tv The Vote Americas Future MSNBC November 3, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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finish line. >> it's going to be an interesting race. see you tomorrow, man. >> see you ma nana. >> that is our show for this hour. "a.m. joy" will be live in fort lauderdale, florida, but ari melber picks up our special mid-term election coverage. thanks to joy. we are here in the home stretch. three days to go until the mid-term elections. our special coverage continues in a moment with oscar winner, michael moore who joins me live. trump on a blitz in red states that shows democrats winning the house with new estimates of democrats gaining 30 to 40 seats. the early turn out is huge.
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nearly 33 million ballots have been cast and that exceeds the total nationwide early vote from the last mid-terms in 2014. we have reporters fanned out across the nation. covering one of the most intense races in texas. hallie jackson in florida and vaughn in arizona. garrett, starting with you. a lot of people think of texas as pretty red. how did it get to be such a competitive race and where do you see it heading? >> that's a great question, ari. you had the o'rourke kapd dcand. i'm with ted in victoria. a very conservative part of the state. want the cross roads in southeast texas. cruz is running on a two-part strategy. he is trying to hug president trump and make the point of what they have been able to accomplish in two years of a republican majority. he talks a lot about the tax cut and rolling back regulations and
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disqualifying beto o'rourke as being too liberal for the state of texas. i bounced back and forth between the two candidates and they are talking to almost entirely different electorates. they are talking to different groups of people about different sets of issues. one of the things that cruz says is this is the race with the most contrast of any race in the country. you can hear the cruz supporters getting involved. cruz is right about that. there is no race in the country with more contrast. the tea party republican, one of the origins u against a progressive democrat. for o'rourke to win, there are voters in texas have not existed up to this point who are waiting for a reason to come out and vote. someone they think they can win and think can turn texas blue, but the last time texas elected a democrat to a state-wide position was in 1994. the math is not on his side.
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they are trying to create a proof of concept that this is even possible in the state of texas. we are not going to know until tuesday. both campaigns are very intrigued by the early vote numbers which have blown the doors off of anything we have seen in texas. what that means, we will find out tuesday. >> we can see the fans and ted cruz folks behind you. what are you seeing at the trump rally, halle? >> hey there. at this point we are in what you call the opening acts. the republican speakers and people here coming up and getting the crowd fired up as you can hear behind me. we expect to see air force one rolling in as president trump makes his way here from boseman, montana. what we have seen from the president so far today is yes, his greatest hits to stick with the headliner theme, but a bit of a twist here. that's a beefed up emphasis on the economy. you had the president come out and go and attack those who wonder how come you are talking
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about immigration and not the strong jobs numbers that we have seen yesterday come out. the president said hey, he said this to supporters in montana. i talk about the economy, but how many times can you say we have a good economy. he wants to talk about the problems he can fix. to the president that means one thing. the issue of illegal immigration. again he has been hammering and expect that to continue over the next 72 hours until polls open across the country. the president is in this sprint. you know his schedule. he is going to the places like pensacola tonight and georgia, tennessee tomorrow and three stops on monday. these are places that are, according to a new analysis that is worth mentioning, less educated, whiter and less wealthy than the country as a whole. he is going to places where he did well in 2016. to push that strategy, work then, why not now?
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democrats say things are different now and that's why. that is something that you heard people like president obama been on the trail and joe biden talking about it in ohio. he is losing his voice because he has been campaigning so much saying i'm an optimist and i think the country is ready for a change. we are in a bit of a lull because the hangar doors just open. the sun is just now setting and folks are awaiting the arrival of air force one. >> thank you for that report. vaughn is flarcnked by two beautiful cacti. what are you seeing? >> good evening. this is a race that i think we will be talking about beyond tuesday. where does the west go from here. you have martha mcsally who is essentially tied to donald trump. he was here a week ago with her and don, jr. here two days ago. you have kirstin sinema who is
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positioned as a blue dog democrat and has been on the airwaves since the spring, marketing herself as that western independent, the maverick and trying to take the mantle from john mccain. where do republicans in the state fall? this is the state of barry gold and john mccain. suddenly the democrat in this race is positioning herself as the future of this state. when we were just over outside of a tailgate at the arizona state football game here earlier this afternoon, it was quite remarkable to be frank. talking with the number of independent voters that we did that said they are going to vote for kirstin sinema because they are frustrated with the leadership of donald trump and martha sally is emblematic of that. voting for the health care repeal in may of 2017 said evidence martha mcsally was willing to go along with whatever the trump administration was pushing
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forward. ari? p>> thanks to everyone out in te field. we will hear from you well into tuesday. we go to filmmaker and activist, michael moore. thanks for making time on a busy weekend. >> thank you, ari. i'm here in pennsylvania and there are no cacti like that. >> no, but your hat is green. >> that's from west virginia. i'm hitting all the bases here in the last few days. >> everything you can do. i want to get in to economics and jobs with you. in a minute we have stuff like that. we start with the politics and you see the polls not only showing democrats up, but cook, which is nonpartisan, show him up by a lot. taking over 30 seats which would be a clean sweep of the house. what's your view tonight? >> i'm warning against it now. do not listen to the polls or the pundits. it was wrong before.
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people in the weekend before the election in 2016, democrats were all excited and everybody was feeling like it was in the bag and even the "new york times" on the day of the election said there was only a 15% chance of trump winning that day. do not pay any attention to this. do not listen to nancy pelosi when she goes on stephen colbert and said we have victory in our sights. no, we don't. you have to take trump seriously as much as you think he is coo coo for cocoa puffs. this guy has beaten us. he won the white house by losing the election. that takes some sort of evil genius to pull that off. if you sell him short now in these last few days, if you don't think they don't have something up their sleeve or they are not out there working their tails off, they are. they are counting on us not doing that. every waking moment of the last
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72 hours, everybody has to be off the bench. everybody has to be doing something. i encourage people to go to the last find out what's happening in your area. how can you do things tonight, tomorrow, monday. everybody has to get involved. they are so counting on liberals to do what liberals do and this is how we lose so many times when in fact, we represent the majority of public opinion. let me say this one statistic. the republicans have won the popular vote for the presidency only once in the last 30 years. that's how much the american people don't want the republicans. only once since daddy bush did they win the popular vote. >> your point goes to what we are seeing in georgia and other places which is how do they get into office. how do republicans get into office while losing the popular
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vote. it's because of the fact that the playing field is not always level. that's left over constitutional stuff and what's active leave going on. your filmmaking and activism puts you in touch with a lot of people. it's interesting hearing your warning showing the dems up. we poled it -- i will show you one thing. we poled it and if there was ever a weekend to play it, your warping in the summer of 2016 when widely, i don't mean just the media or democrats who want to see it a certain way, but republicans would talk to us off the record. all uniformly say very unlikely that trump would actually win. here's what you said then. >> i'm sorry to have to kind of be the buzz kill here early on, but i think trump is going to win. michigan, wisconsin, ohio and pennsylvania. mitt romney lost by 64 electoral votes.
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the total amount is 64. all he has to do is win those four states. >> what are led you to think that and how does it apply today. hasn't everyone been put more on notice about trump and about being civically involved? >> i live there, first of all. i'm from michigan and i vote in michigan. i pay attention to the people around me and i saw it happening. i couldn't get the people in the bubble, democrats living in the bubble in new york or the west coast to understand that in the midwest, blue states were going to vote for trump. not because they loved him, but because they had been so depressed economically they saw trump as their molotov cocktail to throw into a system to blow up the system. they could do it nonviolently by going to the polls and voting for trump. now we are in a situation where people had 21 months of trump. you know, i think it's so
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dangerous tonight. anybody just sitting back going it's looking good. we are going to get the house at least. no, no. let me tell you something. the republicans, steve bannon, donald trump, they plan on winning the house on tuesday by one seat. maybe two. that's their plan. they have pulled it off. not only did they pull off the 2016 election, but they it will pulled off brett kavanaugh and the tax cut for the rich. they are very good at what they do and you need to take them seriously. nobody, anybody who is thinking right now, we have got it in the bag, you are helping to contribute to our defeat. can i say one thing about the polls? >> i want to get you on trump economics and not lose all of our time. >> okay. >> you are a director. you know how time works. >> you are the director of this show and i am your servant. please proceed. >> let me play for you donald trump talking about how his economic plan was going to work
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and him getting pushed about debt. this will be the first vote since trump economics has been forced into the tax cut and a growing deficit. take a look at this. >> we are going to create a dynamic economy again. we will bring the jobs back from china and mexico and japan and vietnam. >> you still owe the money. you bring it back, so how are you going to get the debt down? >> because the country is going to start growing. >> even if you gin the economy up, how does that pay down the debt? you have to take money from the corporations and people to do it. >> it will wochl, bill. >> so the debt is still on the books. >> the exchange is still important. voters know going into tuesday is the opposite of what he claimed. obama had a deficit that was decreasing down to $587 billion
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with all the growth plan. already donald trump exploding it to $782 billion. do voters in the places thaw are ta talking to, do they know that matters and does the deficit hurt or help donald trump and the republicans tuesday? >> he's learned that the more often he tells the lie, the more believable it becomes. i think -- i don't think most people understand that. not much time is spent on television talking economics. it's boring television. i think there is a lack of understanding of this, but as president obama said yesterday, his last 21 months there was much more job growth than in the 20 months hereof president trump. i think, look. you can keep saying that the economy is doing great. that means wall street is doing great. the people that got the tax cut
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are doing great and we are going to have to pay for it. if you cut billions and billions of dollars in taxes, you have to make it up somewhere. you have to cut billions and billions worth of services. where are you going to cut it from? you know where he will take it out of. it's coming out of health care and medicare and social security. that's the game they are playing. everybody better be aware of it. if you don't think they are going to do it, you are saying there is no way an idiot can win the presidency of the united states. they are not idiots. they know how to do this and they are going to do it and counting on us to not be there. do not listen to the polls. the "new york times" has gotten so good at describing the polling methods. i want to point this out. in the poll on the texas senate race between o'rourke and cruz, they contacted 51,000 texans.
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only 800 would respond to them. they contacted 780018 18 to 29-year-olds, only 66 of those voters responded. even they will admit, don't trust this. we don't really know what's going to happen. the republicans can hang on to the house and get more seats in the senate. that's extremely likely. >> i agree with you, michael. we have a lot of smart people with experience here. i have no idea what's going to happen tuesday and no idea whether the local polls are going to be over or underrepo underreporting. they are leaning democrat, but you make an important point. you are a story teller and you tell stories. we mentioned your oscar that have changed the way people think about the iraq war. about health care in this country with sicko and about guns. obamacare is one piece of the
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health care story. i wonder what you think accounts for the huge shift and you have been involved with this. there was a time where it was controversial when democrats were running from it and there was a lot of confusion about it. here we are going into these mid-terms and we see republicans running on parts of obamacare, pretending they didn't vote to repeal it. how do you think that changes and how is that important going into tuesday? >> it changed in part because since president obama was elected in 2008, there had been 38 million young people that turned 18 in these 10 years. 38 million young voters who once obamacare passed in 2010 saw they were going to be protected and they could stay on their parents's health care plan until they were 26. this has become so much a part of our fabric now, of
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preexisting conditions and staying on until you are 26 and all the things. there is a lot of things that need to be fixed about obamacare. we need to take the private insurance companies out of the control of our health care programs in this country. i think it's because we have a lot of young people going to vote. even your own reporting has shown in early voting in texas, over 400% difference between the young voters in 2014 and young voters who have early voted in 2018. 700% in tennessee. 18 to 29-year-olds. increase over 2014. >> it's wild. >> yes, things look good and seem good and we have been here before when it seemed good and you will wake up wednesday morning with the biggest political hangover if we don't. everybody has to work. >> you know what kanye west said. we drink to get the pain over, but what's worse.
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>> put me back in the bedroom. >> you know what, i will let you have it. mine is real, but yours is imagined. i will let you have it. >> i think somehow she won the day and -- >> she's more blue and he's more red and he is saying his politics were misinterpreted, whatever that meant. >> hey, you know, redemption. we must believe in it. hold your hands out to the people in your family and friends who might have voted for trump. there is eight million obama voters who voted for trump in 2016. we can bring some back on tuesday. i think they had their fill of him. i can only hope that especially where i live and look at these two. michigan, wisconsin, ohio, pennsylvania. each of these states could go blue on tuesday. each of the governors could be a democrat. it has been a long time since we had that. it's very likely it could
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happen. i feel it. i feel it in the midwest. the midwest for the mid-terms. >> there is a lot on the line. thank you very much for making time. i know you are crisscrossing the country. michael moore, as always, a treat to talk with you. >> happy to do it. >> the obama factor and he is going after the gop as well as trumpism. later, his epic surge of female candidates with two women who will be part of our special coverage live. later, a shanty campaigning with others to turn out the youth vote. you are watching our special election coverage this saturday night on msnb krrkts. checkout is at 4pm. plenty of time to enjoy your ride. (bicycle bell sound) ♪ ♪ (bicycle bell sound) ♪ ♪ (bicycle bell sound) ♪ ♪ explore more with a guaranteed 4pm checkout
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my name is mike, i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. . a blue wave equals a crime wave. a red wave equals jobs and safety. >> if you turn out on tuesday to vote for this whole incredible florida ticket, i promise you something powerful happens. change starts to happen. hope starts to happen. >> tonight we are three days away from the mid-terms. trump and obama squaring off with high stakes. i'm joined by "the washington
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post" and president of the center for community change action. ej, what's going to happen? >> you know, i think michael moore is right that no one should take anything for granted until the last vote is counted. a lot of these races are close. this feels much more like a democratic weekend than it felt like before the 2016 election. there is a different mood out there. first of all, you are seeing a lot of the races falling more the democrats's way, particularly in the house. you have a degree of enthusiasm and engagement by democrats that you didn't have in the same way in 2016. republicans particularly again in the house races are going to regret that president trump decided to close on this very divicive, often hate-filled message of immigration. hallie jackson said he was going to beef up his emphasis on
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economics. it's a little late for that. to do what trump did after the tree of life mass shooting and after the pipe bombs, that just pushes a lot of the mod vat voter who is did not want to -- who don't like that aspect of trump further towards the democrats. it feels much more like a democratic close to me than it did two years ago. >> the president who is not in office, barack obama, knew he sounded a little repetitive in claiming now this was the most important elections. he said that about his elections. 2016 is when he got in. this is the returing thing. look at him rallying folks in georgia. >> tuesday might be the most important election of our lifetimes. politicians will always say this, but this time it's actually true. the stakes really are that high.
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>> the democrats, and it could happen, could happen. we are doing very well and really well in the senate. but it could happen. my whole life, you know what i say? don't worry about it. i will just figure it out. >> donald trump hitting more of a joy behar mood with don't worry about it. who cares. so what. >> the closing argument is important and god bless barack obama and joe biden and others who are showing up, but there is a political earthquake about to happen and it's the result of a few of us knocking on doors not in the last week or the last month, but since february. michael moore's state and talking to voters repeatedly and especially infrequent and first time voters, the way to win is to change the equation for winning for democrats. you can add new people to the electorate and recruiting people who don't normally vote. we are already seeing those results and some of the early
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voting and mail ballots. we have to get people out. this has been a months long campaign to get people to the polls who get ignored by campaigns and normally are not talked to. people are voting not just against trump or against white nationalism, people are voting for hopeful things. in florida they are voting for a candidate with a hopeful vision. expanding democracy by expanding the rote to vote to felons. trump doesn't come up, especially among black and brown voter who is haven't voted before or haven't voted since 2016 or 2012. they are talking about gillum and amendment 4. they're voting for a message of hope and it's not the first time they are being talked to before the election. >> it struck me, i was last weekend with a democrat running
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against david bratt. she doesn't have to mention trump. a lot of these candidates are as dorian suggests talking about other issues and especially about health care and jobs and job training. they are really trying to sen ai message. we want to solve problems. i agree with them that the organizing out there is not just in the last week or the last month. there has been a mobilization going on in the country that was visible in the special elections that we had since trump was elected. the senate will be a lot harder. democrats are feeling better than they have in a while about the house. the senate is still very difficult because i like to joke, the senate is gerrymandered by the constitution. what's happening in a lot of
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these races are in republican territory. the house and especially the governorships are looking like they are leading pretty hard towards the democrats. >> my thanks to both of you as part of our coverage. the record number of women candidates with stacey abrams trying to make history. a focus on the youth. we have new numbers and ashanti. so a tree falls on your brand new car and totals it. and as if that wasn't bad enough, now your insurance won't replace it outright because of depreciation. if your insurance won't replace your car, what good is it? you'd be better off just taking your money and throwing it right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with new car replacement, if your brand new car gets totaled, liberty mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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just talk to the women for a minute. if you air woman, you need to recognize, it hasn't even been a hundred years since we even had the right to vote. >> oprah winfrey talking about the women's vote. i spoke with first-time women candidates about the surge this year, many have the potential to set records. >> there has never been a native woman in congress. >> never been a woman of color in congress in pennsylvania. in addition that, there has never been a korean-american female elected to congress in the history of the united states of america. >> connecticut never sent an >>. >> there are no women doctors in congress and never been a democratic woman doctor who was a full voting member in the house of representatives. >> i think congress needs a doctor in the house.
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>> with me now, we turn to two more women on the ballot for the first time. a democrat running for congress in florida and running in pennsylvania. i should mention, pearl kim was part of the eight-candidate panel we did and invited a lot of other folks to come in who were running against them. i will start with mary gay and say how does gender come up for you if at all on the campaign trail? >> it has come up a lot less in our race since we have two women running against each other. it causes voters to focus on the differences between us. >> as you say, in a good way, it cancels out that as a contrast point. what about what might be women's issues and health care and the debates we have seen over the supreme court in the last two years? >> our positions have been different. my opponent has not committed to
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repairing the affordable care act. she in fact is not pro choice. she has tuned to many of the republican party's positions. >> same set of questions. >> in my race, i hear gender come up quite a bit i hear it from democrats, from no party a filliated or independent voters and republicans. there seems to be a hunger for change and for folk who is can work across the aisle with folks on the other side of the aisle. over and over again, i hear from people that maybe it's time we have more women in congress. i don't just hear that from women. i hear it from men as well. >> what do you think the men are thinking? >> i think they are thinking there is gridlock and too much
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partisanship that folks are not working in the best interests of americans. too many people are beholden to special interests and that if it's not working the way it is, why don't we try something different. >> mary florence, for you as well. how is the governor's race affecting what you are up to and do you think it will affect turn out and help or hinder democrats? >> mayor gillum is energizing folks all over the state and it's not just democrats. i think it will help turn out voters, especially young voters and folk who is have just recently registered to vote. i think that's going to be great up and down the ticket. >> mary gay, walk us through what the next couple of days look like for you. we were listening to michael moore who warned against trump winning in 2016 and said dems shouldn't be taking anything for granted. he was criticizing nancy pelosi,
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saying she was wrong to tout a victory and what are you doing through tuesday? >> certainly if we learned anything, it's not to believe polling and pundits. we have to learn that lesson at least. i'm actually running in two races on tuesday so i'm running in a general election that is in one district and a special election to complete the term of a congressman who had to resign amid me too allegations. they are two different races because we had a gerrymandering decision here in pennsylvania. i am running hard through tuesday. i'm a runner. >> what happens if you win both? >> if i win both, i would be sworn in a week from tuesday. >> be sworn in and then what happens? >> so i would serve the remainder of the former congressman's term up through the end of this year and be sworn in for the new term started january 3rd.
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>> would you be the first person ever to do that as a district swap-type situation? >> it's a pretty unusual situation in pennsylvania because he had the gerrymandering decision in the middle of election season, but actually there is another woman in the same position as me. susan wilde is running in the same situation running in an old district to complete a term which is not the same as a new district. they are very different races and certainly have not been focused on by the national media. >> it's fascinating. you learn something new every day. thanks to both of you for joining our special coverage tonight. coming up, ashanti is trying to get young people out to the polls. she will be here live, next.
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typically youth turn out drops in mid-term years, but this is not a typical year. >> in the last mid-term elections in 2014, fewer than one in five young people voted. is it any wonder this congress doesn't reflect your values and priorities? are you surprised by that? when you vote, you have the power to make it easier to afford college and harder to shoot up a school.
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>> tonight we can tell you our major efforts to louis youth turn out with the parkland student effort and macklemore and fat joe and ashanti who joins me live in a moment. we don't have to wait until tuesday to find out if young people are voting right now. new polls show a surge. take the governor's race in georgia. early youth vote jumped and a similar explosion in texas and it's now jumped four times that. take tennessee, another state people are watching. a 760% spike to 97,000 turn outs from youth voters. a shant shanti hit number with . they are doing a lot of work on this. thanks for joining and what are you saying to your many young fans about all this? >> hey, guys. please get out there and vote.
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if you want to see change, it is in your hands. we can all do this so let's do it. >> let's do it. it's like a twist on the nike slogan. let's look at one of the videos you made about this. here it is. >> this election day, bring a friend to the polls. who is your plus one? >> i'm inviting my sister, shia to vote. here's my plus one. >> plus 1 the because every vote counts. voting with a friend counts a little more. >> what are you hearing from people when you talk about this. i had a lot of civil rights organizing and he was saying a lot of voters are dumb to be even talking about trump when there are other issues. what are you hearing? >> i'm hearing that some kids or some of the youth don't think their vote counts. i like to use my platform to let them know it counts so much. doing things like this and teaming up with m tv and getting
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my younger sister involved, all of that helps. we want to see change as soon as possible. i'm hearing that the more we do with this, the numbers translate, as you just said. >> it does seem like there are more prominent artists out this cycle. 2o 16 may have been a time when folks stepped back and didn't think it was as close as it was in texas. a race we have been covering. travis scott with beto o'rourke. black thought from the roots from philadelphia or "the tonight show." just made a video with us on the beat similar to yours. >> if you are unhappy with the government and the way things are run in this country and you don't plan on voting in the upcoming mid-terms, you need to fall back. >> what do you see as the message regarding who to vote for?
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you notice he was saying vote in general. travis scott is showing up like taylor swift with specific candidates. >> i feel like if you are one of the ones that want to see a change and your life has been affect and not for the good, it's obviously you know who to vote for and where to go. the objective is to get out there and use your opportunity to make change and vote. you know what i mean? if you are not happy, it's in your hands. >> before i go, on to other election coverage, i have to ask you one music-related question. if your real life, do you tell anybody that even if you are not always there when they call, you are always on time. does that work in real situations? >> it absolutely does and let me tell you how it relates to this. i sent in my absentee ballot because i'm not going to be in new york. as a matter of fact i'm early. i voted. >> not always on time is a message for early voting.
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i like that. i didn't think of that. >> yes. >> it's a treat to talk to you and interesting to see what you and so many artists are doing. >> thank you so much. >> up next, we will fit in urgent news on a voting rights case. a court ruling that could impact who votes and who wins in georgia. ns in georgia. ito take care of anyct messy situations.. and put irritation in its place. and if i can get comfortable
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polls show republicans in trouble. a lead may not be enough if some of the votes against republicans may not be allowed to count. that's the issue in georgia. the guy running the governor's race is also running to be governor. he tried to block 53,000 people predominantly black from voting, he says it's not voter suppression. tonight it doesn't matter what he says, he lost. judges have intervened to make sure many of those people have been allowed to vote. with the door open to voting, obama weighing in on this very issue while he was campaigning for abrams. >> if their efforts to take away your right to vote makes you mad. there's only one way to make it right, don't boo, vote! >> joining me a democratic
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strategi strategist, and a professor at the harvard kennedy school of government. what is the significance of this late court ruling in georgia? >> it's a big deal. the court just flipped the script on the entire situation. which is that they expanded the enfranchised for thousands of people in georgia, who have been excluded from the process. so we also know that stacey abrams has made this the centerpiece of her campaign, in addition to local policy issues, stacey abrams has talked a lot about making sure that all giorgians have the right to vote. because the vote is so important, and because the vote is being taken away. her campaigning, the -- how she's been out on the trail, even the interactions with celebrities who have come out and hit the ground for her, has always been about getting people out. getting unlikely voters out, and
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really getting people out who have been kicked out of the system or discriminated out of the system. that's what we're seeing here. >> the issue in this race, between these two candidates, we want to give the wider context. this has been brian kemp's thing for a long time. over a million people he's had knocked offer the rolls, 1.4 million just since 2012. >> that's right. you heard former president jimmy carter come out and say, he should resign. this issue has been nationalized, can you consider that since 2010, 24 states have tightened their rolls. organizations like his, and so many others are going to have to hit the ground not just up until tuesday, but after that, leading into 2020 to make sure that not only people know that they're registered to vote, but that secretaries of state are doing the right thing by the citizens in their state. i would point out this, in
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florida, for example, they have a ballot measure where voting yes would restore voting rights to over 1.5 million people, formerly incarcerated. there's a lot at stake here. we saw that with virginia a couple years ago. there's a sense that people are losing their privilege and power, that's really at the root of this. >> that's the ethics and the stakes of it, as a political scientist, i turn to you on the raw politics. is there a chance that this could actually have a backlash effect and actually increase a turnout from some of the effected communities in multiple states? >> we do know that in times like this, there has been a clamp down on suppression, that sometimes it does result in a backlash of what we see, a significant increase in the number of people who are determined to get to the polls. we see this in 2012 as well, but -- and while that is a good thing. increased turnout in
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determination and reaction to being told no you can't vote or we're taking away your right to vote is great. organizing around that is great. institutionalizing around that so democracy is protected, is great. if we look at the long term compounded effects, what we don't want is a system that we don't want to develop, is a long term system that is intent on limiting the democratic rights of american citizens. and that's exactly what's happening. the other part of this is, we've also seen a push from a lot of these civil rights organizations, but also from good state legislatures, really pushing for voting rights that enfranchise more people, we've seen automatic registrations across several states. we've seen the restoration of -- >> let me get basal in one more time before we go. what's your magic number
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democrats would take in the house? >> i think we're plus three, four? >> 26. >> yeah. >> you'll say that live on tv, even though michael moore said you guys shouldn't do that? >> i will say that live, because i've never understood the strategy of undermining your own aspirations mu aspirations. i'm going to reach for it. i'll be back on election eve, monday night 6:00 p.m. eastern. you can always find me there. don't go anywhere now, stephanie ruehl will pick up our live coverage. lawrence o'donnell at 9:00 eastern, joined by captain sully and a lot of other political experts. we'll be right back. plenty of time to enjoy your ride. (bicycle bell sound) ♪ ♪ (bicycle bell sound) ♪ ♪
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hi there, i'm stephanie ruhle, tonight we are 58 hours away from the first tuesday polypings, and both parties crafting their closing messages. for the president and his republicans, it is migrants and money. >> america now has the best economy in the history of our country, highest jobs, the best jobs, the best employment number ever, the best unemployment numbers ever. you saw these caravans,
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