tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC October 31, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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that's our show. we hope you found it worthwhile. our time's up. "hardball" is up next. a halloween presidency. let's play "hardball." good evening. franklin roosevelt who was elected in the depths of great depression said we have nothing to fear but fear itself and six days before another election, the man now occupying the same oval office argues we have much to fear. arabs disguised as hondurans, the migrants financed by a wealthy american.
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rapists all coming to our country. we must remember this is the same promoter of fear who once told us americans that the then president of the united states was himself an illegal imposter who had snuck into the country on forged documents from east africa. we must remember that fear based on lies is the language this master of fear speaks. what seems much further from his lips, empathy. three more con agrgregates of t tree of life synagogue were laid to rest. the president didn't message them. instead twheeeted about himself. we were tweeted nicely yesterday in pittsburgh. the office of the president was shown great respect. we were treated so warmly. small protest was not seen by us. staged far away. the fake news stories were just the opposite. disgraceful.
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when the last days of the 2018 election, voters will have to make a decision, do they say yes or no to this stuff, to donald trump. amid the heated rhetoric republicans are worried voters will say no. top republican officials told axios they worry republicans will pay a price because the world looks crazy. those were his words. eager to keep that from happening, sources tell the washington post that the president and his political advisers have decided a base turn out strategy is the best way to preserve the gop senate and house majority with trump wielding the polarizing issue of immigration to motivate his 2016 supporters to vote again for him. his focus, the senate seats held by democrats in states he won. here's the president. >> it seems the campaign is going well. looks like we're doing well in the senate. a lot of seats that were not really being thought of in terms of victories year ago.
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now look like they could be victories. the house is a lot of people. >> the house is a lot of people. that's what he says when he thinks he's going to lose. before heading to florida, the campaign hit on those points. let's watch him. >> as far as the caravan, which is very dangerous. you see what's been happening. as far as the caravan is concerned, our military is out. nobody's coming in. we're not allowing people to come in. birthright citizenship is a very, very important subject, in my opinion. it's much less complex than people think. you don't need a constitutional amendment for birthright citizenship. >> he's talking about getting rid of the 14th amendment by himself. thank you all for joining us tonight. the first question goes to susan
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who writes the front pages for the usa today. this is his closing argument. the caravan is coming. it's dangerous. i've got the army out there to meet them like the alamo. he's creating this iconic fight here. i'm going to get rid of the 14th amendment. being born here doesn't guarantee your citizenship. it's crazy talk. it's getting focus where he wants it. oh, my god, they're coming north. >> his closing argument is the same as his opening argument. this is very consistent with his message in trump tower in june 2015. he talked about people coming from mexico who are rapist and murderers. >> east africa. one guy coming from east africa, the president. >> this has been the original issue for donald trump. it worked for him in getting the nomination and winning the presidency. he's returning to it because it's the issue that most animates his base supporters. >> explain what he means by
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nationalists. >> i think he was sending a clear signal. >> he's not talking about a lot of heidi klum's coming here. he's talk about his panpanics. >> he was sending a sign to white nationalists, wink, wink, nod, nod. i'm on your side. i think the issue is this, it's perfectly fine to use this message when you're running for president. i'm not saying morally fine but that works if the focus is down. this didn't trickle down well into wisconsin, into michigan. >> it works well where he won by 25 and 30 points. he's looking at north dakota, missouri. while heimpeached by the house, it can only be used by the senate. >> i think he's got a more
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optimistic, i think he's hoping to cut his losses. he's going to hold the senate, maybe pick up a couple of seats. then he can say it's a split verdict. i picked up a couple of seats that's based on geography. it's a traditional game. is there a mind behind this fear mongering? >> there always is someone to blame when it comes to donald trump. today he was going, ripping into paul ryan a bit for criticizing him over the birthright citizenship issue. this was interesting for me to go out. i just got back from fresno, california where i was helping with focus groups for polls and while trump supporters might appreciate the efforts to secure the border and might not necessarily object to deploying military force, no one is
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supportive of the birthright citizenship proposal. that's really striking way out into left field for an issue that isn't even exactly animating the base, in my opinion. >> what do you think would be the case if he said you're not a citizen if you're born here? what other bases would we have for american citizenship. we're all fortunate to be born here. it seems you would have to go back and not just by your birth certificate to get a job. i think at nbc you have to do that but you'd have to get your parents green card. you'd have to get a lot of paper work. talk about beauracracy. how do you make it work if you get rid of the 14th amendment? >> i think you've noticed that execution isn't one of donald trump's strong suits. he likes to throw out a sweeping
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order and implementation as with the muslim travel ban or hurricane recovery in puerto rico isn't executed with smooth precision. i'm sure it would be another mess if this actually happened, which it won't because the supreme court isn't going to let this happen. it's going to be on the scale of hundreds of orphan children because of the trump administration's incompetence with their border policy. >> he's going to punish women for abortion. some form of punishment. he doesn't know what he's talking about. speaker paul ryan broke with the president on this question on getting rid of the 14th amendment right to citizenship. let's watch. >> president trump raising some eyebrows talking about an executive order ending birthright citizenship. where do you stand on that? >> you cannot do that. cannot end birthright citizenship. we didn't like it when obama
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tried changing immigration laws and as conservatives, we believe in the constitution. >> in response to that president trump tweeted paul ryan should be focusing on holding the majority rather than giving his opinions on birth right citizenship, something he knows something about. our new republican majority will work on this. what is he talking about? >> let's just picture six days before an election he's attacking the top ranking republican. not in an attempt to hold the house. i don't think this issue helps with the house. i think it helps the senate. >> what's his motive? >> he didn't like to be ci criticized by anybody. it's a remarkable political strategy this close to an election. >> it seems, jason, the way our constitution was compromised in the beginning on slav ery and
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things like that, those flaws, it has these things to justify the union and keep everybody together you have to keep of a special plug. the people that live in north dakota but north dakota gets two senators. nobody is fighting with that now. if trump focuses on geography, giving up on popularity, this election when it comes to popular votes will be going democrat. he is trying to hold north dakota, indiana, missouri, maybe squeak it in florida. that's what he's up to. >> he's going to hold the senate. that's what will protect him. this has been more clear in this election than almost any other, he has a backlash where he shows up. this conversation -- >> he can't go to the northeast suburbs right now. he can't go do real midwest. >> he's not invited in those places. >> he wasn't invited to pittsburgh. >> scott walker has slowly
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pulled back into a tie. donald trump refocusing will help everest. it helps democrats because trump is takes us again. >> you think everest will win? >> i think this harms republicans. >> couple bucks on it after the show? >> huh. i think he will pull it off. i think the democrats will win in michigan. i also think they will win ohio. >> i want to talk to you about this question of how close these are. president trump's campaign changed the u.s. constitution. got an enforcement from his chief counselor. kellyanne conway. she's very supportive of the president. >> there are constitutional scholars who say the 14th amendment has been misinterpreted. the supreme court has never gave a solid opinion on this. >> it's never given a solid opinion on the fact that you're born in the united states, you're a citizen. our husband is a conservative lawyer and expert doesn't agree with his wife. in an opinion piece the former
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acting solicitor general under president obama conway argued the president's move would be unconstitutional and would be challenged and the challenges would undoubtedly win. and exceeds the scope of his authority. he just can't get rid of the right for citizenship for people born in the united states. that would be a hell of a power. you're not a citizen. i declare you're not a citizen even though you're born here. >> we probably would like to do that. he might would like to do that for both of us. he's just simply not able to. this is just donald trump throwing spaghetti at the wall. he's trying to see what's going to stick. this isn't even something that actually resonates with the base, from what i heard and observed just this last week in california. >> i think even people who think we ought to do something about immigration, i don't think the democrats have moved up to the plate on that at all. they did try in 2013.
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they haven't tried siny eied si. they're not saying a baby born here isn't an american. you're playing with our basic constitution. s >> you saw a push back from some republicans which is pretty rare. a tweet that expressed concern about the president's position. >> i think stephen king probably likes it. >> yeah. >> he's talking about people with calves like cantaloupes coming up here. >> it's pretty rare you see push back from republicans on the ballot. >> well paul ryan. the -- if you come to this country and come with a green card and legalize, document it, you want your kids to be born americans. >> exactly. that's what everybody wants. this is the marco rubio
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situation. the fundamental myth of america unless you're african-american and your ancestors were sleeves and if you're born in the country there's something magical about this land, you can say you're an american. this offends everybody. there's nobody outside of white nationalist who agree with what the president is trying to push. >> what was your memory of popping out? that's a great way of describing birth. thank you so much. coming up, how will democrats respond to president trump's message of fear and division? he is throwing the spaghetti at the wall. i'm going to ask rob reiner about his last minute plea to the right wing. i was in texas last night with beto o' rourke. i can feel thecreates
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we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. in my 96 and a half years, i've seen a lot of things, but the one thing i cannot bear to see is america being destroyed by racism, fear mongering and lies. fortunately, there is something we can do about that. on november 6th, we can vote for elected officials who will hold this president accountable. >> welcome back. that was carl reiner calling on all americans to go out and vote this week. that's coming. with six days to go it's the final push not just for democrats to energize their base but make sure they show up to
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the polls. not just get excited and go to marches but go to the voting booth. it comes amid a strange sfooe atmosphere in this country. those included a politically charged campaign of mail bomb, bombs and the murder of 11 people at a synagogue in pittsburgh. i'm joined by rob reiner who made that ad with his father, carl. >> independent. we're an independent news. >> i want to say something to you rob. i worship your father as you do. hang onto that guy. i was in the basement of our rec room watching ceasar's hour.
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back in those days you were living up in the bronx. what made your father get out, stick his neck out at the age of 96 with this very personal case for people to get out a vote? >> he's been active his whole life. he's been out spoken his whole life. i wrote this piece for him because i knew this is how he felt. he talks at the beginning of having lived a long time. he lived through the great depression. he fought in the second world war to defeat facism and he talks about he was around for the invention of television and he acted on television even before we owned a television. he said he's seen a lot of things and he doesn't like seeing where the country is going. at the end of the piece he talks about if things go right, he's going to live till 2020 and be able to vote for something that will put america back on track to the kind of america that he always imagined and that he's
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passed onto me and i've imagined. >> good for you. barbara streisand is coming out with an album about lying. all coming out about lying. lying is the big lie. on immigrants and everything else. >> i think it's the big lie but i also think it's the lack of empathy. it's the stirring of up of these resentments. it's the stirring up of racial hatreds and tribalism. >> does it work? this anger, he plays on. >> donald trump is many things but he's not dumb politically. he's got really sharp instin instinctive political sense of
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what motivates people. in his base states, in the ruby red states, in ruby red districts, this is an effective message. for the rest of the country and suburban house districts that he might need to win, way less so. >> rob, some of my kid, our kids, they love bernie. they get interested in politics on a positive note. they like certain things. they don't seem to fear trump in the way that older people do. i really notice this. they don't seem to rise their history behind this guy. >> you talk about nationalism and globalism and -- >> america first. >> my wife's mother lost her entire family in the holocaust and my aunt was also there. they remember these kind of buzz words. when we see things like what happened in pittsburgh, it's
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very, very disturbing. i don't think young people have the understanding of what this is and when you see the leader talking in authoritarian ways, talking in nationalist ways, this is very scary stuff. when we see this spreading throughout the world it's very, very scary. i'm a student of your business, i dug this up, this classical pianoist escaped the nazis. you come to this country to get away from the bad guys. you got to get away. get out of the starbucks line and get in the voter line.
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coffee to vote. i think this is a problem. >> it has been a problem in previous elections. there's some polls that suggest that young people who undervote compared to older folks who have more of a tradition in history of voting are more motivated this year. we'll see if they turn out to the polls. nancy pelosi was on the late show with stephen colbert and made a new prediction for what will happen tuesday. >> how are you feeling about the next six days? >> let me say this. up until today, i would have said if the election were held today, we would win. >> what happened today that changed that? >> now i'm saying is we will win. >> how long are the curtains that you're measuring right now? >> we're not measuring. we're just talking precincts.
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if every one votes, we'll have a bigger victory. democrats will carry the house. if we have bigger victory, it's going to be great night for america. >> rob, what do you think of that? i like that talk because it always works. optimism works. i know democrats love to get anxious and, i don't know what's the right word. they just get anxious. what do you think? >> well, never want to count your chickens. i feel confident we will take the house. i'm a bit more nervous about the senate. doesn't seem like it but you'll never know. they're all surprises. we were surprised in 2016. it seems like we'll take the house but there's an expression jews, you don't give it to kindahora and maybe ruth knows what that means. >> it's the evil eye. >> obviously a lot of people thought hillary would win and i heard stories maybe people
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didn't vote because they thought she had it in the bag. i don't know if that's true or not. i don't know if anybody thinks the democrats have it in the bag. >> they don't have it in the bag. the optimism that speaker pelosi is expressing on the show is what she was telling people behind the scenes. that will have an impact for the 2020 elections. >> who was your dad's favorite president? he's got a lot to choose from. >> fdr. fdr was his favorite president. no question about it. fdr passed the wpa which basically allowed my dad to get into show business. >> so great. he went to georgetown for ten months. i read that. >> he did.
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they thought him french. then they sent him to hawaii. >> that makes perfect sense. thank you. up next, the plot to smear -- talk about a low blow. the plot to smear robert mueller. unraveling in realtime right now. who is behind this thing. what's the fbi going to find out about this smear attempt? it isn't a deadly predator. what's the fbi going to find out about this smear attempt? what'st about this smear attempt? horns or teeth . there's no self-appointed crown. it doesn't repurpose someone else's legacy. it's not a metaphor or the result of a merger. it's none of those things. it's our family name.
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man: this is really about the country, about patriotism, and about right and wrong. there is a reason that we're here tonight, all of us, and that there is a remedy. is it people in this room and across this country? please vote. vo: need to impeach is responsible for the content of this advertising. we're all under one roof now. congratulations. thank you. how many kids? my two. his three. along with two dogs and jake, our new parrot. that is quite the family. quite a lot of colleges to pay for though. a lot of colleges. you get any financial advice? yeah, but i'm pretty sure it's the same plan they sold me before. well your situation's totally changed now.
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welcome back. the special counsel's office has directed the fbi to investigate an apparent scheme by pro-trump activists to smear robert mueller with phony claims of sexual misconduct. it began when quote, multiple reporters were contacted over the past few weeks by a woman who said she had been offered money to say she had been harassed by mueller. those solicitations came from a company e-mail that nbc has linked to a 20-year-old pro-trump conspiracy theorist, jacob wohl. that's wohl in a photo with trump. he's denied involvement even though he's been predicting a scandalous story about mueller on his twitter account. a phone number associated with a company offering the women cash as listed to that guy's mother.
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wohl was linked to another republican conspiracy type pushing similar claims against mueller and is reportedly involved in this very scheme. now both activists could be under investigation by the agency. in a rare statement yesterday, the special counsel's office said quote, when we learn last week of allegations that women were offered money to make false claims about the special counsel, we immediately referred the matter to the fbi for investigation. joining me is natasha bertrand. it's all yours. tell me this story. >> a couple of weeks ago reporters began receiving this letter from this woman who called herself lauren parsons and said she had been contacted by a gentleman who identified himself as a researcher and investigator and said he worked for a private intelligence firm called sure fire intelligence. she was kind of irked because this man offered to pay her
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roughly $20,000 in cash and an extra 30,000 in credit card payments in order to make up false claims against the special counsel. she reached out to reporters but she was not willing to speak by phone to these reporters. it kind of went uncorroborated because we couldn't confirm her identify and she wasn't willing to speak to us and explain about how this all happened. fast forward a few weeks and the special counsel was made privy to those allegations because journalists were reaching out and asking for comment. the special counsel referred the matter to the fbi for further investigation because it's a very serious thing. if women are potentially being paid to make up smears about the special counsel. just agent days before the mid terms. fast forward to yesterday and another woman reached out to me terms. fast forward to yesterday and
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another woman reached out to med terms. fast forward to yesterday and another woman reached out to me mid terms. fast forward to yesterday and another woman reached out to me mid terms. fast forward to yesterday and another woman reached out to me mid terms. fast forward to yesterday and another woman reached out to me mid terms. fast forward to yesterday and another woman reached out to me mid terms. fast forward to yesterday and another woman reached out to med terms. fast forward to yesterday and another woman reached out to me terms. fast forward to yesterday and another woman reached out to me terms. she said i received an e-mail from a man who claimed to work for sure fire intelligence asking if i had information about mueller based on my past encounter with him that i would be willing to speak to him about and he would pay me if i would tell him about the experiences even though she's never met mueller in her life. you have two women, the first woman we can't identify her. we don't know for sure who she is. the second woman's description of this and the e-mail she forwarded to me matched elements of the first woman's description. it all becomes murky. the fact the special counsel released statement is an earthquake. it shows how seriously they are taking this. >> let's take a look. >> when i got this e-mail, monday the 22nd, i thought it was sketchy.
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my first instinct was to e-mail him back and say i don't know robert mueller. have a nice day. i occurred to me this was a very creepy kind of set up. it seemed like they were casting a really broad net and i thought i should alert the special counsel. >> why do you think you were contacted? >> i have no idea why i was contacted. i think i'm the wrong kind of person that you would invite to participate in some conspiracy to violate federal law. >> that's the question. the illegality of this kind of punking, making occupy stories, it is illegal right? >> i'm not a lawyer but it seems like they there would be criminal activity trying to bribe women to make up stories. there's not be any allegations against him. no women have come forward making serious allegations against mueller. the only allegations that exist are the ones that women are
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potentially being offered money or have been offered money to make up stories. it's important to shed light on this is because one of them will hold a press conference with a woman who claims to have these accusations against mueller. >> is it somebody that was victimized or somebody who heard it secondhand? >> somebody who just burkman says is going to accuse mueller. >> an actual accuser? >> an actual accuser. >> we'll see. we know one of the participants of the scheme well. tell me about jacob wohl. >> he's a pro-trump twitter personality. >> 20 years old. >> he's roughly 20 years old. he's being kind of hedge fund guy even though he's very young. all he does all day is spread conspiracy theories on the internet. he happened to create this
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bizarre, fake intelligence company called sure fire intelligence that was the company that was reaching out to these women offering them money to tell stories about mueller. we found it all linked directly to jacob wohl down to the phone number listed on his website. redirected callers to his mother's cell phone. it seems like this is all one big interconnected web and we're not sure where it stands but the fact of the matter is that mueller took this very seriously and he doesn't want to take any chances. >> i think the word, the phrase fake news comes to mind. thank you. up next, voter enthusiasm is off the charts with early voting under way in many states. we'll see about younger people. conventional wisdom says that's good news for the democrats but will that hold true in the age of trump? we'll see. we're all going to see tuesday
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paranoia, they stood up and did the right thing at the moment history was calling for them. >> that was beto o' rourke last night. there was a lot of energy of the young students who showed up. it's usually deep red state of texas. we only have six days until the midterm down there like everywhere else. i know it's there. it's there with women in the burbs. i think those who hesitated to vote for hillary will come out. i don't know about young people and minorities. >> i can tell you from my reporting in florida, there were democratic pollsters who were worried about they didn't think this blue wave would be quite as large as democrats in that state felt like it would be. i interviewed people in
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california and west virginia. they said they think people are excited, they can go to whole parties and not talk about the election at all. that's -- . >> what is this? you're waiting in line at starbucks but you can't wait in line to vote. what's the problem? this election matters. the kids talk about tuition bills and how much you owe after college. they are worried about health care. they are pro-lgbt and all that stuff. they have all the right moves. >> it's different for this generation because even at the age they are now, they vote less than older generations at the same age. millennials look at participation differently. they think what they're doing on social media is a part of participation so they are defining participation differently. >> how is that participating? >> for them it's actively involvement and part of cause.
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>> if you watch food kmecommercs and beer, it's the same as going and buying it. no it's not. >> there are young people that see the tweets and things they do on social media as being part of the national discourse. there's whole conversations that are born on twitter. >> that's part of participating. that said, if they vote at the same number that boomers vote and generation vote, they would change the politics. >> why don't they tell their kids? tell them to get out and vote. >> i think some of them are. it's still sort of breakthrough. i do this talk sometimes and i say the good news is there's a thousands new ways to reach young voters. the bad news is there's a thousands ways to reach young
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voters. the vehicles for reaching them and the penetration is different. >> it reminds me of getting kids the go to church. i go to church and people are older and older at church. the kids you can make them go until they are 15 and 16. >> we know younger voters show up more often in a presidential than a non-presidential. there's four groups to watch. younger voters. two are independent voters. number three are college educated women to see not only what numbers they show up but who they vote for. the fourth is democrats in rust belt states that voted for trump two years ago. do they vote republican this time. many of them are democrats. >> you're raising a possibility they won't. >> i think it's fair to question. we always have questioned is a trump voter necessarily a republican voter. that's going to determine this
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election. it will determine how many votes the democrats pick up and what happens in the senate. >> i think the democrats are in great shape in the northeast especially in the burbs. i think they will be surprisingly effective in the midwest because you don't have trump at the top of the ticket. you have people like walker at the top. >> this is a big deal. democrats will probably win college egducated white voters. that hasn't happened in a long time. we can look at the trump effect because you have to go back to lbj to see democrats winning white voters this way. democrats didn't win college white educated voter with hilly. obama didn't win them. they may win them this time around. >> i think if trump could win the college educated white people the first time around, he hasn't changed. if you're out raged by trump in
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2016, you're probably outraged by him by now. they just love him even more because he's doubling down on who he was. >> steve king is more trump than trump was condemned by the head of the national republican campaign committee. the committee in charge of electing house republicans. say fg ting if austrian freedomy were in america, they would be republicans. the des moines register says the gop has been turning a deaf ear for years as king has vilified undmed undocumented immigrants as drug mules. >> they aren't all valedictorians. for every one that's a val valedictorian there's another out there that weigh 130 pounds and have calves the size of
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cantaloup cantaloupes. you cannot rebuild your civilization with somebody's else's babies. you need to teach your children your values. >> this does get a little tired. i'd ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you're talking about. where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization? >> king after taking that would be stephen king taking a page from the president saying these attacks are orchestrated by nasty, desperate and dishonest fake news. we have him on tape making these nationalisti isis isistic charg. what do you make of it talking about people with cantaloupe legs. >> someone who has reported and interviewed white nationalists, there are people very excited about steve king and who see donald trump as an echo of steve king.
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people for get, people call this un-american but remember america was founded by stealing land, founded by enslaving black people and there were laws engrained in our institution to keep a whole generation of people down. there's this idea that steve king is representative of some parts. >> america has made an effort to improve itself. 600,000 people died in the civil war. most tried to end the situation. >> here is the guy in charge of winning as many seats for republicans as he can. you have steve king in a dead even race. he came out a few days before election and criticized him. my question is, why didn't the democrats do the same thing today with joe donnelly's what are perceived as racist comments that he made last night. >> i want to get the quote right. well in diversity i do have an african-american on my staff but they're doing a really good job.
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everybody picked up on the but they're doing a very good job. it was seen in many camps and he dead co did come out and say i meant to say and not it. >> okay, your thought? >> you know, to compare that to straight up white nationalism is a bit of a stretch, right? >> i'm not. i'm comparing it to the democrats not coming out and repudiating it. >> and what congressman king is in line with continuum. what congressman king and that nationalism is no different tennessee the president of the united states, who said i'm a nationalist. our grandparents died, chris, fighting nationalists in europe. now the president of the united states proclaims he's a nationalist. it's absurd. >> shouldn't the left move as quickly on their side? >> i've been interviewing newly arrived puerto ricans in florida and young black voters, when they say i don't like the
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democratic party or the republican party, but the republican party looks to them as white nationalists. it's a party they think because of president trump, they think it's a party that embraces it more than democrats. they don't think democrats are perfect or emblematic of diversity. the republicans are giving them no choice. >> you're watching "hardball." but mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. help take control by asking your healthcare provider about vraylar. vraylar treats acute mania of bipolar i disorder. vraylar significantly reduces overall manic symptoms,... and was proven in adults with mixed episodes who have both mania and depression. vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia, due to increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a life-threatening reaction or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent.
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welcome back to "hardball." >> is that right kamala harris loves cardi b and she hates talking about running for president because it's people telling her she's using performance artists instead of politics. there's details about what she was like when she was joining her sorority. >> is she running for president? >> i don't know. >> do you think? >> feels like it. >> he's not going to be a big supporter of kamala harris, i don't think, when we return,
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trump watch, halloween night, 2018. this year we have the perfect president for halloween. everything he says carries the sound of fury and fear. boo. do not go out tonight. lock your doors, and refuse to open them for anyone but your relatives and the people you see at church. the other is out there waiting to snatch you. the other is lurking, waiting for you to drop your guard.
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well r this is the atmosphere right now in this country, the fear that the president is pushing into the air is deadly. people have become afraid, as some are now, become angry and some have become very much afraid and become very angry. we see what's happening in the bombs left at doorsteps, the racial shooting, the hateful sabbath day attack on a synagogue. fear spares hate, and hate we know leads to violence. last night in houston, texas we saw a different approach to leadership, a young candidate for the u.s. senate offering a different message to the american people, different, as he put it, invitation. >> the invitation to hate openly, unapologetically, to call mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, to call asylum seekers animals, neo-nazis as
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very fine people, that's contributed to the environment in this country at this moment. the challenge is not to assess blame, but to try to lead by example. >> by example. perhaps when this election is over next wednesday the president himself will have realized his message of hate has failed, and will turn his voice in another direction. we can hope. that's "hardball" for now. "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. >> tonight on "all in". >> no, i'm not going to blame anybody. >> the hostile sales pitch continues. >> if midterms don't do well for republicans you're all going to lose a lot of money. >> bold predictions from the other side. >> they will win. >> tonight, republicans in disarray, where democrats are on offense with dnc chair tom perez. then, how to reign in a lawless president. >> i am not a crook. >> ben wits on the road map from
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