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tv   First Look  MSNBC  January 23, 2019 2:00am-3:01am PST

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is -- it's unexpected, but we just have to deal with it. with no end in sight, this is like the most horrible experience ever. >> as they say, the whole world is watching. those were just some of the federal workers, aka our federal ♪. this morning the government shutdown enters day 33 and the senate is now scheduled to vote tomorrow on two competing bills that would end the stalemate but both pieces of legislation are expected to fail. despite nancy pelosi's state of the union, president trump is moving forward with plans for the address. plus the supreme court votes to reinstate a direction policy that would ban most transgender people from military service. good morning, everyone, it's
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dwe wednesday, january 23rd. the first move since the shutdown began the u.s. senate will vote tomorrow on competing measures to break the deadlock now in its 33rd day. the republican proposal will provide money for a southern border wall, plus daca recipients. the democrats, though, will offer to fund the fost until february 8th and continue negotiations. now, neither is expected to achieve the 60 votes necessary to move forward. mitch mcconnell has appeared to back off no show votes of passing but failure would push leaders towards a compromise. >> and president trump tweeted yesterday, quote, never seen mitch mcconnell and the republicans so united on an ash as they are on the border wall. including newly the sworn in senator mitt romney in an interview with .
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. >> meanwhile, a house democrat says it's time to fund the wall. congressman colin peterson of minnesota told a local radio station quote -- local radio station quote --
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and party leadership remain locked in their positions tuesday. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell to fund the wall. democrats demanding to reopen the government first. >> the president has made a comprehensive and bipartisan offer that would accomplish everything democrats have said and needs to be accomplished right now, immediately. all that needs to happen is for our democratic friends to agree it's time to put the country ahead of politics, take yes for an answer and vote to put the standoff behind us. >> it would be easier to open up government. open the government. let's talk. you cannot have the president every time he has an objection to say, i'm shut down government
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until you come to my way of thinking. understand, that is a part of the point of this. this is we hold the place hostage now, they're hostage forever. >> reporter: and the fbi is renewing calls to reopen the government as agents warn the shutdown is affected law enforcement operations. a new report issued by the union that represents fbi claims that the funding freeze is hampering efforts to affect crime. they are investigating ms-13 gang members, it has resulted in 23 indictments. the probe has been hampered by the inability to pay for a spanish interpreter. they claim the bureau has not been able to secure staff or safe places to meet with informants or pay for them or their information, according to report this means not being able to make regular meetings and missing out on information altogether concerning the gap in
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intel relating to national security. >> incredible. all right the white house says the president still plans to give his state of the union in the house chamber next tuesday. for more on that i want to bring nbc news national political reporter heidi pryzbilla. >> hi, that's right. >> that comes to save the address for when the government reopens. the white house has reportedly sent an e-mail to the house sergeant at arms requesting a walk-through in preparation for the speech. here's the white house discussing its plans. >> nancy pelosi invited the president. he accepted. she cited security concerns as a potential reason to they that. the united states secret service and dhs have addressed those concerns. and we're moving forward until something changes on that front. >> will the president consider other option if the house is not opened to her in. >> if nancy pelosi chooses to go in that direction the president will continue to speak to the
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american people and i'm sure he'll do that on that evening as well. >> nancy pelosi does not dictate to the president when he will or will not have a conversation with the american people. >> what's the president's plan b there? how would he deliver it or where would he deliver it? >> there are many ways he can deliver the state of the union address. i'm not going to get ahead of anything he would announce. >> "the washington post reports that the president is preparing two versions of the speech. one it could be delivered in washington and another elsewhere. when asked about white house plans to move forward, despite her requests to delay or deliver the speech in writing, the house speaker said, quote, we just want people to get paid for their work. >> what do you make of this standoff between these two? >> well, i guess we're getting a little of a civics lesson in how state of the union speeches work. right? the president actually can't go there unless speaker pelosi the speaker of the house invites him and each chamber passes a
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resolution. she is certainly dean denying him a platform that he had wanted to use to stand up there and beat up on democrats on border security in front of the whole nation so there is a political can you lus. democrats say there is also a security issue. right? because have you all of the members of the government there, during a shutdown. but the security people would still show up. so it is, in essence, a political argument here about her kind of taking away this platform from him. i think he's still going to do it. >> really quickly, i want to ask, do you think this was a slight miscalculation by nancy pelosi or what are you hearing about it by doing so it has created one more theater for trump. eighth bit of a zroox. more importantly, it has now elevated his speech, where people may not have necessarily turned into a work state of the union speech. people may be inclined to tune in to see what he has to say. >> once again making it so political and taking attention that this is about the furloughed workers that aren't
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getting paid. >> i think it depends on the content of his speech is. if he shows up and turns it into yet another campaign-style rally. >> does not the state of the union is about. >> it's not going to elevate his cause with people who aren't already true believers and it's not going to compel members of congress to be moved. right now, you do see a little bit of movement in that some moderate democrats are saying, you know what, give the man a vote. let's do something, anything, to get the government opened. if he comes out guns ablazing and just hammers democrats and seems really unreasonable, it's not going to move his case. >> so the people that have dug in their support for both side of this thing, there will come a breaking point to all this when this back and forth continues on and on and on as the shutdown continues. i feel at some point, democrats and republicans, if you blame the republicans for this, you will start to blame the democrats. if you blame the democrats, they will soon blame the republicans.
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>> they can have a negotiation. there is all kind of language we can say we are doing this contingent upon having a vote, a negotiation, anything. >> are you up to what might happen with those two measures? >> no at least we're having votes. right? so you want to be an optimist. at least we're having votes. both votes will go down. then we'll look at round three. >> yeah. geeze. >> thank you so much. we'll talk to you in a little bit. the supreme court yesterday allowed the trump administration to enforce its ban on transgender individuals from serving the united states in the military while challenges to the policy are being heard in the lower courts. the court did not offer comment on the 5-4 decision, which was split between the court another conservative and liberal members. president trump's ban impacts about 2400 service members. back in july, 2017 the president tweeted he was banning
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transgenders from military service. according to him, quote, our military must be based on decisive victory and cannot be burdened with medical costs the transgender in the military would entail a voting poll shows president trump would lose to every one of seven potential or announced democratic candidates who have entered the race so far. democratic funding polling shows trump loses to double digits to vice president biden and bernie sanders. to trump's 41%. sanders. to trump's 41% . >> i'm going to bet the president will not be quoting those polls today. >> he may in the way he can say they were always fake, always
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wrong. still ahead, president trump's commitment to nato the top diplomat for european affairs just announced he is stepping down. later press briefings used to happen almost daily. they have become a rare thing for the trump administration, what the president has to say about that. those and the weather when we come back. about that those and the weather when we come back. (clapping) every day, visionaries are creating the future. ( ♪ )
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amendment case the court could hear over a decade. conservatives on the court are prepared to review more laws that restrict gun right. the supreme court will hear arguments in the case in october. america's top diplomat will resign from the state department next month. the assistant interstate affairs submitted his resignation to mike pompeo on january 4th, citing personal and professional reasons. secretary pompeo tweeted yesterday that mitchell quote has done an outstanding job and he has valued his counsel and wisdom. in an interview, mitchell praised his leadership and wisdom and says his decision is not a protest of the trump administration's policies and he wants to spend more time with his family. quote, i feel like i've done what i came in to do. the departure comes amid ongoing questions of president trump's belief in and commitment to nato
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and the president's complicated relationships with european leaders. vice president mike pence publ publicly advised efforts to remove nicholas maduro from power. >> hola, i'm mike pence the vice president of the united states. on behalf of president donald trump and the american people, let me show you the people of venezuela raise your voices in a call for freedom. nicholas maduro is a dictator with no legitimate claim to power. he's never won the presidency in a free and fair election. he's maintained his grip of power by imprisoning anyone who dares to oppose him. the united states joins with all freedom-loving nations in recognizing the national assembly as the last vestige of democracy in your country. as such, the united states supports the courageous decision by juan guado the president of
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your national assembly, to assert that body's constitutional powers, declare maduro a usurper and calm for the establishment of a transitional government. >> the vice president added more details in the "wall street journal." secretary of state mike pompeo tweeted venezuela's national assembly is that country's only valid democratically elected body and neither maduro or his supreme tribethune am of justice have no legitimacy. many countries in the region and venezuela's national assembly all stated his election last year was fraudulent and imlegitimate. venezuela has fallen to the brinks of collapse. his powers and corruption has crippled venezuela economically and humantarily and has led to several million people fleeing to several countries. maduro ordered a quote total and
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absolute revision of venezuela's relationship with the united states. all right, let's switch gears here and get a look at that time weather with bill kierans. >> soaking rains from houston up to arkansas and the memphis area. a little snow on the back side of this, southern wisconsin, northern illinois. so it's a rainy morning, all through the ohio valley, now pushing up towards indianapolis. eventually, tomorrow morning, it will be overtop the east coast. not a time. this is the area to do the shoveling towards milwaukee, sheboygan and northern portions of michigan. as this rain moves into that cold air mass in the east, we will get a coating of freezing rain. watch out this average driving from buffalo, albany new york. not snow. if anything, it will be freezing rain as it comes down. it will be brief and then it will warm up. here's the snow over the next two days. kind of the two pieces. we have this morning wisconsin, northern portions of michigan.
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the rest of you this see here, this is lake effect as the cold air moves in behind this storm system tomorrow. there will be another shot of arctic area. a typical area, coming off areas from erie to the snow towns, south of buffalo. the northern portions of michigan. then again northern portions up there towards ireland. the other story is as we get the heavy rain out of this, especially tonight into tomorrow morning, we are going to see a chance for flash flooding. almost the entire i-95 corridor here. it will rain so far. the ground is frozen. the runoff will go quickly. we could see one to two inches of rain, as far as the i-95 corridor goes, guys the heaviest rain will be early tomorrow morning at this time. we may get almost a thunderstorm-type rain. so just be prepared. tomorrow morning's commute could be very slow. >> thanks for that bill. still ahead, teachers in los angeles end a week-long strike as teachers pre pa irto walk out. we have all those details for you next. out. we have all those details for
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you next treating advanced lung cancer. treatments like keytruda with chemotherapy really break through barriers that we had not too many years ago. (avo) another tru story with keytruda. in a clinical trial, significantly more patients lived longer and saw their tumors shrink than on chemotherapy alone. (dr. kloecker) it's changed my approach to treating patients. (avo) keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you have advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer and you do not have an abnormal "egfr" or "alk" gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have new or worse cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, nausea or vomiting, rapid heartbeat, increased hunger or thirst, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in urine or eyesight, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain,
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here.'s making her do hard work... ...and getting paid for it. (vo) snap and sort your expenses to save over $4,600 at tax time. (danny) jody...'s time to get yours! (vo) quickbooks. backing you. welcome back. time now for sports. a new class of hall of famers are headed for coopers town, including right-hander mike mussina. blue jays and phillies pitcher roy halladay and yank key great rivera. he appeared on the baseball
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writers association making him the first player ever to be unanimously voted in. you can sum up his career with thisry lick i dig lus stat. the 12 that marked on the moon are more than the 11 runners who scored on rivera in the post-season. unbelievable. i know he is ecstatic. so is his family. all right, turning on the action in the courts in melbourne, serena williams' request for her grand slam singles title has been put on hold, once again, falling to karolina pliskova after battling back to take the second. she could not bring it home, losing 7-5. pliskova will be the reigning champ in the semi-finals. michigan looking to avoid the upset at home against unranked minnesota. we wick i pick it up in the final seconds of regulation,
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game tied. >> with six seconds, to the corner, matthews for the win. . >> michigan's charles matthews floats in the game winner at the buzzer. final score on this one 59-57. turning to the nhl. captain alex ovechkin has obtained a one-goal lead at the end of the 3rd period. watch this. >> cane around to the corner. he throws it at the net. he scores! evan evander cane ties the game. >> the clock hit zero sending the game into ot, where tomas herdle owns a win in ot. finally the controversy
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surrounding sunday's nfl championship games continues to mount. the league is looking into a report that someone at the afc championship game at kansas city's arrowhead stadium targeted tom brady with a green laser pointer. local news affiliates have video showing two instances of it shining in brady's face prior to him taking two snaps in the second half of the game. despite the possible attempts to thwart brady, he and the carolinas went on to beat the chiefs and will face the l.a. rams in the seouper bowl. >> i think you need more than a laser the way he was playing. the way he was throwing those passes, you can probably put up a black screen at some point. >> that's right. >> thanks for that look, appreciate it. still ahead the fear of an economic slowdown is taking a toll on the stockmarket. we will take a look at what to expect from wall street today. plus president trump's former fixer michael cohen scheduled to testify next month.
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several lawmakers are questioning why. we will have those stories and more coming up next you should be mad at tech that's unnecessarily complicated. make ice. but you're not, because you have e*trade, which isn't complicated. their tools make trading quicker and simpler so you can take on the markets with confidence. don't get mad. get e*trade. audible members know listening has the power to change us make us better parents, better leaders, better people. and there's no better place to listen than audible.
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. welcome back, everybody, it's the bottom of the hour. let's start with the too much stories. the problems are mounting for millions of americans because there was no agreement to reopen the government by midnight last night. hundreds of thousands of federal workers will miss a second paycheck this friday. tsa agents at airports across the country are among those
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employees who will go out without pay. the agency says there was a 7.5% scheduled absences, up from a year ago. a union representing prison officers in kentucky has put up billboards demanding that senate majority leader mitch mcconnell end the shutdown. law enforcements are not getting paid. the members of the coast guard are about to miss their second paycheck in a row. they have been required to work without pay since the beginning of the year. in a message to service members, admiral charles schultz the commandment of the u.s. commandant called this situation unacceptable. >> for five plus weeks into the anxiety and stress of this government lapse and your non-pay. you as members of the armed forces should not be expected to should their burden. ultimately, i find it unacceptable that coast guard men and women have to rely on
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food pantries and donations to get through day-to-day life as service members. >> as the impact of the government shutdown is felt across the country, stories of communities coming together to offer relief have begun to emerge. as i found out yesterday, something as simple as a hot meal can make a big difference. >> reporter: on 114th street in harlem. mem ba's, a local favorite is one of the few restaurants in new york offering free hot meals to federal workers. >> it's not always the big things. it's the small things we can do as a community and collectively as a neighborhood. when you look at harlem, that's what we are. we are a neighborhood. we ban together. we wanted to invite everyone, all federal employees inside and outside the community to let them know we are here for them. i can do this every day in a year and there would be no way to thank them enough. >> reporter: these women have worked for customs border protection for the past 22 years now under the department of homeland security. >> that's the main part right
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there. the bills are adding up, no paycheck. the rent adding up, no paycheck. so right now we're hang income there. we hope there is a decision soon. you know, the friday the another no paycheck. >> reporter: do you guys feel like you're basically pawns? >> absolutely. no ifs, ands, or buts about it. i want to go back to my lifeing. i have been with customs for 32 years and counting. i just need to get back to work and do what i do. >> reporter: two paychecks, first time in 32 years? >> i contemplated clearly taking something out of my retirement just to get through f. this goes past this paycheck. >> reporter: that will be huge penalties for that. >> yeah. it will be. >> it's something you have to think about if you have bills to pay. my family and my son works at tsa. every day i see my son going to
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work without a check. it's heart felt. you know i feel upset. i really feel upset. >> does he go out of a sense of duty just to make sure that he? >> i think he does, he does. he's a mill len yam. you know, he wants to do the right thing and that's the whole thing. we all want to do the right thing and i hate to say it, walk right now is not doing the right thing. >> it's unbelievable, guys, the optimism that the people that are there the federal workers that are there that haven't received pay have and melba wilson doing a fantastic thing. a private business offering food. it makes a big difference to people there. they want to be recognized. you know, a lot of them don't know where they will go for their next paycheck and have bills. especially in new york. the cost of live secretary tremendously high. >> it adds a support that they feel like they are lacking when are you a federal worker. you choose to work for the government of your country and yet you are not getting paid for it. then you feel like you are a pawn when you ask that question.
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i mean, that's awful. that's an awful feeling just that you are literally just a number. >> and alicia and antoine net, they work down at the world trade center. they have been doing their job for 32 years. it's really -- >> i was going to say i was moved by her comments saying we want to do the right thing. it's a poignant reminder all these people that work for the government want to do the right thing. you hope politician would have the same sentiment towards the government employees. we have to wait to see. >> thanks, guys. the trump administration is dismissing mouptding criticism which have gone from a fear daily occurrence to now non-existent. white house press secretary sarah sanders has not held a briefing since december 18th, marking the longest stretch with that one. her deputy says briefings will make a return when they are needed. >> sarah sanders will absolutely
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be back at this podium talking to the press. >> no definitive date on that? >> i'm sorry? >> no definitive date on that beginning? >> oh. no it's not that they've ever stopped. it's just that sometimes we need to come to the podium and communicate things. sometimes we don't. >> president trump also weighed in on the dramatic decline if press briefings, tweeting the reason sarah sanders does not go to the podium much anymore is that the press covers her so rudely and inaccurately. in particular certain members of the press. i told her not to bother. hence the term fake news. in a statement the white house correspondents association olivia knox says the trump's administration move sets a terrible precedent. republicans on the house oversight committee are concerned about what michael cohen will say before he testifies before the panel next month. nbc news' national reporter heidi pryzbilla is back with us with more on this. >> that's right n. a letter to
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cohen's attorney, jim jordan and mark meadows want to know why the former lawyer is testifying if he won't discuss matters under investigation by the special counsel's office. the southern district of new york and the new york attorney general. jordan and meadows also questioned the relevance of cohen's testimony to the committee's role of oversight, claiming they were told by cohen's media adviser lanny davis the soul appearance is to share his personal anecdotes about trump. the republicans quoted davis as saying that he pushed cohen to testify. they also questioned who was paying davis, writing, quote, if he is providing free media services or legal services or if someone else is paying davis' fees, it adds to the perception that cohen's appearance is a media stunt initiated, produced and financed by career democrat political operatives as a way of scoring political points against
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the president. if you thought this appearance wasspectacle, consider the announcement representatives like alexandria jackson jax /* /- alexandria ocasio-cortez. >> tell us about what this means and a message it is sending. >> this is a huge victory for the progressive wing of the conference. it was not so long ago that speaker pelosi's speakership was really being threatened by a rebellion and part of the deal cut there was that these younger members, these progressive members would have a real voice and power within the party. this is a major what i to do that. to put them on these committees. now, if you will remember, alexandria ocasio-cortez has also been pushing for this separate green new deal kind of commission. she was really swatted done on that. this is a way of soothing some of that saying you know what,
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will you still have a voice. you will be empowered on the committee. these members will not be running the show because the schedule and the actual issues that will come before the committee will still be decided by the committee elders. >> it's hard to look at michael cohen's testimony with the back and forth with rudy guiliani this week. i'm curious what you have been hearing of how much he has become a liability for this president in this white house or is this, in fact, a part of the strategy of guiliani to kind of sew some discord and chaos so that when michael cohen comes out in front of congress and says, for example, yes this lasted well into 2016, into the november, even up until inauguration day, guiliani will say, we have already said that. we know that that was in our answers to mueller. >> they're ahead of it. >> i would say there is strategy, except we have been here before with rouge rouge making comments that then needed to be cleaned up. the difference is that this time there is actual reporting trump.
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is displaced with what rudy guiliani said. because he put the president right in the center of this trump tower moscow deal all the way leading up to his actual election, which raises huge red flags about what the motivation was there at a time when the president is standing before the american people changing his platform, calling on russia to hack hillary clinton, if there wasn't some kind of a pay day that he was expecting at the end of the election, if you really for instance wasn't expecting to be elected. what was his plan b? or was it something else? was it the occlusion question? but rudy guiliani, the actual statement gets way more coverage than the cleanup. >> that is the problem the president has, including rudy guiliani. >> thank you so much, we appreciate your insights. we'll see you in a little bit on "morning joe". still ahead, everybody, the labor strike comes to an end. >> we will have details on that
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historic agreement that have teachers in los angeles heading back to the classroom. bill kierans has the dangerous conditions if parts of the country. we'll be right back. itions if pf e thcountry. we'll be right back. parts of the country. we'll be right back. n parts of the country. we'll be right back. n parts of the country. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. we'll be right back.
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los angeles teachers will head back to work this morning after ending a six-day strike. the tentative deal was announced tuesday after a 21-hour bargaining session. the new agreement contains a 6% raise for increasing teachers pay. it cuts mandatory standardized testing by half and calls for the state to establish a cap on charter schools. r the state to establish a cap on charter schools. the district and mayor's office agreed to advocate for funding. it caused chaos as teachers and supported picketed.
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attendance range between 15% and 40% across the district. the deal lace the ground for teachers in oakland now set to strike next week. >> the end comes as educators in denver voted to hit the picket line. 5600 teachers voted to strike yesterday after over a year of negotiations. the main stick point was over increasing base pay, including reducing teachers' reliance on one-time bonuses for having students with high-tech scores or work income a high poverty school. teachers want to earn more for continuing tear education. the superintendent of denver's public schools says the district will rely on substitute teachers and administrators with teachers' licenses to keep schools opened there. let's get a check on your weather with nbc meteorologist bill kierans. bill, a big storm headed to the northeast. >> a roller coaster ride continues from the cold to the warmth to the rain, then back to
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the freezing cold. that's not just in the northeast. that's pretty much for everyone east of the rockies. the wind chills are not that bad. we finally recovered. still a little cold in northern new england. we are in the 20s in the mid-atlantic. 30s in the ohio valley. the next cold air mass is coming down. so our big storm this morning, it's pouring rain right now in between houston, overtop of alexandria, shreveport, memphis. heavy rains are pushing from southern illinois and indianapolis. then there is snow on the north side of this. let's take us through the timeline here. this is 7:00 a.m. this morning. we have freezing rain and sleet this morning. by 5:00 p.m., there is that line of showers and storms moving from mobile into areas of north georgia, atlanta. and we are here tomorrow morning knock down the door on i-95, guys. so today, no problems. pretty nice day, clouds increase. it's mild, all the troublesome
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weather is here and with that heavy rain new orleans to atlanta. >> looking at that panhandle, i wouldn't mind being in miami. >> they're complaining in florida. it's in the 50s and 60s. >> oh my god, get over it. >> florida, i love you. >> yeah. >> he's youren my. i love you. before we go to break, a little news the 2020 race got the youngest judge u judge, he launched a presidential exploratory committee. the harvard veteran of the afghanistan war turns 37-years-old on saturday. it contrasts mr. president trump's slo gage of make america great with a message looking towards the future. >> the show in washington is exhausted. the lying the crisis, it's got to end. the reality is there is no going back and there is no such thing
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as again in the real world. we can't look for greatness in the past. i belong to a generation that is stepping forward right now. we're the generation that we have been through school shootings, served in the wars after 9/11. we're the generation that stand to be the first to make less the than our parents unless we do something different. >> he had a meeting a possible trade keel cancelled. the white house claims there was no meeting to begin with. wall street snapped concerns over global growth. details on your stories driving your business day next. y next ( ♪ ) so, every day, we put our latest technology and vast expertise to work. ( ♪ ) the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, affordably and on-time. (ringing) ( ♪ )
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2:50 am
welcome back. the global economy is starting the year on a decline according to a new global economy is stara decline according to a new forecast, given to the world leaders in davos, switzerland and snapped its four-day rally yesterday. juliana joins us live with more. >> good morning. market sentiment has been fragile quite some time now. these comments from the imf downgrading their global growth forecast confirmed fears investors already had among a slowing economy and at davos this week at the world economic forum we have heard corporate leaders echo those concerns and how it's affecting their decision-making. we're hearing confirmation of
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fears lingering in the market quite some time. u.s.-china trade headlines driving big market swings. that demonstrates what a headwind u.s.-china really is for markets. >> also weighing in on market was u.s.-china trade relations and contradicting reports and larry kudlow coming out and saying there is no cancellation. >> as you heard, there were swings on markets on the back of reports initially stating two chinese vice ministers were set to go to washington this week for preparatory talks ahead of next week's big talks between beijing and washington. according to these reports, the trump administration cancelled the talks because of a hold up between the administrations. but larry kudlow told cnbc no official meeting was scheduled
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and not cancelled. taken taking, it renewed nerves around the negotiations of the u.s. and china. >> a lot hinging on this trade deal. live from london, thanks so much. coming up, a look at jonathan swan's one big thing. and a preview of votes on bills to wrap up the month-long stalemate and whether president trump will get behind either of the measures. >> and senator sherrod brown as to whether those bills will have an effect on his decision to test the presidential waters. (overlapping radio calls) there was a lot of people that didn't make it through that day. the first responders were there, and i did make it. thank you is, is nowhere near enough. ♪
2:53 am
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we don't bake. ♪ opportunity. what we deliver by delivering. welcome back, everybody. joining us from washington, we look at national reporter for axios, jonathan swan. talk to us about axios one big
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thing today. >> among some republican senders, jared kushner has related to the white house officials the idea is provide a path for green cards to current daca recipients. 700,000 people who came to this country illegally, brought here as children by their parents and protected under the current daca law. >> how is that likely to play with trump's base if that materializes when everything suggests more conservative right wing elements of his base have been saying absolutely no to anything to trade on daca recipients or tps recipients and this seems like it would fit in that bill, seems like a non-starter to the president's base. >> i would play truly appallingly. i spoke to two republican members last night who caught wind of the idea now doing the round among senators and even some house members. one of them described it as
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insanity. the other said they were characterizing jared kushner's thinking and said he wants to go big. now is not the time he wants to go big. he can with stand ann coulter but he can't lose sean hannity and the rest. looking at jared kushner's conversations with congress told me he hasn't been pushing this idea he related into the white house, he's talking and listening. i don't have any evidence -- >> the praise goes go big or go him. >> if it were to head to the hill, jonathan, how would it play out? >> you don't hit republicans with an idea like this, they peel off. you've barely barely got them together behind the proposal trump outlined over the weekend. >> let's talk a little bit about the state of the union in its own right has become a side circus to everything we're talking about in washington. will trump essentially call
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nancy pelosi bluff and try to move forward with plans to deliver his own state of the union whether in the senate where he could get an invite or somewhere elsewhere it has more of a campaign style rally flavor to it? >> i spoke to a senior administration official who is privy to the internal conversations about this last night. it's very unlikely he'll go to the senate. that idea doesn't appear to be appealing to people internally. they are basically saying -- forcing nancy pelosi to formally rescind her invitation, saying she had already invited him and that the hurt she sent, which based her retraction on security concerns, saying, no, we checked with the secret service, it's all fine. they're trying to force her into actually rescinding it with the hope they will make her look petty. they do have a plan b i'm told, out of washington, d.c. i don't know the location for that, though. >> all right. jonathan swan, thank you.
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we will be reading axios in a little bit. you, too, can sign up for the newsletter. >> thank you for joining us. "morning joe" starts right now. "morning joe" starts right now good morning. welcome to "morning joe." it is wednesday january 23rd. joe is still not feeling well. i think he will be back tomorrow. along with willie and me we have mike barnicle, nbc news political reporter and a professor, and economic analyst, steve rattner and former chairman of the republican national committee, now an msnbc political analyst, michael steele. we will get to the very latest with the shutdown in a moment. willie, i guess you know, in honor of joe, heidi and i are going to clean our purchases
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because apparently there was a big story in the world of baseball, i will let you talk about it for a second. >> i will take my one second, thank you very much. even joe, a red sox fan is celebrating this guy. new class hall of famer heading to cooperstown including mike muhsinna and martinez and rivera and roy halladay and the best closer of all time, yankee great, mariano rivera. why is it obvious he is an all time great, he appeared on 445 ballots making him the first player ever to be voted in unanimously in the hall of fame. in his career, 11 runners scored on him over 141 post-season innings. that is fewer than the number of people, 12, who have walked on the moon, mike barnicle. a couple more stats.
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