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tv   Deadline White House  MSNBC  March 11, 2019 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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women in economic performance and women in senior positions. i have no doubt he did a great job. he'll be back here in this chair tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. eastern time. i'm chris jansing. thank you for watching. "deadline: white house" with nicolle wallace starts right now. hi, everyone, it's 4:00 in new york. with the convicted felons in donald trump's circle facing critical court deadlines in the coming days and special counsel robert mueller entering the homestretch of his investigation, this is the week we're expecting to learn more about what mueller's investigators and prosecutors have unearthed and how much of their evidence might be made public. politico writing today about the updates we're expecting the next few days and a slew of cases in court this week, quote, combined the spate of moves will generate an avalanche on the additional attention on the $64,000 question about mueller's end game and where he has more criminal indictments up his sleeve.
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the court's filings and hearings also could elaborate on any plans to hand off unfinished business to federal prosecutors scattered across the justice department, including the powerful southern district of new york, where probes appear to be ratcheting up between the president's business, 2016 campaign and inauguration. the mueller finale now competing for legal peril for the president and his cohorts with that southern district of new york as politico reports and capitol hill, where investigations into trump are gaining a laser focus. house committee chairman elijah cummings is today gearing up for a legal standoff with two trump lawyers over the investigation into the president's hush money operation. the president's legal and political troubles are where we start once again with some of our favorite reporters and friends. phil rucker, white house bureau chief for "the washington post," former u.s. attorney joyce vance, betsy woodruff, daily beast political reporter and with us at the table nbc news national political reporter
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heidi przybyla and associated press white house reporter jonathan lemire. let me start with you, joyce vance, and take us through this framework laid out in politico about what these final chapters, if that's where we are in the mueller probe, could bring in terms of revelations and if not mueller sort of pulling back the curtain, then what we might learn in the court dates and deadlines this week. >> so i think it's always important for us to remember that prosecutors know a lot that's not public about an investigation. so we're reading their tea leaves, sometimes we're successful, other times not so much. but i would be cautious about what we can expect to learn in the coming days. doj policy is not to reveal the existence of let alone the progress of investigation, so when we learn that investigations are in progress, in the southern district of new york, typically that's because somebody had been subpoenaed to a grand jury and that witness
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chooses to talk or we see a search warrant being executed. we learn these things in little dribbles and drabls. but if it's true the mueller team is coming to a close in their work, then we at some point will get a little more of a window in. remember, of course, the president is not a target in their eyes the investigation on capitol hill will be much more folsom in regards to donald trump. >> phil rucker, let me put up some of the dates. these are names that are frequent triggers in terms of what you and your colleagues once described the pressure cooker that is donald trump's west wing. today there's a court filing due in roger stone's case. he has to update the court on whether he's been capable of complying with a gag order, which has proven very challenging for mr. stone. on wednesday paul manafort will be sentenced in the d.c. case. he has a sentencing in the case out of the eastern district of virginia but the sentencing in d.c., which is expected to be heavier handed comes on wednesday. michael flynn, we will have a
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status on his sentencing update. michael flynn, of course, cooperating witness in the mueller problem. thursday another hearing in roger stone's case and friday the updated status of the sentencing of someone chris christie describes as a tour guide for both the southern district of new york and robert mueller's probe. former deputy chairman rick gates. do any of the names stand out above the others as possible triggers for donald trump? >> nicolle, the truth is they're all possible triggers for donald trump. that's because all of these figures at one point or another were right at trump's side and played key roles in his campaign in the case of roger stone and his sort of political birth in the years leading up to the campaign. michael flynn, of course, in the white house. they all could be triggers. the one i would keep an eye on though is the paul manafort sentencing wednesday. we've seen last week and frankly for the last several months now that president trump has spoken quite sympathetically about paul manafort. feels badly or says he feels badly about what manafort has
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been going through. his physical health and the pressure he's come under from prosecutors and crimes he's been charged with. four years in prison from that case in virginia last week, he could add additional prison time, is likely to add additional prison time when the judge in d.c. has the announcement wednesday. and at that point paul manafort will know exactly how many years he will be spending behind bars. it could be more than a decade. and that's the kind of thing that could lead to the president commenting, saying something about the situation and perhaps showing a little bit of leg, as it were, when it comes to considering a pardon for paul manafort, his former campaign chairman. >> speaking of showing leg, we're sorry for the visual, here's a list of three people also known to trigger donald trump who are still not out of the woods legally speaking. his son, donald trump jr., his son-in-law jared kushner, now embroiled in a big scandal about
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his security cleernsarance, whi was granted by the president after objections by the cia. that being the least of his problems right now. and the president himself. we don't know, betsy woodruff, what robert mueller will do at the end but it's still fobl the public facing acts of obstruction of justice and questions around what he knew and when he knew it may be answered in some form other than indictments, which are the only sorts of public reveals that we've had in the mueller probe. any sense from your reporting about how folks are preparing for that possibility? >> one thing i can tell you that's raised questions among people in government who are closely following the mueller investigation is why mueller hasn't pushed harder to get more answers to his questions from trump. we reported maybe two months ago the talks were still ongoing even after trump provided written answers to questions from mueller, that mueller did not sort of withdraw his questions from the table, that he and his team remained engaged
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with the president's lawyer because every indication ba was they still had open questions for trump himself, likely related to the obstruction probe. now a month later after the questions first came back, and apparently were answered in a way that was not entirely satisfactory to mueller, months later mueller still hasn't forced the issue. he hasn't moved to subpoena trump, at least to our knowledge. it's evident no subpoena has been served to the president. so the question is why? why isn't mueller pushing a little bit harder to extract more information from the president himself? of course, one possible answer to that could be he feels he has sort of a broad, complete understanding of the facts related to any questions regarding obstruction of justice. but as far as i'm concerned, that's kind of one of the biggest questions mueller could potentially answer in the coming weeks. >> joyce vance, one possible explanation that was offered to me many months ago was in terms of the obstruction probe, the president was all but a target
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of that investigation and save for the belief doj was operating under the guiding principle that you can't indict a sitting president, he wasn't sending a target letter but one of the reasons they didn't push for answers to the obstruction question was that he was essentially and functionally a target of that probe. >> you know, that's right. and one of the policies doj uses has regards target is that they are not often subpoenaed to grand jury. the reason is if they were subpoenaed, they would simply assert their fifth amendment right and decline to answer questions, and the policy says you should not bring someone in to the grand jury just to force them to assert their fifth amendment right over and over. this could have come into play with the president but we don't know really for certain. it's equally a possibility i suppose mueller could have asked for permission and it could have been denied. and it's also a possibility so much of the president's conduct has been in public that mueller
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felt he didn't need more. this is one of those unanswered questions we're left with. >> at least one individual shares the assessment from betsy woodruff's reporting and that's congressman adam schiff. let's watch him in comments made yesterday. >> if indeed mr. mueller decides not to issue that subpoena or figure out how to get the president in front of that grand jury, is that going to have been a mistake considering we have so many questions about whose testimony should you believe, michael cohen's or donald trump? >> yes, i think it is a mistake. i have said all along that i boept think bob mueller should rely on written answers. when you get written answers, it's really as much as the lawyer's answer as the client answers and here you need to ask followup questions in realtime. >> followup questions in realtime is the thing rudy giuliani, chris christie and lawyers in the white house said over my dead body will donald trump answer followup questions in person. that was never on the table.
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that was never going to happen. >> no, it wasn't. one of his allies told me once if trump was to try to answer these questions in person, he would purger himself three times in the first ten seconds. we've seen him time and time again be such an unreliable narrator. first of all in his past, where he's had to appear in court and contradicted himself and gotten himself into trouble but just in day-to-day display, like you said, for american people to see where his story changes sometimes within the same news gavel. >> within the same tweet story he can contradict himself. >> or same sentence. the bar is pretty low for him for that. and that isn't something people around him, to your point, they're very nervous about. rudy giuliani said people around him, some of his closest allies inside and outside the white house really believe the president and feel like he did nothing wrong but said he feels like this would be a triple land mine if he tried to do it himself. trump himself, of course, said
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for a long time that he wanted to do it, he believes he could get in there and clear his name. he felt that was the step he to take. but even he has the months has gone on backed his way from that. i think those around him pressed upon him that was more trouble than it's worth. >> phil rucker, i detected sort of renewed anxiety from some of trump's allies, people with legal expertise, former prosecutors in the president's circle who offers advice sort of from a distance. they see two flashing lights. one is a flashing red light at sdny and one is a flashing yellow light around everything we're talking about, the ongoing interest of what the president might have said about pardons, take cohen aside. if he lied again before congress, he will be in trouble again on his way to prison. but if the president and his legal team used pardons, and i understand sarah huckabee sanders refused to rule out a pardon for paul manafort, that this question of pardons, these questions about very obvious efforts to obstruct the mueller
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probe, we may now have some answers about how they were viewed by the fbi, by investigators and to the degree they sort of spun them as process crimes, it's not clear that's how robert mueller sees them. >> i think that's an important point, nicolle. the anxiety, by the way, in the president's orbit extend beyond the conclusion of the mueller investigation because you have the separate sdny investigation and i think even more so because they have the democrats in congress who have shown a willingness in the last several weeks to take it to the president in an investigative way, to turn over every stone so to speak. and in terms of the president's focus on pardons, he actually introduced a new piece of information that we didn't know about last week. he said the president said on twitter michael cohen personally asked him for a pardon. we don't know any more information about that. in fact, sarah sanders i believe was asked about it at the press briefing today and did not give a very clear answer --
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>> imagine that. >> -- to confirm or deny anything there. so, again, that's a reporting target for all of us. but there's new information coming out about these conversations and we just know from reporting back over the last two years there's been various moments in the presidency where president trump has become fascinated by his clemency power and his ability to grant pardons and become focused on it. he gave it to joe arpaio, political supporter, and various other opponents he used that power to reward allies or friends or celebrities or people who come across his desk. >> the president, what phil rucker is talking about, he targets for his pardons, people he feels were unjustly prosecuted for their crime. that is the thread that runs through them. and i can't imagine, if donald trump thinks the whole thing is a witch-hunt, heidi, i imagine all of these people at some
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point were the subject of conversation about pardons. we went back and looked at robert mueller's questions, we understand donald trump didn't answer the obstruction question but robert mueller wanted to know about pardons for over a year. >> cohen was also in the president's mind unfairly targeted and treated until he started talking. what's the difference here is p paul manafort never did. to this day the reporting out of the special counsel's office is he has not provided much additional information. and quite frankly, the analysis was from the beginning that there wouldn't be any other explanation for paul manafort's lack of willingness to work with the special prosecutor other than he was either so scared of the russians that any sentence that came down would have paled in comparison to what they would have done to his kneecaps or he was going to get a pardon. but it could affect other cooperators. but here's the silver lining. even with the report is a bust when it comes to collusion, if you look at adam schiff, his committee is actually talking to
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a lot of the same people. they are cooperating according to my reporting and they're going to go hard on that issue of collusion and i think again it's notable they're already bringing in individuals like felix sater, who has ties to the russian mob, ties to donald trump. and in his first appearance, they wanted him to appear in open. so that means they already have a lot of information. >> it also means there's low-tech crimes on the radar, pay to play, bribery. we assume robert mueller's investigators have investigated and plan to prosecute crimes but there are likely things that have been -- as the cohen case that were sent to other offices, may start to intersect with other threads. >> no question. sdny and other jurisdictions will look at that. for those along the business and things, this could be the focus of house democrats for sure. even if mueller decided that was not in his purview, others will pick up the threads and those are things people in the white house are nervous about. talking about pardons, i
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followed up with rudy giuliani's mystery tweet -- >> was he serious? >> sarah did not pardon anybody from the stadium today but he told me late friday, oh, yes, soon after i came on board in 2018, the president told me cohen sought a pardon from him, which is an interesting piece of information, particularly because i just asked rudy giuliani the day before that very question and he didn't have that answer. so really what that is another example of the shifting narratives here. the story changes by the day from the white house and the president and his allies as they try to get some sort of incremental advantage in the public relations game with the truth not being the objective. as a final point on the pardons, i pressed rudy giuliani on the manafort thing as well. he said the president was not acting out but he made it clear he would revisit the pardon issue sometimes after the mueller probe was wrapped up. it wouldn't necessarily be immediately or after manafort was sentenced later this week
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but certainly in the coming weeks after that had been put to bed in the lawyer's eyes, he will look at pardons. >> this whole thing put to bed seems based on one of multiple scenarios coming to pass. that assumes mueller says no wrongdoing around collusion and no wrongdoing around obstruction. it would seem a clear bill of health is one of the least likely scenarios and michael cohen testified that questions around his qualifications are now being asked by the southern district of new york. there may be other federal investigations into the president's efforts to obstruct the investigations into him. >> right, there's no doubt. one possibility people seem to be overlooking is once mueller turned into his report, there's a very good chance he will just farm out additional inquiries to other departments and divisions within the doj. the two huge dark horses here that i think indicate the mueller probe will bear investigation or bear fruit even
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after he's turned in his report to bill barr are the facts michael flynn and rick gates are still cooperating. remember, rick gates knows from literally back in campaign, years before the donald trump campaign was a twinkle in his eye, all the way up to the trump presidency, when he was showing people into the white house to help provide access. gates had a huge view of the way the entire russia sory worked and he's still cooperating. we don't know the nature of his cooperation. we don't know what type of military he's giving mueller but if his cooperation was useless, there's a very good chance he would have been sentenced a long time ago. same deal with michael flynn. the two people who arguably know the most about how rush interacted with the trump campaign have been working with mueller's team for more than a year. that's significant. >> joyce, i have to come back to you one more time on this. i have been warned week after week after week to stay away from timing stories about the mueller probe, while it is likely in -- i'm going to botch
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the sports analogy here, quarters, innings, whatever, i have been told it's over when it's over. i asked if possible april 1 there's still a mueller probe, i was told it's possible. >> a lot can happen in the last five minutes of a football game, especially if you're an alabama fan, so i wouldn't be surprised to see it. >> even i got that one. >> and you know the reality, sometimes games go into overtime. you don't know what might happen in the course of prosecuting roger stone. i think you're exactly right. it's over when it's over and not before then. after the break, the standoff between the president and former chairman of the house oversight committee over individual number one's role in an illegal hush money extreme. also ahead, the 2020 democrats fanned out over the weekend. the moment that broke through and early polls from iowa. and too low for fox news, judge pirro and tucker carlson both in trouble for comments across the line for fox. lure. and a busy day ahead. george has entresto,
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a surge of investigative activity today on capitol hill. house oversight chairman elijah cummings is determined to get to the bottom of the hush money saga and whether donald trump committed crimes. cummings intent on speaking to a pair of attorneys who are responsible for filling out the president's ethics and financial disclosure forms. from that nbc report, quote, according to requests from the committee sent to each of the lawyers as well as the white house, the two appear to provide false information to federal officials about payments to cohen to keep the alleged trump
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affair from being public. wow. adding to the drama here, this may also be the first real head-to-head legal challenge for the newly democratic house-led oversight committee in its efforts to deal with the trump white house. another lawyer combinplied withe deadline set last week. from this piece of reporting, quote, in his early request for his ability to comply, cummings may be forced to play hardball including issuing subpoenas, to get them to reply. heidi? >> this is the first move by the new oversight chairman. you saw the explosive testimony by michael cohen. this is the first thing he will do, go right to the heart of the matter which is to ask the individuals who are responsible for filling out ethics disclosures, people who failed to include hush money payments on his 2017 filing.
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steve pastentino, who used to work in the white house and now for the trump administration, and sherry dylan, obtained notes from ethics committee, who asked, what do you know, did president trump tell you to lie on this or did you do it your snfl basically they're saying this shows somebody was lying to them. first they said no payments to michael cohen and then it evolved over time to it's just a retainer. it's like a kitchen renovation, we will just pay it monthly, and then it just changed over time and they think that the president may have been responsible for it because when they talked to sherry dylan, she basically said she confirmed with the filer, being individual one, being trump, that no, there were never any payments.
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joyce vance, the fact pattern we have from rudy giuliani is $24,000 was ultimately reimbursed and the checks were written by individual one himself to reimburse him for hush money payments. we also have the southern district of new york sponsoring that information by naming donald trump as individual one. it seems like the smoking gun and the wrinkle here is understanding who told the ethics officials or lawyers filling out those forms to lie on them? >> when you file these forms, you know, you and i suspect both had to file very similar forms, you know when you sign that final draft that you're signing it under penalty of perjury. so the reality here is very simple, either the filer lied or the liar's lied -- maybe it's possible they all lied together. i expect we will see some effort by the white house to protect disclosure of this information. they will maybe try to assert
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attorney/client privilege or executive privilege. it seems unlikely to me that either one of those will be successful and at the end what we looking at is a core matter for congress to take up to determine whether this president has committed high crimes or misdemeanors. >> joyce, is there a potential criminal exposure for the lawyers that they knowingly falsified these federal forms? >> yes, absolutely. they could theoretically have criminal exposure if they were knowing and willing participants. certainly they would be subl subject to disciplinary action by the state that issues their license to practice law. so it's a serious matter. >> phil, i have been to this rodeo and i know how it ends. when you work in a white house under investigation by congress, you hire a defense attorney and you comply with every request for the reason joyce just gave, because sometimes you're facing criminal exposure yourself. i think we're entering a new
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phase where a lot of men and women will have to go home and talk to their families and look at their kids and decide if donald trump is worth going to jail for. >> yeah, nicolle, it's the troubling reality for those working in the administration or working there now and for the last year or two we have been reporting or talking about on this program how so many white house officials were lawyering up because they were preparing for the mueller investigation, because they had been brought in to have to sit for interviews with the special counsel's team and his investigators. but congressional investigations, that's a whole other thing they have to deal with. and there's a possibility here white house officials past and present could be subpoenaed before these committees, could have to come testify in a public hearing and answer some of these questions under penalty of perjury and they're going to have to spend a lot of their own personal resources to hire lawyers to do so. and one of the many reasons why president trump has had such a
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difficult time recruiting top talent into his administration, is why you don't have a ton of lawyers banging down the door to work there and political operatives and communications professionals hoping to work in that operation, because of all of the danger that they feel personally. >> let me just say the white house is already fighting this so joyce's prediction is true. there was a letter that went out friday night that said basically we're not going to make past tino available to you and we only have limited documentation we're bog going to give to you. i think this is an indication that the white house is going to go to the mat on this. they've said basically the attorney said they weren't aware, they started changing their explanation over time. they didn't say flat-out no, they just said not that i'm aware of and over time it started changing. if you read down to the bottom of my story, the one lawyer said at one point she gets skas
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operated and said, well, let's the facts come out and criticism falls before it belongs, on the president. >> let me give you a one-liner and last word here, gerry connolly, it's often the second-term players who know a lot and reveal a lot. for example, connelly pointed alexander butterfield, a white house aide, who revealed president richard nixon's taping system and al capone's tax evasion. welcome to 2015, i guess. >> it would be very character if he hired these lawyers. these two who face the judicial committee are hardly the first. and rudy giuliani has caused headache after headache as well. at this point we have to operate under the assumption that president trump's lawyers are not necessarily helping him out the way they ought to.
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>> joyce, phil, thank you so much for joining us. when we come back, a large field of 2020 candidates fanned out over the weekend. the latest polls and latest count of candidates. i'm mildly obsessed with numbers.
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the democratic national committee announcing today that the 2020 convention will take place in milwaukee in july of next year. but it was another city that was abuzz with democrats this weekend, austin, texas, for the south by southwest festival, where more than a half a dozen 2020 hopefuls were spreading their messages. in such a crowded field, candidates were vying for attention-grabbing moments like the one south bend's mayor pete had last night, weighing in on a fellow hoosier, vice president mike pence. >> it's really strange because i used to believe -- i disagreed with him forociously on these things but i thought at least he believes in our institutions and he's not personally corrupt.
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but then how can he get on board with this presidency? how can somebody who -- his interpretation of scripture is pretty different from mine to begin with. how can he allow himself to become the cheerleader of the porn star presidency? is it that he stop believing in scripture when he started believing in donald trump? i don't know. i don't know. >> how could he be the cheerleader for the porn star president? i'm keeping my eye on mayor pete. joining the table, my round table is here. this will be meaningless for many, many months but are moments and that was an undeniable moment. >> that's how you get out of a crowded field. like you said, there are a dozen folks out now and it's about a viral speech or a -- >> it's a moment. >> a moment, and kudos to mayor
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pete for finding that moment. we're talking about him right now. now the question is can he turn that into small dollar donors so he can end up on the debate stage? that's going to be tough for him. because if he can do that, then i think he will have a real impact on this race. >> they were all over austin this weekend. and the primary takes place on really two almost never-intersecting tracks. there's the polls and there's a poll out that shows unsurprisingly, we will put that up, in iowa bernie sanders and joe biden way ahead of the pact. ersers down ersers elizabeth warren at 9. this is just a theory but i think many people who are watching and waiting for these moments and corrine says,
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watching the polls. >> there are two things affecting the field. first is general apathy. people are paying a lot more attention than average democrats are but those who are paying laser focus on who can beat donald trump. yes, you have this gentleman from south bend, indiana, making this comment about mike pence. can he beat donald trump? a lot of people are saying i know who sanders and biden are and i feel confident they've won elections in the past and can beat him. so that is fine but we have to win this thing in a panicked voice. so that's driving what's happening >> choosing milwaukee as the convention site at least guarantees the nominee will be from wisconsin this time around. but i think you have the ability to break through and especially this early when the field is this crowded and really other than the die-hard, undeniably, democrats are out there. these candidates are raising
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money, we are seeing big crowds in iowa and new hampshire but those are the places people always pay attention. nationally, we don't know. >> let me challenge both you, you don't pick up apathy. i love new york, arguably a very democratic city, i don't pick up any apathy and i don't pick up any sense they're waiting for something to happen. i think they're already sort of scrubbing these candidates, turning them over like rocks or sea shells down at the beach and seeing what they're made of. >> i think anybody who's been watching pete buttigieg -- >> oh, you can say it! >> i covered the dnc race and why he didn't win, he was far and away considered the star of the event. everybody said watch this buy, watch this face. he's not just from the new generation so he knows how to talk differently on guns. he knows how to talk differently on income and equality. he represents middle america.
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he's been an executive. he's a mayor. i think to karine's point, the only question here is whether he will be able to get that space on the stage and get his opportunity, because, frankly, he was actually able to talk i think more succinctly, more on the point and has an agenda than what we heard out of beto, even though there's so much -- >> okay. let me read the beto news. you have mayor pete. i i've got beto. more recently mr. o'rourke moved well to the left of many 2018 democrats by raising the process of impeaching mr. trump, argued for the destruction of existing border barriers between el paso and mexico and perhaps his most widely insane social media moment defended professional football players kneeling in protest of the national anthem. that was during his statewide run in texas. karine, who is better in this race now? >> i think beto. they say they want somebody new and different.
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you see that over time and time again. i think like we were saying, it's name i.d. this time four years ago scott walker was leading the poll. and he didn't even make it to the iowa caucus. we have to be incredibly mindful. but there's space for someone new and different. and he is an inspiring candidate. there's a reason why we talked about him forever during the midterm elections, but i have to say, the democratic base is excited. they apologized for two years. and i think now these candidates have to walk and chew gum. what i mean by that is they have to be inspirational but how are you going to beat trump? why should we go with you? and then have to be bold with solutions. where donald trump has taken us, we can't just give increment am change. we have to be bold and say, this is how we're going to change it. >> we haven't said anything about the women running this hour. shame on me, kamala harris, elizabeth warren, kristen
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gillibrand, very much in their early movement and amy klobuchar, dealing with a bucket of oppo or sort of a path that's proven, i think really the most challenging person dealing with headwinds at this point. but they're all showing they can pass that walk and chew gum test. >> exactly. if you look at the head to heads with donald trump or any candidate, they all beat him. so now we have to make sure we don't mess it up. that's the concern i have, don't label yourself. just talk about the visions. just talk about what you're going to do for this country and move forward because the base is with you. >> i think that's right. after the break, speech so toxic, fox news had to distance itself from it, even though the culprit was a fox news anchor. everyone's got to listen to mom.
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weekend. days after a "new yorker" piece painted the network as an extension of and beholden to the trump white house, today fox news is dealing with pay mare of new and unflattering story. the first has to do with host jeanine pirro and comments she made on her show about congresswoman omar. >> this is not who your party is. your party is not anti-israel. she is. think about this, she's not getting this anti-israel sentiment doctrine from the democrat party. so if it's not rooted in the party, where is she getting it from? think about it. omar wears a hijab, according to the koran, 33: 59 tells women to cover so they don't get molested. is her adherence to this islamic doctrine indicative to her adherence to sharia law, which
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in itself is an that athlete cal to the united states constitution? >> the backlash swift, apology not so much. pirro insisted, my intention was ask a question, start a debate. but when one is muslim does not mean you're not supporting the constitution. and tucker carlson is facing his own backlash following a dump of audio recordings taken from radio appearances he made from 2006 and 2011. those were released by media matters, which described it as misogynistic and preverted. he is heard saying women as pig, the c word, extremely primitive and biggest whore in america. and also said women enjoy being told, be quiet and do as you're told. we wanted to show you some of
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that but we couldn't because it's too repugnant. the table is back. i'm going to read you tucker's response -- media matters caught me saying something naughty on a radio show. more than a decade ago. rather than express the usual ritual contrition -- not ritual for you, tucker, how is this, i'm on television every week live for an hour. if you want to know what i think, you can watch. no, thanks. i'm not going to read the rest. >> no, certainly it's hard -- you shouldn't defend comments that either of them have made. i think moving -- it comes on the heels of rather an impressive week with some symbiosis between the white house and fox news. even with bill shine departing as communications director, who used to have a top-level job over there and it's a network that gets its cues from the president and vice versa. it was telling today -- >> is cue too soft of a word? >> maybe instructions.
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>> it's not clear donald trump ever gets briefed or reads anything from the intelligence community. it's clear we know and does the sit for a daily briefing. are we dancing around the role fox news plays in trump's mind? they program him every morning from 6:00 to 9:00. >> there's no question about that. >> speaking about don digenelle, is he on fox news? >> fox. >> about lawyers who are not actually on his legal team. >> we know the government shutdown was propelled by conservative voices he heard of in the media, some of them on fox, some the radio, don't look weak or take this deal, so he shut it down without getting the money he needed for the wall that he wanted to build. and i think, of course, that raises questions about that influence. also today in the first white house press briefing in well over a month, sarah sanders was asked repeatedly about the leaked comments that came from a fund-raiser over the wkt axios
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had. the president spoke at mar-a-lago suggesting the president hates views or disliked views and she wouldn't touch that. it's similar sort of rhetoric you're seeing from fox. and that is sarah sanders was not asked about jean pirro or tucker carlson but there's this overlap between the view points we are seeing repugnant in the media here. >> to add to your words, it's repugnant, disgusting and dangerous. you cannot tell where the white house ends and fox news begins. it's 14 hours of hate, violence and disgusting behavior and they created this environment. they own now tucker carlson and pirro and also as well, it's not surprising that they said these things. it really isn't. >> let me say, they don't just own the environment, they program the president. i can grab women in the bleep. when you're famous, you can do anything. tucker carlson, see you next tuesday. jeanine pirro, it's against the constitution to exercise your
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first amendment right and be muslim. i, donald j. trump, will ban all muslims in america. we've gone beyond that environment >> i think it's born in that environment, right? and from 2007 until he declared his presidency, he had a weekly gig. he had his entirely -- he had much of the police world view shaped by what he saw on fox news, and frankly that's why he won the nomination. he was saying things that most republicans situated in dc would not say because they were the brain child of liberal media. >> these are racist and m -- >> this was a business model long before we came in.
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he stepped into that and this was something that this was created as a business model to appeal to the "football viewer." what that means, and according to jane's reporting. and you're seeing manifestations of that and this drive to rile up the base on a daily basis now. it got people to the poles. once that wrapped, once the election wrapped, so did the news coverage. they left the border and it was no longer a huge story. you saw sometimes they go too far and they denounce her, but don't be fooled it is very much part of the business model. we'll sneak a break, more on the other side. model we'll sneak a break, more on the other side had a coach in high school. really helped me up my game. i had a coach. math.
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these comments came out from speaker nancy pelosi who says i'm not for impeachment. this is news. i'm going to give you news right here, since you asked and i have been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country. i don't think we should go down that path because it devised the country and he is not worth it. >> we don't know what he is
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going to do. you don't take anything off of the table until you have the facts and we don't know what everything is yet. >> an impeachment is ultimately a political decision. you have to look at the poles. and do you think that it if it is at the 2020 election, they will actually impeach? i think not. >> i think she leaves some room though, unless this is viewed as trims comm crimes committed, something that brings along republicans, we're not going to be his mart yrs. the senate republicans are like yeah, we have to get rid of that guy. >> and you can let trump decide
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the best a man can get. gillette. sfwli my thanks to you for watching. that does it for our hour, "mtp daily" starts now. >> it was a slow news day about an hour ago, and then you know what happened? we got some news. if it is monday we have breaking news about impeachment. >> good evening, i'm katy tur in for chuck todd, the president re


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