tv Deadline White House MSNBC January 19, 2019 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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januarysing. is it a breakthrough or more of the same stalemate in washington. the president claims he is willing to compromise, but is it really compromise. democrats are saying this is a nonstarter. i will be joined by ted leiu. and the report that says the president instructed michael cohen to lie to congress, just out tonight, buzzfeed stands by the story. but we begin the hour with the announcement from the president that represents his first tangible overture to outline the government. he outlines millions of dollars for technology programs, and a concept that was similar to what was talked about, but dcemocrat
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raced red flags about how that would actually work. >> it includes $5.7 billion for a strategic deployment of physical barriers or a wall. this is not a 2,000 mile concrete structure from sea to sea. these are steel barriers in high priority areas. much of the border is already protected by natural barriers like mountains and water. like his prime time address, he declined to reach out to hundreds of thousands of federal workers fur lowed and out of work. americans that he already incorrectly suggested that are mostly democrats. leaders are praising this including mitch mcconnell vowing to move legislation on this this week, but speaker nancy pelosi declared the effort to be in not
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good faith before the president even stepped to the podium. so i want to know what we know about how this all came to be. the crafting of this proposal. because one of the things that the democrats said from the beginning was this is not a compromised proposal, no one asked us. >> that's right, they said they had no idea what the president would say. the president took a lead role in forecasting this propose sals alongside jared kushner who is a jack of all trades figure here in the white house. if you talk about the raw politics, this was about the president trying to reframe the dynamics of this debate. they were trying to give the appearance of a good faith negotiator. by offering something they think the democrats can get behind. just in the last hour or so they
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held a briefing with reporters. kelly o'donnell was there and she tells me that the vice president says they're looking forward to a vote that mitch mcconnell says he will call as early as tuesday and they are rejecting this notion from the far right that the president offering these protections from dreamers and some ref gugees th this constitutes amnesty. ann coulter said we voted for trump and we got jeb. much earlier in this process to reverse course and say he would not sign that spending deal that would have funded the government. it would have avoided all of this. so that is sort of like the political underlying debate here as we try to get through this
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five week shut down here. >> so from people like ann coulter, what are we hearing from democraticic lawmakers? >> i think they view it as a sucker punch. it is a proposal he knew would be rejected because it had been on the table before. they saw this as something they needed to take seriously because perhaps the american people were -- or the public at large, would see this as a good faith attempt. nancy pelosi saying it was not a good faith attempt. you have the chairman of the appropriations committee committee calling it a boondoggle, and your son-in-law, that's not how it works. mitch mcconnell once the president was finished, said he would bring the senate back into
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session next week to vote and work through some of these proposals. was the president trying to change the dynamic because they felt like they were on the losing end of this and the biggest pressure point that people really do need to take a look at is senate republicans and whether or not the support is waivering there at all. we know how the house will vote, before christmas the senate was on record as voting for 1.3 million dollars for border security. so the pressure point is on senate republicans. i think when they took to the diplomatic room for that nationwide address, that was the target audience. >> joining me now is raul raez.
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so let's look at the big picture here. i don't think anyone is surprised by what chunk schumer or nancy pelosi is saying, or the ann coulters. what was the a, pressure point that caused the president to go on national television after what was not a very helpful performance, and what did they think it would do? what is the hope there? >> the hope from the white house is that the president will see him as someone pushing to get paid. >> he never mentioned the people out of work. whoever crafted that didn't have that in mind. >> that is very clear, i was with vice president pence, oklahomaland security secretary kristin nielsen. and they sat across the table
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from me and they said they want him to get paid and he said if it is phil bustered on tuesday and democrats don't get behind the president's proposal, he was already trying to blame democrats for that. they were feeling like both sides of the aisle. they feel like the country is tired of posturing on both sides, he thinks there is a lot of reasonable people that want to move this forward. after ward they had a small wing of reporters they pushed out and they say they think it is democrats fault now if people don't get paid. >> how much pressure do they think they're under?
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it is clear where americans are on this, the majority don't want the wall, and they're blaming democrats and republicans. is this what started this in a sense? are they saying look at these numbers this is not working for you. >> it is clear the majority blames president trump and the republicans for the shut down now in day 29. i feel like the president is getting pressure from constituents, base people, and greater america. there is an idea that people are coming to a breaking point where if we miss a second paycheck where hundreds of thousands of people will be asked to work without pay that people can't take that any more. mick mulvaney said the national emergency option is still on the
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table. i asked the vice president why should immigrants believe that the president won't support them in three years, and they said some of the tps holders are from s-hole countries and that they're bringing aids to the country. how do we know that they won't be kicked off in three years. and also that the president should be trusted because he is able to put these forward and wants to have tps and daca extended. so really the vice president doesn't have a good explanation for why people should trust him. they say we don't think the president is credible when it comes to immigration. >> americans are fed up with this, they're blaming the president, and they're fed up and there is 800,000 people and a lot more whether they're contractors or people in restaurants around federal buildings, i could go on and on and on that are very upset about it and they could pay anyone
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that has a stitch of humanity that has seen the stories, but could they look at the speech and say the dreamers get to keep their work permits, they're protected for three more years. he said this is straightforward and reasonable with lots of compromise. >> that's the narrative they're pushing, but looking at this issue of the wall for a moment. it is an extension of their status. he is not crafting any kind of permanent legislation if is an extension -- >> so basically the same things he took away in the first place. now he is stepping into partially solving them for now. he made a good point that this administration has such a lack of credibility. some of those that i folk to.
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-- they were astonishes and offended. and it was the same week that we learned that the administration has basically has no accountanting for thousands of children. everybody else is so concerned about how this all happen happened. they want to know what to do going forward. one bill would include $563 million for immigration junctions. another will include $524 million to expand facilities at ports of entry. a lot of these things are
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similar, and this is trump's point, right? i'm giving the democrats what they want. was this good for him politically? >>. >> i don't think it matters, i think it is a wash. it was done in such a weird fashion. 4:00 on a saturday on a holiday weekend, i don't think he really took his message to the public in such a way that seemed empathetic. he did not mention the 800 fur l loughed workers. >> if you're writing this speech, do you quietly say to each other let's not even put that in because that is not his thing? >> after what he did on tuesday night i don't know why he would give that speech in that atmosphere to begin with. it doesn't make sense at all.
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what is interesting now is the house will put forward some bills. and now it is going to the senate, mitch mcconnell is now going to have to pop up his head and be listening to a lot of members and looking at the cameras, and he may put it up for a vote. i think this will be a very interesting time and he should be very careful. the president is looking an out and someone to blame. >> but he also wants to be a wildly unreliable negotiator. my take is that right now the white house is trying to push the both sides narrative. people of the country are upset. but so far if they were going to do this i think they should have done it much earlier. the polling is against him, but
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the nbc poles that 70% of americans think that shutting down the government should not be used for negotiation tactics at all. >> and i can tell you i just spoke to a bunch of freshman dcs that are with nancy pelosi 100,000 percent. they say look, if we do this this time the president will think every time he doesn't get what he wants he can shut down the government and we will fold. >> that is fair, but people just want government to work. they want to be back in their jobs. . it will start to take a toll on the democrats. if our elected leaders were smart, they would come up with a dead and leave the president to not support it. leave it on his desk. that would give him and out and
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be a decent deal for both sides. >> what do you see? would the president have gone on national television oddly on a holiday week, maybe the only thing worse would be trying to interrupt the playoff games tomorrow, having said that they're confident that mitch mcconnell will putt this out there and that the senate could pass it? >> the sense they got from mick mulvaney and him talking about the bill being filibustered, i think they don't think it will pass the senate and that it will get to the house. my sense also is that the white house now wants to give the idea that they can pick off different democratic lawmakers in the room. president pence and mick mul
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veiny says they were talking to rank and file democrats. instead of going to nancy and chuck, they're now trying to go to individual democrats and maybe some freshmen that you talked about saying why don't you just take this and say to nancy pelosi and chum shumer that we don't agree with you. i don't think it will work as someone that knows how they win votes, but that is the white house strategy right now. >> can we talk about that again? he doesn't mention 800,000 people plus that are really, really hurting, but he talks about rime rates, sexual assault. >> here is what is showing there is a lack of strategy. we're going to keep hearing
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stories about those fur lowed workers. decisions between taking children to the doctor, do they have gas to take them to the doctor. and there are so many people, that are doing things they have never done before. you don't have to be a government worker or contractor to notice. if you're in some places like virginia or on the border, all of these economies and local businesses are feeling the effect that and that is the narrative that is so powerful. people see themselves, so far all of whatever trump said today in the nuances of the deal, this is more of the same from him,
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drug, rapists, crimes, what people feel and what they're living right now is hard times and economic insecurity and this is in their homes and friends and neighbors home. >> we're out of time but i want to get to this quickly. where does this leave us? it souths to my like where we are still, are you for or against a wall. do you see it differently? >> no, that is exactly where i think we are. >> i want to say that was a question posed in the room, what will happen in if the democrats reject this. if they don't want to play ball the president will have to do something about it. it seems like we're inissues
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closer and closer. this smeeting that continued to go on is they're taking about people that are not getting paid. the president's speech didn't mention them. >> it is good to know that someone in the white house is thinking about them. thank you so much. you're going to stay with me. we have a lot more to come this hour, as we continue our extended live coverage, proposing a bale to reopen the government. this is not a good faith effort from the president.watching msn. e spokesperson dennis quaid. he's a pretty good spokesperson. ehhh. so when i say, "drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412," you probably won't believe me. hey, actor lady whose scene was cut. hi.
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i want this to end, it has to end now. these are not talking points. these are the heartbreaking realities that are hurting innocent precious human beings every single day. on both sides of the border. as a candidate for president i promised i would fix this crisis, and i intend to keep that promise one way or the other. >> that was president trump at the white house. the plan he outlined includes 5.7 billion nor a border barrier. joining me now, democratic congressman ted leiu of
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california. president trump claims this is a compromise on key parts of immigration. i want to play a little more of what he said. >> there are two more elements of my plan. number one is three years of legislative relief for 700,000 daca recipients brought here unlawfully by their parents at a young age many years ago. this extension will give them access to work permits, security numbers, and protection from deportation, most importantly. secondly, we provide a three year extension of temporary protected status or tps. >> he says here is compromise,ive gaving it to you, dcs. >> thank you, chris. the dcs positions that been straightforward, reasonable, and
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has not changed. it is that simple. he prides himself on being a great negotiator. he should be able to negotiate with the democrats fairly and squarely, but we can't negotiate right now while he is holding our government hostage. >> a group of colleagues got on a call together and toll a producer here, he, meaning trump, maize is -- and says the ball is finally in their court. are you concerned that the average american will say at least the president has come up with a proposal and that democrats should take this.
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>> i'm pleased that the president is making these concessions, but why are we talking about daca, a legal status issue when the issue is about funding our government. we can't negotiate during a shut down. it is just very simple. all trump has to do is sign the bipartisan legislation that the house repeatedly passed and then we can move forward and move america forward. >> it sounds like mitch mcconnell is going to put legislation out there. that it isn't going to pass the senate, is not going to pass the house. we could be looking at a longer shut down yet, where is this going? >> one reason it will not pass is that he was negotiating with his son-in-law and vice president pence, that is not really a compromise.
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he launches this on a saturday. we need to reopen government, government and border security is a complicated issue. let's open government and then talk about this to move america forward. >> why do you think he did this today? >> i think he saw that all of the public polling shows public sentiment. they realize that trump said he would be proud to shut down government. he owns it, i think he is trying to change that perception, but it is too late, he has to simply reopen government and then we can talk about these issues. democrats ran and won, i'm talking about health care, investing in good jobs, we can't do any of that during a shut down. >> he did seem to be trying to change the language a little on the wall.
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build that wall is something he encouraged as a chant. he said it doesn't have to be a 2,000 mile concrete structure, steel barriers in high need areas. is the wall ultimately what is at stake here? is that what is keeping the government from reopening? >> you see the president changing his positions on the wall, first he talks about a concrete wall that will cross the border, then a steel fence, then barriers in some locations. this is a complicated issue and we should not be negotiating this during a government shut down. we should reopen government and talk about all of the issues for border security including how do we use our technology to stop the drugs coming through ports of entry. let's talk about increased immigration judges.
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we can do all of this but first we have to reopen government. >> it is always a pleasure to speak with you. appreciate you coming on. just ahead, the president says "fake news." buzzfeed stands by their story. what to make of that report about president trump instructing michael cohen to lie to congress. chael cohen to lie to congress. come on dad! higher! higher! parents aren't perfect, but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything's good again. i was thinking...d clot could there be another around the corner? or could it turn out differently? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis.
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i think that maybe equally as bad, the coverage of the buzz feed phoney story. it was a total phoney story, i appreciate the commercial council coming out with a statement last night. i think it was very appropriate they did so but b appreciate that. i think that buzzfeed piece was a disgraduation to our country. it was a disgrace to journalism, and i think the coverage was disgraceful. >> the president talking about
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that bombshellbu buzzfeed repor. it prompted this rare statement from robert mueller's office saying that their descriptions and claharacterization of this e not accurate in a statement released this afternoon, a spokesman for buzzfeed says we see no indication that our story is inaccurate. we will share more as we're able. here is what ben smith told my colleague rachael maddow. >> we describe our source here as a federal law enforcement involved in the investigation of the trump tower in moscow investigation. those that we spoke to before
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the publication of the story and after. >> so back with us is susan joining the conversation along with na ta sha, i'm wondering what you make of the decision to release that statement. >> it was earth shattering, right? i think they have released a statement a few times in the two or three years, so for him to outright dispute the report is really big. but the statement was also pretty carefully worded, right? it didn't say that it was completely false, it just said the assertions made about mueller's office and what they obtained was not accurate. what it was incontract, we don't
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know. >> even on rachel maddow last night, ben said we would love for the special council to tell us what is wrong about this report. >> one thing that may have stooked them a bit is initially it seemed like it could have been a based own a leak from l mueller's office. and it might have just prompted them to take this action. >> and ben smith made that point with rachael. it was law enforcement agents affiliated with the investigation of moscow trump tower, i didn't necessarily say mueller's office. i think it is spot on when it spooked his office. i don't know for a fact. i know ben smith for 15 years, he is as tough as they come.
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he believes in the process and i honestly do not believe that he would put himself out there not once but twice and stand by his reporting if he did not think it was 100% spot on. he knows the stakes involved, and i don't think he would do anything but be an honest journalist on this. >> and he produced something that we never thought we would hear was the president saying something nice about the special council's office. what was the feeling in the white house when that report came out isn't the. >> when -- i think that really the white house was in some ways as stunned as everyone else. they quickly went into attack mode. you have rudy giuliani releasing statements, it is obviously not true. by the next day he was firmly denying the reports. i think it is telling that the special council's office has not
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refuted a lot of statements and a lot of reporting. to me when i read that statement i thought does that mean that everything else that we read about is true because they did not say anything else but it was something in particular about this story that made them feel uncomfortable. if part of this is inaccurate we know the president will wrun that and say all of it is fake news and they were all out to get me. many reporters think it is just not true. they have broken other story that's have been great stories to read. i think people need to understand that they are also coming from a place of solid reporting. >> you get a feeling that the president of the united states, horrible, terrible, worst thing other, witch hunt, all of the
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things he said about the special council's office, and and then they put out a statement that is like maybe they know exactly what they're talking about. >> i have no doubt they'll try to play both sides of this issue. i don't necessarily know how they're going to do that, but this definitely sets a bad precedent for them. but i think we need to step back also and just remember that the bigger picture here is the president, regardless of whether or not he told michael cohen to lie, he was 450iding it for two or three years. it could have brought him hundreds of millions of dollars at the moment he was running for president. he said in the pags that he was completely open about it. we didn't know until august of 2014 that he was pursuing this
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deal. the fact that he felt any kind of pressure from the white house to fudge the dates and make it seem like he was not doing this during the election, that just speaking volumes in and of itself. >> i didn't think that the interest in michael cohen's could get any higher. people are dieing to hear what he said to say anyway, but now the questions will be there, right? >> they certainly are. >> the democrats, frankly, a lot of them said if it is true -- >> but i think that is also what spooked mueller to make sure his office was not associated with the leak. he puts this investigation first, he did not want anything to question the integrity of his office. and that had to spook him a little bit. >> thank you to my guests,
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of trees and power lines down. most of the state remains at risk for strong and severe storms. the public has been asked to stay away from the area so first responders can work. one reporter spoke about the damage done to historic landmarks there. >> there was a very historic church across the road. this address is 101 west bridge. there is nothing left of it, there was really heavy damage. there is old trees over 100 years old twisted in half all over. >> and now to a show of force around the country. thousands taking to the streets today to demonstrate in the third annual women's march. it has evolved into hundreds of marches across the country. what are you hearing from demonstrators there?
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>>. >> we're here in downtown l.a., this is where the event ended earlier today on the steps of city ha city hall behind us here. this is where all of the demonstrators were gathered today. now everyone has cleared out of it and that is one of the key differences that we're seeing this year. i covered this event last year as well, and there was a much larger and more substantial turnout. at this time of day when i was here last year, this would have still been very packed. so another key difference that we're seeing this year, the women's march, the organizers of this event, went to great lengths to distance themselves from that sister march in dc because of the controversy around that organization. they made a statement on their website making sure this event would be inclusive and that is a key message that i heard from demonstrators that i spoke to today. they told anyway today's march
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was all about solidarity. listen to this. >> what brings you back around this year. >> mostly just there is still a message that needs to be brought to the attention of the government. >> is there a consistent message you're hearing today, what is that message. >> a lot with just, for women's march for equality and equal voice for everyone, and for the whole diversity, we're in favor of all of that, that's why we're here. >> now there was a couple celebrities that spoke on that stage behind me today. they herd from lavern cox and i spoke to glor ra alred today.
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she said the message is that women, we're here and we're not turning back. >> thank you for that report. up next, tens of thousands of federal workers being sent back to work without pay, the allegati agencies effected and the argue over what essential actually means. e argue over what essential actually means. i thought, i should try something that works. i should try nicorette. nicorette mini relieves sudden cravings fast. anytime. anywhere. nicorette mini. you know why. we know how. unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you? for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease, stelara® works differently. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection or flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems,
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. president trump offering congressional democrats what he calls a humanitarian deal on the border under the ongoing government shutdown. this happened just a couple hours ago, but top democrats rejected the president's proposal even before he took to the podium. nbc's kelly o'donnell joins us from the white house. walk us through what we heard. >> reporter: one of the that happened is after the president had his public remarks and laid out his proposal, a group of reporters we were able to talk with the vice president and jared kushner, secretary nielsen of homeland security, and the acting chief of staff, mick mulvaney to get a sense of not only what's in the proposal but what comes next. one of the things that jared kushner told us is they recognize there were people who said where does the president really stand, what will he get behind and support. they claim the vice president saying they took ideas from
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democrats and combined them with the president's priorities in what they believe is a compromise in trying to get something to shake loose knowing that this has been going on nearly a month. in the public part of the presentation today, the president also wanted to show that he supports legal immigration. on this day 29, president trump hosted a naturalization ceremony, swearing in five new americans in the oval office. you are now officially united states citizens >> reporter: with a new offer, he made government shutdown negotiations a national tv event. >> i'm here today to break the log jam. >> reporter: the president pledging new support for a long-held priority for democrats, legal protection for certain immigrants. >> this is a common sense compromise both parties should embrace. >> reporter: the white house offer would extend legal status for an estimated 700,000 young
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undocumented immigrants and another 300,000 refugees from war-torn or disaster ravaged nations whose status will expire. >> this extension will give them access to work permits, social security numbers, and protection from deportation. >> reporter: the compromise would come with a price for democrats, em bold understand by their politicize base to opposite funding the president's border wall. but president trump's demand remains $5.7 billion over five years. >> the radical left can never control our borders. >> reporter: tonight house speaker nancy pelosi issued a statement calling the president's offer unacceptable and a nonstarter. as she the government must reopen before negotiations. she writes the president has taken pride in shutting down government. now, ems take action to open up government. without a real breakthrough, another hardship looms.
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tuesday at midnight is the payroll deadline for 800,000 federal workers who would miss another check. on tuesday they have a commitment from zoe conley to bring this proposal to a vote. what the vice president said they hope is that the country's tired of this shutdown, wants to get people back to work, wants to reopen the government and they would urge senate democrats to go for a compromise. that is, of course, a political test that's coming. at the same time, the vice president said he's hearing the negative feedback from both the political right and left, and for conservatives who say giving these extended legal status protections to the daca dreamer kids or to the refugees would be some kind of amnesty, vice president says this is not an amnesty bill. for democrats who would like those protections to be permanent, not just limited to three years, the vice president says this is a compromise the president is willing to offer.
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will it change anything? that has to play out over days to come. but i can get the sense from the white house that they recognize they needed to do something that adopted some democratic ideas, but democrats right now tonight stale believe the better course is to open the government first and then negotiate. there just doesn't seem to be an appetite for that from this white house. so will the public really try to pressure congress to vote? that's something we'll have to watch very carefully on tuesday which is a paycheck deadline for federal workers who have been without their regular salaries. we've got more to come at the top of the hour, including live reaction to the president's immigration pitch from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. plus, buzzfeed claims it has reconfirmed its bombshell report on michael cohen after special counsel robert mueller refuted its accuracy. you're watching msnbc. it's not going to be easy. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back
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