tv Deadline White House MSNBC June 10, 2019 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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he offered a little curtain home airport. >> to our team reporting this, raiser on twitter. just as the hearing was getting kathy park, tom winter, tom under way writing, quote, can't believe they're bringing in john costello, and raheem ellis, dean, the disgraced nixon white we'll continue this for this. house counsel adding to his but we seem to have resolution, constant refrain, no collusion, no obstruction. and that is where we start today there's not terrorism involved in the attack. we have it confirmed by new york with some of our favorite reporters and friends. with us on set, associated press authorities and the vice president. that's it for me. white house reporter jonathan thank you for watching i'll see lemire as well as former federal you tonight at 8:00 on all in prosecutor berit burger. with chris hays. we continue to follow the story we've been watching all christine breer is back. plus harry litman, a former afternoon, the deadly helicopter crash in manhattan. deputy assistant attorney general and with us from the we turn now to news happening on "new york times," washington correspondent mike schmidt. capitol hill around robert jonathan lemire obviously this mueller's investigation, would not have been the including a potential break democrats first choice. through for the democrats i imagine if they had their seeking key evidence used by and druthers authori developed by robert mueller in druthers shortly after the his obstruction of justice mueller report was made public probe. witnesses such as don mcghan, such as hope hicks, such as the house judiciary committee expected to receive that evidence as early as today from the justice department. chris christie, corey
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lewandowski would have made of that development their way up to capitol hill, sat before dozens of cameras and testified as to the testimony perform our constitutional they gave robert mueller. duties and decide how to respond that didn't happen. to the allegations laid out is this something that the white against the president by the special counsel. house worries about? >> you can adds other names to also under way at this hour, the that list, steve bannon, reince very first hearing to spotlight priebus, and robert mueller. which of course still remains a the depth and breadth of robert goal of the democrats to have mueller's findings around donald him appear before congress. my reporting today suggests the trump's efforts to thwart with white house didn't take today all that seriously. russia investigation. it's not too surprising the president would let off a little john dean, essential figure in bit of steam about john dean who the watergate scandal is on he also points out as a cnn capitol hill educating lawmakers contributor. on the paralegals between >> the white house isn't that worried we read a tweet from the richard nixon's abuse of power president, he's fixated. and donald trump's conduct in >> but the president sees office. something and he reacts to it he's stressing importance of but in terms of the white house testimony from one critical at large, less so. witness. >> i certainly hope don mcghan certainly we've been reporting is a key witness before this thattan even the president, he's committee, because of my sort of annoyed by it, but he testimony, the model code of the doesn't feel particularly threatened i don't think, at aba today makes very clear in least not yet. but the documents being turned rule 1.13 that mr. mcgahn over, is a bigger deal that
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could unnerve the white house. represents not donald trump but it's something they're preparing the office of the president. for, something they fought for his client is the office of the for a long time, it's a step in president. a direction that could be and i think he owes that office concerning to the west wing. >> harry litman, we started with his testimony before this that because as jonathan lemire committee. >> in case there was any doubt suggests this is perhaps the as to what donald trump wanswer. floodgate opening today more than the first public appearance on capitol hill. this is what chairman nadler said about getting that evidence. well, we read some of it. it's what they've been fighting over. my understanding, harry, is that some of it was turned over to save off or to buy the attorney general, a little bit of time in another negotiation, that's over whether or not he will be held in contempt of congress. do you see this as sort of a gateway to congress getting their hands on important and key pieces of evidence, or is it just placating jerry nadler so they don't vote to hold barr in contempt? >> i think somewhere in between. it was a genuine concession from
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the white house. it was done to keep barr from being held in contempt on this first motion for the unredacted mueller report. there's still the other one pending about the census case. but the justice department actually played it a little more traditional. there was jockeying on both sides and then they gave up the documents. you know, as i -- i think john is right as this shows today, there's no substitute for the people in the chair and the house is casting about for some kind of effective presentation for just educating people what the mueller report said. the evidence is going to be great but what what you need the evidence for is to use it to question witnesses, and so far they don't really have the money witnesses to do that with. but this will be evidence about the obstruction itself. so it'll be the underlying documents that mueller referred to, and some of them will be pretty vivid.
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>> mike schmidt i want to ask you about the power of evidence. you and your colleague charlie savage have a piece about the voice mail left on the voicemail machine of mike flynn's lawyer, it was left by john dowd. let's listen to it and we'll talk about your reporting. >> if you have -- it wouldn't surprise me if you'd gone on to make a deal with -- uh, with the government. i understand that you can't join. if on the other hand, there's information that implicates the president, then we've got a national security issue or maybe a national security issue, i don't know. some issue we've got to deal
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with. remember what we've always said about the president and his feelings forward flynn. that still remains. >> mike smith take us through the significant of that voicemail what it meant to the mueller probe and what it could mean to this ongoing process on capitol hill. >> it sort of is an unanswered question of the mueller report. why was john dowd making that call? was he simply freelancing and doing it on his own or was he doing it on the president's behalf? and the difference in this investigation is obviously the fact that the president held the pardon power. so why is it that dowd is saying that the president will continue to look favorably upon him, if he does provide that information. what is it that the president could give flynn? there are only a few things, one of them being a pardon. what we looked at in our story today is why did mueller not pursue that question further. why did they not try to talk to john dowd?
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it's a difficult question because they probably would have gone to court to get a judge to force dowd to talk. even if dowd talked it's unsure how reliable his statements would have been. but was and still is a central question of the house investigation. did the president try to abuse his power to protect himself and maybe these underlying documents will shed more light on it. >> can you jump in to the point jonathan lemire was making about this concession of the justice department in terms of turning over some of the underlying evidence to chairman nadler? >> i don't think barr wants to be held in contempt, and he's willing to do what he can to try to prevent that, i don't think he would see it as a badge of honor, it's something he wants to avoid. you see the beginnings of this deal here. i'm not sure, though, how much these documents will change things. the thing i'm surprised by these hill requests is that the mueller report itself is such a
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rich document, there's so many different things in it, i don't know why they need more to dig in on. >> you and harry litman are nodding at that. jump in and explain the significance. the committee described it as a break through. mike schmidt is reporting there's a lot of evidence out there. you see in the voicemail, one piece of evidence does have the ability to at least focus the mind. i don't know if we're looking at big shifts in public opinion, but just hearing these guys, it sounds like a scene out of "good fellas" there is power in getting their hands on more information. >> you're right. this voicemail really excel pli fies this whole thing. we knew about it from the mueller report, we knew it was another instance where this was there potentially obstruckive conduct yet somehow you hear the words on the voicemail and it's an oh my goodness moment, that
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sounds like witness tampering. that's the power of evidence. the power of hearing something as opposed to reading it in a dry document. that's why it's significant that the house is going to get some of these underlying documents. i agree with harry, you have to have a warm body in the seat for it to come alive. you need a way for the pieces of evidence to come to life. but having those underlying documents, some of which i'm certain are going to be shocking, that's big. >> i want your thoughts, christine, of where we are. are we at the beginning of the next phase? at the end of the mueller phase? what is this moment right now with some of this evidence being turned over to the committee, with barr trying to stave off -- it seems like barr, there's more "new york times" reporting that compares him to dick cheney, which is an apt parallel in modern history. he wants to walk up to the line but doesn't want to get in trouble for it. >> we're in dante's inferno, i
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don't know what level we're in. barr is by all accounts respected. so i think he'll go up to that line. the president we know has always leaned on the line of legality, he crossed it. he did casinos in atlantic city so i think the "good fellas" reference is apt. the fact you would have someone leave a voicemail is insane. when jonathan listed the names there's one you didn't list, that i'm curious about is sean spicer. every day he came in front of the american public and lied to us. we're finding out in the mueller report there are things he said that are contrasted. and we know that sarah sanders hasn't bothered to discuss stuff with us in 85 days. so he's one other name i would like have a turn in the hot lo past presidencies, and presidents who have had altercations or interactions with congress, their co-equal
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partner in governance, we've never seen a president and his administration this blatant and this bold. you can say what you want about nixon, nixon was still an executive of the state of california. he had some paranoia issues, however, i don't think -- >> under statement. >> under statement of the century. but i really don't think he dis -- like had the same level of disrespect for the office that donald trump has. and unfortunately we're in a moment right now where trump somehow is able to bully sort of formerly good men into doing his dirty work, which is crumbling our system and showing how weak and fragile our democracy is. >> do you think the democrats have risen to that moment -- >> no. >> there's a more recent example than nixon. john ewe at the justice department, he's alarmed by the
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way the justice department -- this is almost like a punch line of a joke. how bad it? it's so bad john yu is freaked out. >> when we have the breakdown of so many institutions simultaneously, this is why we're all in a collective panic because we have the president saying the doj is not to be trusted, the fbi, the cia, the military is not to be trusted, the media isn't to be trusted, congress isn't to be trusted. so when we're trying to put together a narrative on how corrupt and illegal this man has been since roughly 2015, all the other institutions that have been historically able to support keeping the executive on the straight and narrow are weakened. weakened in the court of public opinion, weakened because the men and women in those institutions in some ways aren't upholding their own jobs and duties. we're seeing it in congress for sure with the republican parties. we're seeing with democrats,
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you're peacetime democrats, you're not democrats for this era. chuck schumer where are you? tom perez what are you doing? these are people time and time again we're so disappointed. you'd be great in hillary clinton presidency but for now you're not who he we need as the leadership. this is the collective frustration the democrats have. we are bringing emails to a knife fight. and donald trump is -- for those of us from new york, we know how he operates. we know how he has skimped and scammed and cheated and lied his or the cli, he and his father and the entire family. we're watching the family enrich themselves, watching the republicans bow to the president for the sake of the president, they're doing it for donald trump. that's the fear if and when he leaves office the damage is done. the world has seen we have no clothes, the emperor is gone. how do we recover as a nation but as a democracy having had
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the last two and a half years in front of us? >> i want to come back to the testimony on capitol hill. donald trump is also going to benefit today by the fact that there was a tragedy here in new york city. even the democrats, if you look at the wheels of justice starting to grind slowly on capitol hill, that started today. john dean for better or worse was a witness who was available. i think there are some other former prosecutors on capitol hill. do they view this as settled, that don mcghan will never go, that hope hicks will never go, that chris christie will never go? do they view this as locked up for them? is this done? have they contained all the damage are from mueller's investigation, are they confident none of those witnesses will show their faces on capitol hill. >> first of all i'm going to use emails to a knife fight. that's good. an operative texted me this afternoon, let's not make light
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a tragedy in new york but there was real frustration, they were hoping to get cable coverage over what did not happen, but that did not occur because the networks were going around the clock with the incident in manhattan. they feel strongly about this, they feel this is a long time, it's going to be tied up, a lengthy process before any of these people appear and if they do, how cooperative they will be. yes, today some documents were turned over from the department of justice, a lot of it was to prevent the attorney general from being held in contempt. but the overarching strategy of saying no, stonewalling, just the other day we know hope hicks and others were structured by the white house not to appear. they're not relenting on that at all, and no sign it's going to change any time soon. >> mike schmidt i want to come back to your reporting. i got to the bottom and was left this question a lot of people ask about robert mueller, was his intention always to turn all
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this stuff over to congress, or is it a more nuanced legal analysis that he just wanted to focus his attention on the president? >> i don't know. i -- you know, and obviously mueller doesn't want to, you know -- has said that he's not going to testify. i'm not sure how he would answer that question about the underlying evidence. i think my guess is from mueller's world and from mueller's perspective, they would say that they had put so much detail in the report, there is so much there to work with, that i'm not sure how much the underlying evidence really helps. and as you see today, it's just another struggle the democrats up on the hill today, they don't -- they once again don't have a witness. they don't have a witness. and even if they have these documents, they still have struggled to compel people like mcgahn or hope hicks to come up there. so without that, i'm not sure how they're going to grab anyone's attention. >> harry, let me put the same
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question to you. a lot of the analysis was that mueller always intended for congress to be the arbiter. do you think he could have predicted the situation that mike schmidt just detailed, that they got a report and no one to bring it to life? no witnesses? >> definitely. a big part of mike's reporting is he chose not to pursue john dowd, which would be the obvious move. he said it was because of attorney/client privilege. we have again mueller using markey of queensbury rules going up against a ufc fighter. and he comes across now as very reticent as a prosecutor, a 1950s figure who some ways was outmaneuvered, including by bill barr. he could have seen this, and he didn't push on having trump testify, he didn't push on this, and he said as mike points out,
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we had enough evidence. evidence of what? it has to be of trump's intent. and yet that's the big hole that at least has permitted the barrs of this world to say barr is not guilty of obstruction. so he really was passive in several key junctures that would have been critical for stitching up the deal. >> mike schmidt thank you for your reporting and for spending some time with us. all of you left us with more questions than answers, i guess that's why we stay in business day after day asking the questions. after the break, russia if you're listening we see you trolling the president on tv for being a crumb my deal maker and we raise you one piece of legislation that would make it harder for you to offer dirt on an opponent. new polling shows a cluster of rising stars breaking away from the pact. we'll bling you the latest from the campaign trail. and donald trump caught in a big, fat fake news scandal of
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his own making. we'll show you the attempt at a cover up. all those stories coming up. all those stories coming up. is staying happy and healthy. so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. all with guaranteed great taste. and now try new boost® peaches and creme natural flavor. with 27 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. boost®. be up for life™. ♪ corey is living with metastatic breast cancer,
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do you agree with me that campaigns should immediately contact the fbi? if a foreign intelligence service -- >> foreign intelligence service. >> a representative of a foreign government says we have dirt on your opponent, should they say i love it, let's meet or contact the fbi. >> if a foreign intelligence service does yes. >> it was the pause heard around the world when the country's attorney general pauses there asking if a campaign should tell
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the fbi if they're contacted by a foreign power if they are contacted to have dirt on an opponent. congress is taking the matter into their own hands. nbc news reports, quote, as democrats prepare to launch a more robust hearing and legislative strategy across six committees to highlight the special counsel's investigation they are discussing bills to magnify wrong doing uncovered in mueller's report, including contacts with russian entities, the focus in upcoming hearings would be design to reign in president trump's abuses and safeguard from attacks. joining us is charlie psycsykes. you and i are old enough to remember when republicans might have drafted legislation like this, actually a bipartisan effort, john mccain, lindsey graham on the right -- need i go on? how is it that republicans are
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going to get dragged to this by democrats? >> well, that's why this is i think a good idea, it's necessary but perhaps not sufficient. there's nothing democrat or republican about this, this is good government legislation. it addresses the fact that the mueller report told us what happened in the past. but there's also what's going on now and what's going to happen in 2020. one of the untold stories is, what are we doing to prevent a repeat of 2016 next year? are we prepared to defend our democracy against future attacks. i think this is where the democrats might find themselves with the high ground. make the republicans articulate why they would be against a mandatory reporting of contacts from foreign government. why they would be against something that would protect the integrity of the ballot box. this is not a substitute for impeachment proceedings or other hearings but it's good government legislation and i think you ought to challenge
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republicans if you want to be against it, go on the record and explain to the voters why you are not protecting the franchise going forward. >> you put that question to donald trump in helsinki, why do you think donald trump doesn't want to get behind and cheerlead legislation to keep foreign governments out of our democracy. >> i think a few things, one is ego, who cannot handle talk that his win in 2016 is in any way illegitima illegitimate. talks about his relationship with russia, some of which still exists. part of what has driven him, he feels if you suggest russia interfered he wasn't legitimately elected. that's why we heard flatout nonsense about voter fraud and millions of people cast their ballots in california or something illegally because he lost the popular vote. he's very deferential to
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vladimir putin, to russian interests. we don't necessarily know all the reasons why to this day that happens but helsinki was the finest point on it, but not the only time he's done this. that was a point he sided with russia over u.s. intelligence agencies but there have been countless time every day of his administration he could have put together safeguards to prevent foreign election interference, he has not done so. his administration has dragged feet doing this, other republicans haven't stepped in. it seems the government's most sacred duty is to safeguard the vote and the white house has not done so. >> it does also send a really, i think, disorienting signal, not just on to our adversaries who sends the signal, open season. but to our allies there used to be a banding together, shared practices. if it's happening at all, it's happening without the
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president's -- >> right. >> -- i don't know if he doesn't know or they don't brief him regularly. there's a difference between keeping him out of the loop and doing something he doesn't approve of. i imagine they're doing the first, keeping him out of the loop. but the idea this too is partisan seems to represent the complete and total breakdown of national security policy making. >> this is the makings of the fix that doesn't seem like it should be the fix. if you polled regular americans and said what should you do if someone comes from a foreign country i have information that can affect the election, i bet most people reach out to the fbi. it's a natural reaction. why this now has to be a political issue is baffling to me. this is something that is clearly common sense. i think it's an absolute -- as charlie said it's good government and it's a way to increase the amount of transparency we have to build back up public trust in the integrity of our elections, which is what we need going into
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the next cycle. >> harry, it does sound like an arsonist picking up the hose and putting out the fire. are these real conversations that we're having with donald trump kind of winking and nodding to the russians? >> that's kind of an imponderable. i agree it's a good government provision and who could argue against it but obviously it has the political veneer of a kind of retroactive condemnation of 2016. i think again it's a pretty pale substitute for an actual hard look at what actually happened in 2016. moreover, you know, it's likely that mcconnell folds his hands and nothing much happens. and, of course, in very short order, this i think has to shed on everything. we're a couple weeks away from the first democratic debate. these efforts are very soon
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going to be really played out against the think of the reelection campaign, which is going to change everything. but i think if this passes the house, it's a slight little mark on trump, but it's really more of pelosi and the democrats casting about for something in lieu of the kind of more vivid impeachment inquiry that they really want. >> the intelligence heads have really walked a tight rope. testifying forthrightly on capitol hill around issues around like iran and north korea where they have differences. they see the facts, donald trump doesn't want to hear the facts. one of the things and i'm coming back to you because you hit on all the points about barr but i want to read you something from the "new york times" profile about him. one of the big reaches or extensions of his power has been in the area of intel. "new york times" reporting that
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barr's rising power over the intelligence community has been accompanied by swelling disallusionment with mr. barr amongst security officials and moderates. when he agreed to take the job, many cast him as a republican straight shooter steeped in ideological moores. now they see him as someone who has glossed over mr. trump's misdeeds, smeared his investigations and possibly could declassify information for political gain. not the bill barr they knew. it's more than a power grab. it's a real threat to the intelligence community. >> i always said president trump is the anti-midas, everyone around him gets mired in disgrace. somehow the president remains either relatively unstained or he wears stains and he says he's -- >> it's his look.
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>> right. you've seen the men who served the nation in various capacities get into the trump camp and completely disavow previous believes and the hard work they've done and leave ultimately in disgrace, whether it's personal or amongst their professions or in the national media. i think what's so worrisome, for a political science professor, i read the federalist papers, the letters that george washington left us before he left office. they warned us about this. it's one thing to have hyper partisanship, which is one thing george washington worried about. it's another thing to have foreign influence. once that seeps in our allies know they can't trust us, they're going to move on and form coalitions without us. the people who have a hold on donald trump, whether it's russia, north korea, the saudis who spend 26 nights in a suit in his hotel and they know he reads
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the ledgers every night to make sure he's keeping his money there. we have to follow the money. anything going on with this president, i think honestly as we follow the money we'll get a clearer idea of just how insidious the foreign influence is, and i don't think it's just putin, unfortunately. when you saw putin link up with the saudis -- i forgot what meeting it was, maybe it was helsin helsinki, and the smiles as they greeted each other, as if to say we're in. mission accomplished. they should have hung a banner, mission accomplished. and trump thinking he's six steps ahead of the game. but they're so far ahead of you as far as policy and figuring out your weaknesses when it comes to your finances, whatever they may be. thinking about the ways he talks about americans, congress, leaders while on foreign soil and disparaging america in so
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many different ways. that's mission accomplished for anyone who's ever thought ill about this country. >> crazy times. after the break, the 2020 candidates hit the trail in iowa and a top tier emerges. we'll bring you the latest. 'll t the first survivor of alzheimer's disease 'll t is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight.
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this is a moral moment in america and we must meet this test. >> we're not going to win by playing it safe or promising a return to normal we are where we are because normal broke. >> that approach is not just bad public policy, but it is a failed political strategy. >> now is not the time to be polite. now is not the time for small steps. now is the time to fight like hell. >> they're ready for change and i got a plan for that. >> wow. you almost couldn't move in
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cedar rapids iowa this weekend without bumping into a democratic candidate for president. it was the biggest gathering yet. 19 out of 23 people at a fund-raiser. "new york times" wrote it up, it had the atmosphere of a circus, one with a very, very big tent. a new poll in iowa, joe biden maintains his lead in the field but just below him, a three way tie between bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, and mayor pete buttigieg. joining our conversation washington post correspondence an karen. your paper writes this, warren is experiencing something unusual in the crowded democratic field, momentum. crowds have been flocking to her events her nonstop stream of policy positions add up to what
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would be a restructuring of american capitalism is driving the debate. she's a better candidate than she was two years ago and she's shaping the conversation in the democratic primary. >> for sure she has more breadth and better stage presence than the last time out. it was interesting to see as you point out there, it's a tie for second place among three, it's a statistical tie. those four, biden and the three who are tied are the only ones in double digits in that iowa poll. so that gives you a little bit of a reality check of how early this is and really how low all those numbers are. >> let me read this for folks in the car. put that up again quick. you have joe biden at the top 24%, this is an iowa poll. biden at 24%. at 16 is bernie sanders, at 15
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elizabeth warren, and mayor pete buttigieg at 14. everybody else in single digits. kamala harris is at 7. amy klobuchar and beto o'rourke at 2%. >> since the last time that this particular poll, which is -- has a history behind it. and one of the things she's very good historically at doing is paying attention and tracking accurately who is moving and why. what you see between the last one and this one is that warren has oped up -- biden has gone down, sanders has gone down and warren has sopped up those additional numbers. >> mayor pete buttigieg not for nothing holding there with the number two folks in the field. fuelled by pitch perfect appearances and commentary on the news of the day. and he keeps stringing together really kind of the right responses to the crises that we
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face in a day-to-day news cycle. what else is fuelling mayor pete? >> well, you know, he's a guy who's comfortable in his own skin, isn't he? he doesn't seem to have a focus group formula to run the campaign, and i think people find that refreshing. i think he's very much of a fresh face and he's pitch perfect, you're right. i can't help but think about two things happening, you have a coalessing around the four front runners but you're seeing a fracturing on the democratic field where they are taking the knives out and making more pointed attacks than i think a lot of democratic leaders were hoping the candidates would take. joe biden is still the front runner but not dominant. the fact is over the last week i think he showed some vulnerability by flip flopping on the hollywoyde amendment. and you're seeing them
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aggressive on the attacks on him. whether they're attacks on one another, it's unclear. but so far mayor pete is above the fray. you wonder if this becomes really intense and they all fire on one another is mayor pete the last man standing? >> i'd like to focus on the next page of the people in the poll. we have some tiers here. but then if you go to the next page. look at the number of people at 1%, cory booker, and kirsten gillibrand, and governors and senators with real resumes to have caught no traction to this point. and we put the caveat it is early but that debate looms large, it's hard to break through in a debate stage that crowded, because at some point those candidates need to raise money to stay in this thing and i think you're going to see some perhaps surprising candidates, people a year ago we would have thought that senator is going to be there till the end, maybe bailing out before the first
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votes are cast because they can't afford to stay in the race. >> you and i have disagreed over joe biden before. he has been the front runner since before he entered but his lead is solid, it may be shrinking. i worked on a lot of campaigns but that's a lead. >> it is a lead. and we haven't had any debates. part of the unfortunate thing for joe biden is he's been a public servant for 40 years. >> why is that unfortunate? >> he's been on the wrong side of history, a lot of democratic mayors were for the crime bill, something joe biden championed and we're no longer there as a party. so he has to change on the hyde amendment, crime, environment, whatever, as an evolution and not a flip flop and depending on how many people team up on him at a debate, i don't think he's as sharp on the stump as he was
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in 2008, i don't. so he still has great political instincts, still incredibly charming, crazy smart, we get that. but there are a lot of smart people on the stage. if they can frame it as you served our nation admirably, we appreciate you, but you are not the person for 2020, and why don't you step aside, whether it's for gender reasons or whatever demographics there are, and give someone else an opportunity who possibly doesn't have as much baggage that can be a centrist in the general but progressive in the primary, maybe this is something to think about. depending on who makes it in the next two and a half weeks on the democratic stage, does everyone pilon to joe biden because he's the front runner or do you sometimes ignore him and present your case. this isn't a candidate versus joe biden, this is my opportunity to show why i am the
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democratic nominee. i can see someone like pete buttigieg doing it, elizabeth warren, and kamala harris, just focussing on who they are and not his record. >> i think it's amazing that democrats beat up the front runners in the way that republicans never do. we preserve them like fabrege eggs, we put together the campaigns to protect and serve. democrats savage their front runners. >> i think a lot of democrats would argue that hillary clinton should have been savaged earlier, it would have made her a better candidate or knocked her out of the race. there was a sense of history here, although she said publicly and many times that's not the way the democrats do it, i'm not inevitable, the sense of inevitability worked against her. >> charlie i saw you chuckle.
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>> i remember when jeb exclamation point was the front runner and i don't think he was treated with kid gloves. >> by trump. by trump. my point is, republicans fall in line, i'm not arguing for or against either strategy. it's just interesting. i don't meet a lot of people, moms at drop off, people at airports, gas stations, people at the seven eleven, people at costco, who are anything other than warm feeling about joe biden, but the experts, pros, analysts are sharply critical of him. you don't see that on the right. >> i think that joe biden got off to a good start. but look he's going to be tested over a very, very long campaign. there are a lot of question marks number one about his age, how durable a candidate is going to be, how much baggage. >> he's going against donald trump who wears silk pajamas until 1:00 and tweets all day. after the break, donald
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donald trump seemingly caught in a little lie, touting a secret solution to a self-made crisis. the latest chapter in u.s.-mexico talks. he said we have a fully signed agreement with mexico followed hours later by this a direct contradiction by the mexican prime minister says no secret deal exists. a trump tale, threaten, back down, declare victory and ignore every last one of the facts, attack the media. it started with the threat of tariffs if mexico did nothing to stem the flow of migrants, friday, no tariffs, thanks, to a brand-new deal that would
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mobilize national guard troops. the "times" reported much of what trump was talking about was mentioned before. >> that seemed to when will the failing "new york times" admit the border is a fraud and nothing i announced for the presidency, everyone is back someone is sick. >> first of all. it's a play book. he declares a crisis and claims a victory. >> that is what happened here beborder bebordered for ireland.
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we land. >> did you really think they would? i always thought that was fake. a lot of it seems to be not some deal with mexico, the community leaned on the white house to say we strongly oppose this, we have to start mobilizing against you, we have seen the mexican officials have said like there is no secret deal, every time the president has put forth, oh we've agreed to in this and this many mexico is no, no, no. the business community is sated. he threatened they can ramp it up again. to me this teams like in parenting when the child cries wolf so many times and they say, yeah, no, we are done with you
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man child. >> well, mexico has really tried very hard not to captive. >> to do this. >> exactly. they do not want to be in the position of putting the president in the corn to further your analogy. but they're also not going to the president surgeon going to look like doctor donald trump's patsy he can't afford that what seemed to put him over the edge was a lie. this story was over a deal that had already been worked out. the meltdown came after he tried to lie about it after the fact. >> the mexicans certainly won this round, which infuriates the
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president. he thought he figured out a way to craft his own backing down as a victory. the only one reason he backed down is senate republicans thought, no, we're not doing this the business implications, the markets were spooked on thursday and friday. that was communicated very forcefully to the white house. he knew he had really shifting sand and probably mitch mcconnell going against him on this. >> charlie sykes, it would seem to me the president freaks out the most when he's afraid, afraid of anne coulter, rush limbaugh, the base's reaction with anything to do with his failure. you have right, red, center, left, right, black, burnle, red, female, he was failing at immigration which were only reason he ran for president. the others i can't think of them
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right now. the idea that anytime someone covers facts with mexico he flips out is a rally insightful window with his psych ki, his record on immigration. >> well you are right about that. this is a president who is an arsonist that wants to feel he is a fire fighter. actually he threatens and he backs down and people are figuring out that he backs down a lot and they're onto the fact that he is -- that he bluffs. i kind of knew the guy was a fraud. in the international world, i think this is camping up with him. yeah, he had a lot of pressure from the business community and the republicans and the senate and the jobs numbers on friday. the mediocre jobs numbers, the one thing that donald trump does not want to mess with.
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he doesn't want to mess with the markets and employment. he blinked on this. he is counting on the usual court of yours to basically say you are a great deal maker, this was a huge victory. you have hugh hewitt in the washington post. this is a huge triumph. nobody knows how to deal with us. in this particular case he went perhaps too far. >> i think you are right. we are going to sneak in our last break. don't go anywhere. we'll be right back.
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mtp daily steve kornacki in for chuck starts right now. ♪ if it's monday as the households it first hearing on special counsel mueller's report, the justice department hands over everyday that could shed light on possible obstruction by president trump. >> that material could be in house democrat's hands within minutes, but no mention of mueller in iowa as 2020 candidates hit the trail there and new poll numbers show a
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