tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC April 1, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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deeper tomorrow with people directly involved. congressman eric swalwell from the judiciary committee, senator angus king from the intelligence committee. both joins me on a special edition of "the beat" tomorrow that we are looking forward to it. that does it for us, though. "hardball" is up next. can you stand the truth? let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. president trump is once again acting like he's got something to hide. why is he publicly now asking whether the mueller report should be released at all? today the president tweeted, "no matter what information is given to the crazed democrats from the no collusion mueller report, it will never be good enough." and later on friday he threatened to withhold the report on friday saying, "maybe we should just take our victory and say no. we've got a country to run." well, that's not the position of the american public. they remain unconvinced.
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they say what they have learned so far from the four-page note released by the attorney general has not satisfied their interest in what went on between trump and the russians. they are not at all convinced the president is off the hook. look at these numbers. a new nbc/"wall street journal" poll shows 40% of americans say the president is not clear of wrongdoing and another 31% said they don't know whether he is or not. take them together, that's 71% of americans who don't see a clear verdict on the president. despite his claims of exoneration. well, the house judiciary committee, which handles impeachment, has set tomorrow as the deadline for the justice department to turn in a full un-redacted copy of the mueller report. it's clear the justice department will not meet that deadline. according to attorney general barr, a redacted version of mueller's report will be released by mid-april. well, now nbc news reports that democrats on that committee plan to vote this wednesday, this wednesday to authorize a subpoena if the attorney general hasn't delivered the report tomorrow, tuesday. meanwhile, the president continues to use the four-page
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letter on the mueller report to seek revenge against his adversaries. trump's demanding an investigation of the investigators. he's calling on media outlets to surrender the awards they received for reporting his links to russia and says congressman adam schiff should be forced to resign from congress altogether. this comes after schiff issued a fiery rebuke of his republican colleagues last week, calling trump's behavior toward russia unpatriotic, corrupt and unethical. responding to that criticism yesterday, trump's chief of staff mick mulvaney suggested that questions about ethics are not important in the absence of criminal wrongdoing. >> what do you think about his larger point that the actions were unethical? >> keep in mind that everything that adam just talked about, and i know adam. i used to serve with him in congress. everything that he just listed right there was available to mr. mueller. probably in greater detail than adam goes into right there, yet
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mr. mueller found no collusion and no obstruction. >> right. not a crime. what about the ethics or morality of though incidents. >> the issue here is not whether or not it's ethical. >> you're setting the bar on criminal charges or evidence of conspiracy. i agree with what you're saying, that there is none there, but he's talking about ethics and morality and you're saying that's not his job. okay, fair enough. but forgetting adam schiff for a second, what about the larger point about ethics and morality? >> i think the voters are going to decide on the ethics and morality of the people they vote for on either side. >> but what about the allegation by adam schiff that trump's conduct has been unpatriotic and corrupt? those are things to think about more seriously. i'm joined now by democratic congressman steve coen of tennessee who sits on the house judiciary committee. peter baker, white house correspondent for "the new york times." staff writer at "the atlantic." congressman, thanks for coming on tonight from the white house.
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what do you make of this discussion that's going on in our country, the president's chief of staff, a government employee, can just kiss off matters of morality, ethics, patriotism and corruption as if they're not relevant because they haven't nailed the president for a felony, yet? >> well, he works for an immoral and unethical individual. so questions of morality and ethics would certainly work consequence against him. they're going to do everything they can to preserve his presidency so he can continue to appoint judges that will look ascans at women's issues and other issues. they want to repeal roe v. wade and get as many judges on the supreme court and court of appeals as they can. this i think is why barr was chosen. i think trump saw the benefit of the federalist group giving gorsuch and kavanaugh. that's what barr is doing -- >> how far -- >> to get these judges through. >> do you see him as a puppet?
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>> i definitely do. he was hired with an agenda. he took it. that was his job. something i think nobody's thought about. the congress adjourns on april the 10th for 19 days. we don't come back until april 29th. i think mr. barr knows hat and i think that's why mr. barr says he'll give us the report on april 15 so we won't be here and it will be two weeks before we come back. this whole thing has been played out like a stall. when they used to play basketball without a 30-second or 35-second clock. they're just holding the ball. they've got the lead, a 3-0 lead and they're holding the ball. >> dean smith's four-corner offense. i know all about it. thanks for the basketball recap. let me get back to peter on this. this isn't basketball at all, but there is a question of game playing here. what do you think? what can we tell objectively that the attorney general is up to here with this clever four-page letter that led a lot of people to believe that the game is over.
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that the president is somehow going scott free and capable of claiming exoneration. which is not at all what the public thinks or what mueller wrote. >> whether he intended it or not, attorney general's letter certainly allowed the president to set the framework for the narrative. which is to say that the bottom line conclusions do not find a conspiracy with russia and the -- robert mueller's not charging that he violated the law on obstruction, even though he doesn't exonerate him. that's obviously been really important for the president to go out there politically and say, see, i'm innocent. i didn't do anything. whether barr meant to do that or not, that's been the effect. what you saw in the letter he sent again last week following up on that, he said, look, i didn't mean to summarize this report. you shouldn't take what i said in that four-page letter to be a summary of the report. i was simply giving the principal conclusions. you can take from that, you can infer from that that the attorney general is a little nervous or worried that people have gotten a little too far out in front, taking this four-page letter as if this was the be all
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and end all. we don't know what they say. bill barr is not telling us what those 400 pages say yet. they may be very damning of the president even if they don't find criminal activity or they may not be. we don't know. bill barr is a little nervous, i think, the impression is he left there is not anything in the 400 pages that will look bad. when we see even a redacted version of the report, it may not look in concert with that letter. >> natasha, when we watch the state of the union, we take notes and have to do a lot of things fast and well. papers like "the new york times" do it incredibly well. "the wall street journal" and "the post" and everything else. these people claim to have taken the evelyn woods speed reading course because they read 400-page document. all it says is the president's clean. that's what barr said. that looked like a pr operation. >> i think the intention here was, again, to give the president a head start on this
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to create the narrative. i think someone else who is escaping scrutiny here is the deputy attorney general, is rod rosenstein. >> what's his game? >> well, we -- it's really baffling that the man who wrote the memo justifying firing jim comey, which the president has been under investigation for for obstruction, has now been the arbiter of whether or not the president obstructed justice. it's really self-serving. >> he's the guy the president calls a democrat from baltimore. >> it seems like it's self-serving for rod rosenstein to be involved in these discussions because, of course, he's kind of in the clear now. he's a witness in the obstruction investigation. and by saying that there was no obstruction, he can kind of brush it off and move it aside. so i think that's a part of this. >> do you think he's a trump mole? >> you know, i wouldn't necessarily go that far, but i think, you know, there is -- there is a lot of -- there are a lot of -- there is a lot of speculation that he is a survivor, that he's a political survivor and he has done what he has had to do in order to remain in the position that he's in. >> well, that's pretty sad.
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appearing on fox news yesterday, white house adviser kellyanne conway could not seem to explain why the president is claiming exoneration when the special counsel did not clear him on obstruction of justice. here she goes. >> when the president says that it's total exoneration on obstruction, kellyanne, that's just not true. >> the president is probably comparing the reports and no conspiracy, no contact with a russian at any campaign that i managed into its final successful phases and have always been offended that anyone would think we would cheat, lie, steal or talk to any russians. >> take yes for an answer. i'm agree with you on collusion. >> i'm also going to take yes for an answer in the barr report. >> i'm asking you about obstruction. >> we'll see what the full mueller report says. there is nowhere in the barr report that says the president obstructed justice. >> mueller says that it did not exonerate him. >> you know, chris wallace gets
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better and better. congressman, let me know what you think of that. there is the president's chief communications person unable to explain the obvious. the president's not clear. he hasn't been cleared. not by mueller, certainly. >> he hasn't been exonerated by anybody except his own hired henchmen. as he sit here, steve scalise is speaking right behind me and it's nauseating to listen to the republicans spin what they're spinning just after they all voted two weeks ago to release the mueller report. all but four who abstained. now they're finding every excuse to not make it public and talking about hillary clinton and talking about fbi agents. they'll start to talk about benghazi again. that vote should be like perjury because they didn't believe that vote. >> the old chinese reds, every once in awhile they would haul out some merchant from 30 or 40 years early? say this is what's
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wrong with capitalism. on three different occasions, trump said publicly he supports the release of the mueller report. until recently. here he is. >> does the public have a right to see the mueller report? >> i don't mind. i mean, frankly, i told the house if you want, let them see it. >> thanks, press. >> it's up to the attorney general, but it wouldn't bother me at all. up to the attorney general. wouldn't bother me at all. >> well, i have great confidence in the attorney general, and if that's what he'd like to do, i have nothing to hide. >> peter, what's the state of the art on this whole thing? because i think most people -- we've shown in our numbers over 7 in 10 people or more would like to see what the hell's going on here. they have been left with a blur, with a murky situation where the president has clearly opened the air in terms of guilt, perhaps criminal guilt onf justice. he clearly was not cleared by robert mueller on that. and even the other guy, attorney general barr, was very unclear in the way he cleared him.
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because he simply said, okay, he says he can be guilty or not, but i'm saying he's not. but it was so clear what he was doing was playing politics. >> well, what we're going to see here potentially is a pretty important clash if bill barr does not release enough of the report to satisfy the house democrats. now the house democrats said they want everything, not just the full report but the evidence underlying it. bill barr said i'm going to give you everything, at least in the report, except for the four categories. secret grand jury material, classified, you know, material in terms of, you know, intercepts with the russians, that kind of thing. the question is whether what he produces to them is a good faith effort to give them what they need to make an evaluation of their own or is it perceived to be hiding information? we don't know that until we see what he's going to give them. he does say he's going to give it to them by mid-april, or sooner he said. we may find that out in the next week or so. if he doesn't give them
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everything that they feel like they ought to have, i think you could easily see a fight that goes to the courts on this and the courts would be asked to rule as they were under nixon, as they were under clinton. what are the limits of the executive branch's ability to withhold information from the congress and the public. >> well, let's look at this. a picture's worth 1,000 words, everybody. natasha, you take this. if we get a "new york times" full page picture with the page blacked out. i'm afraid that's what's coming. not just protecting sources, but all kinds of executive privilege claims. all kinds of, oh, this was during a grand jury, blah, blah, blah. three strikes, you're out. there may not be much white left on that paper. your thoughts. >> chris, one thing the public and congress has to be really careful about is this fourth bucket that bill barr said in his letter that would be redacted, which is information about third parties, peripheral third parties that might be
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damaging to their reputations. who does bill barr consider a third party? what is damaging to their reputations. >> so this is going to hurt roger stone? >> who knows. >> i'm kidding. >> is donald trump considered a third party because he wasn't charged? i want to go back really quick also to whether the question of if ethics or morals matter. if you're a morally vacuous person, that makes you more susceptible to being blackmailed. >> or patriotism or corruption. >> it's a very big national security issue, and i think that is the lens through which we have to view this. >> congressman, your last thought on this, where it stands, because you've got the committee demanding this full report without redactions, perhaps issuing a subpoena by wednesday. who is going to win that fight? >> well, the courts will decide, and i think we'll end up winning. historically, the grand jury testimony has been released by judges. generally it's been when the attorney general and the congress people have gone together, but regardless, if there is a request from a judge after the case has been heard, i
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think with the president being the subject of this investigation and the importance of this to the american people that a judge would allow that information to go to congress. the classified material. we all have classified clearances and can hear that in the scif. that's simple enough to do. ongoing investigations, that's not a problem either. executive privilege needs to be looked at somebody whether it true is. the kitchen sink, that's huey, a way for him to black out everything and give us everything but two words "no collusion" with 400 pages black. >> if i were in the democratic party, i'd be filling that park next to the capitol building with people with signs saying "release the report." that will carry with the american people. thank you so much, u.s. congressman steve cohen. peter baker of "the new york times" and natasha bertrand of "the atlantic." a cottage industry of lies. joe biden's team sharpens their response to accusations of inappropriate contact with women. how big a threat is this to his
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2020 presidential prospects. we'll see. who knows. trump's new immigration drama. >> massive caravans walking right through mexico. so mexico's tough. they can stop them but they chose not to. now they're going to stop them. if they don't stop them, we're closing the border. they'll close it. we'll keep it closed for a long time. i'm not playing games. >> i'll talk to the state of washington governor and presidential companied jay inslee on the president's plans to close the border. much more ahead. stick with us. ore ahead. stick with us. one hour pickup order?
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you know reliable support when you have it, and that dependability is what we want to give our customers. at comcast, it's my job to constantly monitor our network. prevent problems, and to help provide the most reliable service possible. my name is tanya, i work in the network operations center for comcast. we are working to make things simple, easy and awesome. welcome back to "hardball." former vice president joe biden is yet to announce he's a candidate for a 2020 presidential nomination, of course, but he's already facing some heat. you've heard. democratic lucy flores, a former nevada assembly woman says biden made her feel uncomfortable during a campaign event when she ran for lieutenant governor back in 2014. she first detailed her
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accusation, by the way, in "new york" magazine's the cut describing what she said was inappropriate but not sexual touching and casing. flores spoke to my colleague kasie hunt just last night. >> i felt these hands on my shoulders, and i'm thinking, okay, that's odd, and the vice president of the united states is touching me. but, you know, nothing i guess too out of the ordinary. but then i felt him get closer. he leaned in and was, like, right behind me on my body. and he leans down, smells my hair and then plants this big long kiss on the top of my head. i don't believe that it was a bad intention. i'm not in any way suggesting that i felt sexually assaulted or sexually harassed. i felt invaded. i felt that there was a violation of my personal space. >> nbc news has not independently verified this specific incident took place but has reviewed correspondence provided by flores that appears
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to corroborate she discussed the incident around the time it occurred. that's important. the former vice president responded in a statement saying, "in my many years on the campaign trail and in public life i've encurrented or offered countless handshakes, hugs, expressions of affection, support and comfort. not one, never, did i believe i acted inappropriately. if it's suggested i did so, i'll listen respectfully, but it was never my intention." a connecticut woman reports that biden touched her inappropriately but not sexually at a fund-raiser in 2009. during his speech in delaware two weeks ago the vice president made note of what he called his hands-on style. >> i'm a tactile politician. i always have been. that's what gets me in trouble as well. but i think i can feel and taste what's going on. everywhere i went, no kidding, everywhere i went there was an
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insatiable desire by republicans as well as democrats for women and men of high character. in public office. >> for more i'm joined by former democratic senator from california barbara boxer, susan del percio, a political strategist. and sahil kapur. this is just breaking right now, senator, i want you thinking on it as a veteran of the political world, what gravity do you give to these stories that seem to be beginning to mount? >> i don't think that there is anyone who hasn't grown up with joe biden as i did going back to the '80s that didn't know he's a very affectionate person. and the thing about that is it was his style of being a politician. and some people found him endearing. i personally did. he always treated the women in the senate and the house as equals. i've worked with him on many important things, including the
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violence against women act, community policing, saving the dolphin. he loves his family. he used to bring his daughter to talk to me about the environment. you know, some people didn't find it endearing. they found it annoying if he touched their shoulders or leaned in, and some people obviously found it offensive, but they didn't feel comfortable saying anything, and now they feel comfortable, and joe is listening. joe will change. and i think it's a moment that people have to understand some people don't like to have their space invaded. it's as simple as that. and i think he'll learn from that and i think he's a terrific person and i always will think that. >> well, i can't beat that. i thought was a great perception about all the bases here. let me go to susan who has worked on the other side politically, i don't know if you had people like that, tactile politicians or not. >> of course there are. there are politicians that act
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that way. i agree with the senator. this is joe biden. this is the way he is. most people welcome it. honestly, i don't think he did anything in particularly wrong, especially in his mind, but here's the bigger problem for joe biden -- and let me just say i do believe he is a man of strong character and integrity. but he has been in politics for decades. and the way he was isn't the way he can be in 2020. for the 2020 primary. and that's the more significant difference. this is also part, i can't help but believe, part of an ongoing political hit job on the vice president. we have now his son and ukraine and people bringing up anita hill. i think this is all part of a way of saying joe biden's past can hurt him. >> who is running that conspiracy? >> there are some who are running for president in the democratic primary who are pedaling that, and this woman, just for all disclosure, this woman supported bernie sanders last go-round. >> well, you have to always
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think about that aspect of it, true or not. you have to think about it because politics is motivative. weighed in on flores' account. i like her account. you know what i like about it? the credibility of it. i believe every word she said factually. i believe every fact and i like the particularity of it. i'm tired of somebody said this that made me uncomfortable. she specifically told us what she said she experienced and how she felt about it, which i think is really damn helpful. >> absolutely. >> anyway, let's take a look at this. a lol of course the opponents of biden are liking this, it's helping them relatively. so let's take a look at what they have to say. >> i believe lucy flores and joe biden needs to give an answer. >> should he not run as a result? >> that's for joe biden to decide. >> i believe lucy flores. >> do you think it disqualifies him for the presidency? >> he's going to decide whether he's going to run or not.
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>> i have no reason not to believe her. >> women have to be heard, and we should really -- we should start by believing them. >> i have no reason not to believe lucy. >> do you think it's disqualifying? >> well, i think that's a decision for the vice president to make. i'm not sure that one incident alone disqualifying anybody. >> it's interesting. this isn't like a trial where you're trying to get information. we know it. everybody heard her. she's credible. she wrote about it. she told her friends, people about it at the time, it's all true. the question is how do we react to it? how does the media react to it? how do other women react to it. >> naturally joe biden's would-be rivals want to back him into a corner. he's leading the polls. >> only one incident, in other words waiting for the shoe to drop this afternoon. >> we don't know how many more shoes there are to drop. we don't know what that's going to look like. this lucy flores situation is a
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microcosm of if joe biden decides to run. we don't know what else if anything is going to come out, but over 36 years as a senator, he said and did a lot of things that he didn't think were inappropriate at the time. but that democratic voters today may have a very different view of. that's not just anita hill, the crime bill, the bankruptcy bill in 2005, his vote for the iraq war. >> the democratic establishment types voted for the iraq war. they all damn well did it. >> many of the other presidential contenders today never cast that vote and won't have to explain it. >> john kerry, they all did it. i didn't like it either. during the 2016 campaign, more than a dozen women, by the way. let's not forget what's going on in the world, accused candidate trump of sexual assault or misconduct. many of them spoke publicly about their experiences. let's listen to that, for memory's sake here. >> it was a real shock when all of a sudden his sands were all over me. he started encroaching on my space. and i hesitate to use this
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expression, but i'm going to, and that is he was like an octopus. it was like he had six arms. he was all over the place. >> he pushed me up against the wall and had his hands all over me and tried to get up my dress again. i had to physically say, what are you doing, stop! it was a shocking thing to have him do this. >> the person on my right, who unbeannounced to me at that time was donald trump, put their hand up my skirt. he did touch my vagina through my underwear. >> he then walked up to me and reached his right arm and grabbed my right arm. then his hand touched the right inside of my breast. >> senator, you know, generally i like -- because we've had this problem in my church, you know, with priests. and i like specificity because it's a little gross to listen to but damn well you know what the
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hell happened five minutes later. usually it's grosser than you thought. your thoughts? >> are you talking to me, chris? >> yes, senator. you're the only senator on the phone right now. >> sorry. i couldn't hear you. sorry. look, these two people are as different, night from day. trump attacks the women, calls them all liars, he tries to sue them and scare them. joe biden, these aren't incidents so much as it is, yes, shoe to drop. he hugged a lot of people and he -- and that's joe. so it's not an incident. it's the way he has been. and what he is learning, which i think a lot of people are learning now, since the me too movement, that for some people it's just not okay. but there is no comparison between what the women are saying that trump did and what the women are saying joe biden did. >> i know. >> which is to just get cozy and be endearing, and a lot of them
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liked them and a lot of them didn't. he needs to stop, and i think he will learn that. if we are now going to say that anyone who came up in those years when that's what retail politics was is a terrible person, i think that's kind of a sad thing. and i have not endorsed anybody in this race. >> i have to talk -- >> i want to be clear. >> i love the way you just said it because i don't have that much experience as you have, but close to it, working on the hill. this thing about retail. he come from a small state. >> yeah. >> it's personal relationships. you get elected because people know you. most of the voters in delaware knew him. >> yes. >> this thing you watch on the floor when you were a house member. the men when they meet each other. after you, congressman, after you, congressman. the elbow grabbing, the shoulder grabbing. >> oh, yeah. >> that's what people don't know about. that's politics. there is all this physicality that goes on. >> there is a lot of there is a lot of that and i notice that ms. flores, who i absolutely believe and i think she laid it all out there and, yes, she says
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it wasn't harassment, it wasn't sexual, that's what it is. bernie sanders had his arm on her shoulders and she didn't mind it in that circumstance. but i think it's just best for all of us now to shake each other's hands, look each other in the eye. if people don't feel comfortable, you know, if you get too much in their space, back off. it's just simple. my god, with all the problems we have in this great country of ours, i think we can get past this. i hope we can. really, do i. >> senator, great to have you on. thank you so much, senator boxer of california. susan del percio and sahil for your reporting. up next, 2020 presidential candidate and washington state governor jay inslee on trump's border issue and climate change, which is his big issue. we're back after this. ssue we're back after this. what if other kinds of plants captured it too? if these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees
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welcome back to "hardball." 8 out of the 13 democratic presidential hopefuls made their pitches at the we the people annual summit here in d.c. it was an opportunity to make their cases on a number of progressive issues from gerrymandering to corporate influences and, of course, climate change. let's take a look at some of the candidates. >> that's why as president i will sign into law a new voting rights act so every single citizen can vote and every single vote is counted. no more gerrymandering in the united states, racial, political or otherwise.
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>> i am proud to support statehood for washington, d.c. i don't think you should have a big group of people that don't have anyone to represent them in congress. >> that's why everything i call for starts with big systemic change. how do we reduce the influence of money and power in washington? >> we are the first generation to feel the sting of climate change and we are the last generation that can do something about it. and i'm telling you today that if i'm given this high honor as president of the united states, i'm going to make defeating climate change the number one priority -- >> governor jay inslee of washington, you just saw him, joins me now live. you know, i get the feeling that we have to see the burning bush, practically. when i grew up, we had four seasons. they were predictable. here in washington it snowed every once in awhile in the
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winter. we don't have snow. it's very hard to know if it's coming, if ever. the summers are not as hot as they used to be. there used to be predictability in our weather. it's gone. it's horrible out west, the fires. >> when i went through paradise, california. this is a town of 25,000 that just burned right to the ground. it looked like a hollywood apocalypse movie. this is a magic moment for our nation because the public is now understanding this. this used to be a graph on a chart, an abstraction, now real people aree seeing neighbors burned out of their homes. >> what's the one thing you would do as president on climate. number one. >> clean energy fuel standard. 100% clean grid standard. big investment in energy efficiency requirements for better building codes. and large research and development. we spent more money developing one kind of jeep years ago than our entire clean energy investment strategy. below that there are 24
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different strategies and we're doing them in our state as we speak. >> what do you think of the green new deal? >> i think it's been very helpful because it's elevated the debate and for the people talking about climate change. it's elevated the scope of people's ambitions and brought communities of color -- the first people who are always hurt are -- >> let's talk more about the country and its borders and the way -- we have 11 million people living in the country illegally without documents. that's a problem to most people. that's a problem. how do you solve it? >> well, look, you get a new president who is willing to seek solutions rather than just -- >> what are the solutions? i don't hear democrats -- i mean, if you do think, a big if here, if you think it's a problem. a lot of liberal democrats don't think it's a problem. it's basically open borders. where are you? are you an open borders guy? >> no, i think having some border makes sense. we need to increase our openness to refugees. it's pathetic that we have -- trump has been so inhumane to close the border to refugees. some of whom are climate
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refugees today because of the drought. >> i agree with that. >> it has been so inhumane to separate parents from their children. it has been nuts to want to waste billions of dollars on a wall that even republicans don't want to do, but i think you need to separate that, when you think about it -- >> do you think the democrats would work to reduce illegal immigration or not? >> sure, we have. the democrats have put in appropriate appropriations. >> do they believe in it? >> it's not just the border, we have 11 million people that are our neighbors. >> i'm from pennsylvania. a lot of people voted for trump because they don't like illegal immigration. >> they like the dreamers. i tell you what, everybody loves the dreamers in my state. these are kids going to school. >> they didn't make a decision to break the law? >> they just came here. they didn't even know. trump has been so inhumane to them. >> i agree. he doesn't understand the pictures. let me ask you about gadhafi -- -- not gadhafi, khashoggi. what do you make of the fact
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that we're doing business -- kushner's over there. as if it's okay, we're still buddies and they killed one of our reporters. >> it's one of the reasons we got to see trump's tax returns. what kind of deal does he have with saudi arabia? >> would you stick to our oil buying deals even though they claim t won't claim that the prince had something to do with killing our guy. >> i'd listen, unlike donald trump. >> if the prince had something to do with it, would you cut him off? >> they would pay some price. my belief is there is something going on between donald trump and that regime that isn't healthy. i released my tax returns the other day. >> jared's over there playing footsie with this guy. >> mbs, they're buddies. >> once we finally get the tax returns, we'll find out the reason. >> some news at the end of the show -- >> we just passed a law on this. he can't get on the ballot in my
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state until he released his tax returns. >> jay inslee of the state of washington. up next, a white house whistle-blower says the trump administration overalled experts and granted top security clearances to high-risk individuals including the aforementioned jared kushner and ivanka on at least 25 occasions. the president's daughter and son-in-law. what does it say about national security at the white house? watts going on there? what are they hiding that these people did wrong that they couldn't get a security clearance the normal way except through nepotism? stay with us. t through nepotism stay with us oh, wow. you two are going to have such a great trip. yeah, have fun! thanks to you, we will. aw, stop. this is why voya helps reach today's goals... ...all while helping you to and through retirement. um, you guys are just going for a week, right? yeah! that's right. can you help with these? oh... um, we're more of the plan, invest and protect kind of help... sorry, little paws, so. but have fun!
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we're just trying to help more people have more mornings. tto harrison, the wine tcollection.. we're just trying to help more people to craig, this rock. the redwoods to the redheads. the rainbows to the proud. i leave these things to my heirs, all 39 million of you, on one condition. that you do everything in your power to preserve and protect them. with love, california. . welcome back to "hardball." president trump has repeatedly declared the country's national security to be a top priority for him, but actions within his own white house raise questions about his followthrough. when it comes to protecting the country's most classified information, for example, a
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white house whistle-blower has told the house oversight committee that the trump administration granted security clearances to 25 individuals, including two current senior white house officials after they were initially denied by security officials. in a memo released today by the committee, "a series of wide-ranging issues involving foreign influence, conflicts of interest, concerning firearm conduct, financial problems, drug use and criminal conduct." she said the decisions to overturn the cleans denials issued by her office could jeopardize national security and said coming forward was her, "last hope to really bring the integrity back into our office." those were her words. can you guess who the current senior white house officials are that were initially denied security clearance? i can guess because i know. i'll tell you why coming up. walk it off look.
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top secret clearance by two career security clearance specialists. it identified questions about his family's business, his foreign contacts, his foreign travel and meetings he had during the campaign. according to "the washington post," u.s. intelligence officials had raised a number of concerns to, including reports that intelligence officials from the united arab emirates, china, mexico were privately discussing ways they could privately manipulate jared kushner. nine current officials being asked by house oversight committee chair elijah cummings to provide documents about their security clearances. for more i'm joined by ken dlan yan a dilanian and jeremy bash. those able to see documents. the top hottest stuff involving rush, the middle east, who gets to see them? it's a decision made by who? >> ultimately the fbi would do a
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background investigation and give the file to the white house personnel security office. if the person is approved they can have access to that classified information. if the person is disapproved and adjudicated for a no, basically denied, use that person can't hold that job. here in this case in at least 25 cases, the white house personnel office overruled the career judgement of the fbi and granted secret access to 25 white house employees? >> ken, who would be that he or they? who would say we don't care what the experts say about this person's credibility or the danger to the country. >> it was the head of the office of security, a guy named carl klein overruling these career specialists. at least in the case of jared kushner, "the new york times" reported he did so on the orders of the president of the united states. we don't know about the other 24 cases. and we don't know who those people are. >> so the president, his character witness? how does he know something that they don't know? >> well, the thing is it's a reminder of how powerful the
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presidency is. he has the absolute right to do this. all this bureaucrat niceties, this is essentially set up -- this is how the rules normally operate, but he can override them. >> let's get to the credibility about his problem. an interview with "the new york times" in january, not a million years ago, president denied getting involved in granting kushner a security clearance. >> did you tell general kelly or anyone else in the white house to overrule security officials? >> no, i don't think i have the authority to do that. >> you do have the authority to do it. >> but i wouldn't do it. jared's a good -- i was never involved with his security. >> is ignorance bliss here? a month later "the new york times" reported it was the president who ordered his chief of staff to overrule intelligence officials and grant his son-in-law top security clearance. how could he forget? >> the president is obviously covering up what he did here with respect to his son-in-law. >> why would he do that? >> he doesn't want the american people to know his son-in-law
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was denied a security clearance and has access to classified information because that, of course, would show for everyone to see that his white house is swiss cheese when it comes to security. it's full of holes. not only jared kushner and ivanka, 23, 24 other individuals, chris. it's highly significant. sometimes this happens once in an administration. 25 times for a career person to be overruled show shows you how much the politics weals were pug their thumb on the scale. >> do you know, do we know what was the problem with jared and the president knew and overruled it basically? >> our reporting is foreign interest concerns. he me neglected at first to disclose any of his foreign contacts. >> why would he do that? >> that would disqualify people. >> he said it was a clerical error. most people would not get away with that. the important thing, that's unprecedented. >> that's a perjury charge.
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>> thirst whistle-blower tricia newbold had been doing it for years. >> ran the racquets committee for years. congress, got him into politics and the presidency. he was one sharp political cookie. you want to have him around. jared kushner, the conflicts he had is all he had was conflicts. that was his resume, the conflicts. these foreign business relations. >> special rules for family, but also special rules for other political appointees. and, again, throughout the white house, you have individuals with access to classified information, sensitive secrets, potentially sources and methods, law enforcement methods, other things that are vital for national security, and you give it to people who can't we trusted or subjected for foreign influence, that's national security issue. >> the justice department building. you know who it was named after? robert f. kennedy.
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what is this story going to lead to, subpoenas by elijah co cummings. >> he's going to try but the white house is going to fight. >> the whole dirty deal, this nepotistic crap. thank you cuba ken dilanian and jeremy bash. up next, hard to belief stuff about trump. listen closely. hard to believe stuff. you're watching "hardball." (client's voice) remember that degree you got in taxation? (danny) of course you don't because you didn't! your job isn't understanding tax code... it's understanding why that... will get him a body like that...
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has released all of his tax returns, federal, state and local going back ten years. he says that with a longstanding audit by the irs now completed, he's now free to be totally transparent about all his business dealings. trump also admitted tonight that he intentionally lied from the outset about barack obama having snuck into the country from east africa and he did so deliberately, trump says, to cultivate the racist vote. trump's stunning confession that he and his fellow republicans have no idea how to replace obama's affordable care program. now comes the real blockbuster this monday night, president trump has agreed to release the entirety of his high school and college transcripts to prove he was once in for all top in his class as he boasted. april fools. trust has never nor will he admit his motivation for denouncing obama as a legitimate
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president. who knows where his high school transcripts have ended up. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us on this april 1st day. "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. tonight on "all in" -- >> the trump administration is a walking, talking, living, breathing threat to national security. >> a white house whistle-blower says the trump administration is a threat to national security. >> there were anonymous leaks about there being issues. >> tonight the growing scandal surrounding security clearances inside the white house. at democrats start the process to subpoena the mueller report. then, is the president about to name an anti-immigration zealot as his new immigration czar? plus -- >> i love the saudis, many are in this building. >> why jeff bezos now says the saudis did
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