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tv   First Look  MSNBC  June 24, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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the trump administration is facing new criticism amid reports of dirty and dangerous conditions at a border patrol detention facility in texas. this after a justice department lawyer argued against providing soap and toothbrushes to detained migrant children. plus, iran accuses the u.s. of stoking tensions as president trump states that he doesn't want war, but if it comes to that, there will be quote obliteration like you've never seen before. and 2020 candidate and south bend mayor pete buttigieg faces tough questions at a town hall event after a fatal police shooting. shooting
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good monday morning, everybody, it is june 24th. i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside nbc white house correspondent geoff bennett. we're starting with the skepticism over why enforcement didn't have a round up of families to be deported this weekend. president trump tweeted this, at the request of democrats, i have delayed the illegal immigration removal process deportation for two weeks to see if the democrats and republicans can work out a solution to the asylum and loophole problems at the southern border. counter to the president's version two department of homeland officials told nbc news the raids were called off in large part because details of the plan had leaked to media. a second issue was that i.c.e. did not have plans in place for detaining the 2,000 immigrants, mainly families whom they were going to arrest and deport. notably it was president trump who announced the raids in a
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tweet one week ago and a threat according to "the new york times" had caught immigration officials off guard as no major operations had been scheduled to even begin. more details emerged friday in the "washington post," while a senior administration official tells nbc the president pulled back because a sense the administration is getting hammered in the media. a team of lawyers is sending a warning about the conditions inside a border patrol facility in clint, texas. the attorneys say hundreds of migrant children who have been separated from parents or family members are being held in dirty, neglectful and dangerous conditions. according to the new yorker, the lawyers interviewed more than 50 children at facilities in clint, texas, in order to monitor government compliance, but the flores estimate which mandates children must be held in safe and sanitary conditions and moved out of border patrol custody without unnecessary delays. the conditions the lawyers found were shocking.
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flu and lice outbreaks were going untreated and children were sleeping in filthy conditions and on cold floors and taking care of each other because of the lack of attention from guards. some of them had been in that facility for weeks. and just last week, a justice department lawyer went before a panel of judges to argue that the government shouldn't be required to provide detained migrant children with soap, toothbrushes and showers atti s at customs and borders protections. >> it's within everybody's common understanding if you don't have a toothbrush, if you don't have soap, it's not safe and sanitary. wouldn't everybody agree with that? do you agree with that? >> well, i think those are -- there's fair reason to find that those things may be part of safe and sanitary. >> not maybe. are a part. what do you say maybe? do you mean there are circumstances when a person doesn't need to have a
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toothbrush, tooth paste and soap for days? >> well, i think in cv sprks custo -- cbp custody, for a shorter stay, some of those things may not be required. >> those judges were rightfully flabbergasted. vice president mike pence was asked about the conditions at those facilities. here's how he responded. >> aren't toothbrushes and blankets and medicine, basic conditions for kids, aren't they a part of how the united states of america, the trump administration treats children? >> of course they are jake. >> the lawyer was arguing -- >> i can't speak to what that lawyer was saying. it's one of the reasons we asked for more bed space. >> we have money to give tooth paste to those kids in el paso county so why aren't we? >> it's part of the appropriations process. congress needs to provide additional support to deal with the crisis at our southern border. >> after saying nothing about this for days, u.s. customs and
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border patrol enforcement released a statement following these reports. the statement reads in part, u.s. customs and border protection leverages our limited resources to provide the best care possible to those in our custody, especially children as dhs, and and cpb leadership have noted numerous times, the short-term facilities were not designed to hold vulnerable populations and we need additional funding to manage this crisis. >> that story keeps getting worse. turning now to the heightened tensions are iran. u.s. cyber command conducted online attacks against an iranian intelligence group american officials believe planned the attacks in the strait of his or hormuz. it reportedly took place last thursday, the same day president trump called off military strikes and people briefed on the operation tell the "times" that it was allowed to go forward because it was below the
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threshold of armed conflict. the times and post added the online attacks were in the works for weeks and were meant to be a direct response to the oil tanker attacks and the downing of a u.s. drone. earlier this morning, a top iranian official acknowledged the u.s. cyber attacks and claimed they were not successful. also on saturday, the director of homeland security cyber security and infrastructure security agency issued a warning that iran's malicious cyber activity directed at u.s. industries and government agencies is on the rise with the potential to disrupt or destroy systems. over the weekend, president trump said that today the u.s. is adding additional sanctions on iran. trump also tried to clear up the confusion over when and why he quote stopped a planned military strike on iranian targets, quote 10 minutes before it was set to start saying it would not have been quote proportionate to shooting down of an unmanned drone.
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>> they targeted something without a person in it, without a man or a woman, and certainly without anybody from the united states in it, so we want to be proportionate, but i didn't like the idea of them knowingly shooting down an unmanned drone and then we kill 150 people. i didn't like that. i come from new york city. in new york city, we have a lot of iranians. and they're great people. i have friends that are iranian, many friends living in new york city, many iranians, they're very smart. they're very ambitious. they're high quality people but i have many friends that are iranian. i don't want to kill 150 iranians. i understand it. i don't want to kill 150 of anything or anybody. unless it's absolutely necessary.
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>> why was that different from the estimates you got earlier in the day from your national security people? >> it wasn't really. i didn't talk too much about that. again, no decision to go forward because i said we'll meet at a certain time, and nothing goes forward until we meet. i didn't want anybody doing anything. >> and when we met they gave me a rough estimate earlier but i wanted a more accurate estimate. the more accurate estimate, i won't go into the number of sights but you guessed that pretty much right, you have in particular, but it was a number of sites and it was on average 40 to 50 people at each site. it was given to me by a general. >> meanwhile, president trump reiterated his desire to talk with iran's top leadership and in the same vain, the president says he does not want there to be any pre-conditions. >> do you want to do a separate deal with iran or get everybody involved in the same deal, the
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russians, the chinese. >> it can be separate or total. >> one and one talks, you and the ayatollah or you and the president? >> here's what i want, anything to get you to the result, they cannot have a nuclear weapon. it's not about the strait. they never mentioned. do not have a nuclear weapon. they'd use it, and they're not going to have a nuclear weapon. looking for war, and if there is, it will be obliteration like you have never seen before. i'm not looking to do that. you can't have a nuclear weapon. you want to talk good, otherwise a bad economy for three years. >> no preconditions. >> not as far as i'm concerned. no preconditions. >> author of the "washington post" early morning news letter power up, jackie ameni. thank you very much for joining us. we have an out going acting defense secretary who abruptly left, a lot of decisions with regards to iran coming out of the pentagon. is, do you think, the chain of
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command, the decision making, the response with regards to iran now going to change considering the president's nominee, mark esper officially taking the helm? >> yeah, that's a really good question, and i think, you know, potentially under the obama administration, a logical assumption, patrick shanahan was a civilian leader. sometimes when you're an acting official, your word and decision making carries left heft, you would think es pper, trump's opinion as commander in chief, he is the ultimate decision maker here, and i think that the process, the deliberation process and things like, you know, getting the casualty assessment at the appropriate
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times, those sort of, those things have been more chaotic under trump on a vast spectrum, so i'm not sure we can necessarily say that esper is going to make this process tidy and clean all of a sudden. >> let's turn back to the president's last minute decision to cancel these i.c.e. raids. he's going to give congress two weeks to get its act together. we know how this movie ends because congress hasn't been able to do that in the last two years of his administration. what comes next? one of the reasons he called it off we're told is because the administration is being hammered in the media over its handling of the immigration issues. the administration can't properly care for children already in u.s. custody. >> there's a confluence of events going on here because you know, the president also sort of, i think, according to officials at dhs sort of botched
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these raids to begin with because they require a lot of secrecy in order to make sure that the migrants that dhs is hoping to round up don't flea where they are, and potentially go into hiding. at the same time, you know, the conditions that we have seen down at the border, as you guys just spoke to in clint, texas, and the mcallen processing center are pretty grim right now, and it appears that the government is ill equipped to be handling an unprecedented surge of migrant children and that they're being subjected to pretty horrific conditions, and so what the president has said is, okay, congress i'm giving you two weeks to get your act together, potentially, tighten this asylum laws and pass a $4.5 billion in funding in order to add supplementary humanitarian assistance so if i.c.e. is going to conduct a raid as big as this, they are equipped to take care of these
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children and prevent this public outcry that we're hearing right now. >> the unbelievable thing with regard to the conditions and the children being detained is the fact that this has been ongoing. we have done stories on this repeatedly. we have known about these conditions in some way, shape and form, they don't have this, they don't have that. they don't have blankets and yet the journalists don't have access to the detention facilities either. >> and yet it seems as if the trump administration can't seem to change the conditions there no matter what. this has literal been ongoing now for what, 16 months. >> unless the cruelty is the point, it's meant to be a deterrent, right. jackie alemany. thank you. >> president trump faces an allegation of sexual assault. we're digging into time m magazine's cover story. and mark esper, what we're
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learning about him. that and a check of the weather, we'll be right back. at and a ch, we'll be right back. xfinity mobile is a wireless network
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welcome back, president trump is denying a new allegation of sexual assault which prominent advice columnist claims happened 23 years ago in a dressing room near trump tower. carol writes about the alleged incident in a new book excerpted in today's issue of new york magazine which the publication has viewed a million times. she says trump forced himself on her and that she fought him off and ran away. at the white house, president trump says it never happened citing claims she makes against other men in her book and addressed a 1987 photo that appears to show him, carol, and their spouses at the time. >> i have no idea who this woman is. this is a woman who's also
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accused other men of things, as you know, it is a totally false accusation. i think she was married, as i read. i have no idea who she is, but she was married to a actually nice guy, johnson, a news guy. >> what about the photograph? >> standing with a coat on in a line with my back to the camera. i have no idea who she is. what she did, it's terrible. what's going on. so it's a total false accusation, and i don't know anything about her. and she's made this charge against others. >> so new york magazine and "the new york times," they've spoken with two friends whom carol said she confided in shortly after the alleged attack. new york city mayor bill de blasio said they are ready to investigate, but carol says she's not interested. >> the moment we in new york city and our police department have a complaint, we will investigate immediately, and we will find out the truth.
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>> would you consider bringing a rape charge against donald trump for this? >> no. >> why not? >> i would find it disrespectful to the women who are down on the border who are being raped around the clock down there without any protection. >> all right. let's get a check of your weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. >> mayor pete's got some tornado damage. south bend got hit over the weekend, last night, about 7:00, about 8:00 p.m., you could see the pictures here and it did some significant damage to an isolated area. thankfully there were no injuries, but yeah, it was quite a scare for a short period of time there, and there's a lot of amazing upclose video of this tornado since it was in such a populated area, and you can see some of the damage pics that were left behind. significant damage there too. let's get into it. we had a lot of nasty weather over the weekend. a lot of people were dodging in and out of thunderstorms all
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weekend long. this is the current radar map. the worst of the storms are from central texas. now they're passing through central portions of louisiana, and we have a severe thunderstorm warning into areas of central mississippi heading towards the jackson area. we've had a lot of flash flooding overnight, eldorado, to arkansas, greenville, a lot of rain. wouldn't be surprised if there's flash flooding to deal with there. the greenville area under a flash flood warning. we have flash flood watches for a lot of people. as far as the heavy rainfall, additional rain, north of the houston area, could get another 1 to 2 inches with the line of storms, central louisiana, and up to tupelo could get a quick downpour with 1 to 2 inches. we're going to do it all over again this afternoon. the concentration of storms won't be as bad as over the weekend. 53 million people. west texas and this huge area is under a slight risk. the chicago area, columbus,
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cincinnati, we had a lot of flash flooding over the weekend. i got dramatic pictures from andersonville, missouri. we'll show you that next half hour. mayor pete is dealing with tornado damage and dealing with angry residents at a town hall, following the shooting death of a black man by a white police officer. what the 2020 candidate is planning to do about the incident when we come back in a minute. ut the incident when we come back in a minute that's the beauty of your smile. bring out the best in it with crest 3d white. crest removes 95% of surface stains... in just three days. we're on the move. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. terminix. defenders of home.
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get the racists off the
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streets. it's disrespectful that i wake up every day scared. it's disrespectful that i have three boys that i have to teach today what to do. get them off the streets. >> mayor pete buttigieg faced angry residents at a town hall in south bend, indiana, following the deadly shooting of a black man of a white police officer over father's day weekend. eric logan was killed by a white police officer whose body camera was not on. the incident is now under investigation by the st. joseph county prosecutor's office, and the officer has been placed on administrative leave. buttigieg later announced he will be writing to the justice department to say he agrees with the civil rights division, that the civil rights division should review the decision, but he says he can't promise the doj will
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conduct one. president trump has formally nominated army secretary mark esper to be the next secretary of defense. the white house announced the decision on friday night following a tumultuous would you say -- week at the pentagon. esper fought in the persian gulf war before becoming a lobbyist for defense contractor raytheon. he is a former classmate of secretary of state mike pompeo. if confirmed he will fill the void for the first time since mathis left. joe biden responds to the controversy over his comments about working with segregationist senators, what he had to say to reverend al sharpton. those stories and more coming up. l sharpton those stories and more coming up nah. not gonna happen.
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welcome back, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian, alongside nbc news white house correspondent geoff bennett. it is the bottom of the hour. let's start with the morning's top stories. we're starting with president trump facing big questions on two major policy fronts, calling off a major deportation, after scraping a military against iran. >> reporter: president trump is back at the white house after briefings at camp david after two policy reversals, demanding democrats negotiate a border
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deal in two weeks or thousands of undocumented migrants will be rounded up and deported. >> we want to end the days where people believe they can come into the country, make a claim of asylum and then be released into the country on their own recognizance only to vanish into the nation. >> democrats pushing back. house speaker pelosi saying time is needed for comprehensive immigration reform. the standoff in washington as disturbing reports from the border emerge about conditions in u.s. facilities. advocates claiming there's not enough food, water or sanitation. >> we are seeing sick children. we are seeing dirty children. we are seeing hungry children. >> the president on "meet the press. kwoo ". >> you're not even schooling the kids anymore. >> we're doing a tremendous job under the circumstances. >> reporter: after calling off a military attack, new reports
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today the u.s. launched a cyber attack at iran's missile systems. >> i'm not looking for war. if there is, it will be obliteration like you have never seen before. >> reporter: a huge battle in congress over billions of dollars to fund various border issues, including humanitarian aid, and congress preparing to take a break for the july 4th holiday. no agreement about how to solve the nation's border crisis anywhere in sight. >> thank you for that report. a member of the 2020 presidential candidate spent the weekend criticizing president trump over his potential military action against iran. >> the idea that they would say to him when he said go ahead and bomb and take out whatever they were going to take out and not tell him what the consequences would be, not possible. simply not possible. the military does not function that way. whether or not there is a secretary of defense.
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>> donald trump as candidate ran for president saying he was going to bring all of our troops home. and now he has taken us right to the brink of war in the middle east. he has done this by his own ineptitude and trying to do foreign policy by tweet. >> and you have been a strong voice against taking any military action in iran. do you support the president pulling back -- >> everybody asks me do i support the president, do i support you for putting out the fire that you started, you know, first of all, let's be clear. the president of the united states, according to the constitution, and some of us are old fashioned, we actually believe in the constitution, and that is who has decision making power over going to war in this country. it ain't the president. it is the congress. and he does not have that authority. >> he was just doing a limited strike. >> just a limited strike.
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oh, well, i'm sorry, i just didn't know it's okay to simply attack another country with bombs, that's an act of warfare. >> a pair of republican lawmakers have also spoken out over the escalating tensions between the trump administration and iran. according to "the new york times," congresswoman liz cheney of wyoming on friday said she was concerned about the president's restraint in response to the downing of the u.s. drone comparing it to before president obama's unfulfilled threat to strike syria if it crossed a line by using chemical weapons. the third ranking house republican said weakness is provocative, a world in which response to attacks on american assets is to pull back or accept the attack is a world in which america won't be able to successfully defend our interests. meanwhile, the paper says cheney's, congressman adam of illinois, the question is were you not asking about casualties when you made the decision. i would much rather us not start
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than do this. i'm all for proportionate response, and maybe that needed to change but i don't think this sends a great message, and according to the "wall street journal," citing defense department officials, vice president mike pence supported the planned military strike on iran but also agreed with the president's decision to stop them. the trump administration has released half of its long delayed peace plan. the administration unveiled the economic portion of the plan calling for an investment of roughly $50 billion to aid palestinians, about 28 billion would go to the west bank in gaza and billions more to jordan, lebanon and e jigypt, t money would come from donor nations and investors as well, and the political portion is still under wraps, not expected to be released until after israel's new elections in september. several vital questions still remain with all of this, including if the palestinians will get an independent state and the status of palestinian refugees, two major questions to
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say the least. palestinian leader, mahmoud abbas dismissed the plan, saying it's unacceptable before the political situation is discussed. and just an aside here, the policy means when they're trying to come up with a peace plan, the white house, they did not consult the palestinians about the entire process, so i think it's important to put that out there. >> joining us again from washington is jackie alemany, author of "power up" which i read every day. it's great. the trump administration, president trump thinks he's going to be the guyed to the thing the last five or six presidents haven't been able to do and that's to arrive at a mideast peace plan. what's your take on this? how do you think this is going to go over? >> i think the pount you madint the white house hasn't spoken with the palestinian negotiation committee for nearly a year speaks to the potential for this
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plan to land with any impact. you know, you have a bunch of leaders meeting in bahrain with jared kushner who has been charged with establishing peace in the middle east, but there is a lot of skepticism and there's even on behalf of the israelis, you know, septembkepticism of s up. they have outright rejected terms of the plans, this allocation of humanitarian assistance and money that the white house wants to direct towards palestine, you know, is something that abbas and the palestinian negotiators have rejected saying it doesn't address the need for economic sovereignty, and i think, you know, pompeo said it best himself when the "washington post" obtained some behind the scenes tapes when he said that he could understand why there is
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a lot of skepticism and why this plan is, you know, seemingly one sided, tilted toward favoring the israelis. >> it doesn't matter what side of the aisle you stand on in this, but if there's a conflict between two entities and you're not contacting one of the entities in the peace plan, ultimately there's going to be a problem with it and some simpma push back. let's move to the decision the president made last week over iran. we are hearing some push back from some republicans like liz cheney, adam kinzinger. >> i think this encapitsulates w president trump departs from republican orthodoxy. he ran as wanting to end endless wars in the middle east, and i think launching a military strike on iran would mean dramatically escalating a crisis in the middle east, and his republican counter parts who are
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far more hawkish than he is, including closest advisers, weren't necessarily happy with this, and you know, wrote various op-eds, tweeted and spoke to the media about how they think that, you know, this se sends a message of weakness and that american deterrents is an empty threat when the president doesn't follow through on something like a limited targeted strike, but the president did actually receive some praise from democrats, several obama officials said that, you know, taking more clandestine covert actions or implementing additional sanctions, in effect creating some sort of shadow war is a for more effective tactic here. and you saw bernie sanders very reluctantly saying that he was happy that the president had decided to exert some military restraint. >> even people that are normally critical of the president over the weekend were saying that it
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was a fair response, and for him -- that he pulled back basically. >> that it is a more proportionate response. former vice president joe biden has a new defense for his comments about segregationist senator calling him son instead of boy, after the reverend al sharpton questioned him about it at the democratic convention on msnbc. >> he hates when you talk about boy, it means something different to us. that's not the biden i got to know, don't you understand that. >> that's not what i said, though, they didn't print the whole deal, you know what i mean. the context was totally different. i do understand the consequence of the word boy, but it wasn't said in any of that context at all. >> but you understand, they would never call me son. >> but they call teddy kennedy boy, that was the distinction, the reason he called me senator was to demean me more, i mean,
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son, because he said, i'm not even qualified to be in the senate. i'm not old enough, i'm a kid. i'm a kid. >> but speaking to abc yesterday, senator cory booker said biden's explanation did not make any sense. >> this is about him evoking a terrible power dynamic that he showed a lack of understanding or insensitivity to. by invoking this idea that he was called son by white house segregationists, yeah, they see in him, their son. >> he said it was taken out of context last night. >> i didn't understand that. i listened to the full totality of what he was talking about, and frankly, i heard from many many african americans who found the comments hurtful. >> congressman john lewis an icon of the civil rights spoke out in defense of biden, citing his work with segregationists. >> i don't think it's offensive. during the height of the civil rights movement, we worked with
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people, we got to know people, there was members of the klan, people who opposed us, even people who beat us and arrested us and jailed us, we never gave up on our fellow human being. >> and since he began running for president four years ago, senator bernie sanders has had to defend his vote for a controversial 1994 crime bill saying the positive initiatives outweigh the negatives. as a result his support for the massive anti-crime package as not been scrutinized as much as other democratic candidates. an nbc review of his past statements shows sanders also backed some of the legislations key get tough on crime that he now says created a very broken system. according to his campaign, sanders cast a number of compromise votes, one in favor of including a 10 1/2 billion dollars grant for prison construction in an effort to
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strip out harsher language that expanded crimes for people who would be sentenced. still ahead, the trump administration reportedly looks to keep critical information on climate change under wraps. details and the steps the white house has allegedly taken. bill karins is back with a check on the forecast and the potential for more severe weather today. d the potential for more severe weather today.
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welcome back, the trump administration is refusing osto publicize dozens of climate change studies. according to politico, it's the latest in persistent pattern of down playing such findings which are peer reviewed and cleared through one of the world's leading sources of scientific information for farmers and consumers. it's a nonpartisan arm of the usda.
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none of the 45 studies focussed on the causes of global warming but rather examined the effects, ranging on a finding of changes in allergy seasons to a ground breaking study of carbon's effect on the nutritional value of rice which could pose serious health risks for people around the world. agriculture secretary accused of retaliating against climate science researchers declined to comment. a usda spokesperson has denied any official directives discouraging the dissemination of climate related science. comments on the ep a's roll back on coal power plant regulation, vice president mike pence refused to say whether climate change was a threat, repeatedly attempting to dodge the question during his appearance on cnn yesterday. here's the contentious exchange. >> what people are calling a climate emergency, is it a threat? do you think it's a threat, manmade climate emergency is a
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threat? >> i think the answer is going to be based on the science. >> the science says yes, i'm asking what you think. >> there's many in the science -- >> the science community in your own administration, noaa, the dni says it's a threat. but you won't for some reason. >> the president said we said we are not going to raise utility rates. remember what president obama said? he said he had his climate change plan, he said it's necessarily going to cause utility rates to skyrocket, and that would force us into these green technologies, now you got democrats all running for president that are running on a green new deal that would break this economy. >> you don't think it's a threat, is all i'm saying. >> i think we're making great progress reducing carbon emissions, america has the cleanest water and air in the world. >> that's not true. we don't have the cleanest air and water in the world. we don't. you get back to me with some statistics. >> we're making progress on reducing carbon emissions.
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>> we pulled out of the paris climate accord as well. bill karins, is climate change a threat. >> it's like sleeping on a bed of nails. i mean, we're so past the point, don't even bother. you know, i can get on twitter or whatever, social media, and i don't even bother trying to convince the 20% of the people that aren't going to believe because the facts are out there. >> the science is there. >> don't even bother. >> it's also interesting to hear from the vice president saying i believe what the science says and tapper follows it up, and tapper says the science says it's a threat. >> you know, the science is there. it's a policy thing now. it's happening. it's a threat. now get the politicians in place that are actually going to do something about it. that's kind of the bottom line. no one wants the economy destroyed either, so don't send me those tweets. we can find other ways to do it. let's look at the extended forecast for this week. the biggest issues are going to be early in the week as we go throughout what's going to happen today and maybe tomorrow
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morning, and then it kind of quiets down to get into a summer like pattern across the rcountr. for today, a chance of strong storms, the state of ohio could get storms, kentucky for you toochlt t too. the rain and storms will be dying off, houston, to louisiana, to mississippi. showers and storms will be plentiful. dry on i-95 and getting hot in areas too, especially in the southeast. heat advisory in place in areas around charleston and close to savannah. as far as fast forwarding to the middle of the week, notice how quiet it get, the map gets warm, hit and miss showers. florida, very typical in the afternoon. friends in the pacific northwest will deal with on and off weather and cool conditions this week. friday, some afternoon storms, hit and miss popcorn variety, pop up in the afternoon, going after the sunset down in the areas of the deep south. we will see storms likely in the great lakes. as we mentioned, it will be hot today in some spots.
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107 heat indices, tallahassee, 96. cha charleston, 102, new york city has yet to hit 90 degrees. >> well, i mean, climate change. >> because it's not happening. >> right. >> 88 in new york city by friday. >> that's it. >> exactly. we still have winter. >> i'm glad you understand the logic. >> that's just how it works basically. i hope he understands logic at this point, i do introduce him every day as white house correspondent geoff bennett. >> thanks, bill. one of the last original members of the famed all black tuskegee airman has died. her father died in a southern california hospital. born in south carolina, on leap day, friend flew 142 combat missions in world war ii as part of the elite group of fighter pilots trained at alabama's
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tuskegee institute. the program was made after the naacp began challenging policies barring black people from flying military aircraft. friend was t99 years old. details about issues reportedly facing current and former trump administration officials that were flagged over potential conflicts. we'll be right back.
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of internal documents from the trump transition team reportedly reveals a vast amount of red flags for some officials who would eventually go on to join the administration. axios on hbo has obtained nearly 100 of the documents used by trump's team to assess potential officials for the administration and possible concerns about their background. axios says that former epa administrator scott pruitt who lost his job because of a wave of ethical abuses and close ties to lobbyists had a section in his vetting form titled allegations of coziness with big energy companies. former health and human services secretary tom price who was ousted from his job after president trump lost confidence in him after his use of chartered flights, had sections criticisms of management ability and quote dysfunction and division has haunted price's leadership of the house budget committee. axios says that the president's
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current acting chief of staff mick mulvaney had a striking assortment of red flags, including his assessment that trump is quote not a very good person. when it comes to president trump's lawyer, rudy giuliani, axios says the trump transition team was so worried about him that they created a separate 25 pa page document, rudy giuliani, business ties, with copious accounting of his quote foreign entanglements and one red flag for general david petraeus was under consideration for secretary of state and national security adviser is petraeus is opposed to torture. jonathan swan will have more on this reporting in our next hour. president trump is flip-flopping over whether or not he has read the full 448 page mueller report. despite being a constant source of ire for his administration, trump divulged in an interview with nbc news that he in fact has not read the report's complete findings.
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take a listen. >> did you not read the mueller report? >> much of it. >> the unredacted version? >> i didn't. >> if he was subpoenaed, you wouldn't know. >> i read the conclusion. >> the president's latest reaction is a far cry from what he claimed in a separate conversation with abc news less than two weeks. >> he said there's no collusion. >> he didn't say there's no collusion. >> the report said no collusion. >> did you read the report? >> yes, i did, and you should read it too. >> the truth is in there somewhere. the president reverses course on two major policy fronts. more on president trump's last minute decision to halt a massive immigration crack down as he demands democrats come to the table on a deal. and the latest fallout over trump's decision not to strike iran as we learn new details on the cyber attack against teheran. we're back in less than three minutes. rz we're back in less than three
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minutes. rz 0 fit. with its ultra stretchy waistband and adaptive 360 fit. new pampers cruisers 360 fit. they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again.
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the trump administration is facing criticism of dirty border
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conditions. this after a justice department lawyer argued against soap and toothbrushes for migrant children. president trump states he t of stoking tensions saying president trump doesn't want war but if it comes to that there will be obliteration like you have never seen before. and buttigieg faces tough questions after a fatal police shooting at a town hall event. good morning, everybody. it's june 24th. i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside nbc white house correspondent jeff bennett. there's skepticism over why immigration and customs enforcement did not conduct a massive roundup of families to be deported this weekend. with just hours to go, president trump tweeted this. at the request of


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