tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 24, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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>> thank you. we'll be reading axios a.m. in a little while. you can go to sign >> that does it for us. i'm yasmin vossoughian here with jeff bennett. "morning joe" starts right now. no question that ivanka and others weighed in to him as it was asked earlier how he asked it. that when he himself saw images he was very, very moved. i think ivanka and others frankly -- i don't think that's many humans that came into contact with the president during that window of time that said did you see the images on television? so i don't think -- you know, i think there was a widespread acknowledgment that the images and the actions that had been taken were horrific and required action. >> the sight of children suffering in syria was enough for ivanka trump to push the president for action. will she do the same thing for the children suffering in
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horrific conditions at the southern border? that's one of the many questions this morning. good morning. welcome to "morning joe." monday, june 24th. with us we have msnbc contributor mike barnicle. white house reporter for the associated press jonathan lemire. author of the book "a world in disarray" richard haass. senior adviser at and an msnbc contributor and correspondent for nbc news, julia ainsley has new reporting. let's frame out if we can. busy week ahead, we are three days away from the first presidential debate on wednesday. ten democrats hit the stage in miami with another ten squaring off on thursday. and with so many contenders in the mix, they might not get a second chance to make a first impression. "morning joe" will be there live thursday and friday for complete analysis. >> mike, are you there? >> you're going to be there,
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right? >> miami mike. >> he doesn't look happy. try to be more excited. it's kind of an important time. and most of the candidates --meanwhile -- >> he's a big miami fan. >> at jim clyburn's famous fish fry, mayor buttigieg was back home in south bend after the police shooting of last week of eric logan which has sparked pointed questions and plenty of anger. while those democrats debate, president trump heads to the g20 summit in japan after a new exchange of letters with north korean leader kim jong-un. and in case you missed it, the president's long promoted deportation raids were abruptly delayed. he gave congress a two-week deadline to somehow reach a deal. so let's tune out the ground noise as joe says and focus on the signal. here's joe's take. the president pulled back from a
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tragic escalation with iran and a tragedy continues to unfold in south texas where the president's immigration policies have children living like animals in u.s. custody. >> so mike, let's keep that up for a second. put that back up for one second. so much going on this weekend. the president's interview with chuck todd. and of course we're still following up on george stephanopoulos' interview, just the tweets, things going back and forth. but really if you -- if we're looking at what people are going to be talking about or what's going to matter in five years, significantly i think the president pulling back and not starting a war with iran, extraordinarily important. but secondly, children -- children being treated like terrorists at an interrogation camp, lights on 24 hours a day.
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>> cold floors. >> cold floors. having -- >> no hygiene. no toothbrushes, no soap. 7, 8-year-olds having to take care of 2, 3-year-olds who don't have diapers or walking around in dirty diapers. this is deplorable. and i -- i just wonder what the president and the republican members of congress are going to do about it. i mean, there have to be republican senators that have children and grandchildren who actually understand that it doesn't matter what color these children's skin is. they're just as precious in god's sight as their own children and grandchildren. >> joe, every day for many, many weeks now we read anecdotal reports, actual news reports coming from the board and coming from various detention camps. that's what they are, detention camps. holding children from the age of
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4, 5 months years of age, to 12, 13 and up. but this past weekend seemed to set a new low, a horrific low. i think that you read the same piece that i did. >> the new yorker piece. >> the new yorker piece. an interview with one lawyer who is there with a team of lawyers. inspecting facilities. and it is not the united states of america. >> it is not the united states. >> here it is. let's show you the details. a team of lawyers is sending a warning about the conditions inside the border poll facility in clint, texas. the attorneys say hundreds of migrant children who have been separated from their parents or family members are being held in dirty, neglectful and dangerous conditions. according to the new yorker, the lawyers interviewed more than 50 children at the facilities in clint in order to monitor government compliance with the flores settlement which mandates that children must be held in safe and sanitary conditions and
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moved out of border patrol custody without unnecessary delays. the conditions the lawyers found were shocking. flu and lice outbreaks were going untreated and children were filthy, sleeping on cold floors and taking care of each other because of the lack of attention from guards. some of them had been in the facility for weeks. just last week a justice department lawyer went before the panel of judges to argue that the government shouldn't be required to provide detained migrant children with soap, toothbrushes and showers at the detention facilities. >> it's within everybody's common understanding that you know if you don't have a toothbrush, if you don't have soap, if you don't have a blanket, it's not safe and sanitary. wouldn't everybody agree with that? do you agree with that? >> well, i think it's -- i think those are -- there's fair reason to find that those things may be part of safe --
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>> not maybe. are a part. why do you say maybe? you mean there are circumstances when a person doesn't need to have a toothbrush, toothpaste and soap for days? >> well, i think in custody it's frequently intended to be much shorter terms so it may be for a short earl term stay in custody that some of those things may not be required. >> aren't toothbrushes and blankets and medicine, basic conditions for kids aren't they a part of how the united states of america, the trump administration, treats children? >> well, of course they are, jake. >> well, the lawyer was arguing -- >> i can't speak to what that lawyer was saying. it's one of the reasons that we asked for more bed space. >> we have money to give soap and toothbrushes to the kids in el paso, texas. >> of course we do. >> why aren't we? >> it's part of the appropriation process. congress needs to provide additional support to deal with the crisis at the southern boarder. >> no, actually, no mr. --
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>> that's just a lie. >> you're pathetic. >> mike pence is lying about children living in torturous positions right there. mike pence who claims to be a devout christian -- i'm sure he is, but he uses it as a political badge of honor. mike should read the gospels again and see what jesus says about the treatment of little children. you can start at luke 17:2. something about no stones being hung around people's neck. you have got to explain to us what does the administration think they are gaining by allowing children to walk around the lice and walk around without diapers and 8-year-olds having to take care of 2 or 3-year-olds? what does the administration think they gain from that? >> yeah, i mean it's hard to watch, hard to listen to. it's the new yorker and "the new
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york times," the associated press the last week or so have done some extraordinary reporting about the conditions at the facilities. as you said, 7 and 8-year-olds simply being forced to take care of 5-month-olds so they don't know, because no one else would do that. soiled diapers, shirts covered with mucous. >> so what does the administration think they gain? by letting the children live like dogs? >> i mean, that of course -- as you heard the vice president said, they'll dispute that categorization, but it's clear that's what's happening. it goes back to the president and his stance about zero tolerance at the border. he is saying that technically families are not separated anymore. but what they're doing is they're in these facilities, longer than by regulations, only supposed to be there two or three days before they move on to hss custody and that's not happening. they're forced to live in squalor much longer than that. it's part of they say a negotiating tactic, pressure to get more money from the
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democrats. trying to make a congressional deal but what it also is the president looking tough. and a president who still feels that this issue -- immigration, the border, but that's -- >> does the president think that letting 2-year-old children walk around with lice and without diapers does he think that helps him politically? >> the president thought the separations at the border helped him politically, so there's -- >> does do republican senators, i'm dead serious, i know a lot of them. a lot of them also men and women of faith. do they think that this is permissible with the christian faith they claim and also being members of the united states senate, do they think this is permissible? >> i guess i would answer it this way. none of them have spoken up about it yet. >> wow. >> mike, there was an important point in that hearing in the ninth circuit that we didn't get to where the doj attorney said
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that, well, they're supposed to be staying here for short periods of time and then the follow-up was from the judge, yeah, but we're not talking about that here. they have overstayed their 72 hour stays. >> by a long shot. >> by a long shot. and they're living in squalor. they're living like animals. they're living like dogs. >> yeah. >> because of the united states of america. >> yeah, you know, there are two important points here. people should wonder and ask themselves can they imagine, can they think of any other past political administration, any other presidency where the response would not have been immediate to children in need like this? and the other aspect of it is, don't ever look at our foreign aid budget and the amounts of money that we dispense to children around the world and ignore these children being held hostage. >> no, this is something that can be fixed today. so at this point, you can look at this some would as purposeful by this government.
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julia ainsley, you're flagging that the kids are staying here a lot longer than 72 hours, the minimum or the norm it's supposed to be. how long are they staying there in these conditions? >> well, when we got the numbers broken down last month, mika, it looked like an average of 110 hours, so now we're past that. now we're talking about children staying there sometimes staying over there a week. there was a case of a child who had the flu, was near death. had 106 degree fever and had to say in the conditions for over a week before he could be taken to a place where he could get better care. so what's happening is cbp is using the same argument we saw from the vice president that it's a matter of funding from congress so that we can move them to better places but that argument simply doesn't stand when you have children who are in those situations, that it's reality and it's a simple solution to provide them with basic kay. yes, the facilities were not
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build for long term care and they were built for male single adult male populations but we're in the reality now and we have been for some time. so the question is why aren't there better policies in place and especially if you think about that cbp had migrant children in their custody for the first time in december, the first time in over a decade. now there are two other deaths and countless others close to death. so why can't there be policies in place that move beyond this funding? if the reality is we have capacity problems then you deal with how you -- you know, you alleviate the suffering in the meantime, yes. >> so what does the administration gain from this? it -- again, i keep getting -- this -- does donald trump think that having babies live in squalor helps him politically? what are you hearing? i'm sorry, this is a sort of thing that at least when i was in washington you could fix this in a day.
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>> well, i think what jonathan said was spot on that he's seen this as a negotiation tactic. that they think the worse they can show the conditions at the border the more congress will be moved to provide funding. when they provide funding they're asking for detention space across the board so when the president teases things like mass i.c.e. raids it's not clear. is that detention space going to be used to alleviate the suffering of children or going to be used in order to hold immigrants who are on their way to being deported from the country. right now, this negotiation tactic is what they're saying they're using and that they want more capacity, that detention space will alleviate some of the suffering but you're right. it's not -- i don't think that message is being received and i will say when i go to dhs on this, look, there's a lot of autonomy across the border, an inspector general flag on this, but it is not that immediate three alarm fire that you're talking about. >> are these separated children or are they family units? what's the story there?
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>> i'm so glad you asked that, because i think this is getting confused. some of the lawyers did say they had seen children separated and mainly from family members and not necessarily a parent. if a child crosses with a grandparent or adult sibling that does not count as a legal guardian. you're considered unaccompanied which is why we see such young children that are deemed unaccompanied. we can't imagine the toddler making the journey on their own, so they're deemed unaccompanied, separated from people who are their family members. what happened in el paso, described in the new yorker piece, for some reason they decided to put over 235 children in one facility that had a maximum of 300. children are the hardest people to care for because of all the conditions so they were taken from family members, not necessarily parents, and then put in this condition where there were very few adults to care for them. let alone medically trained
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personnel. >> right. well, i'll tell you what, if mike pence says the government cannot afford toothbrushes and soap and diapers i will tell you -- >> he said it's an appropriations issue, you know? >> well, mike, if you don't have the money in the federal government that runs a $22 trillion federal debt, we'll take care of it on "morning joe." i'll make some phone calls today and we'll have a fund-raiser from the "morning joe" community and buy toothbrushes and soap and diapers. i did it before on my last show, hurricane katrina, because that was such a deplorable response. >> this a deplorable act. this is disgusting what's happening. >> yeah. >> this is a stain on america's legacy. >> like i said, it's very simple. mike, donald, if you don't have enough money to get soap for children or -- diapers for 2-year-old kids, we'll go ahead and start a fund raising drive
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here and we'll get it down to south texas. so i'll make phone calls, call around. if you can't do it with your $5 trillion budget, all the money you're giving to saudi arabia and all the support you have given to saudi arabia to start a war in yemen, we'll -- we'll take care of it here. how pathetic. so, you know, i remember during the cold war you would hear soviets always talking about internal policies. how dare the united states judge the soviet union when we had the race problems that we had in the country. we had the human rights abuses that we had in our own country. you look at a situation like this and i don't know if mike pence understands this or not. while he's chuckling. this is exactly what leaders in the philippines, in turkey, in
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russia, in iran, in all of the countries that consider themselves enemies of the united states of america, this is a dream for them. because they can say oh, you don't like how we're treating people? well, at least we don't torture 2-year-olds on our borders. >> you know, one of the most important things with the country's relationship to the world is not simply what a state department does. it's the example you set. it's who we are. and when we had things like civil rights, the good news is when we showed we could self-correct that actually enhanced america's reputation around the world. things like char lotsville sets it back and this reinforces the sense that people have license to do what it is they they want to do. but you know i came back from china on friday. that's a sense that china in a lot of the world has a better model. it's an authoritarian system, but china is putting over a million people in concentration camps, i understand. but this is -- it makes it much harder to compete for the hearts and minds of the people around
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the world when they see this going on. let me make one other point. if you're worried about the abuse of asylum policy which the administration says they request asylum, then they can spend months or even years while that adjudication is taking place. then why don't we send hundreds if not thousands of retired judges or administrative law judges, determine asylum. you can't have a policy divorce from practice. if you want a policy that's tougher at the border you have to put into place the mechanisms. what this is is a gap between the desire to look tough and the reality we can't take of the people affected. we have to treat the people better and we have to put into place the mechanisms for administering the policy. >> julia, finally, the i.c.e. raids canceled. tell us what happened. >> that was pretty abrupt. wasn't it, mika? >> yeah. >> so what i'm hearing from sources is there are a number of reasons. one, that this was leaked which
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is really interesting because we all knew of the plans first from the president himself. in general, when a plan of a raid is leaked a lot of times they'll cancel it because they don't want the people targeted to be prepared. and then in this case, we know on friday it was very easy, many media organizations including nbc got the plans and got the list of the cities all around the same time. so they're blaming that on media leaks but it was pretty transparent. and then also the fact that whether or not they had the capacity to detain all these people was in question. i have talked to some i.c.e. officials, yes, there was a plan we could have had capacity and then others said the majority of the immigrants were families and you have do hold families in separate detention places than single adults so there wasn't enough capacity to deal with the amount of detention space you would need to hold those families before they're deported. so it could have been a logistical issue too. one thing was clear -- it was
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not a negotiation tactic. i think that was sort of a reason that it was invented after these were canceled but that was not the big discussion they had when they decided to call off the raids that this would somehow pressure democrats to bring them to the table. >> so jonathan, the president made news with a couple of quick tweets over the weekend and this is one of them. any insight into why? >> this is something they have been talking about, and do want to do, and part of the tougher -- the raids. it was logistical and capacity issues and there was real doubt they could pull it off. it's amusing that the leaks are blamed after the president tweeted out this was going to happen so he's the biggest leaker on this one. >> julia ainsley, thank you very much and still ahead on "morning joe" we'll go live to miami to set the stage for this week's presidential debates. with's got -- who's got the momentum right now and who could be on the chopping block?
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we'll talk to senator chris coons who is backing joe biden. and then we'll break down the key takeaways from the interviews over the weekend, straight ahead. but first, to bill karins and a check of the extreme weather across the country. >> did you see what happened to south bend, indiana, mayor pete may have some tornado damage to view. thankfully, no injury or fatalities. it's south bend, indiana. you can see some of the damage here. some the structures they look like they'll be have to be completely destroyed and demolished. so we'll have to wait and see just how bad the damage is at sunrise. again, that was right before the sun set last night. also a ton of flooding, you know, over the weekend too. missouri was hit hard and arkansas too. this morning the storms are knocking on your door in houston. we have severe storms in baton
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rouge and later on this afternoon, 53 million people a lot of people at the risk of severe weather today from chicago through the ohio valley. all the way down to atlanta. not everyone is going to get hit but when the storm goes through, airport delays are a good possibility. nashville to atlanta. further north when chicago deals with the storms we'll get some delays along with detroit and cleveland and cincinnati. areas in the east, we're okay today from new york to boston. but tomorrow is when we'll have some storms to deal with. not too severe but hit and miss variety. again, some travel delays and restrictions as we go throughout tomorrow afternoon. temperatures will be on the rise on the east coast and looks like one of the warmest weeks of the summer season so far. new york city still waiting for the first 90 degree day. we could be there this weekend. you're watching "morning joe" and we'll be right back. and we'll be right back.
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to us. it hurts when you call a racist like you normalize. that's not the biden i got to know. do you understand that? >> i do understand that, but that's not what i said. they didn't print the whole deal, you know what i mean? the context was totally different. i do understand the consequence of the word boy. but it wasn't said in any of that context at all. >> but you understand -- >> no no no no. >> they would never call me son. never call me boy. >> but they call -- but they called teddy kennedy boy. that was a distinction. the reason they called me son because he said i'm not even qualified to be in the senate. i'm not old enough. i'm a kid. i'm a kid. >> this is about him evoking a terrible power dynamic that he showed a lack of understanding or insensitivity to. by invoking the idea that he have called son by white segregationist they say in him as a son -- >> he said it was taken out of
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context last night. >> i didn't understand that. i think -- i listened to the full totality of what he was talking about and frankly i heard from many, many african-americans who found the comments hurtful. >> i don't think -- during the height of the civil rights movement, we worked with people and got to know people and there were members of the klan. people who opposed us. even people who beat us. and arrested us and jailed us. we never gave up on our fellow human beings. >> okay. >> hold on. john lewis, pretty good -- pretty good defender. >> joining us from miami, former chief of staff to the dccc and for hillary clinton's campaign,
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an msnbc contributor and still with us, we have senior adviser from and an msnbc contributor janine juan pierre. >> so you saw what happened this weekend. reverend al and joe biden and then john lewis coming out and defending joe biden with his own personal story. that was -- it was an extremely strong moment. how do you think the weekend played out for biden? >> well, you know, joe, i think vice president biden is learning for the first time what it's like to run as a front-runner. he's run for president twice before. he's never been actual front-runner and he's realizing that words have consequences even if they have unintended consequences they can have more of an impact on you than if you were running as a second or a third tier candidate. look, he made the point clear. he made it clear when he said
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boy he didn't mean it what other people said he meant when he said boy. but he allowed somebody like cory booker who frankly has gotten more press in the last week than he's gotten the entire campaign since he's been in, he allowed him to come in and draw a contrast and that's something you never want to do if you're the front-runner candidate. >> so reverend al, john lewis, jim clyburn all coming to the defense of joe biden. what impact does that have? >> it has a lot of impact. look, john lewis, jim clyburn, reverend al sharpton are well respected in the community. as we know, joe biden has a large support from the african-american community in particular the older -- the older generation. and it's interesting when you think about what has happened in the last couple of days there's definitely a generational divide in this where you see older african-americans just like you heard john lewis say, look, this
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is something that they have seen before. they harken back to moments of the civil rights movement and what they had to deal with. you hear from younger people who are feeling, you know, this is not okay. you know? this is not what we need. that joe biden is out of step, that we need someone who's more forward thinking and not bringing us back to the good old days and i think that's what joe biden is feeling right now. but i think there's also another larger issue which is what adrian i think was alluding to, was that joe biden can't take this for granted. he's learning that being the front-runner he actually has to make sure that he's still working for the vote even though that support is there. he can't take any of that for granted. so he has to really go out there and continue to connect with people and ask for their vote and i think that's going to be the big -- the big play here for him going in to the debates
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andin the debates. he has to really work for this. >> that's a great point. it's absolutely critical that joe biden works for it because he's going -- despite the poll numbers he's going up against really tough campaign. and they have everything in 2020 everything they did not have in 2016. so he needs to get out there and, adrian, he can't take anything for granted. he can't coast to victory. i'm curious, what are your thoughts about the democratic debate coming up this week? we have lost her. >> hold on. we'll get adrienne back. >> mike -- we're right here. >> looking for a continued semiassault on joe biden, his record and his comments and it will be an important day/evening for joe.
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he is the front-runner. that's why all of this is happening. he understands that but what he's got to do in order to separate himself if he can from the pack is he's got to talk about the moment. this moment in time. >> don't talk about the good old days. >> yes. >> not where he's been. where are we going? elections as you know, joe, they're about where are we going, whether it's in the congressional district, the united states senator or the presidency. where are you going to take us? >> actually, i would say if -- >> we have her back. >> if someone were running -- that, you know -- somebody were running i was the campaign manager i would say you have a great advantage with donald trump because all -- he's repeating the same hits from four years ago. nobody wants to go to the concert where they're hearing the same songs from four years ago. so democrats might have that going for them. unless joe biden, you know, is breaking out the buddy holly records. then that's a problem. >> right. that's a concern. he has been talking about the
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past and not enough about the present or the future. i think it's important for biden even though he's been the former vice president, has been in our lives for a long time we haven't seen that him that much in this campaign. it's been a deliberate choice by his team -- he hasn't done many interviews the one with reverend was one of the first he's done for. a lot of americans this is first time they've seen him in a couple of years and i think that will matter too in how he's treated by the candidates around him will being and the night before, elizabeth warren i think has center stage. she's the big one name on that face. >> that's day one. adrienne, we have you back. you're already down there in miami. what are you looking for and what do you think will play out -- i think one of the biggest concerns anybody has when they think of the debates is they're going to be so many people on stage for two days in a row. how do they quite frankly keep the viewers' attention, the voters' attention and how do you
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stand out? >> i think a lot of the candidates -- i think a lovous have talked about who's going to have a breakout moment. who's going to use the seven or eight minutes they get on stage to drive in their point. who is going to have a breakout moment. i think it will be a little more difficult for really anybody to have a breakout moment unless you're somebody who basically nobody has heard from yet at in point. amy klobuchar is somebody you know has been in the race for a while but we haven't heard a lot from her. she maybe able to make a case. but i think it will be really difficult in this type of setting, in the first debate with 20 people, two nights in a row, to make a point. i think the more interesting thing to me is to see how candidates draw a contrast with the front-runners like joe biden, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren and elizabeth warren has a captive stage the first night where she is head and shoulders above the rest of the other candidates on the stage. so i think she'll be able to go out there and really focus on
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policy. really focus on articulating her plans. she has a plan for everything on that stage. but the second night of course is far more interesting and it's going to be also interesting to see how joe biden handles this moment. you know, again when we think back on the two previous times that he's run for president he's really kind of owned -- this time is the first time he's really owned the front-runner status. the previous times he hasn't. how does he handle being a debater on a stage where he is, you know, polling significantly higher than the rest of the others. that's significant. >> are you expecting anything, richard, when it comes to foreign policy? >> they chose the busiest week of the year with foreign policy. you have the aftermath and xi jinping, the letters going back and forth, jared kushner is
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hosting the bahrain summit on israeli/palestinian peace. unfortunately no israelis and palestinians will be there but i digress. so it's hard to imagine that you get through this debate without at least some foreign policy questions. and a reminder we're not electing a mayor here. we're electing someone who will be commander in chief and there has to be questions about military force that's the back drop to iran, the back drop to north korea so i think we'll see some stuff on foreign policy. >> so talk about those issues. very busy time. talk about the aftermath of iran and any of the other issues that you think are vital right now for these candidates to focus on. >> i think most of the candidates will say the president was right not to use military force with iran but the question is where do you go from here? we right now have pressure on iran without clear purpose. we're going to keep piling on the pressure, cyber attacks, new sanctions and iran will keep pushing back. even though this time we avoided a war it's not clear we'll avoid
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it down the road and this administration has not put forward any idea for what is acceptable. we're trying to get pressure for what purpose? what is enough to ease up on the sanctions. i haven't heard anything from the administration. the democrats do they all talk about going into the old agreement, do they start talking about the revised agreement or stronger agreement, do they talk about pressuring iran, north korea, the same thing. the president will talk about denuclearization. you know and i know that north korea won't denuclearize. will we accept a lesser deal. >> i mean, iran will not denuclearize. neither one of them are going to do that. >> well, north korea, you know, has what, 50 nuclear weapons is so they won't get rid of them. iran has a lot of the prerequisites -- >> when i say denuclearize --
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they won't shut down the program. >> regime change is not in offing, so where does diplomacy step in? i think there's an interesting diplomacy thing. jared kushner, are any of the candidates going to say anything critical of israel? this administration is unwilling to. will they -- will any of them say, hey, why are we doing this, money -- >> speaking of israel, what's the future of netanyahu? >> well, you know, the question -- they'll have the new election, my hunch is he'll do better in that. but with the indictments hanging over his head can he get people to join the coalition with him and one or two people can make a difference. so i don't know. >> were you shocked he wasn't able to form the coalition the first time? >> yeah, surprised. i thought he had a clear path with the right. i'm using the most depressing person you know, turkey, the istanbul election, shows the combination of the oppression of democracy and plus total economic mismanagement. inflation is soaring. the currency is plummeting. a real rebuff, a real rejection
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of erdogan. that shows there's some possibilities for good things. >> now to this. president trump is denying a new allegation of sexual assault which prominent advice columnist e. jean carroll, jean carroll claims happened 23 years ago in a bergdorf goodman dressing room near trump tower. carroll writes ago the allege -- about the alleged incident in a new book and excerpted in the "new york" magazine which the publication said has been viewed over a million times. carroll claims it happened in the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996, during which she says trump forced himself on her. and that she fought him off and ran away. at the white house, president trump says it never happened. citing claims she makes against other men in her book. and he also addressed a 1997
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photo that shows him, carroll and their spouses at the time. >> i have no idea who this woman is. this is a woman who's also accused other men of things as you know. it is a totally false accusation. i think she was married as i read -- i have no idea who she is. but she was married to a -- actually a nice guy, johnson, a newscaster. >> what about the photograph? >> standing with my coat on in a line. give me a break. with my back to the camera. i have no idea who she is. what she did is -- it's terrible. what's going on. so it's a total false accusation. and i don't know anything about her and she's made this charge against others. >> "new york" magazine and "the new york times" have spoken with two friends whom carroll said she confided in shortly after the alleged attack. in his latest column for "the washington post" entitled republicans believed juanita
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broaddrick, the new rape allegation against trump is more credible. george conway writes in part, carroll's claim for a number of reasons actually rests upon a significantly stronger foundation than broderick's. for one thing, before she went public with her story, broderick had repeatedly denied that clinton had assaulted her under oath. and another carroll's account is the sheer number of claims that have surfaced against trump, engaging in an unwelcome or assault against them. these claims are all denied by the president far outnumber the publicized sexual misconduct allegations against clinton that are rumors or allegations of consensual affairs and carrol s carroll's -- depraved remarks on "access hollywood" in which there's no equivalent in broderick's case. clinton never made a video like that. what trump described on the video is exactly what carroll
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says he did to her. republicans or conservatives who promoted broderick's charges would be hypocritical if they failed to support carroll and condemn trump. corinne, i throw this all to you. good luck. the president has had a number of women come forward and i wonder pulling back to 20,000 feet if those allegations have been taken the same way as others who have perhaps suffered more politically? >> yeah. i think if that article that you just laid out there, mika, the thing that sticks out for me and all of -- in all of this it is eerily similar what she says is so eerily similar to what donald trump has had admitted on tape in the "access hollywood" tape, that sexual assault is fine. he has two dozen claims against him from women. and, you know, if this was any
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normal presidency, this topic, this right here, this story would be leading the day almost every day. >> yeah. >> but there's such chaos happening with this administration that we don't even -- we don't even lead with this but, you know, this is the way that donald trump has spoken, has talked about women. the things that he admitted that he believes how to treat women. you know, i saw the -- an interview yesterday on this network with joy reid with her, e.j. and carroll. it was devastating. she was believable. when you heard her talk about this, it was just heartwrenching, her walking through this. you can tell she's still processing this and this is where we are today with this president. >> it's tough. mike barnicle, when we have covered stories that someone on the other side of the political aisle whatever that would be from trump, but i'm talking
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about democrats is accused of this. the question i always raise while you're weighing both sides, when you don't have evidence that is tangible, is why would a woman come forward with this a story like this? some people might have answers to that question. >> yeah. i'm sure that's the case. but adrienne, consider this. we just saw the president of the united states standing inches from the oval office and we live in a country where we are perilously close to going to war with iran. the middle east is aflame. russia and china have formed a powerful alliance that could threaten our situations in the pacific and around the globe and then back to the president's comments that you just heard and saw. i would submit -- i don't know about miami, i don't know about the people coming there for the debate but the president of the united states has successfully
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narcoticized the country. we're asleep at the switch. >> i think that's so disturbing and we are used to so much chaos out of this administration that you know, a credible claim of sexual assault is something that's not driving the headlines. i hope everyone reads e. jean carroll's column and i think it will take your breath away. i think it's haunting how she leaves everybody in this -- you know, a state of disbelief. and you know going back to the "access hollywood" tape, that should have sunk any campaign, any candidate's campaign at that moment on october 7, 2016, when that tape came out. but we're so used to a president creating so much chaos and of course to the point you made, mike, about all the chaos happening around the globe, and the united states is losing any sort of status as a superpower
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it once had to countries like china and russia that president trump seems very focused on, you know, strengthening relationships with those countries as opposed to our typical allies. it's very disturbing but the chaos is what really, you know, we're just so used to it at that this point that typical stories that should be driving the news are oftentimes fourth or fifth in line in terms of what people are covering. >> again, jonathan, we're back to the ground noise. the thing we found with bill clinton in the 1990s, there was so many things going on at the same time, that people didn't care. the president could transfer a missile technology to china, despite the fact that the pentagon and the state department and everybody else said don't transfer the missile technology to china, just because the american firm happens to be the dnc's biggest contributor you can shout that
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from the mountaintops, nobody cares. you can go one after the other and nobody wanted to hear any of them. >> it's hard to focus and this president spins off headlines and scandals with such speed. >> this is what he did in new york city. >> very few things have stuck to him at this point in his administration. charlottesville, for certain. helsinki, i think the situation at the border is doing so as well. this should be underscored the allegations here -- not just sexual assault by a rape. which only has happened once before with donald trump and that was his wife ivana when they were married and she later recanted that accusation. this remains to be seen whether or not it will be something that the president has to really answer beyond those comments of the oval office, particularly as richard just said, during the week here with the debates and the foreign policy stuff going on, the meeting in japan, it is going to be -- it is hard for the american people to focus on the story. and also, there's so much of the american public that clearly doesn't care about the
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allegations. >> i can tell you that this allegation has gotten far less press. >> yeah. >> than joe biden putting his hands on somebody's shoulders. >> yeah. >> if you don't believe me -- >> take a look. >> do a google search. >> we are getting through a lot of news and analysis here. adrienne elrod and thank you both very much. at the top of the hour we'll talk to dr. reverend al sharpton about his interview with joe biden and also mayor buttigieg was back in south bend, indiana, for a town hall event following the fatal shooting of a black man by a white police officer. we'll get a live report from south bend. plus axios has new reporting on serious questions over the trump transition team's vetting process for administration members. we're back in just two minutes. n members. we're back in just two minutes my experience with usaa
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axios has an exclusive look, jonathan, at leaked trump vetting documents. what do they show us? >> so a source leaked me internal trump team vetting documents for nearly 100 people who went on to become top officials in the trump administration or were considered for the top jobs. it's a pretty stunning and rare look inside what the trump team considered to be the ethical and political vulnerabilities for much of the cabinet and for many senior white house officials. what we have learned, there were a lot of things we learned. but one thing is that a lot of the problems we saw with the trump administration in terms of people like scott pruitt who had to -- who lost his job after serial ethical abuses, tom price, similar situation, not only were these problems foreseeable but they were foreseen. so the scott pruitt -- i'll give you an example. they had the sections in the documents called red flags. we looked through the scott pruitt vetting dossier it
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actually had a section in his dossier flagging quote, coziness with big energy companies. there was also -- i mean, you know, it was really interesting to get a sense of what the trump team considered to be problematic. so one red flag for general david petraeus who was under consideration then for secretary of state and national security adviser direct quote, petraeus is opposed to torture. the -- kris kobach, former secretary of state of kansas he was in the running for homeland security advise -- sorry, homeland security secretary and they listed quote white supremacy as a vulnerability for him. it cited accusations from past political opponents that he had ties to white supremacist groups. >> well, i mean, thank god -- thank god they put that in
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the -- in the ledger, right? thank god for small favors? you can respond. >> he is trying to keep a straight face. >> is there a question? >> no, no. there is not. we're good. >> what did it show up for rudy giuliani? who wanted to be secretary of state. >> okay. so -- >> wow. >> okay. how much time do we have? >> we have a three hour show. >> so they were -- they were so worried about rudy giuliani who is in line for secretary of state they created two separate dossiers for him. there was the normal vetting and they also created a document titled rudy giuliani, business ties, research dossier. which had copious accounting of his foreign entanglements. work for -- associations with iranian group previously listed on the terrorist watch list. other ties to companies with
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links to russia. i mean, we published all the documents online, by the way, on axios. we redacted things that were spuriously sourced or sometimes rumors which we redacted all of that. >> let me ask you, jonathan. any concerns as it pertains to giuliani about personal things like falling asleep at 6:00 at night. >> drinking? >> something that the trump administration people close to donald trump told me about repeatedly. concerns that he would go to bedminster and be asleep by 6:00 with his chin on his chest. i'm not saying this to be tough, but i'm wondering whether they actually put that in the dossier because i heard about that a lot. >> that was not in the vetting dossier. >> okay. >> see, look, look at how tight lipped he is. >> he's a reporter. thank you very much. >> steely gaze. i can't -- i can't draw him out.
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jonathan, what did you think of "the avengers?" >> got it. >> we'll get to that later. all right. it's a long morning here, a lot of news to get to. still ahead on "morning joe" the trump administration is facing new criticism amid reports of dirty and dangerous conditions at a border patrol detention facility in texas. the justice department is arguing that migrant children should not be given soap, toothbrushes and other basic necessities. >> actually -- >> they're arguing that the children should not have basic necessities. >> well, not -- they were arguing that it was not required to meet a legal definition. >> as a result, children were living in squalor with flu and not able to wash themselves or take care of themselves for far longer than the minimum 72 hours. >> president trump also says he doesn't want war with iran but if it comes to that there will
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be quote obliteration like you have never seen before. >> senator and foreign relations committee member chris coons will join us to weigh in on that. you're watching "morning joe" and we'll be back in two minutes. oe" and we'll be back in two minutes. we're reporters from the new york times. this melting pot of impacted species. everywhere is going to get touched by climate change. when i needed to create a better visitor experience. improve our workflow.
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one that hasn't followed the family goldfish. pnc - make today the day. the president will have no choice. he be bomb the hell out of them. >> bombing iran would have ended his political career in a minute. >> there's a price to pay for inaction and that says a lot. >> he had the restraint and didn't fire one shot. >> might help explain why the president is sending mixed messages on iran. it might. welcome back to "morning joe." monday, june 24th. the president of the council on foreign relations richard haass is with us. and jonathan lemire is still with us as well. joining the conversation professor at princeton university, and the host of
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msnbc's "politicsnation," reverend al sharpton has been busy and he's up early for us in los angeles after covering the south carolina democratic convention on saturday where he had joe biden's first cable news sit down interview since announcing the white house bid and has been involved with the events in south bend. we'll get to all of that in a moment. turning to the heightened tensions in iran, yahoo news, "the new york times" and "the washington post" report that u.s. cyber command conducted online attacks against an iranian intelligence group that helped to plan the recent attacks on oil tankers in the strait of hormuz and the gulf of oman. it reportedly took place last thursday, the same day president trump called off military strikes on iranian targets and people briefed on the operation tell "the times" it was allowed to go forward because it was below the threshold of armed conflict. "the times" and "the post" add it was in the works for weeks
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and were meant to be a direct response to both the oil tanker attacks and iran's downing of a u.s. drone. and per "the post" it disabled the computers used to control rocket and missile launches and a top iranian official acknowledged the u.s. cyber attacks and claimed they were not successful. also on saturday, the director of homeland security cyber security and infrastructure security agency issued a warning that iran's quote malicious cyber activity directed at u.s. industries and government agencies is on the rise with the potential to disrupt or destroy systems. >> so richard, let's go back to iran. the president decides not to attack but wants to double down on sanctions. wants to start using cyber attacks more aggressively. this seems like a positive approach? what do you see? any downsides? >> there's an obvious downside
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is that the iranian are going to put back. they're shooting at saudi arabia, we have seen the attack on the saudi tankers and we have seen palestinian/islamic gee lads do things and iran is going to start targeting us with cyber. one of us is going to feel the other crossed the thresh hold. we don't have clear, core year graphed articulated red lines with iran and this will spill over. >> do you not agree that a measured response to shooting down the u.s. drone would be a cyber attack against the systems -- >> it's a measured response, but what's missing is if larger policy. if you keep turning up the heat what do we think they'll do? >> any idea what that measured policy might be? >> sure. what it should be is we would basically say we would be prepared to enter tone the negotiation with you. we'll take the old agreement but build on it. we have to add missiles to it. we have to extend the sunset provisions. make it last much longer. in exchange you get a degree of
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sanctions relief. >> how desperate are the iranian right now because of the sanctions? how bad is the economy? >> if you add last year and this year, it will shrink 10% so they're hurting. >> are the iranians becoming impatient with their leadership? >> there's signs of discontent, but at some point the iranians would be willing to enter into negotiations. the iran guy at the council thinks one of the reasons that the iranians are pushing back is to set the stage saying we shot down this drone, so that they way can enter from a position of. now whether the negotiations would go anywhere, i don't know. but i think that's a decent chance the europeans would support the americans if we basically embraced this kind of a tougher dramatic policy. but the problem right now is pressure towards -- the iranian government isn't going anywhere, joe. that's where bolton and pompeo have it wrong. they won't capitulate and say
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uncle. we won't have regime change but they'll start to pushing back and a war with iran -- >> but bolton would push for regime change. >> but people have to understand -- i never thought i'd say tucker carlson was right, but he was right here. a war with iran would not be a one-sided battlefield war. iran would get terrorist groups, hezbollah, israel would receive thousands of incoming rockets. you'd probably have attacks on the oil fields in saudi arabia. cyber talks against the united states. terrorism could go worldwide. american troops in syria and iraq would be targeted. so we shouldn't kid ourselves. the idea that this would be a cake walk is a really dangerous idea. >> jonathan, it's very interesting. we showed the clips coming in of fox news hosts having different opinions on that and maureen dowd had in her column, hannity called the president and he suggested going into iran and tucker carlson said it was a dreadful mistake. you just look at the president's
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political base, if you look at the argument he put forth to the american people in iran, it seems that tucker carlson's argument of more -- is more in line with that sort of isolationist, neo isolationist right wing base. >> right. setting aside a judgment about whether he should be receiving foreign policy advice from the 8:00 versus the at 9:00 p.m. hour on fox issue, but we reported in the run-up to the president's decision to bring it to the brink of ordering an attack, not doing so, he spoke to carlson several times and he was aware -- he was very aware and appreciative of the advice. and also, that was more in line with what he was being told from the pentagon. so let's remind ourselves -- >> yeah, talk about the pentagon's concerns. >> remember we don't have a permanent secretary of defense and that should not be overlooked here as tensions continue to rise. but the pentagon according to our reporting had real concerns about yes, sir, you can do the
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strikes but what's next? what are you going to get from this? what is next move and what is the iranian response and john bolton and mike pompeo almost as much were advocating for the strikes. >> pompeo comes out as a hard core neocon here. >> yeah, it's interesting because he's the secretary of state. he's supposed to emphasize the diplomatic dimension of american policy and he's pushing it. i think the president was right not to act here, but we pay a price for that. after the fire and fury with north korea, nothing happens. now this. my hunch is that people around the world who are basically saying this president is so committed to avoiding quote/unquote endless wars as bernie sanders would put it that he might not ever be willing to use force seriously. i actually think we're inviting the possibility of a challenge. i don't know if it's aran. i don't know if it's north korea. or china. but my hunch is this -- there's the gap has opened up between american america's articulated
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goals and any time that kind of a space opens up in foreign policy you're asking for a challenge. >> okay. here's president trump on saturday on bolton's influence on him. take a listen. >> everybody was saying i'm a warmongerer. and now they say i'm a dove. and i think i'm neither. if you want to know the truth. i'm a man with common sense. as i have john bolton who i would definitely say is a hawk and i have other people that are on the other side of the equation. and ultimately, i make the decision so it doesn't matter. john bolton is doing a very good job. but he takes it generally -- generally a tough posture but i have other people that don't take the posture but the only one that matters is me. because i'll listen to everybody. and i want people on both sides. >> well, that's a very accurate assessment. he recognizes bolton is a hawk who has wanted to invade just about every country on the globe it seems over the past 20, 30 years but the president at the
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end of the day, the buck did stop with the president. the commander in chief made the decision and pulled back. >> that's the good news. it raises questions as to the temperament and the judgment to the person who is national security adviser, but how did the president get to this point? he made the right decision but he never should have reached to the point of making the decision. have some sense of where you're going, have a definition of success that's achievable. so again, tactically the president was right not to act. don't get me wrong. he never should have put himself in the position where he marched up to the brink so publicly. >> reverend al, let's talk about your weekend in south carolina. how is jim clyburn doing? >> he's doing very well. he had a successful week and his fish fry was off the charts. >> what kind of fish was it? because i'll tell you, northwest florida, we'd always have fried mullet. what are they serving at jim's fish fry? >> he had a lot of whitings and fried fish. i got in very late, but it was
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seemingly everyone was satisfied and he had a more than capacity crowd. let's put it that way. >> well, rev, with your svelte figure you were probably eating tofu in the corner. not letting anyone see the tofu -- i don't know if there is such a thing. >> yes, there is. you will have it later. >> bring me the fried fish and the pbr even though i don't drink. fascinating weekend, you had a fascinating interview with joe biden. what did you learn? >> what was your gut? >> well, joe biden had said to me months ago he would do his first national cable interview with me. so this was already set. i wanted to bring to him my concerns that i disagreed with his language. i understood his point in terms of using the language of boy and son, because of the racial
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sensitivity that i and many had about the term boy. and especially in a racial context. and about normalizing segregationists. yes, if you're engaged in getting something done, yes, you have to work with speak that you absolutely disagree with. but don't normalize and civilize them. i tried to get him to see that and deal with that. and he said he understood it but he would not apologize for it. where we differed. i think, joe and mika, a lot of confusion i have heard, this is not generational. john lewis and others that defend him are 15 years older than me. i'm -- cory booker is closer to my age than i am to theirs, but i think it's a matter of function. some people fight hard and try to get things done and have to deal with people that oppose them. other people will take the ivory tower analyst views and become purist because they never had to try to engage and get things
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done. >> can i just say -- right now -- >> very hurtful. >> on "morning joe" we try not to be personal and launch personal -- >> yes, civil. >> you start talking about ivory towers and never having to get anything done. poor eddie jr., he knows you're talking about him. >> i didn't know eddie was there. i'm talking about -- >> we're joking. eddie, when he started to say that he was joking. he kind of rolled his eyes. oh, boy. that's what i like. why don't we do this. eddie, why don't you have the next question from your ivory tower for reverend al. >> reverend al, what do you make of vice president biden's reluctance to apologize? is he kind of taking a page out of the trump playbook? because you threw him a softball, it was slow. it wasn't a fast pitch fastball.
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what do you make of that strategy or that tactic? >> i don't really know. i don't think it was a softball. i think i went right at telling him saying they wouldn't call him son or boy, i don't think his people think it was soft at all. i don't understand he can't say, this is what i was trying to say and therefore i apologize for the implication and move on. i know that there are a lot of -- the people around him cedric richmond, who is younger than you, is one of his main guys. i think he's the vice chair of his campaign. he certainly is conscious and woke. so i don't know where he's getting his counsel. i don't know if it's where he -- if he feels he starts to apologizing for this, they're going to make him apologize for 50 other things. i don't understand it. i don't agree with it. but i don't think that joe biden has had a background i can say in the last several years has not been consistent with a lot of the things i agree with. in the 90s we fought over the
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crime bill but i think i have gotten to know him and he speaks in a way that's not really, really sensitive. but that he's certainly a lot better than donald trump. >> by the way, kids, if you're scoring at home when the rev says woke, that does not go into the positive. let me ask you this, rev. a lot of other candidates were down there. was there a particular candidate other than joe biden who obviously is very popular with black voters in south carolina? any other candidates break through? >> yes. kamala harris was very, very well received. very popular. i think she did very well. i think cory booker was very well received. i think bill de blasio was given a good reception. but i'll tell you this, joe and mika, going into the debates watch out for tim ryan. i was very impressed -- >> that's what joe says. >> i was impressed with how he was received and i think that being that he's on the first
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night with elizabeth warren on stage he may carve out a centrist lane because he's not on the stage with joe biden. and he may carve out a centrist lane that if biden starts to fall he could rise in that centrist lane. i was very impressed and surprised by him. >> i agree. >> one of the other candidates who was not in south carolina is mayor pete buttigieg. instead, he was facing angry residents at an emotional town hall event back in his home of south bend, indiana, following the deadly shooting of a black man by a white police officer over father's day weekend. 53-year-old eric logan was killed by a police officer whose body cam camera was not running. he failed to turn it on and residents this weekend expressed outrage. >> get the racist off the streets. it's disrespectful that i wake up every day scared. it's disrespectful that i have
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three boys that i have to teach to them what to do! get them off the streets. >> the incident is now under investigation by the st. joseph county prosecutor's office and the officer has been placed on administrative leave and buttigieg will be writing the justice department to say he what agrees with the civil rights division should be review -- should review the shooting but added he can't promise the doj will actually do a review. joining us from south bend, indiana, national political reporter for nbc news, josh letterman. he has a new story for, buttigieg learns the hazards of campaigning for president as a mayor. i think this is especially difficult for this candidate, josh, because i think his polling numbers with the african-american community were quite low. but these -- this anger and rage was really simmering yesterday. tell us about it.
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or boiling over. >> yeah, pete buttigieg has been on the verge of making some improvements with black voters with the new south carolina poll showing he was starting to register, had gone up a few points there. now this. and it really has thrown a wrench into his campaign. the anger yesterday -- i can't think of another political event where you saw that level of chaos where you saw situations that looked like they might go into the actual physical altercation and for the first time we saw pete buttigieg who is usually so unflappable really ruffled. the past several days he has really seen his instincts which are usually pretty spot on when he's in the political spotlight not serve him particularly well. struggling to figure out what is the right tone to adopt when you're dealing with something that is this raw and it seems to strike a contrast with candidates like joe biden or
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someone from the past like bill clinton who had a real apt for being able to connect emotionally and viscerally with voters in a way that's different than what buttigieg has been trying to do in the last few days. >> is he going to get back on the trail, the campaign trail? what's the plan? >> well, he is actually -- we just spoke to a campaign official a few minutes ago who said he's going to miami today as scheduled. there had been some question about whether or not that was actually going to happen today given that the community is still really in a lot of unrest, but he's going to debate he told me yesterday. he's moving forward. >> all right. nbc's josh ledderman. i watched that town hall yesterday. there was a real attempt there obviously by pete buttigieg to be transparent. to face the cameras but the answers i think left people wanting more. i'm going to write, we're going to try and reveal as much information as we possibly can. i don't think a community like
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this is going to settle for trust at this point, but at the same time, tell me about the political position he's in. he didn't have to do this. he could have done it differently. could have done a press conference that was more controlled. he didn't have to, you know, give the microphones to the people of south bend. he did and he listened for hours. >> he did not have to hold a press conference like that. >> or a town hall. >> a town hall. i personally would not have held a town hall like that. i would have brought in the people that were impacted in smaller groups and talked through what had happened. talk about the history of it. it seems to me that he set himself up for that sort of showdown. but reverend al, let me ask you. because i know -- i know every day you're calling people. it's small, personal contact. i'm wondering whether mayor pete would have been better to talk to those affected and have a series of small meetings in his office and said, okay, let's sort through this.
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listen, it's very easy, by the way, if you're a mayor and you find yourself in this position, this is what you say. you go, what can i do for you? i cannot believe what's happened. what can i do for you, anything i can do for you, that's legal, i'll do it. what do you need? reverend? >> well, mayor pete called me and others that had worked around the areas of police brutality and police reform and asked what we thought and i told him that he had to be transparent. he should talk with the family. he had met with the family who are very much of course traumatized and angry. i talked to the widow of the man that was killed. and who certainly -- she certainly expressed to me her anger. i think he decision to go into the town hall was politically risky but the right thing to address the community and i think he has to deal with the fact there's been a record of
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police accusations in south bend, including his demoting of a black police chief. so he had to deal with his own record there. and he had to deal with the critical issue that i said to him is that why did this policeman have a body camera that was turned off? the idea that we fought nationally to have body cameras on police was not so they could control if it's on or off. that's the crux of the protest in south bend and that's something he's going to have to deal with. >> and eddie, this is something that we have been saying since ferguson and since the tragedy -- eric gardner, who got murdered. if your body camera is off and something happens and you're a police officer, then the burden of presumption is against you. and suspended, i mean, suspended without pay.
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in a situation like that, i think you're off the force. >> i absolutely agree with you, joe. i think what we saw at the town hall meeting is a kind of accumulated grievance. this is the tip of the ice berg and kind of exploded. mayor pete has a question or has some issues around not only the demotion of his black police chief, but the diversity of the police force. we know that under his mayorship that the police force does not look like the community of south bend and that's been an issue, of course. but also -- he has an opportunity here. a couple of weeks ago he just launched the douglas plan. all right. he said there needed to be a marshall plan to address the circumstances of black communities and he particularly included in what that douglas plan -- named after frederick douglas something dealing with criminal justice reform. you're the mayor of south bend, why don't we see elements of the douglas plan implemented right
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where you govern? the place that you have control over the purse strings. instead of i feel your pain, even though he doesn't say that. instead of kind of this technocratic response, let's see a full blown policy response to the community that you govern. and instead, what we saw was mckinsey in that moment. i know there's a lot of room to grow, but i think what we saw -- we don't want to read it as overemotion or read it as these folks just simply kind of expressing they're losing control. that mother is expressing a concern that every black parent has. >> absolutely. >> my 23-year-old son who works at a law firm in new york every time he goes out i still worry. >> right. >> that's something that some people don't understand. >> not at all. reverend al, you spoke with mayor pete. do you -- well, just give me your impressions of him. do you think he understands these issues the way he needs to
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understand them? >> i think that he has intellectually understood them. the question is now whether he can implement them. and i think when -- you know, when i met with mayor pete when he went to the sylvia soul food restaurant with me, he seemed comfortable in his own skin, unflappable someone said. he seemed on the phone for first time to be unsure where to go. not unsure of himself, but unsure where to go. i think his challenge now is to put out what he has in policy into practice. he needs to deal with that officer who had the camera off or whoever turned it off, how ever it became turned off. he needs to show the community he's going to take action and that he needs to implement what he's proposed. douglas plan or whatever. he needs to know he'll implement it where he's at. he's got to put proof in the pudding given that he has a record of having a problem in this same area in south bend with the demoting of that black
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police chief. >> all right. what are you doing in l.a.? >> i was presenting at the b.e.t. awards, i presented the gospel award to snoop doggy dogg and i was whispering with him about a new project you and i are working together on. >> all right. okay. >> thank you so much. >> i love it. lift me up. >> that's a good idea. we'll talk. okay. still ahead on "morning joe," run of the first -- one of the first senators to back joe biden, chris coons will join the conversation. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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just like 50,000 other people in the united states each year, this week i was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. now normally the prognosis for this is not very encouraging. but i'm going to fight this. and i'm going to keep working and with the love and support of my family and friends wand the
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help of your prayers also, i plan to beat the low survival rates statistics for this disease. >> that was alex trebek announcing back in march he had been diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer and since then the "jeopardy" host his doctors say he's in near remission and his response to the treatment is kind of mind boggling. that timely update will certainly be celebrated tomorrow on national pancreatic advocacy day and joining us now, a member of the senate foreign relations and committee, senator chris coons. we'll get to the big foreign issues of the day, but you wanted to talk about this. my friend tia died from pancreatic cancer and her daughters are coming here today to work and it is so difficult to beat the odds.
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talk about the challenges of raising money and awareness for pancreatic cancer research. >> well, mika, thank you for this chance to be on with you about this. my father passed two years ago from pancreatic cancer. we lost my uncle years before and my pastor, jeff, also two years ago. my uncle and pastor had less than a month from when they were diagnosed to when they passed. and that's one of the real challenges. partly why this survival rate is so low. just 9% in five years it's the third leading cause of cancer death in america. because the signs are often detected so late that folks at stage 4 cancer, it's very hard to intervene. my friend harry reid who was a long serving senate leader also seems to be doing quite well with pancreatic cancer like alex trebek, thank god but tomorrow i'm meeting with advocates from delaware, who are the lost loved
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ones or living with the cancer. we have to invest more in cutting edge research and i'm advocating for $10 million in the defense medical research program. in the house they have increased it from 4 to 6, but this is still a tiny percentage of the amount needed in order to develop a new detection technique. >> when tia was diagnosed remember we looked into why -- like why isn't there more research, why can't -- you know, they do so much with breast cancer. and it's because of those odds. >> yeah. >> it's so deadly. >> we hear that it's difficult to raise money. we talked to people about raising money for pancreatic cancer and it's hard to do that because it's considered a death sentence. it seems to me this is exactly the type of disease -- the type of cancer that is suited perfectly for the nih to invest in. >> yes. absolutely. >> so what can you do, what can the senate do to actually invest more money in nih for it? >> well, first, joe, you know,
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over the last two years despite budget proposals that would have cut nih on a bipartisan basis, we have added $2 billion each year to nih research. but that's across every possible disease stage for basic and advanced medical research to affect everything from alzheimer's to psoriasis, so frankly getting more money into critical, deadly cancer research is my focus. we can encourage the nih to make it a priority. there is this defense military research program i mentioned where i'm trying to direct this year $10 million. but i think we can and should do more. i hosted dr. francis collins the head of nih here in delaware just a few months ago and made a point of talking with him about the significance of nih research because it is so hard to get the private sector to invest in research in a disease that's so difficult to study. because so few of the subjects who they might work with in
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trials survive more than a few weeks. >> so let's -- >> moving forward. >> thank you for your important work there and let's move on to foreign policy now. >> thank you, joe. >> richard haass has a question for you. >> senator, let's talk about iran. two things, during the iraq war years ago, we asked the intelligence community for an assessment what it would be like if saddam hussein were removed. have you asked for an assessment from the agency about what a war with iran would look like and have you have received a briefing on that? >> yes. and not as complete as i would have hoped. we just had a briefing last week and frankly a number of my colleagues asked questions right along those lines and were frustrated that there wasn't more specific and relevant detail. i can't go into what was said in a classified setting of course, richard. but i'll tell you that i left that briefing underwhelmed with
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the clarity of the potential scenarios that are laid out. a number of military leaders who are not currently serving have said publicly pointedly an actual full scale war with iran would be incredibly costly, very long and of uncertain outcome. iran is larger, more populous, has more hardened experience, combat troops with experience throughout the rege son compared to iraq i think it will be an even harder company. if all we do is a small exchange of missiles, jet strikes it remains contained i can see how some would imagine that it would be less disastrous. the challenge is the possibility for escalation. and in the briefing and in discussions afterwards with colleagues, that's what i have been focusing on. is we don't have a lot of running room for error here, richard. we have other challenges in the world. north korea, china, russia. and we need to maintain some of the strategic flexibility and
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resources to tackle other challenges in the world in addition to iran. >> speaking about one of those other challenges you mentioned china. there's a front page story in "the wall street journal" essentially looking into the possibility that 5g in this country would be done totally apart from saudi arabia. none of the suppliers -- from some china, none of the suppliers would be based in china. would you and your colleagues support that, having a total decoupling of the united states and china when it comes to advanced technology and 5g in particular? >> well, the huawei and 5g episode should be a wake-up call for us. this is the sputnik moment in grasping how china is a pure competitor in terms of technology. i think we need to do as much as we can to ensure that our 5g system in the united states and with our core allies is built out in a way that doesn't put our digital security and our national security at risk. unlike the soviet union which
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had an almost completely separate technological system than the united states, the u.s. and china are fairly closely integrated right now in terms of supply chains, economics and research. it would be difficult to accomplish but i think it is well worth our looking hard at an all of government and all of society effort by the west in partnership with companies like samsung and nokia to make sure that what gets deployed in the united states is secure and scalability and available on an affordable basis to our key allies. i do support moving in that direction. >> senator chris coons, thank you very much for being on the show this morning. best of luck. coming up former vice president joe biden has come under attack for his role in the 1994 crime bill but so far senator bernie sanders has for the most part dodged similar criticism for his support of vote of that very same bill. we have new reporting next.
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correspondent heidi przybyla with new reporting entitled bernie sanders has dodged criticism for a crime bill vote while others have not. heidi, what did you find out and why does bernie get a break on this? >> right, mika, as you know, the 1994 crime bill has been a significant liability for democrats in recent elections. it was one of the main things used on social media in hillary clinton's campaign to target african-american young voters to suppress the vote. however, in this context, bernie sanders also voted for it, but he hasn't really gotten the same criticism. there are some clear distinctions between bernie sanders and hillary and biden. biden drafted the bill. and he really supported some of the core provisions but bernie voted for it. so i decided to go back and take a look at what he had to say about the bill at the time. now he says pretty much only reason he voted for it was because of the violence against women's act, because of the assault weapons ban and i looked
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at the old statements and he did support some of the core get together on crime elements. here's a quote from august of 1994 from bernie sanders. right around the time that the bill passed. on balance it is positive initiatives to control crime outweigh the negatives. i reached out to some individuals, including mark mower at the sentencing project, an advocacy group that said, yes, this is something that hasn't gotten a lot of attention. that while joe biden and hillary clinton really get pummelled over this issue, joe biden doesn't get much criticism for it. joe biden sporting the expansion of the death penalty in which bernie was adamantly against, however, if you go back and look at his vote and what he said at the time, he was more supportive of it back then than he appears -- than he alludes to now in these questions about it.
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this is really important because, you know, in the last debates in the primaries this was a big issue. and hillary clinton was really pressed on this on the debate stage. bernie was standing there and was really not asked about it. so you have to go back and look at these old votes. look at the context in which they passed. and the fact that, you know, we really were facing a crime -- a crack cocaine epidemic and crime outbreak at that time. >> nbc's heidi przybyla, thank you very much. we'll be reading your new reporting at your thoughts on this? >> well, i mean, look it was a period of time that people were in some ways kind of the moral panic. james clyburn was just interviewed by "the washington post" around his vote in support for his crime bill and his rationale it eliminated mandatory sentencing first time offenders, the violence against women's act was in there. a ban on assault weapons, a range of things came with the other stuff. the other stuff is what folks
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are focusing on. >> and like -- and you're right too. there was a sense of panic. this was -- >> based on false data. >> coming at the end of the crack epidemic that whether you were white or black or hispanic, you had seen a rise in crime. >> charlie rangel was right beside joe biden in terms of how -- pushing the crime bill. what did we see, what are the effects? we saw an expansion of criminal acts -- i mean, the statute just expanded, just exponentially. death penalty expanded. crimes that would trigger death penalty expanded so there's a relationship that they have to admit between the crime bill and expansion of the incarceration state. so like joe biden has to give an account, bernie sanders has to give the -- >> three strikes you're out, states like california. >> exactly. >> horrendous legislation. >> the booming prison industry.
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still ahead, roger ales built fox news from the ground up and ran it for two decades. now, a new showtime series tells the story of his rise and fall. it's based on gabe sherman's book "the loudest voice in the room." and we mentioned that "morning joe" is going to be live from miami later this week for the presidential debates. on thursday evening, joe -- i'm telling you right this, you're going to be at the bookstore with me and daniela and we'll talk about the latest book and you're the moderator. >> really? >> so you're hired. >> very excited about that. >> tickets are going fast so head over to know your for more information and check it out for lots of information and advice on how to know your value in work and in life. we'll be right back. when did you see the sign?
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every other news service, you think about it. broadcast, cable, they have a left wing bent. ultimately, they are playing to a liberal elite. fine. we'll let them battle it out for that half and we are just going to own the other half. right now in america, 60% of people think that media is negative, that it is full of lies, full of bias, full of crap. we are just going to give the people what they want. positive message, an american message wrapped up in a conservative view point. >> russell crowe as former news executive in the show time series "the loudest voice."
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based on reporting and the best-selling book written by our next guest, the writer and executive producer of the series and an msnbc contributor. >> we've known about this for a long time. first of all, for people -- let's get our arms around roger ailes legacy. >> he shaped the world we live in now. the series really shows how the rise of fox news allowed donald trump, a reality television star
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who lies as fast as he breaths become the president of the united states. the show has ailes, by his own admission, a complicated man. very charismatic. he shaped the world. >> he had a very rocky relationship with donald trump. did not like him. >> but respected his ability to get rating. >> there is no actor in the series playing trump, you see him on tv and on phone calls. you see how he feuded with trump. he feuded with megyn kelly and all of a sudden, the audience was on the side of donald trump. donald trump was effectively the ceo of fox news. >> what surprised me is that
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most of your sourcing came from people inside of fox news. i would talk to people and they would be like, who is talking? you were talking to top executives there. how much of your book, how much of this movie is based on reporting from fox news executives and workers? >> basically all of it. i did more than 600 ichbntervie for the book that provided the foundation for the scripts and then did more research room and people came forward talking. >> it would be hard to overest the dominance he has had. what about his continued relationship with ruppert
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murdoch? >> it is fascinating. roger ailes really saw himself as the visionary and ruppert and his children resented that. throughout the series, you see them go at it. ruppert, yes, a conservative but fundamentally a businessman. there were times during barack obama when it looked like the entire news corpse looked like it was going to move. he caved. he wanted profits more. >> you talk about him being the most consequential. that doesn't necessarily mean good, right? talk about that. and how you got people to talk and did it have to do with his down fall especially pertaining to problems with women and creating a business culture that
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is pretty much detrimental to the way women are viewed. >> it was really gretchen carlson's lawsuit that triggered things. ailes' down fall led to weinstein and other executives to be looked at. this was a moment where he had ruled fox through so much fear. others were feeling, people were telling me about his history with women. that culture was so strong, he couldn't get the wall to krouk. >> "the loudest voice" releases this weekend on showtime. still ahead, lawyers who visited a migrant center in texas say children are going without soap
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and toothbrushes. the president and vice president are blaming congress. an attorney in court last week arguing that the government shouldn't be required to provide these things. plus the president has tapped army secretary mark esper to be the next secretary of defense. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. l be right . i didn't have to run for help. i didn't have to call 911. and i didn't have to come get you. because you didn't have another heart attack.
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ivanka and others weighed into him. when he himself saw images, he was very, very moved. ivanka and others and i don't think there were many others in contact that said did you see those images on television? i think there was a widespread acknowledgment that images and actions that had been taken were horrific and required action. >> the sight of children suffering in syria was enough for ivanka trump to push the president for action. will she do the same for the children suffering in horrific conditions at the southern border. one of the many questions this morning. good morning and welcome to "morning joe." it is monday, june 24. we have msnbc contributor mike barnicle, white house reporter for the associated president.
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author of the book "a world in disarray," senior advisor at move and msnbc contributor and corporate for nbc news is with us with new reporting. let's frame it out if we can. very busy week ahead. we are three days away from the first presidential debate. on wednesday 10 democrats hit the stage in miami with another ten squaring off on thursday. with so many contenders in the mix, they might not get a second chance to make a first impression. "morning joe" will be there live for a complete analysis. >> mike, are you going to be there? >> he doesn't look happy. try to be a little more excited. >> eh. >> and meanwhile -- >> a big miami fan.
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>> at clyburn's fish friday, mayor buttigieg was back home in indiana after a shooting that has sparked plenty of anger. president trump heads to the g20 summit in japan after a new exchange of letters with north korean leader kim jung-un. in case you missed it, the president's long reported deportation raids have been delayed. he gave congress a deadline to somehow reach a deal. lets tune out the ground noise and focus on the signal. here is joe's take, the president pulled back from a tragic escalation with iran and a tragedy continues to unfold in south texas where immigration policies have children living like animals in u.s. custody. >> let's keep that up for a second. so much going on this weekend.
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the president's interview with chuck todd, we are still following up with the interview. tweets and things going back and forth. if we are looking at what people are going to be talking about or what will matter in five years, i do think the president pulling back and not starting a war with iran, extraordinarily important and children being treated like terrorists at interrogation camp. lights on 24 hours a day. >> cold floors aluminum on top of them. >> no hygiene. >> no toothbrushes or soop. seven and eight-year-olds taking
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care of two and three-year-olds walking around in dirty diapers. this is deplorable. i just wonder what the president and others would have to do about it. there have to be senators that have children and grandchildren that understand it doesn't mat you are what color these children's skin is, they are just as precious in god's sight as any other children. >> everyday, we read reports coming from the border and various detention camps, that's what they are. holding children from four or five months of age to 12 and 13 and up. this past weekend seemed to send a new low. i think you set a new piece, a
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team of lawyers inspecting facilities. it is not the united states of america. >> it is not the united states. >> here it is. a team of lawyers is sending a warning about the conditions inside a border patrol facility in clint, texas. hundreds of migrant children who have been separated are being held in dirty, neglectful and dangerous conditions. they interviewed more than 50 children in order to work in compliance with the flores settlement which mandates. conditions were shocking. flu and lice were going untreated. children were filthy, sleeping on cold floors and taking care of each other.
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some of them had been in the facility for weeks. >> just last week, a justice department lawyer went before the panel to argue that the government shouldn't be required to provide detained migrant children with soap, toothbrushes and showers at detention facilities. >> it is within everybody's common understanding. if you don't have a toothbrush, you don't have soap, you don't have a blanket, it is not safe and san tarry. do you agree with that? >> i think there is fair reason to find that those things might be part of safe and san tarry. >> what do you mean maybe? there are situations a person doesn't need toothbrushes and soap for days. >> it is intended to be a
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shorter term stay, it could be some of those things may not be required. >> aren't toothbrushes, blankets and medicine part of how the united states, trump administration treats children. >> of course they are. >> well that lawyer was saying -- >> i speak to that lawyer there. >> we have the facility in el paso to give these things. >> of course we do. >> congress needs to provide additional support to deal with the crisis at our southern border. >> no, mr. vice president. that's a lie. >> mike pence, who claims to be a christian and devout and uses it, i'm sure he is. i'm not questioning his faith but he uses it as a political
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badge of honor. he should read the gospels again start at luke 7:2 and how the treat the children. something about mill stones being hung around people's neck. you've got to explain to us what does the administration think that they are gaining by allowing children to walk around with lice and walk around without diapers and eight year olds taking care of two and three year olds. what does the administration have to gain from that? >> my colleagues have done extraordinary reporting. seven and eight year olds being forced to take care of five month olds who they don't even know. soiled diapers, shirts covered
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in mucus. >> what does the administration gain? >> they'll dispute that but it is clears that what is happening. it goes back to the president and his stance about zero tolerance at the border. he is saying, technically families are not separated anymore. they are in these facilities longer than by regulation. they are only supposed to be there two and three days. that is not happening. people including children are forced to live in squaller much longer. they say it is a tactic and pressure and trying to make some sort of deal. it is the president looking tough. the president would still feels that this issue, immigration, the border -- >> does the president think that letting two-year-old children walk around with lice and without diapers, does he think
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that helps him politically? >> the president thought the separation at the border would help him politically. >> i'm dead serious, republican senators, a lot of them men and women of faith, do they think this is permissible with the christian faith they claim and being members of the united states senate, do they think this is permissible. >> i could answer it this way, none of them have spoken up about it yet. >> mike, there was an important point in that hearing we didn't get to where the doj attorney said, well, they are supposed to be staying here for short periods of time and the follow up was from the judge. he said, yes, we are not talking about that here. they have overstayed their stays by a long shot and they are
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living in squaller. they are living like dogs because of the united states of america. >> there are two important points here. people should ask themselves can they think of any other past administration or presidency where the response would not have been immediate to children in need like this. don't ever look at our foreign aid budget and the many of money we dispense around the world and ignore these children being held hostage. >> this could be fixed today. you can look at this as purposeful by this form. still ahead, on "morning joe," we have new details about how long some of these migrant kids are being detained in these conditions. plus joe biden is looking to move past his controversial comments from this week.
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demo at an xfinity store, call or go online today. xfinity home. simple. easy. awesome. >> welcome back, we've been talking about the appalling conditions of migrant children that are being detained in american custody. how long are these children being held? >> we got the numbers broken down, it looked like they were staying on average of 110 hours. now we are past that talking about children staying there over a week. there was the case of a child with the flu, near death with 106 degree temperature and had to stay there over a week before he could be taken to a place for better care. cvp is using that argument that it is a matter of funding from
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congress before we can move them to better places. that argument doesn't stand when it is such a simple solution. those were not built for children. they were built for mainly male, adult population. why aren't there better policies in place. cvp had deaths of migrant children in their custody since december, the first time and now two others. the question is, why can't there be policies in place. if we have capacity problems, how do you alleviate in the meantime? >> what does the administration
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gain from this? does donald trump think babies living in squaller help him politically? i'm sorry, at least when i was in washington, you could fix this in a day. >> i think what jonathan said is spot on. this is a negotiation tactic. the worst they can show the conditions at the border, they can move to ask for funding. when the president teases things like mass i.c.e. raids. is that going to be used to tend to the alleviation there. this tactic leads to what they are saying. they want more capacity to alleviate some of this suffering. you are right. i don't think that message is being received. i will say, when i go to dhs on
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this, they will say, look, there has been autonomy on the border. there is not that immediate, three-alarmed fire. >> are these separated children or family units? >> i am so glad you asked that. some of the lawyers said they did see children who had been separated but mainly from family members. that doesn't necessarily mean from parents. if a child crosses with a grandparent or adult aged sibling. which explains why we are seeing so many young children deemed unaccompanied. separated from people who are their family members and held in this facility. what happened in el paso, that clint facility, they decided to put over 235 children in one
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facility that already had a maximum of about 300. children are some of the hardest people to care for because of all of these conditions. they were taken from family members, not necessarily parents and then put in this condition where there were few adults to care for them, let alone medically trained personnel. >> coming up, for many voters, the presidential race begins on wednesday when they'll get the first look at the democrats trying to win back the white house from donald trump. we'll get a preview of the upcoming debates next on "morning joe." can't see what it is what is that? that's a blazer? that's a chevy blazer?
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>> they would never call me son. >> but they called teddy kennedy boy. the reason they called me son was, i'm not even qualified to be in the senate. i'm a kid. i'm not old enough. >> this is about invoking a lack of understanding or insensitivity by invoking this idea that he was called son by white segregationists. >> he said it was taken out of context last night. >> i understand that. frankly, i heard from many, many african-americans who found the comments hurtful. >> i don't think the remarks were offensive. during the height of civil rights movement, we work with people and got to know people.
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there was members of the clan, people who opposed us, beat us, arrested us, jailed us. we never gave up on our fellow human beings. >> okay. >> john lewis, a pretty good defender, actually. >> joining us now from miami, former chief of staff to the dccc and from the hillary clinton presidential campaign. msnbc contributor and advisor at move and nbc contributor. >> so you saw a lot of what happened this weekend. reverend al and joe biden coming out and joe lewis defending
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biden. how do you think the weekend played out for biden? >> i think vice president is learning what it is like to run as a front runner. he is realizing that words have consequences even if unintended. they can have a major impact on you than if you were running as a second tier or third tier candidate. he made his point clear. when he said boy, he didn't mean it in what other people meant. the bottom line is, he allowed somebody like cory booker who frankly has gotten more press the last week, he allowed him to come in and really draw contrast. that is something you never want to do when you are the front-runner candidate. >> reverend al, john lewis, jim
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clyburn all coming to defense of joe biden. what impact did that have? >> a lot of impact. john lewis, congressman clyburn and joe biden has a lot of support from the african-american community, especially the older generation. there is definitely a generational divide where you see older african-americans like you heard john lewis say, look, this is something they've seen before. they harken back to moments in the civil rights movement. you hear from younger people who are feeling this is not okay. we need someone who is more
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forward thinking. and i think there are other larger issues. he's learning being the front runner. he has to make sure he's still working for the vote. even though that support is sfil there, he can't take any of that for granted. he has to go out there and continue to connect with people and ask for their vote. that will be the big play for them going into debates and post debates. people have to see him now. he has to really work for this. >> that is a great point. it is absolutely critical that joe biden works for it. despite the poll numbers, he is going to be going um against a really tough campaign. they have everything in 2020
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they did not have in 2016. he needs to get out there. he can't take anything for granted. he can't coast to victory. >> coming up, beat an incumbent in a district trump won by several points. coming up to talk politics and much much more straight ahead on "morning joe." with fordpass, rewards are just a tap away. whether it's using rewards points
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>> he said no collusion. >> he didn't say -- >> he said no collusion. the report said no collusion. >> did you read the report? >> i did. you should too. >> did you not read the mueller report. unredacted version? >> no, i didn't. >> if he was subpoenaed, you wouldn't know? >> i read the conclusion. >> on abc, trump read the
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mueller report, on nbc, he didn't. >> joining us now and national security advisor jeremy bash and democratic congresswoman of virginia. good to have you both on board this morning. jeremy, first of all, i don't know how you talk the president lying on television. what do you make of that? >> the report is a catalog of the president's mistruths. the statement is, i welcome collusion, i invite it. i support it. that says two things to foreign adversaries saying we give a
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green light. second. it sends the signal down the ranks to say if you prosecute these cases, you are not going to get support. the president will undermine those. we are in a very dangerous moment, mika. >> also a dangerous moment as it pertains to iran. curious to what your in sights are over what happened over the weekend. what should the commander and chief do? >> i think we need to start and look at where we are right now. we've heard reports there was going to be an attack, the president called it often minutes before when he was allegedly made aware of the alleged threats to civilians. this was alarming to me. first, how is it we got to this brink. it was ten minutes before this
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attack alleged le, he was made aware of potential civilian casualties. this is a perfect example of a difficult circumstance. from everything i have seen, i am very concerned we don't have a coherence strategy we can follow. it is not just concerning on our side. how is it with this maximum pressure campaign. if the people in the united states don't understand this path, what do we expect congress to do. >> were you glad the president called off the attacks in the end?
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>> of course but we should take a couple of steps back to say, we shouldn't be celebrating that we pulled ourselves back after we walked to the brink. we shouldn't be getting ourselves to that place in the first place. these are all pieces of ensuring that we are protecting our own national security and making good decisions that will impact our military members and national security. time and time again, we are showing a worrisome lack of
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strategy. >> in your experience, what are casualty estimates introduced? >> it includes information about casualties when they are briefed. the president has not made clear when category he was concerned about. i think there was massive confusion in the chain of command. in this case, the president i l didn't hear or didn't want to hear information being told to him. this must be a cover story for something else. in the region, it is being scored as iran, one, united states, zero. >> according to our reporting, the president was given hours earlier an estimate of casualty
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accounts. he asked again and was given that 150 number. that's not usual for a government to check that. what is unusual is the president drumming up the drama saying he pulled it from the brink. also, the president can date on this calling john bolton a hawk. how alarmed are you at the quality of this advice or the fact that we still do not have a permanent secretary of defense? >> i'm very alarmed. we find ourselves in a circumstance where we are pulling ourselves back from the drink from the disaster with iran. and yet we don't have advisors in my opinion, who are giving the president the best information possible. the fact that we are ten minute
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as way from an air strike without a secretary of defense. it is a disservice to the u.s. service members. it is very, very concerning. the fact that president wasn't made aware or didn't hear what the casualties will be. it signals a break down in communication. when we do not have the best information flow pg to the president, we run the risk of the president making very either not fully informed decisions, dangerous discussions or having an inconsistent strategy because there isn't a strong flow of information. i am concerned about the role secretary pompeo is playing specifically the way he's discussed links between iran,
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links between al qaeda. i'm concerned the use of military force would not apply to iran. on the foreign affairs committee, we are moving forward to make clear to the administration that any use of military force into the future would require authorization of congress per the constitution. they cannot rely on the old use of agreements to take action. >> congresswoman, thank you for being on the show this morning. president trump has formally nominated army sergent mark esper to be the next secretary of defense. esper arrived as he begins official duties as acting
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secretary. a lot of acting secretaries in this administration. joining us now, thank you courtney for being on. what do we know about mark esper. do you think he'll become more than acting? is there a strategy to have more acting cabinet secretaries than full time? >> we know about mark esper's past. he served as the army secretary for about the past 18 months. he has background on the hill as a lobbyist and staffer. he is a west point graduate and he graduated with mike pompeo. he also has a good relationship with a number of confidants that
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reportedly have trump's ear. the question becomes, he's going to be acting secretary of defense. the nomination went up. he needs to go through confirmation. he's popular on the hill. people seem to think he will get confirmed short of some kind of big information coming out. remember, he went through the confirmation process and sailed through no problem. he's got a good relationship with a lot of these members. we expect him to ultimately be named. secretary of defense. >> thank you very, very much. >> with the foreign policy apparatus in the state of flock, should get them aligned on one side, how important is it growing importance is the role
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of the chairman of the joint chief of staffs here? >> phenom ali important. he is going to be the person briefing the president on military options, the issue of casualty and impact and risks to our forces. i don't think anybody should breath a sigh of relief that we took a step away from war this past weekend. we are only a breath away from another conflict. if iran shoots down another aircraft in the waters, i think it is game on. the president of the united states is the first to have a u.s. flagged airplane of any sort downed in international waters. that is no small thing. if they feel emboldenned and
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like they can do more, we are going to be in significant situation. they'll have to play a calming constructive role. >> up next, just when we thought the democratic field for the 2020 nomination was set. a 25th contender enters the race. >> are you going? >> that will be some is horrible oppo. we'll tell you who it is when "morning joe" comes right back. discover card. hi, do you have a travel card? we do! the discover it® miles card. earn unlimited 1.5 miles on every purchase, plus we'll match your miles at the end of your first year. you'll match my miles? yeah! mile for mile! and no blackout dates or annual fee. nice! i was thinking about taking a scuba diving trip! i love that. or maybe go surfing... or not.
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are you doing enough? ask your doctor if it's time for xarelto®. to learn more about cost and how janssen can help, visit . >> a few of the other stories we are following. north korea state run news agency said that kim jung-un received a, quote, excellent letter from trump. he said he would, quote, seriously consider the content. >> you know that picture is a candid. there he's reading trump's letter. >> confirmed trump sent a letter sayi
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sayi sayi saying the discussions have been ongoing. earlier trump said he received a birthday letter from the north korean leader. an unexpected 25th candidate. former pennsylvania kons resman, joe sestak made the announcement saturday saying he wants to be a president who serves the american people the way they deserve to be served. yesterday, he spent the day campaigning in iowa speaking at the museum. he spent two terms serving before losing to republican. he unsuccessfully ran for the seat again in 2016. >> you have to find your niche. he found it. this will work.
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>> listen, you never know. one of the last original members of the famed all black tuskegee airman has died. his daughter told us her father died. he flew 142 combat missions in world war ii as part of the elite group of fighter pilots. the program was created after the naacp started challenging the policies. friend was 99 years old. now to "morning joe's" coverage of pride month. to the president of glad. here with new numbers from the annual study measuring americans attitudes to the lgbtq
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community. with us, managing the collects at the new york public library also the editor to "the stone wall reader." >> so what is the headline? >> year over year, we are losing millennials. what we did is went back into the field to understand the why. it is again zers. 18 to 24. we've lost. they've lost their comfortibility. >> why is that? >> two reasons. one is the trump factor. there has been 114 attacks against the community since trump has become president. the young are impressionable.
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another thing is a newness factor. within the lgbtq community, especially youngsters are identifying more broadly. that newness they are coming up against and they are figuring it out as they go along. >> those are shocking numbers. we have always assumed over the past 20 years. when we moved from all the ballot initiatives in 2004 towards marriage equality, everybody assumed it was the youngest americans who were the most progressive on issues like these. >> we took them for granted, i think, at the end of the day. you see this decline since trump came into his presidency.
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words matter. actions matter. we are seeing it have a direct effect. when you ask people are they for lgbtq equality. 80% of americans are for it. >> i want to put this up. this is shocking. millennials uncomfortable learning when a family member is lgbtq. again, i say this as a southern, state school, conservative, former republican, southern baptist. i'm shocked by those numbers because most of the people we know -- and i'm not just talking around here, i'm talking about in the south. okay, you know. your choice. >> i think there has been a miss step on our side, which is we've taken them for granted. we thought they were going to be incredibly progressive. the right wing has targeted.
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on college campuses has targeted them to be anti-lgbtq. >> if you remove lgbtq, this basically is right and wrong. what do you do to reeducate young people today? >> that's the reason we are doing the exhibition love and resi resistance and this book about the stone wall, many don't realize there was a lbgtq civil fight. and we have to continue that fight today. >> tell us about the stone wall reader. >> it takes stories before, during and after stone walls.
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from 50 years ago and is a turning point in civil rights movements. small groups that it becomes thousands and becomes a mass movement after stone wall. we are doing this to bring that message to america and people can read it and experience it for themselves. >> would accept ans be helped by the fact that we have a top tiered candidate express that he is guy? >> i think that helps a lot having mayor pete at the top of the ticket. not only is he guy, he's also christian. that has been weaponized for decades now that you have to be one or the other.
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that's not the case. you can be both. he's proving, living prove yof can be both. i'm going to be at the debates. how are they going to cover our rights. here is the simple truth, we are not equal in this country. 80% americans believe we should be equal. we can still be fired from our jobs in half the states, be put through conversion therapy, denied housing. the supreme court decides whether or not to serve us a piece of cake. >> access what you are doing with the new york public library. >> the exhibition is on until july 13. the book is available wherever books are sold. the arc of this as 50 years ago,
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homosexuality was illegal and considered a mental illness. >> thank you so much for being on the show with us. >> thank you. that does it for us this morning. >> thank you so much. it is 9:00 a.m. on the east coast. we are now exactly 36 hours away from the first ten 2020 democrats taking to the stage in miami for the biggest task we've seen so far. most of the candidates fafted another big test over the weekend at the south carolina fish fry. a campaign event for those trying to gain support. one candidate notably missing. mayor pete buttigieg. he was back home dealing with
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