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tv   Kasie DC  MSNBC  January 6, 2019 4:00pm-6:00pm PST

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previously on "kasie dc" -- >> i will take the mantel. i will be the one to shut it down. i'm not going to blame you for it. >> we're going to do whatever is necessary to build the border wall to stop this ongoing crisis of illegal immigration. this is a very -- it comes, absolutely. >> your response? >> those statements are idiotic. >> they are now feeling the heat. >> you can call it the schumer or the pelosi or the trump shutdown. it doesn't make any difference to me. >> let's be clear, sir, you will be held responsible for shutting down the federal government. >> then shut it down.
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welcome to "kasie dc." i'm kasie hunt. we're live every sunday from washington from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. eastern. tonight, new year, new show, new control of con. it's back to the future with nancy pelosi, wielding the gavel in a fiery new freshmen. reporting inside today's negotiations and i'm joined by top democrat hakeem jeffries to talk about whether both parties can save face and actually get the government back open. plus, 2020 comes into focus. elizabeth warren campaigns across iowa, and i'll talk to likely candidate jay independencely. first, a new crop of democrats congress control, the most diverse of legislators in the building's history. if you're looking for a moment to help explain the political climate we're now in, look back on this one night in virginia in 2017. >> a very fired-up crowd here in
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blackstone tonight. >> for the second night in a row representative scott taylor told people to calm down as they shouted at him. >> so they get spilled out of the venue and filled up much of main street. >> given the obstruction in d.c., it's remarkable what we have gotten done. . >> i want a clear answer from scott taylor, will he vote to bring this to the floor and real obamacare? >> a vast majority of people are getting crushed with obamacare. what's responsible is i believe dissecting it, having a discussion and finding the best solution. >> if i try to explain, right, the two-year transition path and those kind of things, just hear the anxiety is real and people want real solutions so we're going have to pay attention to that. >> we're in a post-trump election world where these people are engaged. >> some people are clearly upset but there is a bit of professional protester,
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manufactured base in there. >> manufactured? the two lawmakers you saw being confronted in those town halls have now been ejected from office, along with dozens more. one of them had said the women were in his grille everywhere he went. in their place is a fraction young group who host live instagram of themselves cooking and who also apparently like to dance. what remains to be seen is how this new dynamic works, especially amid a shutdown. already one congressman announced he's filing articles of impeachment. and oh, yes, this hand. >> people love you and you win and when your son looks at you and says momma loves you, bullies don't win. i said baby, they don't, because we're going to go in there and impeach the [ bleep ]! >> that, of course, congresswoman rashida tlaib. but in reality it was the word that was not bleeped that could make for more political headaches than democrats. as for shutdown, throughout this weekend the vice president who is meeting with hill aides to
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reopen the government but that is very far off as we come on the air tonight. the democratic aide tells me the meeting started 45 minutes late because the white house did not have the information democrats requested ready to go, and they didn't get the full budget justification they asked for. a republican aide tells our team the democrats were given what they asked for. in short, zero progress. at the same time nancy pelosi says this week democrats will start passing individual appropriations bills to reopen agencies like the treasury and the irs. the message she's trying to send, if they're closed and you don't get a tax refund, it's the president's fault. and with that i would like to welcome in my panel, former adviser to jeb bush and house speaker john boehner, michael spiel. cnbc editor at large, john harwood, former chief of staff and former director barbara shrek, and national reporter for politico, laura barone lopez. thank you all for being here, this is the third week of this
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shutdown. john harwood, let's look at the big picture for a second. i have now covered too many of these shutdowns quite frankly. >> not as many as i have though. >> that's true. fair point. however, in the past there always seems to be an end game in some way. we knew it would drag on for a while but you can see the political pressure, incentives building on one side or the other and you could have a sense at least it was going to end at some point. i don't get that sense now at all. >> we certainly can't see it but i would think a couple things. first of all, there are some republican senators who are getting antsy and i think they're not going to tolerate this for a long time. so mitch mcconnell is saying he's not going to bring up the bills pelosi wants to move on the floor, which are bills the republican senate has already passed, and i think there's a short half life to that refusal. the second thing is there was a way that was framed by an earlier agreement with democrats and republicans in the senate, a little bit more money than was in the bills that ultimately
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passed the house last week and passed before christmas. but i do think that nancy pelosi and the democrats have the high side of this argument and it's a matter of time before president trump has to back off. >> michael steele, do you see what john harwood mentioned, that pressure on republican senators actually accomplishing anything? i'm not convinced there are enough of those people. to really make a difference. >> no, i think two things, one, this is the easiest shutdown to resolve in recent years. the group sitting at this table could go over to the lounge, grab a cocktail napkin and figure this thing out pretty quickly. but the president suggested to senator mcconnell he would sign the previous agreement to keep the government functioning and then he changed his mind, he burned cocaine mitch. and senator mcconnell has zero incentive right now -- >> quoted, michael steele, burned cocaine mitch. i love it. >> going to take the president, senator pelosi and senator schumer to come to some agreement and look senator mcconnell in the eye and tell
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them he will sign it. >> you have been bicoastal with many, many, many meetings with the now speaker of the house. what is your view how this is shaping up? with mitch mcconnell out of the room, does that affect it? >> he is out of the room but you have a president trump that you really don't know what he's thinking from moment to moment. this morning's tweet before his staff went in to meet with the democra democrats through a wrench, once again, in the process. if you don't know the negotiating list and you don't know what their position is, how will you be able to come to a solution. speaker pelosi, leader mcconnell, leader schumer and leader mccarther could come up with a solution. >> they basically already did. >> exactly. >> they can do it again. >> and they did it when democrats were in the minority in the house. but this president doesn't foe what he wants. the wall has become a symbol, it has become his fixation on getting a victory against democrats and he believes this is the only time. it's dragging out. >> laura, what is your take on
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the political imperatives that will emerge from the country at large? we know most of the federal employees affected don't actually live in the d.c. area, they're scattered across the country. there are constituents of many different members of congress. this could ultimately impact most americans are not getting their refunds potentially soon enough. how will that pressure bubble up, if at all? >> i think it is bubbling up. we are seeing more reports that tax refunds may not be done on time, that people who work at the tsa are trying to work in second jobs so they could have money to make ends meet. and the more that pressure is applied on the lawmakers in washington and the president, i think we can see an agreement start to be formed, but, again, as nadine was saying there's really no way to know exactly what trump wants. senator lindsey graham and trump and even nick mulvaney earlier today were trying to says it not exactly a wall, it's not exactly a concrete barrier.
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we just want steel slats and that's what we wanted for a while. no, that's not true. it was a concrete wall during the 2016 campaign and it has been one up until now and now the president is trying to act as steel slates are something different. but it's something heef khe's come up with and they're not. >> i do think that this purported national emergency the president's talking about could be an exit strategy. he could say -- because he signaled this before the shutdown occurred where he said, well, even if democrats don't give me this money, i'm going to use the military to build the wall. so if he were to say, i'm declaring a national emergency, i'm directing the department of defense to construct barriers on dod land because the dod does own some of that border land, then there would be a court fight but at least it could get him out of the situation he's in right now. >> sure. everyone understands we're not sending john snow to the reio
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grand. there's not going to be a wall from the gulf of mexico to the pacific ocean. >> that would stop all of the illegal immigration. >> other than the ice monster giants. what we're going to do is democrats are okay with 1.6, the president wants 5. you find a number in the middle, move the money around a little bit, do a physical barrier where it's appropriate, which democrats have voted for in the past, and the next you do technology, et cetera, and the president declares victory and democrats declare victory and the government reopens. >> if you want to talk about border security in a comprehensive strategy, let's go in and have that discussion. the president of the united states does not know the details. he doesn't want to know the details. >> he's the only person who can decide yes or no on anything. >> my goodness, look where we are now. >> and that's the reason this could go on so long. the president is play to his base, democrats have no incentive to fold. we could be there a while. >> vetoes can be overridden. >> that's true. >> it's not out of the question that would happen. >> it would take a heck of a lot -- it would take a set of
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behaviors we simply have not seen from senate republicans for that to happen. >> true, no question of the but remember we've got a president who is waiting like all of us are to see what robert mueller's next move is. his political position is weak and on the brink of getting weaker. and mitch mcconnell, having been burned by the president, i don't think is going to hang in there forever and say, yes, mr. president, whatever you say. >> i do think that was potentially a big mistake on the part of the president, to tell mitch mcconnell one thing behind closed doors and change his mind and embarrass him publicly. it is worth remembering what the president told "the new york times" editorial board about his campaign promise back in 2016, quote, if my speeches ever get a little off, i just go we'll build a wall f it getsing and i think maybe people thinking about leaving, i tell the audience, we'll build a wall and they go nuts. michael steele, the steel slats question, suddenly to laura's point, this is -- i guess the
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president's designed this as a concession to say okay, we're not going to build what i said but he's still breaking his campaign promise. >> i'm obviously as pro-steel as anybody at this table. >> perhaps more so. >> perhaps, on given days. but the details of border security have never been the point here. this is a slogan. this is a political winning issue. this is we're going to knock the hell out of them and take their oil. the president didn't have detailed policy positions as a candidate, he had a series of slogans which were appealing to his supporters. and trying to translate those appealing slogans into actual policy has been where he stumbled repeated loifr the past couple of years when congressional republicans weren't there to sort of guide the process towards a good result as they did on tax reform. >> and democrats have zero incentive to affirm his symbolism, his slogan. and keep in mind republicans did not give him the wall either the
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last two years when they controlled both chambers of congress. >> that's a very good point. laura, how, as you kind of step back and look at this again from kind of a national perspective, how does this -- how does this end? where does the pressure come from in the end? >> i think we've seen democrats already pass two bills, ones that would clearly reopen the majority of the government and another that would open dhs until february. they passed that last week. so i think it's them repeatedly applying pressure to senate republicans. we already saw a few senate republicans last week cave a tiny bit. we saw senator corey gardner of colorado say, i think we should just do this. we should open the government bill that democrats passed until september 30th and this week we may see more senate republicans start to waver and put pressure on mitch mcconnell. after that, if mcconnell is willing to bring up bills that are in line with what house democrats passed, we may see
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trump say okay, i guess i have to go along with it. >> i guess we'll see. laura barone lopez, thank you so much for being here tonight. i really appreciate it. we're just getting started of course this evening. still to come, we're going to look ahead to 2020 as elizabeth warren hits stop after stop in iowa. and i'm joined live by congressman eric swalwell and governor jay insley. and saxby chambliss joins me live. first, nancy pelosi retakes the speaker gavel, but the man who nominated her, hakeem jeffries, can one day follow in her footsteps. he joins me as the democrats try reopening the government. the experts at rootmetrics say is #1 in the nation? sure. they probably know what they're talking about. or, the one that j.d. power says is highest in network quality by people who use it every day? this is a tough one. well, not really, because verizon won both. so you don't even have to choose. why didn't you just lead with that? it's like a fun thing. (vo) chosen by experts. chosen by you.
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democrats are down with ndp, nancy d'alessandro pelosi, the once and future speaker of the united states house of representatives. i proudly place her name in nomination. may god bless her. may god bless the united states of america. >> that was democratic caucus chair hakeem jeffreys, formally nominating nancy pelosi as speaker of the house, ushering in a new era for the chamber that she is set to lead. with no end to the shutdown in sight, it remains unclear when the house will put an end to negotiating and get back to legislating. joining me now from new york none other than hakeem jeffries. sir, thank you for being here
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tonight. it's good to see you. >> good evening. great to be on. >> let's start with these negotiations ongoing with staff over the weekend. it doesn't seem as though much progress has been made. at this point what is the solution to reopening government for all of these people who are at risk of losing another paycheck? what can you do? either you have to give or the president does it seems. >> well, we believe it's totally inappropriate to hold 800,000 hard working pull servants hostage and now increasingly millions of americans who for instance will have their tax refunds delayed or have an inability to process social security payments and things of that nature as this unnecessary shutdown continues. so our view is we should reopen the parts of government that are completely noncontroversial, beginning with the treachery
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departme -- treasury department and irs which we intend do as early as wednesday upon our return and challenge mitch mcconnell and senate republicans simply to take yes for an answer. as you know, k.c., we're passing appropriation bills that the senate republicans have themselves already signed off on. we can't figure out what the problem is at this point. >> fair enough to say it is unusual for a democratic house to take up bills that had been actually mostly written under republican control, fair. however, we know mitch mcconnell's already said he's not going to put it on the floor if the president is not going to sign off on it. we learned today the president is not going to sign off on this. so how do we get out of this? >> we've already begun to see cracks within the ranks on the republican side over in the senate, at least two republican senators have said enough. we need to actually reopen the government and start holding the american people hostage simply because donald trump wants a mid-ev mi medieval border wall and is
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trying to force us to play a $5 billion ransom note. believe if we continue to move forward, do our job, highest priority, reopening the aspects of government that are noncontroversial and then with respect to the department of homeland security, again, we're willing to pass a previously supported republican senate bill that would extend funding for the department of homeland security through early-to-mid-february that would then give us the space to try to find common ground. that to me seems like a rm approach. that's what we intend to pursue this week. >> the president has said that he's considering declaring a national emergency and using that funding to try and start building the wall. take a look at what he had to say about this, and then we'll talk about it. >> i may declare a national emergency, depending on what's going to happen over the next few days. they'll be having another meeting. i don't expect to have anything happen at that meeting. >> does the president have the authority to do this? >> he absolutely does not have the authority to do it. he probably knows he does not
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have the authority to do it. and it seems to me to the extent there is a national emergency in the united states of america, it's because of the individual sitting at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. so that is just a nonstarter as it relates to a reasonable proposal. what's happening right now is donald trump is looking for appraisal lifeline in order to get him out of a mess that he's created. by proposing a fifth century solution in terms of this medieval border wall for a 21st century problem. yes, we have a border security issue that we need to work through. that's why democrats are prepared to provide additional funding for enhanced security on the border as long as it's done in a fair and humane fashion. that does not involve a wall. >> congressman, let's switch gears. i want to ask you about one of your new freshman members, rashida tlaib of michigan. was -- i don't even want to say caught on camera because it seems as though at the event multiple people were filming.
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she seemed very aware of what she was saying. we showed our viewers, i'm not going to repeat what she said but suffice to say she was going to impeach president trump. "the washington post" wrote about this, that her vulgar remark may bear the rift between a small number of members and strong majority of the democratic base who want to impeach trump and a democratic leadership that clearly views this as premature and politically unwise. do you think that congresswoman th tlaib's remarks were wise or help snfl. >> i think there's increasing evidence that continues to emerge that something went very wrong in the context of the 2016 election. that's fundamentally what this is all about, where russian spies likely colluded, perhaps with high-level members of the trump campaign, to sell out a democracy and artificially place someone at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. however, we have an ongoing investigation that we called for that is now being led by special
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counsel bob mueller. he's doing a tremendous job in running a fair and comprehensive investigation. in my view, and i think this is the view of the vast majority of the members of the house caucus, we should let mueller be mueller, complete his investigation, and then we can determine once he's issued his report what is appropriate to do thereafter. but let me also say it's unbelievable to me and many others some critics of rashida tlaib on the right wing now want to lecture her and us by extension about language, when this is the same group -- >> you don't have a problem what she said language wise? >> it's not language i would use but i'm trying to figure out why they have a problem with it when this is the president who used a sexual vulgarity on the eve of the election, they dismissed it. someo who has called african nations f-hole countries, they dismissed it. he's someone who had a political
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rally down south, called african ne american football players, sobs, we know what the b stands for, they dismissed it. now this group really wants to lecture us when they said let trump be trump? but for some reason have a problem with rashida being rashida? that to me is hypocrisy so we're not bog to going to be lectured to by her critics on the right. >> it seems inevitable we're going to descend into words we didn't normally used to think were acceptable. congressman, do you think impeachment hearings are an inevitability? >> i don't believe there's an inevitability because, again, the reasonable approach we should take is allow the investigation to run its course. as you know, k.c., we originally called for jeff sessions to recuse himself and successfully he recused himself. we then called for rod rosenstein to appoint a special counsel, and he appointed a phenomenal american bob mueller to be that special counsel.
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and so now it seems the reasonable thing to do is allow this investigation to run its course and then see where we go from there. i do believe we stto make sure conduct ourselves as a separate and equal government and serve as a check, but when it comes to the ultimate death sentence, we need to see what bob mueller has to say. >> congressman hakeem jeffries, thank you for your insight. i'm sure it's going to be a busy week on capitol hill. i will see you there. when we come back, the 2020 campaign descends on iowa. this time around it's going to be all about the issues, right? >> there's been criticism outside of massachusetts you have too low of an electability rate. what is your response to that? >> i'm going to keep talking about the same kind of issues that pulled me into politics to begin with. cs to begin with liberty mutual customizes your car insurance
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i'm going to get me a beer. hey, my husband bruce is now in here. you want a beer? >> i'll pass on a beer for now. >> welcome back. before we continue, there is one more ad i would like to show you.
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>> liability, bad. drinkability, good. not too heavy, not too light, bud light. the difference is drinkability. >> liability, drinkability. likability. elizabeth warren is campaigning in iowa this weekend, ahead of her likely presidential bid. it took mere hours after her announcement for headlines like this one to show up, raising questions, naturally, about whether she is likable enough to be president. did anyone ever ask, oh, say, bernie sanders that question in 2016? i remember that going a little differently. some of his headlines -- "the washington post," seven ways bernie sanders reminds us of our grumpy grandpa. "new york magazine" how did bernie sanders turn grumpiness into charm? did you ever stop to wonder oh,
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say beto o'rourke might balance it all, running for president with the three young kids at home? what about ohio senator sherrod brown, unruly hair, gravelly voice? "the new york times" wrotes, sherrod brown, rumpled, unvarnished and just may be a candidate for president. "vanity fair" says brown sounds like a quintessential rp rug paul. bordering on pugnacious. who else is from the west? amy clove sh amy, if her voice was grum manying and gravelly, would she be charming? and we have not even talked about clothes. what exactly is he trying to tell voters with this v-neck sweater? is it folksy sincerity perhaps? just ask marco rubio during the primaries when these dress boots with heels became a thing. >> i'm one of the only guys in the room and it didn't make a
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difference to me but i am glad you made a better shoe choice today. >> let me get this right, isis is cutting people's heads on, saudi arabia on the vrj of war, chinese landing planes on islands they say are theirs in some water that are territorial waters, economy flatlined and stock market fouling apaalling boy, we're getting coverage about a pair of boots. this is raisiness. have we lost our minds? >> it is really fun, isn't it? fashion aside, she writes in "the new york times" -- the democrats are fretting whether they should nominate a woman to run against donald trump. much of the debate is grounded in the question if hillary clinton's loss represented a rejection of a woman as president for one specific woman. joining me on he set, shawna thomas and traveling with warren, mike menially, who
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reported for duty much earlier in the cycle than many of us hoped you would have to. thank you for being here as well. i have to start with you, shawna, because this likability debate as you may or may not have been able to tell, has kind of gotten under my skin. >> apparently, it has. here's the thing, i don't think there's a problem talking about likability when it comes to politicians. we talked about whether we wanted have a beer with george w. bush. we talked about whether we want to have a drink with barack obama. likability on its own is fine. the problem with some of this elizabeth warren stuff really is it's trying to, one, compare her to hillary clinton and we have to rank her likability on the hillary clinton scale, and the thing is hillary clinton lost, 2450 2016. she had her own problems and that had to do with her last name being clinton and her being hillary and how she structured the campaign. if you want to talk about elizabeth warren's likability, we will see if they can connect with an audience in iowa. make mike saw if she could
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connect with an audience in iowa. that's part of politics. but what i don't want to do is talk about her in relationship to hillary. >> i have one question on that very good question from shawna, but michael steele, my main question with this and nick sweeney had an article i also recommend to all of our viewers whether it was a satire to somebody who said, well, i was ready for a woman president, just not hillary clinton and i liked elizabeth warren but now there's just something about her that's rubbing me the wrong way. and amy clove shar and harris, there's something rubbing me the wrong way about them too. so the question is in the likability argument, is any woman always going to stand up worse than any man? >> i guess observing she's likable enough would be the wrong answer. >> yeah. >> i think elizabeth warren's is not going to be likability. i think her problem is, like ted cruz or chrissty, she missed her moment. she was the exciting candidate for a large portion of the democratic base at one point in time. i think that point in time has passed and i don't see her
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catching fire in iowa or new hampshire this year, but not because of her gender. >> mike, care to answer that question, were there flames on the ground in iowa over the past weekend? what did you see? >> kasie, let me just wrap up the weekend here. you know, a week ago at this time i was heading to boston to cover senator warren's announcement of her exploratory committee. there were a lot of questions about why she was doing this so early and following up so quickly with the visit to iowa. after five events over the course of this weekend, talking to a lot of senator warren's aides, they're very pleased how this went. they think they set a very high bar for other campaigns to have to meet. she took questions from voters at every stop, took photos with voters at every stop and questions from reporters as just with about every stop. on friday night we asked senator warren about her press gaggle of questions about likeable. she really side-stepped those questions. this afternoon she did an event with seven women on the ballot in iowa in 2018, five of whom
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are part of the largest class of newly elected legislators in iowa. i want to play you a little bit of sound. let me know if any of this sounds familiar as elizabeth warren talked about her first run for public office. >> there were a lot of people who called me and said, elizabeth, i love you, but you need to understand if you jump in this race, massachusetts will not elect a woman to the united states senate. yeah, that was 2011. and it was almost as if folks were saying, hey, we tried that. it didn't work. so come back in a generation or two and we will see if we can try this again. after i said i'm going to do this, how many people, how many women just came off the benches out of the woodwork to say, girl, you take that part and we will do everything is else, and we became a force? i went from 35 points down to
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beating that guy by 7 1/2 points. that's what we do the best. >> so to do a little s.a.t. analogy for you, kasie, martha coakley in 2011 is to elizabeth warren in 2012 as hillary clinton in 2016 as to elizabeth warren is in 2020. we did see, it was interesting over the course of the weekend snorks warren, one of the biggest names on the democratic party, obviously what we consider one of the early front-runners perhaps for the nomination but she did use these events to talk about her personal upbringing, talk about her roots in norman, oklahoma, talk about getting married early, going to become a public schoolteacher, ultimately college professor and now u.s. senator. she is starting to fill in those gaps about her biography, not to be likable but tell a bigger picture about her career in public office >> john harwood, what's your view on elizabeth warren's kind of early rollout of her campaign, the criticism that she got from the dna test and the likability argument? >> well, i agree with everything
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that shawna said. likability is a universal question that we ask about every politician. there's an element of sexism in evaluation of candidates, less so now than there was ten years ago or 20 years ago. i do think hillary clinton was suey jen risk. there was 25 years of history layered onto evaluations of hillary clinton's candidacy which simply don't exist with elizabeth warren, so all of that leads me to say it's just early. we've got wide-open field. she has a lot of assets. she's very talented. she's extremely bright and a leader in important policy areas for the democrats. we will see how she plays on the ground, and i think the idea of force feeding an early comparison to hillary clinton is just not time for that. >> so i put this question out there on twitter as we were
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pulling together the show tonight, if candidates were president, is what are some of the things they would have to ask about, and bill crystal wrote back. he said some of the differences would be one, is she likable? men don't have to be likable. two, is she healthy. a woman with a cold is treated as if she will keel over. statistically i find this funny. a man is more likely to. and middle america is presumed to be male. you worked for the highest ranking woman in politics. how much does this ring true to you? what do you think the real boarier is running for president than a man? >> being a woman. sexism exists in politics today, existed in 2016 election, existed in the 2018 election and exists today. look, i worked on the hill in 25 years. in 22 out of the 25 years i have work for women and i've seen it. women are judged differently. women are judged about how they speak, how they dress, who they know, how they operate. and women are much better politicians than many people want to give them credit for every single day.
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>> things change. women made democrats the majority in the house now. >> we're slowly evolving and talking about likability, the question about likability and elizabeth warren was put out there in order to see if she's going to sink or float, you know. i think she's going to float, and there's going to be women out there who are going to say enough is enough. we've had it. >> and that will happen as more and more women run for office and run for the presidency and run for higher office. the thing is, and you said this, the question is, does sexism exist? yes, sexist exists. is it going to exist if elizabeth warren becomes president of the united states? it will still exist but we will get a little bit better. and it's just part of the process and it's not fair to you and i and those of us with vaginas, however, that's part of the gig and elizabeth warren knows that and hopefully if we keep talking about it and we're like we shouldn't be talking about women as though the only thing about them is their
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likability, then it will get better, i'm sure. >> i think there's a media story now about shawna thompson language. >> i think that's the first time that word's been used on that show. thank you very much for staying up late, it looks chilly there. how is the weather in iowa? >> a little chilly. but we're fine. >> go get warm. thank you very much. we're going to talk a lot more about the 2020 race in our 8:00 hour. eric swalwell joins me live. and washington governor jay inslee is offering pardons for thousands of people with misdemeanor marijuana convictions in his home state as he plans a run. but first, former senator saxby chambliss. [cell phone rings] where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time.. if you're a mom,
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maybe it's bait or maybe it's just the norm in washington nowadays but my next guest was with me on this show in january 2018 talking about a government shutdown. it was a different shutdown. that is what he had to say back then. >> this is part of my frustration and what caused me to leave in 2015, compromise is now a four-letter word in washington and the longer this goes, the more difficult it's going to be to find that common grounds and to find compromise. >> joining me now from atlanta, former georgia senator and former vice chairman of the intelligence committee, saxby chambliss. he also serves on the president's intelligence advisory board. sir, it's great to see you.
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thank you for coming back. >> hi, kasie, good to be back with you. it's getting to be an annual event to talk about shut junes. >> a tradition, it's unfortunate one although we're always welcome back in happier times, the shutdown being the unhappy piece. the difference with this one though compared to what you were talking about back then seems to be there's not really a way out. what do you think is the path out of this government shutdown? >> well, nothing really has changed from the comment made, and that is a compromise is still a four-letter word. the real problem with trying to have a compromise here is as you say, folks are just duck g in o both sides. nancy pelosi said the wall is immoral. president trump said he's not going to budge, we got to have a wall. normally there's some kind of middle ground. that middle ground has not appeared at this point in time.
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i do hope something positive may be going on with these talks, but i was involved in three shutdowns, '95, '96, 2013. none of them are pleasant and they show to the american people that washington is dysfunctional. and obviously congress earns the approval rating that it has. >> the white house has been claiming and sarah sandsers was on tv as recently as this morning claiming that 4,000 terrorists have come across the southern border with mexico. she was fact checked by chris wallace, the host of "fox news sunday" who pointed out many of those come through our airports, not across the southern border. you're somebody with a deep background in intelligence. is the southern border our biggest terrorist threat? is that argument that the white house is making a valid one? >> well, it is valid. i mean certainly we know that a certain percentage -- and i can't tell what you it is because obviously, it's very
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difficult to fact check it, but we do know that a certain number of terrorist opportunities are come ago cross the southern border because it is so porous. but it's for the exact number, kasie, i don't know that anybody can pinpoint that exactly. >> as somebody who spent a lot of time thinking about these issues, would the sorn border be the number one concern when you're thinking about trying to prevent terrorists from coming into the united states, or would it be a different area? >> the southern border is not necessarily what keeps me awake at night from a bad guy terrorist standpoint, but as i say it is a concern and i think the white house is correct, that we need to be very cognizant of that. >> the white house also today seemed to have switched its position or attempting to offer a concession to democrats. the president now insisting he's going to call the wall steel slats, instead of building it out of concrete, he's going to use steel slats. first of all, do you view a steel slat barrier as something that's necessary or effective to
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secure the border? and second of all, is this a material change from his previous position? >> well, i think the change is designed to try to placate the democrats some extent, for whatever reason. they don't like the idea of a concrete wall and i'm not sure from an engineering standpoint which is better and which will be more attractive. i want to see something that will be effective. we have already some constructive walls on the border. i remember back during the late '90s we had an issue of, a serious issue down in the san diego area and put a wall up down there and it worked. still works today. so there's some places that a wall can be very effective. trying to build one all across the southern border in a short period of time is going to be, number one, impossible, and i'm not sure that's what you would want to do, but there are
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certain hot spots where i think when you put a wall up and use it in concert with drones, with increased border patrol who are doing a great job down there, that the kind of leadership that we have within the border patrol will allow us to use that as one of the most effective tools in keeping folks out. the wall, that is. >> okay. you have been recently nominated to serve on an intelligence advisory board for the president of the united states. this, of course, comes amid the mueller investigation as well as the president questioning a lot of the assessments of our intelligence community on a variety of issues from interference of russians in his own campaign to, of course, jamal khashoggi and who is responsible for his killing. i'm wondering, what's your take on the morale of the intelligence community in the united states right now under this president? >> i think when the president
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came in, he had some criticism of the world of intelligence. it had more to do with the obama administration, frankly, than it did with his administration, and he made some comments about wanting to make the right kind of changes that would improve the intelligence community. very honestly, with the leadership we have in place right now's chris wraif y at th fbi and others, these people are doing a really, really good job of providing the right kind of leadership. morale is always an issue in the intel world, but when you have good leaders who are setting the right kind of tone, it really makes morale much less of an issue, and i think right now morale is about as good as i've seen it in a while. can it be improved? sure. i mean, we're always trying to challenge our intelligence
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community and unfortunately we over-work them, but they are brave men and women doing a great job and very dedicated. i think right now they're just totally committed to making sure that this president has the information that he needs to make the right kind of national security decisions. >> all right. senator saxby chambliss, thank you for your insight tonight. appreciate it. >> sure. good to be with you. >> thanks. reminder. if you miss an episode of "kasie dc" catch up with our podcast. back with more "kasie dc" in just a moment. sie dc" in just a moment.
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there is another hour of "kasie dc" just ahead. congressman eric swalwell joins me live plus the political climate right for a run focusing on environment? first, the "kasie dc," finally took off the bird box blindfolds to watch the sunday shows so you don't have to. t have to.mutu ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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shut down day 16. >> no deal in sight. >> president trump says it could go on for years. >> no suggestion of any progress being made. >> to get 800,000 federal workers back to work and paid. >> the democrats continue to play games. >> nancy, why are you holding all these 800,000 workers hostage? >> this is a national disgrace. >> what we ought to do is open up the government first. >> the goal is not to open up the government. the goal is to fix a broken immigration system. >> the president is going to secure the border with a barrier. >> we're never going to have a deal unless we get a wall. >> a fifth century solution to a 21st century -- >> he was willing to agree to take a concrete wall off the table. >> can't decide if it's a con creed wall, a steel fence or a row of ferns. >> president trump declaring a national emergency ordering the
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military to build the wall he vowed mexico would build. >> i may do t. nobody wants him to invoke it and i don't believe the president wants to invoke it. >> i think the president would be wide open to a court challenge saying. >> where's the emergency. >> i don't think he wants the issue. >> nancy pelosi sees the border crisis as manufactured. president trump sees it as real and until we see the same movie you're never going to reach a conclusi conclusion. we're not going to give in to this radical left -- ever. welcome back to "kasie dc." with me this hour, msnbc political analyst and republican strategist rick tyler. and contributor and "new york times" political reporter jeremy peters and for "vice news" shawna thomas. if you feel like 2019 is giving you political whiplash six days in you are not alone. president trump huddled with staff today at camp david as the government shutdown drags on with no end in sight. earlier vice president mike pence, top white house officials and congressional aides engaged
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in their second negotiating session of the weekend which apparently yielded little progress. it came after a week in which nancy pelosi reclaimed the speaker's gavel and ushered in the most diverse freshmen class in history. waiting no time maked headlines. one with dance moves another using indelicate language and calling for impeachment. the first week of 2019 also meant the unofficial start of 2020. elizabeth warren is in iowa after announcing a presidenti exploratory committee as a number of other possible contenders inched closer to the starting line. on the mueller front, a washington, d.c. district judge extended the federal grand jury used by the special counsel for another six months. well, here we go, guys. thanks for being here. happy new year. >> happy new year. >> rick tyler, where does this president start off this year in the context of this shutdown? i mean, at some point it seems
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like he inevitably has to give in, but i do not see how that actually unfolds. >> okay. republicans and democrats agreed on how to get out of the shutdown. democrats gone as far to pass two republican bills in a democratic house to pass a shutdown. the president sends mike pence up to negotiate 2.5 billion dollars. then comes back and the president saying, who said $2.5 billion? >> right. >> he said $2.5 billion, the number he gave pence and when pence came back with a deal he changed it. pence goes up today, no credibility on the hill. whatever he says doesn't matter because he's not carrying the weight of the president. not carrying the president's word. all of this relies with the president. i think the deal is easy, and i think it was, what was said on "meet the press" this morning. i think it was david brooks said it. that you exchange -- right now democrats hold all the cards. they need to get something out of the deal and it's going to be wall for daca. democrats won't like the fact we
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are going to build some sort of a wall but the republicans won't like the fact they have daca. that's the exchange. the way it's supposed to work. >> i don't see, jeremy peters, how we end a crisis with some sort of big negotiation that looks anything like a kpre comprehensive immigration bill what it would take. >> nancy pelosi led the effort -- >> so interesting to listen to the lindsey graham of today versus the lindsey graham of the past. continue. >> now saying we absolutely know we must have it. tric trivia here. 23 years ago was the end of the 1995-96 government shutdown. so is it going to go on as long as that? i mean, i think you're on to something there, kasie. i don't see a solution, because neither side seems to be feeling any political pain at the moment. will there be a moment when they do feel some political pain? i don't know.
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i don't know how exactly that would come about and that's, i think, what any crisis in washington means in order to come to resolution. >> i think if you talked to me before the new year, i was going to say that, until we started to see the stories roll out about how people are losing their paychecks, they live paycheck to paycheck that they have normal jobs in other parts of the country. then no one was going to feel the same amount of pain and we went through the holidays. those are the stories we'll see roll out. i have a team with bureau of prison workers, some voted for trump. some kind of okay with a wall to a certain extent but also are you need staff on the other side of that wall. if every is demoralized and no one wants to work for the federal government, who's securing anything? >> saying something about that, politically speaking, people going without a paycheck is not a fun thing, but generating political sympathy for government workers has always
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been a tough thing to do. i think it will work to some extent. what's really going to work, when people don't get tax refunds. >> i was going to say. >> what people do with their tax refunds, they buy cars. they use it for a deposit on a car. who are car dealers? republicans, biggest in the country. that's a vignette. they purchase all kinds of other things. people don't get their tax refunds back, they get that money back, put it out and spend it and often on large items, appliances, cars, things like that. that's where you get people who are going to start to complain. >> at what point do the people in the room -- even if that's the case, is that putting pressure on democrats to try to show they can govern? >> i think one of the issues and why no one quite understands how this whole thing is going to work out is that we don't know what the terms of making a deal
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with president trump are, and what does it take to actually make a real, real deal with him. right? so because of that, you don't know -- you don't know when he's going to blink. you don't know if people not getting their irs -- >> he does whatever he wants. >> -- tax returns back will actually make him blink. if you don't know what makes the other side blink, i don't know how you come to an agreement. that means democrats are basically saying it may fall on us to reopen the government, but i don't know how you do that, how you give him any part of wall, steel, concrete, i don't care, without getting something out of it. >> exactly. one piece of lure the trump administration used as a foundation for the argument to build the wall is the idea that terrorists are flooding in to this country through the southern border. just two days ago secretary of homeland security kirstjen nielsen claimed border patrol stopped 3,000, which she is referring to as special interest aliens.
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a group nielsen says the american intelligence community is concerned about. but listen to how fox's chris wallace broke that claim down this morning in an interview with white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders. >> special interest aliens are just people who come from countries that have ever produced terrorists. they're not terrorists themselves and the state department says there is, their words "no credible evidence of any terrorists coming across the border from mexico." >> we know that roughly nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists come in to our country illegally and we know our most vulnerable point of entry -- >> i know this statistic. didn't know you would use it. do you know where the 4,000 people are captured? airports. >> not always, but -- >> at airports. the state department says there hasn't been any terrorists coming across -- >> the by land, air and sea, all of the above. one thing you're forgetting the
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most vulnerable point of entry in the country is our southern border and we have to protect it. >> they're not coming across the southern border, sarah. they're coming and stopped add airports. >> i'm not disagreeing they're coming through airports. i'm saying they come by land, by air, by sea. the less and less time we spend money protecting it the more we'll have an influx nos just of terrorists, human traffickers, drug flow and people coming here to do american citizens harm. >> so a fact check foresarah sanders on this. fact checking to say points of entry in trucks, not places you would then build a wall. this argument, it's -- it's easy to sort of debunk. >> absolutely. these talking points have been useful fiction for conservatives arguing for stricter border control, tighter immigration
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laws forever. really. you see it every time there's a caravan. last time we had the caravan before the election, president trump was saying there are isis terrorists coming over the border. before that, when there were migrants coming over the border in 2013, migrant children, you saw conservatives arguing these people had diseases and were carrying ebola and some were affiliated with terrorist organizations in the middle east. so, yes. there is a fearmongering that goes on every time we have an immigration debate to give it more urgency. we have to act now, shore the system up, but as we've just heard, it's not happening at these points. it's happening at the airports, happening at parents of entry. >> talk about the wall. >> please. >> the wall is 1,250 -- no wall in 1,250 miles of the u.s./mexico border. no bearier at all. less than 800 miles of barrier. half is vehicle barrier, you can walk over it.
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overall, very little. washingtons are great -- they work fine in more urban areas, between tijuana and san diego and brownsville, actually not a lot of walls, or there's no -- actually zero miles of wall. there is some wall near san diego. most was fence. walls are great in prison because you didn't go to home depot and buy the tools you need to get over, under around or through the wall in about four minutes. you need manpower. if you don't have manpower the wall is useless. >> people overextending veisas. the terrorists came here legally. not over the border. >> talk about the underlying reason we are here. that sean hannity and laura ingraham and rush limbaugh lost it over the president signing this continuing resolution. he had said he was going to sign it. he panics, says, forget it, not doing it.
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is solving that the underlying crisis here and is anything ever good enough for that group? >> no. i can appreciate conservative talk radio and conservative talk television when they talk about conservative values and principles as they apply to policy. but our government is a constitutional republic. it's the art of communications. master it, you get things done. why nancy pelosi is speaker. donald trump is horrible at human relations. he can't get anything done. amazing the system our founders built is built politically on human relations and people can get along with people get things done. people who can't, can't get them done. that's where we are. >> then is it just that nancy pelosi these to find out what sean hannity thinks would be an okay compromise and get that on television? is that where we are now? >> certainly seems to be the way to reach the president, as any member of congress will tell you, he typically sees them on fox news and that's when they
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get the phone call. i actually talked to rashida tlaib before the bleat buttons were broke out. plus, the governor of a much different washington is likely to run in 2020, but first, congressman eric swalwell who says house democrats are preparing a raft of inquiries including whether the trump organization was laundering money. we're back after this. s. ♪ 44, 45, 46... how many of these did they order? ooh, that's hot. ♪ you know, we could sell these. nah. ♪ we don't bake. ♪ opportunity. what we deliver by delivering. when heartburn hits... fight back fast with tums smoothies. it neutralizes stomach acid at the source.
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joining me now member of the house intelligence and judiciary committees, eric swell waalwell. >> happy new year. >> to you as well. start with the shutdown now in its third week. we're obviously familiar with the democratic plans to try to pass the individual appropriations bills starting with treasury and irs. however, we also know that mitch mcconnell is saying that he won't put it on the floor unless the president says he's going to sign it. we heard from the vice president today. the president's not interested in signing it. so what's plan c? >> well, it's public sentiment, kasie and i hope mitch mcconnell understands that he does not work for the president. he is the leader of an independent part of our constitution and that if we build momentum in the senate and have momentum in the house that we could send bims to t s tbill presidential desk and if he vetoes them we can overrule
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them. i hope senate mcconnell shows leadership when he passed the identical bill we put forward to reopen government earlier this week, some conversations about the possibility of a fix for daca as an exchange for what the president is demanding now. do you see that as a remote possibility in the context of this shutdown fight or is that off the table? >> not for me. i'm not going to speak for others. i'll be honest, kasie. a couple months ago i thought maybe daca for the wall. the more i thought about it, the reason i'm opposed to the wall and so many others i think are opposed to the wall is what it symbolizes. it symbolizing us versus them and that's not the symbol of the lady with the torch at new york harbor who is welcoming people, bringing our, you know, the immigrants from around the world to our country. give me your poor, your huddled masses. so that is not america, and so that's why we're so against it.
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>> the president today suggested he was going to change to steel slats instead of concrete. mick mulvaney, his chief of staff told chuck on "meet the press" that seems to be a compromise. do you view it as a concession of any kind? >> this president does not want border security. the words used -- it mean ws we recognize evidence. the majority of people coming to the country undocumented overearn stayed their visas. address that problem. and issues at the border, by the way a net outflow of immigration, beef up border patrol agents. put fencing where needed and use technology available. >> what are democratic priorities in this negotiation? there's been reporting about
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humanitarian april simpson f humanitarian assistance for families coming across the border. a different population we know has really been struggling there. is that part of this conversation? >> yes. making sure we have resources and being able to adjudicate refugee status cases. right now the administration says if they only come here the right way. the right way is how many attempted to come but the administration shut that down or are threatening to shut down the border completely. they force people into this position where they try and cross wherever they can, and i think, kasie what we are missing, though, and i hope this is addressed and maybe it will take a democratic administration is, american leadership. the opportunity to convene mexico's leader, central american leaders and leaders in south america to understand the root of the problem, which is poverty and violence in many of these countries. maybe it's a marshal plan to invest in those countries and make sure people have a reason to stay there.
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no wall is high enough if fleeing those conditions. talk a second about the upcoming events scheduled in the intelligence committee. the chairman, adam schiff, said his first hearing is on autocracies across the globe, but i'm interested to know, are you planning to bring back any of the witnesses who had testified before your committee in your investigation of the myler probe, and what is the lay of the land looking like? >> we want to fill in the gaps. there are a lot of gaps, because we weren't able to explore bank records, cell phone records, hotel logs and many witnesses stood on invented privileges. we would want to really press those. i don't want to speak for mr. schiff. i don't want to the have witnesses come in, if they were uncooperative before, and we found new evidence, i don't think it's in anyone's interest to allow them to clean up their b.s. stories. if they lied to us, let them stay locked in on that lie and bob mueller can deal with that, what they want. my biggest concern we have a presidential election coming up,
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an adversary in russia who attacked us in 2016. general mattis said they would were try it again in 2020. we have to do anything to make sure russia or anybody else is not able to do that. >> we've spoken at some length about, or at least i've asked you at some length. you've not necessarily answered my questions, but about others who may or may not have lied to your committee. has there been any update to your understanding of any other figures aside from michael cohen who you believe lied to your committee? >> i think roger stone lied to our committee. and he had to send a number of letters amending his testimony. there are others like him and i'm only referencing him because hi letters to the committee to update his testimony after free press reporting on things he didn't disclose is out there. i don't want to put any others out there because it's not public yet. we want to get those transcripts to bob mueller as soon as possible. i know that speaker pelosi named
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adam schiff as chairman this past week and hopefully the full committee can convene very soon. >> i want to ask you about the presidential race, seems to be well on its way. where you are in your decision-making? you were thinking about it. have you made up your mind? >> i'm close, kasie and will be back in south carolina in a couple weeks and iowa over president's day weekend and i want an america if you work hard you do better for yourself, dream bigger for your kids. that's the america i lived but that promise is not fulfilled in too many places across our country. investing in health care, education, and making sure that we have infrastructure that connects the disconnected. that is a vision i have. i'm grog oing to continue to tao my family, do my job in the first 100 days and hopefully have a decision soon. >> what would your path to the white house look like? >> i grew up knowing grit and want. a lot of people feel
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disconnectsed from that american promise. i've had the experience of being a prosecutor, being a city councilman and in a city that turned around. i went to a high school one-third of us graduated and went to college. today three quarters did because we built modern schools. we have fortune 500 employers in the city, we didn't when i grew up. i saw investments can change a community and as a prosecutor a good sense of justice helping to defend a democracy when on the ropes. being connected to everyday americans, being a fighter and as the son of two republicans and someone who married a hoosier in pence country i think i can work with republicans and unite our country. >> i didn't hear a state you think you'll win but that's fine. you've honed or message and already kissed babies in public. wanted to say congratulations. made her national debut. i hope that you, your wife is doing well and your whole family is well. >> all credit to her.
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not much for me. all i did was hold her. my wife takes care of her 24 hours a day. >> thanks for being here, congressman swalwell. good to see you g. to be here. talking about the mueller investigation and where that goes next based on what swalwell talk and because we know the grand jury was extended. do we think we see more coming from congress in terms of -- we know the intelligence committee will shipping transports. either show lies to congress? >> interesting to hear what the congressman was saying about roger stone and others who may have lied to congress. i mean, i think, you know, any time you're dealing with the trump administration, with officials, people working for his campaign i think there's a pretty high likelihood that you're going to uncover more allegations or instances of malfeasance. yes. this is going to keep going on. >> how much is on -- the president, shawna, brought up
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impoochmentim impeachment. sort of apropos from -- >> yes. the thing is, seems especially the democrats on the house side have really projected they are trying to be a little bit careful about how they go about this. right? one, nancy pelosi doesn't want to talk impeachment. two, adam schiff who is the intelligence committee chair, seems a little bit wary of stepping on the toes of bob mueller. if someone lied and have the transcripts to prove it, yes, they're send the transcripts over. no holding that kind of stuff back. it seems everyone least in the leadership circle on the democrat side wants bob mueller to give them the information that allows them to credibly put articles of impeachment on the floor and they don't have that yet. >> hmm. talk a lot more about this when we come back, because i caught up with rashida tlaib the day she was sworn in. why the word she said that was
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not bleeped is more likely to cause more harm to the democrats than the word that was. than the word that was i switched to liberty mutual because they let me customize my insurance, and as a fitness junkie, i customize everything. like my bike and my calves. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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freshman congresswoman
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rashida tlaib is standing by her use of colorful language calling for the impeachment of president trump after the president called her comments disgraceful. >> we're going it move on. i mean, look, i grew up with a fierce grandmother, who said it like it is, and hat part of who i am. but i tell you, i'm unwavering and everyone knows that. from taking on huge big bullies right back at home in the district, i'm not going to back down from this biggest bully that now i have to take on. >> congresswoman tlaib was going after the president well before she became a candidate for office. i asked about their first clash in an interview recorded before she dliv delivered that curse word bleeped from around the world. >> how many times have you seen that video? >> 12 other women. it wasn't a long time before i was dragged out. i was the seventh person that got up. funny because i ran for united
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states congress is became viral and people paid attention. but i remember every, all of us women just having the courage and saying, how come we can't ask any questions? literally he was as a conference center a mile from my house. advocates within our neighborhoods, one by one, stood up every two minutes. then when it came to me, the first thing that popped in my head is, as he was talking, i don't know. just like, have you ever read the united states constitution? have you ever read the united states constitution? and, you know, i said it as loud as i can. >> shawna thomas, she's not your typical member of congress, but she does in a similar way, too, alexandria ocasio-cortez really fit the moment? >> indeed. in ways s s she is becoming a
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typical person in congress. i won't use the word shie used. that is definitely not allowed on msnbc. went on authenticity, charm, putting out their lives as much as possible. peeling back the curtain on what we seem to be normal politics and putting themselves out there. you're not going to hear her apologize for it. she's saying, hey, i'm authentic and sometimes i use curse words and that what i do with my friends and apparently in front of people on the stump and that is, they are in ways changing politics and also because president trump changed politics. >> a certain richness to the criticism of her language too defended the variety of things this president has said in public. >> i have a few thoughts about it. one can, during the break, shawna, we discussed that she's more of an activist, right, than a career politician. interesting, because there are a lot like that, and i think this has gotten altogether too much
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coverage. she's a freshman, but it's interesting, we will profile freshman. i would not have wanted to start my congressional career in this way. but the fact was, she was in a private meeting, playing to the crowd. they loved it. some recorded it. probably have have known that. didn't. it went on national television but i like the fact she didn't back down ob it either. the hypocrisy who would attack her and same time support trump is -- >> no one has bun more to degrade civility and decency in politics today than our current president. that's a fact. to hear these pearl-clutching conservatives, oh, my god. can you believe she used the f word? yes. your president uses it all the time in private. ask anybody who talks with him. he has one of the foulest mouths to ever occupy the oval office. in a is a fact. the more interesting fact of her
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comment to rick's point wasn't the f word. it was impeachment. how long of those democrats, we talked about running for president, going to be able to resist -- >> walking that line. excellent point and potentially split the party down the middle. >> one of the litmus tests for the 80, 100 apparently democrats who will run for the nomination. one thing they have to answer and answer it quickly once they get to iowa, new hampshire, south carolina killer and california, are you for impeachment or not and fast do you want it to happen? >> that litmus test will be hard for members of congress especially to answer right now. >> i read an op-ed and interesting points. one is, as we all seem to be waiting for the mueller investigation. i don't agree with it but i think she's right about it. that is, you don't need to wait for the mueller investigation to, you know, list our articles
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of impeachment and pass them through the house. i worry about it, because i worry that until the democratic congress does an investigation harks a body of evidence that is rock solid, we need to go through the process. i think that's where nancy pelosi is focuses. the mueller investigation may indeed provide that, but the idea what she says is, he's already impeachable. i don't think that's true. there's a lot of things -- do i think he obstructed justice? i do. do i think he misuses his power? i do. a lot of things the president -- are those impeachable offenses? yes, but maybe not. they have to be -- there has to about body of evidence just as you go to a prosecutor in court -- >> the concern, too, is that they have to convince senate republicans or this is useless. >> correct. politics is the science of human relations. if you're affected by that you go far. if not, you fail. >> never ceases to amaze me, kasie, how many democrats -- not talking about members of
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congress, but how many you talk to, interview out covering midterms don't understand if he's impeached he's still the president. the senate has to remove him from office and it takes two-thirds of that and that's not going to happen rn. >> and the "weekend at bernie's" guy. >> we are live. thank you all for your insights tonight. appreciate it. when we return, talking with governor jay inslee who wants to pardon thousands of people with minor marijuana convictions and run on climate change. will that translate into wins in key early states? he joins me like, up next. -morning. -morning. -what do we got? -keep an eye on that branch. might get windy. have a good shift. fire pit. last use -- 0600. i'd stay close. morning. ♪ get ready to switch. protected by flo. should say, "protected by alan and jamie." -right? -should it?
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when you bundle home and auto... run, alan! get more than just savings. you get 'round-the-clock protection.
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the very first week of 2019 brought presidential hopefuls. here are some of the headlines you might have missed. >> elizabeth warren headed to iowa. >> i want to be in this fight. she says she's in the fight all the way, mr. president. do you really think she believes she can win? >> i don't know. you'd have to ask other psychologist. >> and terry -- >> hoping beto o'rourke might enter the race. >> dianne feinstein -- >> no idea. no one knows nothing. we'll have to see it play out. >> as you saw, the 2020
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democratic field is shaping up to be sizable. joining me now is one of the many democrats exploring a white house bid. democratic governor of washington state jay inslee. great to have you on as always. thanks for being here. >> good evening. >> let's simply start with what your strategy might look like in a 2020 bid. the field is shaping up to be incredibly crowded. how do you stand out? >> look, america needs a president and the democratic party needs to put forward, a leader and first of all paramount defeat climate change. the reason is simple. we know we are the first generation to feel the sting of climate change. we know we are the last generation that can do something about it. we know that climate change touches every corner and every family. we know it is a national security threat. we know that it is a threat to the health of our children, and
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we know that as much as it is a peril, we also know that it is a promise. it is a promise of economic growth, and we've demonstrated that in my state where we have embrace add vision i first wrote about in a book ten years ago of economic growth associated with clean energy jobs. so we need simply a vision statement, and a call to action. this country is so capable of enormous leadership if it simply has a call to action. this is a matter of character of the american people. we're innovators comfort and know we can get the job done wharch. >> what would your first priority as president be on this? a carbon tax? what would your platform be? >> we need to have multiple tools to address this issue. we know we need to grow jobs by the millions. and we know we can do that in traditional and non-traditional ways. we know we can decarbonize our transportation system by
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embracing new electric cars and buses. i knee that because today we have the highest usage of electric cars. perhaps in the nation. and the electric bus capital of america is in wahatchi, washington. and we know we need to ban super pollutants, and we know we need, again to put people to work by training them for these jobs. this is a massive undertaking. >> a carbon tax? yes or no? >> it depends. we need to find a way to finance these. we might be able to do it by rolling back the trump tax cuts. i don't think we should take off any financing mechanism that doesn't fall disproportionately on low-income working people, because these are the people who suffer from climate change. >> what about the green new deal? alexandria ocasio-cortez have
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pushed that. do you support the green new deal? >> i am thrilled to see new energy in congress embracing this idea of a bold, ambitious plan. a bold, ambitious plan that can put millions of people to work and that will rally the country on a scale of involvement that we have done historically, as question in the manhattan project in world war ii. as question in the apollo project when i was growing up in the '60. a spark of inspirational leadership can cause that to happen and don't tell me this country is not capable of doing that. so you bet i'm thrilled by them. >> you do support it? >> you bet. i support the effort going forward and glad it's happening in the u.s. congress. we're not waiting. our states are acting. my state is acting. i started the u.s. climate alliance with jerry brown and governor cuomo. 15 states are leading today. look, we're not waiting for d.c. we're making this happen in the states today and i'm glad i was dga chair that flipped seven
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seats. all are climate champions as well. this action is taking operation in the states as so often happens in our nation. >> all right. many of your would-be competitors should you join the race are already well down the road of building ot their campaigns. elizabeth warren, for example, has hired staffers in early states including iowa, new hampshire, south carolina. joe biden is said to have a campaign apparatus in waiting. what steps have you taken to build out a potential campaign at this point? >> well, we're looking at staff. we're talking to potential staff right now. we have at least a couple trips planned. i'll be in new hampshire talking about climate change. i've been invited by dartmouth in part because of my expertise on the subject. i'm going to new hampshire to help them establish a league of environmental voters. i'll be in iowa and nevada in the futch future as this goes f. an interest in the my candidacy
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in part because of the climate change effort and also in part because we have such a success story in my state. we have grown the greatest gdp growth, the best job creation, because we've embraced these progressive policies. the first state to do net neutrality. the best family paid leave. one of the biggest minimum wage increases. gender day equity laws, a big transportation package. when they can't build a birdhouse in washington, d.c. so my potential candidacy is not just around climate change, although this is attracted people's interest in it. people have understood we need someone with executive experience who has more than speeches on their resume but actual accomplishments. i have that from the state of washington and want to bring washington's success to the whole country. >> governor jay inslee. thank you very much for being here, sir. >> thank you, good luck. >> we'll be watching for any developments in your potential campaign. >> thank you. when we come back a potential 2020 candidate forced to apologize for what happens on
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senator bernie sanders is responding to claims of sexual harassment, unfair treatment and
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pay disparity from women who worked on his 2016 presidential campaign. >> i certainly apologize for any woman who felt like she was not treated appropriately. and of course if i run we will do better next time. >> and to be clear you seem to indicate you did not know at the time about the allegations. is that right. >> yes. i was a little busy trying to run around the country trying to make the case. >> those comment after the "new york times" released a report detailing specific accounts circulating in recent weeks. "in interviews, women told of makeshift living accommodations on the road where they were asked to sleep in rooms along with male coworkers they didn't know. taken aback to learn some female staff members made thousands less than their male count parts. some said the campaign was disorganized and decentralized which made it hard to know who to turn to in the case of mistreatment. the report after two dozen men
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and women signed a letter alleging a quote untenable and dangerous dynamic of sexual harassment and sexual violence. the significacig torys are now g a meeting to address and fix the issues ahead of the upcoming presidential cycle. sanders campaign committee saying more robust policies and processes were implemented in the senate election bid this year. including training and a toll free hotline for reporting incidents. first that response has been heavily criticized saying i was a little busy to potentially handle this. especially in the environment the last year with me too. >> bernie sanders is not a serious person. because if you want to have equal pay and that you run as a policy and you want it in your organization you make damn sure it happens and you do that by checking. he debate do that which means he doesn't care about it.
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if you want your campaign workers to be safe on the road when they are campaigning for you, you make sure they are safe. he didn't prioritize that. which means he didn't care about it. and fits other pie in the sky policies that all sound great. free college, healthcare. but there is never a plan to pay for it. so this doesn't surprise me at all. the idea we're going to just say those people won't be invited back again is baloney. >> tough wards. all right. what to look for in the week ahead. >> to look for in the week ahead. >> so i only pay for what i need. and as a man... uh... or a woman... with very specific needs that i can't tell you about- cheese. mr. landry? oh no. hi mr. landry! liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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the question isn't whether he should be impeached any more. he's the most corrupt president in american history. and we all know it. the question now is, how fast can we move past this president so we can build a more just and prosperous future? please, join the more than 6.5 million americans who are demanding action now. because there's nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. together, we will make this happen. need to impeach is responsible for the content of this ad.
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>> al: as it so often does. 43 yard attempt from the right
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. and oh, he hits the upright again. that's impossible. and the eagles run out onto the field. well there are still five seconds, so they have got to get back. he does it again. >> yes, yes. yes. we're in the playoffs. yes. okay. fly eagles fly. sorry, i needed a moment. >> i'm a patriots fan. >> watching week ahead. 15 seconds. >> what did it take? all of two days for impeachment to become the dominant subject of this new congress? what i'm watching the week, the week after. the month after. this is the question that democrats cannot run from and have to con front very fast. >> mitch mcconnell was absent in donald trump's rose garden stream of consciousness and i agree with you. he's telling donald trump, call me when you are serious and i'll reengage. otherwise he's out. >> michael steele said it.
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donald trump burned cocaine mitch. i also want to thank our cab watching d.c. tonight from russell. thank you so much. russell we really appreciate it. that is it for us tonight on "kasie dc." for now, good night from washington. "kasie dc. for now, good night from washington presentation. >> she grew up in baltimore from a family steeped in politics. and rose to become the first woman speaker of the house. now heshe's making history agai. only this time nancy pelosi is starting her term in the middle of a republican shutdown, facing the republican led senate and donald trump in the white house. tonight just one day after reclaiming the gavel, nancy pelosi visits her alma mat tore make her case. this is an exclusive town hall with the speaker from trinity washington university in washington d.c. here now is


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