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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  February 22, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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my friends michael, heidi, carol blew my mind, i thank them for that today, i'm nicolle wallace and "mtp daily" starts now and he graciously shared his studio with us today. >> i would have done it ungraciously to, it all belongs to nbc. if it is friday, it is paul administra manafort's time. i am chuck todd, we have a lot to get to tonight, buckle up. democrats launched their push to overturn the president's emergency declaration in what will be a very interesting
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loyalty test of sorts for the president. we'll get to that story and we have a series of rapid fire developments. if bill barr who wouithholds an evidence of presidential involvement, it will be considered a cover up. the d.o.j. will not receive the mueller report next week. they won't say anything beyond next week. the special council's office will file a sentencing memorandum in the paul manafort case. it could be huge and tell us even more about what mueller is investigating. all of this as everyone gears up for the mueller report itself. in florida we have the washington equivalent of what a category 5 hurricane is forecasted to make land fall.
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the mueller models are all over the map. the democratic models have a direct hit on the white house, legal experts are modelling a once in a century storm that makes land fall multiple times. and then there is a mod from from trump loyalist that have an unexpected turn over to hillary clinton's house. and then there is an increasing sense of panic that the administration will fight like heck to keep the whole thing out of public view. joining me tonight is tom winter and nick ackramen. and greg bower, a former u.s. attorney ae congressional congry s -- liaison. we got official report that there will be no mueller report
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next week. is this what every friday will be leek? >> in your new role of the jim cantore of politics, i like that one. i think we would have been a little surprised if this report would have come out next week or we would have gotten notice of it and i think for a key reason, the president is out of the country next week and he is out of the country for a very important reason, he is meeting with kim jong un in this highly anticipated summit with the later of north korea. so to have a report of this magnitude, a report that addresses a very serious incident, let's take for a moment the president out of this, the idea of any sort of collusion out of it. we'll get a report from someone that has been investigating a foreign country interfering in one of our presidential elections. while we had two significant indictments that laid that out, perhaps there is more in there. so from a pure standpoint of
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importance to the united states, an important national security gathering. we have not been told that is the reason why, but i think every is cognizant of the overall optics and theater of it and the sensibilities of it. the fact of the matter is that we have not had a lot of activity outside of the filings that have already occurred. so i think the indications that this is wrapping up the reporting from our colleagues, from our editors, i think it makes sense. we may not see it next week, but i think a month or two months from now i don't think we'll be saying well, i don't think this report is coming out. >> nick you had a deal with a
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special council report, what is the most effective way for bob mueller to file this report? >> i think the most effective way is the way he was doing it, one indictment at a time. i really don't believe there will be a big mueller report that everyone is talking about. what is out there, you have terabytes of information seized from roger stone. you have paul manafort that is effectively about to be given a life sentence, he will have to testify and really cooperate. you have cohen going before a committee next week of the house. he is being told he can only testify about certain things. if that is what he is being told it's because bob mueller is holding back for evidence in a trial.
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and you have this evidence before a supreme court that nobody knows about. >> it has russian ties. all of this activity going on all of this says to fle is no report. the report will be in future indictments. we issued a report in watergate that came off all of the trials, all of the indictments, and i don't see it being much different here. >> glenn, where are you on that? i see it because i was going to ask you whether or not the mueller report would get out, how it would get out, do you think will be a mueller report? >> we know the regulations that apply don't require anything more than a report from the special council to the attorney general. it doesn't even according to the face of the regulation vgs to be a written report. beyond that we don't know, because the regs don't require
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what will be reports from the ag to the hill or to the public. it is very unclear. >> you and i were talking before the show started, if there is report here, as bill barr's boss, can he demand to see the report before anyone else? >> the president as the head of the executive branch could see any part of any investigation except that here she clearly the head of the situation and the d.o.j. is typically not in the business of sharing the investigations. >> but nunez essentially did that when he demanded sharing with congress which had him in theory, perhaps, sharing something with the white house. >> the last two years of practice created a very murky situation. some would report that the doj
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would not want to live with them today. >> dianne feinstein earth sahe' using it as justification. she said these are matters of significant implication of the law they cannot be hidden away. there is clear precedent for releasing the mueller report. they have providing the documents to congress including f,000,000,0 fbi summaries. they cannot return it to congress when asked. >> if they're turning over certain kinds of materials to republicans, they should be turning it over to the democrats but there are specific rules, grand jury material is covered by civil procedure, criminal
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procedure, you cannot turn that over without having a judge authorizing it. you can't just turn over classified information willy nilly. there is another procedure that no one is talking the about. the grand jury itself could issue a report. the grand jury is a function, an organization that is on mentioned once in our u.s. constitution. a person dieted of a felony has to be found, and it can issue a report and give it to the chief judge. >> who would write that report? is there a foreman of the grand jury? >> sure, 23 members of a grnl that could issue a report. there is a procedure set forth
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in the criminal code where a grand jury could only meet for the purpose of investigating this russian matter, and they have been extended once already probably for another six months, so yes, they could take it upon themselves to write a report and give it to the chief judge and ask that it be forwarded to congress and they would determine if they would sign off on that and do what they know has a rule six order. >> i think it raises an interesting point. similar to what happened in the water gate search, the grand jury could request that the judge find the findings to be submitted to the house judiciary committee for it's consideration for whatever it wants to do including impeachment
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proceedings, that is potentially possible. >> tom winter, i was conceskept all week, if was was going to come next week he extended this grand jury into i think, may. it was six months, is it possible that the department of justice will be wishing -- >> i have pretty specific investigation to lead us to believe otherwise. we had our own charlie guile down there, they have not seen any activity and that will be involving that grand jury before us. so that is just charlie being down at the courthouse. so as i reported along with pete
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williams, mueller's team started to work on the final report in the late summer or early fall. he has been at this now for several months now. mueller has been investigates prosecutors on his team and they have been sent home. and this is the fact that we're not really close to the end and it doesn't match up with the actual evidence of what we have seen. with respect to nick's point, the actual guidelines, the policy in the way that the special council position, if you will, means he has to provide a final report. i think we're clear this is not going to be a big 500 page report. he has to provide some sort of a documentation to the attorney general when his investigate is complete and based upon everything that we're hearing and we're hearing it from pretty good place that's that will
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occur and it will occur sooner rather than later. so the timing, whether or not it is next week, next wednesday, two thursdays from now, it is a little up in the air. >> i have separate questions for both of you, i wanted you to weigh in on what your thoughts on the president himself being able to see this report and anything about it in a way that may not matter if it goes over an ethical line could illegally get his hands on it. >> even lelly the department of justice should never had led him to get his hands on it. >> it looks like obstruction. john dean who was a white house council was coordinating everyone interviewed by the fbi. that is exactly what is
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involved. you get down to obstruction of justice. if that is what trump tries to do, it furthers his pattern of trying to obstruct this investigation. >> and we eluded to it earlier, but they said you pardon manafort -- >> it is certainly something to swash but it seemed it was a press release or something different? >> i will say significant. all coming up the mueller report may not be coming next week, but michael cohen is going before congress and the white house is still briefing for a cascade of headlines. adlines. every day, visionaries are creating the future. ( ♪ ) so, every day, we put our latest technology and vast expertise to work. ( ♪ )
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it seems the mueller report storm is not coming next week,
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but michael cohen will be testifying in front of three committees. my favorite part of that of is michael cohen testifies in the middle of the night in vietnam, what will the president tweet. let's bring in kimberly atkins, joshua johnson, michael steele, and nara tandin. welcome, everybody. kimberly, no mueller report, but michael cohen. what can michael cohen say that will illuminate the country. >> not a lot about russia. that seems to be the clear area that is under mueller's investigation, under his per view, and we're not going to hear a lot about that, but we're going to hear about something that we heard about before,
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these hush money contributions to two women in trump's sphere. we're going to hear more details about that. we're going to hear michael cohen making the case that it came from the top, and you have to fess up to the places where in the past michael cohen has frankly lied to members of congress about these connections. so that will be the biggest illuminator here. >> joshua, members of congress, if they take a breath and realize what he can't say, so don't waste your time asking questions he can't say, what can he do. the most dangerous thing in my mind he can do is paint a picture of how he conducted business a for the trump organization. >> none of it is protected by mueller, and it doesn't get to the core question of the criminality. i feel like i'm going to get a little pop culture on you for a second. i feel like what a lot of americans are looking for is the
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ending of the usual suspects. >> you want kaiser sosay? at the end of the movie, everything locked together, and you were like oh, it all clicked for you. we don't want an ending like kluwe whe clue where there are all of these alternates, the cases from the special council's office, the investigations from congress have left the country waiting for the moment and it your point if his testimony raises more questions than answers i think it will leave some americans more frustrated and others less engaged. >> this is why i was using a weather forecasting met for, we don't know what it will be, but i feel like washington has been in a two-year purgatory.
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>> and it has nothing to do with mueller. >> but mule sere someone that could provide resolution. >> yes. >> and also this is the only guarantee in this era, next week will be worse. the president very likely will give way to the north koreans -- >> you're pessimistic on that? >> yeah, i don't care what michael cohen says, wall to wall coverage of him talking about slimy sleazy things, if you're a congressional republican you're sitting through the hearing and considering how you vote on the resolution disapproval. >> does that temp folks that you see resistance to the national emergency and maybe your open to showing resistance on him.
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>> i would say a few things first, i will never rely on the spines of republicans to show backbone to the president. i think is a hypocrisy. given the other language. this is obviously a directly contrary to almost everything that the party has contrasted. there is a lot of information but there is a lot of sleaze and sex here, but if you look at what happened with the southern district's filing, the argument they made was but for michael cohen's illegal action donald trump may not b president. it is a way to bring all of these pieces together. >> and one more thing with regards to michael cohen, i think the ultimate question is
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100% convincing, but what then, right? donald trump employed someone that did often things, what are you going to do it about? do you wait until he is out of office and try to prosecute? even if it paints a clearer picture of the conspiracy behind the trump campaign, there a question of whether or not anyone is willing to do something or if it becomes part of the continuing narrative. we know this now. >> house judiciary will start holding hearings in a few weeks to dive into more detail for these things. it is a very big difference where in the last few years no one did anything and now we're having a series of hearings that may lead, depending on the mueller report -- >> i can have as many
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congressional hearings as we can with michael cohen and hand you mccabe. that is until it feels like closure. >> i disagree i think the mueller report will be in some form or fashion disappointing and they will look for more evidence and they will look for evidence for impeachment anyway. >> william barr has the option of how he wants to express the report and to whom. we may see the final report or not. >> and there is still a lot of up explored territory. >> until it comes out i don't think we can have hearings all day long. we're holding our breath on that. >> the beauty of the trump administration is there is so much beyond the mueller report to investigate. >> but doesn't that weirdly help
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trump in a weird way? one of the things we have noticed as democrats are gearing up, is how uncooperative they were at every step of the way, and while you might think that produces a bad story, but it slows things down, doesn't it? >> it makes democrats look like why are they -- now we have a subpoena, right? >> the more that people hear about these issues, it is more multifaceted. and it is a sense that very few people could follow the ins and outs of it. >> i would say that we're going into a presidential debate and the idea that he is in a two-year investigation from the hillary side, it wasn't like this was so great fer her in her process. i don't think it is great for the president, i think he will
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impede that investigation. but i think it is hurtful with him and the american people, but the independents as well. >> the larger effect of "it was an investigation, right? and that actually, trump can survive everything, but does he thrive? >> that remains to be seen. with hillary clinton there was an investigation, we're talking about prosecutions and all other things, but also because this is a different kind of process there is other steps that have to be carries outside. they have to say can we please go forward? this feels very different, but the election is in like a few
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months, so he doesn't have to hand on that long, and potentially habit how democrats have been treating him. he may not have to wait that long. >> i think speaker pelosi is aware of that. i think that is why democrats are trying to hold off and move carefully and so it doesn't look like a witch hunt so that donald trump can weaponize. >> i glad you brought up speaker pelosi. she told me something, she is taking some control of the situation. you are all staying around, up ahead, is going further left the right move from the democrats? we're going to talk to the governor of one state that embodies the party's struggle nationwide. e party's struggle
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welcome back, tonight in 2020 vision, larry hogan is not launching a primary charge to the president yet. >> i would say i'm being approached from a lot of different people, and i guess the best way to put it is i have not thrown them out of my
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office. >> he said she -- he is not actively pursuing a 2020 charge, but mueller could influence him. >> i think you see a number of potential challengers considering jumping in. >> and he is criticizing the rnc today taking unprecedented steps today. they say it doesn't mean any difference and a primary may not be going anywhere. he could be planning a springtime run to new hampshire. .
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welcome back for democrats success in 2020 may mean figuring out how to bridge the
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divide. and the left is too far, they may want to look for guidance from colorado. a democrat from boulder winning statewide office in colorado would have been unheard of a decade ago. governor, good to see you. i spent a little time in colorado, a general election used to be a majority. >> and we did better than de democrats have done for decades, and i think the lesson to extrapolate from that is that democrats should not give up on these tough areas, but i mean you go to those small towns in iowa, make it competitive, go after an electoral seat in nebraska. we resonate with the folks in the middle.
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>> let's take medicare for all. you a stake in this yourself. we should see how the affordable care act works. on one hand i'm guessing as a progressive you would like like to see medicare for all. >> i think is about setting what is the goal. the way i expressed the goal is saving people money on health care. now how you configure multiple payers, nose are all tack times, we're willing to look at every tactic to save people money on health care. at the end of the day we're paying twice as much as almost any other sdindustrialized area. >> there could be democratic socialists. where is the line, how would you express it. i don't know, you have to fin snan will self define it. i always say i'm a proud
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capitalist. you started it several -- it is a great system that creates prosperity and wealth that allows us to functions. again everybody will shelf define on issues, i don't think it is democratic socialists almost every other socialized nation. it is not a radical concept, it is very main stream. someone that was successful me in business, you used your own money to run for office the first time if i'm not mistaken. what do you look at this war on wealth that is happening in the democratic 2020 race. >> i think democrats want something qualified to lead. we respect people who have been leaders in the military. we respect people that may have been in business.
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michael bloomberg, or howard schultz. we want to see you're good at what you do no matter what it is. >> what are you looking for? >> this is like an open casting call. we have i don't know, 20 or 30 people running and this is the audition. we're going to see their harts and how they convey the message. they are looking for authenticity. they are establishing that trust with voters. their personal characteristics, there are minor issues. i'm sure they will be blown out of proportion by some of your friends, no offense intended, but it will come down to who do you trust, who is competent and capable? >> you have candidates, do you have a favorite?
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>> we have a pcandidate from colorado and it would be amazing to have someone from colorado win president. >> michael bennet told me that starting salary in denver for public schools for teachers are in the $30,000s. if you drove up the state line you could make $10,000 more. i said the old taxpayer bill of rights in colorado. he said what is there going to be an effort to repeal it under the polis administration. >> a trickle down effect of a tight financing system. >> there was a couple measures that didn't succeed. there was a road funding measure because of tabrs. those go before the voters and they both failed.
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we're looking at what we can do legislatively. what your goal to do there is reducing the income tax rate if is a concept of tax reform that elud eluded president obama but we're trying to get that done. it is not always the case, chuck. we nund while the state funded initialtive for roads fail, a number of local initiatives for funding transportation even in conservative areas like el paso counties, they pay for their road and they know it will be spent on projects like somebody else's school. and reducing their traffic, they're willing to make that investment. >> do you have any interest in
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running against cory gardener? >> i'm not coming back to washington. you don't nisz in cold. they have the scheme, the hiking, good to see you. coming up, it took an entire week for the president to comment on a self described white nationalist caught for plots a massive domestic terror attack. e domestic terror attack (vo) we're carvana,
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welcome back, tonight i'm obsessed with the president's response to the arrest of the coast guard officer accused of plotting to kill prominent journalists and democrats. it has been a week since the fbi arrested christopher, and for the first time the president decided to finally weigh in. >> do you have a comment on the coast guard member. i'm getting a very complete briefing after the next few hours, it is a very sad thing when something like that happens, and i expressed that but i'm getting a briefing in about two hours. >> i think my language is very nice. >> assuming he was briefed when it happened, it would with hard to believe they would not brief the president of the united states about something like
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this, it took him seven days to publicly comment on a planned act of domestic terrorism by a self identified white nationalist getting a paycheck by the taxpayers. they found time to weigh in on the jussie smollett case, and kept up his attacks on the press including the "new york times" the enemy of the people. we asked the white house repeatedly in the last two days to tell us when or if the president was briefed and we still have not had our question answered which is when was the president briefed and did he know about this attack when he yet again went with the enemy of the people line on twitter. we're going to talk about that on the other side of the break. t on the other side of the break - uh uh - i'm the one who delivers the news around here. ♪ liberty mutual has just announced that they can customize your car insurance
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so that you only pay for what you need. this is phoebe buckley, on location. uh... thanks, phoebe. ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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(clapping) every day, visionaries are creating the future. ( ♪ ) so, every day, we put our latest technology and vast expertise to work. ( ♪ ) the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, affordably and on-time. (ringing) ( ♪ ) the future only happens with people who really know how to deliver it. time now for "the lid." the panel is back.
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michael steele you just pointed out president's remarks were not just late, but beyond tone deaf. >> this is not a shame, this is not sad, this is a outrage, a terrible thing, this is a person using a taxpayer funded computer used to defend our homeland to plot an act of domestic terrorism. that's not sad. >> i agree, i'm almost numb to the outrage of the president, but not there yet because let me just say you cannot be more demonstrable that the president of the united states feels like he is president of 30% of the country or 40% of the country, but not a majority. this is not sad, it is outrageous. this person was targeting political leaders and media people, the president himself knows he doesn't say anything. he fuels anger of his base toward other people all of the time and won't for a second say
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oh, by the way, this is a bad time to spew, you know, basically targeting of political opponents. >> and he had the time to tweet about jussie smollett, he talks about if it had been someone with an arabic name you bet he could have talked about it. every statistic from had the department of justice says you're likely to suffer terrorism from a home grown right wing terrorist than anyone else. >> you look at the pittsburgh shooter, which the president refuses to talk about the motivation. you have to remember why that man did that. he was motivated buzz that templerefugees. he struggles to condemn white nationalism, and it's like he is worried about offending a group of voters. >> the president has problems, to say the least, dealing with race.
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there may be an even larger concern baked into this. the military times did a survey and reached out to about 1100 members of the armed said they witnesses white nationalism among their ranks. it was 42% among service members of color. 18% among white service members. and one in they of them said that it was a larger national security concern, white nationalism among the ranks than syria or iraq or afghanistan. that doesn't excuse the president's inability to opine on this in a ewe humane way. we know the president has issues concerning race. the larger concern is something the armed forces. truman had to desegregate the armed forces by executive order. we have seen the same social ills in our society as a civilian military that we see among the uniform branchs.
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>> i was going to say, the coast guard- should congress look -- the coast guard has to figure out how did this guy get there? and stay there. >> and stay there for so long. >> he was two years from retirement. >> how did he get in the system? why doesn't the system root this out. >> you have to assume this is a topic for hearings going forward. that's an effort at least in the house legislatively going forward. you have to assume that's going to happen. and it raises -- goes back to the fact that the president's public persona for decades now has been predicated on royaling tensions and create -- fueling the tribalism. that's why we see the disparity reactions. >> these people are targets of the president of the united states in his twitter feed and elsewhere process. we cone know what happened with this person. but we have multiple incidents where people are targeted who happen to be the targets of the president's ire, the pipe bombs. >> somebody has been targeted as
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i said i don't hold him responsible but i believe he has a responsibility to be -- to deal with this in some way. >> everything you said about the military is why the commander in chief is supposed to say it's wrong. the silence is deafening in situations like this. >> for sure. >> where you have these concerns. people are -- this is growing in silence, not stopping. >> i have to say i'm skeptical about whether or not congress is going to pounce on this. and the reason for that is because of the shutdown. i remember a number of coast guardsmen and many fls called into 1 a and talked about how the government shutdown left them on themen of financial ruin. we have to remember the coast guard is not part of the department of defense. it's part of the department of homeland security. it's got a different priority than if this guy was a navy seal or army rangerer or green beret or marine. i'm not sure that the imperative is the same based on the way we treat the coast guard practically. it should be.
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but i'm -- i'm not convinced. i hope it is. >> i think it makes it easier to weigh in. because you can look into in in in the coast guard without looking like you're targeting the military where the house armed services even under a exactic minority might be uncomfortable with. >> let me take this another direction. i was saying this in another discussion i was having on a radio show, which is if you go on social media it feels like the country is a tinder box. if you ignore social media you can actually get along with your day and think okay the sun is coming out. basketball season reassumed. and it's this -- and the thing is where are we really? are we a tinder box? and are -- it a social media phenomenon. >> for some we are. clearly if you look at this individual they were lichaj in the tinned are box. i took a few weeks off between jobs and didn't pay attention to social media it was a beautiful world. people are happy and you can think about other things.
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but i think that contingent is a growing issue, a growing problem. i think the president is counting on that contingent to grow because that division he sees as a political gain. he sees when there is tension, social tension, racial tensions he sees a benefit in that. so that's why he continues to fuel it and we see it perpetuate. >> is it tinder box. >> we are a society that fuels social media. look at the jussie smollett case. people are rightly upset about the allegations. let's remember they are allegations. we remember. >> which is what we should have done the first time. >> we remember what happens in this country when the black man faces the chicago police department. in man is innocent until proven guilty. social media makes it easy for us to conclusion jump. regardless of the side of the political aisle. before we point fingers at
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twitter or facebook. we are the society in the social media. >> i believe it's a tool we don't -- we're not mature enough to handle. >> to get threw my day i hope it's not real. >> shall we just -- that's right. first one to pick up the phone buys dinner. >> there you go. gotcha. good for you. thank you all. up ahead, red meat for the base. . to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best to make you everybody else... ♪ ♪ means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop.
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does this sound dismal? it isn't. ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful life on earth. ♪ ♪
2:57 pm
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ready to treat differently with a pill? we need to find the hidden world. woo hoo! we have one shot at this. i thought this was supposed to be a "stealth mission." yep, we forgot to fire proof his butt. [ screaming ] ♪ show them what you've got, bud. [ mumbling ] wow. try to keep up. sorry we're late for the party. [ screaming ] [ bleat ] [ low growl ] all right. i love this one in case you miss
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to do. oklahoma lawmakers making a high stakes decision. emphasis on the word steaks. the state senate voted to designate the rib eye as the official steak of oklahoma. why? the is the state senator says the rib eye the most flavorful it might have something to do with the fact gnat oklahoma cattle industry matters a bit. the bill goes to the oklahoma house. representatives. before you get charred and broiled why lawmakers debate this. the rib eye is set to soin a list of oklahoma stuff. the scissor tailed fly catcher. the mexican free tailed bat is the official mammal. and the fruit and vegetable. watermelon. good on you oklahoma state senate honoring the rib eye steak with aeth legislative bill, that's a rare medium. well done.
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did you at all think about the new york strip? that would have been a bad idea. you are right the rib eye the most favorable. back machined with more mtb deet. "the beat" with ari melber. >> where is the beef? the beef is on sunday. >> there you go. >> see you then chuck. >> tonight we report live on a mueller friday. and this is a big one. bob mueller is filing his final move against paul manafort tonight, making the case for a long jail sentence as news breaks that separately new york the prosecutors may diet manafort within weeks on charges that donald trump cannot pardon. all that plus the late news right now about the mueller report itself. let me show you the scene here. it seems quiet at the justice department. but the doj is doing something that is not quiet at all, something it almost never does. tonight the justice department is now talking about when bob mueller will finish his russia probe. in fact,


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