of arrest, making a bomb threat
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to the power & light company in florida. and his attorney says his client made the phone tletd whhreat wh power was cut off. >> he's not like you and i. he's missing something. >> sayoc's mother was in the hospital when she heard the news. >> they had no idea. >> they had no idea. they have not spoken to their brother and son for a long time. they love america, his mother is an active democrat. they're in shock. >> reporter: sayoc claimed to be a member of the seminole tribe, although they have no evidence he was a seminole. sayoc's family has given the fbi permission to search their home without a warrant saying sayoc had not been living with them, rather, he had been living out
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of his van. joining me now this morning is jim kavanaugh, former alcohol, tobacco & firearms. you heard the background. is this at all typical? does he fit the profile of a would-be bomber? >> he's not all that unusual. we have had bombers like this that live on the fringes, their mind obsesses, fanatics if you will. you remember, morgan, the d.c. snipers. they lived in a car, taking showers at the "y," watching the news at the ymca. this man lived in his van, working at a strip club on and off. it's not unusual. he's a spree bomber, 14 bombs in
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a week. a couple of i.d. prints were on the outside of the envelope. the big question is he acting alone. i'm sure the commanders are pressing that hard, did he buy more timers? did he buy more pipe. where is the place? the place could be in the van, or the place could be at an accomplice's house or garage or storage facility he rents. there's a place, and in that place there's probably tape, pipe -- >> supplies. >> yes. >> i want to go back, especially when you bring up the d.c. snipers. i want to play more, giving this background. the family's lawyer gave his opinion. take a listen to this. >> he also had what i consider
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lesser i.q., substantial emotional problems. he was like a 14-year-old in an adult's body. it'smy opinion he was attracted to the trump formula of reaching out, trump reaching out to these types of outsiders, people who don't fit in, people who are angry at america. this was someone lost. he was looking for anything. he found a father in trump. >> jim, what i found most striking about that is when he said he was like a 14-year-old in an adult's body. is it common for people with this sort of profile to be more easily influenced, especially when it comes to acting on the type of rhetoric he seems to have been inspired by. >> right. when they grab onto something like, that it's almost like a cult to them, they're joining a cult. they become obsessed with it. that's kind of what's acting on him. it's not that the political
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policies of trump are going to help this guy. i mean, you know, if trump promotes, you know, giant tax breaks for wall street, investors -- i mean this guy living in a van is not going to be helped by that policy or eliminating health care. he's not helped by that policy. he's not joining it for those policy reasons. it's more like he's joining it because of sort of a twisted reason he has inside his head. you know, witnesses have said he was racist, he was racially insensitive to everyone, and yet he's a minority himself. he has a lot of distinct issues. look. he's lev ee's living in his car. a lot of great people have lived in their cars. we can go through actors and musicians who have had to live in their car. there's nothing demeaning about that to anyone. this whole mishmash of never getting stuff right, look atz
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that van. that's a picture on his mind right there of what he thinks about, what he talks about, and what he obsesses about. it's his motive. if i was running that case, that van i would have at the courthouse and ask the judge to bring the jury down to the garage so they could walk around and look at it. why would he do this. look at the van. mentally ill. doctors can tell you, but i think he can make right from wrong after the 14 bombs. i think he's criminally culpable from what we see in the evidence. he's responsible. was there anybody else. that's a big question. you've been on the road, morgan. you're one of the road warriors. you know these rallies.
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when people get there -- >> -- they're fired up. >> -- they're fired up. they might make a connection with somebody there. overwhelmingly they're not going to do criminal acts, but they could hook up with someone and they could do acts together. it's not that someone couldn't have helped him. he could have done it all by himself. but where is the place? where is the factory that's going to be like a garage, shed, hut, kitchen with all the components. >> that's what they're trying to find today, right? >> look. we've in a score of these cases found the guy from the hardware store or home depot buying these components. this guy probably doesn't even have a credit card. he probably used cash. >> it looks like they're combing through all the evidence as they're trying to get inside his
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head. jim cavanaugh, always a pleasure to have you. thank you so much for speaking with us this morning. >> thanks, morgan. up next, i'll talk to nbc justice correspondent pete williams about whether those investigators think there are more bombs out there. and president trump, trying to get out the vote for democrats. we'll take a deep dive into his message last night about what he says is really going on. >> that is not spin. that's not exaggeration. that's not trying to put a positive glow on things. that's lying. tive glow on thing. that's lying [ doorbell rings ] janice, mom told me you bought a house. okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. quiet. i'm blasting my quads. janice, look. i'm in a meeting. -janice, look. -[ chuckles ] -look, look. -i'm looking. it's easy. you just answer some simple questions online, and you get coverage options to choose from.
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a small clock, a battery, some wiring, and what is known as energetic material. these are not hoax devices. >> that is fbi director christopher wray talking more about those components that were inside those package bombs, thankfully none of which detonated. now, those packages are giving investigators crucial clues as they work to really figure out more about the suspect and about his motives. joining me now is nbc justice correspondent pete williams. pete, let's just start right there. were those devices actually created to explode in were they intended to go off? >> that seems to be what the fbi is saying when the fbi director says they were not hoax devices. they clearly didn't, thankfully, work, but at this point the supposition of investigators is that's not intentional. the bombmaker fortunately didn't do it right. but they believe based on the
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construction of the devices, the fact that they were wired up in a way that should have worked but didn't work, they believe they were not hoax devices. >> is this all, pete, really hinging on one crucial clue? because we learned there was one fingerprint on the maxine waters package that tracked down the suspect. was there more than that to go on? >> there were essentially factors they cite in the court documents. there's fingerprints, two dna matches. they say the mismatched spellings were consistent with spellings that he used in social media. you can be sure they're gathering more evidence. this is not the end of the charges or what they'll be issuing against him. they'll build the case, bring it
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before a grand jury, he'll be indicted, and he'll have a trial in new york. now that he's been arrested, now they can do all these searches they couldn't do before. they can look at his social media more extensively. they can look at his phones, computers he may have had, search the van you're looking at there that he apparently lived in, and they can do a thorough search to see if there's any trace materials that mietz be useful, talk to his friends and neighbors. there's a lot of work to be done. they haven't analyzes these 14 bombs. it's unusual to have intact bombs in a bombing case. usually they blow up and you're trying to reconstruct something. there's a huge amount of evidence here. every single one of those packages and 14 devices will be checked. >> you were talking about the evidence.
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we were talking to jim cavanaugh, and he was trying to stalk a little bit about the mind of this suspect. is this a lone wolf karks peetz, or are investigators looking to see if anyone else was involved? >> i can tell you law enforcement hates the term lone wolf because it has the whiff of, somewhat, romance. as far as we can tell, he did act alone. i think the best way to put it is at this point there's no indication he had any help, either people helping him on purpose, knowing what he was up to, or helping him unwittingly. >> and, peetd, what about the way he did it. we're talking about 14 devices. how exactly were they delivered? was this all by u.s. mail, or were there other accesses? >> no. it was all by u.s. mail. there was confusion earlier on because it seemed two packages, the first found by george soros at his house on monday was
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delivered by hand, and it appears the one to cnn midtown to john brannon was also delivered by courier. but it's the understanding now in both of those cases, they were mailed to an offside facility and then delivered by hand, but they were sent through the mail. >> here's to hoping that investigators get to the bottom of this. pete williams, always pleasure. thanks for joining us this morning. >> you bet. coming up, the two tones of president trump and whether they could hurt him coming up at the polls. >> the radical far left opponent is tammy baldwin. and now before the break, some late-night laugh lines about the president's attempt to soften the image amid the chaos. >> both sides must come together with rocky mountains, be they
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republicans or crooked soros dames work for the caravan of cnn news network. >> maybe being nice isn't your first choice. you wa're like a cannibal who ws credit for just licking people's faces. >> isn't it great i haven't taken a bite? >> isn't it great i haven't taken a bite romance... ...find freedom, just one touch away. ♪ because the sky has no limit. billions of problems. morning breath? garlic breath? stinky breath? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. so you can... breathe easy.
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all right. so after this recent wave of bomb threats, president trump has returned to his attacks on the media and on democrats. at the white house friday the president briefly struck a tone of unity look at a teleprompter. he called the terrorizing acts despicable. later he blamed that the bomb threats were slowing the republican momentum and at a rally in charlotte last night, the president doubled down, blaming the media. >> the media's constant unfair coverage, deep hostility, and
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negative attacks -- you know that -- only serve to drive people apart and to undermine healthy debate. for example, we have seen an effort by the media in recent hours to use the sinister actions of one individual to score political points against me and the republican party. >> all right. well, joining me now is melanie za nona. she's a congressional reporter. let's get right to it. what is your assessment of how the president has reacted to the bomb threats? >> it's really a case of the real trump and teleprompter trump. he said there's going to be swift justice for the suspect. but on twitter and the rallies where we often get the best
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inside into his thinking, he has bashed the fake news media, has expressed annoyance at the media, and has suggested that it's not as serious as the media puts it out to be, putting finger quotes around "bomb stuff." he's more combative as chief, especially when it comes to sparring with the media and when he feels personally attacked. he has the biggest microphone in this country, if not the world, and he has a responsibility to say we all, democrats and republicans alike, need to tone town the rhetoric, and that's not something we've heard from the president yet. >> and, melanie, before we let you go, there is a political side to this. >> of course, right. >> as you mentioned, the president complained coverage of the explosives with blunltdt go
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momentum, is there any way of gauging this ahead of the midterms? >> no doubt it's thrown a curveball into the midterm elections. i talked to a few yesterday. the short answer is this could be worse for the republicans. number one it negates them being able to talk about the things that matter, two, it's not going to fly as part of their messaging anymore, and, number three, it could turn off independent and moderate voters the way trump is handling it and talking about it. look. all that being said, that i could be galvanized, rushing to his side. we'll just have to wait and see. >> melanie, one more thing. something i've been hearing on the trail. everyone is talking about health care, and then, of course, we heard from former president
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obama. is there a sense he's helping democrats to capitalize on health care and propel this issue forward? >> yes. since obamacare was passed, we've seen obamacare go on the offense. it's one of the most popular parts of the law. it's only grown in popularity. it's put republican candidates in a corner and they're scrambling to defend themselves. i think it's no coincidence that president trump has put out a very aggressive plan to cut down on drug prices. it's a difficult argument to make especially when you have a texas a.g. lawsuit that would dismantle obamacare working its way through the court system and having obama on the campaign trial reminding voters of the health care plan he gave them.
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