tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 27, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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trying to undermine our democracy. >> good morning, and welcome. >> we have a big show ahead. we have a a big crowd behind us including four of the presidential candidates who hit the debate stage last night. we'll get to all the big moments and preview round two tonight when another ten contenders make their case to the the american people. so we have national affairs analyst for nbc news john heilemann, who got a huge round of applause walking in. who are these people? and former director of strategic
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communications for hillary clinton's presidential campaign adrian elrod is with us. >> hold on. we have to start and talk about the big headline of the night. the president, i talked to willie geist this morning. we start every morning and have a supercomputer. we wake up at 1:00 a.m. and study for five hours. i just woke up ten minutes ago actually. willie and i decide after looking at the supercomputer and analyzing everything that the story of the night was the vanity boys winning the national championship in baseball. >> vanderbilt national champions in baseball. >> i didn't even know that was going on. >> we're going around to show you highlights. >> one more headline.
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eddie gloud brought a guest with us. and he's also wearing a suit, which that's some pensacola noise right there. >> cornel west is here. >> so i'm going to get to highlights and then our panel. but your bottom line of last night. what was it? >> the the head line, the takeaway is going to be a couple days from now after all the debates are over. but on the first night, they didn't go after joe biden. when you're sitting with 43% of the early states and they are not attacking you, that's an interesting dynamic. also for americans, this election is about one thing. it's about one man. it's about donald trump.
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and again, it was just a little congressional seat, but when i ran in 1994, we had 11 people in the field and i was the underdog. i never talked about one of them. i stayed laser focused on bill clinton. would you like some coffee? that's what you have to do. and last night they didn't go after biden. they didn't go after trump. and i think it was a missed opportunity. >> it got a little wayward at times. people may not want to hear, but jeff greenfield wrote a column about this last night. if you want the democrats to defeat donald trump, i'm very concerned by people embracing medicare for all. when you drill down into that issue even among democrats and
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tell people what that means for them it becomes unpopular. that's something i promise you donald trump and his team have the quotes from last night. if any of those people are nominees, they will go there tonight. i don't understand why this democrat you can field doesn't say we passed obama care. that was a remarkable achievement. let's mend it, not end it. let's keep going in that direction. because obama care is extraordinary popular now because of donald trump. >> i'm going to set it up and willie you take it. i'm a little distracted. are those espresso shots over there. can i have those? >> pass them out and i'll frame the morning. senator liz center stage in the debate. she started really strong. tailoring had her answers to the backbone of her campaign.
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the leveling the economic playing field. take a look. >> when you've got a government, when you've got an autonomy that does great for those with money and isn't doing great for everyone else that is corruption, pure and simple. we have had the laws out this for a long time to be able to fight back. what's been missing is courage. courage in washington to take on the giants. that's part of the corruption in this system. i want to return government to the people and that means calling out the names of the monopolies and saying i have the courage to go after them. here's what i propose for an industrial policy. start with the place where there's a real need. there's fwoung to be a worldwide need for green technology, ways to clean up the air and the water. and we can be the ones to provide that. we need to go tenfold in our research and development on green energy going forward.
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and then we need to say any corporation can come ask use that research. they can make all kinds of products from it, but they have to be manufacture der here in te united states of america. >> because the night was split ten ask ten and bernie sanders and joe biden were not there, elizabeth warren had the benefit of appear iing like the front runner. she got the first question. >> she owned it. >> the first hour she looked like the front runner in the race. it was only half of the race. she sort of disappeared in the second half partly because some of the questions weren't directed to her. she didn't jump in as aively trying to get time. did she do the right thing by standing this looking like the front runner and holding the ball for the second half and playing out the clock? >> first, i have been here for a couple minutes and i already learned something. you read for congress? >> i'm a humble man.
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>> a lot of stories you must be able to tell. >> standing there. >> the giant head lines of the night, the whole stage not taking on joe biden, the whole stage not taking on donald trump, the exception of jay inslee who got the biggest round of applause. the other big story on this stage no one taking on lelizabeh warren. so if you look at you go to these debates and the first question you ask is for all of them, did they improve or not move the needle on or decrease their chance of being the democratic nominee. from where they stand, are they better off than where they started the night. she started out strong. on this stage she was the front runner. she started out the night there.
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at the end, she was still the front runner on this stage. she was stil in the top tier and because she was so strong in the first part of the debate, she made a lot of points out of her campaign stump speech she just rammed home in the first half an hour to 45 minutes. she walks out of here in better place than she started the night and in a better position to be the nominee. i always am talking to a bunch of former obama communicators and people on rival campaigns, a dozen and a a half people over the course of the night, everyone said elizabeth warren had a great night. no dispute whatsoever. >> i saw and i'll take it to adrian. but i saw some really great things for women happening with elizabeth warren last night. because she was aggressive, she was pissed off, she was clear
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about her point. she made it clear she's lived her message and has lived the dream she has for american consumers and americans overall in terms of their economic security and on top of it, all the stereotypes you didn't want to have for a woman puhold her back, she said i don't care. i'm going to be aggressive and angry because that's what i am right now. it doesn't matter whether i'm a man or a woman. i know my stuff. and i'm showing you i will fight hard. the second half, i thought it was strategy. all those guys looked kind of dumb jump iing all over each otr and she knew, she had won it from the get go. why play into the stereotypes and jump too aggressively. >> she had won and she owned this night. this was her debate to lose and she won this debate hands down last night. to your point, style i think often times we don't talk about what style means on the debate
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stage. the fact she wasn't jumping in the fray during the second half and doing this pulling at my hand like call on me made her look more presidential. she had a a strong command on the issues. people have said, yeah, she knows the economy really well and strong on economic issue, but is she good on other issues. last night she showed she has a strong command of all the issues that she showed. >> what stood out to you? >> i agree with everyone about elizabeth warren. julian castro did good on immigration. i think amy klobuchar had one of the best lines in terms of president trump doing foreign policy in his bathrobe. i thought cory booker had some great moments as way.
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delawa blasio seemed a bit thir. he tried to pull the party to the left in interesting ways, but overall, i like that trump was not at the center of the debate. i like the fact that this democratic field decided to double down on substance. that what we are living in is a moment where there's an assault on seriousness. we have to deal with the white house every sing is tle day. so we had people on stage going through substantive policy is issues. >> not only talking substantiative policy is, but also making it a very boring night for fact checkers who haven't slept for two and a half years. i mean, seriously, the fact checkers last night -- >> that's a good point. they had had the night off. >> there was a line that was going to be fact checked, which was that terrorists in gitmo have better health care policy than refugees.
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fact checked, true. >> over and over again, i thought the candidates did last night and they did it well, is to point to in some ways the seriousness of the problems we face as a country. and to do that with a fact-based reality. and that juxtaposition. it you tell your reader every time you're about to do something, the reader says you don't trust it. so on the stage last night, the candidates said we trust you america to listen substantiate ive ly to our policy positions. that's a good thing for democrats to do. >> in the works, circular firing squad, the winners, losers and the other losers from the first debate. in the course of two hours, various democratic candidates for president argued for tax rates, abolishing private health insurance, unfettered abortion with no restrictions whatsoever, either the buyback or outright
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confiscation of legally-owned guns, reducing illegal immigration to a civil offense, letting the taliban live in peace. any one of these positions is enough to cost democrats the election. imagine if the eventual nominee has to sign on to three or four of them. but the best news for trump is is that the democrats barely talked about him. do you agree with that? >> i think democrats need to be careful. we saw, willie, as the democratic contest started out a couple months ago, donald trump's campaign speech sharpening up. he would take the weaknesses from one candidate's platform or another that is out of the mainstream americans. i think that's something that democrats need to be cognizant of if the goal is seasoneding donald trump back to martin bashir g donald trump back to martin bashir
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they need to be more careful moving forward. >> i'm a former republican. i'm a conservative. people can get angry at me. but trust me, nobody wants donald trump to be sent home more than i do. so i'm saying this as somebody sglsh that's always the tension in a primary. how far left do you have to go to win the primary and then tack back to the center to run. joe biden is trying to occupy that middle space. you saw in some cases tim ryan and beto o'rourke trying to pull back a little bit on the medicare for all. then you had de blasio going after beto o'rourke on that question. people talking about eliminating private insurance. that's not going to play well in a general election. there are a the lot of people that like their private insurance. people were talking about an alternative. the question will be how far left is is the nominee dragged throughout this process and last night a bunch of them were already pretty far left, but some were dragged ta way.
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the ones that go there were attacked but those on the left. >> there's such an obsession in the primaries where you think, oh, i have to go as far right in the republican primary. sometimes you can do what donald trump did in south carolina and be one of the most conservative states in america, one of the most conservative republican electorates in america and say nice things about planned parenthood and people shrug it aside. americans are not as ideological as we all think they are. >> it's true. and there's no doubt that there's a dynamic where the policy is competition, the bidding up on the left or on the right if you're a republican primary can be a dangerous thing. i will say there are some positions that someone who is writing for the bulwark thinks way out of the mainstream. just in general, we often don't really get the middle of
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american politics. >> medicare for all. >> an issue where there's overwhelming popular support, much more so than people i think vote with the mainstream of the pundit class thinks for all of the following. medicare for all, single payer, all of those issues turn out to be much more popular in the electorate than we like to admit. >> but not when you start explaining them. >> it depends on various things that get complicated. does medicare for all include an exception to buy your own private insurance? many people think that there's a wide swath of support for government health care in this country, as long as you allow people to not have their private insurance taken away from them. so a lot of times the devil is in the details. and it's true if you let yourself get caricatured by donald trump as being a socialist too far on the left and you're going to be in trouble, that's going to have a lot to do with the quality of the candidate and their ability
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to make an argument and they are going to have to fight that battle every day with donald trump. i want to say one thing. to go back to my informal panel of democratic communicators, the group that eddie picked out there, if you think about unanimity among democratic sources who did well last night. the person who most radically improved is castro, wo came from almost nowhere to widespread. you look at the social media feedback, he was nowhere before the debate. cory booker had a good night in a lot of people's judgment. and amy klobuchar, a lot of men in the democratic political class were kind of like, eh, and all of the women thought she did incredibly well. so it was just a really striking pattern for female democrats were like, wow, amy was great. not that she did badly. >> three women on stage and we are talking about them
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throughout this block. i like it. we have a jam packed show today. four democratic 2020 candidates will join the conversation right here on "morning joe" including former hud secretary julian castro. former congressman beto o'rou e o'rourke. plus bill de blasio and congressman tim ryan of ohio will also be our guests. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back live from miami. welcome to fowler, indiana. one of the windiest places in america. and home to three bp wind farms. in the off-chance the wind ever stops blowing here... the lights can keep on shining. thanks to our natural gas. a smart partner to renewable energy. it's always ready when needed. or... not.
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those were his words. now we are a month away from the iranians, who claim now they are going to blow the caps on enriching uranium. he's made us less safe. this president is literally every single day ten minutes with from going to war, one tweet away from going to war and i don't think we should conduct foreign policy in our bathrobe at 4:00 in the morning. >> welcome back to "morning joe." we are live in miami. the morning after the first round of the 2020 presidential debate. that was amy klobuchar making her case as someone who can defeat donald trump. she was one of the the few who did it. we didn't hear donald trump's name a lot. a lot of people were surprised by that fact. i think if you're just meeting all these candidates for the first time, is can much of
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america was, you're doing that test. i i see this person standing on the stage next to donald trump. the question will be for a lot of these candidates, did i look that way last night? yes, we heard some substance and policy, but as you know in politics, there's a cosmetic aspect to this. can they stand on a stage with donald trump. >> who stood out as the best the political athlete in that respect? >> i agree with what a lot of people have said. elizabeth warren had a good night. >> absolutely. >> castro had a good night. did much better than people thought. i think cory booker, as far as you talk about a political athlete the way we talk about ronald reagan, bill clinton, barack obama and donald trump, cory booker, it seemed to me last night, seemed to have it all. i mean, he seemed -- he hit all
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his marks. and was very effective. >> i agree with you, joe. last week he had a big breakout week for him in the contrast that he drew with vice president biden over race relations and biden's comments. i think he was able to capitalize on that momentum this week in the debate. strong performance. i think we'll hear a lot more from cory booker and i think you'll see him rise in the polls after last night's performance. >> what i like d about cory booker's performance was his closing statement. there was no question from the panel or to the panel about the divisions in the country. no real question about what separated us and how would you as a president bring us together. and what cory booker did is is he hit that note. he didn't bring up the word love, but he brought up a way of governing that would bring us together as a country. to figure out how to speak to the divide that donald trump has been exploiting over the last two years. ask that was an important message. >> he had a very good night.
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>> he did have a good night. i think for me locking at tonight, what i really want to see is i want to see people getting up there and not going over the check his. what do i need to say about health care and guns. but talking about -- and i would say love, talking about the disruption of love. talking about the nation that we were. talking about how out of many, we are one. last night i personally would not have answered the first question until i talked about that ap photo and what that represented about donald trump's america. and that this is is an anomaly.
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i see the matrix enough to know how to say that word. but this is not who we are. we are better than this. we have been better than this. we will be better than this again. and talk in larger, more poetic themes. and don't use the word i stumbled over. >> i think one of the things that's easy to lose sight of is this debate stage run ining for president of the united states is no matter how many other offices you have run for or political experience you have, for everyone on the debate stage last night, this was the biggest stage they have been on. no one on that stage has ever run for president before. tonight we'll have bernie sanders and joe biden who have done that before.
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>> you can read about it, talk about it, think about it, but i remember one time in the 1980s. these governors and senators, they think they know what running for president is like. you never know until you walk into the ring and mike tyson hits you in the face for the first time. >> and one of the things that's hardest to know or to ep keep your instincts about is reaching for that big moment. you go through all the debate prep. they have all been schooled and know the structure of this is is they are not going to get to talk for long so they have talking points memorized. they are ready to do what they praks i fitsed. then a photograph like that appears and you have to just talk about it and say i'm going to meet this moment. it's an incredibly upset iting moment in america right now. and the ability to rise to that moment is one of the things that is going to set apart the ultimate top tier and the people that can be the democratic nominee from the ones that get left behind. even among people that are good
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on the stage, no one really rose to that moment in the way you're suggesting. i think tonight when you have bernie sanders and joe biden, you have that experience. you have top tier candidates. people like pete buttigieg who had an incredible moment and performed really well in the town halls. kamala harris who has the experience of having been on a confirmation hearing and on national television in the senate. you might see a slightly more elevated game among some of those candidates that you saw last night as well as some of them did. maybe a little different kind of show. >> but at least, willie, nobody stumbled over a word four times like i just did. >> we said this a lot yesterday. last night for a lot of the country was an introduction to the people. don't know anything about them. couldn't put faces to the name. if you're someone like castro, who we all know a little bit, had him on the show, he's a smart, mild mannered kind of guy. but if you're tuning in, you might think he's a pit bull.
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he went after beto o'rourke directly in a way that beto o'rourke wasn't prepared for. he looked strong. he was well versed on the issue of im grags. we're going to talk to him in a couple minutes. donald tru donald trump was watching on air force one. we'll get to that as well. coming up, some democrats did manage to break autoa bit from the back. perhaps none more than julio castro. coming right back to miami. miai
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next guest's performance at the debate last night. joining us is former hud secretary, former mayor of san antonio and contender for the 2020 democratic presidential nomination, julian castro, you had a great night last night. fun to watch. >> one of those interviewers in new hampshire, just a random statement picked out said something that really focused on the key to your performance last night. that was what we have been talking about for a year now. who is the person who when you have donald trump standing on one side of the the stage and the democrat on the other side, who can stand up to donald trump. i think a lot of people saw your performance last night and said, maybe that guy. >> i think a lot of people were surprised. i haven't gotten as much coverage so far in the campaign. but i have been traveling. i think to 20 states already. and last night what people saw
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was that i have a strong vision for the country, i have the right experience to be president and they want to know, look, can you stand up to donald trump. i showed that i can more than handle myself. so i think that people are looking at me in a new way today. >> so you made a distinction. you said you're not for reproductive rights, but reproductive justice. what does it mean in its details? as you answer that, thank you so much for lifting up oscar last night. it was very important to hit that question the way you did. but talk about what you mean by the phrase of reproductive justice. >> what i mean is i want to make sure that no matter how much money a woman or i can mention yesterday transman, sunshine om can have an abortion, they can exercise their right to get an abortion. it's not just about reproductive
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freedom, it's about justice. so to be specific, i would do away with the hiet amendment. everybody can exercise that right. >> you went after beto o'rourke a little bit. what was that about? planned, strategic or just happened? >> well, i would be lying if i said that i hadn't thought about the issue before. he and i have disagreement about immigration and watching the image of oscar and his daughter the way before moved me like i'm sure it moved a lot of people. it doesn't matter where you're from in the country, watching that father there with his little girl touched me a lot. so if i was extra animated last night, it's because i was feeling what a lot of people were feeling. we have to make sure that this
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cruelty from the administration stops and my point i brought up section 1325 of the immigration nationality act. some people might think you're getting text call, but this is the exact law that has allowed this administration to incarcerate the parents and then separate them from children, and i called for the elimination or termination of it and senator warren, senator booker, congressman ryan, governor inslee have followed my lead in calling for that. for some reason congressman o'rourke has not. i wanted to point out if you're not calling for the repeal of that section, that means that basically you're going to kooep the status quo and allow family separation. >> secretary, you have been in the race. you were one of the first candidates to announce for president. you have been in the race for awhile. you have also been one of the first candidates to really unveil a lot of policy.
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you have led on a lot of policy issues but haven't gotten a lot of attention until last night. why do you think that is? >> i haven't gotten as much attention as other people have. these things are weird. campaigns have this life cycle. and i said the whole time since i announced that i don't want to be a flash in the pan candidate. i wanted to build a strong campaign little by little. we have seven months to go until iowa caucuses. so it doesn't matter to me what the polls say right now. it matters what they say on february 3rd and beyond that. and what we see is i'm getting stronger and stronger and stronger. >> back to mika's question for a moment. she asked about beto o'rourke. people were surprised you didn't go after joe biden or elizabeth warren. strategically for you, what was it about beto o'rourke that you looked directly the at him and criticized him? >> because we had this disagreement on the most
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important aspect of immigration policy that would make sure, guarantee we end family separations. that's why i wanted to make clear, not just for beto, but as you recall, i challenged every other candidate in this race to join me in calling for the repeal of section 1325. beto was on stage last night. i will say, we're going through these debates. i think with the voter it does make a difference as to whether somebody is on the stage with you or not. because if somebody is not on the stage with you, people wonder, well, why are you talking about somebody that's not on the stage. they are not there to defend themselves. so i wanted to focus on the people that were there on the stage. >> so there's this debate going on in the party, we saw it on the stage last night between the left and the right. left and the center, not the left and the right. where do you fit in this? you're hud secretary, where do
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you stand for medicare for all, the green new deal, how do you position yourself in this id logical debate that's happening within the democratic party? >> yesterday they asked questions about what we're going to do to combat climate change, about health care, i have said clearly i believe that medicare should be there for everyone who wants it. but if somebody wants to have a supplemental private health insurance plan they should be allowed to keep it. >> so when you're talking about this, if donald trump says to you when you're running against him in the general election or turns to you and says, you want medicare for all. that means you're taking away americans' rights to go to their own doctor. what do you say to donald trump? >> i say that's a lie. that wouldn't be the first time that he lied. so i want to make sure nobody in
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this country goes without the health care they need, when they need it. and i think we can devise a system that does both of those. i like the concept of a green new deal. we don't have to choose between protecting our planet on one hand and also creating opportunity on the other. when i was mayor of san antonio, i was on the local public utility board. we started moving away from coal fired plants and instead inve invested in solar energy and other renewables. and it created more than 800 jobs in the clean energy economy. that's the kind of thing that we can do in the united states and lead both in combatting climate change and creating jobs for people who need them. >> final question. when are you going to get some sleep? >> i'm overheating right now. my body is all out of whack because i have not slept for one minute since last night. >> oh, my goodness. >> it's had to be b exciting. a great night.
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thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up, president trump's political analysis of last night's debate included one word. boring. we'll talk about the president's response. but i have to say, it has been so refreshing not to talk about trump. we'll be right back. ♪ every day, visionaries are creating the future.
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president trump touched down in japan a few minutes ago. it's raining. after claiming yesterday he was too busy to watch last night's democrat you can a debate posting to twitter aids would be responding to the debate and writing, sorry, i'm on air force one, off to save the free world. but as usual, the president could not help himself from watching.
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this is like his "morning joe" thing. he can't help himself. and he's watch iing the debates and wrote about a half an hur in, boring. and lindsey graham had this to say. the trump third term thing is looking better and better. wow, that guy. lindsey, save yourself. >> a man who said that donald trump was unfit to be president of the united states and would destroy the republican party if they nominated him. they would deserve to be dest y destroyed. it's abundantly clear if democrats are going to win, they are going to get few crossover votes. so what's the strategy moving forward? >> with lindsey gram or democrats? >> how do you get to 270? what do these candidates do that hillary clinton didn't do in 2016? >> i think you have to do a better job of getting the key
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manufacturing states. that's why you so so many candidates on stage whoi thought, you know what, any of these would be a strong nominee against donald trump. i thought amy cloklobuchar had strong appeal to some of those middle class voters. i think you've got to have a message that appeals broadly. i think you've got to be careful not to get so caught up in going to the left wing of the party, right? which is something john was just talking about earlier, medicare for all, the green new deal, some of these issues that frankly turn off a lot of people from places where i'm from, arkansas. you've got to have policies that can appeal but also be careful not to go too far to the left. >> and eddie, there really is another part of it, too, though, after the trump election everybody was talking about the forgotten white middle class man. it took a while to figure out
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that actually african-american voting trends were down for the first time in 20 years, so you have to be able -- you have to do two things, and i'm just wondering what candidates did you see last night that could appeal to both white working class voters and also to black voters who were not inspired enough to go out last time and vote against donald trump. >> so i would slightly disagree with adrian, i think we need to focus on those -- the depressed vote we saw outside of detroit and flint, outside of milwaukee and places like cleveland. we need to turn out vote. we need to get the democratic base to come out and expand the electorate. not so much double down on those folks who have left us since ronald reagan, right? i think elizabeth warren's agenda, i think what i saw from elizabeth warren and heard from elizabeth warren was important. i think what i heard from cory booker was important and also an interesting way, i think across
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the board bill de blasio is a tip to pull the party left, not so much left in this radical sense of left, but this idea of presenting bold policy initiatives to change the direction of the country because i want to insist, joe, that if we think our problem is donald trump then we are missing the boat. donald trump is just the tip of the iceberg. the problem goes deeper. we can't go back to normal because what was normal? income inequality, what was normal, everyday ordinary workers were struggling to make ends meet. people couldn't afford to send their kids to college. we need bold vision and elegant toughness in this moment, and i think elizabeth warren showed it last night, but we're going to see what happens tonight because i think we're going to move in a different direction as john suggested earlier. >> what's going to happen tonight? >> i'm looking at eddie glaude as a potential nominee over there. look at that performance, i'm thinking, man.
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preach, brother. i think, you know, earlier i was talking about i think you're going to have the dynamic's going to be very different on the stage where you have two candidates who have a large amount of support. the dynamic of a bunch of candidates trying to get known and elizabeth warren being the front runner. that's one dynamic. dynamic wit the stage. you've got the genuine front runner of joe biden. you've got bernie sanders see his support declining because elizabeth warren has been taken it away. he's a little cranky in the media recently. i can imagine him taking swings in a lot of directions. you've got mayor pete who's been through the biggest crisis in his campaign back home in south bend. he arrives here sort of seeing his star maybe fading a little bit, but someone who's got a little attention and then you've
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got kamala harris who's a top tier candidate. >> very talented. >> not to exclude the other ones, but those four are in a different conversation, and they all are jockeying for votes in that top tier and you've got another six candidates who are like all the candidates from last night, trying to like find a little moment where they can get known, get some traction, have a breakthrough moment. i think that dynamic on stage is going to be very, very different from what we saw last night. >> just to go back to your question really quick joe that you asked eddie about the party going left, the only candidate i heard last night specifically speak to that is tim ryan, the congressman of ohio, who talked about yes i'm progressive. i'm from a new economy. but we've got to be careful not to be branded by donald trump or others or be a party of coastal elit elites. he did talk about that. he was the only one i heard specifically about that. amy klobuchar tried to intimate that saying that we can't go too
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far left on guns. you had mid western democrats talking in a way as if to say to the voters and their fellow kand day-to-d -- candidates saying we need people in the middle of the country. we need people from ohio and michigan, all the places donald trump snatched from us. >> it wasn't just tim ryan who understands that better than anybody else, nancy pelosi. the last six months she has been pulling the party back time and time again. one of my favorite moments is when lesley stahl was saying what are you going to do about aoc and her caucus? she goes that's like four people. nancy said, excuse me, i'm progressive. and i've been progressive for decades, so it's -- >> she's brilliant. >> i've got to say, i used to always say when it came to politics, everybody democrat should have a wristband wwbd,
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what would bubba do. in 2020, it's wwnd, what would nancy do. you have a progressive who understands if she's going to be the speaker of the house two years from now or a year from now she's going to do it by winning the suburbs of virginia. she's going to do it by winning republican areas in california. she's going to do it by holding on to the middle of america while pushing the democratic agenda. >> and she's able to make those statements without being, you know, too forced. i mean, she's just like it's just four people, oh, trump's hysterical, a little bit fat and his hair is orange but maybe he's okay. i don't know. it's just sort of in these asides where she goes down and gets it done. coming up, donald trump may not have come up that much last night, but mitch mcconnell did. we'll play for you what the candidates had to say about handling the majority leader. plus, we have several more democratic candidates to talk to
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this morning including former congressman beto o'rourke, answering his first we cannot just in english but in spanish as well. plus, new york city mayor bill de blasio and congressman ryan will also join the discussion. you're watching "morning joe" live from miami. ision. and i got it with wi-fi for all of your wi-fi stuff, wireless charging for your phone. cool! wait til you check out the back! that's a lot of groceries. look at my strong man! don't patronize me... the new buick envision is full of surprises. current eligible gm owners get up to 16 percent below msrp on most of these 2019 buick models. that's just over 7 thousand on this envision premium.
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if we set another precedent now that a candidate who invited the participation of a foreign power, a president who sought to obstruct the investigation into the invasion of our democracy, if we allow him to get away with this with complete impunity, we will have set a new standard, and that is that some people because of the position of power and public trust that they hold are above the law, and we cannot allow that to stand. so we must begin impeachment now so that we have the facts and the truth and we follow them as far as they go and as high up as they reach, and we save this democracy, and if we've not been able to do that in this year and the year that follows, under my administration our department of justice will pursue these facts and ensure there are consequences, there is accountability and there's justice. it's the only way we save this country. >> welcome back to "morning joe." it is thursday, june 27th. joining joe willie and me here
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in miami we have nbc news capitol hill correspondent and host of kcdc on msnbc, the very pregnant kasie hunt. >> hold on. >> she's one month away. >> alex from the control room, i need the lightning bolt. >> no, i need the baby to come. >> come on. >> when's the baby coming? >> i will take the lightning bolt too. >> another month? >> month and a half. >> oh, my god, that's so exciting. >> morning joe baby. >> no lightning bulb, thank you, alex, because what i say goes. msnbc political analyst and former chairman of the republican national committee, michael steele is here. no baby on the way. and senior adviser at and an msnbc contributor corrine jean pierre. >> what's up?
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let's talk about the base. a lot of people in the democratic base obviously follow what your organization says. what was your takeaway last night? who excited the base? >> so i think that elizabeth warren definitely. she led the way. her message really hit, and she did something that i think all of us are trying to figure out what she was able to do. when she does the town halls, she has big energy. she talks about policies that's really in depth. there are multiple policies. she has a plan for everything. she went on that debate stage and was able to first of all just deliver her message, be strong, and it lasted through the two hours, and i have to tell you, julio castro, wow, how amazing was he. he really i think reset his campaign. he had a strategy that was very clear. he took every moment, every question that was asked to him, he used that to his benefit. it was clear that he had a strategy with beto o'rourke, and they had that texan, the two texans were going after each other, and it was a clear kind
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of contrast between the two, and that was really interesting to watch. i thought klobuchar did well. i thought booker did really well for himself as well. i think when you look at those four who are really doing really well in the polling, they did pretty well last night. >> chairman steele, what did you see last night up on that stage? elizabeth warren played the front runner. she was in the middle of the stages got the first question, got the most questions, and then in the second half it appeared to a lot of us she sort of ran out the clock. >> i think i have a slightly different take from a lot of folks. i agree that elizabeth warren f was the center stage and she was a big part of the focus. i guess having done this and i appreciate -- i know joe appreciates this from a candidate's perspective, it's about who comes to the game ready play the game. >> yep. >> and the only person in my view who came to the game last night ready to play it was julian castro. he had a strategy, and it was very obvious what that strategy
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was. a lot of people think they've got to punch up, i've got to punch at joe biden, i've got to punch at elizabeth warren. sometimes the smartest strategy is to punch at the person next to you and clear out the space to give you the elbow room that everyone's talking about you the next day as they talk about elizabeth warren and everyone else. >> and you can always tell, you can tell last night a lot of people got up there and it was like it's writing down the double skrjeopardy. i've got to remember this. whenever i would go into situations and it was a cluttered field, you know what i focused on? my opening joke because you make people laugh. you make them relax, and then you can talk to them, and they laugh and when the laughter dies down, you go, listen, and you don't go to your talking points. you go this is why i'm running this race. you know why i'm running the race? when i was 5 years old i sat next to my father. we were watching the returns of 1968, i saw the magic of
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america, and you go to it and you go to your heart first. save the talking points for the second half. i didn't see that too much last night. >> it wasn't there too much, but i think julian got the closest from that stand point. >> he did. >> that's right. >> he defined the moment. again, you expected elizabeth warren, and tonight you're going to expect the joe biden and bernie sanders to perform at a certain lefrvel. what you look for is when they fall short. elizabeth didn't fall short last night. julian raised himself, raised his profile, raised his campaign in a way that today he's the conversation in line with everyone else, and that's where you want to be when you're polling at 2%. >> could i too, we talked so much ahead of time you need to have a viral moment to do that. that's not what castro did. it was his policies, his biography and he drove it over and over again. i think that speaks to his strength. >> you made news yesterday in your interview with bernie sanders that reminded me a lot of the first republican debate
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last year when megyn kelly asked donald trump if he lost, if he'd run as an independent and he wouldn't answer it. well, bernie sanders when talking to you basically said i'm going to drive this thing all the way regardless of what happens. >> this has been my question for bernie sanders all the way along. we talked about policy. what's he going to do if had becomes clear that someone else is going to win the nominations? we're not talking about a contested convention. if we're looking into the summer, we know who the democratic nominee is going to be, are you going to step back and say okay, i'm going to support that nominee before we go into the convention? and he wouldn't answer the question. he said i'm not going to commit to that. i get it. it's early, but he really did in the view of a lot of people who worked for hillary clinton and others in the democratic party damage her when she had to go up against president trump. i think it's a huge question looming over this democratic field because, you know, he
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could poll, you know, up to 15%. i think we can show the interview if we have it. >> let's toss to it right now. >> clear that you are not going to be the democratic nominee, will you leave the race before the convention? >> i intend to be the democratic nominee. >> but if you're not. you stated last time and some people said you hurt hillary clinton's candidacy. >> some people say that if maybe the system was not rigged against me, i would have won the nomination and defeated donald trump. that's what some people say, so i think we're going to play it out. i think i am -- >> you would take the risk. >> i am excited -- >> are you asking that of every ka candidate? >> i'm saying if it's clear you will not win the no, ma'minatio will you concede? >> right now we are planning to win the democratic nomination. >> he said why aren't we asking this of other candidates. the reality is we only have one who has a track record of having done this before, i wanted him to answer the question. >> i find it hard to believe
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that tonight bernie's not going to come out swinging. >> yeah. >> you look at all the candidates, he's had a down era from the beginning of this campaign when joe biden jumped into the race, his numbers dropped. biden's went up. i do think tonight he's -- he is going to have to do something to pull some of those voters back. >> some of the debates with hillary clinton he could have swung, and he took a pass. >> right. >> i remember there were -- >> what was that? >> on her e-mails. >> exactly. >> he backed off of that. americans are sick and tired of hearing about your e-mails, and it was viewed, i think in hindsight as a big misstep. >> i didn't understand that at all, actually. >> he won't do that again. >> that interview, that snippet says you know what, bernie's like i'm not going to make this mistake again, and i'm going to go to this game and i'm going to play it all the way through. i don't think to your point he's going to make that. >> we shall see. >> going back to the base, it's
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very interesting, i'm curious what you've heard. i've heard people that have been in crowds, rally, and i've heard some of the candidates attack joe biden, and even democrats who don't support joe biden, this may be the guy who's going up against trump, let's handle with care. can you risk attacking joe biden, going like full on attack against him tonight if you're bernie sanders? >> i'm going to tell you right now, nobody wants a food fight. they don't want that. our base doesn't want that. it's been very clear, what they want to do is they want to see a discussion about vision and how you're going to move the country, what are the issues you're going to talk about. the personal attacks is not going to go well with the base. >> any type. with joe biden it's shown over the past few months that nothing really has stuck, even some really damaging, you know, allegations, accusations or talks about his political past. >> i do wonder if that's because we are in the age of trump now and democratic voters are going
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wait a second, we're going to disqualify one of ours. >> this amazing guy who has all this experience. >> and i've got to say, too, if i'm a democrat, which i am not, i'm an independent, but if i were a democrat, the thing that would have made me the angriest this week michael is the fact that you had sunday's show saying that joe biden might have to drop out of the race because he's been accused of putting his hands on a woman's shoulders and, i mean, everybody talked about that forever. the press talked about it. there were all these stories. this past week a woman accused donald trump of forcible rape. >> yep. >> not a sunday show talked about it and papers, editorial writers didn't say is donald trump going to have to jump out of the race? that's why democrats need to understand i'm sorry, i'm a former republican, but i am saying this, donald trump
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doesn't play fair. they don't need to play fair either. they don't need to destroy their own. >> that's a popular view. there's a lot of fight in the room. >> but -- >> they need fight. they need fight. >> this is the thing that still intrigued me with the politics around trump and the media around trump. trump plays an asymmetrical game. he's going to come at you from there, from here, from anywhere corner, but everyone plays the straight line with him. everyone plays the game against him as if he's playing the game straight with them. i think if you switch it up to your point, i think if you engage trump asymmetrically and you begin to, okay, if that's the way you're going to do it, that's how we're going to come at you, it changes the dynamics in a way that forces trump to
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behave a little bit differently because now all of a sudden he knows, he's already called your move before you've made it. when the press comes after a joe biden over the things that they come after him on, that's playing into his hand. it doesn't discount the severity of the allegations or the charges, but just understand how he's playing the game versus how you're playing the game. >> how the democrats are. i talk to democratic aides all the time, and stroategists who will say donald trump is going to start running ads that are going to do a, d, c. they're sitting there like that scene this austin powers, where the steam roller was coming at the guy, and for about ten minutes this guy, no, and about ten minutes later he's still going, and i just said why don't you guys return the favor. why don't you put him off track? why don't you attack him the way he attacks you? >> and they're going huh, we should do that. >> they're going to have to.
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they're absolutely going to have to. and tonight i take the point that democrats don't want a food fight, but these candidates have to change the dynamic of the race. joe biden is way ahead. he is way ahead in this race 20 points or so depending on the poll, and even bigger in some of those early states so i don't think bernie sanders is going to have any problem going after skrjoe biden. it will be on issues but he's got to change the dynamic of this race. we have a long way to go, yes, but at this point a 20 point lead for joe biden a known quantity, that's tough to crack. somebody has to do something to change that. >> it's going to be a fascinating night. >> to be harold ford jr., you're both right. >> and i have three points. >> you're exactly right that democrats don't want to hear that, but willie, you're also right that bernie's going to have to do that, which means it is a very high risk move, and what bernie sanders could find if this goes badly is that he
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loses, five, six, seven eight, nine points and suddenly he's in single digits if this goes wrong tonight. >> i think one thing that happened yesterday night that's going to be important is elizabeth warren raising her hand when the moderators asked would you eliminate private health insurance, and then her quote afterward i'm with bernie on medicare for all. she signed onto his bill, she seemed open to keeping that piece of it. that is a real move on their part to encroach on bernie's core base of support, so he's going to be on the one hand have to handle joe biden. on the other hand he's going to be compared to elizabeth warren. does he stand up tonight for progressives in a way that they feel as though, you know, he is still their guy and not this other new -- you know, new face that they think is going to fight for them. he's really being squeezed on both sides. >> that's a dangerous mover, too. it's one thing to say i'm for medicare for all, and then the follow up question, oh, yeah,
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they can keep their doctor. you can opt out of the system if you want. elizabeth warren went there last night, said i'm taking away private health insurance. that's laying down a marker that jeff greenfield said that's something that will haunt her the rest of the campaign. do democratic candidates have to be for medicare for all with no exceptions? >> so i'll say this. i'll put it this way, health care last year in the midterm election was incredibly popular. right? when i say popular, it was the most important issue for many of the voters, it led really the election and cycle, and many people did want medicare for all. it did well for candidates. i think it's an issue that's important for the base. it's an issue that is important for republicans and independents when you poll it, it is the devil is in the detail. i think that's the argument that's happening right now, and it will continue to be fought out throughout this primary process. we'll see where we land. i do want to say this, move on did a straw poll that we
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released early this week, elizabeth warren is running away with it, and she is really popular with the progressive base, and to your point, that's going to be one of the issues that bernie is going to have. there is no longer a binary choice. there are alternative, and so he has to fight that side, and he has to kind of get out of where he is right now with biden that came into the race. >> there is a huge opening for republicans, medicare for all is very popular. people hear that, they think i like medicare. i'd love to be able to have access to it. when you start to ask, does that mean i have to give up my private plan, people say i don't want that at all. >> kamala get in trouble right after -- >> this is a very significant divide in the field, i think, and it plays into some of these arguments that republicans are making that these policies are not going to be acceptable more broadly. >> prediction, 2020 campaign the democratic candidate who was behind barack obama and
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obamacare will be fighting for medicare for all, and donald trump will be fighting for medicare in a new form. >> which begs the question why isn't your position as a democrat that you support obamacare and you want to amend it, not end it. >> i thought we had this debate. >> joe biden said this is a big. >> deal. >> really quickly medicare for all is just popular and the base has moved, and three or four years ago medicare for all was not. >> all right, still ahead on "morning joe," former texas congressman beto o'rourke is standing by. he joins the conversation next. we'll be right back live from miami. >> many people watching at home have health insurance coverage through their employer. who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government run plan? just a show of hands to start off with. the military family
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[ applause ] all right, he walked into the room and the crowd went wild. joining us now former u.s. congressman from texas now a candidate for president of the united states, i need to roll up my sleeves, beto and i have a joke because i made fun of his "vanity fair" schtick. >> you look great. >> thank you. >> he's a candidate for the president of the united states. beto o'rourke is here. >> so you have done so many town hall meetings. you had the launch that a lot of pomp and circumstance, a lot of covers, all this other -- >> i made fun of that. you didn't like it. we talked. >> but then you put your head down, you went out to town hall meetings, and i'm going to ask you about the debate in a minute. i'm always fascinated by -- and i know michael is the same way,
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i learned so much knocking on people's doors and going to town hall meetings. how many have you done now? >> 160, 170 town hall meetings. >> so you know what americans are thinking. what is the top issue for them? what are they telling you when you go out there? >> invariably health care, the ability to afford prescription medication or really personal heartbreaking stories about not being able to afford a prescription or the husband and wife deciding which one is going to take their prescription medication or rationing their pills or just going without altogether. >> so why are we still there? because i remember, you know, of course we had the debate over obamacare. you had medicare part d, that debate back in 2004, 2005. >> right. >> you even had donald trump saying he was going after big pharma when he ran for the first time. why are people still struggling to pay for pharmaceutical items? >> i think this is all connected to how our democracy works or
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doesn't work, who can buy influence and access. you take just one prescription medication, which is one of the best ways to prevent hiv infection. the united states government paid for the innovation, and when i say united states government, you and i as a taxpay taxpayer, paid for the clinical trial, paid to purchase it for medicare and medicaid beneficiaries, and yet it sold for $2,000 a month, which is well above what it sold for any other person in any other part of the world skrgs, and it's be those pharmaceutical corporations have bought influence and access and outcomes. that's why you have people in 2019 in the wealthiest country on the face of the planet dying of diabetes. crowd funding their insulin treatments 97 years after insulin was invented. the whole heart of our campaign is you return power to people.
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you make sure that you don't take pac money, you don't have gerrymandering. you have people reflected in the policies that we pursue. when we do that, we can move forward on universal guaranteed high quality health care. you can afford your prescription medication. health care no longer becomes a function of privilege or luck or circumstance, but a basic right that you can depend on. >> on that question of medicine and what we do with our health care system, congressman, you've said and said again last night, you're not willing to go all the way to medicare for all, to a pure medicare for all system. that seems to be a litmus test question in this campaign. you were asked again about it last night, you said if people have private insurance, they can keep it. i'm sure there's some temptation in a democratic primary debate with a lot of progressives watching to go all the way. why do you make that distinction not to go to pure medicare for all. >> a couple months ago i was in las vegas and he said so many of
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my members have negotiated for health care plans, sometimes in lieu of wage increases, health care plans that they like because they work for them and their families. they want to be able to keep them. there are tens of millions of our fellow americans who have employer sponsored insurance, they want to be able to keep it, but for the millions who have no insurance, enroll them in medicare. for millions who are insufficiently insured, they can't afford that copay or their prescription medication or the premium costs for the deductible, allow them to enroll in medicare so you can preserve choice while still getting to universal guaranteed high quality health care. i think that's the surest, quickest way to get there. everyone now healthy enough, well enough to live to their full potential. >> do you think it's irresponsible then to call for medicare for all? >> no, i don't. i think we're all trying to get to the same place. we just describe a different path to reach it. i believe that the one that i have laid out gets us there as quick or more quickly than anyone else, and it's the surest way to get to universal guaranteed and ensure it's high
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quality primary, mental health care and ensuring that every woman is able to make her own decisions about her own body and have access to the care that makes it possible. >> congressman, big picture, you were one, frankly you took probably more punches perhaps than anyone else on the stage last night. you had been kind of the democratic party's golden boy taking on ted cruz in texas coming close to winning, but clearly this stage is different. what has been the most different for you so far? what's been the hardest about trying to make this transition to running for president. >> listen, joe said this earlier about these town hall meetings. there's so many people to meet and listen to. my job is to reflect back what i've heard, not just the challenges and not just the problems but the solutions that people bring to the table. that's what i wanted to do on that debate stage last night. we were all asked a question about gun violence. nearly 40,000 of our fellow americans will die this year from gun violence, a rate not seen in any other country, so we're either inherently violent
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or evil or there's something wrong with us or there's a human solution to a human caused problem. why haven't we been able to make progress. folks come to town hall meetings and ask for universal background checks or ask us to stop selling assault weapons or red flag laws where you stop someone before they harm themselves or someone else. it gets back to this issue of democracy. when we stop listening to the nra and start listening to people, we're going to be able to get these things done and save more lives. >> michael. >> as a former party leader, i kind of look at these things from a strategic perspective. let's talk a little strategy. it's very clear you have become a target for a number of the other folks. what was your strategy in thinking, going into this relative to the idea that you had an elizabeth warren there, for example, you had the other players. why wasn't there more of an engagement on your part to pull that lever and go more specifically at some of the other candidates, the way julian
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came at you on immigration and so forth sort of creating that separation between him and you. everyone else didn't do that. it surprised me. i thought there would be a little more, just punching to the right or the left. >> right. >> go ahead. >> so i just feel like my responsibility on that stage is to describe and define what i want to do for this country, and the way in which i want to do it. i'm not running against anybody. i'm running for the united states of america, so i wanted to outline our vision, the means that would allow us to achieve it. i understand other folks had other strategies and other goals during that debate, but on some of he's big issues like immigration ending family separation, stopping the practice of putting kids in cages or sending their parents back to the very countries from which they fled, ensuring that there's accountability for the children who have died within our custody and the practices that produced that heartbreaking image that we all saw of oscar
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and valeria yesterday crossing the rio grande, the 9 million green card holders and freeing dreamers from fear of deportation. that's what this country should be able to do. my job is to explain that on that stage and bring this country together around the means to actually get that done. >> so i want to show this moment last night you were speaking in spanish, and i think cory booker, i think he thought you stole his thunder. look, tell me what you think. look at this. >> this economy has got to work for everyone, and right now we know that it isn't, and it's going to take all of us coming together to make sure that it does.
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>> that's become quite a meme, by the way since last night. >> oh, my god, look at him. if his eyes could talk, he's saying, dude, i was going to do that. now i'm going to be the second guy who did that. >> that was the second thing i wrote down on my list at the beginning. >> speak in spanish. >> but your spanish was a little better. >> i don't know, cory dropped some spanish in the debate. i was impressed. i feel very fortunate to have been on that stage with those nine other candidates last night, all exceptional, all amazing backgrounds, all great expertise that they bring to this conversation, so yeah. >> speaking of exceptional, you have made a remarkable and exceptional choice of wife and you're lucky that she said yes, amy went to williams. amy's here today. >> where's amy? >> mother of their three kids, and hanging in there.
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it's so tough. i feel your pain, so she's wonderful, and it's been really nice getting to know you. best of luck. let's do an event. we're talking new hampshire, i think. so we hope to see you there. >> town hall meeting. >> beto o'rourke, thank you so much. coming up, president trump wasn't the only republican who came up during last night's democratic debate. mitch mcconnell also got a bit of attention. we'll show you what the candidates had to say about working with the senate majority leader. "morning joe" is coming right back. direct messages have evolved.
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pnc bank. (woman) you have the support of a probiotic and the gastroenterologists who developed it. (vo) align naturally helps to soothe your occasional digestive upsets 24/7. (woman) so where you go, the pro goes. (vo) go with align. the pros in digestive health. that i won the "best of" i casweepstakes it. and i get to be in this geico commercial? let's do the eyebrows first, just tease it a little. slather it all over, don't hold back.
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republican who may present the biggest challenge to them in making their agenda a reality. if they win the white house. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. >> do you have a plan to deal with mitch mcconnell? >> i do. number one, sure, i want to see us get a democratic majority in the senate, but short of a democratic majority in the senate, you better understand the fight still goes on. it starts in the white house, and it means that everybody we energize in 2020 stays on the front lines come january 2021. we have to push from the outside, have leadership from the inside, and make this congress reflect the will of the people. >> congressman delaney, you seem to believe you can do everything in a bipartisan manner. mitch mcconnell doesn't operate that way. he operates differently.
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why do you think he is going to conform to your style? >> i think we need to get things done. that's why i believe we need to operate in a bipartisan manner. listen, i'll sign into law bills that come to the white house that are passed on a party line basis, absolutely, but all the big transformative things we have ever done in this country's history have happened when huge majorities of the american people get behind them. >> to your question about mitch mcconnell, there's a political solution that we have to come to grips with. if the democratic party would stop acting like the party of the elites and be the party of working people and go into states including red states to convince people we're on their side, we can put pressure on their senators to actually have to vote for the nominees that are put forward. >> we have got to change the center of gravity of the democratic party from being coastal and elitist and ivy league, which is the perception, to somebody from the forgotten communities that have been left behind for the last 30 years.
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to get those workers back on our side. if you want to beat mitch mcconnell, this better be a working class party, if you want to go into kentucky and take his rear end out, and if you want to take lindsey graham out, you've got to have a blue collar party that can go into the textile communities in south carolina. >> yeah. >> wow. >> you know how you handle mitch mcconnell, you beat him, and you take over the united states senate. >> exactly. >> and this is one of the great challenges for the democratic party. they lost over a thousand seats while barack obama was president of the united states, legislative seats across the country. michael steele was responsible for a lot of that as chairman of the rnc. sometime democrats make it far too easy to win. they have -- if mitch mcconnell is majority leader, regardless of who's president of the united
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states, then democrats lose the supreme court for a generation. they have got to figure out how to win the senate. >> and that's the answer, having said that, i want to talk about optics, and i want to talk about town, and i think what happened with elizabeth warren and her answer was remarkable, and it happened several times with her, where she was aggressive. she was angry, she was incredibly tough, but she was incredibly focused and she pushed through all stereotypes and said you know what? i'm going to be tough. i'm going to fight like hell, i care so deeply about this, and i really think that this was an incredible moment for women candidates because i don't think the stereotypes as criticisms are going to stick. i think she looked incredibly in control, incredibly confident, incredibly presidential. and like she's going to walk into the white house ready to go without having to tell everyone i can wake up at 3:00 a.m. she's sticking to her message, and she's aggressively pushing
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it out there, and i just think -- even that answer that she gave, which really wasn't an answer, just showed a lot in terms of what she's going to bring to the table. >> you know, she has been the surprise of this campaign cycle after the pocahontas attacks and then she ran off to oklahoma to prove her heritage. >> which didn't go over well. >> she didn't go to oklahoma? >> no, no, it did not go over well. >> oh, that did not go over well. a lot of people rolled their eyes said that's the end. she put her head down, kept working, had a focused message, and she has, she has actually been the breakout candidate so far. >> i think to mika's point, that incredible focus, in a situation like this you've only got a couple minutes to talk to people, every single answer she gave underscored that image of her as fighting for americans. >> right. >> if you lined up everything she said in that debate and put her closing statement at the end where she looks basically straight at the camera and says i'm going to fight for you, it all led to the same place, and
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you know, she did, joe, as you say after some missteps at the beginning put her head down, she had hired more people in iowa initially than anybody else. she's put her head down, she did the work, and it seems like it's paying off. >> what really shows on a night like that, whether or not we agree with all her policies has believed these things for 30 years and is not memorizing the notes she wrote down before the debate, but has lived it and talked about it for 30 years and is fluent talking about it on the debate stage. >> i think we've been talking about her as a candidate last time around, and i've never seen as many people say to me it's never going to happen. and she has proved everybody wrong. and i kind of knew she would. i just knew that her obsession with how americans are being treated in terms of the economy, in terms of the american consumer, in terms of banks, in terms of the little guy, that's been her obsession. it's been her passion, and she has pushed ever since she's gotten onto the national stage
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being tapped to put together the consumer financial protection bureau. she's impressive, and she showed it last night. maybe it's going to happen. >> what is so interesting is there's been a shift even over the past week where a lot of democratic donors have told me i will never support elizabeth warren. i'll even support donald trump before i vote for elizabeth warren. that's changed this past week. now i'm hearing i'll never vote for bernie sanders, but maybe i'll vote for elizabeth. she's starting to influence people who never thought she'd be able to do it. >> i think you're absolutely right, joe. this is a bubble that i like to burst that i hear all the time that if she is the nominee, she is not going to win, which i totally wholeheartedly disagree with. number one, donald trump, whoever is the nominee, he's going to say the democratic party is a socialist party. they've laid that out, and he's going to double down on his awful immigration policies. those are the two things we know
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donald trump is going to do. and elizabeth warren we've heard reportedly that donald trump's campaign is scared of elizabeth warren because she can talk about populism in a real way. she can connect with those voters that vote for donald trump and that's what they're scared of. >> i would say be careful what you wish for donald. thank you. >> up next, new yorkers don't mince words and have a lot to say. that's exactly what we saw last night from bill de blasio. the new york city mayor is standing by and joins us next on "morning joe" live from miami.
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talk about your strategy last night. >> look, this is a fight for the heart and soul of this party. it really is, and it was so important to me to say we have got to make sense of where we are going, and when i say working bold stances, not be looking over our shoulder all the time and not sure who we are. because i think that's part of what got us in 2016. everyday working people did not know what the democrat party stood for and a lot of them just stayed home. i'm not going to let that happen. i'm proving it with all actions. when we did paid sick leave for hard working people, $15 minimum wage, guaranteed health care we have now, making sure that people who don't have insurance get a primary care doctor and
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they get it for whatever they can afford. these are the kinds of things that people all over the country want. and they want to know you're going to go to bat for them. >> mr. mayor, i have a very specific question about garbage pickup on 67th treated. >> really? >> no, i want to ask you about medicare for all because you pushed back with beto o'rourke last night over the course of the debate. what do you say to people who say, wait a minute, he's going to take away my insurance? >> what i say to people is that we have tens of millions of americans right now, including middle class folks, including working class folks, who either don't have any insurance or can't use the insurance they have. and here is the fallacy, willie, that if you have private insurance in america, that doesn't necessarily mean you're healthy.
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that doesn't mean you can get the health care you need when you need it. why? because you're paying premiums, deductibles, copays and out-of-pocket expenses. and you talk to people all over this country and look at the 2018 election as my proof of this. why did so many voters decide they wanted a democrat in 2018 in the congressional elections? because they were saying health care is not working for them. >> why not give them to option? for people who have been lost in the system can be captured by that, but why force people who already like their insurance to lose it? >> because right now what we have is a system that does not work for a huge number of people in this country. and an insurance industry that is taking in a huge amount of money. it's not going to help us make sure that our medical care is better. it's going to a profit. >> so private insurance should just go away? >> not overnight. >> but eventual it it goes away? >> look at countries that have a public health system that works where they're, you know, free
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enterprise countries and they're able to provide health care consistently. willie, this is important. this is why we guarantee the health care in new york city. there are so many people that don't go to the doctor because they can't afford it. i want an america where people go to the doctor when they're sick. i want an america where it's easy to get the health care, including the mental health care you need. right now, we have a health care system that sets the bar so high, it is difficult to navigate. >> but there are a lot of people, as you know, mr. mayor, who are perfectly happy with their employer-based health care. so if you get rid of private insurance, they're forced into a system they don't want to be in. your system will capture people who need it, i agree with you on that. but what about the -- >> willie, my approach will capture everyone with consistency, with predictability that you know the health care is there for you. a lot of people who have health insurance, god forbid they have a catastrophic situation. one serious illness, and i've met a lot of these people around
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the country, knocks that family out. their whole household economy blown up because of a single illness. that's what happens in the american health care system. it's not going the happen overnight. it will be stages. but what we're doing now is not working for a whole lot of people and they want change. >> i was a little bit harsh on you last night on twitter. >> michael, what did you say? >> is this like counseling? >> we're going to work this out. so you came into this debate with clearly new york style, that aggressive in your face style. how do you think that played given what we've heard up to this point from a lot of democrats around the countries that they don't want to see the negative infighting, the going at each other and interrupting the process, if you will? how did you -- how did your strategy, you think, played out last night in terms of benefiting your efforts to make a clear statement about where you are as a progressive
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candidate for the presidency of the united states? >> first of all, i say every voter wants someone who will stand up for them and be tough about it. we're talking about the presidency of the united states. you better be tough. you better be able to take on whatever fight is out there. and i'm chief executive of the nation's largest city. i know something about taking on difficult fights. second, that debate was not name calling. no one called anybody sleepy. everything was about substance and issues and you should feel passion. you should feel urmtsy. people should engage each other on big issues. i thought it was a very substantive debate. in the ends, we're going to have unity in the democratic party. i don't doubt it. i think all the candidates would be happy to support each other in the end. you know a lot from being a party chairman. you have to have an identity as a party. in 2016, we did not have a clear
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identity. a lot of working people looked to the democratic party and said i don't know if they're there for me or are they the elites. if we we become the party of working people again, we're winning in 2020 and we're winning big. but let's work that out now. >> you guys can hug illustrat o. still ahead, andrea mitchell was in the spin room last night and spoke to several of the democratic candidates. she joins us at the top of the hour with her takeaways and reporting. and the reverend al sharpton joins us, as well. plus, tim ryan joins the conversation. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. every day, visionaries are creating the future.
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all right. welcome back to "morning joe" live in miami on the morning after the first night of the democratic debate. that makes sense, right, because there's 20 candidates joining joe, willie and me. we have the president of the national action network, reverend al sharpton. also with us, co-host of amanpour and company on pbs and contributing editor for the women's news site bustle, alicia mendes. and nbc news chief foreign affairs correspondent, the great andrea mitchell.
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wow. all right. a lot of the candidates were speaking spanish last night when we bumped in, he showed that. does that work? talk about that. >> the spanish? >> yes. >> it felt a little forced. >> it works for some people, though. after the way many in the latino community feel they have been demonized under this administration is a sign of respect. so yeah, it can come across as a little forced, a little cheesy, but i think when you hold it in contrast to the way latinos in this country have been feeling in the past few years, it shows a willingness to reach out to the audience. >> what do you think? >> well, you know, the thing that fascinates -- can fascinate me but also trouble me about donald trump's appeal is we did something on his relationship with african-americans through the years. and, you know, his cue rate,
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african-americans was like 26 and with the white viewers, it was 8. and we find sometimes with hispanics, who i was shot, he called hispanics breeders, called mexicans rapists. yet he did as well or better with hispanics than mitt romney did four years earlier. because the one thing mitt romney said in an iowa debate, i'm wording are we going to see that sort of selecty help him outperform? >> latinos here in florida, there is no one florida latino voter, right? so as much as immigration can be a major motivator for these voters, the recovery in puerto rico is an issue for a lot of these voters and part of what we saw in the midterms in 2018 was that hispanic voters did come out in greater numbers, but they still lagged behind a lot of demographics. part of that is getting to what
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you were getting to which is this motivation question of why the systematic issues about registration, about getting turned out to vote, they don't see that same push. >> in the age of trump, in the state of florida, in the first midterm election, trump's party won the governorship and beat an incumbent democratic senator. that is a warning sign for 2020. >> and just a side note, we did a focus group with latino voters and how they feel about trump. we will have that for you in a couple of days. >> the cuban population, too, helps trump. >> so, rev, the same question can be asked on the democratic and republicanside when it comes to black voters in 2020. i saw a club for growth ad this week. they've turned into basically a
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proxy for donald trump. but it was sort of a woke ad. and it was specifically aimed at depressing black turnout in 2020. it was one issue after another and it was focused on depressing the black vote in 2020. >> i think that the problem that we have, and one of the reasons you saw the cue rating with donald trump even with "the apprentice" is a lot of people are talking above and beyond the real feelings of people on the ground wrb whether it be latino or african-american. they're talking to themselves up here and not living on the ground, nor do they share the same values. and people tend to support people that they feel holds the same values and that believe in the same thing for their
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children, even if they disagree with some of their politics. and i think the danger that a lot of the democratic party had is we became intellectually leaders where we wanted people to rise up to where we thought we were rather than to go down to where the people were. and that insensitivity makes people stay home. that's what they're trying to drive with the suppression of the black vote. they get on talk shows and spend all their time trying to give the biggest $50 word they can than to be heard than understood. i would rather talk in plain language and be understood than i would show i knew a word that nobody else knew what i was talking about. >> that's our motto. and this morning, i couldn't even pronounce a three syllable word. >> i practiced. >> let me ask you about the
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foreign policy side of this. your wheel house. you were in the spin room last night. this all took place with the president on air force one. what did you hear in terms of foreign policy last night and did anybody break through as somebody who could stand there and be commander in chief? >> there was very little talk on foreign policy. some disagreement, cory booker saying that he would not go back into the iran nuclear deal, different from some of the others saying he would want to improve the iran nuclear deal. but we are at the point where iran is on the verge today of possibly breaking out of the cap, so that nuclear deal, according to all the u.n. inspectors, for 15 months, even after donald trump got out of it making the world arguably a lot more dangerous according to critics of the administration. as he lands in osaka, the administration pressuring japan to water down the draft of the announcement at the end of this summit to take out the words
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global warming. because that is a red line for this president, incredibly, because it talks about the paris climate accords which he has gotten out of. with putin, he is saying as he left the white house that it's none of your business what he is going to talk about with putin. so we're going to have a two-hour meeting with no note takers, no one even knowing what they talked about? is he going bring up election interference? who knows. none of your business. so on point after point, this president has defied the norms of foreign policy which you did hear almost universally from the debate stage last night, they believe congress should approve any war with iran. >> and he even said on national television, i don't know, a week ago, that he would sell out our
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country to get dirt on an opponent. there's so much to work with here with this sort of run away beer truck criminal foreign policy that is run by this president. >> but elections matter. his views on trade, which are the one threat to the growing economy. that is -- >> and it has been for 30, 40 years. >> that's one of the reasons why the federal reserve is so nervous about where to go next because they don't know what he's going to do on tariffs. his view owes immigration, those have been his views all along. so he said he was going to do these things. all of these things are things that he said on the debate stage and voters certainly knew what he was going to do. >> but they didn't use that last night. i agree with you, joe. i ran in '04. we did over 30 debates. you note only have to show who you are, you have to show why you want the other guy out.
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you're running against an incumbent and i think you hit it earlier, the thing that missed him last night, donald trump does not have to defend anything this morning, which is unheard of. after a democratic debate, he can sit back and just say boring and not have to defend any charge against him? you don't want into the ring and say i'm if one to fight the champion and never fight the champion. >> it was interesting. not a lot of attacks on joe biden and not a lot of attacks on donald trump. when we had an ap picture from the border -- >> i think biden's name never came up, not once. >> that should have been -- >> a signature -- >> something that focused everybody on the impact of three years of donald trump's presidency. >> given how universal it was, it was as though there was an agreement that it was an im pleasit attack, an implicit
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rebuke. i was at a watch party and what i heard from all of them was they wanted to hear specific plans. so i have to wonder if they've seen that in focus groups. >> but those people that are active -- i think last night you're introducing yourself to america. but you also say and i'm tough enough to take auto trump. because without taking him on, people could read that you don't have the ability to take him on. people still remember donald trump stalking hillary clinton around the debate stage. if i was on that stage last night, i sat there, i would say yes, this is my policy. this is what i stand for and i'm tough enough to take this guy on. >> let me game that out a little
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bit. because donald trump would then respond and from the platform that you has he would have a huge pit to do so. this is a president who, i don't know, a day or two or three days ago when accused of rape said oh, she's not my type. as if maybe there was a type. and it just goes by and it's not asked of him. even more, complicit republicans are not saying a word about it. >> you make him punch back. >> joi joe and i have roots in alabama. my mother used to tell me, she said you come out of brooklyn, you don't know anything about farming. i will tell you this. if you throw a brick in a pile of hogs, the one that hollers is the one you hit. the fact that he is not hollering this morning means
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they didn't hit him. >> okay. i've got an image in my mind. so what sitd? yeah. i mean, answer to that because he would fire back. >> you want him to fire back. i remember -- and i know nobody here knows it, but i ran for governor. i was a challenger. there is a fly -- >> it's a fly. i'm going for it. i'm going to lung at it. >> so you can't slap them, but if it lands on me, take a walk at it. so, rev, i remember i was underdog, nobody knew who i was and i just kept poking at the front-runner. finally, she attacked me. she said oh, it's so horrible. i said this is our greatest, finest hour. you want that to happen. you want donald trump to come after you because then you're pounding him right back and the democrats are saying, oh, wait a second, this candidate x is on donald trump's rarity.
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you say it's so ugly. >> it's so ugly. >> this is the problem with democrats. it's ugly. when you're running against donald trump, he does not play by marcus of queens rules. >> if you can't -- you don't get in the ring with donald trump. again, i'm saying sell yourself, sell policy. i think elizabeth warren had a great night. i think cory booker did well. julian did good. but you have to show and i can take this guy on. >> i want a candidate that can beat donald trump, period. and i think a lot of democrats are there. >> that is exactly what julian castro said last night. he said i have to find somebody and it was beto o'rourke for him last night to show that i was a fighter and could stand next to downtown dlt. >> he did.
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>>. >> andrea mitchell, who stood out last night and why? >> castro stood out because, first of all, he has not been covered as much as the others. he has suffered from that. and he had specifics, he had policies, he took on beto. he was strong. he was very impressive. de blasio stood out because he had nothing to lose. >> he did. >> and he was playing sort of the trump role if you remember cleveland and that first debate. you know, i'll be the bully on the stage, i'm the big guy, and a lot of people outside of new york don't know him very well. he had nothing to lose. these are all one percenters or less than one percenters that need a second look. delaney did well for himself. but elizabeth warren, certainly. >> who stood out? >> elizabeth warren, of course, but i think this was castro's big night. i profiled him in nevada.
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even his supporters say great on policy, has all the experience, enviable bio, but there's perhaps not enough pep in his step. if that is the greatest critique, he answered it last night. one of the things that's interesting about castro is he has that local experience as a mayor. he has federal experience as an executive serving as secretary of housing and urban development under obama. and i think instead of saying those things, it's one thing to say them to show the depth of that experience is a much harder hurdle to climb. >> thank you both for being on. we're so lucky. still ahead, tim ryan trades his t-shirt and baseball cap for a suit last night. he joined us next on "morning joe" live from miami. joe" live from miami maria ramirez? hi.
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we are not connecting to the working people. we've lost all connection. we have got to change the center of gravity of the democratic party from being coastal and elitist and ivy league, which is the perception, to somebody from the forgotten communities that have been left behind for the last 30 years. >> joins you now, democratic presidential candidate congressman tim ryan of ohio. how are you feeling about last night? >> feel good. a little tired. i think the clip you played was what i79ed people to know about me, where i'm from and those
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forgotten commutes and people in the country if we're going to get it done. mitch mcconnell is under water. we have a chance to beat him if we put the right candidate up there. >> we were talking about you as the only candidate who articulated clearly that there has to be a place again in the party for the middle of the country. do you think the other candidates have drifted too far left? >> i don't know if it's left but sometimes it's just the way you talk. just talking straight to people. near not getting into the washington, d.c. rhetoric. they're worried about getting food on the table. they're worried about making sure their kids are okay and safe and their neighborhoods clean and secure. basic bread and butter stuff. last night, one candidate out of ten was talking to that in a
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very specific way and i think that's dangerous. >> so what is happening in your state specifically? 2012, barack obama always three, four points ahead in every -- i mean, democrats won your state comfortably in 2012. what a huge difference four years make and now eight years, even worse. what have the democrats forgotten of the past eight years? >> the working class issue and issues. yes, unemployment is low. people have two and three jobs. when the democrats come out and they're asked what is your economic plan? they say fight for $15 an hour. i'm for it, move of us are for it. it's a social justice issue to raise minimum wage. but when you say it, you're missing large swaths of people who say i don't want to make 15
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bucks. i was making 40. sherrod brown won his senate seat because he was talking about these lunch box issues. ohio is a winnable state. >> and you can talk about 15 and up and talk about the wages you used to have. >> i feel like it stops there. >> so what is your campaign message? i mean, we always talked about the 20 candidates and i think we all agreed tim ryan has kind of got a strong possibility here. we've always seen it in you. but what is the message when you have 20 or 30 seconds to say, what do you say? >> if you feel forgotten, if you feel like washington, d.c. is not working for you, you should elect somebody who has been in the foxhole with you for the last 20, 30 years and that's what i've been. trying to reinvest in communities and futures, those jobs that pay $30 or $40 an hour. let's start building things again in the united states. one of the big problems we've had is we've stopped making
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things. we're not going to go back to old steel, old coals, old cars, it's electric vehicle webs it's the batteries going into them. it's solar panels and wind turbines and the 8,000 parts that go into them. so you address climate change, you get manufacturing jobs back and you drive that investment into the forgotten communities. >> casey hunt. >> congressman, on stage last night, you clearly did stand out with what we showed there. but there is somebody who wasn't in the room profrankwho franklys a lot of the same issues. what makes you different from joe biden? why you and not him? >> well, i think a couple of reasons. one is i've been in this foxhole for the last 15 or 20 years. i don't think -- >> i mean, biden has been in it for a good, long while. >> i'm living in youngstown. i'm watching the factories close. i'm going to the union halls and putting my arms around people
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still -- >> are you saying biden is out of touch? >> i'm saying he wasn't in youngstown, ohio. and i think vice president biden, he voted for a lot of the trade agreements that wiped out the communities that i live in. he's voted for a lot of the financial sector issued that have hurt working class people. so i think when you start getting into the record, there will be a big difference between vice president buy biden and i. >> if you're talking about factory workers in youngstown, ohio, in kenosha, wisconsin, mccomb county, michigan, these are people that broke dramatically for donald trump, voted for barack obama. now with donald trump and, you know, from what i've seen, right now, they don't seem like they're interested in leaving donald trump. >> no. i think that's the value tim ryan brought to this race. when you look at the stage, everyone is saying bernie
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sanders versus elizabeth warren versus kamala and versus cory. there was no one battling for the centrist with biden until tim ryan emerges. and i think that's important. not that i'm by any stretch a centrist. people that have the jobs you're talking about need to see themselves on that stage if you're going to say it's an inclusive democratic party. and i see everybody up there but me, that's not inclusive. ryan brought that last night. some people were uncomfortable with it and i think it helps him. the people that he appeals to say yeah, that's how i feel too. it helps me with the people that say i'm with you. understand they don't like me because they don't like you. and i think -- >> are you saying people don't like me, rev? >> no. you're very likable. you're likable enough. >> your talking about your mother from alabama. my mother from georgia would
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always say judge yourself by your enemies. >> oh, and don't lose your soul over it. >> i asked you a minute ago if the party is going too far from the left. one of those litmus test issues last night was medicare for all. and you had some people saying, including mayor de blasio who is here, we need a pure medicare for all system. which means eliminating over time or over how long a time getting rid of private insurance. is that a crazy idea? >> i think right now that that is politically disastrous, to go into many states and say you're going to take away someone's private insurance. i think that's a wide open lane for donald trump to win. we have a lot of unions have that have negotiated good contracts. some people have jobs that don't pay a lot but they have really good health insurance and they don't want to get rid of it because they have a sick kid. they don't want you mess, that stuff and it's tens of millions of people in the country. i think that's a dangerous path. i think it's a political litmus
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test, frankly, for a lot of people. we saw senator harris walk her statement back because she recognized how dangerous it is. >> casy. >> on that, mien, on that point, how do you come through this primary if you have elizabeth warren and bernie sanders saying this is what democrats need to do? do you think either one of them could beat president trump? >> well, to be determined. but i think the best way to do it is to have bread and butter issues, not talking about taking people's health care away from them -- >> do you think socialism is going to work against donald trump? >> if you're taking away private insurance, it is going to work. but it's a very dangerous place for us to be. it wasn't comfortable for me to stands up on stand and call out the entire democratic party. but i think we're going down the wrong road. if you don't get the politics right, you're not going to get any chance to make policy. and so all i'm saying is, let's
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be smart. i mean, we've got to win back the senate. change the center of gravity. the perception of coastal elitism is ruling the democratic party. imagine if the nominee is from a place like youngstown, ohio, immediately like that, our brand changes into working class lunch bucket democrats that is an inclusive party. black, white, brown, gay, straight. if i'm the nominee, we're going to south carolina. and lindsey graham is in trouble. there's a lot of old textile plants down there. the economy is not doing well for everybody. we can go into the communities of color and say look, this is a new democratic party and we can make them play defense. mitch mcconnell is under water right now in kentucky. he's not doing well. but if we go down there saying we're going to take away your health insurance and we have no connection to working class people in eastern kentucky, no shot. but if someone like me is the nominee, i think we can go and really put them on their heels. >> congressman tim ryan, thank you very much. >> thank you.
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>> we have a lot more still ahead this hour live from miami as we break down last night and look ahead to this evening's second round. as we go to break, here is a look at how last night's debate is playing out in a few of next year's early primary states. in nevada, the las vegas review journal leads with dems talk health, financial, inequality. in texas, the dallas morning news states texans tajjel in dem debate. and in california, the "l.a. times" going with democrats hold ire for trump. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. ♪ [ laughter throughout ]
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congresswoman gabbard, your thoughts on equal pay. >> first of all, let's recognize the situation we're in. the american people deserve a president who will put your interests ahead of the rich and powerful. that's not what we have right now. i enlisted in the army national guard after the al qaeda terror attacks on 9/11. he served over 16 years, deployed twice to the middle east and in congress serve on the foreign affairs armed
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service committees for over six years. i know the importance of on our national security as well as the terribly high cost of war. for too long, our lead verse failed us, taking us from one regime change to the next costing us trillions of our hard earned taxpayer dollars and countless lives. this insanity must end. as president, i will take your hard earned taxpayer dollars and invest those dollars into serving your needs, things like health care, a green economy, good paying jobs, protecting our environment and so much more. >> maybe de blasio, good evening. >> and that is what you call a pivot. congresswoman tulsi gabbard's first statement at the debate and a reminder that the question was about equal pay. okay. i've got an answer for that question. we need it. >> if you're tulsi gabbard, in her defense, you have to do
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that. nobody knows what she is through a broad audience. so whatever that question was, she had to introduce herself. >> and guess what? we just played the whole thing and, yeah, nothing wrong with that at all. so, rev, let's talk about tonight. what are you looking for tonight? and i'm going to ask you two scenarios. if you're joe biden, what do you do tonight? and if you're bernie sanders, what do you do tonight? >> if i'm joe biden, i run against donald trump. i do not lose focus on the fact that trump is who you're trying to replace. what a lot of candidates are missing is they're looking at 16. you're running this time against an incumbent on the other side who is trying to reverse everything that we fought for for the last 50 years with women's rights, civil rights and
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all. take him on. if i'm bernie sanders, i have to deal with that and the fact that i'm not the only progressive out there now, but at the same time, say to the country i'm the progressive that can take trump on and a lot of these people are echoing the courage of what i took on a while ago. >> do you attack biden if you're bernie? if i'm bernie, i try to attack the issues. and so i say this is what is wrong and he represented that. but i focus more on the illness rather than the one that would be the patient. >> we've talked about some of the dust ups that he's had and yet, you look at the pollings that were out this past week, especially in the early states. you look in south carolina. joe biden is still doing extremely well.
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in fact, he's up two or three points in those early states in the poll. why is that? and you were in south carolina. tell me, were black voters in south carolina worried about joe biden? >> i think he is up because he is joe biden, he has a lot of currency and they know him. but if somebody really picks up steam, and that could happen in the debate tonight, it could happen with julian last night and elizabeth warren. they can still go there and take him on. hillary clinton was away ahead with black voters at this point against barack obama. howard dean was ahead and he ended up screaming in iowa. if i'm joe biden, i would put a picture of howard dean here and
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hillary clinton there and turn up the speed to make sure i'm working this out. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. amyself investigations and the resignation of its chief lobbyist, the nra has pulled the plug on its tv channel. we're going to talk about how the issue of guns played out during last night's debate. "morning joe" is back in a moment. ght's debate "morning joe" is back in a moment my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family
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indicted for conspiracy and grand theft. thankfully, the governor's charter school policy task force just made important recommendations for reform: more accountability on charter school spending. and giving local school districts more control over the authorization of charter schools. reforms we need to pass now. so call your state senator. ask them to support ab 1505 and ab 1507. welcome back. the national rifle association will be ending its ties with spokes woman dana losche and shuttering its broadcasting arm nrat of. the nra decided to cut ties with
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the advertising firm ackerman mclean which employs losch after the organization says it did not deliver on its promises. a chief executive told the dallas morning news. chief executive wayne lapierre announced the dmang a statement writing many members expressed concerns about the messaging on nra tv becoming far too remove from our core mission. >> you think? >> yeah. defending the second amendment. this comes almost a week after the resignation of chris cox, the nra's second in command who led the group's innovate strategy. >> so the nratv ran the ads that a lot of people thought held veiled threats to members of the press and a lot of nra members were like, wait a second, that's not why we're paying your dues. so some big changes. >> boy, in the last six months
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or so, we've seen an unraveling from the top down of the nra. it's still a very powerful lobby, but you see people resign, you see the cancellation of nra tv. the membership doesn't feel like it's being represented by that small number of lobbyists. and joining us now is gun safety advocate fred guttenberg. his daughter, jamie, was murdered murdered at marjory stoneman douglas high school. talk to us about what you saw from the candidates last night on the question of guns. are there one or two of these democratic contenders who you believe carry the flag for your daughter in a way that others don't? >> well, you know, last night on the question of guns, i thought the candidate who handled it best was senator booker.
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i didn't love the question because it got into a conversation where -- you know, the thing about gun voice and the conversation is it has always run to the extremes. you either are all the way on the left on this or all the way on the right. and when you talk about confiscation, which is not on the table, it sends it back to the extremes. none of the candidates successfully directed it back to a key fact. 43,000 people a year die from gun shootings. half of them or approximately half of them are suicides. so the issue is not confiscation. nobody is going into people's homes unless you have deemed a threat to yourself or otherwise because you've shown you'll be violent. but how do we reduce 40,000 a year? so last night's question was you have all of these ar-15s that are out there. what are you going to do about
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it? focus on ammunition. right now in the house and in the senate, they've introduced jamie's law which will tend background checks to ammunition. if you're a prohibited user and purchaser of firearms, then you're prohibited from buying ammunition. but there is no requirement for a background check on ammunition. so if you have weapons that you've stolen, you won't be able to buy the bullets. while we're sitting here today doing this segment, someone is burying a victim of gun violence, someone is planning a funeral for a victim of gun violence. >> so that is the generation that our kids are growing up in right now and i feel our country has this backwards. we have children doing drills in schools, figuring out how to get out alive.
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figuring out what closet to hide in. are we crazy? is this the approach we're going to take to the problem to try and teach our kids to run away? and do you know the mental health challenges you are creating by frightening children by letting them know that there is a chance? and it's a growing chance every day as we've learned that you're going to get shot in school. that is what they're growing up living. >> i thought out was interesting that some of the candidates pivoted to this question of mental health bullying and acceptance in schools. there are those that are concerned that that becomes a distraction from talking about the question of limiting access to guns. >> thank you. >> so i wonder where you feel it is supposed to fit in in the this larger situation. >> the intersection of mental health and gun violence is deadly and it's real. we need to deal with both. anyone who has a legitimate plan for lowering the 40,000 death rate is talking about mental health. the problem is there are a lot
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of people in this debate who say mental health, but they only do so to avoid talking about guns. and i have a problem with that. so what is the want to do it? many of those people are right here in this state. we're close to the bottom in this country spending on mental health. many of those same people who use the phrase "mental health" don't actually have a plan for dealing with those who may be thinking about suicide or who may be thinking about injuring others. what's the plan? how are we going to limit the actions of those who intent to harm others or themselves? >> john? >> first time i saw you backstage just now, we said we're going to get this done. we have this confidence. most of the republican party led by donald trump, who among the core elements of this base, goes to the nra conventions every
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year. if you end up with democrat versus republican, how do you prosecute this case in a way, in such a polarizing environment so that the message gets through and that you can win with your endurance even when the debate is so hardened where people on the right are left no gun control and people on the left are like gun control, gun control, gun control? >> most gun owners don't disagree. it's actually not that polarizing. the leadership of that terrorist group, and i remember that ad that they put out. the leadership of that group created this notion that it was more polarizing than it is. listen, in this restaurant right now, okay, i don't know if anyone in here has been a victim of gun violence but inevitably, they will be if we don't do something about it. so we need to talk about real
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peop people. we need to talk about real solutions to lower a gun violence death rate. gun safety and doing something about it will be a core message part of this campaign. congressman eric swalwell reached out to me some time ago to ask if i could help to be part that have message. i haven't endorsed anyone in this campaign but i do endorse the idea of elevating gun safety. we will get this done. >> this is the question. do we need a democratic president and democratic president to get this done? >> listen, i'm still hoping john kasich jumps into the race because he believes in gun safety. let it be a conversation on both sides. >> fred, i've been saying a long time, rank and file members of the nra agree with you -- >> yes. >> -- a lot more than they agree with three washington lobbyists. three washington gun lobbyists.
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now it's two because chris cox got fired. that's just what people don't understand. rank and file members, guys that i knew in florida, mississippi, alabama, georgia. they don't understand why washington lobbyists, gun lobbyists are using their money the way they are. >> fred, thank you so much. >> thank you all for having me. >> thank you, fred. by the way, you know, it's important for all of us to realize -- it's important for all of us to realize that fred should be celebrating jamie's sweet 16 party a month from now. >> july 13th. >> july 13th. fred, all of us thank you for putting your life's work into this. thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> we'll be right back. what do all these people have in common, limu?
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msnbc jacob soborov, the closer for "morning joe." >> i'm trying to close it out tonight. >> you're doing good. >> wasn't it nice to hear people talk about immigration in a place where it really matters last night? >> and to hear facts. >> there are 2300 kids 45 minutes away from here that are spending multiple nights in the largest immigration detention facility in the country. and, finally, savannah guthrie kicked off with a great question to julian castro, who went into substantive policy changes of the immigration system to make sure, number one, we don't have thousands of kids in custody but
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number two, we don't have people dying on the border regularly. it's not just the family that died yesterday, that we've all been talking about. 7,000 people have died since 1998 trying to get into this country. now is not the time to say i don't like what donald trump is doing. it's time to talk about what can we do differently to save lives today? >> substantive discussion, debate where you had julian castro going at b beto o'rourke and. >> beto o'rourke told chris hayes he would like to take down the border wall across the entire southern border. what do you want to do about the infrastructure that's there already, not just new wall. most importantly, what are you going to do about the kids? as you've been asking over and over again, what do we do about these children? >> 20-second lightning round. jacob, i'll start with you. what are you looking for tonight? >> what is life like for people in the united states and do
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candidates understand that? there's an affordability crisis in this country and too often it's not understood by people on the stage. >> joe biden, fly above, stay elevated. is anybody able to pull him down to earth? >> alicia? >> do you want to blow the system up or do you believe you can create change in the system as it exists? we'll see how they're able to articulate that. >> willie? >> joe biden could spend two hours talking to and about donald trump alone. we'll see if kamala harris has her moment, if they try to go after joe biden. >> look at last night and look ahead to tonight hochlt is standing out to you? who is catching your eye? >> elizabeth warren obviously had a big night. secretary castro did as well. we're still seven months away from the first contest. i hear all these people say oh, my god, you know, they've got to make it. they've got to break out
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tonight. i'll tell you what, i don't know if you knew this or not but yes, there as a member of congress -- >> really? >> -- if you looked at a poll one month before my campaign i was at 12% i ended up winning. there's a long way to go. i would just suggest to all of these candidates, play the long game. still play the long game. keep your head down. be yourself. and don't be afraid to smile. >> well, and i do think -- >> by the way, i say that only to the men. >> aha. >> i said one time after hillary one last time, don't be afraid to smile. o my god. so i say to the men and the men only, don't be afraid to smile. have a good time. let people know you're real. >> it's a serious time. it's a fine balance. it's really a fine balance for these candidates. you might actually whittle away some of the candidates and get down to maybe 10 as opposed to 25. there we are. we're looking forward to tonight. we'll be here tomorrow morning to recap the big debate tonight.
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that does it for us this morning. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverag coverage. >> thanks so much, mika, thanks, joe. good morning, everyone. i'm aye am stephanie ruhle. it is 9:00 a.m. here in miami, florida where tonight ten more democrat he can candidates take center stage after the first ten made their case to voters last nig night. they talk to immigration, the economy, guns, women's rights, president trump and the future of the democratic party. >> when you've got an economy that does great for those with money and isn't doing great for everyone else, that is corruption, pure and simple. >> we know that not everyone is sharing in this prosperity and donald trump just sits in the white house and gloats. >> we are supposed to break up big corporations when they're not serving our democracy. >> my area where i come from in northeast ohio, this issue we're talking about here, it's been
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