tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC December 6, 2018 9:00am-10:01am PST
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church we stand to mean what we say, and so together may we recite the apostles creed. i believe in god, the father, al al mighter, maker of heaven and earth and in jesuss christ his only son and lord with who was conceived by the holy ghost and born of the virgin mary and suffered under pontius pilate and was crucified dead and bury and he descended into hell and t the third day he rose again from the dead. he ascended in heaven and s sitteth along the are right side of the god almighty to judge the dead, and i believe in the holy ghost, the holy catholic church,
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>> please stand for the prayer of the people. in peace let uses pray to the lord, almighty god whom has knitted together in elect the mystical body of our son christ our lord and grant we beseech thee to the church paradise by light and by peace. amen. >> grant all who have been baptized into christ's baptism and resurrection may rise from sin and to the newness of life and through the gate of death we may pass with him to our joyful resurrection. >> amen. grant to us who are still in our pilgrimage and who walk as yet by faith that thy holy faith may lead us in holiness and righteousness in our days.
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amen. >> grant to our faithful people pardon and peace that we may be cleansed from all of our sins and serve them with a quiet mind. amen. >> grant to all who mourn or show confidence in thy fatherly care to cast the grief from thee so they may know the courage of love. amen. >> give courage to those bereaved so that they may have the strength to meet the days ahead to the comfort of the holy and joyful hope with the expectation of the eternal life with those whom they love. amen. >> and how we pray in the midst of things that we cannot understand and to believe and trust in the community of the saints, the forgiveness of the sins and to the resurrection of life ever lasting. amen. >> and granted increasing in knowledge and in love of thee, george may go from strength to
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strength in the life of perfect service in thy heaven ly kingdo. >> amen. grant us with all who have died in the hope of the rez rerectioo have our channel of ever lasting glory and by all saints to receive the crown of life to share a promise in all of those who share in the victory of your son jesus christ who live and reignth within this as one god and one holy spirit. amen. please sit for the anthem.
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>> and not only immortal but the creator and maker of mankind and we are more tal and to the form of earth we return and so thee the disordained and to dust thou art return, and even at the grave we make our grave alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. >> bless christ our servant and our sorrow no more but have life ever lasting. >> and of the hands oh merciful servant, we commend our servant george, and we acknowledge humbly a sheep of our own fold and a lamb of our own flock and a sinner of our own redeeming. receive george into the arms of thy mercy and the blessed rest of peace ever lasting and into
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the glorious accompaniment of the saints in light. amen. before our bishop, the bishop of the great diocese of texas offers a blessing. let me share with you that when we leave to dday, we will be singing hymn 562 "onward christian soldiers" and it is one of the favorites of the 41st president, and as we leave the church, we would ask that everyone please remain in your seats unless you are instructed the do so otherwise, please leave your seats until the f family and the pallbearers leave the church and then until we drive away for the president's buria burial, and we will ask that you please remain here, and continue in a spirit of prayer and thanksgiving for this remarkable man's life and the celebration of his life now with our lord. >> unto god's great mercy and
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protection, we commit you. the lord bless you and keep you. the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, and the lord lift up the light of his continence upon you and give you peace, and may the bless i blessing of the god almighty and the father and the son and the holy ghost be amongst you and remain with you always, amen. let us go forth in the name of christ. >> thanks be to god. ♪ ♪ onward christian soldiers ♪ marching as to war
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against the foe ♪ ♪ forward into battle his banners go ♪ ♪ onward christian soldiers ♪ march iing as to war ♪ ♪ with the cross of jesus going on before ♪ ♪ as a sign of triumph satan's host doth flee ♪ ♪ on then christian soldiers on to victory ♪ ♪ helll's foundations quiver at the shout of praise ♪ ♪ brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise ♪ ♪ onward christian soldiers ♪ marching as to war ♪ with the cross of jesus going on before ♪
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♪ crowns and thrones may perish ♪ ♪ kingdoms rise and wane ♪ but the church of jesus constant will remain ♪ ♪ gates of hes ll can never against the church prevail ♪ ♪ we have christ's own promise that cannot fail ♪ ♪ onward then, ye people ♪ join our happy throng ♪ blend with ours your voices in the triumph song ♪ ♪ glory, laud and honor unto christ the king ♪
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on before ♪ that is the family are processing out of martin's e pass coele pal church in george and barbara's own neighborhoo neighborhood, and you can see the family walking out. following the casket for burial at texas a&m at the presidential library. this has been a houston farewell, and goodday, i'm andrea mitchell in texas. texas is saying good-bye to george herbert walker bush, and joining me here as we have been watching and listening to eulogies and the services and the hymns and reba mcentire and oak ridge boys and andy card to
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his son george w. bush and former republican national committee chair michael steele, and lieu ttenant governor as we in the state of maryland, and emotional, personal, pure texas. the can choice of the music, the eulogy and jim baker, his friend of 60 years, secretary of state, campaign manager for all of his campaigns saying that he had the courage of a warrior, but when the time came for peace, he had the courage of a peacemaker, and of course sh, that personal touching grandson george p. bush, george prescott bush named of course of his great grandfather and the only elected member of the bush family. andy card, your thoughts? >> well, it is very emotional, and george p. and remember the president just loved him as soon
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as he was born. >> jeb's oldest son. >> yes. and i a thougthought that the grandchildren, all of them were wonderful the ones who spoke and the pallbearers, and this is a loving family and this service was so much for the family and his friends and neighbors in houston, texas. i saw so many people who had volunteers for years on his campaigns or were in his office, and the office of the former president, and i saw several of them wearing barbara bush's pearls on their necks, and so it was quite emotional experience for me to witness and seeing so many friends in the audience and reflecting on the wonderful gift of love that he gave to his family and to everyone else. george bush loved people. he really gave much more than he
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took. he always gave and he didn't take. he was such a respectiful person, and he was humble, and he was -- and he supported the institutions that are so important in our democracy, but he also grounded us in the institution of marriage and love. >> faith, family and country, michael steele? >> yes, it is ale hallmark of not just the presidency, but the man himself. and so it is one of the many attributes that people have come to the appreciate about him. we look back on his presidency, and everyone, you know, they can pick about this or talk about that, but the one constant thread was that idea that concept of family, faith, the country. putting service for others above self, and in these times, it is a particular challenge and yet still an opportunity for a lot of public officials today. he has left the path forward and
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given many, many of us in government service and private sector service a path of how you lead, how you lead in tough times and make tough decisions. >> and of course, the implicit contrast inescapably from what we saw in the pew of the presidents yesterday as the doors opened, and gabe guterres, i am not sure that you can speak, because you are so close to where the casket is going to be carried. and what can you observe there? >> it is a very emotional servi service, and we will pause as the casket comes out, and certainly, is some of the musical renditions that we heard from the oak ridge boys and the "amazing grace" and so many amazing moments here as we pay tribute to george h.w. bush's
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casket. we pause now. >> and they will be bringing the casket about an hour's drive and then boarding a train. you know this train well, andy card. and you know the call letters. >> 4141. >> and first are repainted to look like air force one by union pacific in 1997 for the dedication of the bush library. >> it was used by the president when it was used by the bush library and the bush school and the bush presidential center at college station, texas. >> they will be riding on the train, and then the burial and the interment. >> this is always so emotional for me to see the respect that the military shows for someone draped in a casket that is draped by the american flag, and they do it all of the time. ♪
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we can see an emotional george bush and laura bush and many times in the service, president bush 43 using the handkerchief and tearing up. when reba mcentire was singing and the oak ridge boys and listening to the jim baker who also choked up in his eulogy and of course george p. bush, and final thoughts, andy, as we watch this. >> it is so telling to see the tears of president bush yesterday eulogizing his dad, and then jim baker eulogizing
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his friend. i guarantee the you that both of them said i'm not going to cry before they got up there, but they did. it is a great testament to the love they have for president bush number 41. the truth is the relationship that george bush had with everybody was a loving relationship, and so many people have been benefited by the love that he has given, and most of it was given without people realizing that he was doing it. >> and andy, i know that you know well the train that we spoke of waiting to receive the casket. repainted in the signature colors of air force one as we know it now at least. >> yes, it's quite a gift from union pacific to do that for the presiden president, and to honor him, and the president always wanted to have his final trip to his resting place to be on that train. and he was so grateful that the nation was honoring him. you know, he loved this nation,
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too. he gave an awful lot to us, and let's say thank you, thank you very much, george bush, for the sacrifice s th sacrifices that you have made on behalf of the country and recognizing the sacrifice that others make, especially when a president asks for young men and women to go into harm's way knowing that there would be unintended consequences. >> indeed. of course, the train symbolically was the last president to ride to his resting place on the train was dwight d. eisenhower, and also a man of the heartland and a warrior, and most successful in american h history, and we think of bobby kep kennedy and the lincoln train of course, and the importance of all of that. michael steele? >> yes, the last few days, i guess that the biggest takeaway for me has been that there was a
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man, a president, who saw in each one of us a thousand points of light, and he believed fervently in the light that, the strength that comes from the light as a nation, and, you know, this is not a dimming of that light in any way. i think that his passing tells us that the light still shines brig bright. when i heard the words of my buddy andy card, and i listen to, you know, the tributes, that is rekindled, and the spirit is rekindled in many ways. so i think that when you are looking at the combinations of the passing of john mccain and george herbert walker bush, it is not that we have lost something, but i think that we have gained, because they have left so much behind for us to build on and to grow from. so, you nknow, i am heartened b the gospels and the lessons from the services that, you know, tell us that, yes, this was a
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great man, but he was a father, a husband a grandfather and just like everyone else in so many ways. we take from that some real good lessons as well. >> and you know, one of the big contrasts with the family having decided generally if you lived east of the mississippi you came to the washington service and the 3,000 people who attend and the members of congress and the diplomatic corps and the supreme court, but if you lived west of the mississippi, this is the service, and included so many sports figures. we saw tommy lasorda and of course arnold arnold schwarzenegger who is not a sports figure, but a westerner, and digger phelps. >> the noted basketball coach, and the president and digger phelps had a long relationship. >> and jim nance. >> yes, and jim nance has been
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there for so many celebrations of the bushes, an ben crenshaw of houston. and i looked in the audience and i saw so many of his friends and even people in the choir, i a recognized that they that answered the phones and helped to answer the letters, and thinking of the dedicated staff that served the president so well after he left the white house, and gene beck er, and linda casey pepsle who was there from day one. >> and jim mcgraff as well. and as we are watching this bus go by. and what are you seeing? >> it is a very emotional moment as we saw george bush watching his father loaded on to the hearse, and that is the final time that he is going to be leaving st. martin, and this is
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a church that he and his family have worshipped at for more than 50 years, and it has grown to be the largest episcopal church in the country, and you saw the emotion of the family as they listened to the eulogies and jim baker choking back tears as he wrapped up the powerful words and listening to george p. bush that was inkrcredible to witnes and more than 12,000 people or so came here overnight to pay respects as george bush lie in are repose at st. martin's, and now he is on the way to his final resting place at the presidential museum in college station. and the train that is painted t it is a very emotional moment as george bush leaves st. martin's for the final time. >> and thank you, gabe. there will be coverage throughout the day for this
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final resting place for george herbert walker bush next to his beloved wife barbara. and there only six months ago, and of course, their 3-year-old child robin reunited in death as in life. and turning now to breaking news from wall street. where tonight mair continday th continues. there are trade concerns about china, and surprising arrest in canada. msnbc's ali velshi is joining me now. can you give us context? >> yes, i will give you context and earlier today the s&p and the dow were in a correction territory and 10% drop from the highs, and one piece of context that is important is that the market low began in 2009 and marchth, the end of the last recession and the bottom of the market, and this is your investments over time if you
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have held them in the markets, and that is not bad, but what i want to concentrate on is this right here, this last year, and let me bring it to you here. this last year has been choppy in the markets and we hit highs in september, and now down here, and look at this remarkable volatility. this is not normal in a world where there are not exogenous shocks, and now there are a couple of things going on. one of them is interest rates which are rising and expected to rise. get to that, because that is oil and not something to worry about right now. i have goep bane back to the int rates up here, and this is the fed rates from down to up, and then another recession, and follow from 2008 all of the way to 2016, and the interest rates were basically zero, and you could not get anything in the bank and the mortgages were low, and now look at the step up of the interest rates in the last two years which typically makes the money go from the stock markets into interest-bearing investments and safer investments and that would slow the stock market down normally,
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but another problem and that is this scorched earth trade policy and we saw the arrest of the huawei executive in canada that maybe the trade battle with china is not going to end any time soon and that is what is spooking the market. so we have a long expansion which would typically suggest that we will slow down in this market. and we have interest rates rising and a trade war with most of the world and our biggest trading market which is china, and that is making it come together and spook the investors, andrea. >> we know that president was briefing the press on the way back from the g-20 was bragging about how he and president xi at dinner had resolved all kinds of issues and they would crack down and list as the controlled substance fentanyl which the export has been an enormous problem here. they were going to go into the trade talks and give 90 days for trying to resolve them. >> yes.
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>> and the e next thing, he appointed the toughest of the trade advisers and range of opinions from the treasury secretary to this man who is a hardliner and today, the trade memb members on the trade deficit. >> yes, the trade deficit soaring. >> yes, the monthly score. >> and yes, the problem of exporting more and importing less is exasperated the other way, because the rest of the world is mad at america for imposing the tariffs and so you are right, on sunday and monday morning the markets were strong and hopeful of some trade deal in the works, and the markets were shooting up, and then people realized not so much meat on the bones and so that is why we with are getting this. i don't get alarmed for a move of 2% on the stock market, but so much consistent big moves up and down, and this kind of thing does worry people. if you were a professional in s investor or if you have a 401(k)
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and regular person and you see this kind of the movement, you start to get nervous, and then the people take their money out and say, i don't want to be caught holding the bag when we don't fix this problem with china. and it is worrisome, andrea, and that the president knows that the debt is going up in the united states, and he is not concerned, because when it hits the critical point that the interest payments will be higher for both the military and medicare and medicaid, he won't be around, and so the recklessness of the trade policy and the recklessness of the economy is what has people concerned right now. >> all of this as we punctuate the good-bye to george herbert walker bush who did the big trade deal with bill clinton. >> yes. >> and we will see you at 1:00, and thank you for jumping in. meanwhile, president trump was back on twitter before the funeral began and slamming the
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russian probe as a witch hunt and harassment. and also said that there was little to no jail timer for michael flynn based on the revelations that he had cooperated early and often on three separate secret investigations. in contrast, the president has been harshly critical of another coooperator his former attorney and fixer michael cohen saying that he should serve a full and complete sentence. and another sentence from the president saying that a pardon for his former campaign manager paul manafort is not off of the table. and all of this joining me is mimi rocah and legal analyst bob bower from the white house counsel, and you are not the legal analyst, but they are, and
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so, of course, dan goldman, speak to me about the sentencing memo and the significance of that to michael flynn's sentencing memo and what we expect, and paul manafort we expect sometime tomorrow from the mueller team, the explanation to the court, and no court appearances, but an explanation of why the mueller team feels that he lied to them and should not be getting any kind of break on the sentencing. >> right, andrea. and we are tomorrow expecting memoranda for the michael cohen sentence p sentence ing from the special counsel office and the southern district of new york. so there is a lot going on this week, and certainly what we have learned is that we won't learn that much about the actual investigation either from michael flynn's sentencing memorandum or the memorandum tomorrow. that is very consistent with the department of justice policy, and robert mueller is playing it straight down the middle by the book, but what we did learn in the flynn memo is that he has
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been cooperating quite extensively, and 19 meetings is an inordinate amount of meetings. we know that he is also talking about the transition period contacts with russia. i think when you start to combine that aspect and plus michael flynn's aspect guilty plea of lying to congress about trump tower moscow, we are seeing a new interest in robert mueller that has not gotten the at tension that collusion has gotten and that is this, the business dealings and particularly sanctioned relief of related to the magnitsky act which is the thrust of what michael cohen appears to have been lying to congress about, because the president and others did not want anyone to know that the trump organization was looking into this trump tower moscow which depended on a sanctioned bank's debt
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financing, and now we can see that michael flynn has given a lot of information about transition contacts with russia that we know related to sanction relief. and so to me, that is the big thrust of what is coming out, and so there is a real focus on what the president and others in the administration made to soften the sanctions for business purposes, and not national security or national policy purposes. >> and also n the sentencing memo, bob bower, some of which was redacted there was clear signals that michael flynn according to the prosecutors had talked to his colleagues in the white house about his conversations with kislyack, the russian ambassador in the transition period before they had come in, and so starting in december of 2016, and those conversations were picked up and
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sally yates warn and we know that president obama said that during their one meeting in the oval office before the inauguration of donald trump that the two things that he warned him about is that it is going to be a problem and don't hire michael flynn, because you have problems there. >> and we know that there is an odd series of events where michael flynn is known no the white house for a briefing that sally yates gave to the white house counsel don mcgahn and that there was a problem for the interview, and yet for weeks he stands by it, and the question is what did the president know about the fbi when the president said that he was firing him because he lied to the vice president, mr. pence, and not because he lied to the fbi, and the question is what exactly happened there? for example, did the president know for some period of time that michael flynn had lie nod the fbi. >> well, they waited 18 days to
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fire him. >> and a not directed that the president knew about it and corrected the record with the fbi, and those are answers that need to be answered. >> as well as is it of course jared kushner and who else because kushner was involved in setting up the meetings in the late transition period with other ambassadors and other heads of state. in fact, mimi rocah, let's talk about the other issues that might come up, because so much was redacted but also michael flynn's lobbying and undeclared lobbying for turkey, and a lot of questions why on election day he published and he did not disclose to the prosecutors initially that turkey and the turkey, government was involved in helping him to publish that column many "the hill" newspaper defending erdogan's regime against the cleric who is living in pennsylvania and who erdogan wanted to be extradited back to
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turkey. >> right, andrea. i think that, you know, that is another one of the sort of the interesting things that we can glean from the flynn sentencing memo even though so much is redacted. we don't know for sure, but there is mention of a separate criminal investigation that flynn isoperating in, and a lot of people are trying to figure it out, but it sounds like it might deal with his information about the dealing with turkey, and if that is the case, who is he cooperating against? he is not giving information about himself obviously, so kushner would be the likely target/subject of that investigation and perhaps others that we don't know about. so, you know, i think that, you know, adds dan pointed out, one of the things that is coming into focus is this idea of sanctions relief with russia being more maybe intertwined with the russian interference,
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hacking, attack on our election, and then so the question with turkey is similarly, you know, is there some kind of quid pro quo that happened there as well. so this is becoming a pattern and certainly something that prosecutors would look at in any business relationship and here what you have is the intertwining of the business and politics, namely, with the president, the office of the president. >> and speaking of that intertwining, david farenthal explaining some of the refusal of the white house to crackdown on the jamal khashoggi issue, and what about emollients and all of the hole tell roe ltel r hotel rooms associated with the saudi kingdom, and the money
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pouring into the trump hotel. >> there was not until the presidency that he would die vest, and no evidence at all that congress would conduct any meaningful oversight as long as the republicans controlled it, but that seems no longer possible, and the democrats res under the clause to look into these matters. those foreign things can only be with the consent. so the question of whether they had been a legitimate area of congressional inquiry. it's remarkable absolutely nothing has happened on the congressional side but that will now end i think. >> already the senate is now preparing a resolution to crack down on the saudi crown prince and it is being led by republicans as well as democrats as something. thank you. thanks, all. coming up, odd man out. president truckmp's awkward interactions.
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but it was an awkward presidential meeting and forward-looking stares during yesterday's service in the national cathedral and that front pew garnered a lot of attention. as "the washington post" described, donald trump sat down with his fellow presidents but still stood alone. joining me, kristen welker at the white house. and msnbc contributor shannon pettypiece. kristen, watching that service, the president sitting with his arms like this, when everyone else was looking forward. there was one handshake with the obamas sitting closest to him but no other interchanges we could see. >> andrea, was a reminder that the president in many ways breaks ideologically from his predecessors but he has some very intense tensions that
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continue to this day. i watched it unfold and thought about the fact it was just a few weeks ago he retweeted that image, of former president obama, behind bars, hillary clinton, behind bars. he was out on the campaign trail during the midterms. his supporters championed lock her up. michelle obama revealing in her memoir she will never be able to forgive the current occupant of the white house for suggesting her husband was not a legitimate president because she felt as though that put her family at risk. so all of those tensions were really simmering almost to the service. but it is notable and important that president trump did shake hands with former president obama and former first lady michelle obama as if to say for the country we have to have this moment. at the same time, he didn't shake hands with anyone else in his row, which is something that's getting a lot of attention. we're not going to see a lot from the president. he will give remarks later today at an event for hanukkah.
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a lot of people are wondering if that moment of bipartisanship will translate into anything broader. we're going to get a real test of that when lawmakers try to come together over a spending deal on the 21st of this month. >> kimberly atkins, it was so clear, the pictures, you know, bush 43 even remembering that moment that went viral. where he had passed candy to michelle obama and you saw him going down the line and passing it to her. there is a relationship among these other leaders, even though there's been tension in the past. >> there's a warm friendship there between the bushes and obamas. we've seen in history clinton work with bush 41 on initiatives after they were out of the white house. we've seen obama -- the obamas relationship. it's really hard to imagine president trump, given the
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personal nature of a lot of his disagreements and battles with these folks, having that kind of warm relationship once he leaves office. i think that's what made his presence seem so much different than the other four pretzs. >> nancy pelosi and chuck schumer are going to the white house on tuesday for a delayed meeting with president trump. all those other things they thought resolved a year ago and then it got blown up. >> yeah, we can very much be looking at a government shutdown again. we are really right back where we started. there's been no progress on that front. we see little sparks of bipartisanship. these little flickers in time. a handshake with president obama. they're always offset with other tensions. that moment really captured
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that. i think that too even in these moments, president trump, from people i talk to, seems like he's not comfortable in his role as president of the united states if these moments. and that it is his job, he is the one who greets everyone. in a meeting with chuck schumer and nancy pelosi, he is the president of the united states. and he can set the agenda. and sometime s forgets that responsibility in helping do things like keep the government open or show the country bipartisanship. >> the problem they have they're not sure who they're negotiating with, which donald trump. >> right, when it comes to immigration reform, other initiatives where they initially come together and chuck and nancy have some sort of resolution, then have it all blow up later. >> kimberly and shannon and of course kristen welker, thank you. a busy hour as well.
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and remember, follow us online. here is ali velshi for velshi and ruehl. >> good afternoon, i'm ali velshi. stephanie is off today. it's thursday, november 6th. let's get smarter. >> another dark day after losing nearly 800 points on tuesday. traders are wary of the vague promises revealed in the china deal or no deal at all. >> i think people should be optimistic about the possibilities here. all of the stuff is supposed to happen within the 90-day period. we're not waiting for anything. >> they're concerned with what conditions might be in the future. >> the issue is comes down to is whether or not it has been the same things driving the market to the downside are still in play. the trade tensionings with china, given this arrest in
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