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tv   Morning Joe  MSNBC  June 7, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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pelosi, choke a different path. good morning. welcome to "morning joe." it is friday, june 7. i'm willie geist. joe and mika finishing off their time off and back with us on monday. we have nbc correspondent heidi przybyla, the host of sunday night politics on msnbc an donny deutsche, and steve rattner, katty kay, and former chief of staff of the cia, department of defense, now an nbc news national security analyst, jeremy bash. yesterday, we asked how the president would step on a good speech, it was a matter of time, i guess, that he made at normandy and the answer is laura ingraham with the graves as the backdrop. >> first is the speech. i know he got lawded. and i think what else could he have done? the bar has got ton a point when he does something that is 101, speaking at the grave site at normandy and just giving a
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presidential speech that was written for him, we stand in -- >> it was a good speech. >> what should it say? yes. yes, it was a good speech. but what else could any, i don't think any person -- >> he could have attacked nancy. >> okay, yes, but then we see the real trump, an hour or two before, obviously the irony of going after obama and nancy pelosi. and it is just stunning to watch this duality. i will come back it my original point. yes, it was a good speech that he read. that somebody else wrote for him. and i don't think you could just, that's a norm, and he gets the kudos for norm, and for him, in a bizarre way, that's good news going into 2020? >> this becomes so attuned to making the shocking statements when he's on the national stage, that when he pulls off a speech, that is basically in line with any other previous president, it becomes a moment for praise. but the thing that was so
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striking about that fox news interview, willie, was that it actually took place, according to our own halle jackson just as the ceremony was about to begin. not only did he have this backdrop of the grave stones but you have trump making these comments, moments before he was about to join these world war ii veterans for what will probably be their last ceremony like this. ever. the men who liberated europe from the nazis, and who saved, you know, us from a much broader conflict, was, you know, happening right before, moments before these guys joined them on stage. >> he definitely gave the speech right before that ceremony. steve, we said yesterday, we said it was a good speech, but what comes next? is it a tweet, a comment he makes? and turns out it was an interview he already given when we were speculating about what he would do. >> not just an interview. and a remarkable interview. drugs and needles and all of
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that stuff in her district and take her on as we saw, sitting with the backdrop of those crosses, and stars of david, in the normandy grave yard. it is incredible. and we should just never normalize that kind of behavior. >> with 61 house members now calling for impeachment, house speaker nancy pelosi has told her caucus she does not want to see the president impeached, she wants to see him in jail. nbc news how has confirmed that during a tuesday meeting with several house committee leaders, speaker pelosi said quote, i don't want to see him impeached, i want to see him in prison. politico's first reported those comment, and that judiciary chairman jerry nadler reportedly pressed pelosi to allow his panel to launch an impeachment inquiry, but the speaker stood firm, reiterating that she is not open to the idea of impeaching trump at this time. while "politico" did not characterize the full context or tone of pelosi's comment, a congressional aide in the room tells nbc news her remark was consistent with her position
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that trump needs to be removed electorally in 2020. yesterday, fox news asked president trump about speaker pelosi's comment about wanting to see him in jail. here is the president's response. >> i think she's a disgrace. i actually don't think she's a talented person. i've tried to be nice to her because i would have liked to have gotten some deals done. she is incapable of doing deals. should he is a nasty, vindictive horrible person. let me ask nancy, why is her district a drug and needles, all over the place, it is the most disgusting ching what she has allowed to happen to her district, with needles, with drug addicts, with people living in the middle of streets, with people living on the sidewalks, you think, she out to focus on that, because she is a disaster and -- >> when you were overseas -- >> a horrible vicious statement. >> while i'm overseas. >> now, if i made any statement about anybody, it would be like a big thing, why would he do that that when he is overseas. she is a terrible person.
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and the name, it is nervous nancy, because she is a nervous wreck. >> and there was more in that interview with fox news. at the american military cemetery in normandy, with the backdrop of rows of head stones of u.s. service men killed during the liberation of france, 75 years ago. >> they thought their good friend bobby mueller was going to give them a great report and came out with a report with 13 horrible angry democrats, who are totally biased against me. >> do you mind if he testifies? before you said you didn't care. >> he made such a fool out of himself, the last time, because what people don't report is the letter he had to do to straighten out his testimony, because his testimony was wrong. but nancy pelosi, i call her nervous nancy, nancy pelosi doesn't talk about it. nancy pelosi is a disaster, okay? she is a disaster. >> i will tell you the more successful we've come, the more angry people like nancy pelosi who don't have what it takes. the opponent, who shouldn't have been allowed to run, she happens to be a crooked person, so her
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name is very appropriate, we have crying chuck schumer who is a disaster by the way, a total political, you know, jerk. >> jeremy baxter, pretty easy way to handle those questions with those head stones behind you and that's it's not i'm not going to talk about it here, not now, when we get back home there will be plenty of time for politics but today is about the men who served and lay behind me. >> totally undignified, actually, i think it besmirches the honger and dignity of that moment, of that place, of the occasion of remembering what happened 75 years ago. and the thing about the president's speech really, as much as we appreciate the words, the thing that i thought, when i heard it is, it is a total repudiation of the trump foreign policy, the trump foreign policy has been to enable and embolden auto crat, tie rantd, the populist neo nationalist movements sweeping europe and d-day in some ways commemorates the exact opposite which is the
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unification of the united states, the trans-atlantic allies to push back against attorney ny and stand up for freedom. >> and there is the substance and teetly made up and doesn't make any sense robert mueller and the purple heart and broonz star award and he said that mueller had to put out a letter to straighten out his testimony. there was no testimony from him. maybe he was talking about the mueller report himself. but the president also was making things up as he talked in front of those headstones. >> maybe he was referring to bob mueller's statement before the cameras. look, he the overwhelming impression of that interview is the setting of it, right? it is less what the president said, although it was very vitriolic against a whole range of people, chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, hillary clinton, bob mueller, he took on all of his favorites, but you wonder whether somebody in the white house this morning is not looking at the image, turn the television to mute and not looking at the image and maybe we shouldn't have injected domestic politics in the tone in
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which the president did it in that particular setting. because for me, having visited those graves all through my childhood, it is a jarring image, seeing the president of the united states, who in one breath is talking about the fact that we are bound together, as nations, as allies, fighting a common cause, and we always will be, and then to hear him talk in this way, about fellow american politicians, is really striking. and i think it was, you know, steve was saying, it is not, it is not a dignified setting for the president to be talking about that. >> willie, unfortunately, katty, i wish it was the case there was somebody in the white house looking at that and saying you shouldn't have done that. the sad thing is, there is no one in the white house. and he is despicable. calling chuck shume area jerk. and nancy a horrible human being because she disagrees with him. we can't normalize this. he is despicable. and that is despicable humanity, that any sixth grader would
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behave that way, he would be sent to his room. and that is a despicable human being. >> and the white house must have set this up, they arranged the interviews, trump didn't arrange the interviews and the backdrop, so the timing and the setting for this was decided by the white house. >> sure, but you got to believe that the text was all trump. i can't imagine everybody in the commerce department -- >> ne know putting him with laura ingraham of all people. >> and i can't imagine the commerce and the white house, saying we will put trump in front of crosses -- >> what did they think was going to happen. he was asked about nancy pelosi. >> they didn't put him with shep. >> and nancy pelosi was interviewed at the same american military cemetery and declined to discuss politics on the anniversary of d-day. >> we are so divided as a country right now, do you worry about the politics right now, impeachment, and everything else that is on the table, and how
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that talk to us? >> with all due respect to your question -- >> just not that hard. >> that's beyond that particular setting. and here's what a missed opportunity here, is that the president had just come from three days in london, where in respect to the royal family, by his comment about meghan markle before he landed, he had behaved appropriately and i know speaking to british officials, they were breathing a huge sigh of relief, in the company of the queen, the president had done the right thing. there had been no big diplomatic faux pas, he was capable of doing it and capable of staying on message and staying on script and proved himself in london and in the interview with laura ingraham, he must have wanted to do this, this was a choice, not a mistake, he chose to talk about american politics in the tone and the words that he uses to describe his fellow politicians that is so at odds
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with the setting that he's in. all you have to do is to say, we're here to honor the men and women who served. >> very simple. meanwhile, we will talk with some of the people who hope to replace president trump. a poll shows insight on who will make the cut for the first presidential debate in miami. je biden at 30% comfortably. and senator bernie sanders at 15%. senator elizabeth warren at 8%. and kamala harris with 6% and pete guj buttigieg 5%. buttigieg 5% the poll is especially significant since the dnc is counting it into who makes this month's debate stage. joe biden is abandoning a long-held position on abortion. in remarks last night, biden abruptly changed his stance on the amendment, a four decade old ban on using federal funds for abortions, except in cases of
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rape, incest, or to save the life of a woman. that came just a day after an exclusive nbc news report from heidi, documenting biden's record on abortion in which the biden campaign reaffirmed his support for the restriction. facing a swift backlash from abortion rights activists and at least 12 of his rivals for the 2020 democratic nomination, biden opened with these comments to a dnc gathering last night, in atlanta. >> for many years, as u.s. senator, i have, i supported the hyde amendment, like many, many others, have but we now see so many republican governors, denying health care to millions of the most, poorest, the most vulnerable americans by refusing medicaid expansion. i can't justify leaving millions of women without access to the care they need and the ability to constitute, to exercise their constitutionally protected right. and if i believe health care is
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a right, as i do, i can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone's zip code. >> so that is a change, heidi of course, from joe biden beginning in 1976 when the hyde amendment first came to pass and again and again and again voting to uphold the amendment, until last night, and in fact, when your reporting came out two days ago, it contained again from the campaign an affirmation of his support for the hyde amendment. >> this is a stunning turn of event, willie. because in my research, i saw that biden not only went along to get along on this vote, like a lot of other senators who said we can't pass our spending bills unless we agree with this because the republicans will never vote for it. no. biden's record is he forcefully and enthusiastically supported this amendment going back to the early days. i called him when i saw footage of an aclu act vist who seemed
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to get them to change their position and that's big news and they got to me, and said he still supports it and you saw the reaction by awful presidential candidates by all of the women's rights groups like emily's list like planned parenthood, who said you know what, in this context, joe biden, you may have supported this your entire career, but we are in a moment that we have not faced, since the inception of roe, with the unprecedented assault on above rights. and i think, we don't know exactly what went through biden's head really, we do know from our own reporters, and mike and marianna, on the ground, that this happened last minute. even his aides, two to three hours before his speech, said that they didn't know what he was going to do. he seemed to not be reading this from the teleprompter. and actually speaking from the heart. and if you listen to what he said there, this is a moment of acknowledgment from biden that yes, we have been in a unique moment, with all of the laws at the state level being passed and
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planned parenthood funding being under siege, you're seeing the number of clinics going down, in states like missouri, where you may only have one clinic left, in texas, and what is happening at the same time is you're seeing an increase in maternal mortality rates. let's be clear here. the hyde amendment affects only poor women. the low income poor women. because we're talking about medicaid funding. he obviously made the calculation that in today's modern climate, i cannot continue to hold this position. >> this is interesting. i said this at the beginning of biden's campaign. people were very concerned, wow, the long history, when it comes to crime, when it comes to bank regulation, that will sneak up on him and i've said his defense is always going to be, look, i grow, i can change my mind, it is not changing from 40 to 42 and i think he will have the same teflon feeling that trump had, and democrats want him so bad, that they want him to beat trump, they will let him go, and
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i changed my mind. and i think what the candidates are hoping for, with the stuff in the last years will stick, the first example of how he can gracefully pivot. >> and as the trump campaign have said and others have said, this is a cave to the left. he is a devoutd catholic. this is something that he believes in his core. he supported the mexico city policy over the years. the hyde amendment. that in a period of 24 hours, he heard noise from the left and quickly changed his core. >> i will go on the theory that ordinarily we get the flip-flop, but i think once he says he will have the same thing trump had, the same shiny halo that people will let it slip off. >> when you're a front-runner, a lot of stuff comes with the front-runner that includes other candidates, silently quietly pushing on you that is a position that is not really tenable to the modern democratic party which has moved to the left. so much focus on him and obviously the press focuses on these flip-flops or changes in position. and they're not going to let him
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quote completely get away with it. so he is, you know, when you're the front-runner, it comes with a lot of baggage and it is not the easiest place to be. >> it is also the vice president, katty kay, has been challenged on not being progressive enough and the moderate guy that can appeal to the youngstown and scranton and win those states back and he has to make moves that appears to be a nod to the left. >> and it is interesting that he chose to do so after this one, he clearly feld after heidi's questioning and reporting that it is not a tenable position. the democratic party has not changed as perhaps those on twitter and social media and those progressive voices would have us think it has changed. he is not changing his position on everything. but he did do so on this one. realizing it was sought of step economically and socially as well with the democratic party base. because it hit poor women. and particularly because it hits
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poor women of color who are often the ones seeking abortions in states that they can. and i think it is interesting to watch the issues on which he does change and where he feels he is in step and out of step with the democratic party as he sees it. >> here is the rejoinder to all of this. if biden does become the nominee, the polling tells us that the majority of the public actually still supports the hyde amendment, so what you're seeing here is that within moments of biden switching his position, the rnc, the trump campaign all pouncing on this as a flip-flop. so while biden has neutralized this arguably, we'll see, in a democratic primary, if he is the candidate, if he is the nominee, he is definitely going to get hammered on this by the republicans. >> still ahead on "morning joe," as u.s. allies gathered in normandy, two other world leaders were meeting in moscow. they're china's president, called vladimir putin his best friend during a three-day visit to russia. we'll talk about that next with admiral james stavridis.
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first a look at the forecast. >> so far this spring the southeast has been warm and dry. that is about to change. yesterday in the rainmaker, went from areas of texas into louisiana, and even spawned about eight tornadoes. and this house lost its complete portions there, of the second floor. and i mean the roof, too. and also, a little bit of damage done in areas of mississippi, with some wind damage, and as far as today goes, all of that wet weather still going to remain over the southeast. the storm system is going to stall out here. and it is going to bring us a gloomy, rainy weekend, from atlanta, all the way through north florida, through the carolinas, the mountains of tennessee and kentucky. airport problems today, new orleans, atlanta, national, charlotte and raleigh. possibility over the next three day, up to five to seven inches of rain in this region. so for today, we're nice in the northeast. and actually the northeast will get away with a pretty nice weekend. all the rain is really going to stop at virginia and strong storms on saturday and today in the northern plains and finally on sunday, we hold on to one nice day in the northeast but
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the heavy rain and flood threat continues all through the southeast. and again, they can take, it they have been very dry. we won't see the crazy flooding there like we've seen in the midwest all spring long. new york city is one of those spots, you get lucky this weekend. all of the rain stays to your south. temperatures will be mild. temperature pretty low for this time of the year. you're watching "morning joe." carl, i appreciate the invite here. as my broker, what am i paying you to manage my money? it's racquetball time. (thumps) ugh! carl, does your firm offer a satisfaction guarantee? like schwab does. guarantee? (splash) carl, can you remind me what you've invested my money in? it's complicated. are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is being managed? if not, talk to schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. if not, talk to schwab. i'm and i'm an emt.erer when i get a migraine at work,
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navy admiral james stavridis, chief diplomacy analyst for nbc news and msnbc and former d.o.d. official an former executive director of the grand politic, dr. evelyn ffrmd arkas, a senior resident fellow at the german fund and an msnbc security analyst. good morning to you. great to see you as always. and the latest column in the "washington post" from david ignatius and trump's words at d-day are at odds with his actions. president trump spoke the right words in commemorating the 75th anniversary of d-day but did he mean them. so far, his precedence has been about defying the post war order that was based on shared values an global partnership rather than cementing its legacy. listening to the well written and resonating speech, this listener applauded sentiments but wonders if he embraces this message that made victory
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against germany policy. his actions and usual rhetoric have still embodies an america first agenda that is against the post war architecture. our cherished alliance was in the heat of battle and in the war and in peace and our bond is unbreakable. was that reassuring to european alleys who have been rattled so often by the president's statements, i doubt it. does the president understand the words that he was speaking? you have to look at the track record to understand the answer is no. >> softball of the morning. but let's go back to the campaign of president trump. i suspect that's about the time, 2016, and the campaign that nato actually hits his radar horizon. i doubt he thought about it a lot and immediately it is the piggy bank theory of alliances. how much are they paying, how much are we paying, and such a wrong way to look at it and he has been very consistent in his rhetoric that denigrates nato,
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that pushes back on our allies, and it is so odd in the context of his warmth toward vladimir putin who arguably is the iconic anti-nato figure. so yes, our allies are deeply conflicted and confused. i think they're happy when he does give a good speech, but it doesn't reassure them. >> evelyn, if you look at the president's understanding of nato, it is, as a business transaction, it is the way he looks at most things. how much money are we getting out of this deal. >> yes, absolutely. i mean there have been rumors that he still has literally, you know, bills that he wants to give to nato, member countries, germany, first and foremost, it is not the right approach. obviously, we establish a system of collective security, in the aftermath of the second world war, because our leaders, first and foremost, american leaders, fdr, and then after he passed away, truman, and all of the other, church hill and others, decided, okay, we're not going to have another global war,
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therefore, we need collective security. our allies need to stick together, to defend our values, to defend democracy, to stand up against tyrants, dictators and right now, vladimir putin and xi jingping, they are trying to very hard to dismantle this system, because they feel it doesn't work as well for them as it does for the united states and its allies. >> well, speaking of that, while the united states and the allies, marking the 75th anniversary of d-day, russia's vladimir putin and china's xi jingping were meeting in moscow. the two leaders lavished praise on one another and xi saying putin is his best friend and russian chinese relations have reached an unprecedented level a global partnership and strategic cooperation. putin and xi also vowed to deepen military and economic cooperation going forward, and they signed multiple trade and business deals. including one that will allow huawei to develop a 5g network in russia. meanwhile, the official twitter account of russia's foreign ministry is weighing in on d-day
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writing it was quote not a game changer for the outcome of world war ii, adding it was determined by the red army's victories for three years, the u.k., and then the u.s. dragged out opening the second front. how about another softball for you this morning, admiral? >> how about it. well, let's actually focus on today. i think we can all agree that d-day was in every sense the game change ner this war. but really, the interesting thing to focus is on this condominium developing between china and russia. and it is like, it is like two streams, russia an china, and the 21st century, it is like in ghost busters, you don't want the streams to cross, we ought to be very concerned about that convergence, but i will tell you who else ought to be concern. vladimir putin ought to be concerned as follows. putin is a master tactician, he can ignore you, he gets inside your turning circle, he irritates us, he goes after our elections, he goes after syria,
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ukraine, but he's a bad strategist. and his strategy here, of embracing china, i think it is going to be very dangerous for russia. because russia is a declining power. its population is declining. and nobody lives to the east of the ural mountains, this vast area of land, full of timber, oil, gas, gold, and the chinese look at that, the way my dog looks at a rib eye steak. it looks really good. so vladimir putin be careful what you wish for in this growing alliance. but taken together, that is real key political mass we ought to be concerned. >> so jeremy bash, as you look at those images of the love fest going on in moscow between china and russia, with president xi calling putin his best friend, what were your concerns? >> well, china has been very deft in the way they have exported their commercial diplomacy, their efforts to woo
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countries in their camp, ute loosing their major corporations like huawei and others to build the telecommunications infrastructure. and that's a major battle that we have to contend with. i want to maybe ask admiral stavridis and evelyn, in this concept of a trade war, when you utilize tariffs, aren't a lot of the casualties on our side, because after all, aren't tariffs fundamentally hurting american businesses, and ultimately american consumers? >> indeed they are, jeremy. and again, let's look at history here. go back 100 years ago. we tried tariffs, right? we tried the howly smooth tariffs. we erected massive trade barriers. we came out of europe after the first world war, we rejected the league of nations. how did that work out. we sparked a global trade war and you can drop a plum line to the casualties and rising fascism and the casualties not only costs in the united states but big geopolitical that the
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skirmish is a full blown trade war. >> evelyn? >> it is like we've forgotten the lessons of the past. world war one, world war ii, you know, in large part, they were brought about by not just radical nationalism, and you know, a dog eat dog global competitiveness, but also economic protectionism. which hurts the average consumer. but also creates a dangerous dynamic globally. so it is a loser, i don't understand how the president can claim it as something beneficial. >> we will continue this conversation with a great panel, we got to fit in a quick break. we'll be right back with much more on "morning joe." can't see what it is what is that? that's a blazer? that's a chevy blazer? aww, this is dope. this thing is beautiful. i love the lights. oh man, it's got a mean face on it. it looks like a piece of candy.
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back now on "morning joe" talking with admiral james stavridis and evelyn farkas. heidi? >> this is happening at a moment of unique disruption worldwide with europe moving ahead without us on security arrangements and you see the chinese and the russians teaming up. what is our role in all of this? and what are the implications for the u.s.? >> we ought to start with being deeply concerned about europe, where centrifugal forces are pulling this place apart and moving forward but in a different direction, and the
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brits pulling out to the north and the east, the pole, the hungarians walking away from the value set of the european union and in the south, the italians are adamantly anti-european union. that is concern number one. that our greatest pool of partners and allies are pulling apart. while china and russia are drawing together. that's geopolitics 101 at the moment. so what we ought to do about it, heidi is do everything we can to try to encourage european unity. we shouldn't be in europe arguing for the pull-out of brexit, we should be trying everything we can to build on this network of allies, partners, and friends, globally, not only in europe, but in asia, with the japanese, the south koreans, the australians, the new zealanders, we have great allies, we ought to be doing everything we can to bring them together. because as that chinese and russian land mass comes together, that becomes a global concern for us. >> i want to pick up the china
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and russia analogy on ghost busters and tariffs because they're kind of at dual purposes. obviously tariffs, as a student of history, obviously what it does to the economy, and having said that, when you start to see china and 5g and dominate us in technology, if we get behind, 20, 30 years from now, it is over for us, and one of the only tools we do have, is tariffs, so i'm usually pretty clear on my opinion on things, although many times i'm wrong, on tariffs, there seems to be such a conundrum on both sides of that argument. >> it is a tough set of choices. tariffs as we talked about earlier, don't do us any particular good. they raise prices. they slow the economy. they make things more expensive for consumers. but there are times when you need to use them. when you say you might wake up in five years and find out we're behind in 5g. we're already behind on 5g. and we're not in the game with 5g. >> and extrapolate with all technology. >> and china is a scary economic force. and it needs to be dealt with. this is not the way to deal with
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it. but there is a role for tariffs and dealing with countries like china. using tariffs in mexico on immigration without precedent makes absolutely no since. >> no sense. >> i will pick up and point out that tariffs and trades are not apples an orange, they're apples and hubcaps and make no sense, and not to use them together in mexico. the point on china, we need to, to your point, we do need to bend china in order to get them more in compliance globally but we got to be careful we don't break it because when you break it you're back in in the 1930s scenario. bend but not break. >> and president trump talked about another adversary yesterday, iran, talking in a press briefing with president macron of france. let's listen. >> mr. president -- mr. preside- >> i don't think that the president wants to see nuclear weapons and noert do neither do
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i. and that's what it is all about. i don't want to see them having nuclear weapons. and he doesn't want to see them having nuclear weapons. and they won't have nuclear weapons. with that being said, let's see what happens with iran, and when i became president, hard to believe, two and a half years ago, iran was a true state of terror, they still are, but they were undisputed champions of terror, and that's a bad thing, and we have 14 different locations where they were fighting, between yemen and syria, but many other locations, and many other battle sites, and it was all about iran, they were behind every one of them, they're not doing that anymore. they are doing very poorly, they're failing as a nation, and i don't want them to fail as a nation. we can turn that around very quickly. but the sanctions have been extraordinary, how powerful, they have been, and other things. i understand they want to talk,
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and if they want to talk, that's fine. we will talk. but the one thing that they can't have is they can't have nuclear weapons. and i think the president of france would agree with that, based on on, i think that he would agree that they cannot have nuclear weapons. >> iran is one of the biggest differences between europe ang the united states at the moment but there are a host of others and we've been talking about them all week and there is some speculation among european diplomats that i speak to that four years of trump is very different from eight years of trump, with four years, you can go back to the status quo and resumption of the western liberal order and the alliances can be maintained and bolstered and back where we are but i wonder if we haven't, even with or without trump having eight years in office, entered into a different phase with china and china is a game changer and power sup for grabs and the chinese is grabbing for, it as steve was saying on the tech front, they're already dos so.
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>> i agree with you that if we had four more years of president trump and his foreign policy, you know, such as it is, basically, undermining the liberal democratic institutions that we built together with our allies and undermining the leadership of our ally nations to include to some extent in asia, it would be a disaster. but the chinese threat, i think the europeans are, and you may disagree with me somewhat, but i think the europeans are starting to wake up to, it, i was at brussels in nato headquarters helping them with a big exercise they do every couple of years to flex their muscles, and they still don't have obviously consensus on the china threat, but there is a lot of alarm, a lot of the conversations behind the scenes work, also what do we do about china, it is not just russia, it is also china, the economic and the political pressure, you know, we talked about the, what china is doing, in terms of bribing european countries, you know, providing for them, infrastructure, roads,
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and ports, but they're also essentially creating access for themselves, which could be military access. certainly political access. and the europeans have realized that some of their member states and the european union, in particular, are in some trouble over this. >> jeremy bash, back to the president's commens in iran just for a second there, because you heard him say if iran wants to talk, we'll talk and president macron quickly jumped on that and said that is very important. we have to remain open to negotiations. and see macron speaking for europe, worried about some of the signals we've seen coming out of the white house toward iran. >> i think it is concerning. because the president and his administration did really hype up a threat against u.s. forces in the region and i think we came as close to military conflict over the last month with iran as we've been in a long, long time. of course, i agree with the president's comments that iran is a terrorist state, but the president is papering over a major difference between the united states and the approach of europe. we have withdrawn from the erin
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deal. the deal that constrains iran's nuclear program. we have reimpose sanctions and the sanctions are biding but to be effective, they have to be multilateral which they are not at this moment. so i think it is best that we get on the same page as european allies. keep the pressure on iran's nuclear program. and i think that can really address the issue more comprehensively. >> and in europe, admiral, doesn't know what page we're on day to day. >> and we can have one good speech by the president, but that does not put the impetus, genie that a-has come out of the bottle is european alley. that should concern us. and i was the 16th supreme allied commander in nato, and the first is eisenhower and said the greatest advantage in america, at that time, 20th century, was a europe, unified whole and free. we ought to be working in that direction. not trying to pull it apart. >> good lesson for the president this morning.
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admiral, thank you, dr. evelyn farkas, thank you, both. jobs numbers come out later this morning. and steve rattner, saying economic something els starting to flash yellow and some cases red. he has charts to prove. it next on "morning joe." my experience with usaa
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it looks like a beautiful friday morning here in new york city. the new jobs report will be out later this morning. steve has some economic signals. he says they're entering yellow and red territory. as president trump continues his multi-front war on trade. steve rattner's got the charts for us. what you are looking at? >> it seems not very long we were talking about 3.1% economic growth in the first quarter and lots of jobs and we may get lots of jobs today but a bunch of stuff going on that we should worry about and let's talk about the yield curve. not something we normally talk about on "morning joe." but the interest on short term interest rates on short term
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government debt and long term government debt. and normally the government pays more when the debt is longer and sometimes it flips around and short term debt is more expensive than long term history there have been seven times in the last 50 years where that has happened, long term rates got below short-term rates, and every one of those have been an indication of a recession about to recur. you can see them all right there. we have fairly recently entered into that same period here. where the market is saying we're really scared of what is going on out there. >> what is the layman explanation there? >> it is a flight to quality. people decide to buy long-term government debt and sometimes they worry about deflation.
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if we're going to enter a period of deflation. >> why are they scared in this moment, what is the role of trump's trade war, and what happens if he imposes the tariffs. >> by the way, guys, they worked this out before, this doesn't happen -- >> a seminar on the yield curve earlier. >> let's look at the impact of tariffs on the markets. the stock market had quite a good year until trump threatened to impose tariffs. this is the ceremony goistock m down 3.5%. they were expected to be raised this year preponderate market steadily reduced their expectations and the market now expects interest races to be cut
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this year. a 70% probability they will be cut by july an that is another sign of economic weakness. and then in answer to your chemical weapon of what is the impact of tariffs on the economy, we can't disaggragate it, but let's look at this, we consider it a leading indicator among businesses. you see the u.s. is up here and we have been declining here. once you cross that 50% line we're close being in recession. if you look at china they have been bumping along, the blue line around the zero line, and if you want to be also scared, and this is important to us because we want the global economy to do well, europe has
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been slowly declining. we have almost stopped adding jobs in manufacturing. the tax cut has proven and there are charts we will show one day that we have a sugar high of growth. 3.1 in the first quarter, were probably looking at 1.2% in the next quarter. >> the president might look at those and says the markets are doing okay, what would you say back to him? >> i would show him some charts -- >> he doesn't read. >> their charts, they're pictures. i would say to him fine, we'll see what goes on, but right now there are worrisome indicators
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coming out. i just showed you some. when you look at industrial production and things like that the numbers are weak. and we will all find out who is right, the market who is saying we're really scared, we think it needs to be cut, maybe the president will turn out to the be right, but i'm pretty respectful of markets. >> and this is just with the threat of tariffs. >> a big day in the u.k., teresa may steps down a few days after he is met with president trump. she will be around as a lame duck prime minister for the next fee we few weeks what will we see next. >> he is is the next to leave her job because of this issue with europe. he she had one job in the last three years and it was to deliver on brexit.
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she failed to do so because her party is so divided on the issue. they are more bitter and divided today than they were three years ago. whoever succeeds her, the leadership contest will begin today essentially. the fundamentals of what it will tyke do a deal, they don't change very much. whoever takes over for her will have an equally smart job. >> who is the smart money at the moment? >> it is boris johnson. he is a front runner. he said we should leave if necessarily without a deal. the question is if there will be someone harter line that says we should leave without a deal and we will suspend part limit liam needed to do so.
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there is a big debate in the u.k. at the moment about the plan. >> still ahead more and more democrats calling for the president's impeachment, but it is still a long way away. mike allen will explain where the house stands. and the first democratic presidential i ddebate will tak place this month. one of those white house hopefuls, senator michael bennett will be our guest. l bennett will be our guest. ♪ ♪ this simple banana peel represents a bold idea: a way to create energy from household trash. it not only saves about 80% in carbon emissions... it helps reduce landfill waste. that's why bp is partnering with a california company: fulcrum bioenergy. to turn garbage into jet fuel.
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ok. maybe somewhere else. maybe a petting zoo. can't go wrong. can't get eaten. earn miles. we'll match 'em at the end of your first year. plus no annual fee or blackouts. the discover it® miles card. even impeaching trump is not enough. now he is says he is would like to see trump behind bars. based on no actual crime he is wants a political opponent locked up? beyond despicable behavior. they would turn the u.s.a. into a country we would no longer recognize. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you would be in jail. >> the irony meter is like one of those at chernobyl when they
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walk in and it was going off of the charts. we have heidi pryzbella, and joining the conversation national correspondent, author of "the red and the blue" steve k kornacki, eugene robinson, and mike allen. we did not even play the "lock her up" chant. >> when hannity was doing that rant i could barely here it because it was drowned out by those chants in my head. >> you have to almost stand in awe at the complete lack of
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shame to say this is a banana republic move. >> sean hannity is personally a nice guy. it is performance art. you can't let your hair go on fire because it is so absurd and ridiculous. i think fox news fuels the anchors there, it is theater, not even news any more. and with the head stoeps of h -- headstones of people behind her. >> i think she is a disgrace. i like her, i would have liked to get deals done with her. why does her district have drug needles all over the place.
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he is t is disgusting what he is has allowed to happen in her district. he is ought to focus on that he is is a disaster. and she made a statement that was a horrible vicious statement while i'm overseas. if i made a statement about anyone -- he is a terrible person. -- she is a terrible person. her name is nervous nancy. they thought bob mueller would give them a great report. and he came out with a report with 13 horrible angry democrats. >> you said before you department care if he testified. >> he made such a fool out himself. people don't report the letter he had to do to straighten out his testimony, but nancy pelosi, nervous nancy, doesn't talk about it, nancy pelosi is a
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disaster, okay? i will tell you the more successful we have become the more angry people like nancy pelosi, who doesn't have what it takes, she's a crooked -- >> you almost can't hear most of what he is saying because you're looking at the headstones behind him. >> look at that backdrop. what advanced perp looked at that shot, checked it out, and didn't -- wasn't just aghast at the thought that the president would give that short of an interviewer in that sort of setting. inappropriate is a word that doesn't even begin to come close if is just appalling. it is just absolutely appalling. he is speaking about, by the way, the speaker of the house of representatives, the highest ranking woman in the history of
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the american government. >> so let's make clear so the viewers know is right before that nancy pelosi said in a closed door meeting that donald trump should be put in jail after he leaves, but what this shows is that even in such a solemn setting like this, and overseas, there is no slight, no insult, too petty not to respond to. it was just a day or two before this that trump was meeting with the royal family, teresa may, and tweeting at 1:00 main the morning about bette midler. >> it is getting worse, i think. the -- >> i think this was one of the starkest illustrations of that. >> i think it will be evident as we get closer to 2020 i think
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there is a wear out factor. i think the bag of tricks that made him so fresh, calling people names, this whole bit that was so shocking and fresh, it was the difference between celebrity apprentice season one and season 7. >> he is railing against robert mi mueller, a man who he says exonerated him. >> exactly, is he a horrible incompetent person, or your friend who maybe can keep you from getting impeached. to your point though i have seen some figures that the imappreciations and reactions to his tweets, that figure is way down. >> dramatically down. >> you all at axios has kept a
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chose eye on the whip count in the house for the impeachment. that is why the president is so concerned with speaker pelosi. where does it stand right now because it has been a small group for some time. >> it has, it is still way too small to move the needle to change her strong position. still i'm told they could not only lose the house but they could lose the presidency over it. so the impeachment map. here is the whip could want. they have showing how long of a road it is. one republican from michigan, they said they want to move ahead with impeachment. look at this 75% of the house democratic caucus still holding back. you need 218 to get an
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impeachment vote. so this reflects the pelosi political calculus that is shared by most of her caucus. >> and the quote that we were referring to earlier was "i don't want to see him impeached, i want to see him in prison." is it your reporting that nancy pelosi really does not want to proceed to impeachment? >> she absolutely does not. here is a number that will tell you one of the reasons why. there are 17 house members in toss up districts that could easily lose. the number of those that are for impeachment zero. you talk to democrats around the country they recognize that in tough places, shehere is the ren why. the reason he is is not house
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minority leader pelosi is because of health care. if they stick to every day issues, the difference between twitter and the real democratic party. >> inf nancy pelosi changed her mind and opened an impeachment, what would you see? >> you would see a big number of democrats move in a hurry. we know what a stronghold he is has on our cher caucus, and he up with of the few party leaders in the land that could hold back this pressure that is comes from the very visible parts of the democratic party. remember the criteria he is lyi
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out. not just democrats, but bipartisan, republicans in the senate to go along. and a presidential election year control of both chambers on a narr narrow axis is very hard to imagine short of massive new information. and even new facts that have come out in these hearings, it would need to be something game changing for the country, not for blue or red twitter. >> and that is why the white house invites this talk. if they get to that magic number there is no chance in hell. >> yeah, they say it might not matter because 76% of democrats want to see it so he she has tof set the increasing pressure.
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but mike i wanted to ask you about those numbers, you a majority of americans that are still for impeachment. what about the others. is there an intensity among others that don't want to see it and they're on the fence? >> heidi, congratulations on your game changing story this week. you know from hookilooking aroue country is not just impeachment fever, it is that independents and democrats would punish them if this was their obsession. if they could be blamed for washington being locked up. at the moment you have republicans controlling the white house and the senate. and then when washington is not working they can blame others. they take it all on themselves if they go all in on impeachment. >> mike allen of axios we
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appreciate it, my friend. the democrat national committee narrowed the rules for candidates days before the june 12th deadline. they will exclude specific polls from the qualification criteria including once where they volunteered candidates names. bullock's campaign said he had to delay his entry into the race until last mont to expand medicaid with the legislature. if i had to decide between getting 100,000 donors or health care nor 100,000 people that is a easy decision to make. as of now 20 democrats now running claim to have enough
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donors and polling support to make the debate. so let's talk about this threshold. does it strike you as a fair one? >> well, i mean if you're steve bullock it doesn't, but it's not just bullock, if a poll comes out in the next week and bullock is at 1% he can be in the debate. if that happens, if he qualifies through this fundraising criteria, that would make it 21 cap dat candidates. the dnc said 20 is the cap. if there is more than 20, that will tastart a series of tie breakers. they get into polling averages,
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the number of polls in which you reached 1%. i think the bottom line in this debate is there are 13 candidates right now that are rock solid no matter what. they have both reached the polling threshold and cleared that bottom line on the 65,000 donors. they include andrew yang and marianne williamson. >> i feel like we're talking about the ncaa selection show. teams on the bubble, a big bubble this year. >> yeah. >> and governor bullock says i am being punished for getting in late, it is the country's first look at them getting together, and that hinders him going forward. >> it is hard to see anyone that
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doesn't get on the stage, you 24 candidates right now, if you're not in the 20 that get on for the first 2001 is hard to see, but you better break in and out this debate or the one later this summer. the dnc starting this fall has more stringent criteria for the next wave of debates. you to double your support, double the number of bolls you're getting. if you don't break out this summer you're not going to be on the stage this fall. >> and you have guys like yang, he says i'm the only guy covered that won a red state. that voice needs to be scene on the stage. >> and how do you break out? is it about attacking biden or having your own unique moment on the stage? >> you know who they look at? they look at butteigeig. he had a town hall a few months
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ago is that made into a series of clips, they were on all over the media, and donations poured in, and a mayer of 20,0-- mayor 20,000 people will be on that stage. that is the power of a viral moment at this day and age. it will come to him a couple times, if they can knock it out of the park for 45 seconds. >> but mayor pete's rise was a steady one. that was a big night for him, but every time he has been on this show or anywhere he has performed and that was an amassing of all of those moments. texas showing the 2020 general election looks potentially competitive for democrats there. vice president joe biden four points ahead of president trump
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at 48-44. just about inside the margin or error. senator elizabeth warren tra trailing by one point. brourm by three. this after a poll of mission shows michigan losing to biden and sanders by 126 points. also in that poll 51% of michigan voters say they want someone new as president and 36% say president trump deserves reelection. the margin was so thin in those states that ought to worry the president for now. >> and the numbers were dire for him in 2016 as well. i was looking at a poll in mission about three days before the election in 2016. favorable and unfavorable in
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michigan was at 39-57. i remember thinking it probably should not be close in a blue state, but hillary clinton's numbers were brought so low, he is was only a couple ticks better. her favorable score was 43, unfavorable is 55. that is nationally. i think any recipe where donald trump reestablishes that narrow path clearly at this point barring a totally unforeseen development, it is not because he has a 50% or 60% approval rating, it is because his opponents number for a environment of reasons is as low as hillary's was. >> the question that michigan, in terms of their jdp size, is the state most dependable.
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so just talking about these tariffs is probably notching him down. >> i believe there are a lot of trump voters that particularly as he has performed, and there are so many snafus, they're embarrassed so say they voted for him. when i see a poll in texas that says elizabeth warp will beat donald trump, i say people are not telling the truth. i think there is a lot of trumpers out there that publicly don't admit it, even -- that happened the first time and we have to be careful. >> i'm from michigan and there was so many promises made to people in michigan and across the entire midwest and instead we have seen plants like in lordstown closing, and the trade argument is now completely up in the air for the democrats to
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take back. and to your point, steve, about the big divide, this is all about turnout. hillary clinton's numbers are down, and all the democrats have to do is maintain their historical margins and yeah it would be a wipeout in these states because you combine that d dynamic of the trump voters, they are being returned to and i don't see how he could win it at this point. >> everybody sit tight, we will continue this conversation with senator michael bennet who joins us next and also the great carol king will join us here onset. the president says he promised to put truckers first but they say he has not delivered. we'll look at that next. t delivered. we'll look at that next. i'm just a normal person
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>> mr. trump ran on the platform of bad regulations. he did that for corporate america, but why didn't he do it for us? >> i'm very concerned about the trade war. i have been a supporter, but it is getting to the price n-- poit now where the price is dropping. >> he is listening to the wrong people, i'm a die hard republican. he is not helping the boots on the ground. >> they took 25% of the market away and that is in the trade war with china. the government said we don't matter. >> that's how it seems to be
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going. we pay fuel tax two and three times for the same gallon of fuel. >> we are flooded the market and we have a tariff war situation that is making it worse. it went longer than we would li like. i think we're working on it and it is time that someone held china respondent. >> morgan rafford that recently stat down with a group of independent truck drivers and vaughn hilliard, that was such an interesting conversation with that group of drivers.
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they said we thought he was outside of the traditional paradigm. we want today vote for the guy that told us that washington is not looking out for you but i will. but in fact what they saw is they felt like trump is beginning to look more like the political insiders. they thought he was going to lower regulations. and they say that is not very good for your base. >> it goes back kind of to what we were talking about earlier. the tax cuts that were delivered benefitted a certain group of americans. >> yeah, the great mythology about trump is that he is
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helping these types of people but they went to the wealthy people. the tariff policies are killing some of those truckers, and it is one of the ironies of his whole administration. >> and you were speaking to the farmers there in iowa. i imagine there is more talk now of migheightened tariffs and th a anxiety is growing? >> yes, and the fact is there is no consistency. i just got off of the phone last night from clemmy, iowa. we spoke when there was anxiety on farms across the u.s. he said he was a farmer that
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called on the president to take action and he said to the president's credit he put forward an effort. but what results have they gotten? he said it is hard to break even if it were not for that essential bailout they put back into their pockets. he has 22 acres out there in iowa. he is a fourth generation farmer with kids. the question is not just what about this this year's krob or next year's crop, but the future if is not a reliable industry to get into. it is $600,000 for a combine. a lot of folks we talk to say this administration only made agriculture more -- lead them be more hesitant to go forward.
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>> morgan with the truckers did you have a sense that they were frustrated or actively looking at the democratic candidates? how did you see that? >> that is the best question. what we found was they weren't saying "we're fed up with trump and we're not going to vote for him." they said time is up. now we're watching you and we have a metric to see in f those promises were kept. but we got access to this private facebook group, and one of the more conservative leaning commenters said oh, man, i think i like watching msnbc, i feel like he was heard. that is what we're doing the entire time. they feel like people didn't understand the value of their job and this is a $725 billion
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industry. one in 16 jobs in america goes to a trucker. so they really just want today be included in the conversation and when they found out that people were listening they said that is why i voted for him, he was in there honking the horn on the south lawn. >> i think this is an interesting political test. one of the stories has been that old cliche. it's the economy, stupid. we see it doesn't matter that much on one end,er for the folks that are doing well. trump is not getting a boost from him, it seems some of his policies are turning off voters that are benefits. i think the flip side is some of his own voters are not seeing the benefits of this economy and feeling some of the paint.
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did they overlook it as well? did they end up overlooking it as well and i think it was james carville who said "it's the economy, stupid." joe biden has taken out so much of the oxygen, but he is has been going out and steadily rising in the polls, what's the state of her campaign right now? >> in the next three months they be ramping up operations, and in iowa they will be increasing their staff. he is has been quite in this cam pane trail compared to beto o'rourke. he is has had just a third of the number of events, but the way that the campaign views this
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is go have fund raiders, go make into ducti ent introductions, and then after labor day you can have four and five stop days. this electorate either doesn't know who kamala harris is. he is is still just a third year senator from california and this debate at the end of the month is a chance to introduce herself to a great number of other democrats here across the country. >> we'll bet grow have barbecue for breakfast there in birmingham. if you do decide to run for president you have your campaign manager right there. >> will you be my vice president? >> yes. >> okay, i like it. >> the chairman recently said
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d-day was a chance to celebrate trump. members of congress now calling on the white house to take politics out of the fourth of july. we'll explain that, next. you. we're working together to do just that. bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all. smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels and reminders to think balance. because we know mom wants what's best. more beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. who used expedia to book the vacation rental which led to the discovery that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. expedia. everything you need to go. expedia.
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a west point cadet is dead and 20 hurt after their vehicle overchurned yesterday on their way to a summer training. it veered off of the road and landed upside down in a wooded area. it is unclear how the accident that tell on the 75th anniversary of d-day took place. and democrats are asking trump to reconsider his planned speech at the lincoln memorial. in a letter sent to the president yesterday house majority leader steny hoyer says it could look like a campaign rally. we go on to urge him to consider an earlier too many or an alternative location for those
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remarks. >> and the trump administration said shelters using unaccompanied migrants are asked to cut back because of a stiek of the number of children in custody. they have been cutting funds fortivifor activities daemed not necessarily likely. that is according to a spokes man for hhs, but it could violate a long standing supreme court ruling that says immigrant children in the u.s. have the right to education. coming up next on "morning joe." a wealthy iraqi sheikh spent 26 nights at a president trump hotel. 6 nights at a president trump hotel. incomparable design makes it beautiful.
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welcome back to "morning joe." the president will return soon from his trip, he has a hotel less than a mile from the white house where a wealthy iraqi sheikh stayed for weeks while lobbying the administration against iran. david, good morning to see you, a great piece of investigative work here, who is this guy and why is he significant? >>. >> he is the head of a order of muslims. he is like a minor politician now. he would like to give his companies contracts, he wants to become president, and he wants
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the u.s. to strike iran. >> let's talk about why he was here in the first place, wasn't he seeking treatment at john's p hopkins, baltimore and john's hop k hopkins is a world away from dc where he was staying? and some of the middle eastern leaders and leaders in china, don't they view the trump hotel as a way to curry favor with this president? >> that any that the trump hotel is a way to get the president's ear, that goes back to the first days of his at min tradministray said hey, why don't you come have an event here. people listened. there was embassy events for the
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philippines, kuwait, and we have seen corporate clients do it, too. t-mobile that needs approval for a big merger from the trump administration they spent $195,000 on courtrooms there, so he is someone that wants something from trump's administration that spent a lot of money at the hotel. >> yes know there is litigation going on on whether or not this is a breach, and there are so many other great examples out there. there was clearly tax evasion committed. do you expect at any point he will be brought to reckoning for any of these things? >> even to the trump foundation, that is the case we are he was facing a lawsuit. they allege that he broke charity laws. they are on untried
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constitutional ground. they are going very slowly. the dc attorney's general and democratic members of congress have said you're violating the ban on taking money from foreign governments. those cases are progressing pretty slowly. i'm not sure they will reach a conclusion before the end of his first term. >> did you get a sense of who in general stays at that hotel. it is conveniently located but it is expensive. i don't think of it as just another tourist hotel. you have companies trying to lobby the government and their people stay there, but who all stays there? >> we have leaked vip arrivals list. we have a bunch from last year
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and this year, and we have a good picture of it now and we're looking at it. people there for anniversaries, business trips, and you see people who have interest before the u.s. government and there is a few foreign governments on that list. there is a wide variety. but the different is that the president owns this ho tell. >> so david let's talk about how this works. say you're an iraqi sheikh, you spend tens of thousands of dollars, do you get an audience because of that because of someone in the administration or is it just a public signal that i'm on your side and you ought to listen to me. >> he didn't get an audience with the president that we know of. the people in the trump administration know who he is and why he was there.
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he made informal rounds in washington. we know he went to a retire party for a prominent state department expert. and he spoke to people about his views on iran. and he was in the lobby of the hotel with a bunch of other folks. but he put himself in the middle of the trump administration's center of the social and political life. >> thank you so much, david, great piece. >> thank you. >> gene, your latest piece says that only trump can pack this much ignorant into a few words. the president is often wrong, but never doubt, a know it all on subjects of which he knows nothing. even more dangerous is the near impossibility of him changing
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his mind. it is one thing to stick to your guns, another to reject fact an reason. he acknowledges that russia's interference in the election and taking action to prevent dimini victory. some aides are not raising the subject perhaps out of fear of losing political standing with the president. only someone without a clue would realize he could be the victim of meddling in 2020. i'm just saying. >> what sort of set me off, i do get triggered occasionally. >> we know this. >> was the readout from his meeting with prince charles. prince charles, life long environmentalist tried once again to explain climate change to the president and the president gave an interview to his buddy pierce morgan on good morning britain and he talked
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about climate change in the most sort of ignorant stupid way, clearly indicating that he had no understanding about it. he made up his mind about the -- about that climate change was a hoax years ago and when he makes up his mind about something, even if he's completely wrong, no new information can penetrate that sort of ignorance around him. so he gave a nonsense answer and it's a dangerous thing. you know, it's not too much to ask that the president of the united states at least be open to new information that could like chang your mind especially about an issue that is about the fate of the planet. >> we're assuming that his advisors are providing that information and secondly he's reading that and we already know the answer to that that he
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doesn't read his briefing materials so i don't know, do you see any chance of this changing? >> prince charles can't do it right. he's getting all the pomp and circumstance in the world. he's there having tea with, you know, with the prince of wales and the duchess of cornwall i think and if there's not a moment when he would be sort of aking accepting of that sort f thing coming from him, how do you get that message through and this is consequential. >> but people have tried to convince him that there's things on trade. >> and what tariffs are. >> tariffs as he talks about taxes on the chinese and it's taxes on americans and there's so many things that are basic
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facts that he refuses to understand. >> and if his mind is made up it's something he's known for a long time or he thinks he has known for a long time, good luck in trying to -- trying to convince him otherwise. >> after that meeting with prince child the president was asked about climate change and he said in america we're setting records for clean air and clean water. >> we have a very clean climate. he literally said that. >> steve, while we have you here, we love having you here because you're just a font of information. a window into our commercial conversations as you look at the democratic field and there's biden and then you have warren and bernie up there and then there's that cluster of candidates. who do you see as being most likely to rise out of that field to see on the the stage in a couple of weeks. >> we've never had a larger field of candidates for president in either party. there are 24 candidates out
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there and you see biden at the top of the polls and you see sanders mid teens and then you see everybody else in single digits and a dozen candidates at less than 1% right now. it is hard to see an individual one popping out there, but the one, you know, and it's not trendy or anything to say this anymore but the one that i have been keeping an eye on is warren. two things in particular. that's third place, there's a big jumble where she is right now. the two things that jump out to me about warren are number one, thinking ahead to this debate. 10 candidates per night. everybody's going to get three chances to -- she has shown the capability just in terms of presentation, in terms of stage craft, of being able to communicate a message in a way that resonates with an audience especially a democratic audience. her political career, her campaign for the senate in
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massachusetts was launched with one of the most viral moments. she was talking about the obligations of wealthy people, business owners in her view to give back to the country that had made their success possible. it brought in millions of dollars for her campaign. she's capable of that and i see with other too, her message right now if you look at where hr support is coming from, it looks very close to pete buttgieg's and people with post graduate degrees but her message is a lot like bernie sanders. it has the potential i think to appeal to more working class voters. if she can actually connect with working class voters and expand she has the potential to put something together there. with all these candidates they have potential but beyond biden and sanders, she's the one i'm
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looking at. >> she's just really good at it. >> still ahead, house speaker nancy pelosi reportedly kells her caucus she does not want to see the president impeached. she wants to see him in prison and now the president as you might imagine is hitting back. and senator michael bennet joins the conversation. we'll be right back. >> do you personally believe in climate change? >> i believe there's a change in weather and it changes both ways. it was called global warming, then climate change, and now it's called extreme weather. we have tornados, but then with you look back 40 years ago we had the worst tornado binge that we've ever had. in the 1890s we had our worst hurricanes. d our worst hurricanes we call it the mother standard of care.
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award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. i don't talk about the president. >> why is her district and drug needles all over the place? it's the most disgusting thing what she's allowed to happen to her district. she is a terrible person and i'll tell you, her name it's nervous nancy because she's a nervous wreck. >> president of the united states going into partisan politics on hallowed ground yesterday at the american cemetery in normandy on the 75th
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anniversary of d day. speaker pelosi took a different path. >> joe and mika will be back with us on monday. we've got heidi przbyla, the host of saturday night politics, the runaway hit on this network, donny deutsch. and steve rattner. and former chief of staff at the cia department of defense now an nbc news national security analyst, jeremy bass. yesterday we asked how the president was a matter of time i guess would step on a good speech that he made at normandy. the answer was his interview with laura ingram with those graves as the backdrop. >>nd i think what else could he have done? i mean, he's gotten to a point that when he does something that is 101, speaking at the grave
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site at normandy and giving a presidential speech that was written for him we stand in -- >> it was a good speech. >> yes, it was a good speech, but what else could any -- i don't think -- >> he could have gotten up and attacked nancy pelosi. >> but then we see the real trump an hour or two before. as far as the irony of going after a war hero in bob mueller and going after nancy pelosi and it's just stunning to watch that duality but i'm going to come back to my original point. yes, it was a good speech that he read. that somebody else wrote for him and i don't think you could just -- that's a norm. and he gets the kudos for norm and for him in a bizarre way that's good news going into 2020. >> we've just become so attune to him making the shocking statements when he's on the national stage that when he pulls off the speech basically in line with any other u.s. president it becomes a moment
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for praise, but the thing that was so striking about that fox news interview, willie, was that it actually took place according to our own hallie jackson just as the ceremony was about to begin, so not only did you have this backdrop of the gravestones, but you had trump making these comments moments before he was about to join these world war ii veterans for what will probably be their last ceremony like this ever. the men who liberated europe from the nazis and who saved, you know, us from a much broader conflict was -- was you know, happening right before moments before these guys joined them on stage. >> he definitely gave the speech right before that ceremony. we did say yesterday it was a good speech but what comes next? is it a comment or a tweet and as i said it was an interview he had already given as we were speculating what he would do. >> a really remarkable interview, talking about drugs and needles and stuff in her
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district and just to sort of take her on as we saw sitting with a backdrop of those crosses and stars of david on the on the normandy gree normandy graveyard, it's incredible. >> so with 61 house members now calling for impeachment house speaker nancy pelosi has told her caucus she does not want to see the president impreacheache. she wants to see him in jail. during a tuesday meeting with several house committee leaders speak speaker pelosi said i want to see him in prison. politico first reported those comments and judiciary chairman nadler pushed pelosi to allow his panel to launch an inquiry but she reiterated she is not open to the idea of impeaching trump at this time. congressional aide who was in the room tells nbc news her remark was consistent with her
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position that trump needs to be removed electorally in 2020. yesterday fox news asked prt president trump about speaker pelosi's comment about wanting to see him in jail. >> i think she's a disgrace. i actually don't think she's a talented person. i've tried to be nice to her because i would have liked to have gotten some deals done. she's a nasty, vindictive horrible person. why is her district in drug needles all over the place? it's the most disgusting things that she's allowed to happen in her district. with people living on the sidewalk, she ought to focus on that because she's disaster. >> and she made a horrible vicious statement while i'm overseas. if i made any statement about anybody, why would he do it when he's overseas, she is a terrible
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person and her name it's nervous nancy because she's a nervous wreck. >> and there was more at that interview at the american military cemetery in normandy with the backdrop of rows of head stones of u.s. servicemen killed during the liberation of france 75 years ago. >> they thought their good friend bobby mueller was going to give them a great report and he came out with 13 horrible angry democrats todayly biased against me. >> you mind if mueller testifies? >> he made such a fool out of himself the last time -- because what people don't report is the letter he had to do to straighten out his testimony because his testimony was wrong, but nancy pelosi, i call her nervous nancy, nancy pelosi doesn't talk abit. she's a disaster. >> i will tell you the more successful we've come the more angry people like nancy pelosi who don't have what it takes, the opponent who shouldn't have
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even be allowed to run her name is crooked, schumer is a total political jerk. >> jeremy, there's a pretty easy way to handle those questions with those head stones behind you and that it's i'm not going to talk about that here. when we get back home there will be plenty of time to talk about politics. >> totally undignified. i think it smudges the honor and dignity of that place and remembering what happened 75 years ago and the thing about the president's speech as much as we appreciate the words, the thing that i thought was that it's a total repudiation of the trump foreign policy. it has been to enable and 'em bolden autocrats, tyrants, the populist movement and d day commemorates the exact opposite which is the unification of the
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united states, our transatlantic allies to push back against tyranny and to stand up for freedom. >> and then there's the substance of what the president said, which is totally made up and doesn't make any sense. he talked about robert mueller again, the purple heart and bronze star awardee. he said that pmueller had to pu out a letter to straighten out his testimony. there was no testimony, maybe he was talking about the mueller report himself but the president was also making things up as he talked in front of those head stones. >> maybe he was referring to bob mueller's statement before the cameras. the overwhelming impression of that interview is the setting of it. right? it's less what the president said although it was very vitriolic against a whole range of people. he took on all of his favorites but you wonder whether somebody in the white house this morning is not looking at the image, turn the television on to mute and he's not looking at the image and thinking wow, maybe we shouldn't have injected domestic
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politics in the tone in which the president did it in that particular setting because for me having visited those graves all through my childhood it is a jarring image seeing the president of the united states who in one breath is talking about the fact that we are bound together as nations, as allies fighting a common cause and we always will be and then to hear him talk in this way about fellow american politicians is -- is really striking and i think it was, you know, steve was saying, it's not a dignified setting for the president to be talking about that. >> willie, i wish it was the case that there was somebody in the white house looking at that and saying boy, you shouldn't have done that. the sad part is there's no one in the white house and he's despicable. we sit there and we comment on him calling chuck schumer a jerk, calling nancy a horrible human being because she disagrees with him. he's despicable. that is despicable play of humanity that if any 6th grader
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behaved that way they would be sent to their room. he is a despicable human being. >> the white house must have set this up. trump doesn't arrange his own interviews. they arrange the interviews and they arrange the backdrop so the timing and the setting for this was decided by the white house. >> sure, but you got to believe that the text was all trump. i can't imagine anybody in a commons department in the white house. >> they're putting him with laura ingram of all people? >> this is a good idea, we're going to put trump in front of a bunch of crosses. >> what did they think was going to happen? >> so let me show you what speaker pelosi did yesterday. she also was interviewed at the same american military cemetery and declined to discuss politics on the anniversary of d-day. >> we are so divided as a country right now, do you worry about the politics right now, impeachment and everything else
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that's on the table and how they can further divide us. >> with all due respect to your question i'm not here to talk about impeachment. >> just not that hard. >> no, i mean, that's the answer that you give in that particular setting and what a missed opportunity here. in respect to the loyal family, he actually had a behaved appropriately. they were breathing a huge sigh of relief that in the company of the queen, the president had done the right things. there had been no big diplomatic foe paux, he's capable of staying on message or at least he proved himself to be so in london. this was not a mistake and this was by choice and in the tone that he said it and i think it's the tone that he uses and the words that he uses to describe his fellow politicians that is
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so at odds with the setting and all you have to do is to say we're here to all of the men and women who serve. >> joe biden just backtracked on a key policy position after some exclusive reporting from nbc news. high heidi breaks it down for us next on "morning joe." down for us net on "morning joe. i'm just a normal person who got an awful skin condition. with uncontrolled moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis,
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the poll is especially significant since the dnc is counting it into who makes this month's debate stage. meanwhile joe biden is abandoning a long held position on abortion. in remarks last night biden abruptly changed his stance in the hide amendment,. that came just a day after an exclusive nbc news report from heidi documenting biden's record on abortion in which the biden campaign reaffirmed his support for the restriction. facing a swift backlash from abortion rights activists and at least 12 of his rivals for the 2020 democratic nomination, biden opened with these comments to a dnc gathering last night in atlanta. >> for many years as u.s. senator i have -- i've supported the hide amendment like many, many others have. but we now see so many
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republican governors denying health care to millions of the most poorest and most vulnerable americans by refusing medicaid expansion. i can't justify leaving millions of women without access to the care they need and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right. if i believe health care is a right as i do, i can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone's zip code. >> so that is a change,s heidi, of course, from joe biden beginning in 1976 when the hide amendment first came to pass and again and again and again, voting to uphold the hide amendment until last night and when your reporting came out two days ago it contained again from the campaign an affirmation. >> it was a really stunning turn of events. i saw that biden not only went along to get along with a lot of other senators who said hey, we can't pass our spending bills
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unless we agree to this. biden's record was that he forcefully and very enthusiastically supported this amendment going back to its earliest days. i called them when i saw footage of an aclu activist who seemed to get him to change his position. i called them, they thought about it for a while, i gave them plenty of time to think about it. they got back to me and they said no, he still supports it and of course you saw what happened with with the reaction to that by all the presidential candidates like all the women's rights groups like planned parenthood who said you know what, you may have supported this your entire year but we are in a moment here that we have not faced really since the inception of roe with the unprecedented assault on abortion rights and i think -- we don't know exactly what went through biden's head, we do know from our own reporters on the ground that this really happened
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last minute. even his aides two to three hours before his speech said he didn't know what he was going to do. he seemed to be really speaking from the heart and if you listen to what he said there, this is an moment from biden that yes, we are in a unique moment where with all these laws at the state level being passed and also planned parenthood funding being under siege, you're seeing the number of clinics going down in states like missouri where you may only have one clinic left in texas and what's happening is you're seeing an increase in maternal mortality rate. so let's be clear here. the hide amendment affects only low income poor women because we're talking about medicaid funding. he obviously made the calculation that in today's modern climate i cannot continue to hold this position. >> this is interesting. i've said this at the beginning of biden's campaign. people are very concerned, he's got a long history when it comes to crime and bank regulations that's going to sneak up on him
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and i said his defense is going to be look, i grow. it's not changing my information from age 40 to 42 and i think he's having the same teflon feeling, democrats want him so bad that they're going to let him go. i changed my mind, i changed my mind. the very thing i think a lot of other candidates are hoping for, there's a lot of stuff that's going to stick, i think this is the first inaction example how he can gracefully pivot. >> this is a cave to the left, that this -- he's a devout catholic, this is something he believes in his core. he supported the mexico city policy over the years, the hide amendment that in a period of 24 hours he heard noise from the left and changed his core. >> i would go on the theory that he would get the flip flop. i think he's going to have the same thing trump had, this weird shiny halo that people are going to let it slip off. >> he's the front runner and when you're the front runner a
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lot of stuff comes with the front runner. it includes other candidates. quietly, without them pushing on you and saying you've got a position that's not really tenable in the modern democratic party. there's so much focus on him and the press focuses on these changes of position and they're not going to let him quote, get away with it and it comes with a lot of baggage and it's not the easiest place to be. >> it's also the vice president has been challenged on not being progressive enough on some issues. that he's going to be the moderate guy that can appeal to youngstown and win those states back. he has to make moves sometimes it appears a nod to the left. >> sometimes and it's interesting that she chose to do so on this one. he fear cli felt after heidi's questioning and reporting that this was not a tenable position. in the broader democratic party. joe biden is focused on this notion that the democratic party
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has not changed as much as people on twitter or social media or some of the most progressive voices would have us think that it has changed so he's not changing his positions on everything but he did do on this one realizing that that was out of step economically and socially as well with the democratic party's base because it hits poor women, particularly because it hits poor women of color who often are the ones seeking abortions in state if they can. and i think it's interesting to watch the issues on where he does change and where he feels he's in step and out of step with the democratic party as he sees it. >> more presidential politics with michael bennet. the senate democrat is standing by and joins the table next on "morning joe." nd joins the tabln "morning joe." introducing the first of its kind lexus ux
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welcome back to "morning joe." live picture of the white house where the president will return very soon from his trip overseas. joining us now presidential candidate and member of the intelligence committee, michael bennet of colorado. he's out with a new back "the land of flickering lights." good to see you. >> good to see you. >> you're supposed to release the book and while you're
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contemplating where or nther or run for president. >> i wasn't going to run for president and i wrote the book and thought maybe i should. >> what's flickering in america right now? >> so washington, our political system. i have spent in the last ten years 40% of my time has been during continuing resolutions in washington because we haven't been able to pass a real budget. the only standard of success is whether we keep the lights on for another day or so. i go to the floor and say this has become the land of flickering lights. but it's also a country with a lot of talent and a lot of people and if we can engage them in the work that needs to be done we can drag them out of the mess we're in today. this book has in it everything i've learned about what's wrong and right with our democracy. i write in my book that i couldn't write a memory but it is what i think is the challenge. >> you're writing in the book
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and you've talked about for a long time now bipartisan ship and how you think washington ought to work versus how it is working. people are hot and heavy in the partisanship and they want you to go all the way to the left on certain issues and appease progressives as joe biden had to do in the hyde amendment which we can talk about. is there a place for someone like you who says we ought to work with these people? >> i think it depends on whether we want to keep losing to mitch mcconnell or not. what you see in the book that i wrote is that we've been tyrannized by the freedom caucus and by mitch mcconnell who just say no, no, no. they've stopped popular will in this country on climate change, guns, health care, and i think to overcome them we have no choice except to build a broad coalition of americans that are not just democrats. democrats, republicans and independents who actually want
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to do something for the next generation of americans and washington has done nothing, almost nothing for the ten years that i've been there to serve the kids that i used to work for in the denver public schools. we passed the affordable care act, that was an porn thiimport thing. in the intervening period of time we've done nothing. >> it's taken us a while to get into this hole as you describe and now we've got the po litization of big money in politics and the senate is basically a graveyard as you describe. it's nothing but passing spending bills so what are some initial steps that whoever is the next president can take to try and get us out of this? >> i think we need to end political journeymen which isn't going to help the senate but would help the house. we can do something about big money in our politics. in the senate, two things that i'd love to see on the floor, one would be a lifetime ban on
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members of congress from ever becoming lobbyists. i've had that bill for ten years and last week aoc and ted cruz said they wanted to do that. i think that would send an important message to the country that we're actually listening to them. i think we should take away our health care until we actually have universal health care in this country. that's the only way that we're actually going to deal with it. otherwise we're just going to sit there and pass judge after judge after judge that mcconnell puts on the floor. >> can you still do it if mcconnell stays? does he need to go? >> i think we need to beat mcconnell so that means either he has to go which democrats have to win the senate and we shouldn't take that for granted. the presidential election is key but winning the senate is also important and it's possible for us to do it. and if he doesn't go we have to find a way to close over him and i can't think of any other way to close over him other than by saying -- being able to
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demonstrate that there's a coalition, a constituency for change in this country to actually move the country forward. nobody knows what the national democratic party stands for in this country and mcconnell has successfully created a politics to keep everything the same. and that's what we have to find a way to overcome and the whole point of the book is, you can't -- you can promise anything, you can promise anything on health care or on clie climate. as long as the way it is in d.c. we're not going to make progress. >> how do you change the politics in d.c.? there's a lot of people in d.c. including some of your colleagues who benefit from the status quo, like status quo and it would seem to me that you need to build this coalition but'm not entirely sure how you do it. seems like the republicans are very solidly behind trump and mcconnell at that moment so short of taking the senate back -- >> well, first i think it's true
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that it's at the moment. things change and i'm optimistic enough to believe that the corrosion of the republican party by the insanity of the freedom caucus and citizens united and the coke brothers may not be a permanent state of affairs. i don't know. i'm not counting on that but i think that it's possible that things einvolve over time. i think it matters what we propose. so on climate for example, two weeks ago i rolled out a plan working on conservation of the working lands as a way of pulling farmers and ranchers into the study that wea've had. on health care i think it's important that we propose a public option. not because it's moderate or not progressive, that misses the points but that's because that's where americans are on this issue. they are for having a public option so that they can make a decision for their families about what they want.
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and that's why these choices we make in a democratic primary for president i think are so important because we're either building out that coalition or we're sort of hoping that a -- that a -- that a our base is going to be enough to get it done. >> but there is a conflict there. this is a moment when the democratic base feels embattled, energized, angry in a lot of ways is what's happened over the last few years. and so how do you bridge that? how do you bridge that -- what you see as a need to establish this broader coalition with a base that's you know, loaded for bear. >> they should be loaded for bear. i'm angry. that's why i'm running. 40 years of no economic mobility for 90% of the american people? more income and equality since we've seen since 1928? an education in this country
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that reenforces the income and equality that we have rather than liberating people from it? a complete lack of attention to climate change over the last ten years except for some things barack obama was able to do himself that's now been taken away. my kids were born right after columbine. there's not been anything passed to show that we're actually listening to what's happening. people should be freaking furious. they should be demanding that we make progress. it's not about press releases and with all respect, coming on "morning joe." >> well, it is about that. >> well, partly about that. but what are we actually going to do to deliver for the next generation of america? that's the question i ask in this book. if we do what we've done in the past ten years weir going to fail and my generation is going to be the first generations of americans to leave less opportunity and not more for
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people coming after. seriously, steve knows this. i mean, right now 50% of the people that are coming of age in this country are going to earn less money than their parns and grand parents did. that's the first time that's happened in american history so what are we going to do to change it? we can change it, but we're not going to be able to change it i don't think on the basis of the partisan lines that have been drawn there. we need something much more creative than that and the beginning of doing that i think is rejecting the current politics, steve, that's there and saying this is just not going to move us where we need to go. >> you senator, for a long time have been against the hyde amendment. the front runner in your race came out last night after 43 years of supporting the hyde amendment and flipped on it. what's your reaction to that. >> i think it's great. i'm glad he did it and i think it shows the degree to which this important constitutional right is under assault and joe biden is responding to that and
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i think that's very positive. >> a lot of people watching your candidacy will wonder. they say i like the guy, i like his ideas. that's a big field. you did make the debate stage. there are 20 of you out there. as you look at it from a strategic point of view how do you fight your way up to the top? >> i think there's one step in front of the other. i've been having a wonderful time in south carolina. i was there last week and iowa and new hampshire, i think the democratic base is not where the twitter base of the democratic party is. i just do not believe it. i'm not surprised by that because it's not there in colorado either. we have to fight through that because we have to not -- i don't mean just me, i mean the democratic party because it's not just about winning the nomination. it's about beating donald trump which requires discipline. it requires not chasing down every single, you know, twitter storm that happens, and i think we're just going to have to work harder than everybody else but the polling, i mean, you were
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showing the polling earlier today. what that polling shows is this race is wide open which is what i believe when i go to these states. joe biden has great numbers because people value his service and his name idea is very high. bernie's name is high because he's run before. otherwise i think we're in a completely open field. >> the country will get its first good look at you on that depate stage. >> you better not blink. >> ready for your moment? >> five seconds. >> presidential candidate michael bennet. >> thank you for having me. >> the new book is "the land of flickering lights, recentering america in an age of broken politics." >> the monthly jobs report is just now crossing. steve will tell us what the numbers mean, that's next on "morning joe." t on "morning joe." i was cured and left those doubts behind.
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back as promised with breaking news. the release of the monthly jobs report. let's go to dom with the numbers. >> so it's positive but it's a slowdown and a big market one here. jobs coming in for the month of may, a gain of 75,000 jobs. commissions on average were expecting a gain of closer to 180,000 jobs so a big miss in terms of the overall number but still positive. some of the highlights, the unemployment rate, 3.6%, that stays unchanged. the highlight there is it is still near a near 50 year low. earnings have slowed down to 3.1% higher than they were the same time last year. on the revision side, the months of march and april were revised down by 75,000, so if you take the 75,000 gain and the two months revision down we are net flat for those three months chts we'll see what the revisions are
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next month. construction and health care were upside standouts. they added the most jobs. the retail side of things showed a job loss of 7,000 jobs across the country for the month of may. labor force participation, the measure of people out there trying to find work or are working stays steady at 62.8% and then the underemployment rate, this is what some consider the real rate of unemployment. those actually lower to 7.1%. it was 7.3%. bottom line, willie, overall payroll gains for this whole year to date so far in 2019, 164,000 jobs a month, that's a slowdown of 223,000 jobs a month as it was on average in 2018. those are the highlights. back over to you. >> okay. thanks so much. steve, 75,000 not a good number on its own but also not a
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goodest number of the estimate. >> we've had bad numbers before. february we had a very small gain but it really feels like the economy is shifting here and what has been a tail wind for trump and talking about the great economy and 3.1 or 3.2% gdp growth is now moving in a different direction. second quarter is only going to be 1.2%. the fed is going to be forced to cut rates. there's going to be a change in the narrative and that could change the political dynamicdyn. >> 75,000 as steve says, not a great number. billionaire former new york city mayor myogaichael bloomberg is bypassing washington to affect climate change. mirroring his work on gun control, bloomberg's donation to beyond carbon will focus on state and local governments
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funding environmental group lobbying efforts and electing local lawmakers who prioritize renewable energy. and joining us now, grammy award winner carol king. she's working with u.s. lawmakers on new legislation aimed at protecting the northern rockies from threats related to logging, mining and development. it's always so great to see you. welcome back. >> thank you. it's my pleasure to be here. >> so you'll be up on capitol hill again next week as i understand it lobbying for people that don't know what you're wornging on, talk about it a little bit. >> it is the northern rockies ecosystem protection act and it would basically do that but it would take all the eligible areas that don't have roads that are not protected now. this is like 23 million acres of national forest land, mostly forest. some of it is blm and it would protect them as wilderness and now this is 23 million acres of
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carbon storage, so this bill is a climate change aid, if you will. and i've been working on this bill since the early 90s. and we didn't even realize then how bad the problem of climate change was. we called it global warming then. it's climate crisis, actually. and this bill is -- would be a big thing in protecting those -- that huge area of carbon storage. >> you've been advocating for this as you say long before it was trendy per happen to do so. i think it's how you met joe, banging on his door. >> yes. >> and lobbying congress back then. >> yes, and joe signed on because i signed his guitar and he was open about that. i was -- i was like saying -- i was saying no, you probably got a staffer to review it first. he said no, you signed my guitar. >> joe is an easy sell when he meets one of his heroes.
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so what is the specific threat to these 23 million acres you're talking about. >> mostly logging. mining is somewhat but mostly it's logging. >> do you have a personal connection to this area. >> i live in idaho and have lived there for longer than i've lived anywhere else really. i used to live in a remote area of idaho. i've moved to town as many older people do. i'm like, okay, that's a little remote, but i really love idaho. i just feel like it's my heart home. new york is of course, always my heart home, but i live in idaho. >> so joe on the guitar side, are you able to meet with any republicans when you go up to capitol hill? because we were speaking in the bleak and you told me that not so long ago around 2006 you'd go to the hill and work with republicans and of course to reach way back into history one of the most environmental presidents in history was nixon who created the epa.
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do they give you an audience now on capitol hill? >> frankly we haven't even gone to see very many republicans because we're trying to get all the democrats back that we've had. one of the things that is really difficult as someone who advocates for a bill is that every two years there's a new session and you have to start from the beginning. so we once had as much as 1 -- as many as 188 cosponsors, 10% of which were republicans, but that all goes away and so what we're doing is scooping back the old ones who would like to get on, but need to be asked because they have so much going on. that's a lot of the work. >> i bet if you showed up with a sharpie and promised to sign something you'd get a lot of republicans. >> they were going to go on anyway but they do pictures and signing and it's part of it and it's fun and that gets me in the door but once i'm in the door i
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know my issue. >> i have to congratulate you. you just had the five-year anniversary of "beautiful" on broadway. the story of your life and your career. how gratifying has it been to see successful? >> gratifying and shocking. i didn't want to have it made. there's some pain in there. i have seen the show now i don't know about i don't know eight places around the world and, you know, it's -- the pain of my youth twice, two times and one in each act where it's like i'm devastated. >> yeah. >> but they did it so well. they did it just the execution of it, the direction, the writing and the actors. i just give -- and the producers who pushed it forward. i give a lot of credit and vanessa carlton is coming in on june 27th to do a limited run. i don't know how long but people should go see her.
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>> it's a great show. make sure to check it out. people love the show because they love you. >> well, thank you. if you're not coming to new york, come see my show! >> right. carole king, thank you for the work you do for the environment, as well. >> thank you. next, a look at another hit maker from a different genre of music. ron howard explores the life and legacy of luciano pavarotti. ♪ limu emu & doug
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the day they opened the window and it's rainying. and they say to my agent, let's go home because nobody's going to come. >> it was like somebody was throwing buckets of water just down from the sky and it just never stopped. >> probably we are in england so of course it was umbrellas everywhere. >> the maestro got to the second auria. people couldn't see and noise going on. i literally rushed on stage, grabbed the microphone and i just said -- >> if you could, could you lower your umbrellas? everybody's wet. thank you very much. >> and the first person to jump up was princess diana who had a
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guy with her and said take the umbrella down. there was this ripple effect. all the way back through the audience. everybody put their umbrellas down and the concert carried on. >> the next aria is from the same opera that i have sung now. the title of the aria is -- it mean i have never seen a woman like that. with your permission, i would like to dedicate to lady diana. >> that is a scene from "pavarotti," the new documentary of ron howard. joining us now is the film's producer nigel sinclair with nicoletta who was married to the late singer when aand appears i film. i want to begin with you if i
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could and ask you what it's like to see your late husband's life put out in film, especially for your daughter who was so young when he passed away. >> well, it is a beautiful journey through the memories and for my daughter it's a way to discover her father because she was very young, she was 4 1/2 when he passed away. every day she heard stories but to see through the documentary, the archive, i think a beautiful experience. >> nigel, what was it about pavarotti's life you wanted to say that we needed to know? >> i think he was a character who completely original. a great artist but more, he was a disrupter. he changed the way this people look at things, the way that people look at classical music. he broke open a whole industry with the launch of classical music in a much more popular base. >> how did he do that? he became a household name in an
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area that had felt sort of very specific and a little bit esoteric to some people. >> well, that's -- that's what makes the film fun an exciting. it was a journey. he started son of a master baker in northern italy. he had no advantage financially and he was a schoolteacher. he sold insurance. he was going to be a professional footballer and not until 17 or 18 he wanted to become this person. >> when did he discover that voice that's so familiar to all of us now? >> well, it is a rather attractive feature, although he had a lovely voice in the teens, it took years to find the richness and about 26 when he finally won a prize playing a character in italy. >> i think it's often believed that people with great minds, of great intellect or talent often have challenges that go along
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their permits, quirks or challenges. what were his? >> that is a good question. luciano was so full of joyful life that came when he was 12 years old. he had a very bad sickness. so he was in a coma for five days and after the coma he decided that life should been joyed. you know? at its maximum. so from that moment he tried his best and of course there were times where if you feel joy in everything including, for example, it was a great lover of food, lover of women. he was a real passion in every respect so you can consider his way to live even like sometimes something that affect him. you know? too much food doesn't help. >> so that sort of passion to live in reaction to that near death experience but like was strong all the time. >> yes. it was always trying to enjoy every minute of his life. >> a journey definitely worth
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watching. the documentary is "pavarotti." thank you both for being on with us this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> that does it for us this morning. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage now. >> that is. i'm stephanie ruhle. we have a lot to get to this morning. our team of extraordinary nbc reporters is here with new details on the stories impacting your life today. starting with this breaking news. shocking new video shows a russian destroyer nearly colliding with u.s. navy ship. a spokesman blasting it as a dangerous maneuver describing the act as, quote, propaganda. on the clock, negotiators for the united states and mexico reportedly making significant progress during talks on border security and we have other breaking news this morning. the president has to act today if he wants to put the tariffs in place. and a