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tv   First Look  MSNBC  January 21, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PST

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after democrats reject the president's new offer before it was even announced. the big question now, where do we go from here? plus buzzfeed stands by it's reporting that donald trump ordered michael cohen to lie to congress besides it being disputed from the special counsel's office. we will hear from one of the report's writers. when did the trump organization stop talking to the russians about building a trump tower in moscow? the official timeline changes yet again. good morning, everyone, it's
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monday, january 21st, i'm ayman mohyeldin alongside yasmin vossoughian and louis burgdorf. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell will hold a vote this week on president trump's proposal to fund the wall and end the shutdown, even though democrats are united in opposition. on saturday the president offered a temporary three-year protection for young undocumented migrants under daca program, as well as immigrants from countries on the temporary projected status -- protected status list, excuse me. it is trump's first public offer to democrats since the shutdown began back on december 22nd. now at 31 days and counting, house speaker nancy pelosi called the proposal a nonstarter and said that his offers of protection do not represent a good faith effort to restore certainty to people's lives. on sunday trump tweeted multiple times about pelosi, accusing her of behaving irrationally, calling her a radical democrat and telling her to clean up the streets in san francisco which trump called disgusting.
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last night on msnbc james clyburn said the white house proposal did not go far enough. >> if a high school daca person were to accept this deal, in three years, what would happen if that person is away in school trying to get a college degree or some other post secondary education in pursuit and look up, three days expired -- three years expired and they are back in the shape that they were in before. >> what if the president made those daca protections permanent, would this change this equation? >> yes, it would. tps as well. >> speaker pelosi says that democrats will vote again this week to reopen the government wi with vice president mike pence they would reject. >> you can open the government tomorrow, then you can negotiate about this. >> because, i mean, you know,
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frankly, chris, what the american people want us to do is to work on their priorities and the american people want us to secure the border. >> all right. so president trump's immigration proposal is being met with deafening silence, no at single democrat has publicly expressed openness to it. according to axios a senior white house official said their strategy which was created largely by jared kushner and vice president mike pence was to get trump's compromise immigration bill through the senate with an overwhelming vote and pressure house democrats to speak from speaker nancy pelosi. but axios says that the democrats do have a consensus, no immigration talks until the government is back open. axios adds that even the moderates who sometimes break with the party like democratic senators joe manchin and chris coons are sticking with the leadership on this. but republican senator james lankford said the president's offer is a straw man proposal that is not meant to become law. >> what i encouraged the white
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house to do and multiple others encouraged the white house to do is put out a proposal, they have listened to a lot of democrat and republican members for the last month, this he have' heard all the demands, this he know all the background. put out a straw man proposal, get something out there the president can say i can support this and it has elements from both sides, put it on the table then open it up for debate. the vote this week in the senate is not to pass the bill, it is to open up and say can we debate this, can we amend it and make changes? let's find a way to be able to get the government open because there are elements in this that are clearly elements that have been supported by democrats strongly in the past. new developments in the russia probe. the president's legal team just extended the timeline yet again concerning those discussions to build a trump tower in mass could you. first michael cohen told congress that talks with russians ended in january of 2016, then it was thought to be later in summer of june of 2016, more or less, now the president's attorney rudy giuliani says there was a, quote, an active proposal with
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the russians until at least october or possibly november of 2016. in an interview with the "new york times" giuliani quoted the president as saying that trump tower moscow discussions were, quote, going on from the day i announced to the day i won. here is how giuliani phrased it yesterday on "meet the press." >> well, it's our understanding that they went on throughout 2016, there weren't a lot of them but there were conversations. can't be sure of the exact dates, but the president can remember having conversations with them about it. >> throughout 2016? >> yeah, probably up to -- could be up to as far as october, november. our answers cover until the election, any time during that period they could have talked about it. >> as far as the president was concerned an active project to at least october or november of 2016, an active potential deal. >> yeah, i would say an active proposal. >> as the "times" points out the
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timeline means that the active proposal for the trump tower moscow project was still out there when trump sought a deal to end sanctions on russia. when he pushed the putin talking point question -- questioning the legitimacy of nato, you remember that, and of course during his infamous, russia, if you're listening remarks about hillary clinton's 30,000 e-mails. rudy giuliani also added confusion to the question of whether president trump spoke to michael cohen before cohen's testimony to congress. speaking with the "new york times" about the president's written answers to special counsel bob mueller, giuliani said, quote, there was no question that he was asked by the special counsel a question that said did you talk to him before he testified. he said, quote, there were questions like, did you talk about the moscow project with michael cohen. to which he answered yes. but here is giuliani on sunday's shows. >> did president trump or anyone on the trump team talk to michael cohen about his congressional testimony before he -- before he gave congressional testimony or after
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he gave congressional testimony? >> as far as i know president trump did not have discussions with him, certainly had no discussions with him in which he told him or counseled him to lie. if he had any discussions with him, they would be about the version of the events that michael cohen gave then which they all believe was true. >> but you just ak nongd that it's possible that president trump talked to michael cohen about his testimony. >> which would be perfectly no recall al. which the president believed was true. >> so it's possible that pd that, that president trump talked to michael cohen -- >> i don't know if it happened or didn't happen or it might be attorney/client privileged if it happened. >> buzzfeed news is standing but it's reporting that president trump directed michael cohen to lie to congress despite it being disputed by bob mueller's team. mueller's spokesman peter carr said buzzfeed's description of special statements to the special counsel's office and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding michael cohen's congressional testimony, are not accurate. president trump said that he,
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quote, appreciates the statement from the special counsel's office, but as we mentioned, buzzfeed stands by its reporting. here is one of the story's co-authors speaking to cnn yesterday. >> anthony, doo you have any why you evidence since thursday night that supports your story? >> i have further confirmation that this is right, we're being told to stand our ground. our reporting is going to be borne out to be accurate and we're 100% behind it. >> who is telling you that? >> i'm not going to talk about my sources. i can tell you that, yes, indeed, the same sources we used in that story are standing behind it, as are we. >> so the sources in the report were described as, quote, two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the trump tower in moscow. the "washington post" writes, quote, people familiar with the matter said the special counsel's spokesman told others in the government that he would have more vigorously discouraged the reporters from proceeding with the story had he known it would allege cohen had told the special counsel trump directed
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had i'm to lie, or that the special counsel was said to have learned this through interviews with the trump organization witnesses, internal company e-mails and text messages. >> there is a little irony in hearing president trump say that the statement coming out of the mueller's team is correct after bashing mueller consistently. joining us now editor and chief of plit toe magazine blake hall southeast shall. everybody i assume in washington and here they are talking about this buzzfeed debacle, if you want to call it that. what do you make of it? >> i think there's a debate about whether the special counsel's office was denying just a specific aspect of buzzfeed's story or whether their intention was to wipe it off the map full stop. the "washington post" reporting suggests that the special counsel really wanted to dispute this central premise of the story, which was that that cohen was directed to lie by the
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president and that the special counsel had evidence of that. so we don't really know yet and buzzfeed is standing by its story, but i think it's telling so far that other outlets have not followed their reporting, which suggests either that they have really burrowed in sources that only they have access to or it suggests that maybe they didn't get something quite right. i think the nuances here are extremely important. one thing we do know about president trump is that he doesn't always give clear instructions and that also he doesn't use text or e-mail. it's not like you're going to find some smoking gun, you know. what's app message from president trump saying, hey, michael, do she a solid and lie to congress. i think the way that president trump gives orders is more indirect. so he might have said something like, you know, michael, i know you're going to do the right thing, and it's ambiguous and that's why we really need to get exactly what the words were, if there were words. i think it's telling that rudy giuliani kind of walked back the
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denials yesterday. that was pretty fascinating. it's not, you know, the best kind of lawyering i've ever seen in my life. >> i think a lot of people are saying it was similar to when president trump told james comey the director of the fbi at the time i hope you can let this flynn thing go, the emphasis being on the word hope. >> it wasn't a direct order. it's also interesting the special counsel chose this specific story to speak out on. there's so many other stories as to what the special is gathering and they have never come out and said this is wrong. let's talk here about the president's deal, the deal that the president is trying to make and get the government back open, blake, with the daca offer to democrats over the weekend. do you think that's sort of enough of a give on the president's behalf to get shutdown negotiations going again? >> well, democrats are definitely saying it's not and i think the tell here is if it were a serious offer you would have gone privately to schumer
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and pelosi and said, hey, listen, i'm going to give this speech on saturday, here is what's in it, i just want to gauge your reaction. instead he kept it close to his vest and just sort of dropped it on a saturday afternoon, and that suggests what he's really trying to do is put democrats on their back foot and put the burden on them to reopen the government. as we saw, you know, from clyburn yesterday, they are not about to do a deal that trades a permanent wall for temporary relief from frankly the conditions that trump imposed on daca and these asylum seekers, tps. three years from now, who knows who is going to be in power, but i think if you are a democrat you're thinking, you know, president trump he can't play the arsonist and the fiber gate. he created this problem with the daca recipients and we need to give them permanent security in their lives, full stop, in
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exchange for even talking about something like a wall. >> we will find out tomorrow as well if the supreme court decides to take up that case. thank you. we will talk to you again in just a bit. still ahead, the president finally responds to nancy pelosi's request to postpone the state of the union. we will have the latest on that. plus snow, ice, tornadoes, just plain cold out there. we will have the mixed bag of extreme weather that is affecting much of the country. we're back right after this. aff. we're back right after this. (clapping) every day, visionaries are creating the future.
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contract is a contract i'll get back to you soon. however, pelosi's deputy chief of staff drew hammel responded to be clear the speaker's office never received a, quote, written acceptance from the president. president trump attended the dig any if i had transfer ceremony for the four americans killed in last week's suicide terror attack in syria which isis has now claimed responsibility for. army chief foreign officer jonathan farmee, navy chief shannon kent, civilian operations support specialist and former navy s.e.a.l. scott wirtz and gadir tahir were killed in the attack. prior to departing on saturday he discussed what the ceremonies mean to him while giving an update on the status of isis. >> i think it's the toughest thing i have to do, when i'm going to meet relatives of some of our great, great heroes that have fallen, i think it might be the toughest thing i have to do
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as president. when i took over syria was loaded with isis and, again, when you say to it -- and i've always said who are we killing isis for? you know, the worst enemy of russia, iran, syria, you look at it, is isis. so we're killing isis for people that aren't necessarily always in agreement with us. let's put it that way. we've done assad a very big favor. you do have to ask yourself we're killing isis for russia, for iran, for syria, for iraq, for a lot of other places. >> so that attack occurred less than one month after the president proclaimed isis in syria defeated, something vice president mike pence repeated hours after isis claimed responsibility for last week's deadly attack. >> and we are bringing our troops home. the caliphate has crumbled and isis has been defeated.
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>> you were briefed before that statement about the fact that there had been this horrific suicide bombing that killed four americans. is that what the defeat of isis looks like? >> look, the progress that we have made against isis since this president came into office has truly been remarkable. there are isis fighters still in the region, but we've taken back 99% of the territory that the caliphate had claimed in a very real sense the isis state has been defeated. >> the pentagon estimates that isis may still have as many as 20,000 to 30,000 members still active to syria and iraq combined. let's switch gears and get a check on your weather with meteorologist michelle grossman. a lot of people waking up to frigid temperatures this morning. >> that's right, lewis. you want to layer up, light, loose layers because we are feeling frigid air, potentially dangerous and deadly air out there. let's talk about what's happening right now, wind chills
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in the northeast, windchill warnings, advisories because we will feel 15 to 35 degrees below what is typical for this time or below zero and 20 to 30 degrees what is typical for this time of year. bone chilling cold today. it's short lived but will be a cuff day for many of us out there. chicago 8 degrees, windchill of 8, columbus 1, 3 throw below, washington, d.c. 9. i walked down the street and saw that thermometer at 11 and it was cold. that cold that hits you in the face as you walk out the door. we are going to be close to breaking records in boston, kalamazoo, trenton and wheeling, west virginia. that deep freeze is in place, looking at that cold air coming down from canada and looking at temperatures well below what is typical for this time of year. we will talk more about that, also tracking another winter storm and that will arrive by wednesday or thursday. we will talk more about that coming up. >> bill must have stayed home
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because it was too cold. >> his covers are still here. >> we hope you're enjoying it, bill. >> we do. >> thanks, michelle. still ahead, super bowl liii is finally set and for the first time ever both games going to overtime to determine that matchup. what an incredible championship sunday. all the highlights from conference games next in sports. conference games next in sports. (news anchor) a violent tornado coming up on downtown tuscaloosa... it was as bad as you could imagine it being. (911 operator, muffled) 911, what's your emergency? (overlapping radio calls) there was a lot of people that didn't make it through that day. the first responders were there, and i did make it. thank you is, is nowhere near enough. ♪ and i don't add trup the years.s. but what i do count on... is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein,
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along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. boost® high protein. be up for life. onmillionth order.r. ♪ there goes our first big order. ♪ 44, 45, 46... how many of these did they order? ooh, that's hot. ♪ you know, we could sell these. nah. ♪ we don't bake. ♪ opportunity. what we deliver by delivering.
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action earlier, i can't see it here. this has to be a run. >> second and goal. to burkhead. burkhead to the end zone! hello, super bowl. new england is heading back again for the third straight year. >> unbelievable. welcome back. time now for sports where new england quarterback tom brady is poised for a sixth championship title as the patriots punch their ticket to the super bowl with a 37-31 win in overtime against the chiefs in the afc championship. to the action last night in kansas city where new england dominated the first two quarters as the chiefs are blanked in the opening half for the first time all season, but kc makes it a game in the fourth, capping a 24-point quarter with a game tying field goal that forces overtime, but that is the last time they would have the ball as the pats win the coin toss and brady marches new england's offense on a 75-yard drive that includes three third-down conversions and ends with rex
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burkhead's two-yard rush into the end zone for the game winning touchdown. unbelievable. the third time in a row, right? to new orleans and the saints hosting the rams in the nfc championship. after falling behind 13-0 in the first quarter los angeles makes a come back, shutting out the saints in the second, and then keeping pace before tying the game at 20 in the fourth quarter where they get some help from the referees who failed to call the rams cornerback roby coleman for pass interference after he made early contact with new orleans receiver tommy lee lewis. it's pretty blatant. the saints would have to settle for a field goal leaving enough time for the rams to make the tying field goal and send that game into overtime with the ball in the opening possession of ot, new orleans quarterback drew brees is hit as he makes a throw and the pass is intercepted by l.a. safety john johnson near mid field and a few completions later sets up kicker greg zur
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line who nails a 57 yarder for the 26-23 victory. with that the matchup for super bowl liii is set as the next nfl champion will be decided in a battle between new england and the los angeles rams on february 3rd at mercedes-benz stadium in atlanta. in case you were wondering who the president will be rooting for in the big game, he tweeted his congratulations to the patriots shortly after their win, guys, but honestly this is a true battle of old versus young. jared goff 24 years old has to look a veteran like tom brady in the eye on the field at the super bowl. >> and so many incredible story lines about the super bowl but quickly it's disheartening to see the nfc game decided about i that call. >> that call -- >> that was blatantly -- >> a lot of people upset this morning. >> the refs in the afc game had so many important close calls that could have changed the direction of that game and i
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think by most accounts they felt that the refs did a great job in that game compared to the nfc. >> too bad for new orleans. >> a lot of great story lines coming out of that. thank you very much j still ahead, the latest on the government shutdown as the democrats reject the president's new offer. plus a senate democrat wants homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen investigated for perjury. we will tell you why next. for perjury. we will tell you why next. went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. it gave me a leaf almost right away.
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♪ welcome back, everybody.
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i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside ayman mohyeldin and louis burgdorf. it is the bottom of the hour, let's start with the morning's top stories. the federal government shutdown has officially hit the one-month mark as lawmakers on both sides of the aisle weigh in on president trump's offer to democrats. >> now, the president on saturday laid out what he called a common sense compromise for both parties, at least both parties can embrace. so far that doesn't seem to be the case. nbc news white house correspondent kelly o'donnell has more. >> reporter: vice president mike pence on a televised sales mission for the president's new shutdown offer. for reluctant democrats he tried to make the border wall seem less ominous. >> it's not from sea to sea, it's 234 miles of additional steel barrier. >> reporter: for conservative critics who questioned giving three years of legal status to qualified young immigrants and refugees, pence drew a line. >> this is not amnesty, theres no pathway to citizenship.
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>> reporter: but the president sent mixed messages on twitter. at first saying no, amnesty is not part of my offer. but left the door wide open. amnesty will be used on a much bigger deal. whether on immigration or something else. but many democrats are rejecting the plan. democratic presidential candidate kyrsten gillibrand. >> what it really shows is his lack of compassion and empathy for people that are suffering and i think it's an nonstarter. >> reporter: but virginia democrat senator mark westerner called the president's updated offer a starting point. >> listen, going into negotiations i'm all for it, increasing border security, i'm all for it. >> reporter: shutdown politics puts the president's biggest audience of the year on ice. wednesday speaker pelosi indefinitely postponed the january 29th address. >> let's talk about when we can do it at a time when government is open. >> reporter: the president finally responded. nancy, i am still thinking about the state of the union speech. there are so many options.
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he suggested she broke their deal. while a contract is a contract, i'll get back to you soon. after today's mlk holiday senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says the senate will start voting this week on the trump proposal. they need several democrats to get on board and that is a major challenge. separately, house democrats will pursue a series of their own bills to reopen the government including more money for border security, but not for a border wall. and tuesday night marks the next payroll deadline, without a solution 800,000 federal workers would miss another check. ayman. >> thanks to kelly o'donnell for that report. as the government shutdown has dragged on president trump's poll numbers have been slipping and william crystal of the bulwark got this analysis from bruce jory. trump's job approval rating is down to 31% among independents in gallup, his approval ratings in rasmussen down from 48 to 49%
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range of last last year to the 43 to 44% level of the past week or so. the mar ris data for pbs shows a drop of 10% in job approval among republicans and a design of 11% among white evangelicals and 17 among suburban men. this as the pew research center asked americans what they think the outcome of trump's presidency will be in the long run. 47% say he will be unsuccessful, while about 3 in 10 say he will be successful, and 23% say it is too early to tell. the 47% who say trump will have an unsuccessful presidency is far higher than what americans told pugh about other presidents mid kay through their first terms. an atlanta journal constitution poll finds trump is more unpopular in georgia than house speaker nancy pelosi. trump at negative 19 points, pelosi at negative 9. a democratic senator has asked the fbi to investigate
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homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen for perjury in light of newly released details of the trump administration's family separation policy. oregon's jeff merkley obtained and publicly released a december 2017 document that showed nielsen's staff considered a wide range of wags to hand the influx of asylum seekers at the southern border including a policy that would separate family units. the administration has been adamant in their denial of such a program. here is what secretary nielsen said when asked about the policy under oath before the house judiciary committee just last month. >> i'm not a liar. we have never had a policy for family separation. a policy of family separation would mean that any family that i encountered in the interior i would straight. it would mean that any family that i found at a port of entry i would separate. it would mean that every single family that i found illegally crossing we would separate. we did none of those. >> in his letter to fbi director christopher wray senator merkley writes in part in light of these
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conflicting facts, the fbi should immediately investigate whether secretary nielsen's statements violate federal statutes that prohibit perjury and false statements to congress. a spokeswoman for the department of homeland security said the lead document only shows a, quote, menu of options that secretary nielsen had and that she specifically rejected the family separation choice. >> joining us editor and chief of prit co magazine blake hounshell. talk to us about what a possible purge i didn't investigation would look like. >> well, this is obviously, you know, pretty hard ball tactic by senator merkley. all he has done so far is referred this to the fbi. i'm skeptical that the fbi would take something like this up. i think the bureau would understandably be reluctant to weigh in on what you could argue is really a policy dispute between democrats and republicans. certainly there are shades of gray in what -- in the memo that merkley found, but i think it's pretty clear that secretary
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nielsen was being disingenuous. i mean, they had to know that this, quote/unquote, zero tolerance policy that they put into place would mean that families were going to be separated at the border because you can't detain children as if they were criminals like you would the adult parents who came across illegally. so both sides i think are playing politics here, but -- and that's exactly why i think the bureau would be very, very hesitant to open a real investigation. >> blake, let's talk about the government shutdown, its impact for federal workers. day 31, payments have been missed. we've been showing heartbreaking images of federal employees over the weekend having to go to food banks to get food. the president has given two critical speeches about this government shutdown, a state of the union address as well as the one that we saw on saturday. he mentioned drugs, he mentioned gangs, he mentioned crime. he has never once in either of those two statements by our account mentioned the federal
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workers. what is going on with this white house that they are not even able to express any sympathy or outrage for what is happening to these federal workers in these prime time public eechlts? >> it's really unusual. usually in these situations the president is the one who is sounding the alarm about the impact on federal workers and their families. in this case the president, i think, you know, from what he said in the past he thinks they are all democrats. he thinks they are his political adversaries so he's not shown very much sympathy for them if at all. there was a tweet last night, i think, pretty late, you might have been watching the patriots game and therefore missed it, but he certainly passed up ample opportunity to highlight -- you know, there are people going to pawn shops and selling their tvs. >> unbelievable. >> it's heart breaking. >> it raises questions as to who is driving some of the messaging that is coming out from the white house on this particular issue. blake hounshell, always a pleasure. >> thank you. now for an update on the 2020 presidential democratic field, less than a week after
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announcing her bid for the white house hawaii congresswoman gab gart may have not one but two races to campaign for in the next election cycle. the honolulu star -- advertiser, excuse me, reports that senate senator kalele plans to challenge gabbert when she is up for reelection in 2020. here is what her response was to that news yesterday. >> are you concerned at all about a primary challenge? >> i'm not thinking about politics right now, i'm looking forward to seeing how i can best serve the country. >> and new york senator kyrsten gillibrand isn't shying away from her previous tough stance on immigration after announcing a 2020 exploratory committee last week. >> take a look, you said you were, quote, a firm opponent of giving, quote, amnesty to illegal aliens, unquote, you said english should be the official language of the united states, you called for expediting deportation of undocumented immigrants. i know you have very different
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positions today but let me ask you if trump's immigration positions are racist, were they racist when you held some of those positions as well? >> they certainly weren't empathetic and they were not kind and i did not think about suffering in other people's lives. >> one person who won't be throwing their hat in the 2020 ring, pennsylvania senator bob casey. kasie said he mulled a presidential bid for two months before deciding he would be more valuable staying in the senate. still ahead, vice president pence faces backlash after comparing president trump to martin luther king jr. his remarks and the ongoing battle over the border wall. more on the cleanup following that massive winter storm as dangerously cold temperatures move in. inter storm as dangerously cold temperatures move in
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breathe right strips are designed to simply when nighttime nasal congestion closes in, open your nose right back up. ♪ breathe better. sleep better. breathe right. oh, good - thanks! just so you know, my income won't always be this modest. no worries, we're here to help. but i got a lot of things happening so next year it should be pretty impressive. yeah? good for you. i'm actually calling you from my yacht. you're not on a yacht you're in a conference room. what was that? uh, nothing...just uh, one of my sailors. you know they can't see you right? is that true? oh, she's right. ugh, are you kidding me. i spent $9 on this coconut. turbotax live now with cpa's on demand. all right. so according to their public schedules neither president trump nor vice president mike pence will participate in any events to honor martin luther king jr. on this special day. one day after pence quoted
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king's i have a dream speech to defend president trump's border wall, believe it or not. >> i think what the american people saw the president do yesterday was say, you know, i want to set the table for us resolving this issue in a way that achieves his objectives to secure the border and the humanitarian security crisis and the government shutdown, but also to bring together -- bring together the democrats' priorities to accomplish that. that's what the american people expect us to do. honestly, you know, the hearts and minds of the american people today are thinking a lot about it being the weekend where we remember the life and work of the reverend dr. martin luther king jr. one of my favorite quotes from dr. king was now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. you think of how he changed america, he inspired us to change through the legislative process, to become a more perfect union. that's exactly what president trump is calling on the congress
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to do. >> not real sure -- >> how do you think that statement went down? >> yeah. >> so the backlash as you can imagine was swift on sunday. democrats, activists, many others all called the use of king's words disgraceful and an insult to his legacy. less than a year after his d.c. speech king gave a sermon in east berlin where he specifically addressed the issue of a wall. at the time it was the berlin wall which divided the is it city from 1961 to 1989. saying, quote, here on either side of a wall are god's children and no man made barrier can obliterate that fact. powerful words. >> powerful words for sure. let's get a check on your weather now with meteorologist michelle grossman. michelle, it is an extremely cold morning this morning, actually, dangerously cold. >> absolutely. yeah, we have potentially deadly cold out there. we are looking at a deep freeze all throughout the day. it's not going to last that long, we will warm up by tuesday and wednesday, but today
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absolutely in the deep freeze, we had that arctic air plunging down from canada. temperatures 15, 20, 25 degrees below what is typical for this time of year. so for today chicago only topping out right around 18, it's going to feel like 13 throw zero, we have the cold temperatures, winds gusting to 40, 50 miles per hour in some spots, could lead to power outages and that's going to be the bad news with that cold air in place. cleveland 16, albany 2, but it's going to feel like 28 below zero. by tuesday a little bit warmer, still below normal for this time of year, 29 in philadelphia, 10 degrees below where we typically end up. roanoke 35, pittsburgh 32, wednesday, there's your bigger warm up. we will be above average new york city 42, that's 5 degrees below where we're typical for this time of year. we have a storm system headed our way and that will bring us rain, snow. we will talk more about that later. >> thank you very much. still ahead, facebook reportedly faces new punishments from the federal government for mishandling user data. and global stocks are under
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that's how xfinity makes tv... simple. easy. awesome. welcome back. let's turn to business. shares in asia rose this morning, sending last week's market gains despite news that china's economy grew at its lowest pace in nearly 30 years. julianna tatelbaum joins us from london with more. good morning.
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>> good morning, louis. overnight we got a check on the chinese economy and q4 and full year gross domestic product was in line with the markets' expectations but it did confirm that the chinese economy shrank by theshra shrank -- excuse me, slowed to the slowest pace since 1990. so we are seeing confirmation of a slowdown in china. as you mentioned, asia markets have rallied on the back of this news, in par because it came in on lines of expectations. >> on friday we saw tesla shares drop 13% after announcing they would cut 7% of its workforce. this is just one of cost-cutting measures that they've had to imcomplement.
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>> in china, the economy grew . 6.6% and it still the slowest growing economy. >> and one of the many impacts we're seeing on the back of the government shutdown. the fine they're considering imposing on facebook is related to violations from ten months ago and violation in terms of its users and personal information they released around
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this. they are potentially looking at a record penalty. back to you. >> thanks so much. >> coming up, axios's mike allen has a look at this morning's "1 big thing." and government trump's proposal to trade daca for funding. >> and governor jay inslee joins the conversation. count on, the conversation is staying happy and healthy. so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals
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vo: common side effects include headache and tiredness. vo: ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. welcome back, everybody. joining us from washington, the co-founder of axios, mike allen, good morning to you. >> happy holiday. >> happy holiday. >> the axios "1 big thing" is
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freshman democrats balk at impeachment. it seems to be more of a media thing. we know democratic leaders have been trying to tamp down the conversation. they know there are political complications from it. you constantly here nancy pelosi and others saying let's wait for the mueller report. my colleague, axios's alaina treen, talked to the offices of all 64 of the new house democrats and only seven of them said, yes, i want to impeach donald trump now. 48 of this many said wait for the mueller report. so there's real caution right now. very few people are rushing to go on the record to say now's
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the time. >> do we have a better sense or explanation as to what are some of the motivators or factors as to why these democrats are backing off for calls for impeaching the president at this point? >> that's a great point. if you look at this new and bigger democratic majority, a lot of those by definitions are ousted republicans flipped red district courts. they want to get the lay of the land, as my grandma would say, before they plunge in to taking a hard-and-fast position on this. that could change very fast. we saw this with nixon, we saw this with clinton. when a few go, a lot will go. but at the moment, the impetus and momentum isn't as fast as some pro distriedicted. >> let's turn to the shutdown and the president's announcement over the weekend with his offer
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to end the government shutdown and daca. what are sources telling axios on the likelihood? what we've been hearing is democrats are not on board with it. what are sources telling you guys about whether or not democrats could get on board with this plan? >> no, that's right. we're seeing a real examination of the president's reputation as the congratulate negotiator, great deal makers. the president was inaugurated two years ago yesterday and people are looking at this and saying how would we grade him as a ceo? our intelligence is that that speech on saturday, just like the address to the nation in primetime, which in one poll moved 2% of people as we've seen here on msnbc, didn't do its job. this is very interesting after the president's speech on saturday, next door in the eisenhower executive office
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building, mook pence and jared kushner met and they made it clear they're trying to divide democrats. they're trying to get some of the rank and file, some of the newer democrats to peel off and they're not getting that. it doesn't seem to be in the cards right now. >> some are saying it was more of a political offer than it was to actually stop the shutdown. go to >> i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside ayman mohyeldin and louis burgdorf. "morning joe" starts right now. >> i have a dream.
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>> that was dr. martin luther king jr. speaking at the march on washington, march 28th, 1963. >> and democrats balk at president's plan to reopen the government. and trump might have talked about building a trump tower. some big implications there. >> and another summit with north korea's dictator is taking shape. we're going to ask a top expert on the regime why. welcome to "morning joe," it is monday, january 21st. we have


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