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tv   First Look  MSNBC  April 1, 2019 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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and if i'm the only thing to remind him of that, then that's what i'm there for. >> that's all for this edition of "dateline extra." . as he weighs a possible 20 presidential run former vice president joe biden is addressing an allegation of unwanted touching. a former nevada legislator accuses him of touching her and kissing her without her consents. >> william barr says special counsel's robert mueller's long awaited report on russian interference in 2016 will be released to the public by mid-april if not sooner. president trump is threatening to close the u.s. southern border this week and white house officials say he isn't bluffing.
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good morning, everyone. it's monday, april 1st. i'm ayman mohyeldin alongside alex witt. former vice president joe biden's physical style of handling women is in is spotlight after a former nevada lawmaker accused him of unwanted touching and kissing. she detailed her allegation in "new york" magazine "the cut" describing what happened at a campaign event attended by biden five years ago. she recounted her story to kasie hunt last night. >> so sudden, and unaware and came from nowhere. i felt these hands on my shoulders and i'm thinking, okay, that's odd and the vice president of the united states is touching me. but, you know, nothing i guess too out of the ordinary. then i felt him get closer. he leaned in and was like right
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behind me on my body. and he leans down, smells my hair and then plants this big long kiss on the top of my head. and it just happened so suddenly, i didn't know how to respond. in my brain i just kept thinking the vice president of the united states is smelling me, the vice president of the united states is touching me, he's kissing me. i just don't know what to do. i kind of felt frozen. >> do you think that the intentions of the vice president at the time count for anything if he, you know, did not have malicious or ill considered intentions, that's essentially what he's saying in his statement or do you think that doesn't matter? >> that doesn't matter. the intention. for the record i don't believe that it was a bad intention. i'm not in anyway suggesting that i felt sexually assaulted or sexually harassed. i felt invade. i felt there was a violation of
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my personal space. >> the information vice president responded saying in part quote in my many years on the campaign trail and in public life i've offered countless hand shiks, hugs, expressions of affection, support and comfort. i may not recall these moments the same way and i may be surprised at what i hear but we have arrived at an important time when women feel they can and should relate their experiences and men should pay attention and i will. we should mention that nbc news has not independently verified the specific incident taking place but has reviewed correspond provided by flores and appears to confirms the incident. attorney general william barr tells congress that special counsel robert mueller's report will be leased in some form by the middle of this month. writing in the letter to a
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chairman of house and senate judiciary committee there will be some redactions. by march 24th letter was not and did not purport to be an exhaustive recounting of the special counsel's report. the special counsel's report is almost 400 pages long exexclusive of tables and appendixes. everyone will soon be able to read it on their own. i do not believe it's in the public interest to summarize the full report or release it in serial or piecemeal fashion. barr writes although the president would have the right to assert privilege over certain parts of the report he stated publicly he will defer to me and there are no plans to support the report to the white house. >> the president is appearing to retreat from his statements that he personally wants the mueller the report be made public.
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tweeting on friday night mueller ruled there was no collusion on russia. i got the answers i wanted. the problem is no matter what we give the radical democrats on the left, they will resist. the theme of their movement. maybe we should take our victory no we got a country to run. yesterday the white house said the decision will be totally up to attorney general barr. >> can you assure us, assure the american people that the president will not change his mine on this, that he will not first ask to see the report before allowing to it be released? >> from the very beginning what we're saying mr. barr goetz handle this. that's how the law works. mr. barr made it clear he's going release to it congress before he shows to it us. that's his decision. we'll let the system work. >> multiple polls in the last week show attorney general william barr's summary has failed to lift the cloud over president trump.
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in fact a nbc news "wall street journal" poll shows 29% saying it clears trump. 40% saying it does not with the rest unsure. this as "the washington post" poll says president and mueller made different claims on exoneration and asked who do you believe more. 32% believes trump's claim of total exoneration, 61% agreed with mueller's report of no exoneration. >> president trump's approval rating has not seen a bounce. 43% approve in the new nbc/wall street journal poll. that's down three points from february, 53% disapprove. he's losing states like michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania the president's campaign team is look at targeting states hillary clinton won in 2016. octob
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he's set his sights on virginia. the three top office holders are embroiled in scandal. mike pence last week headlined a fundraiser for a republican state legislator up for election. trump campaign officials discussed making a play in nnamdi, colorado and new mexico. editor-in-chief of politico magazine, blake. let's talk about these numbers and. what they mean for trump particularly this latest dip in approval rating. is this a signal do you think for him that he's in trouble on the campaign trail if he's not seen a bump after the mueller, in his eyes exoneration? >> yeah, i think he has to be concerned and i think his team is concerned, especially if the economy starts to dip. there are signs that it might be. look, he's never had a better approval rating than he did on his first day in office.
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the mueller report, we haven't seen it yet. but likely it's going to be more damaging than the four page summary we've seen so far. there's a lot of detail we don't know. not likely to be flat the oregon him. at the same time i think voters are not focused on that. the poll shows that a lot of voters haven't heard of it. they are more concerned about their pocketbook issues, their health care, issues where democrats historically are stronger. so if you look at what's happened in the past three months the president has talked about russia, russia, russia. he's talked about closing the border and things like that. he hasn't really talked about what he's going to dpor them. the my is good for now. will it be good in the fall of 2020? we have to stay tune for that. >> releasing the mueller report in full, you know the democrats have said they want the full thing by tomorrow. doesn't look like that is going to happen.
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attorney general barr said mid-april. if it doesn't go down tomorrow do you think there will be subpoenas forthcoming or do you think democrats will back off for the next couple of weeks? >> i certainly don't think we'll see it tomorrow. i think barr's letter on friday was an indication he has no intention of meeting that deadline. whether that's because he's operating in good faith and just needs more time to work his way through the redactions or whether it's because he somehow is buying time for political reasons, i don't know. i tend to think he's doing things in good faith. but the longer this drags on the more likely democrats are going to wield the subpoena threat. they can only use that once. they don't want to burn it. i think they rather do this cooperatively. and work with him than to have to set off some lengthy court fight. the sooner they get the information, it will be easier if he does it voluntarily is what i'm saying. >> we'll see what happens
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tomorrow. we'll talk to you again in just a little bit. the trump administration is ending all foreign assistance programs for el salvador, guatemala and honduras a grouch countries known as the northern triangle in central america. a state department spokes american said the agency was directed to do so by president trump adding quote we'll be engaging congress as part of this process. it is believed the decision will need congressional approval. the aid affects funds and millions more from 2017 all of which was appropriated for central america but has not been spent. in order to help alleviate the cause of migration to the united states one of the key recommendations from top career diplomats for the region before they either quit or took early retirement uniformer secretary rex tillerson was to increase u.s. for end aid. now a 7-year-old guatemalan girl who died in the custody of u.s. customers and border
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protection in december succumbed to a progressive infection that shut down her vital organs known as sepsis. it drew attention to the plight of migrant families. despite the autopsy report the president on friday repeated a false claim that the child had not had water for several days. >> do you believe given the rising numbers of migrant families and children at the border your administration is equipped to handle that in a way it tries to ensure children are not dying? >> i think that it's been very well stated that we've done a fantastic job. one of the children, the father gave the child no water for a long period of time. he actually admitted that. >> neither the autopsy report nor the accounts given by customers and border protection at the time spoke of dehydration. the child's family said she was well fed and in good health when she arrived with her father at the border in december. still ahead president trump intervenes in the case of a navy s.e.a.l. charged in the stabbing
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death of an iraqi war price der. >> beto o'rourke challenges the president's immigration policies. those stories and a check on the weather when we come back. e com. a lot will happen in your life. wrinkles just won't. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair's derm-proven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin.
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welcome back, everyone. a navy s.e.a.l. charged with the murder of a teenage iraqi war prisoner has been lease ft. lauderdale military brig and rerestricted to the base hours after the president said he would help clear the way for his fraerns. on saturday trump tweeted in honor of his past service to our country, eddie gallagher will be removed to less restrictive confinement. gallagher's attorney confirmed he had been moved to the barracks at the marine air station in miramar. he has detained since february 11th.
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last week at that group of 40 lawmakers signed a letter and held a news conference asking trump move to gallagher too less restrictive base. the navy s.e.a.l. pleaded not guilty in january to charges of premeditated murder and other offenses including opening fire on crowds of iraqi civilians. his trial is set for may 28th. two pilots are dead after their viper helicopter crashed near yuma, arizona on saturday night. they were conducting a routine training mission. the cause of the crash is under investigation and the names of the pilots will be released after next of kin notification. >> we're learning more of the role that saudi arabia played between amazon jeff bezos and lauren sanchez. sanchez's pro trump brother may have been responsible forehanding over the private information to the national
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enquirer and ami. the man in charge of bezos' investigation reveals his team has quote concluded with high confidence that the saudi government had access to beos' phone and gathered private information in other to retaliate against "washington post" for jamal khashoggi's murder at the hands of saudi agents. also it was unclear if ami was aware of how those compromising texts were originally obtained. he does not provide any hard evidence for his claims noting the details and results of an investigation have been turned over to federal officials. ami dismissed the lame saying in a statement to cnbc that sanchez's brother was the single source for the "national enquirer" story. in february bezos claimed ami was trying to blackmail him.
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what bizarre story. >> yeah. bizarre. let's switch gears for a moment. >> before you complain about how cold it is -- >> i was going to ask you. >> i need tell you it snowed two inches in syracuse last night. so before you complain about your heavy jacket -- i respect that. >> thanks bill. no problem. >> but it is cold. it's way cold for april in many areas of the country. we have freeze warnings from tulsa to little rock. if you planned a little too early in areas of tennessee, northeastern alabama, georgia, things may have got killed last night or in the process. we're down to 33 in nashville. birmingham at 35. when the cities are in the close to freezing you know the suburbs are down to freezing. factor in the wind. wind chill values in the teens and 20s. a rough start to april. if you have spring break plans or know people that are on spring break this has not --
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last week was ugly in florida. today bad too. cloudy and rainey throughout much of the rain especially orlando northward, beaches up to jacksonville that area is where it will be 58 degrees, cloudy and rainey. that's very unflorida like for april. unfortunately this new storm will form in this area. this one will become a nor'easter coming right up the coast. it will be far up off shore mainly coastal impacts. this is 6:00 p.m. tuesday. raining, ugly, windy in areas from cape hatteras up through virginia beach and norfolk. tuesday night into wednesday morning our computers are hirnting at the possibility of snow on the back side of this. watch around worcester, new hampshire and areas in maine as we go throughout the middle of the week. this afternoon when you get the sun out. 48 in new york. 53 in d.c. interesting week. we got that one storm coming up
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the coast tuesday and another one on friday the northeast looks like it could be ugly. some areas will get snow. >> maybe one more week for you to get some runs in on the slopes. >> would be nice. unfortunately i'm here and not out at the mountains. >> you have to go west this time. >> still ahead how is the bracket of yours doing? final four is finally set as michigan state upsets duke in a thriller. we'll have all the details for you next. all the details for you next you should be mad at forced camaraderie. and you should be mad at tech that makes things worse. but you're not mad, because you have e*trade, who's tech makes life easier by automatically adding technical patterns on charts and helping you understand what they mean. don't get mad. get e*trade's simplified technical analysis. walkabout wednesdays are back! get a sirloin or chicken on the barbie,
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no one near him! he's going to come out with it. michigan state is heading to minneapolis! >> who did i have in the finals? what's that virginia versus michigan state. is that good guys? pretty good so far? going to win the pool. welcome back. time now for the sports where the ncaa men's babl tournament is down final. michigan state eliminated duke. the spartans were carried by big ten player of the year who scored a team high 20 while scoring or assisting a 19 of the 30 michigan baskets and this was the shot. and this sank the go ahead bucket that put up spartans by two.
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barrett missed the front end of the two foul shots that could have tied the game. then they had a foul and you saw the ending of the game there. we didn't get any last minute drama. the game itself was fantastic. let's go to kansas city. number five auburn earns its first-ever trip to final four behind a team high of 26 point by harper cluing the tiny bucket at the end of regulation and last night 77-71 overtime win against number two seeded kentucky. the championship will decide as the final four teams square off on saturday. as auburn faces virginia followed by texas tech against michigan state. a great weekend. women's elite eight is still under way with two teams through to final four so far. number two seeded oregon they push eed their ticket in.
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number two uconn are headed for their 12th consecutive final four appearance with an 80-73 victory against one seed louisville. let's turn to major league baseball. the action, let's go the milwaukee. talking about milwaukee. national league mvp yelich has not lost any momentum from last season matching a major league record with his fourth home run of the season. six player in history to have four homers in four consecutive games. yelich, he does this. he steps up to the plate in the bottom of the ninth. runners on the corners and brewers are down by one. >> and the game is tied. here comes cain roundsing third. brewers win! brewers win! the mvp does it again!
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>> the double was great. the slide at home was even better. yelich two-run double walk off milwaukee's win 5-4 win against the st. louis cardinals. >> even better was the commentator. >> they had a lot of fun with that. >> was that a bit of a humble brag by you. >> i had no clue i had a chance to win the pool. >> it's true? that's legit for you? wow. >> "morning joe" pool serious business. a grand each we put in? two grand. >> that i know is a joke. >> nobody has that kind of money around here. >> still ahead president trump has revived the health care plan but reporting is republicans aren't on board. >> and new merchandising targeting adam schiff. those stories and more coming up next.
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welcome back, everyone. i'm ayman mohyeldin alongside with it. let's start with the morning's top stories. >> the president has vowed the gop will be the party of great health care but george "the washington post" republicans have no intention of heeding the president's urgent demand for a new health care plan to replace obamacare. the "post" spoke with numerous gop lawmakers, staffers and administration aides who say republicans fear the political damage such a proposal could cause in 2020 and hope the president will drop the idea soon. according to the paper not only
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is there no such health care overhaul in the works on capitol hill, there are no plans to make such a plan. senate republicans who were caught off guard by trump's rapid shift to focus on health care last week said the white house would need to make the first move by putting forward it's own proposal. administration official told the "post" nothing is firm but over the week mick mulvaney promised no america would lose coverage. >> can you guarantee that if you succeed in court that all of those tens of millions of people who have health coverage guaranteed because of obamacare will not lose their coverage? >> yes. here's why. let's talk about pre-existing conditions because it gets a lot of the attention and rightly so. every single plan that this white house has put forward since donald trump evers elected covers pre-existing conditions. every single plan considered by the senate covers pre-existing conditions. the debate about pre-existing
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conditions is over. both parties support them. anyone telling you anything different is lying to you for political gain. >> so as to the plan keep in mind we have offered plans in the house and senate. we came up with a bunch of ideas out of the white house. they didn't pass because, john mccain went back on his word to vote on it. >> president trump is threatening to close the southern border if mexico doesn't stop illegal immigration coming in to the united states. the president said on friday there's a very good likelihood he could close the border this week and top administration officials are saying he is not bluffing. >> we have right now two big caravans coming up from guatemala. massive caravans. walking right through mexico. so mexico is tough. they can stop them but they chose not to. they will stop them. if they don't stop them we're closing the border. close it. we'll keep it closed for a long
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time. i'm not playing games. it's a horrible situation. mexico can stop it right at their southern border. they have a southern border. they have a border that could be very well structured. it's very easy for them to stop people from coming up and they don't choose to do it. there's very good likelihood i'll close the border next week. >> why are we talking about closing the border? because not for spite. not to try and undo what's happening but to simply say look we need the people from the ports of entry to go out there and patrol in the desert where we don't have a wall. the president will do everything he can if closing the ports of entry that's what he intends to do. >> is the president really serious about closing the border this week? with all the disruption to our economy or is this a bluff? >> it certainly isn't a bluff. take the president seriously. we have never seen a surge like
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this. it's coming from the northern triangle countries. so many kids are separated from their parents before they arrive here. congress can fix this, chris, in an hour. >> information texas congressman beto o'rourke kicked off his 2020 presidential campaign with a rally in i had home town of el pa s paso, texas. it was first of three rallies held. he highlighted the flash point of immigration as an important issue for his campaign. >> if we are really serious about security, we have a golden opportunity, republicans, independents, democrats alike to work on comprehensive immigration reform, to rewrite this country's immigration laws in our own image. with our own values and in the best traditions of the united states of america. >> former vice president joe biden is defending himself after
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being accused of inappropriately touching and kissing a former nevada state lawmaker on the campaign trail back in 2014. the excuser lucy flores detailed the eagles in "new york" magazine's "the cut accounts and again last night with hunt. watch. >> just so sudden. and unaware. and came from nowhere. i felt these hands on my shoulders and i'm thinking, okay, that's odd and the vice president of the united states is touching me. but, you know, nothing i guess too out of the ordinary. then i felt him get closer. he leaned in and was like right behind me on my body. and he leans down, smells my hair and then plants this big long kiss on the top of my head. and just happened so suddenly. i really didn't even know how to respond. in my brain i kept thinking the vice president of the united states is smelling me. the vice president of the united states is touching me, kissing
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me. i don't know what to do. i kind of felt frozen. >> do you think that the intentions of the vice president at the time count for anything if he, you know, did not have malicious or ill considered intentions, essentially what he's saying in his statement or doesn't that matter? >> that dmatter. the intention and for the record, i don't believe that it was a bad intention. i'm not in any way suggesting i felt sexually assaulted or sexually harassed. i felt invaded. i felt there was a violation of my personal space. >> former vice president responded saying in part quote in my many years on the campaign trail and public life i have offered countless hand shakes, hugs, support and comfort and not once, never did i believe i acted inappropriately. if it is suggested die, so i will listen respectfully but it was never my intention. i may not recall these moments
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the same way and i may be surprised that what i hear but we have arrived at an important time when women feel they can and should relate their experiences and men should pay attention and i will. >> in addition to several former female staffers stepping forward to vouch for biden's character we're hearing from stephanie carter wife of ash carter. you may remember this viral photo from 2015 and it showsed bien's hands on her shoulders during her husband's swearing ceremony. in a new piece stephanie carter writes joe biden in my picture is a close friends helping someone get through a big day for which i'll be grateful. joining us now from washington, editor-in-chief from politico magazine. so, blake, the vice president former vice president he's not announced yet he's running officially. is there any indication this allegation of inappropriate conduct not sexual assault, lucy
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flores is very clear about that but do you think it could potentially impact the 2020 bid and his even announcing? >> yeah. it's 2019. we just went through this massive movement where women raised their hands and said it wasn't okay to treat us like this. joe biden, you know, he's been around politics for decades. you know, everyone in washington knows that he is a guy who is very affectionate, sometimes to the point where he makes people uncomfortable. lucy flores spoke to that. eaves with actress eva longoria smelling her hair. maybe he likes to smell shampoo. he'll have some trouble with this. you saw all the 2020 candidates pretty quickly say they believed her and so i think that his potential opponents are looking at this as an opportunity to kill his candidacy before it even starts.
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it's very problematic in this environment. >> blake, let's switch gears. i want to talk about immigration. the president possibly threatening to shut down the border. more importantly, does he have the legal authority to shut down that border and could we see congress step in to try and intervene and prevent that from happening. what does the law say? >> certainly, you know, it depends on how he does it. he'll claim it's a national security emergency and that gives the president a lot of leeway in the courts. but congress has a lot to say about, especially u.s. citizens rights to go back and forth across the border. then you have the companies that are going to be affected. half of u.s. produce and fruits comes across that bore, $611 billion in trade. companies will be firing off lawsuit about rotting fruit and auto partser and things like that, that will be damaged by a shutdown like this. i think the president is bluffing. no sign he's informed agencies
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to prepare for this. maybe that's the usual disorganization within the administration. if he does do this he'll have a fight with border states on his hands, members of congress and with companies. >> and with people when they go to their grocery store and see empty vegetable and produce shelves for sure. thank you so much. so president trump's feud with democratic adam schiff is escalating with his 2020 campaign website selling a new shirt mocking the intel chairman. it features pencil neck adam schiff. the shirt shows the congressman portrayed there as you see, a pency neck for a neck as well as a clown nose. he spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking. he should be forced to resign from congress. now following submission of robert mueller's report schiff
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has maintained evidence of collusion between the president's campaign and russia exists and can be found by his committee. those comments have resulted in calls by republicans for him to resign. all i can think of is first lady melania trump's campaig campaign #bebest. >> can i say i beyou anything adam schiff will get a hold of those t-shirts and wear it as a badge of honor. alexandria occasio-cortez gets into another dispute with her own party. why she's calling out incumbent lawmakers. >> bill karins is back with another check on your forecast. stay with us. ♪
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smooth moderate to severe lines around the nose and mouth with juvéderm® xc. tell your doctor if you have a history of scarring or are taking medicines that decrease the body's immune response or that can prolong bleeding. common side effects include injection-site redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, firmness, lumps, bumps, bruising, discoloration or itching. as with all fillers, there is a rare risk of unintentional injection into a blood vessel, which can cause vision abnormalities, blindness, stroke, temporary scabs or scarring. juvéderm it. ♪
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(boy) got it. (dad) it's slippery. (boy) nooooooo... (grandma) nooooooo... (dad) nooooooo... (dog) yessssss.... (vo) quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty picks up messes quicker and is two times more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand. (boy) hey look, i got it. bounty, the quicker picker upper. alexandria occasio-cortez criticized house democratic leadership over the weekend for a new rule that hopes to limit incumbent primary threats. the democratic congressional campaign committee last week
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announced that it would no longer conduct business with nor recommend to any of its targeted campaigns any consultant that works with an opponent of a sitting member of the house democratic caucus. alexandria occasio-cortez who won her seat last year after a surprising primary upset protested the rule change tweeting the dcc new rule to black list and boycott anyone who does business with primary challengers is extremely divisive and harmful to the party. my recommendation if you're a small dollar donor pause your donation to dcc and give your donation to a swing zand. a dcc spokesperson defend the change said the new policy follows through on the promise from text all members of the caucus regardless of whether they fall within our big tent. that's not surprising given aoc's stance. >> she is walking the walk least within her own party. >> she's going target people.
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let's get some weather because we need to get that from meteorologist bill karins. so, it's like a fake out kind of a little last blast of within. >> a little bit. you'll love the end of this forecast. so i need to show you what they describe as at peak fluff y billowing, this was the weekend for the cherry blossoms. it was packed on saturday. one of the largest crowds they've ever seen. actual peak is supposed to be today. a little bit of rain yesterday knocked a few petals off. saturday was nice when it was 70. this morning as we were just talking about the wind chill right now in memphis is 30. nashville 24. buffalo it's 12. snowed overnight in buffalo. syracuse had school delays with two inches of snow on the ground. for today it will warm up this afternoon. blustery conditions will give way to a nice afternoon. so the week ahead.
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we're starting today on the chilly side. new storm coming from the west. little storm system on thursday, excuse me on wednesday will clip areas from boston possibly here in maine. watch for wet snow in the higher the rain. this storm comes into the middle of the country wednesday. thursday rainey weather from ohio vall mississippi river valley to ohio valley. possible of snow in areas of the northeast. i promised you a good ending. here's the april temperature outlook. in almost all of the country has at least the probability seeing an april warmer than normal including all of the east coast. just got to wait. be patient. looks like a nice april. >> happy for you. still ahead global markets get a boost to start the new week trading a little bit stronger than expected with strong economic data coming out of china. >> facebook ceo mark zuckerberg issues a surprising call for
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in an op-ed saturday in the "irish independent" and "washington post," mark zuckerberg called on government to play a more active role in regulating internet content. good morning to you, long
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distance. what does this mean for the future of big tech? >> good question. as you mentioned, mark zuckerberg did pen that op-ed saying the responsibility to monitor harmful content is too great for firms to do alone. he called for help in harmful content, electoral content, privacy and data portability. the goal is to create comengoals acro -- common goals. this comes at a critical time for facebook. they are under a lot of scrutiny where an incident was live streamed and facebook only took it down after 12 minutes but it was shared 12 million times. markets are starting off on a
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much firmer footing, the strongest numbers in about six months that helped boost the chinese shanghai index back up to may 2018 levels, up 2% on the session. the dow and the session is seen opening up about 200 points higher. the quarter for u.s. equities is the best quarter in a decade. so there you have it. >> we do like good news. thank you. >> coming ke allen has a look at "1 big thing." and we'll look at william barr's defense of his summary as donald trump retreats from wanting the report made public. and veronica escobar and kathryn clark will weigh in on questions
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d.c., the co-founder of axios, mr. mike allen. let's talk a little bit about "1 big thing." what do you got? >> good morning. welcome to april, happy april fool's day. >> uh-oh. he's setting us up. >> we're going to be very serious here. the axios "1 big thing" is for real. president trump's next supreme court pick. behind the scenes, this is a classic behind-the-scenes quote. when he was talking about the supreme court pick that eventually became the supreme court pick, judge amy coney barrett, he said i'm waiting for
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ginsburg. he likes the fact that she was a law professor, went to notre dame, a proud catholic, has indicated she might be open to overturning roe v. wade and a choice that would throw gas on the culture wars. >> that is fascinating. is there anything about her the president might turn on down the road? any hurdles or is he in full with amy coney barrett? >> so the president is practical and the base would love this pick but even with a couple more seats he has in the republican senate could be a tough confirmation. so that might ultimately be the calculation. the fact that the president already has his eyes several picks down the road and says i'm saving her for ginsburg, priceless how this president talks when the cameras aren't there.
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>> axios has been looking at the post-mueller wars. where is the president when it comes to issues? >> last week was such a game-changing week. we had the president fueling on the offensive with the issues of wanting to go after health care, wanting to interfere or give advice to the fed, talking about closing down the border, cutting off aid from those three central american countries, all reflecting the president's high-risk approach to life, business and politics. we're told behind the scenes that he's serious about wanting to close the border. their idea is they would close the ports of entry, day laborers would be able to come back and forth but it would otherwise be closed, people behind the scenes ultimately will not go through
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with it. they say he would love, love, love to find a way to do that. >> how about health care. realistically the white house says you have to come up with something and congress says we don't want to touch that. it like a song, right? is he going to have that drop by the wayside when he sees politically it may be hyper to and that is the house republican leader, kinch mccarthy. as we saw no plan in place. weep saw how difficult it is for administration officials to defend it. so this is a war, a fight that no republican wants, september for the president so i bet we can expect to keep hearing about it at the very least. >> safe bet. >> thank you so much, mike allen. always good to see you. >> watch out for those fools. don't be one. >> never! anyway, we're all going to be reading axios a.m. in just a while.
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you can sign up at sign upjah >> that does it for us this morning. "morning joe" starts right now. >> nobody knows hoose not worth 10 billion. i think he's only worth 7. i'm actually worth more than 10. >> they're under audit, they have been for a long time. they're extremely complex. people wouldn't understand them. >> i went through an ivy league college. i was a niece that's threatened his high school, colleges and the college board not to release his grades or s.a.t. scores. >> there was no collusion with russia, there was no obstruction, none whatsoever. it was a complete and total
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exoneration. >> he also added this


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